As I have posted in a development thread about rooting..
Alright guys, I have a problem. And there is very little info about doing this on a Mac
I have created the autonooter2 sd card using terminal.
My nookcolor is powered off, sd card inserted, nook USB cable plugged in to nook and then computer. (nook symbol lights up on cord), my mac pops up and shows a RNDIS ethernet device
-1 st problem, It says on nookdevs that this RNDIS dialog will pop up and to ignore it...does that mean ignore it, leave it there or click cancel? I have tried ignoring for a while and then clicking cancel.
- It says both here on xda and there that when the autonooter is finished the nook should reboot itself..its been 10 mins this never happens??
any help is appreciated
alright I just unplugged the USB and turned on my nook and it brought me to the Android setup screen. I skipped the tutorial and sign in and checked both location boxes and then when I clicked continue the screen flashed and it threw me into the normal B&N interface and the nook color user guide automatically popped open and starts flipping pages rapidly. I can close out of the user guide but then it auto reopens :/
edit2: restarted , everything appears to be working alright except I cannot pull up a keyboard in any instance...searching store or through books
edit3: i have tried erasing and un registering my device. my nook is now unregistered. I have been trying to get rid of root. i have cleared data ( power+ volume + nook button) but I cannot factory reset using 8 reboot method.
My device is on, has NookColor settings under extras but I have no keyboard and cannot connect to wifi or re register..
Please.... help
You should register your NC prior to rooting it. You can restore your nook to its fresh state by interrupting the reboot process 8 times or, using the Android Debug Bridge (instructions for enabling it here: by following these instructions: Once you're done with that, register your Nook and then follow the AutoNooter instructions ( Note: autonooter will reboot by itself once it's done; don't interrupt it by restarting the nook by yourself!
Ok quick question..
I figured I could not do any more harm so I started the autonooter process over from start to finish remaking the sd card but this time on a PC.
Everything worked better, the nook auto restarted itself and I got the Nook Color Dev screen and then to the unlock screen. I unlocked, ready to do the next steps (skipping tutorial and skipping gmail sign in) but I was never prompted. I am just at the normal nook homescreen, I now have much more options in extra( superuser, email, etc) and also the soft keys but I still do not have a keyboard.
Since I did this autonootering from an unregistered device do I need to start completely over?
Thank you for your response
foethalove said:
Ok quick question..
I figured I could not do any more harm so I started the autonooter process over from start to finish remaking the sd card but this time on a PC.
Everything worked better, the nook auto restarted itself and I got the Nook Color Dev screen and then to the unlock screen. I unlocked, ready to do the next steps (skipping tutorial and skipping gmail sign in) but I was never prompted. I am just at the normal nook homescreen, I now have much more options in extra( superuser, email, etc) and also the soft keys but I still do not have a keyboard.
Since I did this autonootering from an unregistered device do I need to start completely over?
Thank you for your response
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It doesn't sound like you have anything resembling a paperweight, I'm sure you'll get it to where you want it.
Did you try the steps of signing in youtube then gmail, then market? If your only problem is a missing keyboard, that can easily be remedied. Get the apk of a keyboard that's known to be working (there's a thread in the NC section on the DroidX kb), and push it via adb as system/app/LatinIME.apk. Reboot, and you should have a keyboard.
You said you can't do the 8 failed boot attempts... Why not? All you have to do is power-down 8 times during boot (hold down power for about 10 seconds, then hold down again to power on... Repeat 8x).
I'm kind of in the same position that you were originally in. My NC's firmware is 1.0.0. I used the guide on, flashed my SD card w/ the proper image, inserted the card, plugged in the USB, and... over 30 mins and nothing.
What did you do once you were in this step to continue? Did you remove the SD card?
wvcachi, that's actually exactly what I ended up doing, and it came right up - thank you!
Also, I ended up doing this (sorry, no linking allowed -, re-rooted, and the 1.0.1 root actualy did auto-reboot.
Thanks eveyone for your help, and OP for not getting too ticked I hijacked their thread
Taser420 said:
I'm kind of in the same position that you were originally in. My NC's firmware is 1.0.0. I used the guide on, flashed my SD card w/ the proper image, inserted the card, plugged in the USB, and... over 30 mins and nothing.
What did you do once you were in this step to continue? Did you remove the SD card?
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Ya same issue here, except now my nook is stuck at the giant n. It was responding to my adb shell commands to to the 8x reboot for the BootCnt. But after it did the update it still sits on the giant n. I'm not sure what is screwed up on mine. I wonder if the auto-nooter just messed up some how...
I was upgrading from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 to fix my wifi drop issues.
Edit: Just let the n sit there for a good 15 minutes. I've never been so happy to see that intro video with that girl showing you how to use the nook!
Will try to auto noot again...
I've done auto-noot several times now, and it's never rebooted on its own. After a couple minutes of it doing its thing, I just unplugged it, held down power for 10 seconds to power off (it's on even though it doesn't look like it), removed the SD, then powered on. Everything was as expected after that, it just never rebooted on its own.
Mine from 1.0.1 behaves exactly like the wiki described for me. Ran with the screen off for about 45s and then rebooted and was good to go. I followed the post instructions to set up the account and everything went exactly as they described. Only difference was it seemed to me like the instructions duplicated themselves at one point, steps in had already done were listed.
Works great, but might should revise the steps of there are duplicate ones. If I remember or root again I might do it. Adding renaming the phone apps woukdvbe a good thing to do too.
The version of Auto-nooter for 1.0.0 doesn't auto-reboot after it's done. You'll have to let it sit and reboot yourself.
I strongly recommend you upgrade to 1.0.1 before you root anyway. It's more stable, and when you eventually upgrade, you'll have to wipe your nook to do it. Better to do it while you don't have anything on it.
Thanks to everyone that helped out. I have everything up and working!
I rooted the nook color, everything worked fine. Rooted with 1.0.1 autonooter. Now, 2 months later i decide to unroot. I successfully wipe and restore my nook color with the 8x reboot interrupt, and it removed all traces of rooting. Now, however, it won't let me register my device - at all. the 3 finger reset ("hard reset") doesn't work, and i cant buy any books at all. The shop doesn't even work! I need help to register my device!
Follow the steps here to restore to stock:
RickOSidhe said:
Follow the steps here to restore to stock:
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Does this take me through the registration process aswell?
After you restore to stock using those steps, you'll be able to re-register your device without any issues. I've re-registered my NC with BN many ... oh, so very, very many ... times.
Nook Color Won't Re-register
I found my Nook Color (NC) it would not re-register after executing an "erase and deregister" and then removing the root with the 8 power on/off sequences to get it to reinstall the original OS. The secret to get it to re-register after all the above steps, at least in my case, was to turn off my router encryption, and then it would register. After it registers, then 1) turn your router encryption back on, 2) turn off the Nook Color, 3)turn off the router wireless until you turn your NC back on, and 4) delete the unencrypted connection on the NC. Then 5) turn the wireless back on, let the NC fiind it, put in your wireless information, and you should be good to go with a secure connection.
I just got a nook color pre installed with phiremod v6.1 and the next thing i know, after a few hour of vigorous usage, the nook rebooted and was stuck on the phiremod screen.Now i am a complete noob when it comes to flashing and everything. Would anyone be very kind to let me know how i can recover my Nook?
Yeah you just need to reflash if it's not booting up right. If you read the first thread in the general section "My Nook Won't Boot":
You should get most the information you need. The NookColor is amazingly resilient to even the most stubborn efforts to break it so don't worry too much and if you get frustrated just set it down for a while. As long as you have a good SD card everything will be fine.
I apologize up front if this is a simple question but I am a newbie. I had a friend root my son's Nook Color. We are now selling it as a ROOTED NOOK COLOR running ICS. I want to erase all my son's personal data but not lose the rooted system. Bottom line, when the buyer gets the Nook Color and turns it on, he should be at the screen to register his google account.
Easy fix
wkufan92 said:
I apologize up front if this is a simple question but I am a newbie. I had a friend root my son's Nook Color. We are now selling it as a ROOTED NOOK COLOR running ICS. I want to erase all my son's personal data but not lose the rooted system. Bottom line, when the buyer gets the Nook Color and turns it on, he should be at the screen to register his google account.
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I was able to go into settings and doing a reset of the android operating system. Easy !
My Nook HD+ usually goes mad. It pops up apps without my control, and then It runs wild. So I decide to turn it to the factory mode. However, I cannot register for my account so I decide to skip that step. Right now, my Nook is in some kind of "test mode" using the "test account" which cannot connect with the internet, and the problem above is not all gone also. When I try to set up another profile, it keeps running but no response.
Anyone gives me some advice about the "pops up" problems and how to turn my Nook HD+ back to the android version.
Please give me step-by-step advice because I am a newbie at this :crying: :crying: