This is my second time flashing a rom. I own a rogers captivate and I rooted and flashed to Darky's v7.0 (2.2 Froyo) NO WIPE.
I want to change the rom to Doc's ROM JPY V6.2 CE.
All i know is that I have to copy the .zip folder in sd card folder and flash it using rom manager. Do I have to do the same to flash with this one?
I have read all over the forum and I read that I am supposed to flash back to stock 2.1 and then flash again to a different rom(any other rom). Someone also told me that if I have a NO WIPE version of rom installed then I don't need to flash back to 2.1. Is this true? Can someone please confirm this?
1. Should i just download the rom and just flash through rom manager(if yes, then skip q#2) or change to stock 2.1 first?
2. If i have to change back to stock 2.1, i think I have to use something called ODIN. Can someone explain me the process please? and I dont know where to get stock rogers 2.1 rom. I looked all over the forum.
3. I do not want to overclock my phone cpu. The main post on DOC's rom says that I have to flash a kernel through CWM after first boot. I dont know what CWM means or how to use it. Any instructions?
4. Should I install the Wipe version or the NON-wipe version? and what is the difference? I like changing roms once in a while and I might change it again but I dont know which one I should use.
5. Is this a 2.1 eclair rom or 2.2 froyo? How do i figure it out without installing?
I would really appreciate if anyone can help me with these questions.
Thanks a lot.
I have always just booted into recovery mode with CWM and flash the zip that way as it works for any rom i have tried so far. I have rom manager but never used it to load a rom since CWM works flawlessly everytime for me.
The simple answer is if your changing ROMs (i.e. Cognition to Perception) - should flash back to stock then load the new ROM.
If your just updating an existing ROM and it has the "no-wipe" version? Then you should be able to run the *.zip provided following the instructions given (most likely through ROM Manager/CWM)
Hey Everyone,
From my reading of posts everyone seems to recommend flashing back to stock before flashing a custom ROM.
The Captivate I obtained from Rogers already had 2.2 Froyo. Will I be able to flash a custom ROM as is (since I technically am at stock) or will I need to downgrade to 2.1 using the 2.1 Rogers ROM posted on the wiki?
Thanks in advance
No, you should be fine to flash new ROMs onto it. Just root yourself, get Rom Manager, put ClockworkMod on it, reboot into Recovery, and you're done!
venomio said:
No, you should be fine to flash new ROMs onto it. Just root yourself, get Rom Manager, put ClockworkMod on it, reboot into Recovery, and you're done!
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DISCLAIMER: I don't know anything about the Rogers Cappy.
The US at&t Cappy running 2.2 has 3e recovery which checks signatures on a file you are trying to flash. That is why venomio recommended installing Clockwork. However, it might be easier to use Odin one click to go back to 2.1 and flash from there. Then you do not have to worry about trying to get ClockworkMod installed on 2.2 (it is not a very straightforward process).
LukeShoewalker said:
Hey Everyone,
From my reading of posts everyone seems to recommend flashing back to stock before flashing a custom ROM.
The Captivate I obtained from Rogers already had 2.2 Froyo. Will I be able to flash a custom ROM as is (since I technically am at stock) or will I need to downgrade to 2.1 using the 2.1 Rogers ROM posted on the wiki?
Thanks in advance
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follow all the advice in the wiki, i re-wrote it last month! read! learn! brick! and learn some more!
you have 2.2 so you have 3e recovery with signature verifacation (mentioned in wiki) that is the only extra hurdle you will have with flashing over 2.2. you will have to fix that before rom manager will be able to install clockwork. **after you have a custom rom with clockwork built into the kernel you wont need to reinstall rom manager.
venomio said:
No, you should be fine to flash new ROMs onto it. Just root yourself, get Rom Manager, put ClockworkMod on it, reboot into Recovery, and you're done!
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yes but see above ^
Thanks everyone for the help, followed http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=909213 (thanks to existz for posting guide) to get past the 3e recovery and now I got Serendipity 6.2 running on my phone.
My question basically is do i have to downgrade to 2.1 using odin to flash to stock. I am trying to flash a cuscustom rom or to even get cwm working since i am running stock froyo which does not allow you to run unsigned zip files.....so my only option flash to 2.1 and work up from there? Please help!
slashing to stock 2.1 is pretty simple, and will work for you, but ... give this thread a read.
Hi. I wanted to get a quick taste of Gingerbread a month or so ago, and tried the RC release of Darky's 10 version rom (I flashed RC3, and haven't installed anything newer after that).
Since then, lots of progress has been made on CM7/MIUI front. I want to try them. Thing is, all of the tutorials (both for CM7 and MIUI) say something like "make sure You have Froyo bootloaders" or something similar. And I have Android 2.3.3 right now. Do I need to downgrade to some kind of Froyo rom first? I am scared of doing this alone unguided - I almost bricked my phone once when flashing Darky's v10 through Odin.
Help appreciated!
PS The process looks generally the same for both MIUI and CM7, right? That's why I put them both in this thread.
PPS I don't care about my data - it can all get wiped.
Yeah you need to flash a froyo with FROYO BOOTLOADERS Make sure you do this. Go to samfirmware and get I think it was JPU or whichever has the bootloaders. After that flash speedmod froyo kernel. Then make a backup.
Once you do that, get ROM manager in the market and select CM7. If you don't want to buy Rom manager (you should though because it will make updating to the nightlies very easy) go to CWM and flash normally
Easy wasn't it
Easiset way to make sure that you have Froyo bootlaoders installed:
Flash EZBase - this can be found here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=991792&highlight=Ezbase
Then simply download the files required and forllow the relevant instructions for that particular rom.
