Viewsonic Logo replacement - detailed steps - G Tablet Themes and Apps

I decided to take rothnics excellent sticky thread;
and break it down a little more in depth as I found myself a little lost with the NVFlash wiki... so I combined and extracted the info... again... read his thread as it has all the warnings etc etc, but here is mine: CONTINUE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!
If you want a different logo that the one on the thread, you can use the one I chose which is an impressive TegraII logo found at this link below:
(thank you XDA member Rayden25):
The Android 2.2 system images and support files were found here:
Here are the steps I followed successfully based on the rothnic thread... again... this is advanced, for windows users, and the video at GTabUnleashed will cover just the last few steps!!!
1. Download the Android 2.2 MSI file and install.
2. Download the bootloader.bin file from the rothnic thread (its at the end of the thread - I would link it but this way forces you to read the whole thread... or pretend that you did)
3. copy the bootload.bin you just downloaded into the folder you just installed at:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\tegra_froyo_20110207"
which will overwrite the one from the SDK.
NOTE: remove "(x86)" if you are not running a 64 bit system
4. Place whatever .bmp boot logo you plan to use in that same folder (it must be a .bmp file and same dimensions as the one I linked - but if you read up on this you would already know this) the name doesn't matter, but I named mine bootlogo.bmp for simplicity.
5. Connect your PC and GTab via USB, reboot holding volume (-) which will boot into APX mode.
6. (Remember: THIS IS FOR WINDOWS) the driver will most likely not recognize the GTab and you will need to update the APX driver by going to the device manager and pointing the driver update to the tegra_froyo_20110207 folder - then your PC and GTab will talk - look for APX under devices and drivers for proof.
7. Open command prompt and change directory to the one with the all our files by typing:
cd c:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\tegra_froyo_20110207
NOTE: remove "(x86)" if you are not running a 64 bit system
8. Finally you will replace the stock bird logo with this command:
nvflash --bl bootloader.bin --download 6 bootlogo.bmp
Watch the video for a visual on the last few steps:
Peer through this screenshot for all the relevant information:

Buried on page 5 or 6 of the original thread is a part about finding which partition your boot logo is on. It's not always #6. After your step 7 (ie, the software is all setup), run this first:
nvflash --bl bootloader.bin --getpartitiontable gtab_part_table
That will create a text file in the \progs...\nvidia...\tegra... directory called gtab_part_table. Open that up and see which partition is labeled BLO. From the previous thread, it'll be either 6 or 7. Yours was probably 6, mine was 7.
After that, I couldn't immediately run nvflash again, I had to reboot the tablet, but I was able to boot immediately back into APX mode (ie, run the first nvflash, shut down gtab, boot into APX again with power and volume-). Then I could run nvflash again and run the download command.
If your BLO is 7 (or something else), just change the command to:
nvflash --bl bootloader.bin --download 7 bootlogo.bmp
I dropped in the Tegra2 one you linked, I like it, thanks!

Funny story. Before I saw this post, I decided to try this and I pulled partition 6 out (use nvflash --bl bootloader.bin --read 6 part6.bin ). I realized it was NOT the image and that's when I did a search and found this thread. I read back partition 7 and sure enough there were the viewsonic birds.
So after patting myself on the back for realizing that I should not blindly flash partition 6, I got everything ready, typed in the line... hit enter... and of course had put 6 on the command line, writing a beautiful logo on top of partition 6 (the MSC partition).
As far as I can tell this must be the system cache as it seems to have no effect. I am doing a fast backup and then I'll clear the cache read it back out and see if it looks like it changed. Doh!
I wanted to point out one thing though. You don't need to reboot after you do a read, just use -r instead of --bl after the first time. So:
nvflash --bl bootloader.bin --read 6 part6.img
nvflash -r --read 7 part7.img
nvflash -r --download 7 mylogo.bmp
You only need to do the --bl after you reboot.
Man did I freak when I realized I had put 6 in instead of 7. I got lucky. Be careful doing this!!!
UPDATE: MSC is _not_ the cache partition. I cleared the cache and pulled #6 and it was still the bitmap (mostly, anyway -- some of it had been changed). So I took the #7 partition from the stock restore (which is MSC) and flashed it to 6. Didn't matter any but made me feel better.
A few other tips: First of all, the bitmap can't be any .BMP format. GIMP saves RGBA bitmaps it can't read. The 24 bit RGB seemed to be ok. Also, I decided I didn't want to make a mistake again so I wrote a shell script:
# ################### YOU MUST SET YOUR BLO PARTITION HERE! ######
if [ -z "$1" -o ! -f "$1" ]
echo Usage: flashlogo logo
echo BLO set to partition $BLO
exit 1
$NVFLASHDIR/nvflash --bl $NVFLASHDIR/bootloader.bin --download 7 $1
exit 0

Followed you instructions NVflashed to partition 7 and i got rid of the viewsonig logo but all i get is a blank screen when it boots.
Not the bmp image i wanted. I get a message from the nvflash that the file was sent successfully. I unplug and reboot and
the Gtab works perfectly, it boots with a blank screen, then shows the gtablet logo and loads TNT Lite 4.25
Any ideas why.
Could it be the wrong bootloader?
Found the problem. Image.bmp has to be 24 bit, changed to 24 bit worked beautifully.
Now I want to change the gtablet logo that comes up right after the boot logo.
Any suggestions???

Bet you that you have the BMP saved with alpha or maybe 32 bit. You need 24 bit RGB (maybe others, I haven't tested). Worse case get one of the images people have posted and or the stock partition #6. You did verify that you really have the BLO partition on 7 right? Sounds like it thought because an incompatible bitmap is what causes black logo on boot.

Thanks man , this is sweet = nice package, the only problem the i had was the i use a image from another thread and didn't work as i hope to. but is a done deal man, i am not going to see does birds any more.
shalom beushhh

Please update this for the 1.2 bootloader. While installing vegan-tab, i saw that there is a huge difference between bootloader 1.1 that most everyone has and the 1.2 bootloader. plus the android 2.2 images, will that work with the newest version of vegan-tab? either way, the link doesnt work any more


[REQUEST] Can someone post a guide to how to get Froyo on eMMC?

I don't want to dual-boot, even, just have a nice "normal" Nookie Froyo install on eMMC. I've seen several allude to the fact that it worked for them but no reviews of how they did it. I've backed up my 2.1 install with Clockwork so I'm not really worried about that.
It's quite simple actually. All you need is basic knowledge of adb.
All disclaimers apply, I'm not responsible for any damage. Just know that mine is running on internal partitions. And the SD does mount too!
Before doing anything, I would recommend applying a dd from your partitions to your pc.
With, for example on mmcblk0p1 (boot) adb: dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 of=boot.img
You should do that for each partition to be safe (0p1 to 0p8).
All the following commands can be execute one after one, the separations are only there to makes things a bit more clear.
Boot to a working Nookie (NF) with your uSD fresh from burning, without any google apps, and without any uSD damaged errors.
Empty your internal system and copy uSD system over, by doing:
- adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk1 / (---there is a space after the 1---)
- adb shell
- mkdir tmpfolder
- mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 tmpfolder
- cd tmpfolder
- rm -r * (---note that there is space after the r---)
- cd ..
- cp -r system/* tmpfolder (---this will take a few minutes---)
- umount tmpfolder
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Then, you need to boot push the attached files (bottom of post) except for the 2 vold files to your boot partition: mmcblk0p1. Unzip, copy content, not zip.
You could very well replace uImage with the new Quickie overclocked uImage for froyo (see dev thread).
To push attached files to boot, do:
- mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 tmpfolder
- exit
- adb push [folder-containing-4-attached-files-except-vold.fstab] tmpfolder
- adb shell
- umount tmpfolder
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I would also recommend erasing all your data. But that's up to you, if you want to keep your data on it. In any case, you can revert back with the data.img you created above . So next part you could skip, haven't tried skipping personally:
Non mandatory, but you could do:
- mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p6 tmpfolder
- cd tmpfolder
- rm -r *
- cd ..
- umount tmpfolder
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Then you need to push vold.fstab and vold.conf (unzip volds, copy content) to system/etc
Copy vold's to system/etc:
- mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 tmpfolder
- exit
- adb push [folder-with-vold's] tmpfolder/etc/
- adb shell
- umount tmpfolder
- rm -r tmpfolder
- exit
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Then shut down, remove uSD, and boot.
Again, you can choose to push the Quickie uImage, I you prefer, but the accelerometer doesn't work with it at the moment. The 950 kernel does sometimes crash on boot, but once booted is quite stable.
I think that's all folks. I could have been a bit vague at some times, but this should work. And if you made your imgs as recommended, you're bullet proof.
To revert back to initial state with img files, you need to copy files to sdcard and then dd:
- adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 sdcard
- adb push XXX.img sdcard (--could take a few minutes--)
- dd if=XXXX.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0pX
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Do that for each partition.
For those who don't feel up to the task, I could make a CWR flashable zip file of all this. The only thing is, CWR dosen't boot on Nookie just yet. So you couldn't restore with a zip after the change.
[Before doing anything, I would recommend applying a dd from your partitions to your pc.
With, for example on mmcblk0p1 (boot) adb: dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 of=boot.img
You should do that for each partition to be safe (0p1 to 0p8).
I am a little confused here. What are the names of the 7 other partitions? Thanks, Great guide btw!
See here.
Do you see improved speed and touch response running nookie from emmc?
im getting a "No such file or directory" error after "adb push [folder-with-vold's] tmpfolder/etc"
I created the directory but now it looks like i am stuck at the landscape android splash screen on boot...
any ideas? I am attempting to redo the whole process again just incase i missed something.
Sorry, there's a slash after etc.
Make sure you've copied the systen files, with "ls" inside tmpfolder where you copied system. Should be a etc folder there.
to the op: I'm not knocking you here, but do you have a basic idea of generic linux file hierarchy or operations in general? Getting a basic grasp on working with files in a linux terminal will make all of these operations make a lot more sense, since most "adb shell" commands are basic linux commands.
FastCR said:
to the op: I'm not knocking you here, but do you have a basic idea of generic linux file hierarchy or operations in general? Getting a basic grasp on working with files in a linux terminal will make all of these operations make a lot more sense, since most "adb shell" commands are basic linux commands.
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Thanks but I don't see how that comment adds anything here.
Looks like the issue is above commands copy the actual system folder (not the contents of the folder) To the root of the partition. ls shows the folder "system" not the contents including etc. They are inside the folder but if the partition is mounted as system then the folder is redundant. Will check copying the contents and see if that helps.
Once I get it working in will post back to let others know
**** in the first block of code replace
- cp -r system tmpfolder (---this will take a few minutes---)
- cp -r system[B]/*[/B] tmpfolder (---this will take a few minutes---)
many thanks!
FastCR said:
to the op: I'm not knocking you here, but do you have a basic idea of generic linux file hierarchy or operations in general? Getting a basic grasp on working with files in a linux terminal will make all of these operations make a lot more sense, since most "adb shell" commands are basic linux commands.
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Why would you go out of your way to say that? It's not constructive. As a junior member with three posts and 0 thanks after a year and a half, sharpen your teeth here at XDA before you act like a big shot.
Right thanks. Changed it.
Has it worked for you?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
samuelhalff said:
You could very well replace uImage with the new Quickie overclocked uImage for froyo (see dev thread).
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Are you certain on this part? Last I read in that thread, Froyo needs a different minimum kernel.
UPDATE: Nevermind, I missed this updated effort.
Well, last time I checked, my NC was running at 950 on froyo with setcpu.
Check the forum. There's a nookie version of quickie. Except accelerometer doesn't work..
First, huge thanks to the second poster - great guide! Can we sticky this?
Second, yes I know what dd does, etc, I've been working with Linux for about ten years . I just don't know the ins and outs of embedded devices yet.
samuelhalff said:
Right thanks. Changed it.
Has it worked for you?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
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yeah i was up till 4am last night but got it working. first i tried to use my existing nf sd card... bad idea. would boot from emmc to the touch android screen to begin, but could not get past. i assume it was the issue on nookdevs because wifi was not enabled. so i removed the setupwizard.apk but somehow bricked and was unable to boot from emmc. so i took the following steps to get things working properly:
1. reimage boot and system from the stock 1.0.1 images and reset the nook to stock, didnt even touch. at the intro screen i just powered it off.
2. next i took a fresh nf sdcard and run steps from your post(with the correction to copy system contents)
3. from there i had a working nf from sdcard! i did my tweaks (google apps, market fix and button remapping from nookdevs froyo tips)
i might to put together a post with a more verbose set of instructions for a one stop froyo shop but if i do i will be sure to give you credit for your contribution.
thanks again!
Second, yes I know what dd does, etc, I've been working with Linux for about ten years . I just don't know the ins and outs of embedded devices yet.
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Well, that's a nice contrast. I've been working on Linux/Android for about 2 months now
I should have mentioned that the NF uSD Card must be a newly burnt image, without all the nookie tips added to it. Of course, your Google framework will crash if you port it without your data.
By the way, there's a nice trick to get past the numb android interface, simply touch every corner of the screen, starting with top left and going clockwise. You'll then be sent the your home screen, and from there you'll log on to google account again.
I think the best way of doing it would to create a flashable .zip, which I'll make tonight if I find the time and if people are really interested. But don't forget CWR dosen't work on nookie for the time being. The only way back would be through adb.
So, does anyone wish to have a flashable zip of this? Or will it be a waist of time?
samuelhalff said:
Well, that's a nice contrast. I've been working on Linux/Android for about 2 months now
I should have mentioned that the NF uSD Card must be a newly burnt image, without all the nookie tips added to it. Of course, your Google framework will crash if you port it without your data.
By the way, there's a nice trick to get past the numb android interface, simply touch every corner of the screen, starting with top left and going clockwise. You'll then be sent the your home screen, and from there you'll log on to google account again.
I think the best way of doing it would to create a flashable .zip, which I'll make tonight if I find the time and if people are really interested. But don't forget CWR dosen't work on nookie for the time being. The only way back would be through adb.
So, does anyone wish to have a flashable zip of this? Or will it be a waist of time?
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I would love a flashable .zip. I think many others would as well.
starkruzr said:
I would love a flashable .zip. I think many others would as well.
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Can't wait for a flashable zip. Maybe even some cm7 release candidates would make me real happy.
Sent from Nooted NookColor using XDA App

Some Honeycomb 514 Tips.

Edit: this is about Streak 7 Honeycomb 514 installation tips, I fixed the tile
I have installed ROMs on my Viewsonic gPad. Piece of cake, the process is straightforward and there were no wild goose chases looking for drivers. I never appreciated how easy the gTab was until I dealt with this nightmarish Streak 7.
I started at 6 pm last night, gave up at 2:30am, woke up at 7:30 this morning, and now (at 8:15) it is HOPEFULLY going to reboot into Gingerbread. And it looks successfull!
Some tips:
The general process
I followed the general instructions on the 506 update thread, but I used a 514 ROM.
You can add the update.img file to your external SD card using windows explorer, but you can't use windows explorer to add the recovery file to the recovery partition. One way to do that, is with Fastboot. The whole fastboot process includes:
-placing the tablet in fastboot mode
-connecting the tablet to the computer via USB
-installing drivers (hopefully, first time only)
-running fastboot.exe
-using a command prompt to move the recovery.img file onto the tablet's recovery partition
Fastboot and the recovery file are where I had my problems, so I added a few tips here.
ROM and Recovery
Get the 514 ROM and recovery files from here: here
NOTE: I could not get the 514 US 4G recovery to work, so I used the US Stock Froyo recovery.img from the 506 update thread.
Fastboot Guide
Use this page as a general guide for installing Fastboot and Flashing/Updating, but it is by no means comprehensive.
Finding Fastboot Drivers
Drivers for fastboot were a big sticking point for me. To get Streak 7 drivers: I connected my Streak 7 to my computer, enabled USB sharing on my tablet, and then in Windows file explorer find the streak and do a search for 'drivers'. It will found the folder (using a search for 'drivers') on the Streak that contains the drivers I need. There are drivers included in the fastboot download but the fastboot drivers did not work for me.
My approach for setting up/using fastboot
Download fastboot (it's actually fastboot and adb)
Extract the zip (I put it in c:\android)
Enter fastboot mode on device
Connect phone pc with usb cable.
Install approporate driver extracted from your streak (or try the ones from fastboot, they didn't work for me but maybe they will work for you)
Note: I installed drivers in fastboot mode AND in regular android mode, but I spent a long time working on drivers so that might not be necessary
Note 2: I installed the free 'Nero' software from Dell because someone else with similar problems also installed that software, IDK if it helped either one of us but who knows. I recommend not installing Nero just for this task, because most people don't seem to need it.
Note 3: After driver is installed, the streak will still say what it always says in fastboot mode: some red text followed by some white text. The fact that you have installed fastboot on your PC will not cause a change on the screen of your Streak 7 when it is connected to the PC.
run 'fastboot.exe'
a black window will appear and disappear very quickly.
open a command prompt type c:\android>fastboot devices
the command prompt should return something like '? fastboot'
This step lets you know you have fastboot working properly.
Now that you know fastboot is working, it's time to move your new recovery file to the Streak's recovery partition. Type C:\android>fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
If you forgot how to use a command line: you will need to use the 'cd' command to navigate to the folder your recovery.img file is in. It will be easy enough to find on the internet, and I am too tired to explain now. If you happened to place your files in C:\android, you can get there by typing 'cd\' (no quotes) and hitting enter, then typing 'cd android' and hitting enter.
in the above text, 'C:\android>' is the prompt you will see after using the 'cd' command. If you have your recovery file somewhere else, you must alter this prompt with the CD command so it reflects the recovery file's location.
in the above text, 'fastboot' tells your computer to use fastboot commands. Make sure you ran fastboot.exe. There is also a way to change environmental settings/path so that it will work whenever you have an android device plugged in, but I couldn't find the thread that discussed it.
in the above text, 'flash' is a command to write a file to a particular partition.
in the above text, 'recovery' is the partition being written to is the recovery partition.
in the above text, 'recovery.img' is the name of the file being copied to the tablet.
in the above text, 'C:\android' is the location of the file being copied.
I know I'm overtired and I need to go back to sleep because I'm doing an anal-retentive job of explaining how to use functions that you can read by typing in 'fastboot help'. But I've lost a bit of rational thinking and I am compelled to work on formatting and adding bullets so it looks pretty.
The command prompt will give you a couple of lines saying how long it took to move the file.
Make sure you have a new update.pkg file on your external SD card, boot into recovery, and install your update.
Are you sure you are in the right section? This is Streak7 not Streak5
giveen said:
Are you sure you are in the right section? This is Streak7 not Streak5
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Lol I changed the title. Yup, I was talking about the Streak 7.
Now you are making some sense, lol.
mike_ekim said:
Edit: this is about Streak 7 Honeycomb 514 installation tips, I fixed the tile
I have installed ROMs on my Viewsonic gPad. Piece of cake, the process is straightforward and there were no wild goose chases looking for drivers. I never appreciated how easy the gTab was until I dealt with this nightmarish Streak 7.
I started at 6 pm last night, gave up at 2:30am, woke up at 7:30 this morning, and now (at 8:15) it is HOPEFULLY going to reboot into Gingerbread. And it looks successfull!
Some tips:
The general process
I followed the general instructions on the 506 update thread, but I used a 514 ROM.
You can add the update.img file to your external SD card using windows explorer, but you can't use windows explorer to add the recovery file to the recovery partition. One way to do that, is with Fastboot. The whole fastboot process includes:
-placing the tablet in fastboot mode
-connecting the tablet to the computer via USB
-installing drivers (hopefully, first time only)
-running fastboot.exe
-using a command prompt to move the recovery.img file onto the tablet's recovery partition
Fastboot and the recovery file are where I had my problems, so I added a few tips here.
ROM and Recovery
Get the 514 ROM and recovery files from here: here
NOTE: I could not get the 514 US 4G recovery to work, so I used the US Stock Froyo recovery.img from the 506 update thread.
Fastboot Guide
Use this page as a general guide for installing Fastboot and Flashing/Updating, but it is by no means comprehensive.
Finding Fastboot Drivers
Drivers for fastboot were a big sticking point for me. To get Streak 7 drivers: I connected my Streak 7 to my computer, enabled USB sharing on my tablet, and then in Windows file explorer find the streak and do a search for 'drivers'. It will found the folder (using a search for 'drivers') on the Streak that contains the drivers I need. There are drivers included in the fastboot download but the fastboot drivers did not work for me.
My approach for setting up/using fastboot
Download fastboot (it's actually fastboot and adb)
Extract the zip (I put it in c:\android)
Enter fastboot mode on device
Connect phone pc with usb cable.
Install approporate driver extracted from your streak (or try the ones from fastboot, they didn't work for me but maybe they will work for you)
Note: I installed drivers in fastboot mode AND in regular android mode, but I spent a long time working on drivers so that might not be necessary
Note 2: I installed the free 'Nero' software from Dell because someone else with similar problems also installed that software, IDK if it helped either one of us but who knows. I recommend not installing Nero just for this task, because most people don't seem to need it.
Note 3: After driver is installed, the streak will still say what it always says in fastboot mode: some red text followed by some white text. The fact that you have installed fastboot on your PC will not cause a change on the screen of your Streak 7 when it is connected to the PC.
run 'fastboot.exe'
a black window will appear and disappear very quickly.
open a command prompt type c:\android>fastboot devices
the command prompt should return something like '? fastboot'
This step lets you know you have fastboot working properly.
Now that you know fastboot is working, it's time to move your new recovery file to the Streak's recovery partition. Type C:\android>fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
If you forgot how to use a command line: you will need to use the 'cd' command to navigate to the folder your recovery.img file is in. It will be easy enough to find on the internet, and I am too tired to explain now. If you happened to place your files in C:\android, you can get there by typing 'cd\' (no quotes) and hitting enter, then typing 'cd android' and hitting enter.
in the above text, 'C:\android>' is the prompt you will see after using the 'cd' command. If you have your recovery file somewhere else, you must alter this prompt with the CD command so it reflects the recovery file's location.
in the above text, 'fastboot' tells your computer to use fastboot commands. Make sure you ran fastboot.exe. There is also a way to change environmental settings/path so that it will work whenever you have an android device plugged in, but I couldn't find the thread that discussed it.
in the above text, 'flash' is a command to write a file to a particular partition.
in the above text, 'recovery' is the partition being written to is the recovery partition.
in the above text, 'recovery.img' is the name of the file being copied to the tablet.
in the above text, 'C:\android' is the location of the file being copied.
I know I'm overtired and I need to go back to sleep because I'm doing an anal-retentive job of explaining how to use functions that you can read by typing in 'fastboot help'. But I've lost a bit of rational thinking and I am compelled to work on formatting and adding bullets so it looks pretty.
The command prompt will give you a couple of lines saying how long it took to move the file.
Make sure you have a new update.pkg file on your external SD card, boot into recovery, and install your update.
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i would just like to add that you can go to the folder with fastboot.exe and the recovery.img and in my win7 64bit i just hold shift + right click and choose open cmd windows here note* not sure if this is a special feature of my win7 or not tho so other user who dont see it dont panic use above steps thought it may help tho
and i read a post baout using the 506 recovery img but theres a post saying it was updated idk cant find link now to it but if it works then good i myself am in the process of charging my 7 before i can see if it will accept the update.pkg now cause i tryed without changing the img im on stock 2.2.2 4g tmobile one
colorsharpkid said:
and i read a post baout using the 506 recovery img but theres a post saying it was updated idk cant find link now to it but if it works then good i myself am in the process of charging my 7 before i can see if it will accept the update.pkg now cause i tryed without changing the img im on stock 2.2.2 4g tmobile one
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Yup, I read that posty too and I tried several times with the 514 recovery with no success. I then tried with the 506 recovery, no other changes, and it worked. I would have preferred a 514 revocery from a warm-and-fuzzy standpoint but I don't really care now that it's done.

Tegra2 dev tools and "read-only mode"

It looks like most of you with "read-only mode" have either gotten it replaced or given up (or are trying Nocturnal_50's method). But for anyone still interesting in bashing their head against this wall:
I got a Tegra2 OS Image from . The bundled nvflash seems to have some things not in what's commonly circulated around here (newer?). Here's the stuff that stood out to me.
$ ./nvflash --help
Nvflash v1.2.57794 started
--updatebct command usage ->
nvflash --bct <bct> --updatebct <bctsection> --bl <bootloader> --go
used to update some section of system bct(bctsection) from bct specified
this command is run in 3pserver. As of now, bctsection can be SDRAM which
updates SdramParams and NumSdramSets field of bct, DEVPARAM updates
DevParams, DevType and NumParamSets fields and BOOTDEVINFO updates
BlockSizeLog2, PageSizeLog2 and PartitionSize fields of system bct
--setblhash command usage ->
nvflash --blob <blob> --setblhash <bct> --configfile <cfg> --download N
<filename> --bl <bootloader> --go (in odm secure mode)
used to download bootloader in secure mode into already flashed device
it updates the hash value of updated bootloader to be downloaded, from
encrypted bct got from sbktool, into system bct in miniloader
--dumpbit command usage ->
nvflash --dumpbit --bl <bootloader> --go
used to display the bit table read from device in text form on user
terminal. Also gives info about bct and various bootloaders present in
media, normally used for debugging cold boot failures
--obliterate command usage ->
nvflash --configfile <cfg> --obliterate --bl <bootloader> --go
used to erase all partitions and bad blocks in already flashed device
using partition info from configuration file cfg used in nvflash earlier
--delete_all command usage ->
nvflash --delete_all --bl <bootloader> --go
used to delete all existing partitions on already flashed device
--dumpbit gives a bunch of boring info (I can post if anyone's interested), but says it can't find a BCT. The other versions of nvflash can dump a BCT that matches the one in the restore packages, so I think it's really there. I'm thinking the offset has changed, so this version doesn't find the BCT. (And --setbct seems to hang, maybe because of errors in trying to write it out.) Unfortunately, this seems to prevent other commands from working. --format_all says "partition table is required for this command" (earlier nvflash finds a partition table), --delete_all seems to hang indefinitely, and --obliterate fails silently.
I was most interested in obliterate, since "read-only" could conceivably be caused by some sort of "bad block" marker. If I do manage to "obliterate" my device so there's really nothing on it, will APX mode still work so I can use nvflash?
Any ideas?
And why could you keep this in the same thread? And why isn't this in a general section its not related to Android development.
giveen said:
And why could you keep this in the same thread? And why isn't this in a general section its not related to Android development.
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Yes, it should have been kept in the prev thread, it's too similar.
If it had a solution it belongs in dev, but it's just questions and research so I'd also agree.
(Note: I am not a forum mod, just expressing my opinion)
There already was an entire long thread about the read-only error in the general section, there wasn't a need for TWO threads just discussing possible ideas. AND from the same person.
OK, I guess I don't have the same opinions about forum organization, I'm not really into any of xda dev scenes. Mods can delete/move this thread, I don't care, but I can't see a way to do so from my interface.
giveen said:
And why isn't this in a general section its not related to Android development.
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Yeah, it's not like people are using nvflash to do Android development.
giveen said:
There already was an entire long thread about the read-only error in the general section, there wasn't a need for TWO threads just discussing possible ideas
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I thought it warranted another thread because it's another approach, and two specifically-titled threads seemed better than one giant "read-only" thread. I thought it would get lost in the sea of "oh hai guys I had read-only error too I just flipped the switch on my SD card and it started working" and "sent it to dell for replacement" and "anyone fix this yet?". But apparently people like threads dozens of pages long with wandering topics and low signal-to-noise ratio, I'll keep that in mind for the future.

Official ubuntu 12.04 for nexus 7

Hey guys, Today Ubuntu was released for the nexus 7 for both 16GB and 8GB models, it obviously requires unlocked bootloader but it is working! heres a guide i pulled form Ubuntu Wiki.
Leave Any comments below on sucess or fails!!!
I Will Be Posting up updates when newer versions are released.
Press The Thank Button if it worked for you!!!
-------------------------REMEMEBR!!! I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY BRICKS OR DAMAGES TO YOUR DEVICE!!!!!!-------------------------------
What you will need:
Nexus 7 Tablet (8GB or 16GB)
Standard MicroUSB Cable (should come with the device)
Ubuntu Nexus 7 Desktop Installer installed on your development system
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or Later
Micro USB Host Cable (OTG Cable) - used for attaching keyboard, mouse, etc. Directions on how to get and use one of these are towards the bottom of this page.
Ubuntu Nexus 7 Desktop Installer
A simple one-click installer has been provided, and is available in a PPA.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-nexus7/ubuntu-nexus7-installer
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-nexus7-installer
Usage instructions for the installer are provided below.
Unlocking the Nexus 7
The Nexus 7 ships with a locked bootloader. You must unlock it in order to flash different images to the device. Fortunately, this is a trivial process, and you only need to do it once.
Warning: Unlocking the bootloader erases all data and resets the device to factory defaults.
Reboot the Android device into the Android boot loader. To do this, hold the volume down button and press the power button. Continue holding the volume down and power buttons until you see the boot loader UI. The device now displays the boot loader GUI, which looks like this:
Verify fastboot lists the device:
$ sudo fastboot devices
1234567891234567 fastboot
Start the bootloader unlock process:
sudo fastboot oem unlock
You are prompted on screen to unlock the bootloader on the Android device screen. Follow the on-screen directions to continue. Your screen should now look like this:
Complete the process by rebooting:
sudo fastboot reboot-bootloader
Or simply press the power button.
Installing Ubuntu on Nexus 7
Once all setup has been completed, the installation can start. To install, ensure the Nexus 7 is in fastboot mode, plug it into your computer (and make sure NO OTHER DEVICES are plugged in).
Find the installer in the dash (search for 'nexus'):
This will provide a Graphical Interface for installing Ubuntu. This tool will download the latest image automatically, and flash it accordingly. The flashing step should take about 2 minutes. Once the flashing is complete, the device will reboot and finish the installation. This step can take 10-15 minutes.
Returning your Nexus 7 to Stock Android
Warning: Disconnect ALL other mobile devices connected from your computer or they might get erased too. This will erase ALL DATA on your Nexus 7.
In case anything happens while developing, the system image for Nexus 7 can be found here:
After downloading the above tarball, uncompress it with the following:
tar zxvf nakasi-jro03d-factory-e102ba72.tgz
Then, place your machine into fastboot mode and run the resulting script:
cd nakasi-jro03d/
sudo ./
You may get the following warnings, which you can ignore, the restoration will continue anyway.
archive does not contain 'boot.sig'
archive does not contain 'recovery.sig'
archive does not contain 'system.sig'
Troubleshooting the Install
If you have problems installing the image, please use the following troubleshooting steps:
Detach the USB cable, restart the tablet back into fastboot mode, and re-attach the USB cable.
If problems persist, reboot your host PC.
If you still have issues, try a different USB cable.
If you have a 16G tablet, try using the 8G image.
If you still have issues after doing all this, return the image to stock using the directions above and re-try.
If none of that works, ask a question on Ask Ubuntu using the mobile tag, or ask for help in the #ubuntu-arm channel on freenode. If you believe it's a bug, file a bug against ubuntu-nexus7 in Launchpad.
For Future Use
For Future Use
For Future Use 2
For Future Use 2
For Future Use 3
For Future Use 3
For Future Use 4
For Future Use 4
I know this question will get asked sooner or later.
So I will ask
Is there a way to get it working on Windows?
at the moment, a windows method is not avaliable to my knowledge, but when installing it, it downloads the images and i think you might be able to take the images from the install and run it though windows fastboot like normal, but again i have not tried. also performance is not bad, can be laggy at times but its fine to use. Cheers.
This has already been posted and you can just use fastboot to flash the userdata and boot img
This is a great step forward for linux however, Will this effect my CWM Installation?
I want to know if I can make a full ROM backup the current stock I have modded etc then restore it via CWM to remove ubuntu.
yes, at the moment it wiped my whole device and all, so make sure back everything up externaly first before doing this.
I use an RPM distribution, so I will wait a bit. But it is really interesting!!!!
And just for dream: next step: grub!
We already have this thread here
...and you just simply copy/pasted this from here anyway:

Help with the Debrick? Almost there!!

Ok so I installed Ubuntu 16.04 onto a fladhdrive and booted it.
I downloaded the files debrick005 and webdoc.jar files. I put them in my home folder. This is where I having problem. I can see the files in the visual part, but ls in terminal sees them but they are listed in red? Not sure if that's normal. I tried to unzip the folder in terminal with no luck. I was able to extract clicked the visual folder and clicking extract.
Everything seem ok even thought I couldn't unzip in terminal. When I run ./debrick 16 it checks the script and says it can't find the webdoctor.jar. it's in tpdebrick folder visually...
I'm kind of a linux noob . Surprised I got this far. Not really sure what's going on. The .jar file is in there and the file names match.
Anybelp from you guys would be awesome. My tp has sat with questionmark battery error for years....
Ok so I moved the .jar to the home folder. The script ran. It seemed like it was working til it gets to copying A6 files. It's spits "unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group1-shal. Lost connection. Copy failed aborted.
I'm not sure why the edit to my sshd_config isn't working as described.
I tried to modded tpdebrick script posted a few posts back with dellie-hellman support, Moved it to the tpdebrick folder and renamed it and replaced with the original tpdebrick script. Still same error when trying A6 firmware.
Edit: when I open sshd_config in gedit, it's blank except for the code changes I made. Pretty stuck at this point and don't know what should be there to begin with.
So I solved the problem. I ran the script in ubuntu 14. No modifications to the sshd_config needed. Scripts ran and said charge for a while. Couple hours later, my touchpad, which has sat unusable for 2yrs, is not operational. Hope this helps someone else who runs across this problem.
I have created an Ubuntu Live CD with all the necessary files to Debrick the Tablet from TP Debrick v005 by jcsullins.
If there is any Tablet that did not finished the flash process, run this Live CD and perform the Debrick again.
If you do not know the Tablet model do the following:
Flash using the 16 GB, then connect to charger. If the home LED does not come on after some time then.
Flash using the 32 GB, then connect to charger. If no LED light then
Flash using the 64 GB.
All process must finish in " ALL DONE "
For information about charging a Tablet after been store for 9 years go here:

