Guys, I know this is an annoying question and you'll probably send me to search the threads... sorry for this.
The situation here is that XDA has a so huge content and so many solutions for the Galaxy S i9000 that I just can't choose the best firmware, kernel and lagfix combination for me.
I'm messing around with a lot of this combinations and I've passed thru some tense situations with "semi-bricks"... my heart can't take it any more...
Now I have my phone with an untouched XXJPO Froyo and I just would like to know a nice and secure way to go. I'm done for now with this adrenaline picks.
I'd really appreciate any help here!
Thank you!
Well don't do nothing. Its safest
If you want more speed then you can choose from many things.
I would go for Z4mod.
Sent from GT-I9000 jpo. My own kernel for z4mod and with 342MB Ram
Thanks a lot Demian. This is exactly what I was thinking. The only thing that I don't like keeping the original kernel is that I just dont hava clockwork recovery.
I think that playing with the Galaxy S is a little bit risky because when we flash this ROMs we are flashing the bootloader together... I whent into panic a couple of times with semi-bricks and now I just want to be more carefull.
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Ticiano said:
Thanks a lot Demian. This is exactly what I was thinking. The only thing that I don't like keeping the original kernel is that I just dont hava clockwork recovery.
I think that playing with the Galaxy S is a little bit risky because when we flash this ROMs we are flashing the bootloader together... I whent into panic a couple of times with semi-bricks and now I just want to be more carefull.
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No you don't ever flash the bootloader. If you 3-button combination works then you can't brick this phone.
Learn to use odin. Its simple. Then you can do whatever you want.
If you flash my kernel with odin.
Just choose the kernel like pda. Do nothing else in odin. Then flash it.
The phone will restart and you got a custom kernel with CWM.
Then you can root it if you like.
If you root you can also change the filesystem.
Sent from GT-I9000 jpo. My own kernel for z4mod and with 342MB Ram
This is really nice, Damian. If i use your kernel I can use z4mod just to convert the filesystem without needing to patch the kernel. Am I right?
I read about your kernel and about z4mod ladfix and I'll probably stick with this combination till Samsung comes out with some thing intelligent. I just cant understand... If this system is based in Linux and Linux systems works better with EXT filesystems, why Samsung is trying this RFS thing?
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Right. The kernel is already patched and its just to flash it.
I use it and i think its good
Sent from GT-I9000 jpo. My own kernel for z4mod and with 342MB Ram
I am using the newest cog Tom and would like to be able to use a kernel that enables oc/UV and the different lagfix options. Can anyone tell me how I flash just the kernel over the cog Tom?
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i wasnt aware that unhelpful had created a 2.2 kernel?
so what you want to do is flash a 2.1 kernel into a 2.2 rom? are you sure you have read the dev forums?
If there it is a 2.2 kernel, just flash the stock 2.1 kernel with odin and flash the one you want over (sorry vague) but just search it
Its on the cognition wiki
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adr1aN said:
If there it is a 2.2 kernel, just flash the stock 2.1 kernel with odin and flash the one you want over (sorry vague) but just search it
Its on the cognition wiki
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i know how to flash a kernel, but the OP stated they were on the latest COG which is 2.2. unhelpful's kernel is a 2.1 kernel. flashing a 2.1 kernel on a 2.2 rom will end in boot wont be pretty.
the only kernel that i know of at this time for us to use OC/UV on 2.2 is setiron's, and its a modified i9000 kernel.
rather than trying to get someone else that has already done the legwork on learning ODIN to respond, I think the OP needs to read...a lot
I have been reading alot and can't seem to find a direct description on how to do this.
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mhajny said:
I have been reading alot and can't seem to find a direct description on how to do this.
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probably because you havent provided enough information....
i will repeat.
if you try to install unhelpful 2.1 kernel on a 2.2 rom, it WILL NOT work.
so, are you trying to do this on a 2.1 rom or a 2.2 rom?
there are plenty of instructions out there, so you havent read enough.....there are really only 2 ways to flash a kernel. through Clockworkmod or through ODIN.....pick your poison.
If you flash cog 2.1.7 you will have unhelpfuls kernel version 1.7 but i prefer version 1.4.1 despite the lack of voodoo lag fix. It just worked better on my phone. Great battery life.
overclocking may not be enabled at first so read unhelpfuls first post first if you dont get it ask more questions.
If you flash a cog 2.2bx 2.3bx or 2.4.x rom then you are looking for setirons kernel. It has more advanced lagfix options but i get battery drain so the undervolt thing is useless. There is a way to fix it but its too much to explain.
All in all overclocking is mostly for bragging rights. On ecliar it was good using unhelpfuls kernel.
Setirons kernel may be very advanced but there are tradeoffs it being an i9000 port.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897
Ok thank you
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Can I use SpeedMod and Voodoo Lag fix at the same time? or I have to apply something like OneClickLagfix with the SpeedMod kernel?
Wich kernel is the best and most popular kernel that has a lagfix integrated itself?
I am using SpeedMod right now and I feel alot better than Voodoo. With Voodoo, my device gets slow a bit but with SpeedMod it's all right.
And one more thing: is there anyway to keep the capacitive buttons light always on? Like with the help of light sensor, whenever it's dark in some place the lights turn on and when your somewhere that is bright they automaticlly turn off like all other devices do?
Anyone, Please?
Speedmod is a kernel that has build in selectable lagfixes, OCLF is outdated as of now.
EarlZ said:
Speedmod is a kernel that has build in selectable lagfixes, OCLF is outdated as of now.
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Why OCLF is outdated?
And how can I select SpeedMod built-in lagfixes?
Thanks in advance
I think speedmod is better, cos it runs on 1000mhz instead of 1280. Batt drained ect...
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In speedmod clockwork, there is an option to enable lagfix. Also there is option to convert all to ext2.
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okpc said:
In speedmod clockwork, there is an option to enable lagfix. Also there is option to convert all to ext2.
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Thanks. Are they both needed to be installed together for the best result?
Just enable the ext4 lagfix in recovery and forget about oclf.
My brother has a new captivate but does not want to flash a new rom, crazy i know. But he does like the snappy way my phone runs. Can some one tell me and point me to if possible the newest lagfix that can be installed on stock froyo.
planetdroid33 said:
My brother has a new captivate but does not want to flash a new rom, crazy i know. But he does like the snappy way my phone runs. Can some one tell me and point me to if possible the newest lagfix that can be installed on stock froyo.
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Having the lagfix will require a flash. the lag fix is built into the custom kernel.
Any way that the voodoo lagfix can be flashed to his stock kernel so that the only thing modded is the lagfix?
planetdroid33 said:
Any way that the voodoo lagfix can be flashed to his stock kernel so that the only thing modded is the lagfix?
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I believe you can flash kernel on stock but it will be through odin. You could always check AdamOutler's video about flashing UrsaMinor. Will also get you rid of the signature failed on 2.2
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BWolf56 said:
I believe you can flash kernel on stock but it will be through odin. You could always check AdamOutler's video about flashing UrsaMinor. Will also get you rid of the signature failed on 2.2
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Got it figured out. Thanks for the reply as well.
Can modd please lock thread to keep clutter down.
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A lot of conflicting info here and on I just was asked by the play and trade guy to flash his captivate. All in trade for his pandoras battery and knowledge of its use. Basically fix my psp and I flash his phone. Ok I just want cm7 stable on here with a good oc kernel. Can I do like a mesmerize and odin flash a recovery and the. Flash cm7 and gapps reboot and do a kernel? What steps do I need to take. I see a lot about bricks in the captivate threads, are they easy to break? I'm told this o e is two years old. That would mean its probably ok with being able to get I to dl mode easy yeah?
Like I said alotta info floating around I just wanna do this right can a cm7 user break this down for me. It's an at&t phone if that matters.
Thanks in advance.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
CM7 stable comes with an OC kernel. Just Odin in a kernel with CWM on it, then flash the CM7 zip.
Got a link to the right kernel to odin?
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Flash the Glitch kernel as it OC's up to 1.7 ghz though I wouldn't recommend it.
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bornjamerican said:
Flash the Glitch kernel as it OC's up to 1.7 ghz though I wouldn't recommend it.
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I run glitch at 1.6 GHz Ondemand governor all day no problem !
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I would say the Captivate is actually very difficult to brick, and going to CM7 has basically a 0% chance of a hard brick. As Aus_Azn points out, CM7 will overclock with the default kernal.
Install instructions (as long as you are coming from Eclair or Froyo) are here:
CM7 discussion belongs here. Thread closed.
I keep reading posts about warnings against flashing a i9220 kernel. I checked mine and I'm not sure if I should be worried and if so, how do I fix it.
I am on midnote 2.0 with kernel 3.0.15-I9220ZCLP1-CL131270 [email protected] #3
Thanks guys
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It's fine.
uneek14 said:
I keep reading posts about warnings against flashing a i9220 kernel. I checked mine and I'm not sure if I should be worried and if so, how do I fix it.
I am on midnote 2.0 with kernel 3.0.15-I9220ZCLP1-CL131270 [email protected] #3
Thanks guys
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No need to worry about. Still if you want restore Stock. Just flash Stock GB ROM through PC Odin.
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u can choose any kernel u want.
basically, safest bet is the stock kernel.
but stock has no root or cwm
so add these & we get the CF root kernel (trust u r on it nw)
bit more additions & u get kernels like speedmod, franco, etc. still its safe since no undervolting / overclocking
if u are confident with uv/oc then go with abyss kernel.