Hi Guys , New to the forum but I have learned a lot in the last few weeks, from the excellent guides and information in the forum ,however there is a question that somehow no one seems to answer, I have a samsung galaxy s with the following firmware
PDA : I9000XWJM3
Phone : I9000XXJM2
The phone is about 2 months old, anyways I have done a few Custom rom Installs and flashed newer versions of android, and I find that every time I revert to a nandroid backup, of the orignal firmware , the baseband (I9000XXJM2) will never restore back i.e will always keep the baseband of the custom rom or the newer firmware, now the problem is that I cant find this stock firmware anywhere on the net, neither can I backup the orignal baseband. the versions are always either older or newer than my stock firmware... the phone had a dead pixel so sent it back to samsung and it came back flashed with my old original firmware. now to get to the point is there anyway to backup the baseband ? or can anyone point me in the right direction ? samfirmwares definitely doesn't have a copy of this original firmware. I sent the phone back to samsung with the incorrect baseband not even available in my country I may not be so lucky the next time something goes wrong so id like to keep a full stock version of the original firmware. any help will be cool
don't forget to back up the /efs folder. so that if your phone's /efs folder gets corrupt and you can't make calls, you can restore it easily.
by the way, your modem (baseband) can be found on samfirmware and it must be contained in I9000XXJM2 firmware.
the guy who flashed your firmware mixed 2 firmwares, that is the reason why you couldnt find it.
by the way, your modem (baseband) can be found on samfirmware and it must be contained in I9000XXJM2 firmware.
Can you find XXJM2 save the OP looking for the invisible firmware .
Looks like you have odd original, firmware .
Save baseband file downloaded from sam will include the baseband/modem file in the zip/tar file . You can just save that or extract the modem .Its possible to just flash the modem or swap modem in custom roms .
Can you open the Nandroid backup and see if modem is in that .
thanks , I have backed up the EFS folder already , but as I said I cant find that version of firmware, samfirmware does not have a XXJM2 firmware rather a XWJM2 firmware package the has a XXJM1 modem file in it
legend-zn said:
thanks , I have backed up the EFS folder already , but as I said I cant find that version of firmware, samfirmware does not have a XXJM2 firmware rather a XWJM2 firmware package the has a XXJM1 modem file in it
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hi buddy
can u tell me or post a link on how to backup baseband?
Hi All,
I Upgraded my Samsung Galaxy S to Froyo 2.2. All seems well but the performance does not seem all that great as well.
If i want to restore back to the Standard Manufacturer Firmware (i was on JG4) that comes out of the box with the I9000 what do i have to do? Any help here would be appreciated.
Download the firmware from samsung-firmwares and flash your phone with odin. There is plenty of flashing tutorials about to show you how to do it. Although if you managed to update to froyo then you properly already know how to flash it again
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Hello. I managed to get the firmware from samfirmware.com for the original 2.1 (Asian version) but I couldn't get it to follow through. There would always be an error with regards to MD5 or something. What do I do? Thanks
Ren Hayashi said:
Hello. I managed to get the firmware from samfirmware.com for the original 2.1 (Asian version) but I couldn't get it to follow through. There would always be an error with regards to MD5 or something. What do I do? Thanks
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I have the same problem as well, any helps here please?
Alot of the the DXJG4 firmware out there is corrupted.
So, try download DXJF4 from samfirmware.com (and flash with Odin with 513 pit) then uprade to DXJG4 through KIES.
NOTE: If KIES says "Device version's cannot be upgraded". Then you need to change your product code back to "XSO" (Search the forum on how to change product code.... about editing the nv_data.bin file)
My Flash history:
I'm pretty new....
The firmware versions you guys are talking about are I hope, all "software" version and not real hardware chip revisions?
why dont you just flash your phone with 2.2.1 or 2.3.3(latest).....i know 2.2 is quite unstable FW but 2.2.1 will help a lots......I dont think you need to downgrade the phone back to the stock FW to solve any problem
Does anyone know a proven method to restore my product code through the nv_data file in the efs folder? Like many who flashed to Froyo on here, My code is showing as HKKOR and should be back to stock HKOPS (Australia). Or any other way if possible.
If not, will I be able to update to the official Froyo through Kies when it's released?
If you are with Froyo, Flash multi CSC JP3 through ODIN and select your area will set your Product Code. It worked for me.
use root explorer and delete both your nv_data.bin and nv_data.bin.md5 files and reboot.
correct product codes will be recreated from your .bak files.
kies checks your product code before upgrading, but there are patcher programs to take care of that, if you want.
both topics have been discussed to death previously, I kindly suggest you do some search before posting next time.
That sounds like it might work. Do you have a link for that JP3 Rom? and does it have to be JP3.
I had just flashed back to a clean JG4 just need to restore that product code.
Sorry, I just see that you're from Australia requiring OPS csc file.
JP3 csc file will not include Australia.
You have to find a multi csc file that include your area code.
Multi csc file ask to choose area amongst several, then when choosing correct area it set this area into the product code.
Hey guys, please, i have one btw question:
I have unbranded and unlocked product code I9000HKDDBT (Debitel,Germany), but i want put firmware XFJP7 with Multi CSC XXJP7 wich have Croatian APN settings...Can I make this without any dangerous ? At this moment im on firmware in my signature wich is not for my prod.code too, but fw work like a charm, and with staying my original product code in nv_data.bin without restoring (original from stock firmware).
Or: Can I put only Multi CSC XXJP7 with Odin (without PDA and MODEM files) on my presents (XWJP6) firmware?
P.S. What i must care, i will not to stay without Download and Recovery Mods (3-comb buttons) ?
Forwarding thanks on answer
MPM86 said:
That sounds like it might work. Do you have a link for that JP3 Rom? and does it have to be JP3.
I had just flashed back to a clean JG4 just need to restore that product code.
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See this post : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=787163
also found this :
MPM86 said:
That sounds like it might work. Do you have a link for that JP3 Rom? and does it have to be JP3.
I had just flashed back to a clean JG4 just need to restore that product code.
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JP3 is seriously old rom.
dupel said:
JP3 is seriously old rom.
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I know, badly. I'm just trying to prepare for the official froyo when it hits. I have a feeling it will be a disappointment, then I'll be back to a rooted JPO or something. I was still on JPK
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Can someone help me find stock 2.1 firmware that comes with t-mobile galaxy s in croatia?
I wanna keep it in backup if I will need to use warranty so I can flash it back to original state.
If you have not backed it up you will have to find somebody with a copy .
I didn't back it up. But if you know how to backup tell me so I can backup my current 2.2 version that is also original.
So it cannot be done?
"6.I want to install new firmware but I want to have a backup of my original firmware to go back to in case I need to go back for warranty reasons. Can I backup my original firmware somehow?
As of now, there is no way of backing up firmware entirely. However, there are firmwares out for every region and virtually all regions have received a 2.2 or 2.2.1 upgrade which can be applied through Kies or Odin."
It is possible, but tedious. How I would do it:
Use Kies patcher to spoof your device back to 2.1.
Assuming spoof is successful, after downloading is completed and begin to flash your phone, click on the Kies patcher where there is an option to let you save the tar file. That tar file will be your backup.
If you want to get back to stock, use odin to flash. For more details, search for the thread on Kies patcher in the forum.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
g00ndu said:
It is possible, but tedious. How I would do it:
Use Kies patcher to spoof your device back to 2.1.
Assuming spoof is successful, after downloading is completed and begin to flash your phone, click on the Kies patcher where there is an option to let you save the tar file. That tar file will be your backup.
If you want to get back to stock, use odin to flash. For more details, search for the thread on Kies patcher in the forum.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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That method is the one i use as well as it gives a full rom but it is a long winded way of backing up original .
Have you tried www.samfirmware.com?
I have too, no where find croatian T-Mobile firmware (I9000HKDCRO), only croatian VIPnet firmware (I9000HKDVIP)....
bigdyl69 said:
Have you tried samfirmware?
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I looked there but there's a lot of firmwares and I can't figure out which firmware is for me.
According to the Kies Registry Patcher, 'CRO' is linked to this firmware...
Here is a link to JF1 from SamFirmware.com
Thank you very much. I'm downloading that so it will be my backup in case I need waranty.
Best regars!
miro666 said:
I have too, no where find croatian T-Mobile firmware (I9000HKDCRO), only croatian VIPnet firmware (I9000HKDVIP)....
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Those are merely product codes for different networks, I too would suggest that you use Kies 1.5 and use Kies registry patcher to spoof product code for CRO/VIP and it should provide latest official firmware for those codes.
Other way is to manually download fw via samfirmware.com and flash it via ODIN.
s a link to JF1 from SamFirmware.com
That is not your network branded firmware .
Hi all,
I'm preparing to flash a stock JPY version to my SGS (samfirmware one). In order to get the same version of all partitions (pda, phone and csc) I mean to flash all of them (pit+repartition).
Is this procedure dangerous for my efs folder if the CSC is different from my actual operator (movistar-spain)?
I don't know what information CSC carries on and i'm scared of spoil any essential folder...
Another option is update through KIES to the last fw that my operator has released (2.2) and then just the JPY PDA, leaving untouched PHONE and CSC, but in that case i won't have the same CSC/PHONE version than the PDA one.
What would you advice??
In any case, later on I'll flash a JPY stock voodoo which is my target until a stable Gingerbread is released...
Thanks a lot...
I am not sure if it is dangerous or no, but you should always keep a backup of your /efs folder just in case. You can either copy one manually with a file manager and save it on your external SD card, or use an app to do it...or both. I both manually made a copy and used SGS Toolbox, free on the Market.
When in doubt, back it up!
Since you are new to flashing the SGS with custom Rom (i suppose), i can only recommand you to stick with Kies rom update, until you master and understand every aspect of Kernel/rom (pit-csc-pda/partition).
Custom flashing is not supposed to alter the efs, but some partition error or file corruption could happen.
Anyway if you think you are ready, make a check list, verify the 3 Combo button, AND ALWAYS! ALWAYS! make a backup of your efs folder (all / folder is better in fact). Do also an img of your own phone, it'll give you a chance to reflash it to Stock.
Good luck.
CalabiYau said:
Hi all,
I'm preparing to flash a stock JPY version to my SGS (samfirmware one). In order to get the same version of all partitions (pda, phone and csc) I mean to flash all of them (pit+repartition).
Is this procedure dangerous for my efs folder if the CSC is different from my actual operator (movistar-spain)?
I don't know what information CSC carries on and i'm scared of spoil any essential folder...
Another option is update through KIES to the last fw that my operator has released (2.2) and then just the JPY PDA, leaving untouched PHONE and CSC, but in that case i won't have the same CSC/PHONE version than the PDA one.
What would you advice??
In any case, later on I'll flash a JPY stock voodoo which is my target until a stable Gingerbread is released...
Thanks a lot...
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@ CalabiYau, the first thing that you must do is a copy of your efs folder (for your Imei some error in the flash might to require the use this backup), then you can put all the PDA and Modem part with CSC Fop.
Firstly, apologies if this is already posts elsewhere, but I have tried looking for this with no joy (there's aloooot of threads n here lol)
I recently upgraded to the leaked official 2.3.3 using odin (sbl version).
However, I would like to flash with stock software now to get the official upgrade on my Galaxy S via Kies.
Can someone please help or point me to a guide on doing this and where i can download the correct version. I assume its not as straightforward as simply downloading a stock version of Froyo and flashing as I did to upgrade.
My Current phone version is showing as PDA:JVK / PHONE: JVK / CSC:JVK (CPW)
I should point out that this is the first time ive flashed software on my phone, so ideally a step by step guide, if there is one out there
Thanks for any advice you can give
Ok first of all what you need to do is download an older firmware, preferably in 3 files.
Look here: www.samfirmware.com (you need to register, free)
or look here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=846913
when you have your selected firmware, you need to download a software called 'Odin', this is what we use to flash firmwares to our devices. Look here for a tutorial http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=723596
when you have 'Odin' and your 'Firmware' you may also need a 'PIT' file, this is explained in the above link. This will re-partition the device and restore the 'bad blocks' and remove any lagfix / altered file-systems ect ect.....
Because you are on Gingerbread at the moment, its possible that you have changed your boot loader, in order to restore this back to Froyo bootloader, i think the firmware you will need is JM1 ( you may need to search here / google for the correct answer)
anyway when the whole process is completed, you should be able to connect to KIES and flash the latest release.
Any problems just write back. im sure we can help get you going !!
azzledazzle said:
Ok first of all what you need to do is download an older firmware, preferably in 3 files.
Look here: www.samfirmware.com (you need to register, free)
or look here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=846913
when you have your selected firmware, you need to download a software called 'Odin', this is what we use to flash firmwares to our devices. Look here for a tutorial http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=723596
when you have 'Odin' and your 'Firmware' you may also need a 'PIT' file, this is explained in the above link. This will re-partition the device and restore the 'bad blocks' and remove any lagfix / altered file-systems ect ect.....
Because you are on Gingerbread at the moment, its possible that you have changed your boot loader, in order to restore this back to Froyo bootloader, i think the firmware you will need is JM1 ( you may need to search here / google for the correct answer)
anyway when the whole process is completed, you should be able to connect to KIES and flash the latest release.
Any problems just write back. im sure we can help get you going !!
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I think that JM1 is eclair...
froyo works with the gingerbread bootloaders so you should just be able to flash a froyo rom i THINK.
Hi im also wanting to do the same looking at the samfirmware files would JS8 be ok to flash?
neoian1277 said:
Hi im also wanting to do the same looking at the samfirmware files would JS8 be ok to flash?
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Any froyo ROM is fine as long as it contains the bootloaders as gingerbread ROMs have different ones.
Download your ROM. Check inside the PDA (sometimes code) tar. If you can't see by clicking on it find instructions how to untar it.
There should be a boot.bin and an sbl.bin if there is you're good to go. If not flash another one that has.
You can always reflash with your preferred froyo ROM after the initial flash has downgraded the bootloaders
This link tells you all you need to know about flashing with Odin.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Ok, I tried flashing using the JPY firmware. The process seemed to go okay.
But only getting the 'S' logo for ages then the phone starts ocaasional quick vibrations and screen eventually goes black.
Have tried rebooting ans reseting.
Please help
First boot after a flash does take a long time and you may get the odd little vibration. The screen may go black for a little while. Be patient. If nothing happens after six or seven minutes pull battery try again. If still no good reflash.
You did check repartition in Odin? And use. 512 pit? You need the pit file for a reflash.
Maybe md5 your firmware to check you didn't get a corrupted download.
If you can still get download mode don't worry you will be able to sort it. Most people on xda brick their phones most weeks!
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
well i reflashed the 2.3.3 leaked and its working for now, will try again tomorrow, getting a bit late.
Was wondering about whether I should try the JM1 instead of JPY. But, on the Sammyfirmware website they only had XW***JP1 which I understand is not for UK/Europe (mine is XX)?
But thanks everyone for your help so far, i may be back on in tears tomorrow
You can use any firmware - they were released with different codes in different regions but if you use a multi CsC like the one in the jpy ROM it doesn't matter because its the csc file that does the regional settings not the PDA file
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Hmmm well showing on Samsungs FB page that the ginerbread update has been pulled (by Google)
Guess i'm sticking with the leaked version for now
Sorry to muscle in on this thread but I'm trying to go back from GB 2.3.3 to Froyo 2.2.1. I've flashed JPY with Odin, used repartition, 512 pit and registry patch 1.82 to XEU, phone works fine. Well, Kies then recognises that there is a new firmware (JPY as it happens) and starts the upgrade process, I then get an error message saying that this version can't be updated
Any ideas??
maybe you will find some info in this post.....
Anybody tell me what is lagfix and why it is used for?
and why different kernels are used
Galaxy S XWJVB
richard2311 said:
maybe you will find some info in this post.....
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We now have two threads on the same subject but as this was started first I'll continue with this one.
Thanks for the suggestion, I flashed JPU but unable to connect to Kies so flashed the 1 file JPY but still got the same error message with Kies. Maybe I'll try reinstalling Kies and see what happens.
OK, I've reinstalled Kies, changed the product code in the phone with *#272*IMEI# to XEU and now Kies tells me that I have the latest firmware - great bring on the official version of GB.
can anyone give me a link of jpy firmware with bootloader?
the ones from samfirmare.com are WITHOUT bootloader...
Okay, seems that Samsung have finally released Gingerbread.....again. So am gonna make another attempt at downgrading to Froyo so I can get the official Gingerbread update.
However, because of the issues I had with my last attempt, I would like to make sure I am doing it correct.
Current Phone Software
Model: GT-I9000
Firmware Ver: 2.3.3
Baseband Ver: I9000XXJVK
Kernal Ver: [email protected] #2
I believe the version I installed included the bootloader
The phone was purchased in the UK on T-Mobile but supplied through Carphone Warehouse
Downloaded: I9000XXJPY (single file) & 512.pit from Samfirmware (does this contain bootloader? If not, will it cause an issue in updating on Kies?)
Remove sim & memory card
Start phone in Download mode
Plug in USB
Open Odin v1.3
Select .tar file as PDA
Select 512.pit file
Re-Partition - Not Ticked
Auto Reboot & F.Reset Time - Ticked
Click Start
Wait for installation to complete and phone to restart
Hopefully i've provided all the info required, but if not, please post or PM me. If anyone could please check my steps above and let me know if i'm doing this correct or not before I go ahead.
Much appreciated
hi there,
as i know, to run a 2.3.3 rom on SGS , we need to flash a new bootloader right?
but what if i wanna roll back to 2.2.1? do i need to do somthing to re-install a bootloader for 2.2.1?
cuz in most tutor of installing a 2.2.1 rom did mention DO NOT touch the "Phone Bootloader Update" option of odin3
I have found a method to downgrade successfully and created a new post with the step by step guide
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk