Sports Illustrated - Tablet Edition - G Tablet Themes and Apps

Caveat: Running VegaN GingerEdition - Stock No Modified Kernel.
Searched for the SI tablet edition, and it finally showed up, and installed.
I already had the SI phone edition, and as a hardcopy subscriber have access to the digital edition.
Intresting issue was that the web market (on the PC) still shows my device as incompatible, however the market application found the app, and allowed me to install it.
My 2cents review - No significant gain installing this app, as it still forces the use of portrait mode. The downloads seem to take longer, however the swimsuit issue now has all the images


Market Issues Lately - Possibly Not Rom Relatedd

It seems like a lot of people(including myself) have been having Market Issues lately on both the Froyo & HoneyComb roms. (not sure if rooted stock Nook users were seeing this to this week)
I think that Google has been making changes to the backend of the market.
Tuesday night I noticed that X-Plane was available to me in market where the previous few days searched for it would come up empty.
Yesterday i manually installed Evernote & Sugarsync because I could not find them in the marke either and I also noticed I had an older version of Xscope.
Last night, I did another round of Force Stop Google.Framework/Clear Data....Force Stop Market/Clear cache and then all of sudden all these apps reappeared in the market!
So if you have been having similar issues this week I suggest another round of the Force Stop Google.Framework/Clear Data....Force Stop Market/Clear cache. I did do mine with a round of some nice Bourbon Oak Aged Stout Beer called Heresy but not sure if this helped MArket at all But it did help me!
I am using Market Enabler with the Verizon setting(and have been using all week)
One thing i notice different in Portrait Market is on Nookie Froyo its says Apps - Game - My Apps and on my DroidX it says Apps - Games - Verizon on top.
Hopefully today I can mess with copy some of the setting from my DroidX build.prop to the Nook to see if this changes market behavior at all.
Does anyone now what settings Market Enabler is making and where?
I have been having trouble with the market as well, but it seems related to a "google talk authentication failed" error. STILL cant download apps though, its frustrating.
I just installed the HC and when I tried to DL from the marketplace, I looked over at my phone, an HTC hero, the DL was coming in there???? Tried to use another gmail account, "no device associated to this account" This makes HC useless. Anyone got a clear fix?
well for me i cant even download off the market with my NC it says its downloading but does nothing.
This has zero to do with the Nook Color, it's happening on all devices.
I have to say, some of it IS nook related.
The problem I'm seeing is that some apps do not see the Nook as a compatible device.
Take evernote for example.
I can't find it in the market, so I go to the evernote website, which points me back to the market, web version. When I am forced to choose a device, it then tells me that the device is not compatible.
How are people getting around this?
hanbalfrek said:
I have to say, some of it IS nook related.
The problem I'm seeing is that some apps do not see the Nook as a compatible device.
Take evernote for example.
I can't find it in the market, so I go to the evernote website, which points me back to the market, web version. When I am forced to choose a device, it then tells me that the device is not compatible.
How are people getting around this?
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Well for me i had to install Applanet and download it, it works fine on the book. And also that's the only way i can download apps because the market doesn't work for me.
hanbalfrek said:
I have to say, some of it IS nook related.
The problem I'm seeing is that some apps do not see the Nook as a compatible device.
Take evernote for example.
I can't find it in the market, so I go to the evernote website, which points me back to the market, web version. When I am forced to choose a device, it then tells me that the device is not compatible.
How are people getting around this?
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Click to collapse
That's a completely different issue.
khaytsus said:
That's a completely different issue.
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I'd have to respectfully disagree that its a completely different issue, at least not for everyone.
OP's issue is not a problem of downloading/installing apps, its finding apps.
I just tried all the apps the OP listed, and I found X-Plane, but can't find Evernote, Sugarsync, (nor Facebook).
I think that a lot of people will not find the apps they want, and think its a Market issue with their hacked device, but in reality its a problem with device compatibility checks from Google.
Thanks for the Applanet idea, I'm going to try that.
I have had lots of apps were missing for me (most notably Facebook for android) in the market occasionally. I have found that this seems to happen from time to time. In trying to buy directly off the android market site on my computer, it tells me my Nook is incompatible with the apps I am looking for (though I know it is not). The fix though, is simple ( all credit to ViralCipher)
Sometimes you have to do it more than once, but rarely.
I Use Customized Nookie Froyo 0.6.8 from the emmc.
hanbalfrek said:
I have to say, some of it IS nook related.
The problem I'm seeing is that some apps do not see the Nook as a compatible device.
Take evernote for example.
I can't find it in the market, so I go to the evernote website, which points me back to the market, web version. When I am forced to choose a device, it then tells me that the device is not compatible.
How are people getting around this?
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Click to collapse
how I did it. I hate it, because I love to support the developers so cheating them like this sucks. I usually go to their website later and donate
ErroneousBosch said:
I have had lots of apps were missing for me (most notably Facebook for android) in the market occasionally. I have found that this seems to happen from time to time. In trying to buy directly off the android market site on my computer, it tells me my Nook is incompatible with the apps I am looking for (though I know it is not). The fix though, is simple ( all credit to ViralCipher)
Sometimes you have to do it more than once, but rarely.
I Use Customized Nookie Froyo 0.6.8 from the emmc.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks! This worked!
I did this step when I had the application download errors, and didnt think doing it again would restore access to certain apps, but hey, whatever works!

Honeycomb market ID?

I was scouring the forums and found the build.prop for the xoom. I haven't tried it yet but I'm planning on replacing the ID with the nook honeycomb v4 with the xoom id and seeing what I find on the market. For those that are interested here is the relevant sectino of build.prop
Wonder if we can get those sweet honeycomb apps.....
Funny you should ask, I just tried it - didn't work.
What's more - the "Top Paid" Apps have disappeared???
I also just tried spoofing as a Nexus S. That didn't work either. Again Top Paid have disappeared.
I think I did everything right - cleared Market cache, force closed, and reboot after saving build.prop
I use WeatherBug as a test case, because it installed fine from the Market on my Autonooted Stock ROM. Can't even see it in HC 0.4
In addition to my previous - when I attempt to install software (that I cannot see on the NC) from the web Market,I get an error message "Unknown PDLogic Zoom2". So even though I think it is properly spoofed in build.prop, apparently it is still seen as something else.
Market fingerprint
I've tried loading both fingerprints on the nook devs site but neither of them are working.
I didn't get any error messages in adb so i assumed it went through.
Also, "My apps" in Market shows "No downloads from Android Market" even though I've downloaded and purchased a few apps.
Is there any other tutorial on how to change the build.prop correctly?
Its the sdk version thats the issue... dont change it in the build prop either, it non-boots
Sent from one of those missing Droids

Cannot see Dolphin browser in Market

Hi All,
I don't seem to be able to find Dolphin HD in Google Market. Does anyone else experience this? I'm funning TnTLite 4.3.2 with the market fix.
It shows up in my market. I'm also running TnT 4.32 with market fix. May want to try the fix again and see if that helps.
If you check the web market, you'll see that the application is shown as not compatible with our tablets. It's probably the browser's requirement of fine gps location, something our tablets don't feature.
However, while I haven't tried it, if you have another Android device, you can most likely download it there and then sideload it on your tablet.
Another option (though it doesn't work for this app, since it's not listed on Amazon's market) is to check Amazon's market. In some cases, programs that are listed in Google's market as incompatible show up as perfectly compatible in Amazon's market.
Do a Google search for the apk. Its out there and I know you can find it.
Happy hunthunting
tedlogan42 said:
If you check the web market, you'll see that the application is shown as not compatible with our tablets. It's probably the browser's requirement of fine gps location, something our tablets don't feature.
However, while I haven't tried it, if you have another Android device, you can most likely download it there and then sideload it on your tablet.
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this is what I did, and it works fine on the tablet, though I still prefer opera...
I did the market fix on my GTab, the same way I did it on my Archos 70.
I have Dolphin Browser HD on my Archos, but not the Market for the GTab. Strange.
Perhaps on another cache clear and reboot, it will come back.
In the meantime, I know that if you have a Usenet account and provider, you can go to and search for just about any Android APK you want.... Just saying....
i can fix market on tnt lite but it doesn't work with vegan
I looked and looked last night, did the market fix several times. This morning I just just installed it on my phone, then used Astro to back up the APK, mailed it to myself, then side loaded it onto my GTAB.

Market on Nook STR

I've successfully rooted my Nook STR using all information from here and the video at on rooting Nook STR. After updating the market, I can even get to search the market.
But there are several apps that I am not able to download because the market informs me that they are not compatible with the STR. How do they come to that conclusion?
And there is a way to download the app anyway, disregarding the android phone/tablet I have? There are several cool free apps that I'd like to try.
Are you sure the apps are compatible with Android 2.1? (The STR is 2.1. Some apps require 2.2, a few require 3.0
And where can I get that information? I searched on the app page in the market and didn't find it. Is this the reason why some apps are blocked for the STR? Android version? If it is, it's good to know.
If you access the Play Store on a regular computer you will see the Android version requirements for each app listed at the end of the app description. If your device is recognized by the Play Store (mine is seen as a "phone") then it will only allow you to download apps that it "knows" are compatible with your device. It can "see" that the NST runs Android 2.1. Even at that, some "compatible" apps simply fail to run on the NST or have limited functionality so it's a bit hit-and-miss. Sometimes you can track down an older version at the author's website (Perfect Viewer is an example) which will work on 2.1. So looking at the Play Store for something you want may not always be an exercise in frustration but you may have to go the extra km to get what you want.

Trouble Getting HC versions of apps.

Hey everyone,
I just upgraded my Streak 7 to Honeycomb, and mostly everything is working great, and I really love the new interface. But some things I'm having issues with.
I've got the new Honeycombed Email app, Gmail app and Calendar, which make much better usage of the screen real estate. But I can't get the new version of Google Docs, or Amazon Kindle. Both of those have the same interface as before.
The other thing, and I don't know if this is normal or not, but I now have two Android Markets. One looks like it's for Phone Apps, and the other for Tablet apps.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Google Docs, but when I search for it in the tablet market, and click install, it just opens up the phone app market. I can then search in there, and install it, but I still get the old single column interface.
With the Amazon Kindle App I'm unable to uninstall it, as it's built into the Dell Android install (haven't rooted, still a bit of a novice when it comes to Android, so not sure what the consequences of that would be). I've tried updating the Amazon Kindle App, but I still get the same single column book list as before (saw screen shots in the Market showing a more tablet friendly interface with bigger book covers)
I just discovered this forum today, wish I would have found it sooner!
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
To update Kindle you'll need to use the phone market (the second one on my tablet) and update it from there. I've found the tablet market crashes trying to update it.
I'm still playing around and I don't use Docs so I can't help with that.
I have found that enabling Google Instant can often cause the browser to crash when manually entering addresses.

