Should I go with Nook?? - Nook Color General

Okay guys I currently do not own a Nook Color, I have been reading about it and how it can be rooted and used as regular tablet, and I have also been reading about the resetting problems. The question is would you recommend me buying one or should I spent a few more dollars and go with a regular tablet??
Thank you.

I actually pulled the trigger yesterday and am having zip problems after rooting it and using it constantly. If you follow the direction on the nookdev website and read through all the threads for workarounds for xlcommon problems, it's perfect. For me, spareparts and setcpu with seam launcher with root explorer, its a pretty sweet tablet. Also, Cyanogen mod 7 is worked on right now.. so I'd say buy it!! Galaxy tab is just thick and awkward.
Sent from my Nook Color!!

I actually pulled the trigger yesterday and am having zip problems after rooting it and using it constantly. If you follow the direction on the nookdev website and read through all the threads for workarounds for common problems, it's perfect. For me, spareparts and setcpu with zeam launcher with root explorer, its a pretty sweet tablet. Also, Cyanogen mod 7 is worked on right now.. so I'd say buy it!! Galaxy tab is just thick and awkward.
Sent from my Nook Color!!
Short answer, yes. I was worried about the rebooting/resetting problems as well, and so far it's been perfect.

I had it in my hand and I liked the way it felt in my hand. I liked the design better than the Galaxy Tab. The price is just perfect. So I been thinking about getting one. How long does the battery last with mild use? I remember reading 8 hours but I know that's not true on real live basis.

It really depends on how much you want to spend and how much time you want to spend modifying your tab. Seeing as you're posting here I would guess that you have at least a minimum desire to tweak whatever you get.
I got the NC a week ago and I have had a lot of fun rooting, modifying, and trying to screw it up. So far it has been very forgiving and I am learning new stuff as I go.
I say yes, go for it unless you need a camera, GPS, or bluetooth (may be coming soon).

If money is not an issue for you.....wait a couple months and grab one of the new tablets hitting the market like a Xoom, G Slate, or whatever.
If you're on a budget, the Nook Color is a nice alternative. But there are quality issues (many a Nook Color has been returned) and it requires you to tinker with the device quite a bit. If you enjoy that process it's a great device.

watzone69 said:
It really depends on how much you want to spend and how much time you want to spend modifying your tab. Seeing as you're posting here I would guess that you have at least a minimum desire to tweak whatever you get.
I got the NC a week ago and I have had a lot of fun rooting, modifying, and trying to screw it up. So far it has been very forgiving and I am learning new stuff as I go.
I say yes, go for it unless you need a camera, GPS, or bluetooth (may be coming soon).
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Camera, GPS are not needed since I own a Vibrant. And yes I am a flashaholic I love flashing ROMs and tweaking as much as I can. So this does sound tasty :]

8 hours is about right. Of course if you play alot games and videos it will kill more battery. But it's not going to go from 8 hours to 1 hour from playing music, internet, games.

Yeah, reading, email and light web browsing 8 hours.

Yes yes yes.

The best $272.00 dollars (with taxes) I've spent on the last 2 years. It's about to cause me a divorce. My wife can't stand me with my eyes on the Nookie all day.
Sent from my LogicPD Zoom2 using XDA App

My husband is sorry he got me a Nook for Christmas
...although he was quite pleased last night when I told him I couldn't sleep with my Nook anymore, since I guess I have to charge it sometimes! Seriously, the Nook is AMAZING and it is painless to root. I rooted my Nook a few days after Christmas and was scared to death that I was going to break it, but got brave because I wanted both my NookBooks and Kindle books on the same device. I've installed apps, downloaded more NookBooks and haven't had any issues (not even the dreaded reboot). I LOVE my Nook!

The NC has the best screen under $500. And, from my research, it's appears to have better stability than some of the tempting off-brand tablets out there. (though there appears to be some QC issues).

I was soooo ready to get an IPAD, saw the Nook in a store, and wow, the 7 inch form factor just made sense!
The build quality is solid, and like the previous poster said, it's very forgiving, and a joy to tweak.
Best 250 I have spent in a long time!
Thank you'

dmolition said:
Camera, GPS are not needed since I own a Vibrant. And yes I am a flashaholic I love flashing ROMs and tweaking as much as I can. So this does sound tasty :]
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Can you please refrain from using smiley faces in the future?
You're ruining the image of the dos equis man.

blackderbyhat said:
Can you please refrain from using smiley faces in the future?
You're ruining the image of the dos equis man.
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I don't always use smilies... but when i do i prefer this one "8==D"
Anyway, I have to say I got a book and I am extremely pleased with it so far.

Welcome to the nook color club. I have had one from the beginning and love it. So far two friends have also purchased one after seeing mine. Had to root it for them. Great buy for the price. Hope you enjoy it.

I have gone for days without charging with light use....

