For those that don't know what it is, AlterIWnet is an alternative private server for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on the PC. I play it on it because of the mods that are available to play. I won't link anyone to it since I'm not sure if it's okay to, but if anyone does then post your Xfire here or PM me.
vbetts said:
For those that don't know what it is, AlterIWnet is an alternative private server for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on the PC. I play it on it because of the mods that are available to play. I won't link anyone to it since I'm not sure if it's okay to, but if anyone does then post your Xfire here or PM me.
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I'm on alteriwnet,i'm Midnight
I played a lot of times ago and i was level 50,but i deleted the game and now i started again.
I play mostly domination and i love noob tubing,because see people raging when them dies because of gl is really funny
i used to play... sticking with BLOPS and COD4 for now thought.
see my sig for my xfire profile.
R.i.p aiw
all hail alter rev !!
hello guys and gals, do you have PPC games in there. please share it with us,
specially RPG games, like undercroft, i want to have full version of that game.
dont! request warez it's not allowed in this forum
non comercial games
Call me crazy, but I hear if you purchase the liscense, you get the full version.
I'll share what I have, but not the links.
The most one i play of late is Guitar Hero. I also like/beat Meltdown, Aladin, Jumpyball, and like 20 more.
TheChampJT said:
Call me crazy, but I hear if you purchase the liscense, you get the full version.
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Yes, it's weird, I know, but I can attest to it ... It seems whenever I pay the (usually small) fees people charge for WinMo games (and other applications), they send me a key that lets me use that game or application.
And here, I thought it was just my good luck! I'm glad to see it's not only happening to me.
zomg, they charge for games??
atleast it's not as bad as trying to purchase crappy Java games. you guys remember that?? it was terrible!
I once bought a $5 game and when it finished it asked if i wanted to install, i accidently said no, and then i had to download it AGAIN. thats $10!
I am just wondering what you all like to do in meetings...
Does anyone have cool games they like and work well on the tilt?
Maybe cabs? Or links?
Thank you.
There are plenty of threads kicking around with links in - emulators too.
If you go into the PDA Ultimate X-V5 ROM thread, on the first page there is a rar link to all of the games he's put in his ROMs.
There's a few good, but basic ones in there.
Have fun!
brandall said:
If you go into the PDA Ultimate X-V5 ROM thread, on the first page there is a rar link to all of the games he's put in his ROMs.
There's a few good, but basic ones in there...
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I have that one, but I was hoping for maybe some different ones...
I tried searching but man there are about a thousand threads and none really specifically for games, I thought if links or cabs were posted here for all to see it would be easier to find?
Thank you anyways.
I love the dark knight game, dopewars, and cant forget the emulators.
well there's:
azgard defense
nfs undercover
asphalt 3 & 4 HD
Call of Duty 2 was nice and works well on the tilt not sure about the multi-player version tho. I've been playing StreetDual by Pixel Logic.....and I'm hooked 32 stages (tho I'm still on stage 17).
Now on level 32 but can't seem to pass it on StreetDual. Great game!!!
abovenbeyond said:
I am just wondering what you all like to do in meetings...
Does anyone have cool games they like and work well on the tilt?
Maybe cabs? Or links?
Thank you.
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No, they all SUCK!!! J/K, got to ppcgeeks forum, they have alot of links for games including a sh**load of cabs
do a search for Touch Pro Arcade Game Pack... that is the most complete setup of games in one place on this site...
ppcgeeks seems to be more oriented towards gaming than this site and it's focus on developement, so checking there site will like yield the best results.
Any one know an emulator(doesnt matter what system) that lets u play in landscape mode instead portrait? It would make the controls much easier if u can play with ur slide out keyboard.
Hexacto Tennis Addict - I am addicted
Dots - simple and superb
Astraware Boardgames
Tangledbugs, solitare, pacman
Any cool games but is free?? It seems that the nice games is not freeware
hey is it possible for me to have snes or nes or even guitar hero on my htc tilt?
Krnboi037 said:
hey is it possible for me to have snes or nes or even guitar hero on my htc tilt?
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Yeah, you have to google emulators. I can tell that PocketNester is the best one ive experienced. Its allows you to play NES games. I know they have an emulator for SNES also but i havent found one I liked(mostly because the SNES had so many buttons its hard to map it in a way that allows u to play comfortably).
Now as far Guitar Hero you have two options.
1) U can buy the game, just google Guitar Hero Mobile.
2) The other option is download a clone game called Bass Guitar Hero. U can download it for free from several sites, being one of them.
Hope that helps.
hey does anyone know a good pocketnester that will work with the htc tilt ive been searching on google and i cant find none, i have morpheuos which works great but i really want nes more can anyone help me please thank you!
can someone point me in the right direction of a good gameboy color emulator for windows mobile? not a gameboy advance one I already have one. I need a GBC emulator. I've found a couple of links to a couple of emulators but the links are dead. I've tried one emulator (can't seem to remember the name of the emulator) but it wasn't working well with my tilt. It wouldn't let me configure the buttons so I couldn't even play the games. so if anyone knows any good GBC emulators and where i can find it, share you knowledge!!
classic helicopter game.. its pretty fun for a free game
use or and search pocketpc torrents
Green45 said:
use or and search pocketpc torrents... you can get a decent set of games off those.. i just grabbed worms, nfs undercover, tiger woods, cod2, counter strike, spiderman hd, prince of persia hd, fifa, bejewelled, zuma and who wants to be a mill...
they all work and there was a couple other games too that i havent gotten around to yet.
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This is type of advice is not allowed here on xda is against our Forum Rules. Please look for the Annoucement at the top of each of the Forums by the Administrator.
"6. Do not post warez.
If a piece of software requires you to pay to use it, either pay or find your cracks and serials somewhere else. We do not accept warez nor do we permit any member to promote or describe ways in which Warez, cracks, serial codes or other means of avoiding payment, can be obtained."
can anyone name only the good ones?i think that wm platform is capable of far better games than nfs undercover etc...i tried nfs doesn't even have engine sounds for christ sake...i found an online rpg game that was 1gb...very good graphics,sounds and physics but it has no more support from the server so it doesn't work anymore...i think it's called shadow of legend...i just would be pleased to know that there is a good game that it's over 50-100mb or so...if anyone knows any game except cod 2 or quake please post ...
i'm running a server thats been stable and good uptime for 3 months, and am in need of people to play with because nobody likes me. runs on bukkit with following mods installed:
and runs in offline mode for anyone who needs to know that. i can install any plugin within reason, and import single player schematics upon request. i know what a pain it is starting over with nothing.
i am so lonely =(
Hey! Hope you find some players....
But I'm not the one to play... Except if there is an Android version XD
...aes eht rednu
peed morf tneS
give it a couple months, it'll trickle down. theres a version for the xperia play, which .. is a bad decision overall [email protected]
yesterday I saw your server ^^
added a new portal system that interconnects the small settlements around the map, and added multiple worlds accessable via those portals. currently just a test world made of all grass to work out redstone deals. infact i shall go try and make my superdoor in there right now.
hmm i was thinking of making a post like this. i run a server as well. well 2 actually. i have about 12 people that play on and off. usually 2-4 on at a time. mainly just my friends. im thinking about opening it up to the public. i have a classic survival server. no mods no OPs no admins. no rules. and a building server. give command is global. no tnt. no flint n steal. but most other things are free to use for building.
and a bunch more
my uptime has been about 95% for the past 8 months. and has been up for 2 or so months starit non stop. (had some issues a while ago.) im upgrading to a dell power edge 2650 soon. once i upgrade ill release the ips. is anyone interested in that?
and to the OP. i may come in your server to play as i love minecraft and all who play it
lmfao threadhijacker. minecraft is fun.
where is the ip?
the hostname is the ip. it works the same.
I'll visit you when i have time! =D
What about a XDA Minecraft server? :OOOO
cerjam said:
lmfao threadhijacker. minecraft is fun.
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hehe all in good fun for the common xda lovers of minecraft
tried playing Minecraft on my laptop and it can't handle it.
ive invited the entire irc, but nobody plays it in there =( we need more people.
Hey guys!! I love moba games so Im very thrilled to see that there is one coming out for handheld devices within this genre! Watch the trailer if u haven't heard about it yet!
I also found this game, Angels in the Sky, while looking around for upcoming games! Looks very cool!
Anyone know about any other cool upcoming games?
I like moba games too but i dont think this is a genre that can work well on mobile devices. Time will show.
imoutidi said:
I like moba games too but i dont think this is a genre that can work well on mobile devices. Time will show.
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True true. One can only hope they know what they are doing! Btw I checked Angels in the Sky's facebook fanpage at it seems they are doing a giveaway right now if anyone cares to participate. Not sure if I am allowed to link to fanpages so just search for the game on facebook and u should find it! :good:
condu32d9 said:
True true. One can only hope they know what they are doing! Btw I checked Angels in the Sky's facebook fanpage at it seems they are doing a giveaway right now if anyone cares to participate. Not sure if I am allowed to link to fanpages so just search for the game on facebook and u should find it! :good:
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Thats nice. Thanks for leting us know.
So the PSN will let you install games (DLC) On up to five consoles . If anyone is interested in game sharing
Don't know if there's a thread for this or not I couldn't find one ....
Rules ...
Games MUST be legitimately purchased , Pictures with proof of purchase recommended
All trades done via pm (due to account info)
List what you are looking for and what you have to offer .
This is for those stuck without jailbreak and wanna share games between each other
Win win for everyone . And this is legal so it's not piracy
Also make sure if you trade a PlayStation + game you inform the user you are traditionally with as they will need the subscription
Mods if it's not in the correct spot I'm sorry
Sent From the Lunar Ecliptic Darkness
I am looking for Madden 15 ...
I have...
Need for speed rivals
Need for speed most wanted
Need for speen the run
Minecraft will all skin packs and texture packs
Abes odd world (ps1)
Extra Mortal Kombat characters
Stardust HD full
Plants vs zombies Full
Gta 4
Batman Arkim Orgins and asylum
And more I can't remember atm
Sent From the Lunar Ecliptic Darkness
Sorry, but this plan requires people to give out there username And passwords for their PlayStation account? Which may give people access to their bank details for buying more games? No offense but it sounds dodgy man......
Sent from my nexus 7 using Tapatalk
I have to agree with that ^^^
Also, I seriously doubt the legality of this. You say it's perfectly legal, but I bet you wouldn't email Sony and tell them that you're doing it.
Regardless, it sounds more like piracy than it doesn't, so it's not welcome.
Thread closed.