Kinda stuck, in need of help! - Nook Color General

Soo the other day I'm good with my nook color and this overclock kernel comes along, so I flash it(screamer). It worked for a couple boots then i was stuck at the "touch the future" screen. I'm trying to boot into recovery and it's not letting me for some reason so I decide to install the bookie froyo dev Rom in hopes of getting adb working and flashing a new Rom. I can't get adb working(I ha e tried every way on Mac and pc) and now nookie won't boot and I'm stuck at recovery(which I finally figured out I still have.) is there a stock rom I can flash from recovery?

I feel for you, I had a tuff time getting adb working too. It works fine except I have to kill the process and start it again or else I get a error saying I don't have permissions. Once you get adb working, removing recovery is pretty easy using this link. Since I'm using linux I can not help with you adb woes.

Have you seen this video on how to boot into recovery?


Just cannot load ANY ROM

Okay so im sure the answers for this are here in this forum, but this forum is huge and Ive been working on this for 2 days now. Just got a G1. Want to put ANY rom on it at this point. Ive tried following the "[GUIDE] STOCK-2-CYANOGEN" sticky in the development forum several times, to a T, and cant seem to even get past the 3rd step.
Ive started this over and over again - here's my process. Put DREAMIMG.nbh on my newly formatted FAT32 2GB SDcard. Reboot, get into bootloader, flash the phone with the update. Phone restarts, I enter my google info in, Im on the phone. I place cm-recovery-1.4.img on the sdcard root (ive tried two others and they have the same outcome) Now I root, which took awhile to work in the first place.. enter enter, telnetd, enter, go to market and download telnet. connect localhost. I type this:
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cd sdcard
flash_image recovery cm-recovery-1.4.img
cat cm-recovery-1.4.img > /system/recovery.img
....everythings gravy, no errors thrown, etc. I put the Hard SPL on the root of the sdcard, i shut phone off. Attempt to go to bootloader, it stalls on the G1 splash screen, and Ive waited up to 30 mins, before i ultimately have to remove the battery. I cannot load into, or add a new recovery console so I can even continue attempting to flash ANY rom. SO, I start from scratch...over, and over again. Unroot the phone, reload original bootloader, and they work. 2 days in circles!
Now I normally can figure these types of things out, especially with research that this forum has plenty of, but im at my wits end. WTH am i doing wrong I cant follow these guides any better than word for word! Man Ill PAY someone to just get a rom loaded for me at this point heh
wow that guide is old use this one
okay this is where Im getting hung up on. I did all of that, and once I turn off my phone to install the actual OS, this part "Flash Android1.6 & CyanogenMod latest", i hold home and press power, then the Tmobile G1 splash appears and just hangs... Never proceeds to the recovery option or anything for that matter, without taking out the battery. It doesnt do this when I have it stock, just after i flash cm-recovery-1.4.img
I've no idea if you'll get different results, but you could try flashing Amon_RA's recovery instead of cyanogen's. Just change cm-recovery-1.4.img to recovery-RA-dream-v1.6.2.img (or whichever version you choose).
Okay so I just used Amon_Ra's, followed the instructions and flashed it via terminal, with no errors, just the same as cm_recovery reacts. Shut off fone, and tried home+power. Its frozen on the G1 splash............... How is it if I actually just revert it back to unrooted stock, the recovery console works fine..but any of the updated ones I need to use to get a ROM just will NOT work..?? Please help, im seriously going on like 17 hours with this thing...I genuinly will pay someone if we get this figured out! So very desperate!
hmm strange.
in terminal type
su <enter>
reboot recovery <enter>
Or from command prompt if you have adb setup
adb reboot recovery <enter>
see if that gets you into recovery correctly.
I apologize, I forgot to mention I had done that also, shortly after my last post.. Its not like im not doin the research here hehe. I did the $su, then reboot recovery. it rebooted, and froze at the same splash. I dont have adb, nor know what it is. This shouldnt be this complicated i wouldnt think. Do u think its something wrong with my phone that I cant simply load an alterate recovery image? I mean, it DID work before I had to continually set this thing back to stock..
just fyi, bc ive seen other ppl have this problem..i resolved the issue by reloading dmd64 firmware, then starting over again. I also used recovery-RA-dream-v1.5.2 instead of recovery-RA-dream-v1.6.2 or cm_recovery. Not sure if this made a difference in addition to updating to dmd64, but i was finally able to boot in to recovery and flash the images
I've got the exact same problem !!!
I've installed and used custom ROMs for over a year now, and last week I tried to upgrade to CM5 and since then, I haven't been able to use any other custom ROM, only the official HTC ADP1.6 stock ROM (which sucks...).
Each time I install one, it freezes on the G1 screen and nothing happens (even restoring my pre-CM5 nand backup does the same, it freezes on G1 screen )
Haven't had time to try yet (and honestly, I'm a bit tired of reflashing my phone, I need it sometimes and those things take a lot of time...), but I'm going to try switching back from Amon Ra's latest to Cyan's 1.4 recovery, reflash adp1.6 and a superD right after it, without rebooting to see if it works.
I'll let you know if it works (and then wait for official Froyo, if it ever comes out for the G1, with its official Apps2SD...)

[Q] bricked htc magic 32b?

hey guys, i hope somebody can help me...
i tried to load a new rom to my magic and rooted it. after some flashing i cant get into fastboot or recovery menue. i onle see the "htc magic" screen at my vodafone branded magic.
so is there anybody who can help? - i cant establish a connection via usb too
are you keeping hold of home+back whilst turning the phone on to enter fastboot?
I just posted this for someone on the cyanogenmod forum, hopefully it helps...
I had the same problem the night before last, I was flashing the newest ra revovery through terminal and I believe I made some typos or did not wait long enough and of course I forgot to type su the first couple times... silly me
but after trying a couple times I got it back through terminal.
You can try it through terminal, although theres issues with doing this in cyanogen mod 5.0.7, I'm not sure if the newer roms have the same issues.
but I believe the problem was a few people lost their recovery completely (which obviously wont matter to you) I've done it succsessfully from a donut rom, but havent tryed it from anything higher so I cant promise it will work.
if you want to try:
Open terminal emulator
type: su
hit enter and allow superuser permissions.
type: flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-dream-v1.7.0.img
(or the name of whatever ra recovery is on your sd card)
hit enter and wait a few minutes just to be sure.
then close terminal and try to reboot into recovery.
if it doesent work the first time check and make sure everything was typed correctly and try again.
Also you can just re-root the phone, that should fix it, its a pain though lol
I just rooted & flashed my Rogers Dream with cm 5.0.8 last weekend and it would freeze on the boot logo (Rogers) and I thought the same thing had happened. I could get to the recovery though.
I realized that you have to install the ROM and the Kernel Patch (I didn't do this) and once I applied the Brian Cook Kernel Patch, the phone booted immediately.
I don't know if this is the same problem you have but hopefully this info will help.
I would try re-rooting if you can. Unlockr . com has kinda an interesting method that might work.

[Q] HELP! HELP! Wifes phone will not boot and will not boot into recovery!

I do not care if the phone is unrooted I Just need it working again.
Phone was running Speed Team eclair v2.3.Danger SPL and Radio and clockword mod recovery which I cannot boot into. I Had a major system problem when the included adw launcher went out of date.
1.G1 boots past g1 one screen to ANDROID LOGO screen and will stay on that screen all day.
2. I CANNOT boot into recovery Home and Power It only stays on the g1 screen when I attempt this.
3.Camera Power DOES work I have access to bootloader with 3 skateboarders.
4.I am in a location with a older computer I cannot run sdk adb!!
I have another rooted G1 in working order. The messed up one is my wifes phone and I need it working fast!
Sounds like clockwork recovery screwed yet another noob.
Try reflashing amon ra's recovery image using fast boot. I know for a fact there is a lot of info on this subject because a lot of noobs keep messing up their phones via this recovery image (clockworK) being flashed from within the rom.
super noob can someone give me a link for this. most things i see involve having adb running and my computer will not run the sdk
to use fastboot you need the sdk running, dont know why no one reads the full problem no offense, but to do fastboot get a pc that can run the sdk...

[Q] Nexus One stuck at X/ No recovery

First of all, I have checked around quite a bit on this forum as well as others to try and avoid having to ask a question that's already been answered. Here's my problem/ what happened. I was rooted (one-click with locked bootloader) and had tried out several roms for a couple of months now. A few days ago I reverted back to an old stock 2.2 backup. My phone received two ota updates and I'm pretty sure I lost root. I had just went on using the phone for about two days when I ran into a problem today. After shutting the phone off I have now become "stuck" at the initial "X" screen (not animated). I pulled the battery and tried again several times. I then tried to reboot into recovery from the bootloader/ 3 skateboards screen with no luck. Any time I hit recovery it simply takes me back to my stuck "X" screen. I have an entire backup of my SD card from earlier as well as at least 4 nandroid backups (one of which was the stock 2.2 before the latest ota). I am thinking I need to somehow put clockwork recovery back on my phone so I can restore to one of my backups. I do not know how to do this. Sorry for the lengthy post but I want to provide as much information as possible. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
Just like you restore to stock 2.2. You should have used recovery.img. use adb fastboot to put the stock or anom recovery. I am not am expert but I have had the same problem few times. Always use adb commands
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
Does my n1 have to be in usb debugging mode because it's acting like it's not connected or something. I get the message "error: device not found." I'm on the fastboot screen on my n1 and using terminal on a mac. I usually didn't leave debugging mode on
No it doesn't but you have to have the drivers installed as well as the SDK with dependencies.
Whew! Thank God! I ended up getting a FRG33 stock rom onto the sd card and the bootloader detected it. I'm not sure what happened but when I tried recovery after that it took me to the android with an "!" point (meaning no recovery?) and then back to the X. This time however it loaded on through and went right back to the way it was before it was stuck. Again, not sure what happened but thanks for the replies and help.
fastbook oem unlock
install Amon RA recovery
flash new rom.
Caseyp789 said:
Whew! Thank God! I ended up getting a FRG33 stock rom onto the sd card and the bootloader detected it. I'm not sure what happened but when I tried recovery after that it took me to the android with an "!" point (meaning no recovery?) and then back to the X. This time however it loaded on through and went right back to the way it was before it was stuck. Again, not sure what happened but thanks for the replies and help.
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The exclamation mark is just the stock Android recovery - it was re-installed when you loaded the stock FRG33 ROM.
Performing OTA updates requires you to have the stock recovery installed. Simply reverting to a stock 2.2 nandroid isn't sufficient, so trying to install those OTAs (which should have failed without stock recovery) may have broken something there.
GldRush98 said:
fastbook oem unlock
install Amon RA recovery
flash new rom.
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This is by far the easiest (and safest) way. Google/HTC provided us an easy and safe method for gaining full access to our phones.... Why so many people refuse to use it is beyond me. If you root it the proper way (with fastboot oem unlock), it will make recovery from any further issues a lot more simple.
From what I can tell, I am having the same symptoms as the topic creator. I believe the problems started during a failed flash of cyanogenmod 6, but I am not sure by what means the flashing took place.
I can't boot the phone normally, it hangs on the X splash screen and the same occurs when trying to enter recovery mode.
I have tried the passimg approach to fix this, it either doesn't recognize my zip or starts loading it and freezes on a loading bar.
Fastboot flashing recovery completes, but doesn't fix the issue.
I can fastboot flash every image partition except system or radio, both hang.
As danger rat and dude random both know, I have posted this problem on the nexus one forums but I thought I'd post here to have some more minds look at it.

[Q] Nook Color Looping Flash

Ok guys heres the deal, i have been trying to reflash NC stock and to no avail i get the same issue everytime no matter what version i use, i have even tried ADB, and that does not work.
Ok my problem is this everytime i try to boot it it just loops at the barnes and noble nook color screen forever. When i tried ADB my computer would not even find the device but it found 2 which when i tried to uninstall them they install right after so i cannot use ADB(and yes i turned off automatic driver install). So here is where i land and my question. Do i have a 300 dollar paper weight or is their hope, and if so please explain what i am doing wrong. Thank you for your time
First off...
are you trying to flash the stock B&N?
how are you trying to flash it?
do you have CWM or TWRP on eMMC or stock recovery?
if you're trying to use cwm or twrp to flash stock rom... see the customizing rom thread in my signature for modifications required.
ok i am trying to flash to the stock bn, i am using cwm, but when i do that it just loops through, and adb now does not even recognize the device so i can tie them together so to speak.
Ok, i did everything that forum on your sig told me to do got it installed but it still loops at the "barnes and noble Nook Color" flash screen. Any Ideas?
Now that you have stock on the nook color... do the 8 failed boots to cause it to erase data and deregister the device... it should bring it back to factory and resolve the boot loop issue
Finally! thank you so much for your help been working on this issue for 3 or 4 months now, it works just need to get it charged and hopefully it will take a charge.

