When trying to download onto my phone from the Market, I get an error message 'Package file was not signed correctly.'
I'm running Cyanogen 4.2.5 on my Rogers Magic 32A.
Doesn't work for me in denmark
I think this is only US.
It's been released for the Market on all devices, but I think it has something to do with our devices using test-keys and not release-keys...
Same problem in Belgium with 32A using CyanogenMod 4.2.5 with Kernel 2.6.29bfs.
Very sad
working fantastic on my MT3G running Dwang 1.13. Didn't get an 'update available' notification, but installing it from the market worked flawlessly. I gotta say, navigation with google layers is freakin' awesome
cursordroid said:
When trying to download onto my phone from the Market, I get an error message 'Package file was not signed correctly.'
I'm running Cyanogen 4.2.5 on my Rogers Magic 32A.
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I have the same phone and ROM version and it updated just fine from the Market. However, I did push the software to my phone, following the instructions here. Not sure if that's why it works without issue.
So i guess its confirmed that this is still US only. BAH
"Some features of Android 2.0 are not available on Android 1.6, for example, the ability to use the "navigate to" voice command as shown in our demo video. However, you can still create a shortcut that will allow you to launch Navigation and start getting directions to a specific place from your current location with just a single touch from your home screen."
If it is US only, why did they not restrict it to the US on the market ? Or maybe that's technically not possible with the current market configuration ?
Neejay said:
"Some features of Android 2.0 are not available on Android 1.6, for example, the ability to use the "navigate to" voice command as shown in our demo video. However, you can still create a shortcut that will allow you to launch Navigation and start getting directions to a specific place from your current location with just a single touch from your home screen."
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Or you can search the Market for 'Nav Launcher' and it will enable these features through an external application. Works fine for me.
Same issue on a Mytouch 3G (32B,) in the US and also running Cyanogen 4.2.5.
This is a fresh install of cyanogen as well (literally nothing more than the 1.6 base image and then the cyanogen update.)
I'm also getting the "package not signed" error. Not sure what the problem is. Running CyanogenMod Android 1.6, but I honestly don't remember what version of Cyanogen it is.
This official update no different than the 1.6 hacked Maps w/Navigation that was pulled from the Droid dump.
Even if you can get it installed, you still need to use either Directions shortcuts or the Nav Launcher to get it working outside the US.
I keep getting errors cannont remove / no such file or directory
on cyan 4.2.5 seams like nothing different from 2.0 droid nav
I sure do wish that people stop giving apps 1 start because it doesn't work on cyanogenmod..... these are precisely the people that bring down heat on developers with their crying. God forbid they have to do a search on the net... and, dare I say, read 3 lines of text.
People need to realize we are not flashing official software here, and so we have no right to b*tch if something that's made for official software doesn't work on our hacked ones. There is not one dev here that I can remember who doesn't clearly say that if you break your phone it's your responsibility, not his, or the manufacturers. That's why we have this community here, if you're having problems most members here will help you out however they can because that's what this place is about tweaking our equipment as much as possible and fixing it when we mess up. I would say most people here enjoy helping others out with tech related stuff, I know I do in whatever way possible, but I have no sympathy for those that can't be a$$ed to read a few lines and just want to flash their phones with total disregard of what could happen.
How do you think google feels everytime they see a one star rating on one of their apps, or any other app, that works perfectly fine on official images when the person comments "DIS SUXXORS, IT B NOT WORKING ON C.M 4.2.5"? It's a miracle they didn't crack down on cyanogen much sooner than they did. PLEASE, PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE if you have issues with something you downloaded from XDA or any other site on the net that deals with this kind of stuff, don't go complaining to your mobile carrier, or whoever developed your mobile's official software; come here and ask for help... besides 99% of the time I'm fairly sure that we'll do a much better job of helping than anybody you can contact from your mobile carrier, or official developers. Also, if you brick you're phone be responsible for you're mistake; don't try to be sly and send it in because it's not working to your dev because again this only attracts unnecessary attention to this site. I'm fairly sure that cease & desist that xda received from MS a few years back was due to precisely this.
I've customized windows mobile, palm, symbian, android phones, plus ps1, ps2, ps3, psp, wii, and so far I've never brick anything, or at least not to the point I can't bring it back, so does this mean I'm super lucky? or super smart? Not really, it's quite simple really my secret is this: READ, Read like your equipment depended on it because quite frankly IT DOES.
Sorry for the rant guys, it's not directed at any one of you, but maybe just maybe one of these "people" will find it and correct themselves. I'd actually wish the mods would post something on the main page, but then again who am I kidding the problem originally arises from them not reading in the first place.
I agree.
Also not working on my phone (32a Magic). Currently looking for a work around.
I have searched for:
Google Maps
Google Maps Navigation
Etc, Etc, Etc...
and can NOT find this version in the market???
I updated to the latest "Google Maps" from the market, but it does not have the NAV Features.
Redownloaded and now get the "Package Not Signed" error as well.
Havent been able to find anything related to the G1 for this and am wondering if some one has or has any work around ideas. This app was one of the working apks that we were able to use off the sprint hero dump from last month but now they have put out an upgrade file to download, once u download this upgrade from the prompt in the app it will install then telll u this is for sprint customers only
So u can uninstall then reinstall the original apk and still have the widget work but anytime u try to launch the Nfl mobile it will require the "updgrade".
Really stinks, was a great app to use, hoping some one has some skills to figure this one out!
i had the same problem before cause i had the sprint updater app installed but, without the updater installed it gave the the update speech again... it was good while it lasted...
you might be able to edit the build.prop so that the phone recognizes as a sprint device.... I am not really too sure though.
This should be moved to the applications forum....Also, the sprint apps, I believe are considered warez, and therefore you probably won't be able to find them on these forums.
Try editing the build.prop and faking the carrier (getprop & setprop)
awesome maxisma thanks for the suggestion! Im going to do some research on how to execute that and give it a try. ill let yea know how it goes Reg442
I didnt get any prompt for that upgrade? works on g1/dream. I am not sure it is 100% functional but it does what i need it for, i use it every sunday...
if its still working for you it wont for much longer. The new version doesnt work and the old version forces you to upgrade. The original apk needs to be edited to not force the update. I dont believe this belongs in the app section since it requires development to get this app working again
nicdub said:
Havent been able to find anything related to the G1 for this and am wondering if some one has or has any work around ideas. This app was one of the working apks that we were able to use off the sprint hero dump from last month but now they have put out an upgrade file to download, once u download this upgrade from the prompt in the app it will install then telll u this is for sprint customers only
So u can uninstall then reinstall the original apk and still have the widget work but anytime u try to launch the Nfl mobile it will require the "updgrade".
Really stinks, was a great app to use, hoping some one has some skills to figure this one out!
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I did this, then went back tot he original apk and every weekend it works for me or when a game is on. At least getting all the scores of the game works that's all I really used it for anyways.
Ya I used this app for awhile. I know that it was fully working on rogers roms, but the nfl network live stream and vids dissappered when using a hero rom (well sense hero by cc). I used the build.prop from eno rogers w/cc's sense hero and nfl network part started working again. Then I got the dreaded update. I assumed something can be edited in the build.prop, but haven't tried yet.
Might want to start by replacing ur current build.prop with the one from sprint hero dump, but be ready for fc's. Also going to have to have wifi as it is cdma and u won't have a radio signal, but its a good starting point...
Anyone have any luck on this? ** BUMP **
I figured this one out long ago: edit the build.prop. This worked for the videos and everything else before the update, but the update checks for something else outside of the build.prop now. I suppose it wouldn't be that difficult to disable the updating part; I'll try to take a look at it again this weekend (possibly tomorrow) but no promises on how quickly I'll solve the problem as I have exams next week.
I already have it dissected, so it'd just a matter of finding what either:
A) the new app is checking for to validate that you're a sprint customer
B) disabling the updating part in the older app (but this might not be part of the app, as it could easily be part of the webpage, making this option a lot less viable)
Too bad...
This NFL app was very good. I was disappointed when the upgrade came but figured something would be done eventually to take that away from us. There are some other great apps out there and I would imagine they will only get better. This Monday night I was in the car for four hours on a business trip and used SportsTap to keep tabs on my Patriots and it was a fairly good experience. Also, the NBA has started putting out some of its own apps that are pretty good, so I can't imagine it taking much longer to get an NFL app in the market that will be as good if not better on all Android devices.
Hey rockdevourer, got an update on this at all?
id like to know too cause i dont have a login for superfan
JediMasterASD said:
Hey rockdevourer, got an update on this at all?
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Sorry, didn't recheck this thread. But as of now, I DO have an update
So here's been my work from the past few weeks (al beit, not much lol):
I figured out several different possible methods to either disable the update check in the original APK and also a different method to disable the check for the sprint customer check. For some reason, the NFL_prod (newest version of it as far as I know) is looking for some Sprint file that doesn't exist on the G1 (obviously) and it seems that it uses a boolean to check it so that's a cake walk.
Here was my problem of not being able to do anything about it: I couldn't install either of the APKs due to not having the original key. But a few minutes ago, I found the stupid key. They left it in the APKs for my viewing pleasure apparently
Soooo, long story short, I pretty much figured it out. I haven't recompiled the APKs with the new keys yet because I probably have to redo all of my modifications on both of the APKs and test which ones work. Sorry about not updating, life has been hectic. Expect another update here soon (probably not tonight because I'm going to go watch the Colts game at a local restaurant)
Feel free to follow me on Twitter as well, that way it's easier to give updates and let you know when my work is completed.
Edit: it appears the Sprint TV app thing has the key in it as well, but I haven't touched that one yet and dunno if I will. Maybe if there's a lot of people wanting it I suppose I could take a look at it. The security measures in these programs are God-awful.
rockdevourer said:
Sorry, didn't recheck this thread. But as of now, I DO have an update
So here's been my work from the past few weeks (al beit, not much lol):
I figured out several different possible methods to either disable the update check in the original APK and also a different method to disable the check for the sprint customer check. For some reason, the NFL_prod (newest version of it as far as I know) is looking for some Sprint file that doesn't exist on the G1 (obviously) and it seems that it uses a boolean to check it so that's a cake walk.
Here was my problem of not being able to do anything about it: I couldn't install either of the APKs due to not having the original key. But a few minutes ago, I found the stupid key. They left it in the APKs for my viewing pleasure apparently
Soooo, long story short, I pretty much figured it out. I haven't recompiled the APKs with the new keys yet because I probably have to redo all of my modifications on both of the APKs and test which ones work. Sorry about not updating, life has been hectic. Expect another update here soon (probably not tonight because I'm going to go watch the Colts game at a local restaurant)
Feel free to follow me on Twitter as well, that way it's easier to give updates and let you know when my work is completed.
Edit: it appears the Sprint TV app thing has the key in it as well, but I haven't touched that one yet and dunno if I will. Maybe if there's a lot of people wanting it I suppose I could take a look at it. The security measures in these programs are God-awful.
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u 'da man
Going to need a ginnea pig here soon, hit me up on google chat: rockdevourer AT gmail DOT com
Sweet success! Working out a few last bugs then it shall be ready
The only two bugs that I'm aware of at the moment include:
A) Widget doesn't work at the moment (this is definitely not a high priority on my list)
B) NFL Network doesn't show the video part yet, but audio is functional. The featured videos, etc, all work properly with the video and audio; it's just the NFL Network Live part isn't fully functional yet. This should be fairly easy to fix, as I have done this before.
Just wanted to post an update real quick Back to squashing B first and then A if it's not too time consuming. This project has been a real nightmare, but oh-so worth it!
Edit: Forgot to add, the NFL Network is fully functional on the Droid according to a tester, many thanks to aimbriano!
Tried to download the new Skype app Verizon released today from skype dot com/vzw and I get the "There are no matches in Android Market for the search
Am wondering if it's because I updated my phone to the leaked 2.1 and it's looking for 1.5 or ???
Anyone else tried this, especially anyone that's still on 1.5?
Thanks in advance for any info.
I'm getting that same result when searching for almost any app I'm trying to download. Even when using the QR code to an app I know is active in the market, my phone doesn't find any results.
It's wearing me out. Hope someone has an explanation. I have a feeling it is due to the leaked 2.1.
mountaineerndixie said:
I'm getting that same result when searching for almost any app I'm trying to download. Even when using the QR code to an app I know is active in the market, my phone doesn't find any results.
It's wearing me out. Hope someone has an explanation. I have a feeling it is due to the leaked 2.1.
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The android Market filters what apps show up due to your system version. So if you are running 2.1, like I am, and you try to find an application that only runs on an OS up to say... 1.5, then it won't show up.. :/
I tried this method....and it didnt work for me,but I am on a custom ROM, if you have the 2.1 OTA with root, you might be able to do this..
I didn't modify any files, I just did a bit of researching and found this
download this file:
it is supposedly the 2.1 release version.
MD5sum= 5dc96431fae1be1aa51d7c50889273a5
then put this on the root of your SDcard
next, download installer from the android market and then run it... then select the zip file from the list and install..
---when I tried opening skype, it said "skype can only be used on verizon wireless phones"
I would like to know if this works for anyone...
this is a network issue not a version issue. most apps are designed to run on 1.5 so your past version check argument is a bust. but Verizon has not registered our device as being 2.1 compliant and until they do we will not have full functionality of the market. that's the way of the root game. us rooters being on the bleeding edge of android get locked out of a few things till our carrier catches up.
rigamrts said:
this is a network issue not a version issue. most apps are designed to run on 1.5 so your past version check argument is a bust. but Verizon has not registered our device as being 2.1 compliant and until they do we will not have full functionality of the market. that's the way of the root game. us rooters being on the bleeding edge of android get locked out of a few things till our carrier catches up.
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OK, thanks for the update, much appreciated.
rigamrts said:
this is a network issue not a version issue. most apps are designed to run on 1.5 so your past version check argument is a bust. but Verizon has not registered our device as being 2.1 compliant and until they do we will not have full functionality of the market. that's the way of the root game. us rooters being on the bleeding edge of android get locked out of a few things till our carrier catches up.
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I sort of figured as much, and was after some happy logical confirmation type thinking which you've provided.
I don't really mind, just wanted to make sure that was why, and not something I was doing incorrectly.
OK, I'm frustrated.
I have been trying to add my gtab to my devices on the new Market site, and have so far been unable to do so. Actually, that is not exactly true. I can get it to show up partially.
I have a Droid phone, and I see the phone when I go to my Market Account, Settings, My Devices. I enter the new nickname for my tablet.. [tablet, gtablet, Viewsonic G-Tablet, Malata ... all tried separately], I check the "show in menus" option. Press the Update button on the right. And nothing happens. The Maker, Model, Carrier columns for the tablet are empty, with only a hyphen. I cannot enter information directly into these columns, and whenever I try to download something, only the phone shows up. When I click on the little black triangle to expand the devices, I DO see the GTablet there. But it is grayed out with a question mark beside it. It says it is not compatible with this device. Every single app is not compatible with my tablet?
What am I missing?
Full Market fix
You need to change the build.prop file. Use steps 1-5 here:
Ya funny thing is, I think mine showed up (and someone will correct me I bet) as VS GTablet Advent Vegan 5.1.
Something like that but I thought oh they even know I am running the VEGAn ROM. Interesting indeed.
i'm runing vega5.1 and i had to do nothing... he just appeared..
but yesterday i had to do the market fix again and it disappeared.. LOL
tysonkam said:
You need to change the build.prop file. Use steps 1-5 here:
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my build.prop is correct and does not appear on market...
like i said before, it appeared then after fixing market again it does not
Same. I had to do the market fix again, and then my device disappeared. It was showing the TNT-Lite version beforehand, but now - nada.
tedlogan42 said:
Same. I had to do the market fix again, and then my device disappeared. It was showing the TNT-Lite version beforehand, but now - nada.
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I had the EXACT same thing happen to me. It was there as a malata gtab running tnt lite, and I had to do market fix again. Now its like it was never there. Is there anyone we can talk to at google about this? Like a customer support type?
Sent from my GTablet-TnT-Lite using Tapatalk
Maybe it is just the simple fact that this tablet is not supposed to be on the market at all. So calling Google to ask why your tablet with the hacked market doesn't work probably won't get you very far.
What is the big deal with this web market anyway? I have no problem using the market app on the tablet.
Sprdtyf350 said:
Maybe it is just the simple fact that this tablet is not supposed to be on the market at all. So calling Google to ask why your tablet with the hacked market doesn't work probably won't get you very far.
What is the big deal with this web market anyway? I have no problem using the market app on the tablet.
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+1 I just use the market on the tablet.... My device(for now) is showing in web market.
My G-Tab running Vegan 5.1 is working in the new market with no changes or modifications except editing the nickname. I installed an app to it via the new market already. Since I have a Droid also, I kinda like the ability to install on either or both devices. YMMV, apparently...
Nvidia VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0B5.1
My tablet showed up under the web-based market as: "Nvidia VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0B5.1 ". I added a nickname and downloaded some applications. Since I wasn't connected to the internet at the time it was held in abeyance. Once I got a wifi connection, boom down they came. So I can now peruse the market at work or as I monitor these forums, find an application, purchase it (or not) while I am still thinking about it and have it update the tablet the next time it connects. Not bad functionality for someone like me whose work environment is wifi restricted.
I still have one issue I would like to see Google fix. I purchased a application under one gmail account but after reflashing from tnt-lite to Vegan Tab I put my other account on the device first. Now I can't update that application without some tricky effort. Not sure I want to go through that effort or pay the $5 again
While that was me being stupid, I proposed to Google that I could envision the case where I might want to purchase an application with my work credit card and put that on their tablet and also purchase an application with my personal credit card. Their current schema doesn't allow for that. I can see where with telephones it might be a little more personal but tablets may start becoming shared devices say within a family.
What they seem to have for that situation is the ability to use more than one CC with the account. In that case you could use your work CC for some and personal for others.
Not a help for your situation, but it does address the situation you proposed.
Sprdtyf350 said:
Maybe it is just the simple fact that this tablet is not supposed to be on the market at all. So calling Google to ask why your tablet with the hacked market doesn't work probably won't get you very far.
What is the big deal with this web market anyway? I have no problem using the market app on the tablet.
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The point was that there is no reason for Google to not support the g tab with ANY Rom. They support the galaxy tab, the. Streak too. Why is it ok for those devices? Is it because they are tied to a service and not just WiFi?
Sent from my HTC Liberty using XDA App
Frrrrrrunkis said:
The point was that there is no reason for Google to not support the g tab with ANY Rom. They support the galaxy tab, the. Streak too. Why is it ok for those devices? Is it because they are tied to a service and not just WiFi?
Sent from my HTC Liberty using XDA App
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Google has prerequisites that must be met for a device to have official and supported Market. GPS and cellular radio are on that list if I'm not mistaken.
Sent from my Viewsonic G Tablet running TnT Lite 4.2.1 w/ Clemsyn's Kernel using Tapatalk Pro
anjenaire said:
My tablet showed up under the web-based market as: "Nvidia VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0B5.1 ". I added a nickname and downloaded some applications.
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I'm getting the same showing up in my market access, but where we differ, is I have yet to have an application actually download to my tablet. I've gone through 5-6 different apps that did show the G-Tablet as a compatible device, and these were not installed on my tablet before going to the web market...
The big difference now is I am seeing lots more apps using the legacy Market app on the tablet.
I figured the first week or so would be pounding the web market, and things seem to be settling down, if just a small bit.
Frrrrrrunkis said:
The point was that there is no reason for Google to not support the g tab with ANY Rom. They support the galaxy tab, the. Streak too. Why is it ok for those devices? Is it because they are tied to a service and not just WiFi?
Sent from my HTC Liberty using XDA App
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I think that they are not trying to give us a hard time as much as they are just trying to have some sort of way to keep things manageable. I mean, they set certain guidelines that devices need to follow to get market access so hopefully most of the apps will work. GPS, and cell type data connection are a couple requirements. Why? I don't know. Guess they had to start somewhere.
I think it is also done so developers can build apps that hopefully work for the types of devices that do qualify. Imagine how hard it would be to make apps that worked on every variation of Android out there. How often do we have issues with apps that don't work on one rom, but work on a different rom.
Maybe it was just to try and keep the market from being like the wild wild west...
Apple has it pretty easy. There are only a couple of hardware platforms they need to worry about. How about Android? There are probably a 1000 different hardware variants out there.
I really won't be surprised if they come up with a way to keep all non qualified devices off the market. Not that big of a deal really if they do though.
So far my tablet is showing on the new market and allows me to download apps to it. I'm running vegan tab 5.1 if that helps anyone...
Sprdtyf350 said:
I think that they are not trying to give us a hard time as much as they are just trying to have some sort of way to keep things manageable. I mean, they set certain guidelines that devices need to follow to get market access so hopefully most of the apps will work. GPS, and cell type data connection are a couple requirements. Why? I don't know. Guess they had to start somewhere.
I think it is also done so developers can build apps that hopefully work for the types of devices that do qualify. Imagine how hard it would be to make apps that worked on every variation of Android out there. How often do we have issues with apps that don't work on one rom, but work on a different rom.
Maybe it was just to try and keep the market from being like the wild wild west...
Apple has it pretty easy. There are only a couple of hardware platforms they need to worry about. How about Android? There are probably a 1000 different hardware variants out there.
I really won't be surprised if they come up with a way to keep all non qualified devices off the market. Not that big of a deal really if they do though.
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You are probably right, i tend to lean towards everything being based on how these companies can make the most money. Like if what i said is true, maybe then google gets a bigger kick back from the carriers, or phone manufacterers. Its ATT 's fault really, lmao, since everything they do is based on getting more money from me as a subscriber. it seems loke they try to make evry feature, an extra charge, without lowering the standard monthly fees. (i know i am most likely wrong, it just seems this way to me). I am not askin for free stuff, it just seems like they keep the services i want out of my pockets' reach.
Sent from my GTablet-TnT-Lite using Tapatalk
Web market woes
I can confirm web market was working running TNT Lite... stopped working after redoing market fix. Web market working again... after flashing Vegan and wiping data.
For the people with working web based market: did you change your android id? if you did, did you change it to a different devices id or did you use one from an emulator?
Hey guys, today i tried to open bloat freezer, and i got the message that needs update, when i clicked to update, i got the message that is not available at the market.
I checked market via pc and i found it, but its not available anymore for me for installation
(although i have already bought it). So im wondering is it closed for me or for any P990 users ?
any1 have experinced the same ?
Just checked as I have it installed as well. I can't see any issues with it but I have it set to auto update.
Still seems to be appearing the the market.
I had the same issue and by installing another rom it disappeared but don't ask me why because it came back on another rom. I think it was on the mdc rom's
so try to install another rom.
Deinstalling the app won't work i already tried that several times
Bloat has been blocked from the market. Dont know why, but there seems like the app is doing something Google isn't happy about, as they have blocked/removed bloatfreezer two times now...I have been in contact with them, and got the following response. I decided to but MyBackupPro instead, as it gives the same possibilities and alot of other functionality as well
If you are an old customer that is having problems upgrading to the
latest version, instructions are below, please continue reading. If
you are a new customer with another issue, you can ignore this email
and I will respond to your email as soon as I can.
As you have probably noticed, Google removed the original Bloat
Freezer from the market for a stupid error in the app's description.
This makes it impossible for you to upgrade normally to the latest
version. There is nothing that we could have done to prevent this, and
Google refuses to reinstate the original app after we fixed the error.
We apologize greatly for the inconvenience and want you to know that
we love our customers and want to make this as easy as possible for
you no matter how hard Google tries to make it!!!
Below are instructions to get us the info I need to transition your
purchase from the old version to the new:
1. Go ahead and purchase the new version that is in the market.
2. Go to and find BOTH the original order number
and the new order number and email both of these to us.
3. We will then refund your purchase for the original order ASAP.
4. You can then continue using the new version and get updates as
normal forever.
Once again, we apologize greatly for this inconvenience and are doing
this the best way possible. We hope that you will help us get back to
our 4.7 star rating by leaving a rating AND a comment in the market so
that others know that the new Bloat Freezer works just as great as the
Thank you for understanding and sticking with us through this speed
bump that Google threw our way, we appreciate each and every one of
our customers and will be doing lots of manual labor to get all of
these orders transfered.
Trey Holland
Developer - Bloat Freezer
[email protected]
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how do you download the new version (as per that email)?
There is no new version. it doesn't exist on the market
Another reason not to pay for apps thanks to google