[Q] Emulator Question - Nook Color General

I am trying to develop my first app for my nook, and the emulator that runs is coming up larger than my screen size. Is there a way to make it smaller? I'm running a 1920 x 1080 screen size, but the emulator comes up a lot larger than that.

I found the problem... in Eclipse, I hadn't started the emulator for the first time and chose a screen size. I had done this a while back when I first installed eclipse and the avd emulator.
So, to fix it, I just did this:
Open Eclipse
Choose Window
Select Android SDK and AVD Manager
Choose the NOOK emulator
Click the Start button
Select Scale to Screen
I entered 7" to match the size of the nook at 96dpi
After that, I believe it stays set. I closed eclipse and re-opened it and the setting stuck.


[HOW-TO] Work-arounds for issues with stock Nook Color ROM

Since the same questions seem to be getting asked a lot, here are some methods for getting past stock NookColor ROM limitations in a single thread:
1. How do I keep wifi from turning off when the screen goes to sleep?
- download Spare Parts from the market and set wifi sleep policy to never.
. . . mixed results have been reported with this method, but this appears to be the best known fix at the moment.
2. I restored and re-rooted, now I can't log in to my B&N account!
- get NookColorTools app (if not installed during root, it's on xda). Under All Settings, open the 2nd (of 3) setting called Wireless near the bottom. This will begin their registration process again.
3. How do I install a different keyboard?
- if it's in the market, first purchase/install it-- if it's a stand-alone apk, skip that and move on to the next paragraph. If you just downloaded it from the market, find the apk somewhere in data/app/ and copy from there.
Now place the app's apk (Root Explorer works great) in system/app (mount system as r-w first). Look at the file's permissions (long hold on it and choose Permissions from the menu), and match it to the permissions of the other files in that folder. Reboot. Then open your trusty NookColorTools, select keyboard, and you should be able to switch to it. Not all keyboards are currently working, but this is a great way to find out if it does that doesn't require renaming or deleting your current keyboard.
4. How do I get Swype on here?
- right now, you can't. Swype requires a copy that matches your device's resolution, and the only version of Swype that matches ours (1024x600) is the copy that ships with the Galaxy Tab, but, to my knowledge, nobody has gotten it completely working on here without causing major system crashes (not to mention the apk couldn't be posted on xda even if it was eventually hacked to work).
SlideIT keyboard is another trace keyboard that DOES work on the NookColor, and I've been very happy with it (it's come a long way since I tried it last summer and quickly uninstalled it). The method in #3 above should work to install it.
5. Wait, I can't copy and paste on the NookColor??
- not through the OS, no. There is a solution though. It involves getting an app called Copy Paste It from the market (paid, but there's a trial version). You'll probably need to set it to rotate clockwise (in settings), or it'll get screwy.
When you want to copy, activate the function from the notification, and it'll let you frame the text to copy:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
The second part, pasting, requires having a keyboard with a Paste setting in it. Again, SlideIT has this on the special characters keyboard (I'm not a troll for SlideIT, just a happy customer). I'm not sure which other keyboards have this feature, if any (if you know, post, and I'll update this). Assuming you have a keyboard with paste, it'll paste what the Copy Paste It app copied.
6. Why is everything on my screen so small?
- this is because the NookColor's stock LCD density is 169.333, which is pretty low (Galaxy Tab is 240). Unlike resolution, which is hardware-based, density is software-based and can be changed. If you search the market for LCD density, there are a couple apps that will do this--a free one that won't survive a hard reboot, and a paid one that (supposedly) will.
If you want to make it permanent for free, you can edit your build.prop file. Again, use Root Explorer to open system/build.prop (BACKUP FIRST!), find the following two lines:
If you wanted your density to be 250, you'd replace them with the following single line:
Save the edited file, and reboot.
Here are two of my Galaxy Tab-esque homescreens set to 250:
. . . Now, jacking up your LCD density much above 200 will make your status bar look wonky and cut-off. One solution for this is to set it to 250, like above (by changing build.prop - I think the apps I mentioned only allow multiples of 20), which will make it look clean (as long as wifi is on). The only problem there is that you'll lose your status bar clock and Notifications in portrait mode . . .
. . . the solution for THIS is to get two apps: hellostatusbar, and quick launch. Set quick launch to open hellostatusbar on a home- button double press, and it will display your Notifications.
Also note that raising the density can cut-off parts of the stock Barnes & Noble software (they're designed for the lower density), so this mod is probably better for people like me who use the Kindle app and ezPDF for reading.
7. If I don't want to use softkeys, can I remap the hardware buttons to do something different?
Yes. In Root Explorer, navigate to system/usr/keylayout, make a backup of TWL4030_Keypad.kl, then open the original with text editor and change the entry for key 115 ( volume up) and/or key 114 (volume down) with something like BACK, MENU, or SEARCH. Save the file. Reboot, and they'll be whatever you changed the entry to.
If you want easy volume controls after remapping these buttons, a market app called Volumer++ can be set to live in your notifications for easy access. Otherwise, you can change them from settings.
8. How do I set my wallpaper so that the resolution looks good?
- I used a market app called Wallpaper Set & Save. It's easy, and resolution looks great. I think it cuts off the image a little bit, but not much. I think this method will suffice for many people, but if you want it to be sized perfectly, do the following (credit to swapdotavi for the instructions):
[Get an image that is at least 1200x1024, crop it (without scaling) to 1200x1024. If you're using Photoshop, copy the entire image, then create a new file sized 1200x1024. Then paste the image and use the arrow to drag it around to whatever looks best to you. Save the file as a .png, transfer to your nook, and use Wallpaper Set & Save to choose the new file.]
. . . Since we share the same resolution with the Galaxy Tab, the wallpapers that came with it look phenomenal (in my opinion) on the NookColor. Follow this link to pick them up:
9. Can I change the lockscreen slider to look like stock Android or Sense?
- yes - get an app called WidgetLocker. Set it to look how you want. Then, under Behavior, set Homehelper as your system home. Still under Behavior, go to Home to Launch, and pick your real launcher (Launcherpro, ADW, etc.). Also, under Advanced, be sure to check both the Root Bypass of 5 Second Rule, and Retain Keyguard.
10. My NookColor seems sluggish - is there a way to speed it up?
Most of you will already know this, but Setcpu is a market app that can speed things up and improve battery life. CPU Tuner is a free alternative that's similar, but I've had more experience with setcpu, and can vouch much more for it.
My recommended settings:
Min 600
Max 800
Governor: OnDemand*
check 'set on boot'
... And one profile enabled:
Screen Off
Min 300
Max 600
Governor: Ondemand
... And another optional setting (for even a little more extra zip):
under Advanced:
change "Up Threshold" to 35
* for the fastest setting, set the governor in the main CPU setting to Performance (with 800 max). It may drain your battery quicker, but mine still holds up surprisingly well on performance--and the nook is very fast.
These are just settings that work for me. Feel free to experiment. Also, some people were having their Nook randomly reboot, and changing the governor from conservative to ondemand helped.
11. Any other battery-saving tips?
In case you missed the rival xda threads arguing over who thought of it first, there was a potentially useful battery-saving trick in there:
Go back in Root Explorer, and in system/app, mount as r-w and rename Phone.apk and TelephonyProvider.apk to anything else (adding .bak onto the end would be fine).
Basically, you're removing android system files that may be wasting juice looking for a non-existent cell service. It's unsure if or how much this actually improves battery life, but it very well could, and it certainly won't hurt anything changing their names.
12. Why aren't my favorite live wallpapers working?
I'm not sure, but here's how to get the rest of them going:
Download this file: http://db.tt/ur0c98s
It will fail installing, but if you use Root Explorer, copy it from your download directory, go to system/app, set as r-w... Then long-press on any file in that directory, and look at its permissions. Now paste your LiveWallpapers.apk there and change its permissions to match the others. Your live wallpapers should work now!
The Nexus wallpaper won't work, but just install Nexus Revamped from the market - it's identical, it's free, and it has customization.
If you're using one of the more system-intensive Live Wallpapers (like "Water"), I'd recommend using all of the Setcpu changes from #10 above to keep things snappy (also know that LWP's can drain battery quicker).
13. How can I get my Google contacts in here?
If you aren't concerned with them showing up in the B&N Contacts app, and are more interested in having them come up as auto-suggestions when typing an email address or Google Voice text number, there's a way (credit to jadambpharm):
- Go to gmail on the web, click on contacts (left side), then More Actions, then Export. Choose .vcard format. Transfer that file to your SD card.
- get a Market app on your Nook called Import Contacts. Point it to the contacts.vcard file you just got, and they'll now come up for auto-fill suggestions!
14. How can I prevent the Nook from automatically updating the firmware?
- Change the name of etc/security/otacerts.zip to anything else (doing this in Root Explorer works fine). So far, this had looked pretty solid in successfully disabling OTA updates.
15. Why won't YouTube play videos in HD?
For some reason, the YouTube that's installed from rooting won't do it. To get a version that plays HD:
- uninstall your current YouTube via Titanium Backup
- download this version from the Evo (credit aludal): http://db.tt/y5vVvI2
- rather than installing this one, rename it youtube.apk and copy it into system/app (w/permissions matching the other apk's in that folder)
It should be there now, ready to play HQ clips. If not, reboot first.
I'll update as I think of more. Enjoy your modestly-priced, unintentional Android tablets!
Reserved 10 chars
How about "What size should wallpaper images be?"
I suggest this because I dont know
swapdotavi said:
How about "What size should wallpaper images be?"
I suggest this because I dont know
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I didn't resize them manually, I just used an app - will update OP in a minute with that, and again later when I get the chance to research manually setting them . . .
I don't know either, but I've had good luck with searching for 'wallpaper' on Google images with size set to 1024*1024 and then using 'set as wallpaper' from dolphin browser HD.
Sent from my NOOKcolor using XDA App
pest789 said:
I don't know either, but I've had good luck with searching for 'wallpaper' on Google images with size set to 1024*1024 and then using 'set as wallpaper' from dolphin browser HD.
Sent from my NOOKcolor using XDA App
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The Galaxy Tab wallpapers I've used all look phenomenal too. Same resolution, so its tailor-made. Easy to find them with a google search.
For some reason changing the lcd density didn't do a damn thing through build.prob after reboot. What did I do wrong?
And I did save it before rebooting so I'm not sure what I did wrong...
wvcachi said:
3. How do I install a different keyboard?
- if it's in the market, first purchase/install it-- if it's a stand-alone apk, skip that and move on to the next paragraph. If you just downloaded it from the market, find the apk somewhere in data/app/ and copy from there.
Now place the app's apk (Root Explorer works great) in system/app (set system as r-w first). Reboot. Then open your trusty NookColorTools, select keyboard, and you should be able to switch to it. Not all keyboards are currently working, but this is a great way to find out if it does that doesn't require renaming or deleting your current keyboard.
Can you please explain the 'set system as r-w'?
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@beejis - make sure you're losing the xdpi and ydpi parts and merging it into a single entry. Look closely at the example in the OP. Also, make sure you're editing the entry that isn't commented out (don't bother editing the lcddensity entry with a # in front of it) a few lines earlier. If for some reason that didn't work, then use the free app from the market to change it.
@k8108 - if you're using Root Explorer, it's a little button up top when you're navigating system/, which lets you toggle mounting system as 'read-write' and 'read-only.'
Beejis said:
For some reason changing the lcd density didn't do a damn thing through build.prob after reboot. What did I do wrong?
And I did save it before rebooting so I'm not sure what I did wrong...
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Comment out these lines (add # to beginning):
# ro.sf.lcd_density.xdpi=169.3333
# ro.sf.lcd_density.ydpi=169.3333
Add this line:
I already had a line similar that I uncommented, and I run mine at 254.
169.3333 / 2 = 84.6666
169.3333 + 84.6666 = 254
I am probably overthinking it, but it looks good. You can make that number 250 if you want.
The Program LCD Density lets you select specific densities as well, but is only soft. Nice for testing.
k8108 said:
Can you please explain the 'set system as r-w'?
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From adb shell, run this code:
mount -o rw,remount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
ThrowingKs said:
From adb shell, run this code:
mount -o rw,remount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
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...I got the impression he was using Root Explorer, in which case it's a little button that says r-w.
I have used the free market app to change the lcd density and it makes most of the interface fantastic except for a couple things. As noted the status bar doe mess up but that I am not worried about but the screen density change to, 250 in my case, really screws up the formating of my nook library and shop. I use them quite a lot to read newspapers and such so if anyone else has this experience let me know how/if you deal with it.
Sent from my LogicPD Zoom2 using XDA App
foethalove said:
I have used the free market app to change the lcd density and it makes most of the interface fantastic except for a couple things. As noted the status bar doe mess up but that I am not worried about but the screen density change to, 250 in my case, really screws up the formating of my nook library and shop. I use them quite a lot to read newspapers and such so if anyone else has this experience let me know how/if you deal with it.
Sent from my LogicPD Zoom2 using XDA App
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Good point - I'll note that in the OP. I don't use the B&N stuff, so it's easy for me to forget that not everyone on xda is in the same boat.
Where does the SlideIT.apk go after you install it from the market? I can't put it in the system/app folder because i can't find it. Any ideas?
NookColor+ XDA 4 ever
cgtombstone said:
Where does the SlideIT.apk go after you install it from the market? I can't put it in the system/app folder because i can't find it. Any ideas?
NookColor+ XDA 4 ever
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Look in data/app, and find the file named com.dasur.slideit.apk. Copy/paste that into system/app (hit r-w first of course), then reboot and switch keyboards via NookColorTools.
My bad I was searching for it in root explorer and I gues the search function was skipping the data folder for some reason ( or I'm missing something). Thanks anyway.
NookColor+ XDA 4 ever
Thanks bookmarking this thread
wvcachi said:
I didn't resize them manually, I just used an app - will update OP in a minute with that, and again later when I get the chance to research manually setting them . . .
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Ah perfect did not see your update. I see you found Set and Save, but you mentioned you might update with exact size instructions later. I actually went and did a bit of research, so maybe I can save you some time
To get an perfect wallpaper using 5 screens, like in ADW:
- Get an image that is at least 1200x1024
- Crop (dont scale) it to 1200x1024. A really easily way to do this is open the file in Photoshop, copy the entire image, then create a new file that's exactly 1200x1024. Then just paste the image and use the arrow to drag it around to whatever looks best to you.
- Save the file as a .png
- Get it on to your nook. (SD card transfer, email and download, whatever)
- Open Wallpaper Set & Save
- Point it towards the folder you have your wallpapers in
- Select the wallpaper you want
- Hit apply
Bam. Perfect wallpaper, no stretching, no compression. Looks great! I'll post screens later today if I remember
I used a 1920x1200 wallpaper I had on my PC, cropped it, emailed it to myself, then used Set & Save to place my wallpaper. It's really crisp.
edit: And thanks for the lock screen information! Going to do that tonight; sick of the stock screen
MOD, can we get this stickied? Lots of good info!

[Q] Stock Screen Density

Hi, I am fairly new to Android development. I have a question regarding the Galaxy S. What is the stock screen density of this phone in 2.1? I am trying to create the Galaxy S environment on an emulator so that I can test my application (I do not own one of these phones). Does the density change in later versions?
I have read hxxp://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html
I know that the phone screen resolution is 480x800.
I am not sure what type of screen it is (Normal or Large), hence I cannot determine the density.
Is there an easy way of determining the density and screen type of a phone?
I do not know how to find out a density of other phones thought its a standard
But Samsung Galaxy S I9000 should have 240 (as seen in build.prop ro.sf.lcd_density=240 ) as the standard one and no it doesn't change in the versions.
(I use 200 though looks nicer )
Hmm, strange. The application seems to work fine with that configuration, yet one of the users is reporting an issue. I wonder if he changed the density..
Thanks for your help!
What kind of issue?
Well tell that guy to download spare parts and unticks "compatibility mode" if he is using changed density it may help him.
Grr. It was a simple user error. He thought the background picture was not appearing in the center, when it was. Just the way the picture is.
I started fiddling with making the application accessible to other densities. The AVD comes with a large screen, medium density skin (480x800/480x854 at 160dpi). Are there actually any devices that use that kind of setup? I ran my application at those settings, and for some reason it is loading the mdpi resource, which is designed for a normal screen (640x480).
Thanks for your help Pagot!

xmatrix boot animation

Hello, Android modders. I recently made a new boot animation with jwz's XScreenSaver's xmatrix.
You can see it on Youtube (/watch?v=P9SvdZGFn9s -- sorry, I'm a n00b and can't post links here yet), but really it just looks like the screensaver. The zip is too big to attach here (64MB), but most of you will want to make your own at some other resolution anyway. The point of this post is to share the tool I made to create the animation.
Rather than futz with video capture of the screen (an extra pain since my screen is too small), I hacked it to output to pixmap files directly. That code is on github at
You'll need to grab the XScreenSaver source, clobber xmatrix.c with this one, and build it. My command line looked like this:
./xmatrix -no-knock-knock -no-trace -width 1200 -height 1920 -outfile /tmp/anim/%03d.xpm
It creates a blank window, which is useful for entering commands. I hit '0' to drain around 150 frames in, then killed it manually when I guessed it had probably finished.

Mediapad m3 behaves like a big smartphone not like a tablet

android apps are almost all for smartphones only a few apps have extensions that allow you to make better use of your tablet's screen size,
after installing some apps that have a different shape on the tablet i noticed that on mediapad m3 nothing changes, they are the same shape as a larger smartphone,
i wonder and wonder you:
maybe the m3 is not recognized as a tablet or needs to be changed some settings?
There have been quite a few threads or sub-threads on this. the DPI needs to be changed to have the M3 render some apps in their tablet modes, most of the discussions revolve around Chrome (no tabs in original DPI and YouTube). Try running this command from ADB:
adb shell wm density 320 && adb reboot
320 works well for me on Nougat, but you might need to experiment with what works well for you and the version you are on. If you haven't changed your view mode, the change should stick after rebooting, if you have then chances are you will need to use a DPI changing app to update your settings after each reboot.
johje said:
There have been quite a few threads or sub-threads on this. the DPI needs to be changed to have the M3 render some apps in their tablet modes, most of the discussions revolve around Chrome (no tabs in original DPI and YouTube). Try running this command from ADB:
adb shell wm density 320 && adb reboot
320 works well for me on Nougat, but you might need to experiment with what works well for you and the version you are on. If you haven't changed your view mode, the change should stick after rebooting, if you have then chances are you will need to use a DPI changing app to update your settings after each reboot.
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thanks for the reply, i already knew the change of DPI,
maybe i have not explained the problem well, so let's take an example:
if you install Metatrader 5 on smartphone and on a true tablet you will see two different shape on display while on mediapad m3 i see the same shape no difference,
the same problem occurs each time i install an application that must appear on a tablet differently from a smartphone
There is no general "tablet" identifier, but apps decide based on screen size / resolution / dpi if they change their layout or not: https://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html#qualifiers
So changing the DPI is the currently best option.
(Perhaps some apps tweaked this by overwriting these qualifiers for certain models based on the device identifier.)
fluxxis said:
There is no general "tablet" identifier, but apps decide based on screen size / resolution / dpi if they change their layout or not: https://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html#qualifiers
So changing the DPI is the currently best option.
(Perhaps some apps tweaked this by overwriting these qualifiers for certain models based on the device identifier.)
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thanks for your contribution, something strange happens that i explain:
also my bank offers an app that has a different shape depending on where it is installed and installing it from google play to the mediapad m3 comes on the tablet version, unfortunately the layout is not compatible with the screen but changing the dpi the issue is solved and the app becomes fully usable, while the metatrader 5 app does not seems to recognize mediapad m3 as a tablet and it installs with the shape of the smartphone.
maybe i understand where the issue is:
i belive that mediapad m3 has a wrong package installer or a bug in it.
I came to this conclusion after this test:
i download the apk file on pc then transfers it to old consumer tablet and also to mediapad m3,
so i manually installed it in both
then i saw that in the mediapad m3 had been installed the smartphone version while in the “old tablet” had properly installed the tablet version,
what do you think?
@johje, @fluxxis, i was confusing, i was thinking in wrong way, i apologize, your suggests was right
There is a choice of display settings in system settings. You can choose small, medium or large.
Probably this setting changes the logical resolution of the display. Small is the right setting, after reboot the tablet behaves as a tablet should.
antisztar said:
There is a choice of display settings in system settings. You can choose small, medium or large.
Probably this setting changes the logical resolution of the display. Small is the right setting, after reboot the tablet behaves as a tablet should.
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Hi... so we have to change display settings in the small view and launch the adb command?
In another thread I read the chance of modify the minimum value from 640 to 720 dpi in the developer settings.
What's the right choice?

Change resolution on the phone or on the connected display? USB-C to TV Example!

Hi guys!
Does anyone know how we could change the resolution on the phone. Or at least the external screen?
My use case would be connecting the phone via USB-C to a TV.
TV is 1920x1080 and phone is 2340 x 1080.
Because of that I get black bars on top and bottom.
It's also only a mirror image. Is there some app or way to kill the mirror of the screen and then launch an app only on the connected screen in whatever the resolution the screen is (most often 1920x1080)
My use case for this is to play with bluetooth joysticks on a TV for example.
Mad_Duke said:
Hi guys!
Does anyone know how we could change the resolution on the phone. Or at least the external screen?
My use case would be connecting the phone via USB-C to a TV.
TV is 1920x1080 and phone is 2340 x 1080.
Because of that I get black bars on top and bottom.
It's also only a mirror image. Is there some app or way to kill the mirror of the screen and then launch an app only on the connected screen in whatever the resolution the screen is (most often 1920x1080)
My use case for this is to play with bluetooth joysticks on a TV for example.
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I use second screen to change resolution and dpi settings, you need to do a bit of back end work to support, the app walks you through the options but only allows mirroring.
Swellwoo said:
I use second screen to change resolution and dpi settings, you need to do a bit of back end work to support, the app walks you through the options but only allows mirroring.
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App requires root unfortunately
You can run the following on a pc with phone in developer mode and USB debug
"adb shell pm grant com.farmerbb.secondscreen.free android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"
You need to install Android sdk. Command line on pc but you do not need to root phone.
Swellwoo said:
You can run the following on a pc with phone in developer mode and USB debug
"adb shell pm grant com.farmerbb.secondscreen.free android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"
You need to install Android sdk. Command line on pc but you do not need to root phone.
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Thank You!
Does this work guys?
It's annoying the black bars on top and bottom.
Before I try, do I need to have it plugged into the pc and TV at same time?
Or once done it's change forever?
Has anyone noticed when connected via USB-C to the monitor/TV now, Tablet mode is missing on Android 10 (compared to 9) it only has Mirror and TwinDock Modes now where as before it has the 3 options.
yes this does work, ive just done my Motorola nexus 6
Setup ADB on your PC.
Enable USB debugging on your phone:
Open Settings & go to About phone and tap seven times on Build number, this will enable Developer options.
Now go back to Settings and youll see Developer options, open it.
Tick the USB Debugging checkbox.
Connect phone to the PC.
Open a command window on the PC and issue the following commands to change screen resolution to 720 x 1280 and density to 280:
adb shell wm size 720x1280
adb shell wm density 280
Reboot phone with the following command:
adb reboot
this works perfect playing codmobile, it no longer overheats and gaming become alot faster for me
the asus rog 2 has a physical resolution of 1080 x 2340 Pixels, and a pixel density of 391 on a 6 inch screen
change it to
adb shell wm size 720x1280
adb shell wm density 280
and you will notice longer battery life, no more overheating and your gaming will become alot faster.

