Rooted NC OpenFeint not working. - Nook Color General

I've got a rooted NC running 1.1.0. I've been rooted since 1.0.1. I've never been able to get openfeint to load properly. I can usually hit the soft back button and it'll close and let me proceed to my games but I'd really like to continue to accumulate my scores/achievements.
I've done a fair bit of searching and have only been able to find posts and information from one other person having issues on a rooted Galaxy S which happen to have no responses.
I thought since openfeint appears to be web based it might need some component of the stock browser to load so I used adb to replace it. I had no luck with this. The browser button in the nook interface wouldn't open and games with open feint still would not load properly.
Unfortunately I only have a basic understanding of the innards of Android so I'm about out of ideas. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
*Edit* I just tried grabbing OpenFeint's own "Feint Spotlight" app. The first go around it simply sat and spun the connecting icon like feint does on games. The second attempted launch I get an "error: 0 oops! there was an error communicating with the server" which definately seems to point to some communications facility that just isn't available on the NC.


[Q] "dead" phone

I have a dead phone I'm toying with. It's not on with the network. This is my first attempt at rooting etc. I would like to just have it as a sort of game/fun/toy phone. I have a G1 from Tmobile that I use and not going to try and root until I get a new one, then perhaps also have that as a game/fun/toy phone. Anyway, I have a Sprint Hero and how I've been getting apps and such on it is by swapping SD cards and doing a back up or connect via wi fi from one of the sites with a list of freeware to download. I want to get rid of the apps that I don't want/need for this phone. I'm not going to use it to call people so I would like that off too if I could. I would like to keep the wi fi though. I am new to this and trying to figure everything out. I just got busybox and rom manager on the phone. So, now what? How do I get those annoying stock apps I don't want/need? I really don't need to change the whole face of it, just those apps to be removed and I'll be happy with it. Thanks
by the way
I forgot the build.
I'm on 2.31.651.7
rooted from one click that I found from the unlockr
Please search around, most of the common questions, more often than not, have already been answered.
ok thanks. it's just so time consuming to be sitting on the computer trying to search and read through so much. I don't sit on my butt all day staring at a screen. I have a baby and any screen time is when he's sleeping. It's just easier to ask and hope for an answer. I'll look through the links later. Thanks.
I also want it as some type of "toy" for him to play with instead of taking MY phone! lol. I have toddler lock on it and he seems to like it. But I don't really want him to have it until he stops "chewing" on it. My G1 case cover is ruined from him. lol. oh well. He likes to play with phones because everyone else does. They start early now. I downloaded all sort of kid games so when that day comes, I can say, here you go when he takes mine!
But I'm lost on figuring out if there is a program I need? Or if the superoneclick has it in the app. I have it on our Windows computer and I'm currently on our Mac. And that computer is so slow and now I have to spend the time to try and clean IT out. Its running Vista and I have a copy of 7 but I don't feel like dealing with all of that. sigh.
Does tethering work with phone to phone? Like connect my non network phone to my G1 for internet like when we go on vacation and my nonsmart phone partner wants to use the net and so do I, that we can share. I'm guessing USB cable would do that? I don't know, there is just so much to read up on for a newbe trying to figure it out. Time for sleep now.
mistyshadow said:
ok thanks. it's just so time consuming to be sitting on the computer trying to search and read through so much. I don't sit on my butt all day staring at a screen. I have a baby and any screen time is when he's sleeping. It's just easier to ask and hope for an answer. I'll look through the links later. Thanks.
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Well, nobody around here sits around on their butts staring at the screen, waiting for people like you to ask questions... so that they can answer. If you think of this as "Customer Service", think again. Everyone here has primary jobs, they do this because they like it and are passionate about it.
Having said that, nobody is saying "No" to answering questions... just try searching and looking up the obvious links, first.
Geeze. sorry. I just thought Maybe someone else maybe already had done it and point me in the right direction. I try searching and can't find anything in what I'm trying to do. So a here, try this and this and such would be nice. Thought I give a bg on what I wanted to do with it. And I'm still new and get lost around here. Tech langauage changes every 6 months along with the phones. I see "flash" and I think of the Adobe program or the flash on a camera. So forgive me. And I guess nevermind.
I agree with the others here. There is a wealth of tutorials available, and when used will achieve your goal of a "toy". However, I will help you out by providing a framework of things you will need to do. Bear in mind you will need to do the searching though. This way you will learn more about the phone, and you will have a better sense of what to do if something doesn't go right, etc.
First, you need to have your phone rooted. Rooting allows you full access over the phone. Most rooting utilities will install "Busybox", a set of binaries that grants you the ability to use special commands. Next, you will want to install a custom Recovery image. There are two mainstream ones available: Amon-RA and ClockworkMod. Either is fine. The recovery image allows you to make backups of your phone, install new ROMs, and reset settings, among other things. After the recovery image is installed, you will want to search for a list of "safe to delete apps".
I hope this helps you somewhat. If you have anymore questions feel free to PM me.

nook decided to reset itself

I am hoping someone can help me with this. I had my nook rooted, market, youtube and gingerbread keyboard installed and working. different boot screen flashed. i plugged it in to my pc here at work to charge. when i unplugged it, it was at the startup screen with the android. The old boot screen is back. All apps are removed. it appears to still be rooted, but I cant bring up keyboard at all. All my apps and everything I installed are gone. I don't understand what happened to it. Any one have any idea? Thanks!
A wizard did it.
Seriously others have reported similar anomalies The thing to do is wipe and start over. I suggest you get titanium back up so you don't have to completely start over next time.
I figured thats what I would have to do. I don't think i would have needed to, had I not installed the gingerboard keyboard. I was just wondering if anyoen else experienced, perhaps we could pinpoint the problem and figure out what to do to avoid it. Worse part is some one wanted to see it after I told them not to waste thier money on an ipad, they come over and it doesnt work at all. Well it worked, but just as an e-reader, bleh who bought it for that, lol.
madfatter said:
I figured thats what I would have to do. I don't think i would have needed to, had I not installed the gingerboard keyboard. I was just wondering if anyoen else experienced, perhaps we could pinpoint the problem and figure out what to do to avoid it. Worse part is some one wanted to see it after I told them not to waste thier money on an ipad, they come over and it doesnt work at all. Well it worked, but just as an e-reader, bleh who bought it for that, lol.
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Dropbox + AutoNooter are a NC's best friend.. Show the friends how easy it is to root and load up apps. Remember to share.... 2.5 NC's to every grannysmith!
norkoastal said:
Dropbox + AutoNooter are a NC's best friend.. Show the friends how easy it is to root and load up apps. Remember to share.... 2.5 NC's to every grannysmith!
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Dropbox works very well indeed. Awesome Drop is also very good. While it offers no online storage, it doesn't require an account either. However, neither wanted to work without an External SD card. Haven't looked into they wouldn't use the internal storage. Anyone know?
Possibly it updated to 1.01? Mine was act a little strange, then all of a sudden it updated to 1.01 (even with the script in place to disable over the air updates).
I also had some sporadic reboots. Just re-rooted after the 1.01 update and it seems more stable. I also installed an uptime widget to monitor and it's been up now for 11h 30m..
In a couple more weeks it won't matter as the 2.3 build continues to progress..
amp711 said:
Possibly it updated to 1.01? Mine was act a little strange, then all of a sudden it updated to 1.01 (even with the script in place to disable over the air updates).
I also had some sporadic reboots. Just re-rooted after the 1.01 update and it seems more stable. I also installed an uptime widget to monitor and it's been up now for 11h 30m..
In a couple more weeks it won't matter as the 2.3 build continues to progress..
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Hey can you let me know if your Read to Me functionality is working on 1.0.1?
Im on 1.0.0 still because the read to me doesn't work with the 1.0.1 update.
I also get sporadic reboots now that im rooted.
Sent from my LogicPD Zoom2 using XDA App
It was already updated. I am not sure what happened, but Its up and running again. This thing is awesome, even with the barnes and noble rom, and restrictions. It plays every game I throw at it, just as good as my Incredible. Most apps fit the screen well and its only going to get better. best 250 I ever spent. I literally carry this thing everywhere I go!
Just saw this post. Same thing just happened to me while I was in the market. Sucks... have to reroot now... argh...
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Another data point: got my Nook Color December 25. It was version 1.0.0. Updated to 1.0.1 and rooted with auto-nooter-2.12.25 on December 26. All went well (including using the Shop, though I didn't buy anything) until last night. Entered the shop and got the infamous "authentication problem" message, after which my nook reset itself. When it was finished, the green 'n' icon in the lower left was on (which is odd, since it appears to have updated from 1.0.1 to 1.0.1).
When the dust had settled, the device was still rooted (I still have Market, still have NookColor Tools, still have SuperUser), but everything I'd put on since rooting was gone, and all my settings (wifi key, barnes and noble account, gmail account) were gone.
I'm reasonably familiar with linux (though only a little bit specifically with android), so I'll be happy to poke around to see if I can find anything....
Possible reason?
Search "maintenance update nook" on Google News [ sorry, I can't post links yet ]
3matthew3 said:
Search "maintenance update nook" on Google News [ sorry, I can't post links yet ]
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No, that would be 1.0.1. Android Police tend to be late on the uptick on real news, and make up the rest...

[Q]B&N authentication service!!

*2nd EDIT*
Okay now I don't feel so dumb, I renamed the thing but i am still getting reset
I did find an application that is call BN authentication service. I can't uninstall it from the normal App installer, anyways to get around this? Like ADB
Ha I feel so dumb, I just needed to reboot, then change the names. So after i changed the names I rebooted again and its all good now
Thanks eyecrispy
* original*
I have a rooted nook color with a stock 1.0.1 rom, CWR, and a over clocked kernal. I have only 1 real problem, I guess besides not being able to download from the marketplace - my nook keeps on getting reset by B&N! They don't unroot it, and my recovery is still intact, but it really sucks not being able to connect to their shop. It's not that I would use their shop it's just that I accidentaly press it every now and then and it resets my device. I have to back up my device once everyday to make sure nothing gets deleted because sometimes, even when I don't press the shop button, I don't even have to press anything, it resets the device after its been connected to wi-fi for a while. Like the other day, i just set it down to go to the restroom, I come back to find it at the Android setup or the quick setup selection page. When I select Android setup when I press the little android nothing happens. When I select the B&N quick setup it, i can do that no problem. So now I just turn it off from there and load my back up through CWR.
Anyways, is there anyway to stop it from connecting to the B&N authentication service or something? I have seen people with similar problems, but no one seems to have it happen to them over and over and over again.
Plenty of folks have reported this continuously happening. Have you disabled OTA updates?
Sent from my Nook Color
eyecrispy said:
Plenty of folks have reported this continuously happening. Have you disabled OTA updates?
Sent from my Nook Color
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Really? All th threads I have read people say it happened once but after a reboot it was fine. Maybe I just missed it. If you could please tell me how to disable OTA updates that would be a big help. Thanks
Found what you meant, I am trying to use Root Explorer but am having no luck. I gave it superuser permissions yet it still wont let me changes any system files

Nook will turn on by it self after 5 minutes or so

First I thought that I'm crazy but now I can confirm that my NC will boot on it's own after about 5 minutes after power OFF. I have to shut down 2nd time and than it will stay OFF. Any idea what's wrong ?
(Yes I did confirm after first shut down that it's actually OFF since no buttons will respond)
Any weather Apps running? Many of them have an option to wakeup in order to update. Check your mail, twitter and facebook apps. It has to be something you installed, I have run every update, tried all the froyo images and both Honeycomb releases and I have not seen that.
To expand on what gedster wrote, it seems kind of crazy and out there but what about any devices on your network that might send Wake on Lan requests? What if something on your network had located your NOOKcolor. I don't even know why a eReader Tablet would have a function for Wake on Lan but it's just another crazy avenue to jog down.
I do have weather app installed but I find it hard to believe that it can wake up OS that is not in standby but completely off. WIFI is also not enabled before shutdown.
Looks like the problem is there only if I used market, if market is not used it will shut down fine and it will not boot on its own.
lifeisfun said:
Looks like the problem is there only if I used market, if market is not used it will shut down fine and it will not boot on its own.
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Seems that's unlikely if you're the only one having the issue, I'd keep digging if I were you.
Looks like you're right I can't replicate the problem every time
The timing when it will boot also varies 5, 15 and even 35 minutes.
Don't know what to do, it's hard to imagine how it can boot on it's own from
complete power off state
I can't believe I'm the only one with this problem
lifeisfun said:
I can't believe I'm the only one with this problem
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I just posted a thread about this issue for me less than an hour ago! Funny, no one replied to mine: It was pretty long...guess I should've added a TL;DR.
It happens to me on any (or no) power source. Timing varies like yours as well. I'm going to pull my weather app based on the above recommendation, and I will try your Market theory out. Knowing someone else has this issue makes me hopeful that we can find something that we have in common as the culprit.
I did download the newest Honeycomb image yesterday and I'm going to put that SD card in and see if I can get it to turn itself back on on a Market-less, user App-less build. If successful I'll Titanium my 1.1 apps and remove everything non-system, then slowly add until I get this figured out. Keep me posted if you figure something out, I'll be sure to do the same!
In case it matters I bought mine about a week ago and the serial number starts with 20046.
EDIT: Testing with Honeycomb SD now so if that's the case here it should just stay off. I booted into Honeycomb at 9CST and turned it off at 9:01. I'll give it a couple of hours.
I used to have this same problem. I would randomly find my 1.0.1 auto-nootered 950mhz rom nook on, when I knew I had turned it off. interesting part is, this problem completely solved itself after I flashed my emmc with the custom nookie 5.9 img. so it must be an eclair issue and not a hardware issue
woot1524 said:
I used to have this same problem. I would randomly find my 1.0.1 auto-nootered 950mhz rom nook on, when I knew I had turned it off. interesting part is, this problem completely solved itself after I flashed my emmc with the custom nookie 5.9 img. so it must be an eclair issue and not a hardware issue
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Really? I've been putting that off because I don't like the idea of not having Clockwork Recovery. I understand there are ways to do the same things using IOMonster's things but I'd really rather just have Clockwork Recovery working. Unless there's a way to get it going that I missed?
Yup, I've been having this issue as well. I really want to flash NF but I want hardware video acceleration.
oscillot said:
Really? I've been putting that off because I don't like the idea of not having Clockwork Recovery. I understand there are ways to do the same things using IOMonster's things but I'd really rather just have Clockwork Recovery working. Unless there's a way to get it going that I missed?
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you are correct that clockwork does not work with froyo. however the bootable sd card that you would burn automatically starts up clockwork first. you can run a backup and restore, as far as i know, without having to reflash froyo. on a personal note, froyo still has some issues but overall I'm exteremly pleased so far. i really just wanted to get rid of all of the b&n stuff (mainly the status bar) along with any possible way of them pushing an update to break root. I would recommend it, but CM 7 with gingerbread will probably be out sooner rather than later.
woot1524 said:
you are correct that clockwork does not work with froyo. however the bootable sd card that you would burn automatically starts up clockwork first. you can run a backup and restore, as far as i know, without having to reflash froyo. on a personal note, froyo still has some issues but overall I'm exteremly pleased so far. i really just wanted to get rid of all of the b&n stuff (mainly the status bar) along with any possible way of them pushing an update to break root. I would recommend it, but CM 7 with gingerbread will probably be out sooner rather than later.
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Which I guess brings us back to, why is Eclair doing this, and why does it seem to be limited to lifeisfun and myself?
I'm glad I'm no longer special
My serial # is 200503 .....
Removing all application that I have installed didn't help.
Only 100% way to shut down is to let it boot and immediately shut down.
unknown.soul said:
Yup, I've been having this issue as well. I really want to flash NF but I want hardware video acceleration.
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Now that I understand the power of this things SD slot and that CWR can be run off of an SD, I can totally live with that. Hardware Video isn't a must for me yet, so I may take the plunge tonight after work...BTW, what are people's favorite video apps? I have been playing with VLC stream and convert, which works somewhat with my media server's samba shares. I have the share mounted to a directory on the sdcard since many apps look there exclusively.
More on topic, I couldn't get SD Honeycomb to start itself on its own. I tried booting then shutting down. 2 hrs of nothing 15mins light activity then shutting down. 2 more hours of nothing. About an hour of heavy use, seeing what could be installed, sideloading, testing, editing things like build.prop and rebooting often and trying to get swype working (don't think it's supposed to, but that's "heavy use" for me.) Powered down. Went to bed. Still not on this morning. This looks indeed to be an issue with the B&N stock Eclair.
Mine doesn't turn itself on with no interaction at all, but will turn on every time when you plug in the charger or cable hooked to USB port in computer.
I can turn it off once it is already plugged in and it will stay off, but remove and replug the charger and it is on again.
Well, strange that only two or three of us noticed this strange problem.
Yeah, started for me after 1.1 update. Turned it off last night, tonight it was on with 40% battery! I think its 1.1 related, this didn't happen with 1.0.1 ...
I'm sure there's a condition that's causing or exasperating this issue, something common to us all. But at this point since I don't use the Nook as a video player (I actually bought it to read books, but I use Aldiko and the open epub format) I will likely flash Nookie to the eMMC and call it a day. Honestly can't wait to get a clean notification bar on this thing anyway.

[Q] Kindle Fire HD Books Won't Load

Hello, just to start out I’m not really familiar with Kindles or Android devices in general despite owning one for a few months now. A few days ago I decided to root it, and after much struggle and attempts I finally got it working. Afterwards I first got rid of the Ads, IMDB, and Cloud9 app since they were a waste of space or in the way.
Since then however I ran into a different problem. I can’t seem to open any of my books that I sideloaded onto my Kindle HD. They’re in mobi format and they show up in the books tab but whenever I click them all that happens is the picture that’s now gone after my last restart gets big like it’s about to open and then after about twenty seconds it just returns to the home screen.
I believe I deleted the wrong app in the process of trying to get rid of the bloat on the device so I tried to install Kindle from the store. The App doesn't show up but it’s installed, however it’s still not working.
Is there any way to fix this problem without doing a factory reset? If that would even fix my problem that is.
Any and all help is much appreciated.
I'd also like to add in that I have tried moving the files from the Books folder to the kindle folder and vice-versa with no luck either way.

