Hey everybody,
I was thinking about Cydia for the iPhone and thought..why doesn't android have that? So I was wondering if android does have something like that already or one that is in the making. If not then I was going to try and develop something similar. Only it will be one that is very, very basic. Here is how I planned it out.
1. Create an app that has a list of directories
-Apps (Ones such as swapper.apk etc. not ones from market)
* In the ROM's directory there will be a list for different phones
2. To transfer files an ftp server would be used ( I actually don't have one but was hoping someone would be able to offer an alternative or a server)
3. The app would then use the android browser to download the file and place it in the correct location ( updates would go in root of /sdcard or apps would be installed with the package manager)
Like I said I was thinking of something very basic..if this would be redundant then I'll just forget about it.
What does everyone else think?
wasnt there that SAM application? I wiped and never reinstalled it. i'm sure i can find the apk around here. also not the same but there is also a handango app.
Edit: ok did some quick searching... found the site: and i hope that helps
That would have to be all custom... side note cydia uses debian binaries such as apt-get and dpkg which afaik is possible since you can install debian on your phone, and on the other hand android market uses a closed source xml.
Cydia is more than just a frontend for http/wget. It is a port of Debian APT. Iirc saurik did make some passing notes about possibly bringing APT to Android. However, from the lack of any implementation thus far, I can only surmise that he has either lost interest, doesn't feel Android needs an APT-based repository, or some mix of both.
You have to understand the main reason why Cydia is a very popular platform for iPhone. iPhone natively does not allow any outside app installation. Thus, Cydia provided a very good central repository for apps outside of Apple's app store system. Android, OTOH, was built from the ground up permitting the user to install apps from any source. Thus, there was never a burgeoning need to have a Cydia clone made because anyone could install apps from their own http server, from adb, from a sdcard, from a third party market.
Ah I should've done a little more research on cydia then. From what my friend told me he says that Cydia is just another appstore for the iPhone and that's it ( the android market is pretty open as opposed to the iPhone). That's the last time I listen to someone who bought an iPhone over an android phone.
thelamacmdr said:
Ah I should've done a little more research on cydia then. From what my friend told me he says that Cydia is just another appstore for the iPhone and that's it ( the android market is pretty open as opposed to the iPhone). That's the last time I listen to someone who bought an iPhone over an android phone.
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To be honest, your friend sounds like doesn't know alot about the debian package system. You should take a look. It's very interesting, and it shows how primitive M$ and crApple products have become (pardon my invectives). Linux really is on the cutting edge on these fronts, and the linux backbone is what makes android so powerful.
sha.goyjo said:
To be honest, your friend sounds like doesn't know alot about the debian package system. You should take a look. It's very interesting, and it shows how primitive M$ and crApple products have become (pardon my invectives). Linux really is on the cutting edge on these fronts, and the linux backbone is what makes android so powerful.
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Yup Debian has become the most used partition on my laptop but I keep Windows around just in case, also after researching about Cydia it sounds a lot like the Synaptics Package Manager ( correct me if I'm mistaken) and the Software Sources under Linux.
jashsu said:
You have to understand the main reason why Cydia is a very popular platform for iPhone. iPhone natively does not allow any outside app installation. Thus, Cydia provided a very good central repository for apps outside of Apple's app store system. Android, OTOH, was built from the ground up permitting the user to install apps from any source. Thus, there was never a burgeoning need to have a Cydia clone made because anyone could install apps from their own http server, from adb, from a sdcard, from a third party market.
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Thanks for the whole understanding, never thought it as that way
A central app for downloading and publishing ROMs, recovery images, and the like (not apps) would be quite cool, though, and tethering applications are still disallowed from the Android Market (at least in the United States).
thelamacmdr said:
Synaptics Package Manager ( correct me if I'm mistaken) and the Software Sources under Linux.
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Synaptics is more or less just a frontend for apt.
coolbho3000 said:
A central app for downloading and publishing ROMs, recovery images, and the like (not apps) would be quite cool, though, and tethering applications are still disallowed from the Android Market (at least in the United States).
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No argument here. More options for users is always better (i'm talking to you, Apple Inc), especially when its a platform as elegant as Cydia.
There really is no need for anything like that on the g1 because the market is so free/open. As opposed to the app store which you have to go through a regulatory commission in order to get an app published.
the other part of the idea is good though, having rom selections that could just download update.zips to you phone. Also it would be cool to have scripts and other things you could download to that you cannot get in the market.
I would probably do it jsut for that but it will not be anywhere near as smooth as cydia nor will it run in the same manner
Sorry guys, I told a bunch of lies...because I had forgotten something very basic.
Cydia does NOT utilize *.deb packages like the debian apt system (the one synaptic uses). Cydia is a PORT repository (it holds ported programs, and other programs) designed for the BSD variant system that apple uses. As such, the systems are not compatible. IE cydia would not work on android and vice versa. Part of the problem with an apt based system on android is that it would have to deal with all the dependency issues inherent in typical linux software. To be honest, you'd have to design a completely new set of repositories, and that would be a LOT of work.
Although the current market system isn't quite as sweet as a full fledged debian package system, android isn't exactly a full fledged distro or anything. I think this is one that won't really work WELL until phones get beefier (IE to make it work well you'd need a BIG sd card and a snapdragon chip). You could get it working without those things, but the benefits just wouldn't be that great, because running programs that were small or didn't have a lot of dependencies negates the point of using a package manager.
I'm sorry for misspeaking, and I hope this clears things up.
well that's ok cause that's not what i was trying to do, this is only if I understood you correctly. I do not want port Cydia nor do I want to mimic exactly what it does. Cydia-like was the closest description I could come up with. Anyways, this idea is kind of redundant now that i saw this ( which I think has been up for a while)
I'm just curious about something.
I recently moved from the iPhone to a Nexus One.
While I noticed there are a lot of ROM cookers etc (thanks for your great work guys) the development community seems kind of thin?
For example, on the iPhone there are full sets of all GNU tools. Anything you can use in Linux/Darwin they have for iPhone. There is a full apt packaging system will full console tools. The full OpenSSH suite has been made supporting all the wireless administration that I've come to love on my phone. Basically, it makes it feel like a full computer in my hand.
Now, I love this Nexus One, but I wasn't sure what the reasoning behind no one out there doing development on this kind of stuff. You'd think a phone running Linux with all code available would attract hordes of eager coders.
Instead we get weird crap like "dropbear" that has to be recompiled yourself to even work right, and even then...haha.
Not much as far as package management in the console, and our tools come from Busybox! Just seems very odd to me, but there must be reasons that I am not seeing.
This post is really not meant as an insult because I love this OS so far etc, but it just really suprised me that full sets of standard tools are not available.
Anyone know why?
Because you have to replicate the entire standard GNU/Linux userspace, which is a bear. Most of the work is done on the Android userspace instead, and you can find the fruits of those labors on AOSP Gerrit ( and the CyanogenMOD repository (
The best bet for getting a standard GNU/Linux userspace is to just boot Debian.
For future reference, this is probably not considered the correct forum for this discussion (probably Android General or the generic Android Development, not too sure.)
EDIT: Just to address some more specific points, Android has a package manager (those .apk files you see everywhere) and Busybox makes the most of the limited internal memory and provides enough tools to manage the Android userspace.
Sorry I thought the development forum would be the right place.
The iPhone 2g/3g have only 128mb of memory, and since gnu tools aren't resident in memory there is no problem having a full compliment of them on the phone.
The problem with debian is it is not really a nice UI for a phone. It would just be nice to have my phone, plus having the GNU tools underneath.
It isn't like its a dealbreaker, it just struck me as odd that all the proper tools have been built for the iPhone, and using it really feels like a full computer you're SSHing into, where as an open source Linux based OS on android basically is lacking all of it, minus the limited functionality provided by Busybox and Dropbear (like..dropbear really?).
These things have more memory and comparable processing speed to computers running windows 98 and early XP, so there is no reason not to have everything available to you when you need it.
I'm kind of a sideline commenter here as I'm not a coder, but it just struck me as odd.
Thanks for your reply!
anethema said:
Sorry I thought the development forum would be the right place.
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NP, it's side discussion though. "Here's a complete set of native GNU tools" would be a dev forum topic.
anethema said:
The iPhone 2g/3g have only 128mb of memory, and since gnu tools aren't resident in memory there is no problem having a full compliment of them on the phone.
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Nonono, not RAM. Flash memory. iPhone has tons of it. G1 (where most of the developers got started, mind you) has very little. Further, the partitioning left limited room for additional binaries. There's some ways around that (symlinks, mostly), but they aren't elegant, and are subject to wiping at inopportune times if you aren't careful.
anethema said:
The problem with debian is it is not really a nice UI for a phone. It would just be nice to have my phone, plus having the GNU tools underneath.
