[Q] Nook acting strange since 'bricked' - Nook Color General

I got the black screen of death last week and thanks to Riley and the Sam I got my nook restored. It took all the way until Sam's repartition .zip to do it. Since Restoring it, I have odd problems with it reseting on its own and even clearing back to stock (rooted still). Does anyone have a suggestion? Could I do some sort of reformat?
If it helps, I bricked the nook by formating my SD when after getting froyo on emmc.


[Q] Reboot 8x - Software Update Loop

Hi guys! Loving the autonooter - awesome work! I successfully rooted and am loving a 1.0.1 NC.
But, I tried to do the same for a friend with the same SD card with the 1.0.1 version of autonooter, stuck it in without thinking - and it turns out he had 1.0.0. I tried to reset the device - first with the power+volume+N - but this left softkeys on there and no way to uninstall it. So, I did the 8x reboot deal and it started doing the rom flash: "New updates are being installed. This may take a few minutes." All looked good...
Except it rebooted right back to the install screen again. And keeps doing so. I read a post from someone who had this problem and theirs snapped out of it. This NC doesn't seem to want to
Any help would be really appreciated
You might try making an sdcard with the autonooter for 1.0.0 on it and then sticking that in the NC. Then plug in the usb cable and see if it will boot with that. Wait and then follow the directions for the 12.15 autonooter (isn't that the one for 1.0.0?).
I just read a post about someone getting out of a tough boot loop by making a Nookie Froyo card and booting that. Here's the link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=10358375#post10358375
Good luck.
Thanks! I did try the -15 (1.0.0 autonooter) ...but it seems to just get stuck at a black screen (waited ~15-20min).
The Nookie Froyo card might be a good bet if I can't get it to work with the putty.exe boot fix...I just realized that's based off a nooter0.2 card so I made one. Here goes nothing!
Thanks for the input though, I really appreciate it - I'd hate to brick my friend's NC.
*Update* nooter0.2 and putty.exe didn't work - getting a "network connection timed out" error
Going to try the Nookie Froyo 0.5.6 card *crosses fingers*
Using Froyo on the card allowed ADB access - from there, reset the boot counter. Powered off the NC, powered it back on - install screen came up again, so a little worried loop would continue - *sigh of relief* Barnes and Noble name popped up.
Back to stock! And now updating to root Thank you thank you!
Hi tarheeldan,
I think i am having similar problem as you did before. Could you elaborate a bit more, so i could follow your steps. I am not very good with ADB comment. After making Froyo Card, What's do you need to do. Thank you for the help.
"Using Froyo on the card allowed ADB access - from there, reset the boot counter. Powered off the NC, powered it back on - install screen came up again, so a little worried loop would continue - *sigh of relief* Barnes and Noble name popped up."

NookColor stuck on Touch the Future of Reading after being off for a week

Long story short, went to Thailand, NookColor battery died, was dead for around a week, when I charged it and tried to turn it off I am stuck on "Touch the Future of Reading."
Running Nookie Froyo emmc, everything was fine before.
Tried removing the SD card to boot as I read in another thread but that hasn't changed anything.
I haven't run that particular ROM, but I would just try to reflash the ROM without clearing data.
I've got the same problem. Did you ever get it resolved? I'm desperate.

[Q] Can't Turn On The Phone With An SD Card Installed

Hi everyone,
I bought this phone recently and first thing I did was put in an microSD but when I powered it on it would display the logo(the x), the screen would go black and the phone would display the logo again. It would loop in this manner indefinitely but everything would be fine when I removed the sd card.
When the phone was running I found out that the phone was running a custom ROM, so I don't know if this could be part of the reason why I have this problem. First thing I thought to do was restore the phone to its official ROM and factory settings but as this is the first time doing these things(flashing etc) I ran into problems.
So basically my question is: is my problem unique(hope not) and how can I fix this?
Hope someone can provide some help, thank-you
kind regards
tabutcher said:
Hi everyone,
I bought this phone recently and first thing I did was put in an microSD but when I powered it on it would display the logo(the x), the screen would go black and the phone would display the logo again. It would loop in this manner indefinitely but everything would be fine when I removed the sd card.
When the phone was running I found out that the phone was running a custom ROM, so I don't know if this could be part of the reason why I have this problem. First thing I thought to do was restore the phone to its official ROM and factory settings but as this is the first time doing these things(flashing etc) I ran into problems.
So basically my question is: is my problem unique(hope not) and how can I fix this?
Hope someone can provide some help, thank-you
kind regards
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Have you formatted the SD card yet? Try to format the card to Fat32 and see if it recognizes the card.
yes I have tried that but still no luck

[Q] DS7 Unstable keeps crashing

Hello All,
I'm fairly certain there isn't another thread asking this question, if I overlooked it I apologize in advance. Now to the point, I have a dell streak 7 and I have been having some stability issues with it for about the last week. What was happening is I was running Android 2.2.2 and my system would crash randomly eventually it wouldn't start back up. I tried doing a factory restore several times this didn't work so I re-flashed to restore the original file system and I installed the T-mobile system by mistake. I played around with this for a little bit and every thing seemed fine. So I decided to upgrade to 3.2 honeycomb, I flashed the DS7 did all of the set up steps and started reading about rooting the device (I didn't start any of the steps). While it was sitting next to me in sleep mode I noticed it just randomly reset itself and started booting up. I looked around in it and nothing seemed to be changed, so I powered it off and powered it back on to see if it would freeze up and crash again. it didn't so I put it back in sleep mode and kept reading. then the side lights came on and it froze up. I was able to get it to boot by going into recovery mode and then selecting boot normally. So my question is, is this some sort of hardware issue or something that I am doing wrong? I don't think it's hardware but I could be mistaken. Also, has anyone else had an issue like this and if so is there a known fix? I am going to try re-flashing to the original file system again and replace the restore .img and see if this helps. Also, I'm not sure if my DS7 is the mobile version or wifi only version. I entered the service tag at DELL's website and it said I had the mobile version, however it didn't have the t-mobile start up animation before I flashed it the first time and in the sim card slot there is a black piece of plastic or card (IDK which) lodged in there and it wont come out. Any help or advice on this would be greatly appreciated .
Thanks in advance-Woulfenstien
OK I'm pretty sure i got it solved. what I did was I re-flashed everything. I re-flashed the boot.img, the system.img, and the recovery.img using fastboot and then i re-flashed whole system with nvflash. It's been a couple of hrs. and this has seemed to work so far. I upgraded back to 3.2 honeycomb and rooted the device with no problems so far. If any other issues arise I will post them here along with what i did to fix it. I would also like to thank everyone on this forum who has posted the tutorials, it was a huge help I wouldn't have been able to fix my DS7 with out all of your help.
Thanks again-Woulfenstien

[SOLVED] New to Nook Color, can't even get started :(

OK, so this is not as simple as I thought. My experience with a Nook Tablet does not seem to help. I can't get the device to boot from an SD card.
I started (probably foolishly) by updating the device to FW 1.4.4, thinking to make a backup of stock before beginning. Then I made an SD card using CWM- from @leapinlar. My plan was to proceed from there.
But it just boots into the B&N system for setup. So I saw a post or two of people saying they could not boot from an SD card with FW 1.4.4. After the dreaded 8 failed-boot attempts, I finally got the device to reimage. I don't know what the firmware version is now, but it won't register, so it's not 1.4.4.
Still no boot from SD card. For the Nook Tablet we have to format the card specially before putting on the boot files. Nothing like that is mentioned here as far as I can see.
What have I missed?
Edit: here's what I missed: on the back, at the bottom, in very light print it says : BNTV250a.........ARGH!!!!! I already have a freakin' 8 gb Nook Tablet!!!!!! Stupid seller, and shame on me for not double-checking with him. Oh well, another $17 tablet....

