Hello guys. I'm newer here and I came in fornt of you with one problem (but biggest one). Today I tryed to fixlag with voodoo and S&G tools and something bad it's happend with my phone. I install kernel after that voodoo lag fix and the battery icon. I moved to sd card all those things and after that I reboot my phone and the problem appear. My phone is oppeing but my screen is freezing with the logo "GALAXY S GT-I9000 SAMSUNG" and no other things I can do (only to watch this). How can I recover my phone and the OS? Please someone help me to do something because I don't have any inssurance and I'm f**ked up!
Thanks a lot for helping and have a wonderful day!
Sorry for my language guys.
P.S.: If you don't undestand what I want to explain ask me for a print screen shoot. Thank you.
need to use odin.. get in download mode and reflash a complete firmware like jpu and then any custom f/w you want.
Hey guys,
sorry i made a whole new topic about it. but i readed every sticky topic but i just don't understand it fully.
so here's my situation atm:
i rooted my phone & did the 1click lagfix. but the phone is still slow (i dont know how it comes)
so i want to flash it. i got 0 experience with this, because its my first smartphone.
i dont want to lose my waranty, so it needs to be easy to flash it back.
can someone help me out with this ?
tell me what to do, my phone is: GT-I9000 & my firmware is I9000XXJF3
whats the best flash for me ? (i dont want a buggy one)
how is it done ? (someone explain me or link me to a specific & detailed tutorial)
i understood there is a market fix, but do i need to pay for it then ?
can i easly brick my phone by flashing it ?
is it mabye smarter to wait for froyo ? or isnt it a problem to get it installed after a flash ?
sorry for all my questions, but i would love some help
PS: my english is abit sloppy
can nobody help me ?
https://www.wuala.com/Samsung Galaxy S/Guides/?key=AfzUZSU4SpKU
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Hey man
Hey try this. It will make you loose all your data but it works for me. Just connect your phone to the computer and delete your internal and external storage and start from scratch. It will take out all of you app data and personal data but it will let you reapply the fixes.
1.) Connect phone to PC and delete all the files
2.) reflash the phone to stock
3.) Root it
4.) then do what you will and it should all work out!
Hope it helps. PM me if you need anything else
help my phone cannot start due to my well stupidity i have to admit, i click temporary root using z4root on my SGS and used the android mart's voodoo lagfix, after that it reboot itself and then now it keep stuck at the black and white wordings(the one that appear when u rebooting phone), i am now in recovery mode, saw the working android and the word downloading, but it's taking ages! please help me and tell me what to do Crying!
should I connect it to USB? i clicked USB debugging before this happened, oh my please helps!
i had the same problem with vodoo fix. what i did was, i flashed my sgs again for xxjp3 & downloaded the OCLF (one click lag fix) from market & run.
i have got the qudrant score of 1700. hope it will help
hey thanks for replying, but my problem is that my phone is stucked at this screen where an adroid is working and the word downloading appears, and my phone wont start , any idea? did i just bricked my phone?
I am new here, although i have been visiting this site often, i never posted and commented anything in this forum.
I have a galaxy s i9000 and last year i put the darkys rom with android version 2.3.3
Yesterday i tried to upgrade it to 2.3.4, because i wanted to change to insanity rom (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=843019)
I donwloaded this kernel to use (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=788108)
But after i used odin my device would not pass the splash screen.
I then tried to go back to stock, using this (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=846913#), but after odin made his work and the device reseted, it showed a screen asking for to confirm a password.
I have no idea what password is this.
Can anyone help me?
I can get to download mode with no problem, but the recovery mode goes back to the screen asking for the password.
Thanks in advance and sorry for my english.
My advice would be to flash a fresh rom. Here is a link to Gingerreal rom. It has got all the clear instructions + all stock firmware downloads. Try it. All the best!
Thanks for the reply DonVito.
The password, if anyone in the future needs it, is the last password you used in the screenlock.
I tried that just to make sure i did everything i could, and it worked
And by coincidence i just used that tutorial, for gingerreal before i even saw your reply, and so far so god, congrats for the developer
Just a little question, the rom doesnt have the portuguese language for the swype. Is that a way to install myself this? Can anyone point me in the right direction?
it started when i wanted to upgrade my galaxy tab to 2.3.3 gingerbread but something went wrong on oden and my galaxy stucked at screen of death (that screen that has a mobile icon pc and an exclamation mark) anyway i got out of it using hiemdall but now iam stucked at adroid system recovery 3e how to go back to the OS and also i can go to download screen ......
thnx (sorry for disturbance)
guys 85 views and no answer plz i need help
Well I can tell you how to completely brick your tab but I, probably as well as most of the people who viewed your post, don't know how to fix...
Doesn't take much to view a post, less to give bad advice... Requires patience to get the person who can help, to find your post and answer...
You also have a cdma tab, i believe, that's bad as most people have the gsm variant. It also means that steps I take to rectify your problem on my tab will probably brick yours...
Now, would you like me to tell you how to fix MY tab???
Also, no idea what you were on, what you were trying to flash, rooted or unrooted, locked bootloader check done and cdma, wifi-only or gsm??? We need this information before we can help.
thnx for your reply ultra. my phone is gsm (the one that i can insert sim card) and its rooted and i was updating to ginerbread when oden stucked at factoryfs and failed and it bricked i used hiemdall to skip the pc screen and go to download screen so what can i do know ????????
thnx in advance
1st thing I'd do is get my stock froyo rom... The one that came on the gtab. reflash that and then try again from there if successful...
You night find your stock rom here on xda or you might need to go further afield like samfirmware. I'd also, if back on stock rom, test to make sure my bootloaders weren't locked otherwise you may end up here again....
bootloadercheck/patch can be found in this thread - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=888071
thnx for the replay but there is a prooblem that happened yestarday my galaxy tab wont start while out of charger but while in charger it shows that pc thingy screen if you may help i apperciate it thnx
big trouble said:
thnx for the replay but there is a prooblem that happened yestarday my galaxy tab wont start while out of charger but while in charger it shows that pc thingy screen if you may help i apperciate it thnx
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Did you check to see if you had a locked bootloader before attempting to flash?
Which rom/guide did you use/follow?
Have you tried the Overcome rom/guide?
Hi guys. I got my first android device 2 months ago and I am having lag issues.
This was given to me by my boyfriend and he said this is his old phone. Now what I want to do is to have it rooted so I can install Voodoo LagFix on it, however, since I am a very noob person when it comes to this I need everyone's help if possible.
Here are my phone's specs
[email protected]#2
I tried to follow this blog since the one who wrote it said it was easy to follow
but when I am trying to put the zImage thingy it seems that I can't see the file after clicking PDA and also i double checked on it and it just says "file". no ".tar"
on it. Maybe my computer can not recognize ".tar" files? I don't really know. I wish you guys can help me. all I want is to get rid of the lag on the phone... btw I have optimized it on every angle possible (cache, move to sd, clear data etc).
My only hope to fix the phone is through voodoo lagfix (i think).
I am really noob on this. If you can please tell me how to do it step by step.
if you can show visuals then it would be very much appreciated.
please do not ask me to ask my boyfriend this and that.
after he left Korea we broke up. also, to clarify i think this phone is the international version since its not from anycall.
Your help is very much appreciated ^_^
Also, please allow me to add. I saw a video on youtube rooting there was a yellow thing on odin upper left. When I did it it was not there... They yellow thing under the green bar stating progress i think? says pass and all that ... I hope it was a big hint on how to root my phone =(( ..
Waiting for your generous help ~_^