I flashed my phone with CM7 successfully with the help of EZBase! Thanks!
OK, this will be the last question(s) from a noob.
Here's the thing. I recently rooted my X8, installed xRecovery, and also installed Busybox.
I want to install a new custom rom onto my phone and I have searched everywhere for an answer (of which there are many. But very contradictive of each other).
Here are my questions:
Do I have to go back to 1.6 to get the new rom, or can I stay on my current 2.1?
Do I have to install Clockwork Mod Recovery to install the custom rom (which is CM6)?
If the above is true, then how do I put it on my phone after I have already have xRecovery?
How do I get the rom installed on my phone using xRecovery?
And finally. The intended roms zip file says something along the line of update-froyobread.zip. Do I have to install the original CM6 rom on first and then put the intended rom on after? Or can I just install the rom by itself?
I know this question is very noobish but I hope you can be patient and help me...
Thanks in advance.
first you din´t need to go back to 1.6
second you not need cwm recovery
and about the rom you need to follow the instructions in the post of the rom
and you need baseband finished in 15
Thank you I'll give it a go!
Hi guys, I'm new here and have been scouring the forums on how to do things but I keep getting caught with uncertainties.
I have an i896 Samsung Galaxy S Captivate with a Rogers 2.3.3 Gingerbread installed.
I have rooted it with no issues and its also unlocked.
What I want to do:
1. CyanogenMod 7
2. Overclock the CPU
But what I don't know is...
1. Since i'm running a Rogers ROM, do I have to flash to an AT&T ROM then to any custom ROM?
2. I read the instructions on how to update to the CM7 ROM but every instruction I read says I must have Froyo/Eclair to goto CM7. So do I downgrade and if so, how can I do that? I tried and what ends up happening is the phone's reception bars have an X and data doesn't work either. In the phone About properties, states that the baseband is "unknown". I suspect I need something more than a stock Rogers ROM without bootloaders. I couldn't find a 2.1 or 2.2 stock Rogers ROM with bootloders.
3. For overclocking, I installed Voltage Control and Control Freak and neither let me overclock, the max CPU is 1000Mhz. I assume I need a custom Kernal to do this but haven't been able to find how to do this during the CM7 upgrade.
I just need someone to point me in the right direction on what order to do all this and whether me having a Rogers stock 2.3.3 ROM causes an issue. I've done a lot of reading on these forums so its not like I just signed up and wanted to know the easy way out. I simply want the proper way to do things so I don't repeat the same mistakes many people may have done in the past.
I have used Odin, Heimdall, Odin One Click, Super One Click for rooting.
Hopefully someone can guide me in the right direction and help me achieve these goals!
You dont need to go back to Froyo, as GB bootloader is compatible. but you need CWM to flash CM7. you can use Rom Manager app to flash the CWM.
Just download CM7 zip file, wipe data, system and cache and install it using CWM. It comes with custom kernel so you can overclock it using those apps you mentioned. You can also flash Glitch kernel....
See that's what i've been trying to do but when it comes to installing the nightly rom in zip format, it tells me the signature failed.
Do I need to buy the premium version of rom manager or can I get away with the free version? I don't want to use my credit card, i rather wait until paypal is implemented with android market.
This is so frustrating...
BadBoiSinZ said:
See that's what i've been trying to do but when it comes to installing the nightly rom in zip format, it tells me the signature failed.
Do I need to buy the premium version of rom manager or can I get away with the free version? I don't want to use my credit card, i rather wait until paypal is implemented with android market.
This is so frustrating...
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You need to Odin flash a custom kernel that has CWM in it and then install the zip from CWM. I don't know if all kernels for the i897 are compatable with i896 just have to read. I
Currently Fusionized
Wdustin1 said:
You need to Odin flash a custom kernel that has CWM in it and then install the zip from CWM. I don't know if all kernels for the i897 are compatable with i896 just have to read. I
Currently Fusionized
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Ya that's what I don't know either...I read tons of threads where people with i896 Rogers roms tried to flash with AT&T based roms or i897 roms and either bricked their phones or made a mess that took much more to get them back to stock...problem is the people that have i896 roms here I can't contact until I hit 10 posts...so I'm here stuck until then...
Just flash a custom I897 kernel with cwm, once complete, yank battery, replace and button combo boot into recovery and flash the ROM. Whichever kernel you choose doesn't really matter as zip will flash a compatible kernel, the I896 and I897 are identical other than cosmetic branding.
I was on stock rogers 2.3.3.
Installed Sumari kernel. Booted into the sumari recovery, installed CM7 zip, the phone rebooted into cwm recovery, and continued installing.
It worked pretty smoothly.
okay so i flashed my phone with a stock 2.3.5 rom with CWM, but how do I update to CM7? When i boot into recovery the only option I have is reinstall package. Do i rename the CM7 zip file to update.zip and that should work? I'm so lost...
In CWM recovery you need to choose install zip from sdcard, make sure you are in fact in cwm recovery
Before you do that....you need to flash a kernel with Odin that has cwm in it...
Woo! that worked like a charm haha yea baby yea!! Thank you soo much!! i was so scared to flash my cappy going from Rogers to AT&T that it would brick the phone. Got CM7 with Glitch Kernel and overclocked to 1.4 sawweeeeet!!
Now time to fiddle around and customize!
Thanks everyone!!