Before we start... yes, I have searched the forums and thats why I've started this thread.
Setup: CWM, VEGAn 5.1, Titanium Backup and Root Explorer
EVERYTHING is working except for this...
I have run the market fix step by step ( and have access to the full market. I can even get all the way to initiating the download of the app. However, when the download starts, it just hangs in 'starting download...' and does nothing. It doesnt download or install, just hangs.
This seems to be a known issue with phones with no answer...
I have run multiple reboots in combination with data/cache wipes using app manager and CWM. I'm sure that I'm missing something but I have no clue what it is. Help is greatly appreciated?
suavebrotha said:
Before we start... yes, I have searched the forums and thats why I've started this thread.
Setup: CWM, VEGAn 5.1, Titanium Backup and Root Explorer
EVERYTHING is working except for this...
I have run the market fix step by step ( and have access to the full market. I can even get all the way to initiating the download of the app. However, when the download starts, it just hangs in 'starting download...' and does nothing. It doesnt download or install, just hangs.
This seems to be a known issue with phones with no answer...
I have run multiple reboots in combination with data/cache wipes using app manager and CWM. I'm sure that I'm missing something but I have no clue what it is. Help is greatly appreciated?
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Just had it happen on my phone. I fixed it by going into applications and clearing the data from google services framework. Then reboot...
Mine does this if I try to use it from work. The firewall allows normal web, and transparently proxies FTP so I'd think it would work, but it doesn't.
sign into google talk and all should be well... google's market depends on gtalk service - signing into gtalk should do it for you.
Sent from my VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0B5.1 using Tapatalk
On to something...
TheTruth said:
sign into google talk and all should be well... google's market depends on gtalk service - signing into gtalk should do it for you.
Sent from my VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0B5.1 using Tapatalk
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Thanks for the heads up. You are right that it is dependent on GTalk, but I think I've stumbled across the main issue. When I connect to someone's else's wifi (couple of people in my apt complex have left their routers unprotected), I don't have any issues connecting to gtalk or market. So obviously, my gtab is having an issue with the connection through my network/firewall/<insert idea>, I'm assuming.
Are there any known network/firewall issues with connecting to gtalk or the market?
I'm running TnT Lite 3.1 and finally got all the apps to load up on market using the "market fix" that you tried as well, but am stuck on "starting download" as you are. Although it's possible that it has something to do with the router, I turned the firewall on my router completely off and still hangs. I wish we could figure this one out.
Just know you are not alone.
drtbar said:
I'm running TnT Lite 3.1 and finally got all the apps to load up on market using the "market fix" that you tried as well, but am stuck on "starting download" as you are. Although it's possible that it has something to do with the router, I turned the firewall on my router completely off and still hangs. I wish we could figure this one out.
Just know you are not alone.
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I don't know if this will help but I have seen that a couple times and have found that if I tap on the app that is stuck it will go back to the menu asking if you want to install like you would see when you first tried it. Say ok, it will start to download again. Seems most times it will then download.
I have in the past had apps just stay stuck. Only thing that I could ever do to fix that was to clear the data from the Google services framework, and reboot. Kind of like doing the market fix again.
Try clearing cache for the downloader. It could be there is a bad file "stuck" there that it is trying to resume...
It's even possible that there is a zero byte file there with perms wrong...happened to me once after switching ROMs
How do you sign into gtalk? Is it already installed in TnT by default? I don't see an icon for it.
Are you running a custom rom or stock. Stock has no Google Apps
TheTruth said:
sign into google talk and all should be well... google's market depends on gtalk service - signing into gtalk should do it for you.
Sent from my VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0B5.1 using Tapatalk
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market, like any other google app (including talk), depends on GoogleServicesFramework
thebadfrog said:
Are you running a custom rom or stock. Stock has no Google Apps
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I'm running TnT Lite, version 3.1 I believe.
I can obviously navigate to the main page, but don't see a link there to install for android/gtab. If my market worked I could probably install from there, but that's the whole reason I'm messing around with talk. Still can't get my market to install anything, despite market fix, clear this, clear that, etc.
You can reinstall TnT rom without wiping data/cache. I would wipe cache. The gTalk app (Talk) should have installed with TnT lite. This will reinstall everything in the rom wothout wiping your data. You may still have to wipe data/cache but you can try it in steps
thebadfrog said:
You can reinstall TnT rom without wiping data/cache. I would wipe cache. The gTalk app (Talk) should have installed with TnT lite. This will reinstall everything in the rom wothout wiping your data. You may still have to wipe data/cache but you can try it in steps
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Ok I found talk and cannot login. Says "could not connect to server. Will retry shortly." I confirmed my internet is working as I can connect with the browser. I can also still connect to Market, find apps, but cannot get them to download. I've cleared the data in Google services framework and rebooted several times with no solution. ARGHH!!
drtbar said:
Ok I found talk and cannot login. Says "could not connect to server. Will retry shortly." I confirmed my internet is working as I can connect with the browser. I can also still connect to Market, find apps, but cannot get them to download. I've cleared the data in Google services framework and rebooted several times with no solution. ARGHH!!
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Sorry if you have already done this but....I would backup my apps and THEIR data with titanium backup and do a complete reinstall. Wipe data/ factory reset and then install the rom again. Restore your apps and their date with Titanium. Don't restore system data with Titanium.
thebadfrog said:
Sorry if you have already done this but....I would backup my apps and THEIR data with titanium backup and do a complete reinstall. Wipe data/ factory reset and then install the rom again. Restore your apps and their date with Titanium. Don't restore system data with Titanium.
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Ok will try that and get back to you. I don't really have to backup anything, will just do a wipe and reinstall. Thanks for your help.
Well chit. I downloaded the new TnT 4.1 and figured I'd give that a try.
Restarted w/ clockworkmod .08, cleared cache, cleared data, then installed TnT.
After booting back up some of the buttons weren't working, couldn't type in my wireless password, it would keep jumping to the home screen, then I couldn't shut down, power button would not turn the damn thing off.
Copied the TnT 3.1 back to the sdcard. Went into settings and did a data reset/wipe and finally it shut down.
So I restarted with clockwork mod again and wiped cache and data reset, loaded TnT 3.1 and let it boot up.
Was able to enter wireless password and get that going and confirmed the internet was working. Then went to market and or course it was not working. So did market fix, after installing titanium backup. Had to reboot a few times after force stopping google services and market, and wiping cache/data (from within settings) each time and finally all the apps showed up in market.
However, still unable to get anything to install.
Tried to login to google talk with same result.
I'm now thinking it must be something with my firewall as the first user mentioned. Going to try it on another connection and let you guys know.
I can confirm that it is something to do with my firewall. Finally tried market on another connection and it downloaded right away. Now I have to get verizon to give me a new router. DOH!
EDIT Now I can download from market just fine from my original location. It seems that once I downloaded the first time from a different location, now it is all working.
Anyone have apps that download and not install? I've been having this problem, before my memory even got low for apps so I wiped everything and reinstalled my apps and had less then half a gb of apps.
Things seemed good but today it started happening again, apps will hang in downloading or will download and not install.
Need some help with an error. I've seen a couple of posts about this, but no one was giving their situation/phone info to make any help effective. So, here goes.
I got a new SD card (bigger, and class 6). I used Backup (root) from the Market to save everything, partitioned my SD card, upgraded the partition to ext3, wiped my phone, re-installed Cyanogen's 4.2.13 (I use apps2SD) and the Community Hero Mix Theme (Reg Launcher and Stericsson's Lock Screen). Also reset the Radio Image, and have Restored everything with the Backup app, then re-booted.
All apps are installed (successfully tested about 20). After Auto-Sync, I turned off syncing and ran fix_permissions, then re-booted. Gmail app's cache was cleared on a whim.
Now, whenever I go to download a Market update, I get the Force Close. Unable to update any apps, although the whole list is there. Nandroid restore fixes everything, but I noticed my phone running MUCH faster after the wipe, so I'd like to get this figured out. Have tried the above process 3 times, but no success. And, like they say, Insanity is trying the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.
you should start fresh anyway and next time please here
After wipe prob should be gone.
Next time, please post your questions in the Questions and Answers forum.
After wipe prob should be gone.
Um, unfortunately that's a no. The wipe seems to be causing the problem. As I said, I've re-done this whole process 3 times. Every time I come back from the wipe, I have the force close. Only nandroid gets rid of the problem. And nandroid returns the lagginess issues.
Could try another rom like dwang or superD1.2 and see if you get the same errors.. I was getting gapps forceclose and tried many times finally I tried another rom "superd" and been happy since then! Stable and greeat speed
You just need to uninstall market updates in settings --> manage applications.
By the way, I would suggest not using backup for root users, usually the work required to come back from that is the same as from a fresh wipe.
cloverdale said:
You just need to uninstall market updates in settings --> manage applications.
By the way, I would suggest not using backup for root users, usually the work required to come back from that is the same as from a fresh wipe.
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I'm very familiar with manage applications uninstalls, however, the Market Updater app does not give un-install as an option. I can Clear Data, Clear Cache, Clear defaults (these three are grayed out), or I can Force Stop, which doesn't seem to do anything. Any other ideas?
New Symptom
As a result (I'm sure) of changing SD cards when the old one had all of my apps on it, I have about 10 apps that were protected that did not transfer by the Backup process. My phone thinks I have them, the Market thinks I have them, but I can neither uninstall them (option grayed out in the Market and they are non-existant in the Manage Applications menu), nor can I update them (as the Market seems to think I already have them). The shortcuts are of course broken, and the "Open" button in the Market is also grayed out.
Any ideas?
PS-I've tried clearing the Market cache, but didn't help.
New_Guy777 said:
As a result (I'm sure) of changing SD cards when the old one had all of my apps on it, I have about 10 apps that were protected that did not transfer by the Backup process. My phone thinks I have them, the Market thinks I have them, but I can neither uninstall them (option grayed out in the Market and they are non-existant in the Manage Applications menu), nor can I update them (as the Market seems to think I already have them). The shortcuts are of course broken, and the "Open" button in the Market is also grayed out.
Any ideas?
PS-I've tried clearing the Market cache, but didn't help.
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Never mind, I popped my old SD in and used Titanium Installer to take care of my apps problem.
Still looking for help on the force close. Even does it straight after a factory wipe with vanilla 1.6!
I'm betting the Market Updater is the culprit, but can't seem to find a way to get rid of it.
Thanks in advance!
I your terminal enter
ls /data/app
Report back with the listing.
Hi All!
I'm new to this forum, but I registered because I had exactly the same problem. I've updated to the latest CyanogenMod 4.2.13. Since then I had the same crash ever since, i whipped about 4 times and downgraden step by step to 4.2.12 and 4.2.11 which all worked perfectly before. But now i had the same problem.
So i went back a few steps and reinstalled the HTC image which was needed to use the google apps again. When I installed this one. Then i booted it, hey everything works! Nice, reinstall Cyanogen 4.2.13 and just whiped it again (who cares ) and tadaaa, everything works.
Hope it works for you as well!
Good luck!
i was having the same issue when i was trying to install Cyanogens 4.2.13 coming from a different rom also. i found the solution here... hxxp://
(don't know if i can post direct links to other sites so i just replaced the t's with x's at the beginning of the URL)
basically what you gotta do is flash cm- 1st and after you sign in let it sync, then reboot and flash cm-4.2.13 over with no wipe and everything should be fine. let me know if this helps. it worked for me
Now, whenever I go to download a Market update, I get the Force Close. Unable to update any apps, although the whole list is there. Nandroid restore fixes everything, but I noticed my phone running MUCH faster after the wipe, so I'd like to get this figured out. Have tried the above process 3 times, but no success. And, like they say, Insanity is trying the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.
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i had the same problem download this and flash it, this worked for me.
here you go androidspin . com / downloads .php ? dir = wesgarner / ROM /
(sorry i am a new user and cannot post links, so i had to be creative)
ifactory said:
i had the same problem download this and flash it, this worked for me.
here you go androidspin . com / downloads .php ? dir = wesgarner / ROM /
(sorry i am a new user and cannot post links, so i had to be creative)
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i run the latest cyanogen and i still get this error.
No matter what i did, the error still appears.
What exactly is this file and what does it fix?
Had the same problems.. started last night when I tried to use my VPN on the phone to sign in to Market.. once signed in.. google accounts asked me to sign in again..(verify account) big mistake.. as it seems that it has registered me twice on the phone somehow..
anyway.. the FC on sync came thick and fast.. was out last night.. so couldn't actually take the time to check what was going on..
today did some research..
for me.. after trying a few processes.. I have gone the route of using Titanium backup and freezing the Gmail applications.. I never used it anyway.. as used the stock HTC email program..
happy to report that the FC on sync's have now stopped..
Edits: nope bloody thing.. got a few this morning on bootup.. and it seems market is dead for me..
I have reformatted the card and wiped all cache's.. but still got problems..
hesitant to do a hard reset at the moment as using the phone in China.. So dont actually know what it will wipe out if I reset it?
Can someone chime in here for me..
so the question is.. if i do a hard reset.. will I lose the actually settings that make it hook in to the phone network?
and I suppose from this we get.. how do I pull all of these settings out of the phone to reuse them again after the reset?
Thats a HTC EVO with stock rom
few specs on the software..
Firmware : 2.1 update 1
Baseband version :
Kernel: 2.6.29-789bf291
Build number: [email protected] test2 (really.. whats this?)
Software number: 1.47.706.1
PRL Version : 1.71_003
PRL version: 00202
Thanks in advance..
Edit: after searching the net for the last few days for a fix.. its seems to be a Android bug.. no amount of wipes and resets put me back on track..
So in the end I went for a fresh Rom... Myn’s Warm TwoPointTwo - [RLS 5 - 01/07/2011]
Happy to say.. all fixed and now looking good again..
Disclaimer: did several forum searches and google searches and came up empty, so if I missed the exact wording and this is covered elsewhere please don't flame me into oblivion.
For some reason my Nexus One running FRF85B is unable to install or uninstall any apk's. It just hangs at the installing... or uninstalling... respectively. Has anyone else ever seen that?
Installing has always been really darn quick. Now it just appears to be hanging.
EDIT: Adding new symptom: "Manage Applications" shows the apps installed , but their space is forever listed as "Computing...". It's like the manage applications service is just hosed.
I have seen that as well. I would have to exit (back or home) then when I got back to the applications screen again it wouldn't have to load at all.
Same here, AT&T Nexus One using FRF85B.
The weird thing is, the app(s) actually DO uninstall or install correctly, just that the Market page shows it's not, and hangs at it.
When I force stop the market, then relaunch and check my downloads, they're now reset to the correct info.
Well I'm glad it is not just me. Thinking it was a bad ROM I reinstalled (with complete wipe) Modaco's ROM, then stock Froyo, etc.
Problem went away when I just said screw it and installed CM 5.0.8.
The only problem that persists now is the server error going to the downloads tab of the market. I can't seem to lick that one even though apps download and install fine from the market.
On a side note CM5.0.8 still is snappier than Froyo. I'm salivating at the thought of CM6.
If anyone is also getting persistent errors with the market downloads tab, please chime in. I find it suspicious that I'm having this problem regardless of which ROM is installed.
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
No matter what I do I still get the server error in the Android Market application when I go to the downloads tab.
I've re-flashed the Froyo Radio and tried both CM 5.0.8 and Froyo.
I don't see others complaining about this so I have to imagine there's something wrong on my end. I just don't know how to diagnose it. Does anyone have any ideas? At All?
nxt said:
Same here, AT&T Nexus One using FRF85B.
The weird thing is, the app(s) actually DO uninstall or install correctly, just that the Market page shows it's not, and hangs at it.
When I force stop the market, then relaunch and check my downloads, they're now reset to the correct info.
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I did see that in the CM 5.0.8 ROM, but Froyo is a complete no-go. I've reflashed the radio, and have been using Modaco's ROM because it is the only one I know of that is just a rooted update I can flash with Amon-RA's recovery, but still no luck.
This is scary.
I went all the way back to Stock, Unrooted 2.1 from January, and still get the server error in the downloads page of the Market app. So for giggles, I wiped, created a new gmail account, and lo and behold, everything works. I could download apps, and they showed up in the download tab as installed.
That pretty much puts an end to thinking it's an app/ROM/radio problem, I think.
I then wiped again, went through initial setup with my primary Google account and I'm back to server errors on the downloads tab.
I guess maybe it really IS a server error. Don't know what I can do about it, except gripe...but at least I can stop scratching my head over what ROM/Radio is installed.
After several days of experimenting, the fact is that on any Froyo rom, whether it's stock or rooted, google's or cyanogen's, wiped or not wiped, new gmail account or existing gmail account, what I'm seeing is that, even if I wipe, go into Android and DO NOT enter a google account, going straight to settings | Manage Applications | running applications, shows "Computing..." forever.
Now, if I do a full wipe, it doesn't know anything about my account, right? And the cache, and all that are all wiped. So, what could possibly cause the infinite "Computing..." in the apps?
Does anyone know?
It happened to me as well last night. I was installing an apk (updating over an older version), and it showed "Installing...." forever. No hardware button gave me any response and I eventually had to reboot the machine by pressing the 3 buttons (luckily this worked. I really hate the thought of pulling the battery out...). After the reboot I tried again and it installed without a problem.
I m on a stock Nexus One FRF91, never hv an issue b4 that latest system update. Looks like it is bringing more issues to me...
what 3 buttons reboot the phone?
The same thing is happening to me. When trying to install any market app, it just hangs at "installing. I have to reboot the phone to get it to stop doing it.
Every once in a while, about 1 out of 15 times, I can get an app to install correctly and quickly, but all the other times it hangs.
It started happening when going to froyo. I have tried several different froyo mods and the same thing happens on all of them. When I nandroid back to 2.1 it is fine.
It happens to me with the Rodriguezstyle mod, the Kang-O_rama mod and the evil n-one shot Noir mod.
In order to fix this issue. You MUST do the following steps:
1. Wipe the SD card.
2. Wipe ext partition (if there)
3. Delete spareparts if you have it ANYWHERE on the system
4. Reboot the system into recovery
5. Wipe all cache's
Tada! Fixed!
This fixed it for me on Kang-O-Rama.
I belive the problem is when moving ROMs and the new app2SD feature stores files on the SD. When moving ROM's, it try's to scan them but fails. Something is stuck in a loop and wont stop .
When taking out the SD card, it ALL works flawlessly (give it a go if you need to install some apps to help)
rmagruder said:
what 3 buttons reboot the phone?
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Press the trackball, volume down and the power button all at the same time.
If you have root then the app quick boot is a one click solution.
When I was or do have a stalling at the install. I clear the market data and this works for me. I also try to keep the cache clear.
After having installed Overcome (Kratos) on my Galaxy Tab, I noticed that the Android Market was not working properly. When I try to open the application, it says "You must add an account to the device to continue. Do you want to add one now?", and exits the application, whether I choose Yes or No. My question is; is this a problem with Overcome or a problem with my Galaxy Tab? And how would I go about fixing this?
I also recently flashed overcome, kratos but my marketplace is working fine, do you have your gmail set up? I set my gmail up first thing and when I went into the marketplace for the first time all I had to do was accept the terms and it automatically logged me in. You could also try 1. Clearing market data and cache, 2. Uninstalling and reinstalling the market.apk.
Sent From Githrog's Tab
#1 doesn't seem to work for me; it still closes. when I try to uninstall the market, it gives me a warning, can this be ignored?
When I first got my tab, I flashed the euro firmware to enable the voice capability but once finished my market kept giving me an error message that my device was not compatible with the android marketplace, it obviously was so I went to manage applications in the settings menu and forced stop the market then I uninstalled it and downloaded the market.apk from here at xda and it installed fine, I never got the error message I was getting ever again.
Last resort, you could always try reflashing kratos, and just a question, did you restock your tab when you installed kratos? Or did you just install through cwm?
Sent From Githrog's Tab
Uninstalling it doesn't seem to work; it gives me the option to add an account and then closes...would restoring the tablet possibly fix it?
Is your gmail working as it sounds like you havent logged into your google account.
Medikay said:
Uninstalling it doesn't seem to work; it gives me the option to add an account and then closes...would restoring the tablet possibly fix it?
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You could try factory reset, clear cache and data through recovery mode,
I just can not seem to find any answers online to fix your market problem.
Sent from Githrog's Charm
damstac said:
Is your gmail working as it sounds like you havent logged into your google account.
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Well, when I first restored the device, I added the wrong account, but never found an option to add the correct one (Under "Accounts" in Settings, there is no option to add accounts); I'm assuming this is part of the problem?
I did a factory reset and wiped things like the dalvik cache; now, instead of giving me an option to pick an account (Note that it was not on the device when I first restored it) it force closes. Any solutions?
I managed to solve the problem by replacing the market with the newest version...but now, when I click anything, the market force closes...
EDIT: The problem appears to have to do with the Tab downloading things; when I reboot the device, the Market works fine until I try to download something, and then it force closes.
So, I did the one-click root, which worked fantastically, and I downloaded Titanium Backup, froze the V-cast stuff and a few bits of bloatware.
I'm not sure what happened, but my phone is no longer downloading successfully from the marketplace, and sync has failed every time i've tried it.
I've tried defrosting every program I froze, rebooting the phone, and doing a battery pull, but it still keeps telling me that the network is unavailable and that I should call tech support whenever I try to sync, and the marketplace is still not downloading apps.
Opera works fine, the market itself has no problems showing me every app that's available, but when I try to download, it just hangs without downloading anything at all.
Any suggestions?
Did you try flashing the leaked ota? Try to get yourself as close to stock prior should you decide to try it.
Hadn't heard about an OTA, and don't know how to flash it if there were one. Would doing this correct the problem?
Further investigation shows that data connection is working fine, and I can update using google account. The only problem left is the failure of Android Marketplace to download any apps, regardless of connection type.
Try going in to Menu/Settings/Applications/Manage Applications, find Market and then clear cache and clear data. Force Stop it then exit back to the homescreen and launch the Market app again.
That was what the guy at Motorola support tried, except he had me do a battery pull instead of a force stop. No luck.
Thanks for the suggestion, though. Any other ideas?
Yeah...and this one will sound stupid.
Sign in or out of Google Talk. I had an issue on my Droid where everything I downloaded was "unsuccessful". Don't remember where I saw it but it was a google support posting that said to try that.
I was signed in...signed out and everything worked fine after that.
The leaked OTA is in the development section if you want to try it.
Also, I know it sucks to lose everything but have you tried a factory reset?
Tried the google talk solution, no luck.
Will try the OTA flash; all it will take to get me virtually back to stock is to unfreeze everything, since that's pretty much the only thing i've done since I rooted the phone. Is that all I need to do prior to trying, or do I need to unroot or something?
Haven't tried a factory reset, but wouldn't be that huge a loss as long as I back up my contacts and texts.
I have a I9000M running JVR with KG3 modem and CSC and speedmod-kernel-k15i-t8
When I try to download something off the market, all apps get stalled at 'Starting download'. This only happens when I'm connected to my WI-FI. I have never had any problems with my connection before a couple of days ago, then nothing would install.
I tried everything, starting Google Talk, disabled data roaming, cleaned cache in recovery, rebooted phone, installed the new market apk, etc.
My internet connection is fine, nothing else is affected.
Any ideas on what to look for?
Hey i got the same problem. Heres how i got it fixed. I first flashed with odin stock gingerbread 2.3.2, then i flashed with odin darkys 9.2 rezurection edition. After it i put to the sd card the f1 sgs 2 rom and it got fixed. Hope this works.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
w98seeng said:
I have a I9000M running JVR with KG3 modem and CSC and speedmod-kernel-k15i-t8
When I try to download something off the market, all apps get stalled at 'Starting download'. This only happens when I'm connected to my WI-FI. I have never had any problems with my connection before a couple of days ago, then nothing would install.
I tried everything, starting Google Talk, disabled data roaming, cleaned cache in recovery, rebooted phone, installed the new market apk, etc.
My internet connection is fine, nothing else is affected.
Any ideas on what to look for?
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Try installing the old market.
You can either go to Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > All > Market and select Uninstall Updates, or uninstall the market using TB then run the old market's apk (you can find it in Apps and Themes).
Some people have had an issue where the new market will tell them they have no room to install an app. When I was having that problem, sometimes it would give me the error, other times it would just hang forever at Starting Download. Therefore the fix for that issue is worth a try.
As for the previous poster's solution...I think flashing three ROMs is a bit excessive to solve this problem.
actually this problem happens in the old market too.
i think it happens more on wifi than on 3G... tho im not 100% sure about that.
anyway, it happens to me alot and what i do is:
1. stop the download and try again.
2. switch between 3G to WIFI and vice versa.
3. completely close the market thru applictions->manage apps, and try again.
and if all of the above isnt working:
4. i give up and try again tomorrow...
good luck!
Thanks all for the responses.
In the last couple of days I have installed JVR and KG3 with the same problem so it's not the firmware.
I have the market that comes with JVR and installed the new one with the same results. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the market, cleared the cache in application management and cleared the cache in recovery.
I download something and I only get the green striped bar saying starting download, but if I turn off Wi-Fi, and cancel the download and restart it right away, it works on 3G.
I can surf the net, send texts, download stuff from Dropbox on Wi-Fi no problem, just the market does not download apps.
rschenck; said:
Try installing the old market.
You can either go to Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > All > Market and select Uninstall Updates, or uninstall the market using TB then run the old market's apk (you can find it in Apps and Themes).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This was happening before I updated to the new market, but did this also.
Can it be a problem with the file system? Where are the files put when downloaded from the market?
So I went back to stock KG3 today. No custom kernel, no root, no nothing. The Market still doesn't work.
Can it be something to do with the file system? Whether or not I clicked repartition in Odin?