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I'm curious about your use case. "It would be nice" is, well, nice, but is there a need you have that the existing tools aren't fulfilling?
anethema said:
It isn't like its a dealbreaker, it just struck me as odd that all the proper tools have been built for the iPhone, and using it really feels like a full computer you're SSHing into, where as an open source Linux based OS on android basically is lacking all of it, minus the limited functionality provided by Busybox and Dropbear (like..dropbear really?).
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I'm not sure what's with the Dropbear hate. There are not many use-cases for SSH servers on a phone, so few people have worked on it. I'd think the Android-phone-powered robot guys are the most likely to need it. But again, Dropbear is going to perform a whole heck of a lot better on a G1 than OpenSSH, and the G1 is the origin of all this stuff.
Remember, Android is explicitly not GNU/Linux. You might call it "Android/Linux." The fact that the Android userspace is open-source means that the alternate (and exciting new) userspace is attracting development, instead of people trying to port GNU just so they can use their closed-source iPhone. This is, in fact, a Good Thing, because it can result in improvements for all Android users (via contributions to AOSP), not just that subset of geeks (read: us) who mod their phones.
Understanding this difference is key to understanding the development pattern. People aren't working on the GNU userspace for Android phones because the Android userspace supplants it. The tools we have do what is needed, nothing more. In fact, `am' and `pm' are more useful in the Android context than anything that's left out of Busybox.
anethema said:
These things have more memory and comparable processing speed to computers running windows 98 and early XP, so there is no reason not to have everything available to you when you need it.
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Back to my use case comment above. What is it that you need?
anethema said:
Thanks for your reply!
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No problem, it's a good discussion.
I guess it is basically that you don't know what you need until you need it. I treat my phones like this basically like little computers. Certainly on a laptop/desktop no one would bother questioning why you need general tools you use to get jobs done.
For the iPhone there was a need for unique certification to apples push servers so phones that were basically 'tricked' into activating could still get push messages via these servers.
I wrote a tool called Push Doctor with phone based scripts and with a donor style one server side. Basically I was generating these certificates and people could download them. The whole thing on both side is just a bunch of shell scripts. One running on the phone, one on my and cert donors computers. Now this may or may not have worked in busybox as I haven't tested it, but I just mean you never know what you are going to use stuff for, and having a nice standard set of tools across all Linux platforms can be nice to have for this reason.
As far as the space issue, I think that whole thing seems crazy as well. You're right there is a ton of space on the iPhone, but the G1 came out after it, and the Nexus One long after it, so its too bad 'space' is still an issue these days requiring ugly hacks to circumvent.
Regardless the tools could be distributed as part of several core apk's which people could install if they wish.
Like I said above, these are hardly embedded devices anymore. It's not like there's 4kb of ram and 5 mips CPU.
As far as dropbear, it isn't that I hate it, I just think even the G1 has comparable speed to the first iPhone (not in the Graphics/UI but certainly as far as the CPU is concerned) and running something as insignificant as OpenSSH should not be an issue. I've never personally heard of dropbear, and have no idea what their security track record is, but I do know OpenSSH's. It is a VERY widely used package with a lot of eyes on it making sure it is doing what it is supposed to be doing.
Apparently the default dropbear will authenticate any password if you enable passwords and you have to build your own from source run about 50 commands, all to get it going.
Where is the APK for a working dropbear, or apt-get install dropbear? Can you even have APK's for system level packages? Everything I seem to find tends to be a custom download from someones site whcih you have to 'push' to your phone, try to follow some 50 step guide to hopefully get going, etc.
I am loving a lot of facets of this OS, I'm just curious where the community is to work on this stuff, get it going, and make it easy. Android isn't really -that- young.
anethema said:
For the iPhone there was a need for unique certification to apples push servers so phones that were basically 'tricked' into activating could still get push messages via these servers.
I wrote a tool called Push Doctor with phone based scripts and with a donor style one server side. Basically I was generating these certificates and people could download them. The whole thing on both side is just a bunch of shell scripts. One running on the phone, one on my and cert donors computers. Now this may or may not have worked in busybox as I haven't tested it, but I just mean you never know what you are going to use stuff for, and having a nice standard set of tools across all Linux platforms can be nice to have for this reason.
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Market Enabler is in that class of application, and, like other "rooted" apps relies on shell calls to Busybox on the backend--ugly, but keep in mind this is an attempt to explicitly defeat the Android security model. BB is sufficiently standard and POSIX conformant that it hasn't posed any difficulties for these kinds of applications.
anethema said:
Where is the APK for a working dropbear, or apt-get install dropbear? Can you even have APK's for system level packages? Everything I seem to find tends to be a custom download from someones site whcih you have to 'push' to your phone, try to follow some 50 step guide to hopefully get going, etc.
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So-called "native"--that is, ARM binary--applications aren't supported by the Android platform in the conventional way. In mid-2009, Google released the Android NDK which permits ARM binary libraries to be intermingled with Android applications via JNI. Since Android is explicitly intended to be compile-once, run-anywhere (which is why apps run on a VM), this is only recommended for computation-heavy code. However, the Mozilla project is using the NDK to directly port legacy code (Firefox/Fennec) with a thin Java interface to the Android system, so such a thing is possible.
This doesn't really make sense for the GNU toolkit, though. The SSH case; you could certainly set up an SSH server to run as a system service using NDK+JNI to connect any SSH library you like. The fact that this has not happened leads me to believe that there is little demand.
In general, the needs of existing developers appear to be met by the tools available.
Based on everything you've mentioned--you may want to take a look at the Android Scripting Environment.
rDesktop 1.7.0
What is rDesktop?
rDesktop is a terminal services client for Linux - it will allow you to connect to a terminal services session of any Windows machine with Remote Desktop enabled.
This is a newer release of rDesktop than is available in the Debian repos.
Access to a terminal from WebTop
A small amount of Linux shell knowledge
Copy the attached binary to somewhere on your device (I suggest /usr/bin, or somewhere else on your PATH)
Open a terminal
Enter the following:
rdesktop -g workarea -a16 -z -xm -P -0 <server>
You can use the following switches:
-g workarea - sets the window size to the desktop size
-f - makes the session fullscreen (ie. on top of all current chrome)
-a16 - sets 16bit colour depth (valid values are 8, 15, 16 and 24)
-z - enables compression (leave this enabled!)
-xm - sets the 'experience' level to 'modem' (valid values are modem, broadband or LAN)
-0 - causes you to be logged in to the console session (same as the /admin switch for mstsc)
I've found this to be invaluable for getting onto my desktop and servers at work. Now to see if I can get rid of that bloody awful Avant Window Manager and just use FluxBox
I don't have a lapdock, but its compiled for arm/tegra?
Sent from my Motorola Atrix 4G on the network with the most backhaul, whatever that is. This post might have errors as I hate touchscreen keyboards.
GUI support?
I know rdesktop is only terminal based, but is there a sort of add-on to it that allows for a graphical representation of the screen, much like rdp clients in the Android market? that would be far more useful for my purposes, although this is a great step in that direction.
paravorheim said:
I know rdesktop is only terminal based, but is there a sort of add-on to it that allows for a graphical representation of the screen, much like rdp clients in the Android market? that would be far more useful for my purposes, although this is a great step in that direction.
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An easy solution is to simply create a shell script and then specify the server.
EG: ./ <server>
Much prettier than having to type all the strings.
paravorheim said:
I know rdesktop is only terminal based, but is there a sort of add-on to it that allows for a graphical representation of the screen
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grdesktop is a graphical front end. It works on hacked webtops such as webtop2sd or the debian chroot mod.
krkeegan said:
grdesktop is a graphical front end. It works on hacked webtops such as webtop2sd or the debian chroot mod.
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Thanks! you just saved me $1000!
If I couldn't run some programs like matlab and mathematica, I would have had to but a laptop for classes.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
Mgamerz said:
I don't have a lapdock, but its compiled for arm/tegra?
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Yes, it was compiled on the Atrix itself (that took a while...).
I use the chroot method on my atrix (I like keeping things seperate!), so this is probably only useful for those of us based on Debian (don't know what version is currently in the ubuntu repos)
The grdesktop package from the debian repos will work just fine with this binary.
I might even start a repo just for webtop... anyone think that would be useful?
FallenAngelUK said:
Yes, it was compiled on the Atrix itself (that took a while...).
I use the chroot method on my atrix (I like keeping things seperate!), so this is probably only useful for those of us based on Debian (don't know what version is currently in the ubuntu repos)
The grdesktop package from the debian repos will work just fine with this binary.
I might even start a repo just for webtop... anyone think that would be useful?
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That would be very useful, actually. Although I'm terrible at using Unix OSes and terminals in general haha.
this is awesome..almost as good as citrix xendesktop...who needs that though when this works so very question did you get your sound working on the lapdock? when i try to enable sound via -r sound:local it says driver not found or smething like that..basically no matter what settings i use even via the gui tools or the cli..i get the same error and no there any way to get the sound to work?
If you're using the chroot method, it may be that you need to add some packages.
I haven't tried it myself, but I remember seeing a thread somewhere related to getting RythmBox working - this involved sorting out some missing audio-related stuff.
How is this better than the free 2X client for Android?
Well it runs in the webtop, so you get a much larger screen. Sure you could expand the android in window screen, but that doesn't increase the pixel count.
full-screen resolution grdesktop
Thanks for getting this working FallenAngel!
How would one use the xterm session to set grdesktop to represent the desktop as full screen on the laptop dock? 640 x 480 ( I think? ) just isn't cutting it.
add in -f
into your command line
paravorheim said:
Thanks for getting this working FallenAngel!
How would one use the xterm session to set grdesktop to represent the desktop as full screen on the laptop dock? 640 x 480 ( I think? ) just isn't cutting it.
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any input on getting the sound to work?
humzat said:
this is awesome..almost as good as citrix xendesktop...who needs that though when this works so very question did you get your sound working on the lapdock? when i try to enable sound via -r sound:local it says driver not found or smething like that..basically no matter what settings i use even via the gui tools or the cli..i get the same error and no there any way to get the sound to work?
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humzat said:
add in -f
into your command line
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I think I tried that, but it didn't work. Ill try again when I get home. Is the command grdesktop -f or after running grdesktop then do -f?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
To connect to a server and run it fullscreen, try:
rdesktop -f -a16 -z -xm -P -0 <server>
To connect to a server and run it fullscreen, try:
rdesktop -f -a16 -z -xm -P -0 <server>
refer to the first post for command line args
i get an error:
"ERROR: Failed to open keymap en-us
ERROR: Connection refused"
i set all the remote desktop ok and all the settings ok, what was my mistake?
First, thanks for compiling this. I can't imagine how long it took on the Atrix.
Second, I am using this with the lapdock and the arrow keys, home, insert, page up, and the like are not working. I am assuming this is a keymap issue?? Any one else having these issues? Does anyone have the keymap that I need?
I have some simple pygame programs that I run on a Raspberry Pi to display things like time, weather, scores (stuff that's been done a thousand times before). I find it kinda fun.
I'd like to use my Fire to run the pygame scripts.
Does a ROM exist that will allow me to ssh into the Fire and run a pygame script on the Fire? I have a couple of these devices in a drawer and thought it'd be nice to use the display for something.
Running scripts isn't something Android is over-ready to do, but it surely can be done. The major problem is that command line actions and the user interface are rather well separated.
There's a ssh daemon, but I don't know of any ROM that has one integrated.
There's Python - even the Kindles have it. I have also seen Ruby.
What's the graphical interface the scripts refer to? If it's X11, that would be bad - Android doesn't have an equivalent. You've got to find out whether a. the script uses an abstraction layer that makes it independent of X (etc.) and b. whether the Python implementation (e.g. QPython) would work with it. Does SL4A have anything in common with PyGame?
I want to use Linux on my Galaxy Tab S8+ through Termux and proot distro (Arch, actually).
However, no matter what I do, there's no way to make GPU work on it...
Using the last Termux from github + Termux-X11, I managed to launch xfce4 desktop on my Arch proot, but when I try glxgears, I get:
Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual
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Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig
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intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_WindowX11.cpp:136: X11 glXQueryVersion() failed, verify working openGL system! initial window could not find the GLX extension Writing: /tmp/blender.crash.txt Segmentation fault
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I do have compiled mesa on Arch with freedreno-KGSL enabled and zink.
My final goal is to make Blender work with GPU while using proot (no chroot because I don't want to root it yet and loose warranty).
Unfortunately, due to this issue: , you're going to need to root if you want to run Linux desktop apps on ANY Android 12 device.
Once you root your Tab S8, install Linux Deploy (, run it and install whichever distro you like (I chose Kali), and Remote Desktop Manager ( to connect to it via VNC
The only settings I had to change in Linux Deploy was changing the installation type to Directory and the installation path to
, but your mileage may vary depending on what distro you want to install. If you want to use your Android filesystem from Linux, enable mounts and mount /data/media/0 to /mnt/android.
I haven't messed with PulseAudio, because I really just wanted full LibreOffice. Let me know if you get it to work. You may also want to go into GUI settings in Linux deploy and change the resolution to 1920x1200, but again it depends on your distro chosen.
But keep in mind, rooting will 1. Brick your KNOX chip permanent 2. Without KNOX chip, apps like secret folder, samsung pass and few more will stop working. 3. To root you need to unlock the bootloader which triggers the knox chip and permanently disables it and it cannot be recovered or enabled again since knox chip has a tiny fuse inside itself so when bootloader is unlocked it will burn the thin copper thread inside fuse and snap off that will permanently disable knox and this would also void your warranty when knox chip gets triggered and disabled.
So take time think about it before doing it. Do you want warranty or not? Do you want to lose those apps that you may want to use later or already using?
Thanks for your answers.
I know that root and bootloader will break the waranty and is not recoverable. It's why I'm trying to make it work using proot.
skrowl said:
Once you root your Tab S8, install Linux Deploy (, run it and install whichever distro you like (I chose Kali), and Remote Desktop Manager ( to connect to it via VNC
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I use termux-x11 or termux-wayland rather than VNC because it's more fast and smooth.
The GPU seem to work from termux itself (tried glxgears on openbox). However, it doesn't work from proot-distro.
After some research, I found that I could use the GPU by compiling virglrenderer with egl enabled, and then, export GALLIUM_DRIVER=virpipe from proot-distro.
However, to compile virglrenderer, I need to compile mesa from source with gbm enabled, but the compilation give me errors :
../src/vulkan/wsi/wsi_common_display.c:1238:4: error: implicit declaration of function 'pthread_setcanceltype' is invalid in C99 [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration] pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, NULL); ^
../src/vulkan/wsi/wsi_common_display.c:1238:4: note: did you mean 'pthread_setname_np'? /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/include/pthread.h:352:5: note: 'pthread_setname_np' declared here int pthread_setname_np(pthread_t __pthread, const char* __name); ^
../src/vulkan/wsi/wsi_common_display.c:1238:26: error: use of undeclared identifier 'PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS' pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, NULL); ^
../src/vulkan/wsi/wsi_common_display.c:1268:7: error: implicit declaration of function 'pthread_cancel' is invalid in C99 [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration] pthread_cancel(wsi->wait_thread); ^
../src/vulkan/wsi/wsi_common_display.c:1268:7: note: did you mean 'pthread_once'? /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/include/pthread.h:275:5: note: 'pthread_once' declared here int pthread_once(pthread_once_t* __once, void (*__init_routine)(void)); ^
../src/vulkan/wsi/wsi_common_display.c:2183:10: error: implicit declaration of function 'pthread_cancel' is invalid in C99 [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration] pthread_cancel(wsi->hotplug_thread);
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I found out that pthread_cancel is not supported in the android libc.
Now, I don't know what to do...
Here's the Termux discussion about it here:
Trust me that I spent a lot of time looking into it and there are no workarounds. You MUST root to use Linux in Android 12, period. Termux is no longer viable for background processes (like an X server), but you can still use it to do stuff interactively (working directly in your shell with Termux never losing focus). Your background processes will eventually get murdered by the OS and your X session will just suddenly go poof. It's sad too, because I really liked Termux.
skrowl said:
Here's the Termux discussion about it here:
Trust me that I spent a lot of time looking into it and there are no workarounds. You MUST root to use Linux in Android 12, period. Termux is no longer viable for background processes (like an X server), but you can still use it to do stuff interactively (working directly in your shell with Termux never losing focus). Your background processes will eventually get murdered by the OS and your X session will just suddenly go poof. It's sad too, because I really liked Termux.
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Just tried, and yeah, you right...
I though "acquire wakelock" would fix that, but I never used Linux though X11 more than 5 seconds...
Why do the OS ever do that?
You should just probably wait until you've had your tab s8 long enough that you're satisfied it won't need to be returned and are willing to void the warranty by rooting it. Come back to playing around with linux then. Until then, just install linux in a VM on one of your computers and VNC into it with your tablet.
skrowl said:
You should just probably wait until you've had your tab s8 long enough that you're satisfied it won't need to be returned and are willing to void the warranty by rooting it. Come back to playing around with linux then. Until then, just install linux in a VM on one of your computers and VNC into it with your tablet.
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Wait... Even with root, termux-x11 will still not work, won't it? It's a problem from android 12 itself.
I don't want to use VNC since it's too slow.
shim80 said:
Wait... Even with root, termux-x11 will still not work, won't it? It's a problem from android 12 itself.
I don't want to use VNC since it's too slow.
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Check , they talk about commands you can run (as root) to disable the phantom process killing, which would allow termux to run. That said, termux's proot is MUCH MUCH slower than real chroot.
On localhost, you're very unlikely to be able to tell a difference between old school x11 and vnc. Wayland improves it somewhat, but it's probably still a very negligible difference on a local machine.
skrowl said:
Check , they talk about commands you can run (as root) to disable the phantom process killing, which would allow termux to run. That said, termux's proot is MUCH MUCH slower than real chroot.
On localhost, you're very unlikely to be able to tell a difference between old school x11 and vnc. Wayland improves it somewhat, but it's probably still a very negligible difference on a local machine.
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You can execute this via adb btw
Can anyone explain to us, newbies in Linux , who can't understand what is the difference between x11, Wayland, vnc. If we root the tablet, will Linux work fast, or it will work somehow like we run it in an emulator?
What is the best/fastest approach. If we do the fastest method, how slower will it work compared with, if it could work Linux internal as default os. Just an estimation. Because I'm thinking if I'll root it to install Linux.
Checkout my gameplay with termux :
Guan Yu said:
Checkout my gameplay with termux :
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What device are you using?
shim80 said:
What device are you using?
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Redmi Note 11
sosimple said:
Can anyone explain to us, newbies in Linux , who can't understand what is the difference between x11, Wayland, vnc. If we root the tablet, will Linux work fast, or it will work somehow like we run it in an emulator?
What is the best/fastest approach. If we do the fastest method, how slower will it work compared with, if it could work Linux internal as default os. Just an estimation. Because I'm thinking if I'll root it to install Linux.
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If you are entirely new to Linux, you probably should not be doing this yet. If you need a comparison as to why I'm stating this, here is one that is probably not as good: it is similar to trying to do a professional figure skating move that they do in the Olympics while you are still learning how to just balance without falling.
In other words, learn more about Linux and also get used to using Linux on a normal desktop / laptop computer before trying to do such stuff on your mobile device.
CtrlAltCuteness said:
If you are entirely new to Linux, you probably should not be doing this yet. If you need a comparison as to why I'm stating this, here is one that is probably not as good: it is similar to trying to do a professional figure skating move that they do in the Olympics while you are still learning how to just balance without falling.
In other words, learn more about Linux and also get used to using Linux on a normal desktop / laptop computer before trying to do such stuff on your mobile device.
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Thanks for the reply, but it actually isn't a reply as it doesn't explaining what i ask. What are the differences of all those. I have linux in my pc, although i don't use it much as i can use windows there. If Linux in tab s8 ultra is working very good, i might use it here as i can't use windows.
skrowl said:
... I really just wanted full LibreOffice.
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Why not just use the LibreOffice release for Android?
Renate said:
Why not just use the LibreOffice release for Android?
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There isn't. You probably mean colabora office. It's not very good..
LibreOffice for Android and iOS | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Based on OpenOffice - Compatible with Microsoft
sosimple said:
There isn't. You probably mean colabora office. It's not very good..
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Yeah, I was misled by the Wikipedia article. I did see that the Colabora stuff.
I don't use portable devices for anything productive.
At the most I'll use them with a BT keyboard to capture raw typing that will later get corrected/converted/used on a desktop.
shim80 said:
I want to use Linux on my Galaxy Tab S8+ through Termux and proot distro (Arch, actually).
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If you are still interested in Linux (for example, Ubuntu) on a smartphone, then take a look at the thread full of inspiration.
[GUIDE][NO-ROOT] How to install Ubuntu and other Linux Distros on Your Phone or Android TV Box, using Termux
NOTICE: THIS METHOD IS ONLY FOR NON ROOTED DEVICES PROOT-DISTRO GITHUB PAGE Hello Friends! Today I wanted to start a thread that will house prebuilt Linux environments, as well as instructions for building the Linux environments yourself...