nook color won't chArge after overlooking - Nook Color General

So I have tried to overclock but every time my NC will not charge. When i flash back to stock it charges just fine. Any ideas suggestions?
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App

Are you clearing both the Cache Partition and Dalvik Cache before you apply the zip file?
What firmware are you using?

Yes I just recently switched to the prerooted1.1 I had the 1.0.1 I was hoping the new one would change that.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App

anyone out there have any idea aboout this? it looks like I may be the only one with this problem, I have tried the following:
Wiping Dalvik and Cache Partition before installing Kernel Zip
Wiping Dalvik and Cache partition after installing Kernel Zip
When i'm in the stock kenrnel it works perfect, I'm able to plug in my NC and charge it, but when I'm in one of the other Overclocked Kernels it won't charge at all, the N on the Charger will light up but my NC does not say it's Charging it says it's decharging.
I hope someone can give me a hand or direct me in the right direction.

have you observed whether the nook is charging or not, regardless of what the nook says?
could just be your nook returning a false response. even so, when things act up after an overclock could mean your nook can't handle it.

i am having a similar problem. my nook color will only show the orange light when plugged. it says its charging but i lose battery power when its plugged in? im not sure whether or not i should return it because this is keeping me from taking it anywhere.
also adb is a total nightmare. driver refuses to stay put and i constantly have to reinstall and unplug/plug my nook to do adb. not sure if those two are related

Plugged into wall or USB port on your computer? Mine does not charge from USB port unless I run froyo, wall works fine.
Sent from my Nook Color via tapatalk pro.

either one. I can't seem to get te computer or ac to charge it.

I am also having this problem. Stock 1.01 and the nook charges fine. Decad3nce's 1.1 and it will not charge. I did not even apply the overclock kernel yet.

edgariraheta said:
anyone out there have any idea aboout this? it looks like I may be the only one with this problem, I have tried the following:
Wiping Dalvik and Cache Partition before installing Kernel Zip
Wiping Dalvik and Cache partition after installing Kernel Zip
When i'm in the stock kenrnel it works perfect, I'm able to plug in my NC and charge it, but when I'm in one of the other Overclocked Kernels it won't charge at all, the N on the Charger will light up but my NC does not say it's Charging it says it's decharging.
I hope someone can give me a hand or direct me in the right direction.
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Hey guys
i'm having d same problem i had rooted d nook color 1.0.0 with auto-nooter
everythin worked fine d android market got installed n everythin was fine
but i wanted to update the firmware so i clicked "erase and deregister"
it resetted nook to factory settings
then i flashed official 1.1.0 update
after tht i tried to connect on my pc but messed wid d ADB driver installing thing
the adb_usb.ini content was as follows
maybe there it was messed and my pc could not detect it as "Android Composite ADB Interface" instead it showed it as "Android ADB Interface"
then i wanted to uninstall all d drivers n start over again but suddenly by mistake in haste i clicked on uninstall and remove d driver files
after tht my nook color didnt get recognised in pc i cant even see d nook drive
whn i pluged it from pc it only charged on official unrooted firmware
the nookie froyo and nookhoneycomb wont charge d nook color when pluged in pc or in usb charger
after tht today i flashed my nook color with
and its not charging whn i plug into computer but it just showz d green light on charger when i trun it off it turns to orange light and d nook starts charging
i have tried to clean repair my nook color with d cwr but nothin work my nook drive never showed up after i messed wid adb drivers
and i have d charging problem since then
and i tried to install wireless ADB app and my pc says connected to wireless ADB but it does not again show d serial number when i run
"adb kill-server" followed by "adb devices" d serial number is always blank
i hope u guys will recognise the problems

I am using the 1.1 rom and overclocked to 1.1ghz. No issues charging,charges with all chargers even if it says its not.just takes alot longer.