I will pick one up if they get the bluetooth stack working. I really would love to sync a bluetooth gps to the nook! I need something cheap so i can take on my trip to europe to book hostels/trains at night!


share your experiances with the nc

i was mislead so im gonna go back and double check at BB to see if what i remember is right or my mind played a trick on me
share your experiances you have had
I rooted mine two hours after buying it, and it's slowly replacing my laptop for web surfing, last.FM, etc
I've wiped mine a few times due to issues i've created tinkering with it....but I love it just the same
Sent from my Nook Color using Tapatalk
As soon as I can get RDP or VNC to work it will replace my laptop when I'm on the move. It is very capable for a tablet.
i just wish it had 3g not every place has free wifi
I used mine about 2 hours total to make sure it was working, then I updated it to 1.0.1, Auto-Nooted it, and have been installing apps and playing with it since. Not a single problem so far except for one which hopefully will get resolved sometime.. I really love my Delicious Bookmarks app, but it requires going into the Accounts and Settings and adding an account, can't do that right now.
I haven't tried the B&N Store or Lend Me since rooting, per <--this thread
Otherwise zero problems, it's working great. I'm using FBReader to read my epubs like I always have. The Softkeys are slightly quirky but I'm getting used to them... and like seems to be totally normal on dual-storage devices, some apps aren't looking in the place I'd expect them to, such as WallSwitch (automatically switch wallpapers) is looking in /system/media and not /sdcard or such like I'd expect it to.. I might wind up pushing my pictures there /system has 160M free, no biggie
EDIT: After running the built-in B&N Gallery app, it seems like it spawned a media search and WallSwitch now shows my Backgrounds folder. Yay.
I have had a very good experience with mine so far- problems, glitches, I have minorly screwed it up a few times.
So far I have not screwed it up totally but I will feel much better when we have a full Recovery.
What I like:
The hardware itself, quality and capability seems quite good. Screen is excellent, especially for such a cheap device. WiFi works well- better signal strength than some expensive laptops I have used.
The mod community for rooting and doing so much excellent work already, and hopefully even greater things to come.
What I don't like:
The crippled version of 2.1 B&N has installed.
The lack of GPS and Bluetooth
the lack of portrait mode in B&Ns included software (eReader and many other sections.)
I knew there were many limitations for the stock NC when I ordered mine so I really am not complaining. I don't even mind the lack of cell service since it is pretty easy to connect to an adhoc wifi tether.
The only reason I considered an NC is because they had been rooted a few days before I ordered.
The whole experience is very familiar to me- I first got a Moto Droid shortly after they were first rooted and spent quite a while happily trying many things - and using recovery often.
It is my fervent hope that the devs are as successful with the NC as they were with the original Droid.
Even as the NC is as I type this it is a very good value and tablet.
If we are lucky, it will be a great one soon.
I bought mine solely for the purpose of reading with the added bonus of web surfing and the occasional movie while on the go. I got mine in November before the root and didn't realize there wasn't flash support until I got it home and started playing, went to youtube and got the crummy "mobile" version where the video looked horrible and audio was out of sync. I stumbled across XDA while looking for some kind of a flash hack and rooted after a week of debating whether I should. I'm glad I did.
Thanks to the root, the NC has gone from mundane to a very worth-while device. I love all the stuff I can do thanks to the app support. The youtube app and Dolphin HD alone make it worth rooting.
I was saying in another thread that I had gotten the NC primarily as a reading device, I love periodicals and the NC is pretty good for those. I was on the fence about getting it for a while, the fact that it could be rooted sealed the deal.
I wound up having to exchange my first NC (thankfully the factory reset went very smoothly) due to serious screen flicker issues when the device was set at a mid-level brightness. My second one is much better, though I can still detect a tiny bit of visual flicker under certain lighting conditions.. not a deal-breaker tho.
Couple issues that I've come across :
1. I screwed up the driver install on my PC the first time I tried it, didn't have the INI file in the right place and couldn't side-load anything on to my NC or access it as a storage device. Totally my fault for botching that one. Second try worked fine.
2. My YouTube app no longer launches, it just flicks on for a sec and goes back to the desktop. Probably need to re-install it.
3. Some memory issues when using ACV (comic viewer) to view CBR files. Frequent issues loading pages from the archive files. No issues at all if I extract the images to folders first and load that way, though so it's all good for my comic reading
4. Some apps that I wanted to download like SwitchPro Widgets don't show up in the market for me. Have to side-load them (which stinks since I paid for it and won't be able to get updates directly from the market).
I haven't had the stones to attempt installing the new market app. The old one works well and I'm not a big risk-taker Other than that, the NC is the little tablet that could! It's a fantastic way to get an Android tablet and very capable e-reading device for an extremely reasonable price.
We have 2 of these at home. It has already replaced my laptop at home, Using it mainly for web surfing and reading. I don't mind too much that it does not have 3g since I use my phone to tether when I am on the go. The screen size is just perfect. I just can't see myself trying to carry around anything larger, I love the portability of this thing. I don't know what Steve Jobs meant by saying that people don't want 7" tablets
