How do I make a wallpaper completely fit the screen ???? - Desire HD Themes and Apps

How do I make a wallpaper completely fit the screen of a Desire HD ????

Select the desired image for your wallpaper. Touch the orange rectangle and move it to the top left corner of the picture. Then grab and slide the bottom right corner of the rectangle, to fill the picture.
And if this doesn't make any sense at all, download "wallpaper set and save" from the market.

Try to make a 800*960 wallpaper then use phunkycow's method to set wallpaper..
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

Use wallpaper of resolution 480x800.
Download app called crop wallpaper.
Use it to select your wallpaper then select overall option. Voila


vertical wallpaper

the screen for the N1 isn't squared but when selecting a picture as can't select the whole wallpaper, only a square ratio of it.
anyway to select the whole wallpaper to make it look like in the gallery?
The wallpaper on a Nexus is 960x800. A LOT wider than the screen width of 400. Because the wallpaper shifts as you scroll from screen to screen.
So you need to get wallpaper in 960x800 size. (width x height)
ok thanks.
Clarkster said:
The wallpaper on a Nexus is 960x800. A LOT wider than the screen width of 400. Because the wallpaper shifts as you scroll from screen to screen.
So you need to get wallpaper in 960x800 size. (width x height)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i have the option to not disable wallpaper scrolling (Launcher Pro) and i want the wallpaper to be 480x800. how can i do this?
cdmove said:
i have the option to not disable wallpaper scrolling (Launcher Pro) and i want the wallpaper to be 480x800. how can i do this?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I haven't test it, but I think if the wallpaper if under 960x800, then it should let you select all of it, if not, then sorry, I don't know.

[Q] How can set wallpaper for Appscreen

how can I change the appscreen wallpaper. It's black in default and I wonder if i can change it with a photo like in iOS 4.x.
Do you mean your wallpaper? Or the background for your app drawer? For the app drawer, it depends on your phone/rom or if you're using a home replacement.
For your home screen wallpaper, you should be able to hit menu from your home screen and select wallpaper from there. You can also go into your gallery, find the photo you want as your wallpaper, and press and hold on the photo for about a second. Select "Set as" or "Set as wallpaper" from the options shown.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
I mean background photo for app drawer, I'm using galaxy 3, Kyrillos' ROM v7.0, so does it have any app for changing app drewer default photo?

[Q] Wallpaper Wizardii

So I've read several threads about getting wallpapers to fit just right on the Touch Pad using Wallpaper Wizardii and Wallpaper Set & Save. I've downloaded both and still can't get my wallpapers to fit right. The problem I'm having is no matter what I do, each wallpaper is being cropped into. Am I just doing this wrong or is there a better way to do it?
Which option are you selecting in wallpaper wizardrii? If I want to set an image without crop I use "exact" on an image that's the same resolution as the touch pad screen, that seems to work for me.

Alternate launcher and HD wallpaper : Tip

Just a tip a wanna share.
I use Holo Launcher HD instead of TWiz Magazine i removed.
But impossible to have a beautiful wallpaper with great HD definition. Crop tool blurs my wallpapers everytime.
So, to have something great to fit this great screen resolution, try this tip.
Download Simple Image Wallpaper from Google Play :
Define a 2560*3200 image, but only the middle will be displayed !(center your 2560*1600 image in the middle of your 2560*1600 image). Wallpaper will not scroll.
Find Simple Image Wallpaper under Animated Wallpaper (Long press on home screen)
Define your wallpaper.
You've got hi res wallpaper now !
Here's one of my favourite sample :
(Right click on computer, save as...)
Other sample, UK Grunge Flag :
I really enjoy google launcher, they integrated google home into a swipe screen, nice feature.
I found the app- image to wallpaper- works well. They also have -image to wall paper live- for using a gif file as wallpaper. Both are free.
Sent from my SM-T320 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I've just been going to and specifying a 2560x1600 or greater resolution and then cropping whatever I want to my liking.
I've been using Chainfire's free 500 Firepaper app which downloads high-resolution images from the 500px web site. Lots of options for type of picture to display and how often they're updated. The photos always look great & focused.
Cool tips thanks!
Nova still beating here !
Sent through my beastly SM-T320 using Tapatalkā“

[Wallpaper] Oxygen OS 3 bootanimation as live wallpaper

Set oxygen OS bootanimation as live wallpaper. Tested on Redmi 4x. Should work on any Android phone.
This is the first time I'm sharing something. And I'm not a native English speaker. So, pardon me for any mistake.
xdagee for files
More bootanimations can be found in his thread
GIF Maker Images to GIF maker
GIF Live Wallpaper Setting. Sets GIF to live wallpaper
How to set:
Download the GIF file from this link: Oxygen OS 3 GIF file Google Drive link
Download this GIF Live wallpaper Setting App (Aka Simple Wallpaper) from play store This app needs internet connection to work but sets high resolution wallpaper.
Download this app It works without internet connection but compresses the gif therefore sets low resolution wallpaper.
Open the Simple Wallpaper App and tap on the icon labeled as "GIF" (as the first screenshot below).
Then tap on the upper right corner of the GIF file you downloaded to select it and tap on the tic mark (as shown on the second screenshot). It's necessary to tap on the corner , not in the middle.
Now change the "speed" option from Default to "Max" and tap on the zoom out button to have a better view. ( I prefer taping 4 times) Then select the tic mark at the bottom-right corner and confirm by taping on "OK".
And the wallpaper is ready on your Home screen.
To use the other app that works without internet connection see the last screenshot
Screenshots are in this google drive folder

