[Q] WiFi Sleep Policy? - Nook Color General

So I got root and all the fun stuff on my NC and installed Trillian. I went directly to Trillian to check the "keep wifi on" box, but the NC still shuts down the wifi when the screen is off. Anybody know how to change the wifi sleep policy so its on even when the screen isnt?

+1... this is frustrating ...
spiderboyy said:
So I got root and all the fun stuff on my NC and installed Trillian. I went directly to Trillian to check the "keep wifi on" box, but the NC still shuts down the wifi when the screen is off. Anybody know how to change the wifi sleep policy so its on even when the screen isnt?
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I found that spare parts has a policy to keep the wifi activated. (currently testing it to see if it works for keeping Trillian alive.)
Update: Does not keep WIFI alive. Back to the drawing board.


Keep wifi from sleeping

Any way to keep wifi on when NC screen times out from inactivity?
I have tried Keep wifi alive with no success. There is no option in the NC settings like there is on my HTC Inc.
Any help would be appreciated.
jdposhkus said:
Any way to keep wifi on when NC screen times out from inactivity?
I have tried Keep wifi alive with no success. There is no option in the NC settings like there is on my HTC Inc.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Spare Parts app has a setting to set wifi sleep policy to never. I've heard mixed reactions as to whether it works, but I'm pretty sure it's working fine for me.
wvcachi said:
Spare Parts app has a setting to set wifi sleep policy to never. I've heard mixed reactions as to whether it works, but I'm pretty sure it's working fine for me.
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Verified that it's working for me as well.
Ill give it a shot.
SpareParts is definitely not working for me. I think it modifies the settings.db/system table. Went to look at the table, nothing there related to wifi sleep policy. Should be wifi_sleep_policy with a field of 2, and that didn't work either. Any ideas?
Not working for me either.
Yeah, spare parts isn't keeping my wifi alive either. Every time i turn my NC on after sleeping for a few minutes I have to turn wifi off and back on again.
I got mine working. Spare Parts UI did not work. In fact i ran into issues restarting WiFi when I used the UI to set Sleep to never.
I had to manually create an entry in the secure table for wifi_sleep_policy and i use a widget to turn off wifi when i dont need it.
insert into secure values(152, 'wifi_sleep_policy', 2);
I used WiFi OnOff widget (free from market) to turn wiFi off when not needed.
^ Is there a guide somewhere?
duh.. this worked yesterday and now i am back to where i was before. This seems really flaky. I lose wifi even after having the setting. setting in DB or in spare parts does not fix it. its very random but fails more often than it works.
Possibly a faulty device? I cannot imagine that the Nook has such a basic problem. The only time it consistently reconnects is when i power on/off.
Any thoughts?
Is there a reason you wouldn't hit the power button to turn the screen off instead of waiting for it to time out? I do this when listening to tune-in radio, for example, and wifi remains on just fine. It also saves battery
Sent from my rockin' rooted Nook Color using XDA App
mikerocks said:
Yeah, spare parts isn't keeping my wifi alive either. Every time i turn my NC on after sleeping for a few minutes I have to turn wifi off and back on again.
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I've never had to turn wifi off and back on to make it work again, you sure you aren't having problems with your wireless access point?
I found a quick solution that mostly works. If you download WakeTimer from the market, and create a wakelock (cpu on, screen off) that will keep Android from going into sleep mode and keep your wifi running. I tested it out by continuously pinging my Nook. I said "mostly" works because when you hit a button to turn the screen back on (either power button or nook button) I'd get a single ping timeout before it would resume.
Even though a single ping times out, there doesn't seem to be an interruption in streaming data. Don't know if I have to say it, but I will just in case...keeping your Nook from going into sleep mode will be a drain on the battery.
give it a try.

is there a fix for wifi going to sleep

I have tried all current fix's i have found on this site and none of them work is there some thing i am missing thanks .
The spare parts setting works well for me, not 100% of the time, but enough that it doesnt bother me.
I'm looking too....
Spare parts fix did't help me either
Grab Settings Profile Lite from the market. Set WiFi off when Screen off in the rules. Now Wifi will turn on and off with the screen. Fixed all my WiFi issues.
I also have Spare Parts set to Never.
ThrowingKs said:
Grab Settings Profile Lite from the market. Set WiFi off when Screen off in the rules. Now Wifi will turn on and off with the screen. Fixed all my WiFi issues.
I also have Spare Parts set to Never.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that is exactly what the OP doesn't want.
I think he wants the wifi to stay on when he powers the screen back on, instead of having it disconnect when the screen turns back on.
The Nook I believe loses the connection when you turn on the screen.
ThrowingKs said:
Grab Settings Profile Lite from the market. Set WiFi off when Screen off in the rules. Now Wifi will turn on and off with the screen. Fixed all my WiFi issues.
I also have Spare Parts set to Never.
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Thats how the NC works by default.
Spare parts did not work for me at all. I set it to always on and it still shuts off.
eggman618 said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that is exactly what the OP doesn't want.
I think he wants the wifi to stay on when he powers the screen back on, instead of having it disconnect when the screen turns back on.
The Nook I believe loses the connection when you turn on the screen.
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That is what this does. When the screen is on, the WiFi is on. When the screen is off, the WiFi is off. It got rid of all my intermittent issues.
ThrowingKs said:
That is what this does. When the screen is on, the WiFi is on. When the screen is off, the WiFi is off. It got rid of all my intermittent issues.
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How long have you been running this fix? I ran it for 10 days or so and started having issues, basically it quit working.(would turn off but not back on). Are you using it with spare parts? I am still looking for a permanent solution.
^ I have had it for probably a week and a half. I do also use Spare Parts with WiFi Sleep set to Never.
I also have my Nook set to DHCP, and my DD-WRT router set to give a "Static DHCP" to my Nook.
ThrowingKs said:
^ I have had it for probably a week and a half. I do also use Spare Parts with WiFi Sleep set to Never.
I also have my Nook set to DHCP, and my DD-WRT router set to give a "Static DHCP" to my Nook.
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Thanks, will look at this when I have time.
Wifi Lock works for me...
Ok.. I read all the posts I could find and installed Wifi Lock, this is the only one I tested and works great for me. (Tested using Pandora radio)
This is what I did:
1- Install Wifi Lock (Android Market)
2- Reboot Nook Color
3- Go to your Extras and run the app. (It doesn't have a user interface, it only displays a message every time you click on it: Default / Never)
4- If you are using Advanced Task Killer (or any other) make sure you deselect Wifi Lock and add it to your Ignore List (I did it right away, I guess that's a VERY important step)
I just tested it several times for about an hour using Pandora radio, I have no idea how much it will drain the battery... If something goes wrong I'll let you know...

[Q] NC Rooted 1.1 WiFi not reconnecting after sleep

My rooted NC 1.1 has stopped reconnecting automatically to my wifi network after sleep. It had been working fine for a while so I am not sure what changed. To get it to reconnect I either need to toggle the wifi on/off or select the network using wifi settings. After that it is fine. If I just put it to sleep and turn it back on after a minute or so it connects fine. The problem occurs after several minutes (say 10) of sleep.
I have deleted all my network connections, rebooted and then connected to my network with no change. Again this had been working fine in its current state.
I then reimaged it to a known working 1.1 image using CWR but the wifi issue remains.
This is more nuisance then anything else but it sure is annoying.
Look forward to any suggestions since I dont know what else to try.
Bob Silver
NC 1.1 rooted 1.1ghz
Ipad 3g 4.2.1
Iphone 4 IOS 4.1 jailbroken
same problem here, sometimes it works but after waiting too long it doesn't reconnect. I think after being asleep so long it just fails to refresh/rescan. Kind of silly they dont have a rescan/refresh button in the wifi settings...
You can try going into Settings/Wireless/Wifi Settings/hit the menu again and go to Advanced, set the sleep option to Never. This helps but it still shuts off the wifi after being locked for a few minutes.
The fix I use is called "SoftLocker Free" in the market. This basically prevents it from sleeping, but still allows the screen to turn off. It draws more power from the battery since the wifi stays on, but I've had good luck with it.
Strange question, but do you have AT&T? I've seen a ton of folks with non-rooted nooks have this issue on the official Barnes and Noble forum, all with Uverse.
No i am not using att.
Thanks for the tips so far.
ZTE blade has a similar issue, there's a couple of workarounds.
1. Keep the device awake when screen is off (holds wifi connection but uses battery power)
2. Automatically toggle wifi when you turn the screen back on.
I've made an app that does (1.) when you leave wifi on and turn the screen off. (similar to softlocker, but it automatically grabs the lock when wifi is left on and has other features). Search for "Advanced wifi lock"
If you want (2.) grab "Blade wifi fix".
This seems to be common among Android devices judging by the sheer volume of WiFi fix and Wifi lock applications in the market. Now, we just have to figure out which one works better with NookColor. Free would be better of course
Mine does it as well - WiFi on after waking up. Can stay awake for 10 minutes not connecting, bus as soon as I'll go to wireless settings, I can see it obtaining IP immediately. I also noticed it goes away from time to time and comes back by itself.

NC, CM7, Dalingrin OC kernel.. Sleep of Death

CM7 Nightly 131
Sleep of Death-
Sometimes the screen will remain black when trying to wake the device. I haven't been able to find a pattern to the problem, though I think it has something to do with the kernel. It seems completely random.
This has happened on every nightly I've used, which is why I think it's related to the kernel.
Has anyone found a fix?
omnibyte said:
CM7 Nightly 131
Sleep of Death-
Sometimes the screen will remain black when trying to wake the device. I haven't been able to find a pattern to the problem, though I think it has something to do with the kernel. It seems completely random.
This has happened on every nightly I've used, which is why I think it's related to the kernel.
Has anyone found a fix?
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Not sure to what the cause is. However, for me I noticed that every time I left wifi on and put my nook to sleep I would get sod anytime after an hr. So now I manually disconnect wifi every time I put my nook to sleep, and I have not once experienced another sod. There are some people that say the latest nightlies have fixed sod but other report there still there so I guess it varies.
I'm currently on n125 with dal's 6/30 oc kernel.
The problem still occurs with the recent nightlies.
It's weird, last night I left it in sleep mode with wifi turned on, and it powered up fine this morning.
A few hours later, I put it in sleep mode, set it down for a minute, then tried to use it again. It wouldn't wake up. From what I can tell, it doesn't matter what amount of time passes.
I'll keep trying the wifi trick you mentioned. If disabling wifi does the trick, then that will narrow down the problem quite a bit.
Thanks for the tip!
dabiddabird said:
Not sure to what the cause is. However, for me I noticed that every time I left wifi on and put my nook to sleep I would get sod anytime after an hr. So now I manually disconnect wifi every time I put my nook to sleep, and I have not once experienced another sod. There are some people that say the latest nightlies have fixed sod but other report there still there so I guess it varies.
I'm currently on n125 with dal's 6/30 oc kernel.
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I am on n120 with dals 6/30...I always got SOD when I left wifi set to always on...when I switched wifi to shut off with the screen, the problem has not returned!
Yup, it looks like turning wifi off before it sleeps does the trick. 48 hours later and no SOD.
Thanks for the tip!
cmdauria said:
I am on n120 with dals 6/30...I always got SOD when I left wifi set to always on...when I switched wifi to shut off with the screen, the problem has not returned!
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How do you set wifi to shut off with the screen? I can't find a setting for it.
omnibyte said:
How do you set wifi to shut off with the screen? I can't find a setting for it.
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Try an app like juice defender.
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omnibyte said:
Yup, it looks like turning wifi off before it sleeps does the trick. 48 hours later and no SOD.
Thanks for the tip!
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No problem glad it worked for you.
koopakid08 said:
Try an app like juice defender.
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Great, thanks for the recommendation.
If you are looking for a free solution to do this, the application Setting Profiles Lite allows you to set exactly one rule.
Create a profile with wifi off. Create a rule to set the wifi off profile when the screen is off.
frankusb said:
If you are looking for a free solution to do this, the application Setting Profiles Lite allows you to set exactly one rule.
Create a profile with wifi off. Create a rule to set the wifi off profile when the screen is off.
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Details there if anyone wants to try it, works great. I used it on stock ROM, now that I have Tasker on my tablet I use it instead, but all the same.
I'm experiencing the SOD on CM 7.1 RC1... so it's not limited to the nightly's.
Has anyone escalated to the CM devs yet?
I think I have found a temp fix for the SOD, doubled my battery life, and increased my bandwidth when tethered. I am no expert at any of this, but after I installed DroidWall from the market and used the "white list" mode enabling only the apps I wanted to use the network I no longer get SOD. For example I am using wifi tether on my galaxy s in infrastructure mode with droidwall on my NC only allowing XDA app access to the internet.
I also have it installed on my galaxy and only have Linux kernel and applications with root accessesing data. I have gotten more than 8 hours on the galaxy without having to charge. Now I am able to have it tethered to my NC all day and neither device needs charging.
Heck maybe its a placibo effect maybe not.
Running CM7.1 RC1
Now if I can figure out why I lost the ability to mount my NC mass storage on the PC after using the new USB host mode and playing with the wiimote. Go figure
Sent from my NookColor using XDA Premium App
skylar.sutton said:
I'm experiencing the SOD on CM 7.1 RC1... so it's not limited to the nightly's.
Has anyone escalated to the CM devs yet?
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I've also been seeing SOD almost every time I put the NC to sleep for an extended period of time (longer than an hour). Also running 7.1 RC1. Weird thing is that it's been within the last 2 weeks that it's been happening. I've tried the Setting Profiles workaround listed above but I'm not sure if I set up the rules correctly so we'll see what happens
The setting profiles workaround didn't seem to work. I tried switching out my almost full 8gb sd card for a 16 gb sd card and after putting it to sleep overnight, it came back on immediately. Would sd card memory have anything to do with it?
I have also found AutomateIt (free market app) to work well for setting triggers and actions... i.e.
Power Plugged In -> Set Screen Off Timeout 30 min
Power UnPlugged ->Set Screen Off Timeout 2 min
Screen Off -> Set WiFi State Off (delay 5 min)
Screen On -> Set WiFi State On (no delay)
Just my $0.02... but a profile/setting switcher is not a "fix" for the SOD... it's a work around (and an ineffective one at that). The underlying problem still exists, so nothing has been fixed, we're just maneuvering around it.
I'm going to work on something that logs to a remote file and let it run for a few days. I'm hoping I can catch some data around what is going on immediately prior to the lock up.
Also, sorry for the bump.

Wifi keeps turning off during sleep...?

Wifi keeps turning off during sleep...?
.. and yes, I've turned 'Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep' to always. Tried a couple of 'keep wifi on' type apps, no help. Any thoughts? thanks, jf
friedsonjm said:
Wifi keeps turning off during sleep...?
.. and yes, I've turned 'Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep' to always. Tried a couple of 'keep wifi on' type apps, no help. Any thoughts? thanks, jf
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Mine does to, but I don't have it set to "always", since I kind of prefer it that way. I'll give it a shot to see what the results are. Do you notice any difference between the two settings, as far as how long it stays active and on?
phonic said:
Mine does to, but I don't have it set to "always", since I kind of prefer it that way. I'll give it a shot to see what the results are. Do you notice any difference between the two settings, as far as how long it stays active and on?
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Have not tried the 'when plugged in only,' will try it now..
EDIT: Nope, that was no better.. <sigh>
friedsonjm said:
Have not tried the 'when plugged in only,' will try it now..
EDIT: Nope, that was no better.. <sigh>
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31 Minutes on hold - so far - with Google device support...<sigh>
friedsonjm said:
31 Minutes on hold - so far - with Google device support...<sigh>
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FYI - "Always on" seems to be working fine for me. I turned my screen off about an hour ago, and just connected into the system via Cerberus. In the past, wifi would have shut off within a few minutes and I would get a connection timeout warning. So maybe your unit is having issues with it. I've also only lost MAYBE 1% in battery power, so I think I will leave mine in this state as opposed to disabling wifi on sleep.
I have this problem on some of my devices on 1 of my wife access points but not the other. I believe I could possibly tweak some settings on the access point as I don't believe it is the android device. I use an app called WIFI Fixer and that keeps things working.
friedsonjm said:
Wifi keeps turning off during sleep...?
.. and yes, I've turned 'Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep' to always. Tried a couple of 'keep wifi on' type apps, no help. Any thoughts? thanks, jf
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Happening on multiple devices. Try advanced WiFi lock on the market. Its one of the first apk's I install and always works.
Sent from My Ball of Fire™
SirWill said:
I have this problem on some of my devices on 1 of my wife access points but not the other. I believe I could possibly tweak some settings on the access point as I don't believe it is the android device. I use an app called WIFI Fixer and that keeps things working.
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Seemed to work for a while last night... but woke up this morning and it was off again <sigh>.
Does keeping wifi "always on" adversely affect your battery?
clankfu said:
Does keeping wifi "always on" adversely affect your battery?
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Yes. How much depends on how many apps you have set for auto-updates, I suppose. If you're running several games and social networking apps and they're set for auto-updates, you'll experience a battery drain from them checking for updates every 5 minutes. How much, I can't say. I still don't have my Nexus 7. But if your device drops off the WiFi signal, those apps will know that there is no data connection and not try to update until there is one.
Not to change the subject of the thread, but if I see one more <sigh> I'm going to snap.
Also, OP, why do you need WiFi to be always on? If you can't live without it try: http://bit.ly/MdurdU
As I mentioned, "always on" is working fine for me. Tested it over a period of a few hours. Even moved from one AP to another (ie: work to home), and it auto joined the new wlan.
Battery drain is very minimal in my case. Maybe 0.5-1% an hour, if that.
Yeah but then the apps can't update. IMHO, if you don't want constantly-updating apps, don't enable them to.. If they are checking as often as you think, I would find a different app which gives you what you want but doesn't do that sillyness..
I keep Wi-Fi on 24/7 on all my devices. GPS and BlueTooth too.
I *REFUSE* to let my device "run my life". I find a way to make my battery life happy, and still enjoy my devices. I disable all of the other senseless crap like Facebook or FriendStream, or bloatware-apps.. I don't EVER use an app like ATK or JuiceDefender, or if I do, I only use it instantly to kill an app and then I make it kill itself too. In my 3+ years experience with Android and 30+ devices, I've found that a LOT of apps will TRY to restart even if you kill them. Imagine ATK killing an app, it restarting, ATK auto-killing it again, it restarting again, ATK re-killing it AGAIN, loop()... get my point? Uninstall the problem app and/or find a similar one which doesn't treat your device like it's own playground..
miketoasty said:
Not to change the subject of the thread, but if I see one more <sigh> I'm going to snap.
Also, OP, why do you need WiFi to be always on? If you can't live without it try: http://bit.ly/MdurdU
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I want to use my table as a phone via VOIP when I travel, need to get incoming 'phone' calls.
That app is coming across in play as not compatible with the N7 ? <darn> <grin?>
I use my Nexus 7 as a speaker phone so had to set "Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep" to "Always". Easy fix.
mi7chy said:
I use my Nexus 7 as a speaker phone so had to set "Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep" to "Always". Easy fix.
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Yes... and as I said in the post that started this thread, on my N7, it still turns off.... easy, but no fix.
friedsonjm said:
Yes... and as I said in the post that started this thread, on my N7, it still turns off.... easy, but no fix.
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Now rooted and still trying... still keeps auto-turning-off !
This might be a defect in your units. I have gone many, many hours (12+) with my unit in standby mode without it losing wifi connection. It will also continue to sync with email, etc. during this time (and provide audio notifications).
I only lose .5-1%/hour, so I've left it "always on".
I'm having the same issue. On overnight sleep, the wifi is off when I turn it on. It won't reconnect until I toggle wifi on and off. Nothing I've tried so far has worked. Little worried its not as widespread of an issue as I thought it would be.
ssahnan said:
I'm having the same issue. On overnight sleep, the wifi is off when I turn it on. It won't reconnect until I toggle wifi on and off. Nothing I've tried so far has worked. Little worried its not as widespread of an issue as I thought it would be.
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Since mine has worked flawlessly (stock rom) for very long periods of sleep with an active wi-fi connection, I would have to believe you have a defect in yours. Either that, or a problematic AP.