The rooting process was simple enough and the only problems I had was youtube not working. I did a command in adb that was posted in another thread for the fix. I don't know about the problems with the lend me feature since I have not tried.
I went to my local best buy and barnes and noble yesterday and they are all sold out of the nook color. The nook color seems successful only being launched a month ago, I would not hesitate in getting one. I am very pleased also with the support that it is getting here on XDA.
My wife's NC is still stock but after I showed her what it can do rooted she is thinking about it. It was her idea in the first place to get these things. I was really looking to get a Galaxy Tab but the NC has satisfied my needs @ only $250. I guess I will spend the money I saved on a new Android phone after CES
wendellc said:
The screen size is just perfect. I just can't see myself trying to carry around anything larger, I love the portability of this thing. I don't know what Steve Jobs meant by saying that people don't want 7" tablets
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What he meant was that he doesn't want to sell one, therefore nobody should use them.
And remember, you are talking about the guy who tells people how they are supposed to hold their phones.
I bought one last night fort my wife.rooted it right away and toyed around with for a little bit before bed..
What directory do downloaded files from the internet go to? my evo downloads go to a download folder on sd card but I couldnt find it on the NC. Bash me if you must but give me an answer. TIA
I picked mine up on Black Friday. Had to do some sweet talking... the ones in the store were spoken for already. Well, needless to say I got it, and it's saved my shoulders. Using my 15.6 inch laptop during the 40 min train commute was nice and all but hauling it from car to train, train to office and vice versa wasn't exactly ideal. I'm not a small guy or anything, but HP sure doesn't make things light
So far my NC has been a very worthy companion. It's gotten plenty of looks, comments, oooohhhhs and aaaahhhhhs after I show them Angry Birds and other things. I tether it to my TP2 and I've got internet. I use it in the coffee shops, during lunch to read, at home for a quick browse, at work as a file transfer medium, all in all it has become an indispensable companion. And that's even without BT and Flash. It would be nice if it had a GPS but quite irrelevant really... my TP2 covers that function very nicely. Nedless to say I'm extremely happy with it. One of the best purchases I ever made!
It's great and very encouraging to read all these positive comments about the NC. I have been lurking here since soon after the NC came out and was very happy to hear when it got rooted.
So far I have only played with a stock version in BB, but I'm about 99% sure there is one wrapped and already under the xmas free for me. Thx wifey! Can't wait to officially join the NC group on Xmas day.
AZBrauMeister said:
It's great and very encouraging to read all these positive comments about the NC. I have been lurking here since soon after the NC came out and was very happy to hear when it got rooted.
So far I have only played with a stock version in BB, but I'm about 99% sure there is one wrapped and already under the xmas free for me. Thx wifey! Can't wait to officially join the NC group on Xmas day.
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Your wife will regret the purchase when your attention span is completely on the NC and not her, lol...
Its a sweet device that will only get better form here on out. Once bluetooth, nav, and a nice EQ music app (like powerAmp) are up and running, this device can become a phone companion (for roaming wifi), nettop replacement, and even a capable a carputer - nav, OBD2 reader/code clear app, and audio source (bt calls and music).
norkoastal said:
Its a sweet device that will only get better form here on out. Once bluetooth, nav, and a nice EQ music app (like powerAmp) are up and running, this device can become a phone companion (for roaming wifi), nettop replacement, and even a capable a carputer - nav, OBD2 reader/code clear app, and audio source (bt calls and music).
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How will peripherals be connected? Does the hardware support USB to go, or do you think there is a BT chip onboard but inactive? Because that would be sweet!
CBJamo said:
How will peripherals be connected? Does the hardware support USB to go, or do you think there is a BT chip onboard but inactive? Because that would be sweet!
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1a. By BT (once unleashed)
1b. ?? The BT chip is there (multi function chip), but needs some ROM goodness to "enable."
norkoastal said:
1a. By BT (once unleashed)
1b. ?? The BT chip is there (multi function chip), but needs some ROM goodness to "enable."
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To be fair, the BT **SHOULD** be there, based on the listed specs, but custom hardware for things like this is not uncommon, so i won't dream about BT until we really get it.
wendellc said:
I love the portability of this thing. I don't know what Steve Jobs meant by saying that people don't want 7" tablets
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RoboRay said:
What he meant was that he doesn't want to sell one, therefore nobody should use them.And remember, you are talking about the guy who tells people how they are supposed to hold their phones.
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I predict that in 2011 Jobs will announce a new breakthrough in Apple engineering, and will release a 7" tablet. At that time he will also rename the two tablets; MINiPAD and MAXiPAD... I'm just sayin'...
Oh you mean the nanopad... I have that already trademarked... Jobs, we know you're lurkin.. Call me up to negotiate leasing rights.
On that note B&N should let XDA release NC2... Nothing but free droid books loaded upon purchase.
Picked mine up last night and the root process went very well. Couldn't be easier -- thanks to all the hard work by the guys here and at NookDev.
I picked up a Galaxy Tab but returned it before I opened it. I just couldn't justify $600 for that device so, while the Tab has a few more features (2.2, GPS, etc.) this is an awesome little tablet for the money.
Couldn't be happier.

I'm confused if I want to invest in a nook. Help me!

I love Android. I started with my G1, have a had a hero, incredible and am on an EVO.
I'm cutting down on having a smartphone since I can't use it at work, so I'm considering purchasing a nook to fill that Android need in my life.
I can easily find a local nook color for around $200, but will I be happy? I flash roms all the time, and would love to have something I can read in bed our play some games with my 3 year old daughter. I figure if I break something or my kiddo gets a little too aggressive, I won't be too upset.
She loves her grandparents ipad (her granddad is a hardcore mac guy) I just want something fun for us.
Do you all think the nook will fit my needs? Do any of you have children that are in that 3-4 year range? If so, how do they take to the device? I'm thinking books and coloring games could be very fun even though there will be write a bit less than she pass used to from her grandparents ipad.
Thanks xda, I've grown to respect you over the years.
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TooSlo said:
I love Android. I started with my G1, have a had a hero, incredible and am on an EVO.
I'm cutting down on having a smartphone since I can't use it at work, so I'm considering purchasing a nook to fill that Android need in my life.
I can easily find a local nook color for around $200, but will I be happy? I flash roms all the time, and would love to have something I can read in bed our play some games with my 3 year old daughter. I figure if I break something or my kiddo gets a little too aggressive, I won't be too upset.
She loves her grandparents ipad (her granddad is a hardcore mac guy) I just want something fun for us.
Do you all think the nook will fit my needs? Do any of you have children that are in that 3-4 year range? If so, how do they take to the device? I'm thinking books and coloring games could be very fun even though there will be write a bit less than she pass used to from her grandparents ipad.
Thanks xda, I've grown to respect you over the years.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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I got mine for the same price, and I'm very happy with it thus far, considering that the device is that price range, you get a whole lot. Just like you, I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old. Below I'll itemize some features that I use for myself and for my son.
- task and organize manager
- read eBooks (ezPDF reader)
- watch youtube in HQ, and you can watch HULU if you're using CM7 build (link:
- catch up on videos (MoboPlayer)
- browse on internet (Dolphin HD is awesome, and SkyFire is fairly snappy as well)
- I'll occasionally play some some games (i.e Nesoid, etc.)
- read to him (i.e. OceanMedia and StoryChimes is really good, highly recommend)
- educational and developmental games (i.e. IntelliJoy Games, also highly recommend)
- movies for him on long trips, this is also a big help
I mean these are just a couple of things, I'm certain their is more... also, you mentioned you have an android device, so you can wifi/tether and connect the NookColor on to your android device (that's what I do) and the NC will have constant internet access and the screen on the NookColor is very crisp IMHO, very good buy for what the device does.
I hope this short summary points you to the direction you're looking for! Good luck!
I can't vouch for the part about how kids will take to it, but I imagine they would really enjoy it. But if you're like me and are really into Android and the customization and ROM flashing that it allows then the NC is perfect. I first looked for the generic Android tablets on ebay.
I ended up with the Zenethink ZT-180; no offense to anyone on here who finds that device to be great, but I sure didn't. I had it less than a week. Bottom line it didn't do anything right, it FC'ed all the time with a lot of apps and a lot more apps weren't even comaptible at all. Plus, I paid more for it than I did my NC, and I bought it NEW from B&N!!! That alone sold me on the NC. Affordable, yet a quality product that can do anything I want it to on Andoid and has a great potential for future development. I have had my NC for several months and I have loved it, actually, it is running these ROMS and tweaks far better than I ever imagined it could.
My opinion is to go for it, save the cash for something else, and enjoy this surprise hit that is one heck of an Android tablet.
The Nook is great for installing mods, it's hard-set to boot off the SD card first, so it's practically unbrickable. Keep checking XDA regularly for new developments, it just keeps getting better and better
I bought NC with my 5year and 3year olds in mind. have it 1 month now.
NC is cheap and handing it over to kids gives me less of a headache than giving a xoom would.
it's light, 5year can hold it, 3year puts it besides him.
I boot it from sd and leave emmc stock. kids love coloring, puzzles, easy learning like memory or math. angry birds too but not for more than half an hour, which is just fine by me.
i have a 3 year old and she calls it my big phone... we read (using the native b&n book app) the elephant story and the i love you book (both free). they have an option to have a narrator read to you, and she loves to do this every night.
she also likes playing the bubble app with her cousin and shooting angry birds the wrong way. hehe... she also likes fruit ninja quite a bit. it's a nice size for her.
lalleyne said:
The Nook is great for installing mods, it's hard-set to boot off the SD card first, so it's practically unbrickable. Keep checking XDA regularly for new developments, it just keeps getting better and better
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+1. It's a fantastic device and is a total bargain. If you are an Android pro, you have the option to skip B&N altogether and go straight for a custom ROM or you can boot a custom ROM for yourself from the SD and let the nooblings in your family use the stock/rooted setup from eMMC.
Well, I made the jump and picked up a 1 month old NC from Craigslist. I'm now going through the process of reading up on what I need to do to root it and throw a custom ROM on there.
I'm far from an Android noob, so this sounds like it should be fairly painless compared to old school rooting of devices.
Can't wait to get it up and running!
EDIT: Looks good so far. Did a backup of the stock image and managed to forget to re-copy it to my desktop. D'oh! Will report back after I get some more done to it, but I'm excited so far!
EDIT2: How do you manage to get this to toggle USB storage so I can move .apk files to the SD card? This seems quite confusing compared to Myn's Warm Z for my EVO. Usually when I plug in USB I get a toggle to turn on USB storage. Am I missing something?
to connect NC to a computer as a USB storage, use samuelhalff's provided utility called nookcolorUMS. Search for it in development forum. Works perfect for me.
shamo75 said:
to connect NC to a computer as a USB storage, use samuelhalff's provided utility called nookcolorUMS. Search for it in development forum. Works perfect for me.
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It looks like something completely fried my 8gb microsd card. I scoured around and found the stock 8gb card I had from my EVO when I bought it so I threw that in there and I'm getting the proper prompt to mount to USB.
Now I'm just getting things sorted out. Some people may be offended that I use the term toy with this device, but I'm really excited to have it. My daughter is going to LOVE being able to play Angry Birds at home now instead of it being a "grandpa's house" treat.
I'm also looking forward to some of the kids books as well, though I may end up running the standard NC firmware from the internal memory, then run CM7 from my class 6 card. I think that's a project for the weekend though, and a nandroid backup will DEFINITELY be done beforehand.
Thanks so much for the help guys, I greatly appreciate it, as well as the many who have kids who encouraged me to make the jump into the NC family!
My girls like playing puzzle game and such on it...and Angry Birds before it got too hard for them (they're 3 & 5).
I just flashed CM7.0.2 on it...My youngest will miss the talking books which she really liked...hopefully B&N gets them in the Nook app eventually...
greenmky said:
My girls like playing puzzle game and such on it...and Angry Birds before it got too hard for them (they're 3 & 5).
I just flashed CM7.0.2 on it...My youngest will miss the talking books which she really liked...hopefully B&N gets them in the Nook app eventually...
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Do you have any suggestions for kids games? The ones I found were coloring ones, which my kiddo loves, I just know she's great at things like puzzles, and has some iOS versions that she loves at her grandpa's place.
She's incredibly bright (all parents say that I think) but I'm always surprised how quickly she has picked up things like the iPad and the old iPod touch that we used to let her play with.
I'm also having a ton of fun
TooSlo said:
Do you have any suggestions for kids games? The ones I found were coloring ones, which my kiddo loves, I just know she's great at things like puzzles, and has some iOS versions that she loves at her grandpa's place.
She's incredibly bright (all parents say that I think) but I'm always surprised how quickly she has picked up things like the iPad and the old iPod touch that we used to let her play with.
I'm also having a ton of fun
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My youngest loves puzzles, so she likes stuff like the Hello Kitty Puzzles. There's a pretty good handful of puzzle apps. I'm too cheap to BUY games on it (I almost never buy apps).
TooSlo said:
It looks like something completely fried my 8gb microsd card. I scoured around and found the stock 8gb card I had from my EVO when I bought it so I threw that in there and I'm getting the proper prompt to mount to USB.
Now I'm just getting things sorted out. Some people may be offended that I use the term toy with this device, but I'm really excited to have it. My daughter is going to LOVE being able to play Angry Birds at home now instead of it being a "grandpa's house" treat.
I'm also looking forward to some of the kids books as well, though I may end up running the standard NC firmware from the internal memory, then run CM7 from my class 6 card. I think that's a project for the weekend though, and a nandroid backup will DEFINITELY be done beforehand.
Thanks so much for the help guys, I greatly appreciate it, as well as the many who have kids who encouraged me to make the jump into the NC family!
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I used these instructions from this form to create a bootable CM7 platform from SD, was very helpful and straight forward. Congrats on the purchase, you won't regret it, it's one of the best things I've ever purchased for this price.
I appreciate the links and positive responses. Man, this is what makes me love XDA so much!
I have CM7 running pretty well so far, aside the fried sdcard. Really having fun with the little tablet. Seems great for web browsing, and I've used Calibre to convert some .pdf to more friendly epub files.
Overall my impression is positive. I like the look/feel of the NC, I'm having to remember that there is internal storage that can be used as well, I just need to figure out what has access to that storage.
@TooSlo, if you are using CM7, it comes with with a "File Manager" app or if you have a preferred file explorer, but if you go to this file path /emmc/.... anything within that directory you have access too. like for me, i leave my eBooks there, so it loads up a little quicker than when my app tries to access my external sd card. Just some friendly suggestions from my part. Good luck.
i am a noob to both flashing roms and android, and this is the best 250 bucks I've ever spent!!
I too was going to buy a cheap chinese tab, but am sooo glad I found out about the nook
My three year old daughter loves the Monkey Preschool Lunchbox game. The best thing about the nookcolor is a the dual boot option. It's nice to be able to have both the stock and a custom rom on the same device.
indagroove said:
My three year old daughter loves the Monkey Preschool Lunchbox game. The best thing about the nookcolor is a the dual boot option. It's nice to be able to have both the stock and a custom rom on the same device.
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Ahh, I didn't know they had monkey preschool lunchbox! My daughter loves that for iOS!
You sir, have made my day!
TooSlo said:
Ahh, I didn't know they had monkey preschool lunchbox! My daughter loves that for iOS!
You sir, have made my day!
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Glad to hear it.
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Is it still worth buying a Nook?

Specs-wise, I mean? The community here looks awesome, and the devs look fantastic, but it is 7-month old hardware. I suppose it won't much matter for what I'd be doing with it, but I was curious to get some input.
Pls note that it is a pure eReader that can turn into full tablet.
How will the next gen. NC look? Nobody knows yet.
I just bought one and running CM7 off the SD and love it. I use it as a tablet and have readers on it and don't miss the B&N software but can always take card out and use it for that. I think for $249.00 and you can get like new refurbished ones from B&N for about $200 and I hear they even come with a case, you can not beat the deal. Love the screen! I would buy one again.
I just got mine last Sunday, and it's pretty nice. It really depends on what you plan to do with it. If you want something that you can use with a stylus, then this isn't for you.
If you want to play some Angry Birds, watch netflix, catch the news, take some notes, and do everything your phone can do on a larger screen (minus having a Mic and a phone), then this would be for you.
Specs don't mean jack (to a point) - it's rather what it can do for you.
At a $250 price point at with only slightly lower specs then the Galaxy tab (and less then half the cost) which includes a new B&N membership ($27 discount with B&N membership + $25 for the membership), it's a good deal if it meets your wants/needs.
majorpay said:
I just got mine last Sunday, and it's pretty nice. It really depends on what you plan to do with it. If you want something that you can use with a stylus, then this isn't for you.
If you want to play some Angry Birds, watch netflix, catch the news, take some notes, and do everything your phone can do on a larger screen (minus having a Mic and a phone), then this would be for you.
Specs don't mean jack (to a point) - it's rather what it can do for you.
At a $250 price point at with only slightly lower specs then the Galaxy tab (and less then half the cost) which includes a new B&N membership ($27 discount with B&N membership + $25 for the membership), it's a good deal if it meets your wants/needs.
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I agree for the most part, but the stylus comment is interesting.
I'm using one. Is there a reason you'd not recommend it for stylus?
majorpay said:
I just got mine last Sunday, and it's pretty nice. It really depends on what you plan to do with it. If you want something that you can use with a stylus, then this isn't for you.
If you want to play some Angry Birds, watch netflix, catch the news, take some notes, and do everything your phone can do on a larger screen (minus having a Mic and a phone), then this would be for you.
Specs don't mean jack (to a point) - it's rather what it can do for you.
At a $250 price point at with only slightly lower specs then the Galaxy tab (and less then half the cost) which includes a new B&N membership ($27 discount with B&N membership + $25 for the membership), it's a good deal if it meets your wants/needs.
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Thanks for the thoughts. Actually, I want to read. Mostly. I read a lot of pdfs, and the Kindle can't deal with pdfs well, and it's a pain to have to use a computer. Plus, I love playing around with CM7!
SeaFractor said:
I agree for the most part, but the stylus comment is interesting.
I'm using one. Is there a reason you'd not recommend it for stylus?
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From all my research, the worst issue with this device is the sensitivity of the screen. Even with the sensitivity hacked, it does not perform continuous swipes. So things like drawing and writing (from what I understand) are not all that great on this device.
tekhna said:
Thanks for the thoughts. Actually, I want to read. Mostly. I read a lot of pdfs, and the Kindle can't deal with pdfs well, and it's a pain to have to use a computer. Plus, I love playing around with CM7!
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Then this would sound like your kind of toy. Kindle seems to work well, and so does the Nook app, but I have found that the Nook app has certain books that fail to load (namely a few that come with the download). I haven't looked into the reason for that, but it says "unsupported format." I just haven't cared enough about it to really research that particular issue. Outside of that, it's been pretty impressive for the price.
Hey guys... well for my birthday I'm getting a good amount of $... and need a cheap tablet cuz I want to buy a computor too, my question is, is there something like odin for the galaxy s lines? That makes it basicly unbrickable? And how is the progress with cm7? Is mostly everything working? Thanks guys.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
deano0714 said:
Hey guys... well for my birthday I'm getting a good amount of $... and need a cheap tablet cuz I want to buy a computor too, my question is, is there something like odin for the galaxy s lines? That makes it basicly unbrickable? And how is the progress with cm7? Is mostly everything working? Thanks guys.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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With the NC, you have to try really hard to brick it. If you are worried about bricking, run CM7 from an SDcard. As long as you don't do anything silly like formatting the internal emmc or something, you're safe.
If you choose to go the stock + root, or install CM7 to internal route, you'll end up installing something called ClockworkMod which has the various recovery, backup, flash type things to help prevent bad things.
And status of CM7? CM7 NC edition is what all the vendor *supported* Gingerbread's should be aspiring towards. That's how good it is. *fanboi*
As always, YMMV.
deano0714 said:
Hey guys... well for my birthday I'm getting a good amount of $... and need a cheap tablet cuz I want to buy a computor too, my question is, is there something like odin for the galaxy s lines? That makes it basicly unbrickable? And how is the progress with cm7? Is mostly everything working? Thanks guys.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Since the nook boots from uSD first (hard wired and coded into the hardware) it is unbrickable...
That being said... always generate images of all partitions prior to messing around with it... there is device specific information stored on mmcblk0p2 and mmcblk0p3... if you lose those partitions and don't have backups... it can get quite interesting restoring it... if you have the backups... its pretty easy.
fuul4nook said:
With the NC, you have to try really hard to brick it. If you are worried about bricking, run CM7 from an SDcard. As long as you don't do anything silly like formatting the internal emmc or something, you're safe.
If you choose to go the stock + root, or install CM7 to internal route, you'll end up installing something called ClockworkMod which has the various recovery, backup, flash type things to help prevent bad things.
And status of CM7? CM7 NC edition is what all the vendor *supported* Gingerbread's should be aspiring towards. That's how good it is. *fanboi*
As always, YMMV.
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Thanks... I'm pretty experiance with android and rooting, I have an epic 4g... hopefully if I get this ill put on cm7 cuz we don't have a working version yet on the epic .... and do you think a refurb would be good for me to get, I want to spend the least amount of $. And would I just walk into b&n and say I want a refurb nook color? Thanks man.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
deano0714 said:
Thanks... I'm pretty experiance with android and rooting, I have an epic 4g... hopefully if I get this ill put on cm7 cuz we don't have a working version yet on the epic .... and do you think a refurb would be good for me to get, I want to spend the least amount of $. And would I just walk into b&n and say I want a refurb nook color? Thanks man.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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I'm seeing them for 200 at Overstock, which means no sales tax either!
Most folks have been getting refurbs from the BN store on ebay. AFAIK, those come with a 1yr warranty. My local BN's don't stock refurbs, so I don't know if that's even a possibility.
deano0714 said:
Hey guys... well for my birthday I'm getting a good amount of $... and need a cheap tablet cuz I want to buy a computor too, my question is, is there something like odin for the galaxy s lines? That makes it basicly unbrickable? And how is the progress with cm7? Is mostly everything working? Thanks guys.
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LOL I am coming from the Captivate and on an Infuse....k
It seems its kinda weird how they use some terminology or sometimes don't when compared to phones...
Anyways great great tablet. Rivals any screen I think. Use Nook Tweaks to boost the internal speaker, just do it carefully and Dahlgin's OC Kernel to OC to 1.2Ghz.... Your Tab will like it more.
Use the instructions here. It will allow you to dual boot which is the basic idea. With the instructions, all of CM7 gingerbread runs completely on the SDcard, so all you are corrupting is the SD if you mess something up. Nook Color OS stays untouched!
Also if on Windows 7, use the Win32DiskImager. Recognized my drive better.
slider2828 said:
LOL I am coming from the Captivate and on an Infuse....k
It seems its kinda weird how they use some terminology or sometimes don't when compared to phones...
Anyways great great tablet. Rivals any screen I think. Use Nook Tweaks to boost the internal speaker, just do it carefully and Dahlgin's OC Kernel to OC to 1.2Ghz.... Your Tab will like it more.
Use the instructions here. It will allow you to dual boot which is the basic idea. With the instructions, all of CM7 gingerbread runs completely on the SDcard, so all you are corrupting is the SD if you mess something up. Nook Color OS stays untouched!
Also if on Windows 7, use the Win32DiskImager. Recognized my drive better.
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Will I have to buy a class 10 sd for running on sd?
Edit: also with themeing the nook would I have to change the resoulution if I were to port something over too the nook from the epic? Or would the hdpi be good enough?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
deano0714 said:
Will I have to buy a class 10 sd for running on sd?
Edit: also with themeing the nook would I have to change the resoulution if I were to port something over too the nook from the epic? Or would the hdpi be good enough?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Class speeds are not as important as are random read speeds. From what I've read, Sandisk Class 4 is the king here.
Absolutely correct - Actually, the higher the class of card that is used, the more horror stories I hear! Stick with a basic SanDisk class 4 card and you'll be fine.
i felt the same way, op... until MIUI dropped! new love all over again
I would definitely recommend it, along with ezPDF reader if you will be reading a lot of PDFs. From my own experience, it was a pain to get a "good" NC -- the first couple had screen issues/dead pixels and I had to fight with B&N's customer service to finally get one without major issues. Most people seem to get perfect ones right from the start though. Beyond that, CM7 is FAN-TASTIC. I had some random issues with it on a microSD card (an 8gb a-data class 6, so it could have been issues with the card) but it's been super reliable after i installed to emmc. As far as specs go, it will easily overclock and i can't tell a difference in performance compared to my thunderbolt. I've still yet to see a comparable tablet for this price, based on performance and screen quality.

[Q] Advice / Ideas Needed. Thanks

As a Father of two teenagers , son 13 daughter 16 i am looking into the idea of getting 2 nook colors from or ebay , Clist. for 150 or less. Currently I am seeking new employment so cost is a factor but want to get theses as christmas presents.
I want them to be able to use them to help with home work, email, FB, you tube . The whole tablet fun stuff.
Do you think the Nook Colors with the CyanogenMod installed would be the best device? anything cheaper that would give the same functions ? screen size is perfect on the NC and the screen ppi is very nice.
I have been ready about them and all the mods and roms so i think i know my answer already . Just want some tips or ideas.
thanks for any thoughts.
I think its the best device for the price, cm7 has been really stable in the latest nightlies. The only thing that could be a bit better is the speaker, watching videos on the built in speaker kinda sucks unless you are on a really quiet room, but you can always use headphones
I'm a college student and I used the NC as my everything in school: reading, scheduling, entertainment, social media, etc.
You could check this thread for functionality apps related to school work:
I think it would be an awesome present, since you can get this superb modifiable 7" tablet for $150.
You won't get better them the nook for the price unless you steal something lol.
Sent from my NookColor using xda premium
Thanks for the fast reply and Ideas , Love the link for the school stuff that will be great.
Looks like i'm on the right track.
Headphones will be used most of the time due to the "family" noise.
From what i have seen and read it looks like almost all if not all the apps from the market place will work with a few setting tweaks.
I will set them up before i give them to them ofcourse , although it might be a fun project too.
( " we " replaced a screen on my 1pod touch last night )
Wow, yeah, I think it would definitely fit the bill. I can't think of much else cheaper that would be as good, especially if you can get them for $150 or less (I wouldn't be surprised to see them at $99 by the holidays). Most apps are compatible. Some tablet-specific ones require Honeycomb, so those in general won't work.

I Love This Freakin' Thing...

Been an N7 owner for months and it's been a freakin' delight. It has exceeded my (demanding) expectations and has earned the #1 spot for my go-to device whenever I need to do anything online, or do anything digital for that matter. My Galaxy Nexus sits on my desk relegated to it's role as a phone, and my laptop is almost never used at all.
I run it bone stock, locked and un-rooted. It's fast, reliable and a hands-down joy to use. When I think that I paid $199 for it, it just broadens my smile just a bit more.
Just wanted to spread a little love here.
Agreed 100%. I still use my gnex alot because the screen is just a pleasure to look at.
Only downside is the lack of color calibration, mines a little yellowish.
I ordered the dock from the play store and it will be here today so in sure I'll just use it more now.
Def root it. Easy and the ROMs out are awesome.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
I gotta say.. Paranoid Android made me love my N7 that much more.
Another agree ...rooted but mostly stock 4.2.2 ..the IPad sits idle most of the time.. I did install Hosts and have root explorer, etc.
I have been all over rooting my GNex - right from the start - and it still is, running a great ROM, latest radios, etc.
But, my N7 remains untouched and for some reason, I like it that way. I use Nova to provide a little customization from a launcher perspective, but otherwise, there's nothing else I am jonesin' for.
Never thought that a tablet would provide any utility for me, especially since I have such a cool customizable phone with a big screen, and a laptop for when I need that bigger screen with a keyboard. But somehow, the N7 squeezed in there and bumped 'em both out of that space.
billykxda said:
I have been all over rooting my GNex - right from the start - and it still is, running a great ROM, latest radios, etc.
But, my N7 remains untouched and for some reason, I like it that way. I use Nova to provide a little customization from a launcher perspective, but otherwise, there's nothing else I am jonesin' for.
Never thought that a tablet would provide any utility for me, especially since I have such a cool customizable phone with a big screen, and a laptop for when I need that bigger screen with a keyboard. But somehow, the N7 squeezed in there and bumped 'em both out of that space.
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The dock is sick!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Sveke said:
The dock is sick!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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I need to take another look at that.
Same here once I got the N7 I sold my Galaxy Tab 10.1 and haven't missed it at all. Unlocked and running AOKP with lean kernel.
bjtcars said:
Same here once I got the N7 I sold my Galaxy Tab 10.1 and haven't missed it at all. Unlocked and running AOKP with lean kernel.
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as ya'll can see from my sig ive been a long time lover of android, but yes they nexus was the first "first class" device i had , i did have a galaxy ace 1 and a gs1 but now...the almighty nexus, update safe and stable. never had a reason to go past root/unlock, but loving it im prized everyday by the capabilities :highfive:
chismay said:
as ya'll can see from my sig ive been a long time lover of android, but yes they nexus was the first "first class" device i had , i did have a galaxy ace 1 and a gs1 but now...the almighty nexus, update safe and stable. never had a reason to go past root/unlock, but loving it im prized everyday by the capabilities :highfive:
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I second this!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app
chismay said:
as ya'll can see from my sig ive been a long time lover of android, but yes they nexus was the first "first class" device i had , i did have a galaxy ace 1 and a gs1 but now...the almighty nexus, update safe and stable. never had a reason to go past root/unlock, but loving it im prized everyday by the capabilities :highfive:
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+1 :good:
kidrobot52 said:
I second this!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app
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I third & fourth this!
Forgot to mention...
Besides my Gnex and laptop being relegated to 2nd and 3rd string status as my go-to devices, I've noticed that I also fire-up my TV much less.
Even though I can watch all the shows I want on my laptop, there's something about the 7" size of the N7 that makes it the perfect thing to grab when I want to park on the couch and watch a show. Frankly, I never thought I would even use a tablet this much, and if the N7 wasn't such a freakin' joy to use, I def would still sitting with my laptop.
Did I say?
I love this freakin' thing.
AW: I Love This Freakin' Thing...
I'm fighting with lawyers to make the marriage with my nexus 7 legal.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
I too am surprised at how much I love this thing (32Gb purchased locally) I need almost nothing else for consumption. Since I've gotten a hold of this thing all I've really used my PC for is transcoding movies to copy over to the Nexus 7.
The other surprise is how well it works as a Kindle. Why anyone would buy the Amazon branded tablet is a mystery to me. I haven't so much as touched my second gen 6" Kindle in over a month.
I just wish it had infrared...
First time on this site in quite a while. I'm off to find out what's cool to put on my N7!
love mine, root Paranoid android,trinity kernel ,6000 in benchbark
Root it!
billykxda said:
I have been all over rooting my GNex - right from the start - and it still is, running a great ROM, latest radios, etc.
But, my N7 remains untouched and for some reason, I like it that way. I use Nova to provide a little customization from a launcher perspective, but otherwise, there's nothing else I am jonesin' for.
Never thought that a tablet would provide any utility for me, especially since I have such a cool customizable phone with a big screen, and a laptop for when I need that bigger screen with a keyboard. But somehow, the N7 squeezed in there and bumped 'em both out of that space.
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I also have a N7 and love it as well
I run completely stock like you
However, with wugfresh
It's a 1-click to unlock
And another click to root
Furthermore both can be undone with 1 click as well
But just being able to make a nandroid backup alone is enough reason to root
Plus there are several "must have" apps for rooted devices only
So I strongly suggest you reconsider
Run stock... But too easy not to root
I also have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (7.0)
I have to say the color seems so much better
But there's nothing like a Nexus :victory:
AW: I Love This Freakin' Thing...
The N7 is definitely a best buy. I have the 16GB version. Sure, vibration would be nice for gaming, but I don't really mind. A better camera would also be nice, but, hey! The only alternative I would consider would be the 32GB UMTS (?) version.
just got my nexus 7 a week ago this past friday and i love the thing mine is unlocked and rooted but runs the stock os i have stick mount and a otg cable so i can more memory along with mx player which is a great player
Months later, I am driven to dredge-up this old thread.
Gotta say it again - I still love this freak'in thing!
Snappy performance, beautiful screen, long battery life, wonderful build quality, 100% reliable. It is still my go-to device for just about everything.
Never rooted. Bone stock.
billykxda said:
Months later, I am driven to dredge-up this old thread.
Gotta say it again - I still love this freak'in thing!
Snappy performance, beautiful screen, long battery life, wonderful build quality, 100% reliable. It is still my go-to device for just about everything.
Never rooted. Bone stock.
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New user and I agree with you totally. It's really a brilliant device. When I read the OP I was totally expecting the "but..." :silly:

