OK so im fairly new to the tab, but I have an SGS that ive flashed a million times over. However, I guess on the tab its slightly different. I wanted to get it so that it could work with phone calls, and so I flashed the russian ROM first. Now when I go to boot up it just gets stuck on the Samsung Galaxy Tab screen and nothing happens. I started looking through the forum, and I guess some tabs have the bootloader locked so that only signed roms can go through, and I didnt see that till after i flashed So is there anything I can do now to get it to work again? Anytime i try to flash odin fails at factoryfs.rfs and it goes into the exclamation mark screen.
Ok, I saw froyo was released so I decided to flash it, well it got stuck on Factoryfs. Then I saw people were flashing to the original, so I unplugged tried to flash the original rom and it got stuck to, tryed JH2 and JF6 and it still is stuck on a certain thing and won't go any further.
So, can anyone help?
My gear was rooted on Null 22.1 with no problems at all. I wanted to go back to stock. So I used Odin to go back to the V700XXUAMK7 United kingdon version and I get hung up at the samsung screen. I waited maybe 10 minutes the I just restarted the phone and same thing happens. It gets to the Samsung screen and that's it. I live in California, United states.
So I downloaded the XAR version on bell south and flashed through OdIn and I get the same thing happening as above. It wont get past the Samsung screen, when it reboots. I read around the threads and some say to try Odin 3.7. I was using Odin 3.9. No result the same thing is happening after I glash, It boots up I see the blue swirl thing then it gets to the Samsung screen and stays there. Then after like 10 minutes the screen goes off and I see a orange battery charging but thats it. I wont load the stock ROM.
What do you recommend I do. I know its not bricked. I can get into Download mode. and reflash but when I do it wont do past the samsung screen.
Thanks in Advance
24bronco said:
My gear was rooted on Null 22.1 with no problems at all. I wanted to go back to stock. So I used Odin to go back to the V700XXUAMK7 United kingdon version and I get hung up at the samsung screen. I waited maybe 10 minutes the I just restarted the phone and same thing happens. It gets to the Samsung screen and that's it. I live in California, United states.
So I downloaded the XAR version on bell south and flashed through OdIn and I get the same thing happening as above. It wont get past the Samsung screen, when it reboots. I read around the threads and some say to try Odin 3.7. I was using Odin 3.9. No result the same thing is happening after I glash, It boots up I see the blue swirl thing then it gets to the Samsung screen and stays there. Then after like 10 minutes the screen goes off and I see a orange battery charging but thats it. I wont load the stock ROM.
What do you recommend I do. I know its not bricked. I can get into Download mode. and reflash but when I do it wont do past the samsung screen.
Thanks in Advance
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I figured it out, All I had to do was reboot into recovery and thats it.
Hi, I've found many similar/related threads and have spent a lot of time reading and re-reading, but with those attempts I haven't had success so I'm posting this before I get into a worse situation.
On the AT&T Note 3, I rooted with kingo and was following this method http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2577273 - after which the phone only booted up to the samsung logo with the unlocked padlock icon and the word custom.
I am able to get into recover and download menu's, have followed similar threads for the 900a on various steps to try to get it back using Odin with the MI9 and MJ5 firmwares, it was at MGL when i had the first issue and then starting looking for ways to get back. When i try with MJ5 via odin, the process resets successfully, the device reboots but still just comes back to the samsung logo with the unlocked padlock icon and the word custom. in Odin the status turns green and says Pass.
After this point i am still able to get into recovery menu and download menu, but just can't get by the custom padlock screen.
I have also tried flashing to MI9 in odin but that one fails, with the sbl1 fused 2 > binary 1 message.
Any thoughts on what I should try (or what to not try) next?
Anyone had success in this scenario with either fixing it forward or trying to go back another firmware?
Updated 4/16/2014
Hi just wanted to share how I was able to get back up and running thanks to another forum member @coreygunz23 reaching out to me.
I was able to use this firmware http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2619941
Here was my experience :
- Flashed it,
- passed in Odin,
- phone auto rebooted came back up to the same custom unlocked logo screen then automatically showed the recovery message,
- then restarted again and came up with the animated samsung logo with sound,
- then came up to att logo and sat there for a good while
- eventually launched the getting started wizard and i've been good so far..
I'm hoping someone on here will be able to help me with my Tab S2. I bought it around 2 years ago and immediately flashed with a Cyanogen custom rom.. The tablet has always worked fine until yesterday, a notification appeared that the SuperSU needed and update so i pressed ok. The tablet restarted and is now either stuck on the Samsung logo screen or in Odin mode ready to download.
Other than now losing the tablet and claiming on my contents insurance, i'm really not sure what to do. I've been searching for answers but haven't gotten very far at all Please can anyone give me advice on how to get my tablet functioning again?
Can you get to download mode and stay there? if you can, you can try re-flashing a stock rom on to it, it might fix the messed up super su config.
I had the same problem too. If i can´t go into the recovery mode, or i get bootloops i flash the original samsung firmware. If my tablet starts normally, i start again. Sometimes the only way (for me)
I feel the need to make this post as I have yet to find anyone else with the exact same issue as me, however here is the details:
I am running a Samsung Galaxy Note 8 SM-N950U from AT&T
Rooted with SamFAIL one month ago without any issues.
Yesterday when I turned on my phone for no obvious reason it just got stuck into a boot loop (the one where it stays on the Samsung logo forever. Did the obvious steps with no effect.
Afterwards, I tried to follow the SamFAIL root guide from the start to end just to see if it would fix it (I was desperate). Everything went fine, however, when it booted up and whenever it does boot up it starts black then it flashes the recovery mode screen for half a second (I'd post an image, but I am not allowed to, just search up, "recovery mode note 8" and look at the images with the blue background and android mascot), displays some white text on the black screen for perhaps a second, goes black and repeats this. I am able to enter download mode and upload mode, but whenever I try booting into the actual phone this happens.
Strange problem huh? Any hope for me, or do I have a brick now? It's been looping this process for the past 20 minutes now. For now, my plan is to try flashing the stock firmware with Odin. (My internet is slow so it will likely take all day for that file to download.
flash csc in odin. your cache got corrupted
me2151 said:
flash csc in odin. your cache got corrupted
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Thank you for the response, any suggestion as to where I can get the latest csc for my model?
Okay, that fixed that issue, however now my phone is doing the same thing again but getting stuck on the flashing Samsung logo screen. What now?
Hi, I am running a Samsung Galaxy Note 8 SM-N950U from Verizon and im currently styck in a boot loop as well. I can still enter download mode and stuff so im trying to flash back to stock firmware to see if thatll help at all. Can someone please help me find the right file to do so, as i dont wanna cause any further issues here lol.
go sammobile / updato - Search there
It has the whole repository of FW for devices