V.A.T.Juice said:
I am using the 1.1 rom and overclocked to 1.1ghz. No issues charging,charges with all chargers even if it says its not.just takes alot longer.
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yeah thts wht its taking alot longer but i've messed with d adb driver installation and my NC wont show its nook drive or wont connect to adb no drives r shows if i connect my NC its not recognised by pc not even as a mass storage device
cuz of this i cannot use autonooter or nooter to root my NC n cuz of tht i'm using pre-rooted 1.1 rom and another problem i'm facing using this is tht i'm not able to connect to google market but its alright i can install apps by SD card method so works fine i've appInstaller
d worst part is dat i cant access market my google account cannot sign in into d app but it can sign in into browser from NC itself

siddhantfriends said:
yeah thts wht its taking alot longer but i've messed with d adb driver installation and my NC wont show its nook drive or wont connect to adb no drives r shows if i connect my NC its not recognised by pc not even as a mass storage device
cuz of this i cannot use autonooter or nooter to root my NC n cuz of tht i'm using pre-rooted 1.1 rom and another problem i'm facing using this is tht i'm not able to connect to google market but its alright i can install apps by SD card method so works fine i've appInstaller
d worst part is dat i cant access market my google account cannot sign in into d app but it can sign in into browser from NC itself
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Edit: Problem resolved will post solution sooner


Cannot get drivers installed

Ok, been trying this now for 2 hours and getting ready to throw my nook though the monitor.
I've followed the instructions for setting up ADB to work with the NC on nookDevs and it's still not working.
Ok, I'm running windows XP x64 edition. Was a pain just getting ADB installed, but I digress. When I plug in the NC, I don't see it listed under "Other Devices" in the device manager, but rather as 2 disk drives (Barnes & Noble Ereader) and a USB MAss storage device. I update the driver for the Mass Storage device and then it shows up as an Android Phone, but ADB doesn't recognise it.
Help please, I only bought this thing to turn into a tablet, and I'm quickly failing at that.
I couldn't get my windows to recognize the device either so i just use adbwireless.
The easiest way to root your nook is get the monster pack with cwr, its a bootable image that you will need to burn onto your sdcard. And if your nc is already 1.1 then grab a 1.0.1 zip to flash within cwr before rooting it.
sent from my nookcolor
Which version are u using? There is a thread for ADB driver:
This should work on 1.0.1, however, I also have problem with prerooted 1.1 as usb debugging keeps turning itself off when connected to PC and I now use ADB over wifi instead.
arda99 said:
Which version are u using? There is a thread for ADB driver:
This should work on 1.0.1, however, I also have problem with prerooted 1.1 as usb debugging keeps turning itself off when connected to PC and I now use ADB over wifi instead.
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did that, no dice.
I have 1.0.1. Anyhoo, thank god for bootable images, otherwise it looks like I'd be stuck stock
Used the Monster Root to root, install CWM, etc. so at least that part's done. Still no ADB love.

ADB not showing up??

Sorry guys, I am new here and am having a problem getting ubuntu to work on my NC. I am trying to get it to boot using adb but it will not show up on my PC. I have tried 3 different PCs (2 win7 64bit and 1 vista 32bit), installed the nook drivers but it will never show up in the command prompt. I have tried enabling and disabling development mode and I disabled USB mount. I don't know what else to try. I am on 1.1.0 of the system software if that matters. I got ubuntu to work once using terminal emulator but am having problems getting the script to work. But my main objective is getting adb to see my nook. If you could help, I'd appreciate it. Thanks
I dont follow you very well, what's your problem? Your PC doesn't see NC or something else?
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ADB does not see it is what I'm saying. I will say that I am not using the stock USB cable that came with the nook as I don't have that cable anymore. Could it be that the cable I'm using doesn't work properly? It see's everything fine when I tell it to mount the SD card. I just using a froyo card in it and adb saw it although it said offline. Could the cable be a reason why it wouldn't work?
It's possible, but not likely as I am using diiferent cable for communication between PC and NC all the time... My original is connected to a charger from the purchase of NC...
did you install the right drivers for it? It depends which OS flavor you have on your nook. Honeycomb uses different drivers vs Froyo
edein said:
did you install the right drivers for it? It depends which OS flavor you have on your nook. Honeycomb uses different drivers vs Froyo
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I'm having the same issues. I'm on a Windows 7 Box and I can not see the NC.
In Device Drivers under <Other> I find the NC but the driver is invalid. I have DL'ed the Android SDK with the USB drivers and I have tried pointing to the driver manualy. No Joy.
Any Help would be greatly apreciated.
have you tried this? the .bat and follow it's instructions.
Also: it's very important that you reboot your Nook at least once after your first OS installation.

Solved - Cannot connect to computer - USB

My nook use to be able to connect to my fedora computer at home and my windows computer (had to install Motorola drivers for that) at work.
I had no troubles connecting either with my rooted stock nook or with running CM7 from the SD card.
I installed CM7 internally and really messed that up. Eventually I got it working and everything works fine except I cannot get it to connect via usb on either my linux machine nor my windows.
What information can I provide?
Windows sees it but the driver fails according to device manager (explorer shows the drive letters but when I select it, it tells me to insert a disk.) Linux shows nothing in kde but I can run lsusb when I get home to see if it even sees it.
I tried pugging it into my fedora machine.
The only new line between when it is plugged in and not is
Bus 002 Device 004: ID 2080:0002
What version of CM7 are you running? My USB connectivity stopped working with nightly 69. It worked fine with 7.0.2.
That must be it. I have been updating hoping the problem would be resolved. I'll try downgrading to a build pre-69.
I am at 75 right now. I couldn;t get 76 to boot and the comments said that 77 suffered the same affliction.
I had to wipe my nook and start over so I really didn;t notice the version change otherwise I would have started there.
Thanks for the heads up.
I'll post back tonight on weather downgrading solved this issue.
At home, I ssh into my nook, but this isn't possible at work since I can't get the nook on a network there.
I used the usb apk to get around this issue.
Thank you
I just upgraded from CM7 nightly 76 to nightly 87, and now usb storage works perfectly. The internal emmc partition and my sd card pop right up in Windows.
I just installed nightly 87 today & I am still having no USB connectivity at all. Did you also install an OC kernel?
christoophat said:
I just installed nightly 87 today & I am still having no USB connectivity at all. Did you also install an OC kernel?
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Nope, stock kernel that came with CM7.
Alright...looks I have some work to do tonight, thanks

USB Mount Issues (CM7)

Hey, everyone, I tried posting about this in the CM7 general discussion thread, but no one seemed apt to respond.
I think this was a problem that popped up in the 60s or 70s in terms of nightlies, but I'm having it again now since around the 155 mark.
I'm on 160 and when I plug my NC into the USB cable, I no longer get any options to connect for file transfers in the notification area. If anyone could help me out with this, I'd really appreciate it. It's just so perplexing and no one seems be having this issue except me. If it's user-side error, that's fine as well, I'd just like to know how to fix it.
1. When you plugged the NC in, did the PC recognize any "removable" drive?
2. In the notification area, did you see any other indication?
3. You run CM7 off uSD or eMMC?
votinh said:
1. When you plugged the NC in, did the PC recognize any "removable" drive?
2. In the notification area, did you see any other indication?
3. You run CM7 off uSD or eMMC?
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1. No, nothing comes up.
2. The notification area remains blank.
3. I'm running it off eMMC.
Thanks for taking the time, by the way!
If so, unplug the usb cable then replug in a few times and see what happens.
If still nothing, try to use other usb cable.
Oh, btw, have you had Nookcolotweaks app installed?
I do have Nook Tweaks installed, yes. I'm using the cable that came with the Nook, but I'm not sure I have any other cables around.
Do make sure you check OFF the USB Host feature (reboot and reconnect)
I gave that a try, too, but still nothing. So confusing!
Don't be so hard on yourself.
Let try it on different computer if you have.
Also try difference usb cable.
Last, if nothing works, update latest nightly build
When you disconnect and reconnect the nook in testing/trying to get it recognized... unplug usb cable from computer... its made a difference at times.
I know this sounds basic but in applications-settings ensure you have usb debugging checked. Sometimes when flashing different nightlies, settings change.
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
Thanks again for all the help, everyone! I made sure USB debugging was checked and tried unplugging/replugging the cable, but there's still no notification coming up.
A new development:
I tried connecting it to my Windows PC instead of my Linux and it brought up this message that said it didn't recognize the device. I also tried to get ADB to see it and it can't. Does this information help or am I in trouble here?
Next time, do clearly indicate that you are using Linux or Windows. I'm sure many members here are Linux but still far less support than Windows world.
When I provided those suggestions in previous posts, I meant in Windows.
Anyway, back to your issue.
1. "it didn't recognize the device" because of missing adb usb driver. You need to get it installed first in order to use ADB, however it has nothing to do with your usb mass storage function. For now, you don't need to worry about it just yet.
2. Back to my question before, have you seen any "removable" on the PC (Windows)
Along with USB Host uncheck, if still having problem, I would suggest you either downgrade to the earlier versions or wait until tomorrow and update with another nightly build.
Good luck
I have the ADB drivers installed in Windows, as far as I know. I've used it before.
I typed "adb devices" into the prompt and it doesn't see the NC at all. Since one of the nightlies seems to be what prompted this sudden change in connectivity, I guess I'll just hope that one of the new ones can fix it. Thanks again.
Also, Windows doesn't show anything "removable" except for my external HD.
Try to disable usb debugging as you can still use ADB over wifi. This should always put the device to usb storage mode when connected.
arda99 said:
Try to disable usb debugging as you can still use ADB over wifi. This should always put the device to usb storage mode when connected.
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I tried this out and even ADB wireless can't connect to my device. I even re-installed the ADB drivers in Windows to be sure the problem wasn't on that end.
junkrobot said:
I tried this out and even ADB wireless can't connect to my device. I even re-installed the ADB drivers in Windows to be sure the problem wasn't on that end.
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If you're using ADB wireless, no need to install any driver on Windows PC, you just need 2 files: adb.exe and AdbWinApi.dll, to connect to Android device.
If you've installed ADB drivers, you might want to remove it as this might mess up usb storage.
arda99 said:
If you're using ADB wireless, no need to install any driver on Windows PC, you just need 2 files: adb.exe and AdbWinApi.dll, to connect to Android device.
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Alrighty. I have those two. I've connected my NC to ADB both wirelessly and and with the cable in the past, so this should all be straightforward anyhow. It just plain refuses to cooperate.
Go to the Marketplace and download "Nook Color UMS" app. Follow instructions and it will mount properly. I had the same issue used it and it mounts proper through the app.

[RESOLVED] USB not working

I've having a problem with my PC not picking up my phone when plugged up. It will charge, but that's it. I don't get the drop down box to select my connection mode. Here's my setup:
Android version 2.3.4
Gingervolt 2.0
SW version: VS910ZV7
Debug enabled
Default connection mode is internet connection
Connected straight to USB port (no hub involved)
I've tried taking the battery out for a few minutes and that didn't work. I've tried toggling the default connection mode, but that does nothing.
I'd like to upgrade my CWM, but can't because of this.
Any ideas?
Well for some odd/unknown reason my USB connection is working again! I have done nothing to my phone since flashing Break Out ROM 1.1 a while back and the USB was still broken after that. So, while this makes absolutely no sense at all, I'm thrilled to have it back!
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brad6360 said:
I've having a problem with my PC not picking up my phone when plugged up. It will charge, but that's it. I don't get the drop down box to select my connection mode. Here's my setup:
Android version 2.3.4
Gingervolt 2.0
SW version: VS910ZV7
Debug enabled
Default connection mode is internet connection
Connected straight to USB port (no hub involved)
I've tried taking the battery out for a few minutes and that didn't work. I've tried toggling the default connection mode, but that does nothing.
I'd like to upgrade my CWM, but can't because of this.
Any ideas?
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If you want drop down box to select connection mode then go to settings/connectivity and check always ask (if its not already checked) i dont think the computer will show its connected unless mass storage is selected and your sd cards show up on computer. When in internet mode its probably fine just run the program to install cwm recovery. Thats what i did to make sure computer was reading the phone. Someone else may have better input on the subject
Sent from my VS910 4G using xda premium
I've had problems before when not using the original LG cord. Are you using something other than that?
"always ask" is checked, but it never asks when I plug it up to my PC. If I switch default connection mode to mass storage my PC doesn't pick up my SD card either. So mass storage nor internet connection mode works. It will however, at least charge.
Yes, I'm using an original LG usb cable.
Have you verified the SD Card actually works by going into a File Manager and seeing if you can read the files in your SD Card?
Yes the SD card works. I can browse the files on it with Root Explorer and CWM picks up the backup images on it.
brad6360 said:
Yes the SD card works. I can browse the files on it with Root Explorer and CWM picks up the backup images on it.
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Have you only tried 1 port on the PC or multiple? If you can, try a different port or a different PC.
Sent from my AXI0M ICS RAZR using tapatalk.
spc_hicks09 said:
Have you only tried 1 port on the PC or multiple? If you can, try a different port or a different PC.
Sent from my AXI0M ICS RAZR using tapatalk.
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I should have included that in my original post. I have tried every USB port on 3 different PC's. Two HP's and one Dell.
Any other suggestions? I've been searching the net for days now and can't find a solution. I'm beginning to think I have a hardware problem. Is there any chance this could be a software/configuration problem?

