I've tried searching the threads before I get shot!
Currently on Darky's and feel the urge to try a few other ROM's.
What is the correct way to change ROM's - flash stock ROM before flashing new custom ROM or flash new ROM from CWM, as I did with Darky.
Thanks in advance.
You can flash from rom to rom without going back to stock, Just remember to disable all ext4 conversions and all voodoo hacks, speedmod hacks, etc. Take it back to stock rfs and you should be good. unless other wise posted on the custom rom FAQ.
normally i flash darky8.0 wipe before upgrading to darky latest rom
If you get in trouble a flash back to Eclair via Odin with repartition checked and PIT file cures any problem ..
I always flash back to stock Eclair before flashing another rom. It's not necessary, but it's safer.
no need to go back to stock. i never had problems going from kitchen to darky to CM7. just make sure - as said above - that all lagfix are disabled.
Cheers guys, very useful.
I don't have any lagfixes running and I'll look into disabling ext4 as I don't know how to do that.
Couple of different opinions though eek! lol
if u doesnt use lagfix, that means u dun need to disable ext4 already
I currently have a 2.2 galaxy s firmware witch i got using kies. I added the voodoo lagfix kernel to it.As i have read in the description, clockwork mod doesn't work with voodoo, so i'm stuck using odin for updating.
So, for the question: Is it safe to upgrade to 2.2.1 from Kies? And, moreover, how can I flash a costum rom like darky's or cyanogen? (i'm not sure about them).
P.S. How can I come back to stock 2.2 and delete the Voodoo kernel
Please help,
create a folder within the Voodoo folder called "disable_lagfix" then restart the phone, it should convert back to RFS from EXT4 and return the rom to normal (ie. no lagfix applied)
once this is done, download whatever rom you want (JPY is the latest uk OFFICIAL relese i believe) or create your desired rom within Doc's Kitchen....
So, for the question: Is it safe to upgrade to 2.2.1 from Kies?
Yes otherwise it would not be offered by Samsung .
And, moreover, how can I flash a costum rom like darky's or cyanogen? (i'm not sure about them).
READ each post for instructions .
itudorie said:
So, for the question: Is it safe to upgrade to 2.2.1 from Kies? And, moreover, how can I flash a costum rom like darky's or cyanogen? (i'm not sure about them).
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You should be SURE before flashing custom ROM. Read and collect as much information from their thread. This will minimize the risk for you to repeat same problems others have had...
Currently I am running XFJP9(froyo 2.2) with supercurio's voodoo kernel with lagfix (Voodoo_stable 5.5 & ClockworkMod v2.5.1.3). Now i am planning to flash my ROM to XXJVK (2.3.3).
Now here's the question, do i need to disable the lagfix (covert back to RFS filesystem) before flashing? if its a must then please provide a link describing how to do it.
Thanks in advance.
Disabling the lagfix before changing versions is ABSOLUTELY essential. The only time you can get away with NOT disabling lagfixing when flashing ROMs is when you are going to be using the same kernel or a different version of the same kernel in the new ROM. In this case (Froyo to Gingerbread) I would disable it no matter what.
With Supercurio's kernel I believe you need to go into Recovery and select Disable System Conversion and then reboot, but I have never used that kernel so I am unsure. Perhaps you could ask in the thread for that kernel down in Android Development.
Thanks for quick reply.
Only disabling the lagfix, i mean converting back to RFS file system will work or I need to flash back to the stock kernel before flashing to JVK ROM?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Disable the lagfix, no need to flash back to your old stock, then follow the directions for the ROM...most require you to flash the new stock JVK ROM in order to install the bootloader, then flash whatever new JVK rom you wish as the dev suggests.
Just follow their instructions and you should be fine.
Hi there,
I've got a quick question about the compatibility of JVB bootloaders, with Froyo roms.
I've flashed stock JVB+bootloaders, flashed Chainfire's kernel, then installed Faryaab's F1 rom.
However, i'm considering flashing back to Darky's JS8 rom.
Which steps do i need to take?
Something like the following, perhaps:
First put Darky's rom on my internal SD card
Flash Hardcore's Froyo kernel through ODIN
Don't let the phone reboot, pull battery
Enter recovery, flash Darky's rom?
Am i missing a few steps, perhaps?
Thanks in advance.
I would also appreciate it if some one could answer OP's question. I'm not finding GB as stable as I hoped.
The new bootloaders are compatible with froyo and even eclair thus you dont have to flash the old ones. nevertheless i would recommend to do a clean install which means you should flash any stock froyo Firmware with repartition first and then flash any Kernel with cwm in order to flash the rom you want
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
Cheers, that's the answer i was hoping for .
Considering the modem, my guess is that it shouldn't be an issue to leave the JVK modem intact?
jlbloem said:
Cheers, that's the answer i was hoping for .
Considering the modem, my guess is that it shouldn't be an issue to leave the JVK modem intact?
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no it shouldnt. but if you flash a custom rom afterwards it will be changed anyway
JVK is a good modem .
Hello Everyone,
First of all, let me thank everyone on this forum, because it's an endless source of information regarding our favorite gadgets. I'm pretty new to this so please forgive me if this is too basic.
I've searched the forum but couldn't find a clear answer to this. Here's my background:
I have an Euro Tab, and had a few updates via Kies, first to JJ7/JK5/JJ5 (CPW) and then to JMI/JMA/JM2 (CPW).
I rooted with z4root and then with SuperOneClick (on JMI, as z4 wouldn't work). I was a bit afraid of trying custom roms, but finally took the plunge because I was tired of waiting for official Samsung Gingerbread.
I started by patching the bootloaders on JMI, as instructed in the forum and flashed JQ1. I had a few problems, but I was able to solve everything and get GB running and then rooted with CF-Root
Of course, this is like an addiction and less than 24 hours after that, I flashed Overcome Hermes 2.0.1 with 3.1.0 Kernel, adjusted UV settings and installed a few Mods.
This is like having a new tab. it's responsive, battery is better and apart from a few minor bugs, it's really the greatest experience. Congrats to all the devs. This is what it should have been out of the box.
As I understand, OC Hermes 2.0.1 converted the file system to EXT4 while partitioning (please call me wrong if this is not true). On a friend's Galaxy S, he has the option to convert to EXT4 and revert to RFS on the CWM app which doesn't exist on OC Hermes (again, please correct me if I'm wrong).
Now the question(s). (finally) If I ever want to go back to stock (Froyo) either to try the official Samsung GB for my region when it comes out or if I have to send it to Samsung for some reason (knock on wood), can I just use Odin and flash a stock ROM (say JMI) with repartitioning with no problems or do I have to revert to RFS and then flash Froyo?
If so, how should I proceed to go back to RFS?
How can I confirm which file system it's using?
I've seen threads talking about going from Froyo to GB and back, but never with overcome, always with stock ROMs so, to avoid problems, I decided to ask this for a straight yes or no.
Thanks in advance for any help or comment. If this has been answered before, please link me to it. As I said, I couldn't find it through search.
Best, a.
I use chainfire's ext4conversion tool. It has the ability to switch to rfs. I am not on overcome rom so not sure it will work but its an apk available on xda forums, could give it a whirl.
As for the tool it works good.
Reverting to stock will get u back to rfs as well. (from memory stock gb files from overcome 2.0 rc1 were ok / going back to froyo had to use one of roto rom froyo versions ).
ezynow said:
I use chainfire's ext4conversion tool. It has the ability to switch to rfs. I am not on overcome rom so not sure it will work but its an apk available on xda forums, could give it a whirl.
As for the tool it works good.
Reverting to stock will get u back to rfs as well. (from memory stock gb files from overcome 2.0 rc1 were ok / going back to froyo had to use one of roto rom froyo versions ).
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Thank you. It's amazing that just by searching what you referred in your post, I was able to find a lot more info on this.
For what I understand, Overcome is based on JPZ and there's no CF-Root for that. I think the tools apk can be used with CF-Root only, right?
Maybe I can flash JQ1 (or other ROM supported by CF-Root) and then convert to RFS if needed.
Now I need to know if I have to go back to RFS to flash a stock Froyo ROM.
Again, thanks ;-)
If you use odin + re-partition with the pit file then essesntially you are formating back to rfs. So any stock froyo rom will be ok. Cwm flash / update wont work. I suppose you have already have your original firmware or just download one.
ezynow said:
If you use odin + re-partition with the pit file then essesntially you are formating back to rfs. So any stock froyo rom will be ok. Cwm flash / update wont work. I suppose you have already have your original firmware or just download one.
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That's what I thought, but wasn't sure. Being a noob has it's quircks
Thank you so much.
BTW, CF-Root is basically superuser+CWM+busybox. If I have these on Overcome, is it safe to assume the EXT4 tool extension for CF-Root will work on Overcome or should I expect other dependencies? I think CWM versions are different in OC and CF-Root.
You can basicly back to froyo rom
As about the ext4 to rfs , you can do that for overcome hermes , just go through cwm and then vodo and then disable it from there (lagfix) after you reboot your system will start convert from ext4 back to rfs and also u can do the same if u wanna back to ext4
Sent from hell to take your soul
k0sh said:
You can basicly back to froyo rom
As about the ext4 to rfs , you can do that for overcome hermes , just go through cwm and then vodo and then disable it from there (lagfix) after you reboot your system will start convert from ext4 back to rfs and also u can do the same if u wanna back to ext4
Sent from hell to take your soul
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Thank you, k0sh.
It sure is simple when you know what to look for.
k0sh said:
You can basicly back to froyo rom
As about the ext4 to rfs , you can do that for overcome hermes , just go through cwm and then vodo and then disable it from there (lagfix) after you reboot your system will start convert from ext4 back to rfs and also u can do the same if u wanna back to ext4
Sent from hell to take your soul
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How much time that conversion usually takes? 5min., 10min?
Depending on how much data you have on your tab. If your internal memory is studded with apps it will take quite a long time (45 minutes was reported) as the system backs up your data then restores it after conversion. If the system has fewer data it will take less (5-10 minutes).
jykke78 said:
How much time that conversion usually takes? 5min., 10min?
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for me last time , around 1hour and my tab didn't boot , so i just force reboot it during the convert and i was know that i have to reflash back , but i take the risk and boot it again and its start over the conversion and it takes 5 to 10 mins
Hey guys so I managed to upgrade my ROGERS captivate to stock 2.3.3
and succesfully rooted it. And I'm noticing lags and in general, it's slower than my older stock 2.2 with One Click Lag Fix..
I used to score almost 2k on 2.2
but now with rooted 2.3.3 I only score 1k. Is there some sort of lagfix I can do to make it less laggy and more fluid/smooth? Or should I just go back to stock 2.2 and lag fix it?
No Only 2.3.3 native rom to use lag fix was Cognition 5. That was KF1.
Uhm what does that mean? I'm kind of new.. so is that a custom ROM or something? if it is, can I flash it on a ROGERS captivate?
Any rom made for or ported to I897 would work on your I896. If you are going to move to a rom I would recommend Fasty KI2 that has Voodoo, or Fusion roms.
this is what you're talking about right?
I kind of know how to flash custom ROM's but I'm not sure what
I know that I have to get stock 2.1 and root it and then flash it...
No dont go back to stock. If you want flash a stock KI2 or KH3 with out bootloaders and use Boog's cwm kernel and flash fasty.
uhm.. to be honest I don't really know what that means @[email protected]
but wouldn't this work?http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=884364
I'm thinking just getting stock 2.1 then rooting it and then flashing...
seems more simple o:
so would this work?
For froyo roms ya. For Gingerbread is a whole other can of worms. If you are already on Gingerbread then just flash a kernel with cwm (not sure what gb you are on) and factory reset, wipe cache, wipe Dalvik and flash rom.
I tried installing CWM recovery with ROM manager but
when i press it it says confirm phone model and
galaxy s i9000, nexus and other phones show but not
captivate.. and which kernal do I have to flash?
Read READ READ READ READ READ and read some more. If you don't know what gb bootloaders are that should at least have 15min of reading by it self. Also, read the stickies (the posts with thumbtacks) in the development section.
Rom manager is useless. You need too flash a Kernel with CWM cooked in it. With either kernel flasher (app), ODIN or Heimdall.
T-T I poked around and read some threads.. but I'm not sure what my GB bootloaders are T-T i'll list some stuff and maybe that is the GB thing
so I just find any kernal with CWM and then flash it using odin?
and if i do use odin do i use .pit file?
You are on Rogers Gingerbread. You have GB bootloaders. Flash KH3 with out bootloaders found here, Then flash kernel found here (use the ODIN KH3 one). Use CWM do a factory reset, wipe cache and wipe Dalvik cache then flash Fasty or wich ever rom you like and Profit. If you going to use a Fasty with Voodoo, these kernels take a long time to boot and if voodoo is enabled you will hear chirping and take even longer.
This ins't the only way, its what I would do atleast.
Thanks so much I'll try it as soon as I get home
Sent from my SGH-I896 using XDA App
Uhm.. you put the same links twice i think both of them are
Kernel is this. You can use the search in the dev section.
Thanks! I'm going to try it now
I'll post results shortly after
I successfully flashed kernal and I hace cwm recovery now but
I can't download the fantasy 3 :/ the link is broken..
Fantasy? Im going to assume Fasty?
Edit: it seems his site is down. Going to have to wait for it.
yea I meant fasty*
I guess I'll have to wait then since fasty looks like the best option out there :/