Hi there,
I have a question regarding rooting HTC Dream.
For us SG users, we hav to go thru the tedious process of modifying and checking the compatibility of our sdcards before we can root the phone.
These are the steps we hav to go through inorder to flash RC7/29 and the HardSPL for root :
Steps to Install other ROM versions on your HTC Dream (Singtel)
1. Download QMAT
It’s a demo version so will only can open for 10 minutes.
2. Format your memory card to fat32. Please keep in mind some card does not work.
3. Search in your android market for ‘Terminal Emulator’
4. type ‘ cat /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc1/mmc1:*/cid ‘ without the quote sign.
5. Note that code down on a notepad or something. Make sure everything is noted correctly.
6) Go to QMAT site, download QMAT 4.36
7) Extract the file, double click on qmat.exe
8 ) Click on Cyptoanalysis Tools > Crypto Toolbox
9) Look way below, there is a text box (beside “Reverse String” button. Key in the cid number you’ve got earlier
Click on the “Reverse String” button, the result is reversed…
Example: 532600bd227d9c0347329407514d5402
10) Copy the reversed cid
11) Go to QMAT again to generate your goldcard (this is free for G1 phone, Thanks to Viper!)
12) Enter your email. For the CID, enter the reversed cid you’ve got earlier. However you need to replace the first 2 characters to 00.
Example: From “532600bd227d9c0347329407514d5402” to “002600bd227d9c0347329407514d5402”
13) click Continue and you will receive the goldcard.img via your email.
14) Go to your email, download the goldcard.img and save it to a directory first.
15) Now, download HxD Hex Editor for this site
16) Install and launch HxD Hex Editor program
17) Go to Extra tab > Open Disk. Under Physical disk, select Removable Disk (Must be your SD card), uncheck “Open as Readonly), click OK.
18) Go to Extra again, Open Disk Image, open up goldcard.img which you’ve saved to a directory earlier.
Now, you should have two tabs, one is your removable disk, the other is goldcard.img. Press OK when prompted for “Sector Size” 512 (Hard disks/Floppy disks), click OK.
19) Click on goldcard.img tab. Go to Edit tab > Select All, edit tab again > copy.
20) Click on the “removable disk” tab. Select offset 00000000 till offset 00000170, click on Edit tab and then Paste Write.
21) Click on File > Save. You may exit this program
Now, do a test to see if your SD card is “compatible”
Disconnect the USB cable connected to your SD card, then plug it back again. Go to My Computer, you will see your SD card (E.g. “Removable Disk ( F” ), double click and see if you can access it. If it prompted you to format, then forget about this SD card, don’t think it will work. After trying for days, I ended up buying a Kingston 2GB card.
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Hence i was wonder why do we hav to go through this process, and why are we not able to just flash RC images frm any sd cards ? And also, is this process only required for rooting? (ie. will a 'non compatible' card be able to flash new roms on an already rooted phone?)
With that, i hav some queries regarding SDcards. My current SDcard is a 2gb sdcard which has went through the whole process of rooting as it is 'compatible' for rooting.
However, i will be purchasing a new 8gb sdcard soon. Hence i was wondering if i will hav to modify the new SDcard too, and if SDcard partitioning will work for all sdcards and also, will i be able to flash new roms even if the new card is 'non compatible'?
any help is much appreciated
thank you ^^
issues with goldcard
Is anyone else having problems getting their gold card set up?
I have a class 4 4gb Kingston SD card, which I purchased specifically for this, that I've set up a gold card on SEVERAL times that is not working.
Every time I fast boot on my MyTouch it checks the .img file, then I get an error:
"Model ID incorrect!
Update Fail!"
I know for a fact that my model ID is correct as I pulled it from adb, copied and pasted, and I've followed these instructions to the letter including using the hex editor.
I've also verified that the gold card is functioning by testing its ability to be written to.
Does anyone have any suggestions?? If this is not the place to post, please let me know and I apologize in advance as I haven't been able to find any one else with similar issues.
Feel free to get at me on gtalk:
[email protected]
same here man i have the same card and im getting the same problem. any help would be great guys
Creating GoldCard Problem
I have the same problem. But only the above given instructions to follow for HTC Magic also. But it does not work. Is any one to willing to guide us please. Thanks in advance.
try using the guide I made (link is in my sig)
Its what I did to root my G1 CRC1, worked like an charm
Any idea how to reverse the goldcard and make it back to a normal sdcard?
I tried format the card using window and that doesn't work completely.
I use a 8GB sdcard as a goldcard and now I don't need it anymore since the one-click root works. When I try partitioning on a goldcard, it return errrors like following. Also I try to use windows to format the entire card, the format is succesfully, however when i put the card in the phone to try to use it as one fat32, phone has trouble booting up.
error detail:
converting /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 to ext4 filesystem.../sbin/tune2fs: Bad magic nu
mber in super-block while trying to open /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock.
/sbin/e2fsck: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/block/mm
Has anyone tried using the 1 Click Root method? Does that work off a virgin SG HTC Dream set?
1a. Terminal Emulator on the phone.
You need terminal emulator to read CID of your SD card on your phone.
You can install ConnectBos - a terminal emulator from the development site.
Starting ConnectBot, then connect to [local]. You will see the prompt.
1b. create your Gold Card
* Make sure, SD card for Gold card is in your phone when you check CID. I did not know and I need to do the process twice.
** The 2GB Sandisk one which comes in the box works just fine. **
You can get your CID by copy and paste this line on your phone terminal:
- cat /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc1/mmc1:*/cid >/sdcard/CID.txt
Then from your pc, through USB external USB drive, you can see CID.txt.
follow the guide to create your Gold Card.
- Windows:
- Linux:
Or to get the code from adb from your pc.
Install the android sdk from
adb.exe will be in the tools directory of the sdk.
then: click start run and type cmd
in the dos box type:
adb devices
If your phone shows up, your good to go. If the list is blank, you need to install the driver. control panel>system>hardware>device manager>right click on android phone then update driver. Point it to the usb_driver directory in the sdk directory.
Try adb devices again, if good now then proceed with:
adb shell cat /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc1/mmc1:*/cid
That will give you the code.
If you want to copy/paste it:
If your in a dos box (cmd) on xp, right click>select all. Then <cntrl>c to copy Open a new text file then <cntrl>v to paste. For some stupid fkn windows reason(insert moronic windows comment here) you can't select text in a cmd box with a mouse on all versions of win so thats a simple workaround.
The one that came with the Magic is a 2GB Sandisk, and it's formatted as FAT.
Are you sure it needs to be formatted to FAT32? Or can I just use the stock card as-is?
Successfully rooted 32A and flashed with the new radio SPL and rom in cursordroid`s guide, and discovered something in the process of doing so.(when trying to create goldcard) Maybe its been posted before or is common knowledge but I`m posting it anyway.
About the reverse CID procedure:
I found that when using the QMAT software to reverse CID for my mmc I got a reversed string of only 31 digits as opposed to the expected 32.Tried at first to add a leading "0" to get the 32 digits required in step 11.
(I didn`t screw up, got 32 digits with other mmc`s and also tried changing between HTC/samsung brands in QMAT software on the reverse string "page" but sill only 31 digits)
I found that reversing the string manually was possible by dividing the the CID into chucks of 2 and reversing the chunks starting from the back.
exampleCID: A0B1C2D3E4F5G6H7I8J9KaLb (32 digits)
Chunking CID into 2`s: A0-B1-C2-D3-E4-F5-G6-H7-I8-J9-Ka-Lb
Reversed: Lb-Ka-J9-I8-H7-G6-F5-E4-D3-C2-B1-A0
removed dashes: LbKaJ9I8H7G6F5E4D3C2B1A0
->continue to step 11 after replacing 2 first digits with "00"
Maybe people who have mmc`s that dont work should give this "manual approach" a try and compare reversed CID`s before buying new mmc`s as there may be some flaws in the QMAT software in some cases/CID`s.
Btw I used the mmc that came with the phone (sandisk 2GB) and the phone had been RUU`ed with the latest official HTC update (Scandinavian/norway).
Used androidSDK and fastboot to flash everything.
Formatted goldcard using a cardreader because formatting using the phone apparently doesn`t set everything to "00". (phone does a "quick format"? and not a "low level" format)
*double post*
kristenruna said:
Successfully rooted 32A and flashed with the new radio SPL and rom in cursordroid`s guide, and discovered something in the process of doing so.(when trying to create goldcard) Maybe its been posted before or is common knowledge but I`m posting it anyway.
About the reverse CID procedure:
I found that when using the QMAT software to reverse CID for my mmc I got a reversed string of only 31 digits as opposed to the expected 32.Tried at first to add a leading "0" to get the 32 digits required in step 11.
(I didn`t screw up, got 32 digits with other mmc`s and also tried changing between HTC/samsung brands in QMAT software on the reverse string "page" but sill only 31 digits)
I found that reversing the string manually was possible by dividing the the CID into chucks of 2 and reversing the chunks starting from the back.
exampleCID: A0B1C2D3E4F5G6H7I8J9KaLb (32 digits)
Chunking CID into 2`s: A0-B1-C2-D3-E4-F5-G6-H7-I8-J9-Ka-Lb
Reversed: Lb-Ka-J9-I8-H7-G6-F5-E4-D3-C2-B1-A0
removed dashes: LbKaJ9I8H7G6F5E4D3C2B1A0
->continue to step 11 after replacing 2 first digits with "00"
Maybe people who have mmc`s that dont work should give this "manual approach" a try and compare reversed CID`s before buying new mmc`s as there may be some flaws in the QMAT software in some cases/CID`s.
Btw I used the mmc that came with the phone (sandisk 2GB) and the phone had been RUU`ed with the latest official HTC update (Scandinavian/norway).
Used androidSDK and fastboot to flash everything.
Formatted goldcard using a cardreader because formatting using the phone apparently doesn`t set everything to "00". (phone does a "quick format"? and not a "low level" format)
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Interesting. That might happen if the CID string contains spaces (which often happens when copy'n'pasting serials but not entering them manually. I will have a look for it in the next PSAS version, promised.
Hi all!
I want to share the way i have to run Debian on Nexus One
I'm editing my own install of deb-armel and ill upload to everyone but first i need to finish it
By now, we will use a qemu image ready and edit it to your needs
You'll need a SD parted with Amon_RA recovery, few files i'll upload later and some skills with Debian, of course hehe
Partition could be user-alike but i recommend:
Im using a microsdhc 8gb class-2 from my magic
- EXT3: 2gb (nice for install a lot of stuff)
- SWAP: 150MB
- The rest as fat32
You need also a rom with app2sd or mount ETX3 partition under /system/sd, im using Modaco's 1.3
First of all, im working on archlinux but this can be done on windows too using the qemu version for windows
Install qemu on your machine.
NOTE: Also you can start a new installation from 0 using images (iso) and info found on google
Now we will use the following QEMU images:
We will download the followings Of course you can choose the small or normal version with X preinstalled (the X version preinstalled is not tested by me and i dont know if works)
debian_lenny_armel_small.qcow2 150M
initrd.img-2.6.26-1-versatile 2.1M
vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-versatile 1.2M
Put they in your home folder or where u want.
Now, lets run it.
Use the following command (run it from the folder you have the downloaded files) :
qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -kernel vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-versatile -initrd initrd.img-2.6.26-1-versatile -hda debian_lenny_armel_small.qcow2 -append "root=/dev/sda1"
Wait a moment... Debian-armel running under qemu
Here are the configuration by default:
- Keyboard: British English
- Language: English
- Mirror:
- Hostname: debian-armel
- Root password: root
- User account: user
- User password: user
Edit the system to fit your needs, im not going to explain how to do this, im asumming you know how to. If u don't, use the debian reference guide:
Of course, you'll need to edit basic things as locales, network, ssh preferences, etc...
Edit your system, update, configure packages, etc...
Once edited and configured, quit you virtual machine.
Now, we are going to convert the qemu image to a raw image, mount the fs and copy to your SD
Assuming you still in the same folder as the qcow2 image of debian (for windows, google a little, im sure there are something to do the same):
qemu-img convert -O raw debian_lenny_armel_small.qcow2 debian.raw
With this will obtain the qcow2 converted to a raw file (without touching the original qcow2 file)
Now mount it where u want or follow this steps:
sudo mkdir /media/debian
Before mount, lets see where start the partition on the raw file:
sfdisk -l -uS debian.raw
U will see a list of partions under the raw file, use the first, like this one:
debian.raw1 * 63 20225834 20225772 83 Linux
Now, we know the / starts at 63, mount this partition
sudo mount -o loop,offset=$((63*512)) debian.raw /media/debian
Ok, we have our partition mounted now, lets make a copy in our EXT3 partition on SD.
Use the USB Storage function from android, sd card reader... and mount the EXT3 partition
Once mounted, copy everything from /media/debian to /media/yourSDext3mounted
cd /media/debian
sudo cp -a * /media/yourSDext3mounted/
If everithing works as expected, umount the systems /media/debian/ and /media/yourSDext3mounted or use the Android notif to disconnect the USB storage function
Check if everything is now in the SD EXT3. Open a terminal and adb shell
adb shell
cd /system/sd
U'll see the Debian / extructure and the app & app-private
Of course dont worry about this, u can still using apps2sd and debian at the same time
Now, it's time to boot debian
We need some modded files from the G1 version to boot it:
Download from Megaupload:
Download from MediaFire:
Also, files attached to post (rename the extension to tar.gz)
Put the files into your FAT32 SD partition, no in a folder just in "/"
Now, it's time to give it a try
U have two ways:
Open a terminal window in your PC
adb shell
cd /sdcard/
sh bootdeb
Open up a terminal in your N1, like Terminal Emulator on Market
cd /sdcard/
sh bootdeb
Enjoy your debian-armel on your N1
For the next chapter, how to run X with VNC Viewer
Bye and thanks for reading!
Looks like Klingon to me.
I have Debian running too now
Nice! Cant wait to try it out!
nice, i've been looking for a n1 debian how-to
Installing debian is pretty much the same as running it on your g1. I had it working the day after I got mine using the g1 instructions.
So, what's the reason or running debian on your phone?
Jst wondering
The reason by now is just fun hehe
But, if we can run it natively via fastboot, would be awesome hehe
Sorry for the delay guys, ill do it now, the last night was too late for me 4am here hehe
EDIT: Just give some time more, i going to try it with the Cm 5.0 beta 1
jairuncaloth said:
Installing debian is pretty much the same as running it on your g1. I had it working the day after I got mine using the g1 instructions.
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I couldnt get chmod or from the g1 instructions to work. I tried it both with bacon and modaco 1.3. I skipped the jesusfreak part though so maybe thats why. Anyway seeing confirming instructions would be nice.
Because the g1 files need to be modded first
I have it running it under modaco 1.3 and now im going to try it with the new b1 from cyanogen
Guide ready
Enjoy it!
i have one question about debian. Is the network traffic routed trough android, or does debian has direct access to the wlan adapter for monitor mode and aircrack ?
it's using the same ip and mac, so is shared for both
If there are the apropiate drivers maybe, don't really know
Calling Linux Experts!!! hehe
Is there any way to create a boot.img bootable via fastboot to run the ext3 partition of sdcard with debian?
Driskol said:
Calling Linux Experts!!! hehe
Is there any way to create a boot.img bootable via fastboot to run the ext3 partition of sdcard with debian?
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sorry for being noob in this matter but, why do i need debian on my phone? what does it give me?
The answer is a choice, Android or a Full Desktop OS with Firefox, Thunderbird, OpenOffice, etc...
When its booting I'm getting an error:
/system/bin/bootdeb: line 61: chroot: command not found
Doing "find / -name chroot" only returns binaries within the debian image.
Any ideas?
Driskol said:
The answer is a choice, Android or a Full Desktop OS with Firefox, Thunderbird, OpenOffice, etc...
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How well does Firefox run?
Can anyone take some pics or video?
Any instructions for creating and mounting linux as an img file instead of using separate partitions?
tetlee said:
When its booting I'm getting an error:
/system/bin/bootdeb: line 61: chroot: command not found
Doing "find / -name chroot" only returns binaries within the debian image.
Any ideas?
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Maybe your rom doesn't have Busybox
EDIT: Im going to make a img version tutorial
Of course, this version was without the highmem kernel, now with more ram, more flawlessly
I don't want to dual-boot, even, just have a nice "normal" Nookie Froyo install on eMMC. I've seen several allude to the fact that it worked for them but no reviews of how they did it. I've backed up my 2.1 install with Clockwork so I'm not really worried about that.
It's quite simple actually. All you need is basic knowledge of adb.
All disclaimers apply, I'm not responsible for any damage. Just know that mine is running on internal partitions. And the SD does mount too!
Before doing anything, I would recommend applying a dd from your partitions to your pc.
With, for example on mmcblk0p1 (boot) adb: dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 of=boot.img
You should do that for each partition to be safe (0p1 to 0p8).
All the following commands can be execute one after one, the separations are only there to makes things a bit more clear.
Boot to a working Nookie (NF) with your uSD fresh from burning, without any google apps, and without any uSD damaged errors.
Empty your internal system and copy uSD system over, by doing:
- adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk1 / (---there is a space after the 1---)
- adb shell
- mkdir tmpfolder
- mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 tmpfolder
- cd tmpfolder
- rm -r * (---note that there is space after the r---)
- cd ..
- cp -r system/* tmpfolder (---this will take a few minutes---)
- umount tmpfolder
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Then, you need to boot push the attached files (bottom of post) except for the 2 vold files to your boot partition: mmcblk0p1. Unzip, copy content, not zip.
You could very well replace uImage with the new Quickie overclocked uImage for froyo (see dev thread).
To push attached files to boot, do:
- mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 tmpfolder
- exit
- adb push [folder-containing-4-attached-files-except-vold.fstab] tmpfolder
- adb shell
- umount tmpfolder
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I would also recommend erasing all your data. But that's up to you, if you want to keep your data on it. In any case, you can revert back with the data.img you created above . So next part you could skip, haven't tried skipping personally:
Non mandatory, but you could do:
- mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p6 tmpfolder
- cd tmpfolder
- rm -r *
- cd ..
- umount tmpfolder
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Then you need to push vold.fstab and vold.conf (unzip volds, copy content) to system/etc
Copy vold's to system/etc:
- mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 tmpfolder
- exit
- adb push [folder-with-vold's] tmpfolder/etc/
- adb shell
- umount tmpfolder
- rm -r tmpfolder
- exit
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Then shut down, remove uSD, and boot.
Again, you can choose to push the Quickie uImage, I you prefer, but the accelerometer doesn't work with it at the moment. The 950 kernel does sometimes crash on boot, but once booted is quite stable.
I think that's all folks. I could have been a bit vague at some times, but this should work. And if you made your imgs as recommended, you're bullet proof.
To revert back to initial state with img files, you need to copy files to sdcard and then dd:
- adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 sdcard
- adb push XXX.img sdcard (--could take a few minutes--)
- dd if=XXXX.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0pX
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Do that for each partition.
For those who don't feel up to the task, I could make a CWR flashable zip file of all this. The only thing is, CWR dosen't boot on Nookie just yet. So you couldn't restore with a zip after the change.
[Before doing anything, I would recommend applying a dd from your partitions to your pc.
With, for example on mmcblk0p1 (boot) adb: dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 of=boot.img
You should do that for each partition to be safe (0p1 to 0p8).
I am a little confused here. What are the names of the 7 other partitions? Thanks, Great guide btw!
See here.
Do you see improved speed and touch response running nookie from emmc?
im getting a "No such file or directory" error after "adb push [folder-with-vold's] tmpfolder/etc"
I created the directory but now it looks like i am stuck at the landscape android splash screen on boot...
any ideas? I am attempting to redo the whole process again just incase i missed something.
Sorry, there's a slash after etc.
Make sure you've copied the systen files, with "ls" inside tmpfolder where you copied system. Should be a etc folder there.
to the op: I'm not knocking you here, but do you have a basic idea of generic linux file hierarchy or operations in general? Getting a basic grasp on working with files in a linux terminal will make all of these operations make a lot more sense, since most "adb shell" commands are basic linux commands.
FastCR said:
to the op: I'm not knocking you here, but do you have a basic idea of generic linux file hierarchy or operations in general? Getting a basic grasp on working with files in a linux terminal will make all of these operations make a lot more sense, since most "adb shell" commands are basic linux commands.
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Thanks but I don't see how that comment adds anything here.
Looks like the issue is above commands copy the actual system folder (not the contents of the folder) To the root of the partition. ls shows the folder "system" not the contents including etc. They are inside the folder but if the partition is mounted as system then the folder is redundant. Will check copying the contents and see if that helps.
Once I get it working in will post back to let others know
**** in the first block of code replace
- cp -r system tmpfolder (---this will take a few minutes---)
- cp -r system[B]/*[/B] tmpfolder (---this will take a few minutes---)
many thanks!
FastCR said:
to the op: I'm not knocking you here, but do you have a basic idea of generic linux file hierarchy or operations in general? Getting a basic grasp on working with files in a linux terminal will make all of these operations make a lot more sense, since most "adb shell" commands are basic linux commands.
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Why would you go out of your way to say that? It's not constructive. As a junior member with three posts and 0 thanks after a year and a half, sharpen your teeth here at XDA before you act like a big shot.
Right thanks. Changed it.
Has it worked for you?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
samuelhalff said:
You could very well replace uImage with the new Quickie overclocked uImage for froyo (see dev thread).
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Are you certain on this part? Last I read in that thread, Froyo needs a different minimum kernel.
UPDATE: Nevermind, I missed this updated effort.
Well, last time I checked, my NC was running at 950 on froyo with setcpu.
Check the forum. There's a nookie version of quickie. Except accelerometer doesn't work..
First, huge thanks to the second poster - great guide! Can we sticky this?
Second, yes I know what dd does, etc, I've been working with Linux for about ten years . I just don't know the ins and outs of embedded devices yet.
samuelhalff said:
Right thanks. Changed it.
Has it worked for you?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
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yeah i was up till 4am last night but got it working. first i tried to use my existing nf sd card... bad idea. would boot from emmc to the touch android screen to begin, but could not get past. i assume it was the issue on nookdevs because wifi was not enabled. so i removed the setupwizard.apk but somehow bricked and was unable to boot from emmc. so i took the following steps to get things working properly:
1. reimage boot and system from the stock 1.0.1 images and reset the nook to stock, didnt even touch. at the intro screen i just powered it off.
2. next i took a fresh nf sdcard and run steps from your post(with the correction to copy system contents)
3. from there i had a working nf from sdcard! i did my tweaks (google apps, market fix and button remapping from nookdevs froyo tips)
i might to put together a post with a more verbose set of instructions for a one stop froyo shop but if i do i will be sure to give you credit for your contribution.
thanks again!
Second, yes I know what dd does, etc, I've been working with Linux for about ten years . I just don't know the ins and outs of embedded devices yet.
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Well, that's a nice contrast. I've been working on Linux/Android for about 2 months now
I should have mentioned that the NF uSD Card must be a newly burnt image, without all the nookie tips added to it. Of course, your Google framework will crash if you port it without your data.
By the way, there's a nice trick to get past the numb android interface, simply touch every corner of the screen, starting with top left and going clockwise. You'll then be sent the your home screen, and from there you'll log on to google account again.
I think the best way of doing it would to create a flashable .zip, which I'll make tonight if I find the time and if people are really interested. But don't forget CWR dosen't work on nookie for the time being. The only way back would be through adb.
So, does anyone wish to have a flashable zip of this? Or will it be a waist of time?
samuelhalff said:
Well, that's a nice contrast. I've been working on Linux/Android for about 2 months now
I should have mentioned that the NF uSD Card must be a newly burnt image, without all the nookie tips added to it. Of course, your Google framework will crash if you port it without your data.
By the way, there's a nice trick to get past the numb android interface, simply touch every corner of the screen, starting with top left and going clockwise. You'll then be sent the your home screen, and from there you'll log on to google account again.
I think the best way of doing it would to create a flashable .zip, which I'll make tonight if I find the time and if people are really interested. But don't forget CWR dosen't work on nookie for the time being. The only way back would be through adb.
So, does anyone wish to have a flashable zip of this? Or will it be a waist of time?
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I would love a flashable .zip. I think many others would as well.
starkruzr said:
I would love a flashable .zip. I think many others would as well.
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Can't wait for a flashable zip. Maybe even some cm7 release candidates would make me real happy.
Sent from Nooted NookColor using XDA App
As i see a lot of threads about wrongly partitioning internal sd card with cwm and having mbr checksum error or lost space in it at it should be 13.02Gb And 1.85gb in system i decided to put a walkthrough as to how to get it fixed once and for all.
Req.ODIN, Android sdk and Samsung usb drivers for Galaxy s Phones+ CWM Recovery.
Ok, lets start
Connect phone to computer via USB lead
Reboot into Recovery Mode
Type: adb shell in the cmd prompt window
Type: parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
Type: print
Type: rm 1 then rm 2 then rm3 erase all partitions on the sd card
Type print and check if there are any partitions left, if so repeat rm x number untill none are there.
Then quit and exit
Download this:
unzip it and get odin ready.
Go to download mode, place pda only in phone area pit not needed, flash
Let it boot into recovery, remove battery and re-enter download mode.
Flash JFD with pit file and re-partitions checked.
Done and done.
looks useful i dont really need this at the moment but im pretty sure this will help alot of people
I will try this fix this weekend old friend, I will let you know!
demetris_I said:
As i see a lot of threads about wrongly partitioning internal sd card with cwm and having mbr checksum error or lost space in it at it should be 13.02Gb And 1.85gb in system i decided to put a walkthrough as to how to get it fixed once and for all.
Req.ODIN, Android sdk and Samsung usb drivers for Galaxy s Phones+ CWM Recovery.
Ok, lets start
Connect phone to computer via USB lead
Reboot into Recovery Mode
Type: adb shell in the cmd prompt window
Type: parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
Type: print
Type: rm 1 then rm 2 then rm3 erase all partitions on the sd card
Type print and check if there are any partitions left, if so repeat rm x number untill none are there.
Then quit and exit
Download this:
unzip it and get odin ready.
Go to download mode, place pda only in phone area pit not needed, flash
Let it boot into recovery, remove battery and re-enter download mode.
Flash JFD with pit file and re-partitions checked.
Done and done.
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Having the same issue with my galaxy tab. Its showing only 209mb available out of 12 gb plus. Will this work with galaxy tab or do I need to download any other file?
Nope, Tab is another beast to master, just a first name match "Galaxy"
corpsetomb said:
I will try this fix this weekend old friend, I will let you know!
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Hey buddy, any news?
demetris_I said:
As i see a lot of threads about wrongly partitioning internal sd card with cwm and having mbr checksum error or lost space in it at it should be 13.02Gb And 1.85gb in system i decided to put a walkthrough as to how to get it fixed once and for all.
Req.ODIN, Android sdk and Samsung usb drivers for Galaxy s Phones+ CWM Recovery.
Ok, lets start
Connect phone to computer via USB lead
Reboot into Recovery Mode
Type: adb shell in the cmd prompt window
Type: parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
Type: print
Type: rm 1 then rm 2 then rm3 erase all partitions on the sd card
Type print and check if there are any partitions left, if so repeat rm x number untill none are there.
Then quit and exit
Download this:
unzip it and get odin ready.
Go to download mode, place pda only in phone area pit not needed, flash
Let it boot into recovery, remove battery and re-enter download mode.
Flash JFD with pit file and re-partitions checked.
Done and done.
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Click to collapse
this will remove the MBR Error even though i flash to stock?
Not yet. Haven't had time to try this, inundated with school work. I will keep you posted!
kazumahits said:
this will remove the MBR Error even though i flash to stock?
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Yeap it will, hopefully.
Don't forget you have to push parted (Thanks to Demetri for this...)
here is parted for you
adb push c:xxx/sbin
do it for all files in the after you unzip it
su for become superuser
chmod 0755 /sbin/xxx for every file in parted.
cd /sbin then run parted
you will have this:
type print
>(parted)print ->enter
Now you will see 3 partitions
/system /data /swap
>(parted) rm 2
>(parted) rm 3
You cannot remove system
run odin with repartition enabled! <-you need pit file
Enjoy and hit thanks button again lol
Edit: If this dont work you need cwm then format \system from cwm then re-run odin with repartitions enabled
---------- Post added at 03:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:56 PM ----------
Now I am trying to push parted onto my phone but it gives me the error "cannot push" read only. Ugh.
No need for parted do as i described on the OP
When you are in Recovery you have parted from it
So you dont need to install parted on phone and you are able to delete everything on the Flash because nothing depends on it like parted executed from phone.
So you will be able to delete /system also.
Sweet, thank you! I am not going to try it for a while cause I have my phone setup the way I like it, but when I do I will drop a line!
ok i spent the night trying to do this no luck , i installed the sdk and i dont no how to get it to work i try typing in the window but it doesnt work can u make a video and put it on youtube please kuz i really dont no what else to do i odin 5 times and partition the phone 4 times no luck with any of that
Here is adb for you
Unrar it to c:\
Open cmd window go to \
cd adb
and then adb shell.
demetris_I said:
Here is adb for you
Unrar it to c:\
Open cmd window go to \
cd adb
and then adb shell.
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just tried it the cmd window says no the system can not find the path specified
start ->run->cmd then
cd \
cd adb
adb shell
If you have 7, start, search bar, write cmd then enter then:
cd \
cd adb
adb shell
Just for your information... In the recent Android SDK (I discovered this recently) the ADB tool isn't installed by default. To install it, follow the directions below.
In Windows Explorer navigate to the Programs Files directory where you installed the Android SDK. Then go to "Android\android-sdk\tools" and then run "android.bat". A window should appear. On the left side of the window you will then find a list with an item called "Available Packages", click it. Under "Android Repository" find an item called "Android SDK Platform-tools, revision (something)", check it and then click the "Install Selected" button below. Once that's done exit out of the window.
Now browse to "Android\android-sdk\platform-tools". You should now see adb.exe. Mind you, the "platform-tools" folder didn't exist before you did the stuff above.
Why they did this, I have no idea other than frustrating us users.
trparky said:
Just for your information... In the recent Android SDK (I discovered this recently) the ADB tool isn't installed by default. To install it, follow the directions below.
In Windows Explorer navigate to the Programs Files directory where you installed the Android SDK. Then go to "Android\android-sdk\tools" and then run "android.bat". A window should appear. On the left side of the window you will then find a list with an item called "Available Packages", click it. Under "Android Repository" find an item called "Android SDK Platform-tools, revision (something)", check it and then click the "Install Selected" button below. Once that's done exit out of the window.
Now browse to "Android\android-sdk\platform-tools". You should now see adb.exe. Mind you, the "platform-tools" folder didn't exist before you did the stuff above.
Why they did this, I have no idea other than frustrating us users.
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man im sorry i see everything u talking about but the cmd window is still not working at all it says device not found
Hey Demtrius I, I followed your instructions in the post exactly, did parted and rm1 and rm2 but I still get the MBR checksum error.
My phone is showing the System at 1.73gb and the storage at 13.43. I was using voodoo lagfix before.
Can you help me out?
protohamster said:
Hey Demtrius I, I followed your instructions in the post exactly, did parted and rm1 and rm2 but I still get the MBR checksum error.
My phone is showing the System at 1.73gb and the storage at 13.43. I was using voodoo lagfix before.
Can you help me out?
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You didnt partition the internal sdcard correct, what pit file you use?
Storage cant go 13.43 max i saw is 13.03GB ,this is what is wrong and the MBR checksum error trigger.
Are you sure you removed all the partitions?
Re install CWM and do this from CWM in recovery by adb as OP
Type: parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
Type: print
And post here your output.
For anyone actively working with and on the webtop portion of these phones, you'll have noticed that webtop suffers greatly from sluggish response. I decided to experiment and through that, managed to alleviate a large portion of my problems. By creating and enabling a swap partition, I gained a very noticeable increase in performance on my webtop.
1: Remove SD card from phone and mount onto a computer capable of formating as Linux Swap.
Linux machines can obviously do this with any partition manager.
Windows machines can do so with: Paragon Partition Manager
Mac: I'm not currently sure what tool can handle creating swap partitions.
2: Create Swap partition on SD Card. (I personally made mine 1.5 GB)
3: Put SD Card back into phone and boot fully into webtop.
4: In Synaptic, download Partitionmanager. (This is the only partition manager package I have found to do anything at all in the webtop. If anyone has any luck with others, please post what lead to your success.)
(Path Method):
5: Inside Partitionmanager, navigate to the swap partition of your SD card and take notice of the "Device:" line underneath the the bar Volumes bar.
6: If in gnome, Alt+F2 and type
gksudo gedit /etc/fstab
If in any other desktop environment, open a terminal and type
sudo gedit /etc/fstab
7: Append the following line to fstab replacing "<path>" with the value in the "Device:" line of partitionmanager:
<path> none swap sw 0 0
(UUID Method)
5: Inside either Webtop terminal or phone Terminal Emulator type:
Look for the line which contains
Alongside "TYPE" should be a
(If no "UUDI" is listed, take the path of the device from the same line and do the following replacing "<path>" with the path value from above.)
sudo mkswap <path>
6: If in gnome, Alt+F2 and type [code]gksudo gedit /etc/fstab
If in any other desktop environment, open a terminal and type
sudo gedit /etc/fstab
7: Append the following line to fstab replacing "<UUID>" with the value in the "UUID=" line of blkid:
UUID=<UUID> none swap sw 0 0
8: Reboot phone
9: Download Script Manager from the android market.
10: Download View attachment and unzip it to a directory of your SD Card where you won't erase it.
11: In Script Manager, navigate to the directory you placed the script and select "".
12: Check:
"Run as root" and "Run at boot"
13: Click "Run"
14: Profit!
To see if it is working, open terminal emulator or a terminal window on either phone or webtop. Type the command "free". and take notice of the "Swap" line. It should tell you the partition size, amount used, and amount free.
Hope this helps someone.
**Tested Working Phones**
Motorola Droid Bionic
Motorola Milestone A854 (Nearly Identical to A855) {blkid is not compiled on this phone. /etc/fstab is non-existent. Easiest way of making the proper /etc/fstab is to partition the swap as the 2nd partition on the card and only have 2 partitions total. This will ensure that the path for the swap is "/dev/block/mmcblk0p2"}
Motorola Atrix 4G using faux123's 2.4beta (Several kernels for the Atrix 4G do not support swap. faux123's 2.4beta does, however) thanks nabicat
If anyone has any other phones that they can confirm working, PM me and I'll add them to the list. If anyone has a phone that requires any special steps, be sure to list the steps taken along with the PM.
*UPDATE!! 06/23/12*
I am currently running the ICS leak 2033 on my Bionic. Webtop is running ICS Tablet. For starters, even without swap space, this version of webtop runs smooth as butter. Swap space IS still capable, though, and does still improve performance. To those who are leery about having android instead of ubuntu for webtop, I challenge you to try it. Some will like it (I certainly do). Others will hate it.
One change that needs to be noted: ICS kernel doesn't support the -a tag on "swapon" instead of using "-a" you'll need to put the path in the command script instead. In my case, the script now reads "swapon /dev/block/mmcblk0p2". It still needs to be run as root. Webtop picks up immediately when you run the script, so no extra steps there. Chrome beta is sexual on webtop 3.0, btw.
Special Thanks:
Sogarth: Fantastic work with webtop2sd across multiple platforms. Opened monstrous doors for all of this.
tallnerd1985: Compiling a great guide for multiple steps of unlocking webtop
[mbm]: Fixing what Moto broke
Natronics: Providing the UUID solution in this guide
Very nice, I will have to test this out tomorrow. Webtop is working well minus some hiccups with Bluetooth mice not clicking properly and display.
But if I want to use this for Citrix receiver and OpenOffice, will definitely want to get this going.
hey bang, an easier way to find the UUID of the swap partition is to run blkid from should actually list it as TYPE="swap".
Awesome thanks! I'll give this a try right now and report back!
Natronics said:
hey bang, an easier way to find the UUID of the swap partition is to run blkid from should actually list it as TYPE="swap".
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Very nice. I'll update the guide when I get a chance to reflect that. I'm guessing from either terminal emulator on phone and terminal in webtop?
I ran it on the webtop terminal. it showed the UUID with the quotations after the UUID. so I removed the quotations and entered the UUID into fstab.
---------- Post added at 05:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:17 PM ----------
this is what it looks like in blkid:
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2: UUID="a0a11111-a94e-4fa1-ada0-69186b667b1e" TYPE="swap"
The UUID should look like this when you paste it in fstab:
this is what the finished product looks like in fstab:
UUID=a0a11111-a94e-4fa1-ada0-69186b667b1e none swap sw 0 0
If you don't see a UUID when you do blkid...
get the location of the partition using blkid... mine was /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
then do a:
sudo mkswap /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
replace the /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 with your sdcards path if it is different than mine. That will set a UUID to the swap partition.
Just a note to those who aren't familiar with linux and/or UUIDs. YOUR actual UUID will be different. You'll have to actually run blkid in either the webtop terminal or terminal emulator (both work. run as super user).
UUID has benefits and drawbacks when compared with the device paths:
UUID values won't change unless the partition is destroyed and recreated. If it's moved around and/or resized, it'll remain the same.
Paths are easier to determine and remember for the less knowledgeable.
Thanks for clarifying the uuid being different for everyone. Forgot to mention that part.
Sent from my HTC Flyer P510e using XDA App
Oops, got distracted half way though. Anyways, works great! Noticeably snappier right away. Thank you so much for noticing this! Seems like Motorola should have had this on from the get go...
I have Paragon installed on my computer but I am still fuzzy on how to make this swap partition. Can anyone help me?
dB Zac said:
I have Paragon installed on my computer but I am still fuzzy on how to make this swap partition. Can anyone help me?
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delete or resize the existing partition to create blank space. Make a new partition the size you want for swap. Choose "Linux Swap" as the partition type.
I couldn't find an option for swap partition. I made the space but couldn't get past that step
dB Zac said:
I couldn't find an option for swap partition. I made the space but couldn't get past that step
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It's called "File System Type" or "Partition Type". It's the same option as where you'll find "FAT32" and "NTFS" file systems. You're looking for either "Linux Swap" or "Swap Space"
Banggugyangu said:
It's called "File System Type" or "Partition Type". It's the same option as where you'll find "FAT32" and "NTFS" file systems. You're looking for either "Linux Swap" or "Swap Space"
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Man, that is weird. I found all those options but there is no option that says swap.....
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
dB Zac said:
Man, that is weird. I found all those options but there is no option that says swap.....
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
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I'm not using it myself, so I don't know for sure what options you have. Perhaps you can list them or post a screenshot of them so I can know more of what's going on?
NTFS, FAT16, FAT32 and none is all it offers
dB Zac said:
NTFS, FAT16, FAT32 and none is all it offers
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Hmm that must be a limitation on the free version. You could always download a live CD of ubuntu and use GParted inside that to do the job.
Banggugyangu said:
Hmm that must be a limitation on the free version. You could always download a live CD of ubuntu and use GParted inside that to do the job.
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confirmed. the free version did not have the "swap" partition options but the paid one does
If you paid for it, that's a little foolish, as downloading ubuntu is free and comes w/ GParted on the live CD.