[Q] Stock..someone please tell me --> Where can I find Daily Briefing? - Captivate Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Please! Help

You are on stock?

no I'm not stock...i'm rooted. running firefly right now, I just like the app daily briefing
. can you help?

I am not sure but I think if firefly does not use tw launcher it us not an option

Thanks for your time..i'm new 2 this. so i can't flash a daily briefing zip file or add in a apk into the phone?

I don't use that app, but I think it requires tw launcher. If the rom does not use that launcher, then no


[Q] Launcher Pro/TW Launcher.....

I want to use Launcher Pro as my main Launcher, but I read that it does`nt over ride TW, its just there with TW. My question is, since I dont use TW that much, could I clean it up by getting rid of some of the apps there, or would that also delete or affect apps etc. in Launcher Pro?
No point in having TW packed with stuff when I dont use it that much, cheers!
mloc33 said:
I want to use Launcher Pro as my main Launcher, but I read that it does`nt over ride TW, its just there with TW. My question is, since I dont use TW that much, could I clean it up by getting rid of some of the apps there, or would that also delete or affect apps etc. in Launcher Pro?
No point in having TW packed with stuff when I dont use it that much, cheers!
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if you wana get tw deleted...then root your phone ...install root explorer...start root explorer....so to system\app\ and delete touchwiz30launcher.apk and touchwiz30launcher.odex...youw tw launcher will be completely removed...but i would recommend you to have tw launcher....because it wont do anything to your galaxy s being installed there in your phone......but i have also told you the way of deleting it....enjoy
khiyatesh said:
if you wana get tw deleted...then root your phone ...install root explorer...start root explorer....so to system\app\ and delete touchwiz30launcher.apk and touchwiz30launcher.odex...youw tw launcher will be completely removed...but i would recommend you to have tw launcher....because it wont do anything to your galaxy s being installed there in your phone......but i have also told you the way of deleting it....enjoy
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i agree having 2 launchers i think is essential as back up when modding either of them so you can use the other one to fix the one you break if you know what i mean. Just set launcher pro as default and you wont know tw is there.
Any apps you uninstall will be deleted from both launchers.
Ah cheers lads, I`m just trying to have my phone set up so it has as less apps/programs running as possible, I want it to be smoooooth running!
Anyone else have problems setting default launcher? i have TW and pro but every time i click home screen it asks to set default, says the default is set in manage applications...
Any ideas?
Try a restart dude, sounds stupid but might work, then select and check the default box when prompted.
Alternatively you could try get a rom from the dev section where TW has already been removed. I don't recommend removing it manually if you're not sure what you're doing..
Also, they're both just launchers, so they just list links to apps. If you remove an app in TW, it will be removed from LP
ive just installed darkys rom can someone please explain why i have two launchers ie launcher and tw launcher - what do these do and which one should i use as my default. thanks
Launchers launch your app. It's up to you which you prefer.

[Q] Gingerbread launcher for stock (rooted) 2.3.5 JVT

Hey all,
Have a Galaxy S, stock 2.3.5 jvt, rooted CWM3.
The TWLAUNCHER sux big time, i want the stock GGB Launcher, downloaded Launcher2.apk file somewhere on the net, but cant get it to work.
Put it into System/App not working, renamed it to TW3launcher.apk (or something like that), not working...
Can someone help me out ?
Dont want to use ADW or GO etc. just stock ggb ;-)
Thanx !
Why don´t you just download it from the market?
the version found on the market is for android 2.2
when using this one on 2.3.x you get blurry icons etc...
I want one who's integrated into the system.
or you could just use Zeam launcher instead
can use GO launcher instead...
lim_kobe2005 said:
can use GO launcher instead...
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TS said no to ADW nor GO.
Want to replace the current (default) launcher with the oreginal GGB launcher.
Go, ADW, Zeam, etc are all app's that runs next to the default launcher.
Thats the deal-e-o
Is it posible?....
Yes?... How?
No?... ...

[Q] How can I install for samsung program_monitor.apk

Dear friends
I updated custom rom. But samsung program_monitor is removed in this rom.
So, I want to re-install program_monitor.
I did to move program_monitor.apk in system/app with permission's setting and re-booted the system.
However, I can't see program monitor widget in add-->widget items.
How can I do ? Please help me to install.
Is your ROM using stock launcher? if not, then you cant, b'coz it is samsung widgets, not android widgets. which you cant see in custom launcher.
dr.ketan said:
Is your ROM using stock launcher? if not, then you cant, b'coz it is samsung widgets, not android widgets. which you cant see in custom launcher.
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I don't use another launcher app.
Actually, I use CriskeloRom.
But CriskeloRom don't have program_monitor. So, I want to input program_monitor.
I can't write the reply in CriskeloRom thread because I am fresh guy.
Can't I use program monitor app in CrikeloRom ?

[Q] Help with Ultimate Rom v6 widgets and apps

If anyone can help with this I would be very grateful, I have two N7000's. One is loaded with Ultimate Rom and the other with Carbon Rom. I really liked some of the features of the Ultimate Rom that are not present on Carbon Rom.
The first is the widgets Ultimate Rom came with, I really like the music player widget and I can't find this anywhere on the Android market, does anyone know what it is called or know where a link to the APK can be found? Same goes for the stock weather/clock widget.
Secondly I know the framework for TW is different but is there anyway to get the SNote, SPlanner and screen shot functions to work with Carbon Rom? If not are there any decents alternatives?
Any help would really be appreciated
For all the Samsung widgets to run, you will need tw launcher and framework installed. It does work on cm as well if you install the tw launcher. Search for it you will get a flashable zip. Make sure to make a backup before.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda premium

NOT4 5.0.1 and Google now launcher

I am running a stock de'odexed version of Stock TW ROM. I installed google now launcher without any problems. But when I go to start the launcher, I get only touch wiz, the google now launcher does not show up at all. I cleared the application defaults and reboot. Still nothing.
Try the old reinstall trick and if that doesn't help, force stop touchwiz so your phone can "rescan" for other launchers. Also how did you deodex your note 4? I am having trouble with xposed framework on mine. Thanks!
There is a post from XDA where someone linked a rooted Deodex stock TW rom for the note 4 (KNOX removed but everything is still there) (t mobile version rom). I can't locate the link now but I still have the rom zip (It's 1.5 GB.). If you have a place to upload it I can give it to you
I wiped my current rooted 5.0.1 stock TW rom and flashed that one.
Nm I found the link it's here
Good luck

