the tittle says it all. now i do remember someone saying that wallpapers r in the launcher.apk so knowing the is there away i can take them out of the laucher i have the sdk r3 so if anyone knows how to do that with the sdk or something else that would be greatly appreciated
Sloved: just rename the file. example if it is the launcher.apk then rename
pistol4413 said:
the tittle says it all. now i do remember someone saying that wallpapers r in the launcher.apk so knowing the is there away i can take them out of the laucher i have the sdk r3 so if anyone knows how to do that with the sdk or something else that would be greatly appreciated
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You talking about the icons and stuff (.png's). If so you should be able to extract the theme and just take them out and do whatever with them.
na just wallpapers. i saw a post in the themes section on how to extract from a rom but im looking to pull wallpapers out of a theme
Would it be in the res folder with the drawables. I'm on my work computer so I can't check now.
supremeteam256 said:
Would it be in the res folder with the drawables. I'm on my work computer so I can't check now.
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no ur right i just found the answer right b4 i refreshed my page. thanks for ur help
just open the theme with 7zip or winrar or whatever, go to app/Launcher.apk/res/drawable/ and they are located in there. just drag and drop them into another folder. they all start with wallpaper_.
edit. you got it before my typing and slow connection came through for me lol
david1171 said:
just open the theme with 7zip or winrar or whatever, go to app/Launcher.apk/res/drawable/ and they are located in there. just drag and drop them into another folder. they all start with wallpaper_.
edit. you got it before my typing and slow connection came through for me lol
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I was just about to say David might be the one to ask. Thanks David and DirectMatrix from earlier to help me get started on theming.
one other thing to add. you do not have to name it to .zip to open it. you can right-click it then select open with, then select whatever you use to open .zip files. or if your like me you set any .apk to be opened with 7zip and be done with it.
I have a (Sprint) HTC Hero rooted, running Fresh rom 2.3.3. I have read somewhere that people have managed to change the Ev-Do icon in the taskbar to say 3G. I know that it does not make a difference, but i would like to know if someone can post a step by step guide on how to do this.
It depends on the ROM. There is no other way of changing it unless there is a kernel out there that changes it. I have never heard of it.
Hi, I have managed to build a theme for this exact purpose. The attached file I posted is to be used with MetaMorph, which is downloaded from the Android Market, and you place the file onto your sd card, and choose new theme, and select it. Hit apply all and your EV-DO Icon will be changed to 3g, and the 6 Bars used to display signal will be reduced to 4 for a nicer appeal. I have tested it on Fresh 2.3.3 and it works great.
this should be in Q&A
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
Thank you! Exactly what I needed. Had to install 3 times before it showed 3g icon but worth it. Can you show me exactly how you did it?
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
Well I'm not much of a developer, but all I did was modify a metamorph theme for the sense taskbar. I made it into a zip file, and replaced the EvDo taskbar icons and the Status icons with the 3g ones, and then repacked it, so the 3g bars show up. Its pretty simple, glad I could help
jpp44345 said:
It depends on the ROM. There is no other way of changing it unless there is a kernel out there that changes it. I have never heard of it.
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The icons are in in the res/mdpi folder. I also believe the 3G icons are in there as well, but you just have to pull them out and change the name. This also belongs in Q&A.
There is a metamorph on here in themes that will change nothing but the evdo to 3g. I can't upload the file from the phone but will try to upload it in a little while.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
VinceOB said:
The icons are in in the res/mdpi folder. I also believe the 3G icons are in there as well, but you just have to pull them out and change the name. This also belongs in Q&A.
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Like vince said, that is where the icons are stored at. Once in there, all that's needed is a simple renaming. Rename the 3G icons to the EvDO icons, and the EvDO icons to the 3G icons. Now Android thinks it's displaying 3G icons, but it's really displaying the EvDO icons. Just think of it as fooling Android.
1. Unzip
2. Navigate into res/mdpi
3. Rename the 3G and EvDO icons as stated above
4. Drag them OUT of the unzipped folder.
5. Find the original, untouched (NOT unzipped)
6. Open as an ARCHIVE (not unzipping it!)
7. Navigate to res/mdpi inside of the archive
8. Drag the changed files into there
9. adb push the modified to your phone.
nilemann said:
There is a metamorph on here in themes that will change nothing but the evdo to 3g. I can't upload the file from the phone but will try to upload it in a little while.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
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Did you not see my post for that file already?
mrinehart93 said:
Like vince said, that is where the icons are stored at. Once in there, all that's needed is a simple renaming. Rename the 3G icons to the EvDO icons, and the EvDO icons to the 3G icons. Now Android thinks it's displaying 3G icons, but it's really displaying the EvDO icons. Just think of it as fooling Android.
1. Unzip
2. Navigate into res/mdpi
3. Rename the 3G and EvDO icons as stated above
4. Drag them OUT of the unzipped folder.
5. Find the original, untouched (NOT unzipped)
6. Open as an ARCHIVE (not unzipping it!)
7. Navigate to res/mdpi inside of the archive
8. Drag the changed files into there
9. adb push the modified to your phone.
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Could yall elaborate on how to execute the above instructions? Do I need something more than my phone and a computer? The instructions seem easy enough. Is it a matter of pulling files? Im new at that.
Id like to do this by the instructions above. Thank you.
tailsthecat3 said:
Could yall elaborate on how to execute the above instructions? Do I need something more than my phone and a computer? The instructions seem easy enough. Is it a matter of pulling files? Im new at that.
Id like to do this by the instructions above. Thank you.
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You need sdk installed on your pc the open terminal go to where the androidb files are installed and type adb remount hit enter type adb pull system/framework/htc.resources. apk to where you want to file to go. Once you pulled the files you want to modify then follow the prior post steps.
Adb remount
Adb pull system/framework/htc.resources.apk c:\desktop\themes\
chubbzlou said:
You need sdk installed on your pc the open terminal go to where the androidb files are installed and type adb remount hit enter type adb pull system/framework/htc.resources. apk to where you want to file to go. Once you pulled the files you want to modify then follow the prior post steps.
Adb remount
Adb pull system/framework/htc.resources.apk c:\desktop\themes\
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Thanks! How is easy is this?! Im gonna try this out as soon as I finish dl'ing some updates. Had to do my semi-annual xp pro reinstall...
tailsthecat3 said:
Thanks! How is easy is this?! Im gonna try this out as soon as I finish dl'ing some updates. Had to do my semi-annual xp pro reinstall...
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If you could install xp or use a pc should be a piece of cake.
Check out how to create themes in the sticky should guide you better.
chubbzlou said:
If you could install xp or use a pc should be a piece of cake.
Check out how to create themes in the sticky should guide you better.
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well, i pulled comhtcresources but thats as far as ive gotten...any help is appreciated, ill check that guide to see if the answer is there...thank you
tailsthecat3 said:
well, i pulled comhtcresources but thats as far as ive gotten...any help is appreciated, ill check that to see if the answer is there...thank you
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All it takes is a basic knowledge and understanding of how to work with files.
Now that you've pulled it, I'd recommend downloading a program called 7zip. It is an EXTREMELY lightweight, fast, and flexible archive manager. It also integrates with Windows Explorer in the right-click menu (very useful).
With 7zip, extract the file just like you would a .zip file. Once inside, navigate to res/mdpi or similar folder (I'm not sure how HTC arranges their files... haven't used an HTC ROM in ages!). Once inside, look for the icons that you want to mess with. Copy the icons out, and then do your editing to them. Once they are edited, you need to find the ORIGINAL, unzipped file. Right click that, and then go to 7zip, then go to Open Archive. The file will now be OPEN, but not unzipped. Navigate in there to the folder location where you got the files that you modified from. Now drag the modified icons into that folder location. Congratulations, you just modified your phone by yourself!!
Now all that's left is to push the file back to your phone.
adb remount
adb push /system/framework
Some things to keep in mind, are that you must use the Open Archive method to modify the .apk itself, otherwise you will have to resign the file (pain in the ***). Every graphic -MUST- be a .png file. That's all I can really think of. Have fun
thank you veryvery much. im rebooting now. i hope i did it right. i have to go out now but ill be back for some more hacking. and questions if i messed it up. again, thanks all
Well, it worked. Thank you!
It really couldnt have been easier.
I prefer to change things like this within the system rather than having an app or something or other... what else can we change this way??
tailsthecat3 said:
Well, it worked. Thank you!
It really couldnt have been easier.
I prefer to change things like this within the system rather than having an app or something or other... what else can we change this way??
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You could create a whole new theme all the status bar icon, clocks, dialer ect. What ever you like to change just pull the apk's edit the png's and push them back. You can also pull all the apk's and edit them create a signed zip and load them via recovery.
Check out this Post it will help you out creating themes. Glad it worked out for you.
chubbzlou said:
You could create a whole new theme all the status bar icon, clocks, dialer ect. What ever you like to change just pull the apk's edit the png's and push them back. You can also pull all the apk's and edit them create a signed zip and load them via recovery.
Check out this Post it will help you out creating themes. Glad it worked out for you.
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another question... is there a way to change the signal bars to the fatter, fewer, shorter variety? is there the files already in there like the 3g files? thank you thank you
Im sick of the green smiley face touchwiz icon, anyway I can get the stock samsung galaxy s touchwiz one? Is there a mms.apk or something I can just swap?
I always get mine out of the AOSP rom or Superclean with root explorer and paste it in system/app. I like the AOSP mms.apk a lot more, anyway.
That what im looking for, Can someone just post it.
Just download the ROM from adrynalyne's Superclean 2.9.2 thread, open the .zip file using Root Explorer (mms.apk will be in the /system/app folder). Copy this file, and paste it in your own /system/app folder.
Another Fascinating post by my XDA app...
Or do it yourself. From computer (with 7zip) right click mms.apk and choose open archive. Within the 7zip navigate to res/drawable-hdpi rename "new icon of choice" to ic_launcher_smsmms and simply drag the new icon into the open 7zip window. Push via adb and reboot or copy to system/app with RootEx and reboot. And new icon of choice should roughly be about 72x72px.
good day.
Edit. Found it.
Yay, I bet you feel on top of the world right now? Now get to themeing your own framework.... (hint you can do the same thing with framework-res.apk and twframework-res.apk and you can even extract the res folder and look around make changes and drag back in).
good day.
I have had alot of people wanting just a stock sense 3.0 rom. this may or may not be supported i havent decided yet.... if you want to use this as your base you must ask my self and aamikam. this is just a quick post screenshots and other things will come later
Stock Kingdom build
complete sense 3.0
Odex and opted for best performance
emmc music works
emmc mount to pc works
extra quick settings
havent got rid of 4g yet will come maybe
mainly just stock forthose who like that
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You guys try it let me know what you think if enough of you do ill try to support it further
Firsties cool
Downloading now...will report back
Edit- awesome if your looking for stock sense 3.0 this is it
Sent from my Droid INCREDIBLE
This is a very stable ROM so far.
sweeeet. nothing but time at work tonight too!
Something new to try...yay!
Sent from my Droid Incredible Running MIUI
I could not get the EMMC to mount to my PC but other than that everything seems good.
Now if I could just change the 3G icon to the one that comes with the Inc 2 I will be all set. I have tried Ninjamorph and flashing a zip file but cannot get it changed.
kevman8396 said:
Now if I could just change the 3G icon to the one that comes with the Inc 2 I will be all set. I have tried Ninjamorph and flashing a zip file but cannot get it changed.
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The icons you're looking for are in the SystemUI.apk, in res/drawable-hdpi. The pngs you are looking for are called stat_sys_data_*_3g_lte.png
You should be able to extract those images (should be 3-4), and remove the "_lte" from the filenames, and then drag these images back into the res/drawable-hdpi folder, and use adb or root explorer to push the SystemUI.apk to the data/*-System/ folder (look into how the rom is set up, that's just a default path). Once you have it in place, reboot, and you should be set.
Make a nandroid before doing this, as I'm no themer lol. If you have any trouble, let me know and I'll hook you up.
wdfowty said:
The icons you're looking for are in the SystemUI.apk, in res/drawable-hdpi. The pngs you are looking for are called stat_sys_data_*_3g_lte.png
You should be able to extract those images (should be 3-4), and remove the "_lte" from the filenames, and then drag these images back into the res/drawable-hdpi folder, and use adb or root explorer to push the SystemUI.apk to the data/*-System/ folder (look into how the rom is set up, that's just a default path). Once you have it in place, reboot, and you should be set.
Make a nandroid before doing this, as I'm no themer lol. If you have any trouble, let me know and I'll hook you up.
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Ok you really confused me there LOL
wdfowty said:
The icons you're looking for are in the SystemUI.apk, in res/drawable-hdpi. The pngs you are looking for are called stat_sys_data_*_3g_lte.png
You should be able to extract those images (should be 3-4), and remove the "_lte" from the filenames, and then drag these images back into the res/drawable-hdpi folder, and use adb or root explorer to push the SystemUI.apk to the data/*-System/ folder (look into how the rom is set up, that's just a default path). Once you have it in place, reboot, and you should be set.
Make a nandroid before doing this, as I'm no themer lol. If you have any trouble, let me know and I'll hook you up.
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Do I do the extraction on my PC or on the phone itself. Also, where would I get the files to extract as this ROM does not have the 3G icons I wan and I would not be able to extract from this ROM
kevman8396 said:
Do I do the extraction on my PC or on the phone itself. Also, where would I get the files to extract as this ROM does not have the 3G icons I wan and I would not be able to extract from this ROM
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No bud put the apk on your pc's desktop, extract it and inside the extracted folder go to the path that fowty named out and look for the exact file names as well. Rename them like he said. Now open the apk on your desktop...the actuall apk and drop the renamed images into there proper path. and then push that apk back to data/*-System/
Just wanted to report that emmc mount to pc does not appear to work for me, either. Emmc music works fine.
Just curious, joelz kingdom rom appears to have a modified mail.apk that bypasses the Exchange mail security. If I wanted to apply that apk to this rom, should it work? I tried replacing just the mail.apk, and the app opens, but fc's when I select the mail provider to add. Just wondering you guys' thoughts, didn't know if I needed to also copy other files, or if it just won't work. Thanks.
wildstang83 said:
No bud put the apk on your pc's desktop, extract it and inside the extracted folder go to the path that fowty named out and look for the exact file names as well. Rename them like he said. Now open the apk on your desktop...the actuall apk and drop the renamed images into there proper path. and then push that apk back to data/*-System/
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Ok I found the four icons in a systemui.apk folder that I had on the SD card of the phone. How do I get the renamed icons back onto the phone? Do I do it on the SD card or the phone's internal memory. On this stock 3.o ROM, I cannot mouth the phone's internal memory to my PC
kevman8396 said:
Ok I found the four icons in a systemui.apk folder that I had on the SD card of the phone. How do I get the renamed icons back onto the phone? Do I do it on the SD card or the phone's internal memory. On this stock 3.o ROM, I cannot mount the phone's internal memory to my PC
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Sorry for the misspelled word "mount"
kevman8396 said:
Sorry for the misspelled word "mount"
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That's what the edit button is for
The easiest way to do this is on a pc with 7zip, as you just drag and drop and done. If you can shoot me the SystemUI.apk from the rom I'll get it set up for you.
wdfowty said:
That's what the edit button is for
The easiest way to do this is on a pc with 7zip, as you just drag and drop and done. If you can shoot me the SystemUI.apk from the rom I'll get it set up for you.
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How do I get the systemui.apk from the ROM if I cannot mount the emmc to my pc. The system info will not be on the SD card correct?
If the rom is on your computer open the rom in 7zip and find it that way..
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA Premium App
thebasuke said:
If the rom is on your computer open the rom in 7zip and find it that way..
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA Premium App
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Ok and which ROM am I getting the systemui.apk from. The one I am currently running does not have the Inc 2 3G icons or does it?
Sorry to be off topic bit the Inc 2 thread is locked, has development ceased on that?
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
I was wondering if there were any themers out there that have or can make a red theme for fasty 2.5. I would be very greatful. Ive been trying the past couple weeks but im not doing very good. Alot of boot loops.
PS Fasty 2.5 if a kf1 based rom. If that helps at all.
What you trying to do, I know how to code but I'm new to Java and dalvik code. Learning as I go, but maybe I can help you out.
I don't know what all you've been trying, but what I've had success (to a limited degree) with is to pull a current copy of your framework-res.apk, twframework-res.apk, and systemui.apk files out of /system/framework and /system/app (you may need to dig to find them), then open/unzip the folder with 7zip. Make copies of each apk to a safe place as a backup.
Dig around in each folder and change anything without a .9.png extension. An easy thing to do is just to use photoshop and automate a color shift. (You may have to play around with some icons - they don't like being opened if they're indexed color.)
Once you have some files ready, open the pulled .apk's with 7zip again (use the open archive option), and overwrite the files inside of them with the files you edited.
Once that's done, fire up adb again and push your updated files back to the respective folders they came from.
Reboot, and you should be good to go.
I would like to make a red version of the theme honeysmoke by the creators of fasty. I would post the link to it but the website is down.
First thing is your going to need something like Apkmanager if you don't already have it.
Like jmtheiss said, pull the system files out and unzip them. I use, which isn't photoshop, but works well.
OK i have apk manager i decompiled the framework-res.apk
voldomart13 said:
OK i have apk manager i decompiled the framework-res.apk
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Well if your just starting out you should select to extract it first and then look in res/drawable-hdpi and you will see some .png files. Just look at your phone and figure out what you want to try to mod that you see in the folder. The same would hold true for systemui and twframework-res, both will have .png files in the res/drawable-hdpi folder. Be careful not to modify .9.png files, they are a special file that is stretchable and most paint programs don't recognize them and are difficult to modify with draw9patch editor.