G'day guys
I've started a Wiki page for the Nook Color. This can be used as a good reference for any handy information you find on the Nook Color.
If anyone has more useful information to add, please feel free, as long as you follow the same formatting as other wiki pages, and you know what you are doing
Nook Color Wiki
I want to drive traffic to the software forum so all that I'm going to do is link to the post over there. Yes, I may get bashed for it, but I think this is pretty informative and will hopefully cut down a bit on the newbie questions that appear every day here.
Software recommendations for the Kaiser/Tilt wiki
Ideally, I would like to see this thread locked and stickied to drive traffic to the software forum.
***In an attempt to clean up the Development & Hacking Forum we have started a Android D&H Themes Wiki page.***
On this page you will find all links to the current stickies in this forum (which will be "unstickied")
There will be no stickies in D&H, so please don't ask. Go to the Wiki and put your sticky there.
As is the nature of the Wiki please feel free to edit and place a link with a short description of your post. You can also edit the appearance of the page and how it is layed out.
Hopefully you will all add your relevant links to the Wiki and update them as required.
This will, in theory, provide a one stop Index page which should, if this works, be a useful resource to all.
This will of course only work if YOU, the users, keep it up to date and clean.
Greetz and thank you for your help in getting the D&H back in to shape (it has become a little flabby yes?)
Sugestions and feedback are always welcome. This thread will be regularly cleaned, so dont be offended if your post disappears from here.
Even universal tutorials become outdated as we move on to new tools and new Operating Systems.
Besides you should check out the Sticky wiki some of the users have picked up on it and added some stuff that is not as new as most of the stickies are but may be use as much. It's working out great,
12aon said:
Even universal tutorials become outdated as we move on to new tools and new Operating Systems.
Besides you should check out the Sticky wiki some of the users have picked up on it and added some stuff that is not as new as most of the stickies are but may be use as much. It's working out great,
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Quite right, some people have taken it on board and have edited and added content, which is great! Lets hope it continues.
This is a great idea so much easier and the forum is less cluttered with stickies now
So, I have an Android theme thread but that sticky is empty. I'm adding my link and description there but let me know if I fail what you wanted me to do.
this is great!
very good!
it's pretty good..
Very Good !
Great !
It is the magnificent work
I have just bought 2 HTC Touch HD phones which are locked to the orange network. I would like to upgrade to WM 6.5 and unlock them. I am new to all this and would like advice on how to do it from you guys who are experts by the sounds of it.
Look foward to your replies.
To address your question about upgrading, please carefully read this guide. I would also suggest that you read through the wiki. All the information you need is there. You'll need to spend the time to read and learn. If you're still stuck, you can refer to this guide also. Please ask any questions you may have in the appropriate threads/forums.
Best of luck!
As per above post. Thread closed
(This isn't an ad for commercial purposes)
Communities in China are getting interested in the Nook Color. There are various forums and chat groups forming.
Whether it is just for information sharing, or exports, here are some of the groups.
I'm told they are looking for someone with both Chinese and English proficiency to help with end-user support, development, etc. Just like the way xda, mobileread, and other forums are.
QQ group:
This is great news. The Nook Color is attractive everywhere in the world because of its price vs raw power. The NC is my first Android device so I'm of no help unfortunately.
Specifically looking for people with experience in localization.
With AOSP source, this wouldn't be an issue though.
Ars Technica has posted a nice article with a lot of detailed background information on rooting Nook Color. See here: