[Q] Sharing via Gogle Contacts or Facebook? - Nook Color General

Has anyone successfully added any contacts to NC via the "Social" function? I'm connected to Google and Facebook but my contacts/friends don't sync.


sync e-mail/number - facebook

how can I synchronize e-mail and number of my Contacts of facebook whit my G1?
what app can i use?
sorry for my inexperience

[Q] Like MyPhone?

Is there something to android like microsoft have (MyPhone) that syncs everything over the air?
On their website it says:
With My Phone you can:
* Back up your phone automatically
* Share photos on your favorite social networking sites
* Access your contacts, text messages and more online for free
* Locate your lost phone
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Short answer is YES, long answer is MAYBE. There is an app for each and every feature that MyPhone has. I'm not sure about the SMS though.
Android = Google.
Have a Google Account, then your email, contacts and calendar are all synced to the cloud. Regarding notes, you got Evernote which is more than capable.
I hope I answered your question.
Most of this stuff is built into every android phone
- Email sync is automatic and goes to GMail
- Contact sync is automatic and goes to GMail
- Calender sync is automatic and goes to Google Calender
- Photo and video sync is automatic with Picassa if you enable it
- You can also auto upload to YouTube using your google account
Locate a lost phone is built in by Sansung, go to Settings -> Location & Security -> Mobile Tracker.
More details here
Or, there are a ton of other market apps that do this same thing.
OK. i sync gmail and google calender but not contacts. shall i do something to sync contacts?
When u sync with picasa, do u sync contact pictures so they find its way back to the right contact after a hard reset? or do i have to pick one and one pic to one and one contakt?
How mutch space do u have on your picasa account?
"sms backup+" let's you backup sms to gmail for free. "backup to gmail" let's you backup sms, mms and call logs but costs $2. And to sync contacts to gmail you need to select gmail when you add someone to contacts. Simple
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
ok. thanx.

[Q] How to Sync Phone Contacts

I've heard that if you had rooted/lagfixed your SGS, you cannot sync your phone contacts, is this true? Haven't installed Kies yet.
If this is true, can you please give me an alternative to sync my phone contacts with? I have Gmail and Yahoo Mail installed in my SGS, and YahooMail is syncd with my YahooMail contacts on phone, but not with contacts that is originally on the phone. I join contacts for them not to be redundant, and it's pretty annoying.
Is it okay to sync my Gmail contacts with YMail contacts then sync the GMail contacts with Phone Contacts????
not true
you can sync over the air contacts via Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail
and Outlook if you use KIES, or the WiFi Android Manager

[Q] social hub accounts bug?

im having trouble with my social hub and account and sync. im using darkys rom 10.1. i have successfully added my google and facebook account on the account and sync under the settings menu. but my google account doesnt show up on my social hub app when i open it. only the messages and facebook account shows up.
another, i tried adding yahoo account on account and sync haveing installed yahoo messanger and yahoo mail. my yahoo account wont show up on both social hub and account and sync settings.
anyone know how to fix this??
social hub and account and sync works fine when i was on the original rom of my galaxy s.

[Q] How to sync with Facebook?

I'm using Android 4.0.4 (CM9). How can I synchronize my contacts with Facebook?
I want to get all my friends mobile numbers from Facebook into my phonebook with their avatars.
I installed Facebook app, added my account. Accounts menu in Settings are also configured with my Facebook account.
When I'm going to People --> Contacts to show --> facebook account, I see no contacts.
What I'm doing wrong?
How can I do that?
Thanks for any help.
use FriendCaster . work's better and synchronise all your friends and avatars .
You can also use this:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ro.weednet.contactssync&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsInJvLndlZWRuZXQuY29udGFjdHNzeW5jIl0. AKA Facebook contact Sync

