[Q] Looking for good resources - Nook Color General

I am new to programming and definitely new to programming for the NOOK, so I want to know if anyone has a good set of links or books they can recommend for someone who is just starting out. I have a few ideas for apps I'd like to see, and I think they would fit well on the NOOK, but I don't know much about creating them.
I have looked at a few tutorials online, found a few good ideas to get started, but I am finding them difficult to follow, as they are not always structured very well for someone who is just starting. I have been looking at the developer site at android, as well as reading forums and blogs, yet I am still finding myself being somewhat lost.
Is there a good repository that is geared towards someone who doesn't have several years of programming experience out there?

ya im also very interested in this. ive read a bunch of online guides but i feel like reading it in a book would be more effctive.

Get the android SDK. It comes with tutorials starting with Hello World. There is also a free book called Thinking in Java, that helps you understand the language better.

Thanks, I will check out the book.

For those who already have the programming skills and are just new to the Android SDK, my friend and I spent a while researching the best book to learn from and concluded it is Professional Android 2 Development (Reto Meier, 978-0-470-56552-0). The book isn't perfect, but it seemed to have the most practical contents, the most clear explanations of concepts, and the most sensible chapter ordering.


Coding/ programming Android

This really should be in the Dev section, but for fear of the thread getting trashed, I put it in Q & A. If this question has been posted, don't flame me...just point me to the link.
Simply, I want to learn to code in Linux. I now know next to nothing. I have learned most of the shell commands and such, but where do I go from here.
What language is Android in (Java, I presume. But isC++ useful)? I can find tutorials and I am intelligent, so I should be able to learn some on my own. Where do I start?
I have found several interactive tutorials:
1. Learning to program in C++
2. Learning to program in Java
Which one to pursue? I don't want to be Cyanogen or anything, but can't stand to be left out of the loop.
Android apps are built in java. Start here for the SDK and plenty of useful info to get you going:
Developer.android.com is a good place to start.. its modified form of java called dalvik, but java none the less. C is good for terminal apps, and Im pretty sure you can include some c in apps now too
the language is the least thing you should worry about though. Pick up a book on programming for dummies (i mean it, not trying to be mean or anything) or something that teaches you the basics of programming. There are several conventional approaches that we use to program. You can dive head first into Java, or C++, etc, but if you don't yet understand program flow (sequential, looping, or branching) or about data types and structures, objects, etc, you'll still be at a loss. Programming is a very general concept and once you get the hang of it, then you can pick whichever language is the best tool for what you'll be doing (in this case, google's android implementation of java).
Also pick up some HTML and javascript, both combined will make it a lot easier to understand XML once you get to it, and for some of the shell scripting associated with putting out roms, give using any linux distro as your real main OS a try for a few months. It's frustrating at first, but you'll learn so much trying to learn how to use it.
Exactly the answer I was looking for. While thankful to the other posters, I think they understood me as having some knowledge (I tried to dive right into the SDK and it made about as much sense as Hebrew).
I am downloading a book called C++ for dummies and another by O'reily.
Let's see where this leads....I hope it is something that if I am dedicated enough can be learned outside a classroom.
Thanks all....
shouldn't be posting warez, alritewhadeva.
Anyway, I'm also studying several android-related topics right now. I took like two computer science classes in highschool (first was intro to programming in basic and then advanced concepts in c++) and then did scheme programming for my first semester in college for bs-cs and java for my data structures semester, and then I quit school . I also did some self-taught learning in HTML (back when we actually made pages in HTML), javascript, and java applets.
Anyway, I hadn't touched any coding since about 6 years ago and now with android i'm trying to get back into it, but I've pretty much forgotten many things (syntax mostly, concepts stick with you), so right now I picked a book for programming for dummies too. I'm almost 3/4 done in 2 days because I know most of that stuff, but the refresher is nice. I plan on picking up a C++ book next, to get up to date with the current implementation, and because once you understand C++ (it's high level enough and low-level enough), java and other object oriented languages are a breeze to understand. After it I plan on catching up to JAVA 6, and then hopefully dive into android's java. It's a lot of work and requires dedication when you're doing it on your own, but it's also rewarding (both personally, and in that you could always get a job with just C++ that pays well enough for limited knowledge)
jubeh said:
shouldn't be posting warez, alritewhadeva.
Anyway, I'm also studying several android-related topics right now. I took like two computer science classes in highschool (first was intro to programming in basic and then advanced concepts in c++) and then did scheme programming for my first semester in college for bs-cs and java for my data structures semester, and then I quit school . I also did some self-taught learning in HTML (back when we actually made pages in HTML), javascript, and java applets.
Anyway, I hadn't touched any coding since about 6 years ago and now with android i'm trying to get back into it, but I've pretty much forgotten many things (syntax mostly, concepts stick with you), so right now I picked a book for programming for dummies too. I'm almost 3/4 done in 2 days because I know most of that stuff, but the refresher is nice. I plan on picking up a C++ book next, to get up to date with the current implementation, and because once you understand C++ (it's high level enough and low-level enough), java and other object oriented languages are a breeze to understand. After it I plan on catching up to JAVA 6, and then hopefully dive into android's java. It's a lot of work and requires dedication when you're doing it on your own, but it's also rewarding (both personally, and in that you could always get a job with just C++ that pays well enough for limited knowledge)
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How is it a ware? Ebook...
Removed link anyway.
Thanks for asking this question pinetreehater. I've searched for the answer and not really found what I was looking for. I wanted to ask this myself but, as you stated, I didn't want to get noob-bashed.
I have some programming knowledge. I took some of the older langauges in highschool *mid 80's* (basic (of course), cobol, and assembler). And was quite good at it. IMHO. But I didn't really follow it after that and have basically forgot all of it.
I have a question.
Once I've got the books. How do I practice using them on my pc?

[Q] Self taught or not?

Just wondering how all you experienced developers on here started out. I know you have probably been asked many times before but I am genuinely interested.
I am by no means any sort of developer. I first came to this site about two years ago when I first learned of rooting. Prior to that I had no knowledge whatsoever of developing or programming.
However I cant keep off here. Is it something that can be self taught. I would really love to delve into this so that I can start to have a little input into what goes on here and even if its just testing at least I could maybe be of help to someone. I have picked up little bits on how things work but my main question is where would be a good place to start self teaching??? It is becoming somewhat of an interest for me.
Any pointers would be hugely appreciated.
If it's apps your interested in then AdamOutler has recently done a great video/article combo which would get you started. Check the portal / youtube channel....
Sent From My Fingers To Your Face.....
I suppose anything really just to get a basic understanding to start with. I would love eventually to be able to create/modify custom roms ect, but yeah thanks for the pointer.
hammoliam said:
I suppose anything really just to get a basic understanding to start with. I would love eventually to be able to create/modify custom roms ect, but yeah thanks for the pointer.
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Well for roms, check if your device is supported by Dsixdas kitchen, if so that's a great place to start tinkering...
If you want to really start making changes to things though your going to need to learn to code to some extent...
Read and search, read and search...
Good luck
Sent From My Fingers To Your Face.....
If you want a great beginning developer environment, wp7 is the easiest and most user friendly one to dive into.
I taught myself python with old boxed up books from the back rooms of my high school library. Didn't have a computer and did all my work on notebook paper. My first language. So, yeah, you can teach yourself anything.
I'm reading this right now.
Has tons of practical applications.
Might get a kick out of what I'm reading right now:
Communications, Radar and Electronic Warfare
Frontiers in Antennas: Next Generation Design and Engineering
Advances in Cryptology 2011
Digital Forensics with Open Source Tools
Philosophy and Simulation: The Emergence of Synthetic Reason
boborone said:
I taught myself python with old boxed up books from the back rooms of my high school library. Didn't have a computer and did all my work on notebook paper. My first language. So, yeah, you can teach yourself anything.
I'm reading this right now.
Has tons of practical applications.
Might get a kick out of what I'm reading right now:
Communications, Radar and Electronic Warfare
Frontiers in Antennas: Next Generation Design and Engineering
Advances in Cryptology 2011
Digital Forensics with Open Source Tools
Philosophy and Simulation: The Emergence of Synthetic Reason
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Well i'm done with the list and ready to take over local frequencies with my own propaganda. read, play good music on pirated radio
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Nowhere near an experienced developer, but with a couple of apps and a ROM WIP, the only thing that taught me was xda-tv
Learning to me is just when somebody puts a puzzle in front of you with no clues or guidelines. But you are surrounded by 50k people that you may ask questions (xda).
I just keep trying to solve the puzzle and if I really don't get something I just ask xda.
That's just how I learn. Its how I've always learn. Just dive into it and rip it apart. Think as logically as possible and listen to some cool dub step while doing so for extra learning points.
Sent from my Wildfire S A510e using xda premium

[Q] Looking for Good App Development Books

Good Morning Everyone,
I will have to say I am new to attempting to programming my own apps. I will apologize in advance for not knowing any of the current slang or abbreviations for what is "cool" in the App. tech world.
I am an old-school tabletop gamer/storyteller, while not exactly a "noob", I have been involved in PC and Console games for decades, I do not have much experience with App programming.
I have several ideas that are simple and will definitely do well... if I could get past the basic concept phase.
While not exactly computer illiterate it has been several decades since I have had to do any of my own programming. I recognize a lot of the methods and have little problem picking it up, if I had literature, video lessons, etc. What I need some help finding are good sources to work with.
What publishers currently have the most up-to-date or well thought out hard copy books to pick up to assist in learning app programming (Other than the Dummies Guides)? ISBNs would be a big help in hunting down the books.
Thanks to anyone who takes the time to assist a noob programmer out.


Hey guys I am from the U.S out of Michigan and I am pretty new to this stuff so I hope I can get accurate knowledge and helpful information on accomplishing everything I would like to accomplish from being a little bit more involved in the community. I like haging multiple rooted android devices to play around with, although I currently just have my primary device atm. I also want to get into the Cybersecurity field, so I am just beginning to learn programming languages, starting out with Python, and have plans for obtaining a MicroBachelor's degree on the subject of Cybersecurity.
n1ghtmar3s0nwax said:
Hey guys I am from the U.S out of Michigan and I am pretty new to this stuff so I hope I can get accurate knowledge and helpful information on accomplishing everything I would like to accomplish from being a little bit more involved in the community. I like haging multiple rooted android devices to play around with, although I currently just have my primary device atm. I also want to get into the Cybersecurity field, so I am just beginning to learn programming languages, starting out with Python, and have plans for obtaining a MicroBachelor's degree on the subject of Cybersecurity.
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Welcome to the forums!,
Youll find great stuff all around, enjoy!


Hello, I am new here. I primarily joined to ask questions on installing someone's project documented here, but hopefully I will be able to do something myself eventually. I am mainly into older computers and video games consoles but I have recently realised that smartphones are more interesting than I previously thought, more like old PCs I suppose as they are closed systems unlike new PCs. I have a few phones and I've always thought i'd like to use them more but historically I've only really been interested in games and scene demos. I am supposed to be a technical guy but I only have a lot of breadth of surface level knowledge mostly on old computers and not much depth, mostly because of spending all my time dreaming and never doing or actually learning stuff other than reading Wikipedia articles. Hopefully I can change that and get around to learning more in depth. The trouble is finding information that allows you to learn more but is still at a level that you understand.
Anyway from the little i've seen this seems like quite a civilised community so hopefully I will get along with everyone and maybe I'll be able to help with things eventually.
Sanizol said:
Hello, I am new here. I primarily joined to ask questions on installing someone's project documented here, but hopefully I will be able to do something myself eventually. I am mainly into older computers and video games consoles but I have recently realised that smartphones are more interesting than I previously thought, more like old PCs I suppose as they are closed systems unlike new PCs. I have a few phones and I've always thought i'd like to use them more but historically I've only really been interested in games and scene demos. I am supposed to be a technical guy but I only have a lot of breadth of surface level knowledge mostly on old computers and not much depth, mostly because of spending all my time dreaming and never doing or actually learning stuff other than reading Wikipedia articles. Hopefully I can change that and get around to learning more in depth. The trouble is finding information that allows you to learn more but is still at a level that you understand.
Anyway from the little i've seen this seems like quite a civilised community so hopefully I will get along with everyone and maybe I'll be able to help with things eventually.
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Very nice intro!
Welcome to XDA, hope you enjoy your stay.

