I am proud to present to the Eris Community my first MM theme. I wanted to create a themed ROM that in my opinion had the best features out of the many ROM's that have been created both eris and non eris ROM's. Download the zip file to the root of your sdcard and extract the zip file using metamorph.
Let me be clear when I say that I did not create any of these icons, and credit is given to their designers. If you see your work in this theme pm me so that I can give you proper credit. I have pulled so many different icons from son many different themes that I lost track of what icon came from what theme. With that being said a lot of these icons were obtained from sites outside xda and all icons were freeware and no icons were part of a paid bundle. I would like to thank Droidkevlar for his giving me the idea and showing me how to turn this into a MM theme. The LauncherPro.apk part of this theme has a lot of the modifications signals23 was the one that changed the Launcherpro widgets to blue if I remember right all credit goes to him, and this APK on your ROM must be installed in the system/app folder. So in short get a froyo rom that has LauncherPro installed already in that folder or push it there using adb so that MM can apply the theme. Also a big thanks to Godzson for the Onyx icons.
Now to the usual disclaimer: You use this theme at your own risk, your bricked phone is your bricked phone not my bricked phone I originally created this theme for ShadowROM, however I have installed it on Tazz Froyo 16 without a problem. It has had no other testing besides this. Do a nandroid backup before using this.
v0.2 Please Read this section before saying the the lock screen font didn't change on the clock. I have decided rather then delay releasing v0.2 because I am trying to have metamorph do it and cant figure it out yet. Google "changing fonts lockscreen android" there will be an article at (sorry not allowed to post exterior links) this is very simple and involves downloading 2 apps from the market and whatever .ttf file you choose.
As you can see the size of this MM is considerably larger then v0.1, there has been a lot of new files added especially to the framework-res.apk. If you are currently on v0.1 I would just reapply all of v0.2. As I stated earlier in this post I did not create any of these icons. In v0.2 there are 2 themes in particular that were used, and merged with Dark Horse v0.1 and all credit goes to there respective developers:
Kalagas for his work in the Milestone Forum...
Gomorrah for his BlackMod Theme...
In the next couple of days I will release v0.2 with the circle battery, there will be no other differences. As you guys can see v0.2 has a darker feel to it. Enjoy!!!
Version v0.2.5. Please read this before applying this theme. This is more or less an update to v0.2.(see change log and posted screen shots). I wanted to go with a cleaner look to this one. Sad to say that this theme is nearing completion with this release. For those of you that have had Sense-able on your phone you will see some familiar icons made it into the contacts.apk and all credit goes to jamezelle (Sense-able is one of my all time favorite ROM's). The battery icon was created by Corcor67, over in If you are coming from Dark Horse v0.2 you only need to reapply the Email.apk,Contacts.apk and the framework-res.apk. The reason that I didn't make an "update"with just those files is that I didn't want people to have to have 2 separate MM themes to get them to Dark Horse v0.2.5. For the next Dark Horse theme I would like to take a few requests of what others would like to see in the next version. With your request please tell me what you like changed and the link to the ROM you want it taken from. Please take the time to answer the poll question at the top of this post. Enjoy v0.2.5
Dark Horse v0.2.5 with circle blue battery
Dark Horse v0.2.61 This MM will not change the current status of your battery!!! It is meant as an update to v0.2.5. Will have recessed and pop up buttons, and a rounded status bar, plus anything else I want to put in it. Please check the change log for details.
Please go to for instructions on how to get the Gingerbread Keyboard installed on your device or apply to a ROM that already has it installed.
Gingerbread Keyboard Themed...among other things. This version will not change the current status of the battery
v0.4 This will be my last theme for awhile. I need to address other things in my life and obviously theming a phone in the overall scheme of things really takes a back seat to pretty much everything. I hope that everyone has enjoyed this theme. I will still leave it posted for download.
This theme has heavy influence from BlackFroyo by SamCrow here... must be given where credit is due for a great looking theme . On this post you will be able to find the launcherpro dock that is used in the pictures below
The keyboard buttons were obtained from worksheds keyboard located on his ROM thred Froyoshedyo.
Please read this section before asking questions. If you want the black facebook option to work you need to uninstall any facebook updates using the android market and then remove FB off your device then use adb to push the black FB found here... I know its on the vibrant I installed it on my eris and it hasn't blown up yet. MM will then be able to install the inverse black facebook widget like you see posted.If you are coming from any version of DH I would just reapply everything as there so many changes I forgot what has been changed.
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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I am proud to present Dark Horse v0.45.
The Darkest and possibly last of the breed. This release incorporates pieces of worksheds Froyoshedyo v10 into the theme which gives this theme a more polished look, thanks workshed for the ROM as it now is my daily driver. Please don't forget to do a nandroid backup before applying the theme. I am not responsible if you brick your phone. Please read the entire post before asking questions.
Ok with this being said I am going to break this post into two parts the first will deal with Dark Horse v0.45 and the second will deal with getting the blue and black markets on your device.
Metamorph Dark Horse v0.45
MM will only apply changes to apk's that are located in the /system/app directory of the phone and the name of the apk's must match the the MM files exactly or MM says there is no such file in /system/app and it skips the subtheme. With this being said if there is part of the MM theme you want applied using adb you need to get whatever apk in the system/app folder by using these commands. So for example if you wanted theme LauncherPro or Pandora you would execute these commands You can click on the Dark Horse Link on my signature for the list of people I have credited thorughout the versions, as without their hard work this theme would not be what it is.
adb remount
adb shell cp /sdcard/Pandrora.apk /system/app
adb shell cp /sdcard/LauncherPro.apk /system/app
Pictures are below...The signal bars are the blue and white ones.
Black and Blue Android Market (Flashable)
These two markets are newly rethemed I have been able once the markets are installed in the device you can change them by simply flashing which ever one you want over the other with no wiping needed
I recently was able to install the new android market black themed on my Eris and I have been meaning to get it posted with a tutorial on how to get it installed. First off I did not theme the market black or blue I downloaded the themed market from here and I themed to match my Dark Horse theme (not a small task either.)
In order to work properly the old android market must be unistalled before this one is flashed in order for it not to either FC or download from the market. I am running Froshedyo v10 with this themed working with no FC's or download problems.
You can download both black and blue markets once installed they can be flashed over one another depending on what color you want.
Process for Unistalling prior market: This is going to require adb do not include the quotation marks.
There is three files that you will need to delete:
Vending.apk out of system/app out of data/data out of data/app
If you do not unistall the market completely and run the market again all prior removed files will be put back. If you do not unistall all three files the market will still remain on your phone
Remove the files by executing these commands using adb from you AndroidSDK/tools
adb shell
You should see a # sign, that's the root terminal on your phone.
In order to remove files, you need to remount your system folder on the phone with write permissions. To do this type "mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system" (it won't say anything it will just go back to a # sign again)
Now type "cd /system/app" and then "ls"
That will list all the apk files, which are the applications.
You can remove them by typing "rm -r Whatever.apk" (it's case sensitive)
Follow this to unistall the 3 files obvoiusly you would use "cd /data/data" to get to the data/data folder and "cd /data/app" to get to data/app folder. BE VERY CAREFUL doing this. Don't just go around deleting files. Some may not be safe to delete
v0.5 Read entire section.....
This is has taken quite some time to complete, as this version as two complete launchers themed, LauncherPro and Go Launcher, along with various other changes(see change log)
LauncherPro Dark Horse Edition
Credit to signals23 as Gingerbread style LauncherPro is found here...Great job on this.
Push the LauncherPro.apk at the the bottom of the post using adb to your system/app folder. If you do not want to use his version of LauncherPro my theme will apply over the one you have on your device just make sure it is named LauncherPro.apk. Below is pictured his version of Launcher Pro with my Dark Horse theme applied. The non Gingerbread Launcher Pro widget with DH0.5 applied is on the right.
Go Launcher Dark Horse Edition:
This is a new theme that I included for Go launcher and as far as I know this maybe the first theme for this launcher. The apk is at the bottom of the post just use adb to push it to the system/app folder. I have found this launcher to be very smooth and I enjoy having both Launcherpro and Go Launcher on my phone. Below are some themed pics
The dev's website is
I encourage you to visit it to check out the look of the original launcher.
This version of DH is my favorite, a considerable amount of time was used to clean up the status bar icons, they were either changed or re themed by myself. The 3g icon was created by fashoughing from pieces from my DH theme which he used in his monster drink theme and I re themed it to use it in this version of DH. He did a great job with it. Our two themes are the only ones that have this particular 3g icon. Please look at the change log to see what changed. This version includes the fix that I posted earlier that made its way to DHv0.51. Without further adeiu pics and a download link.
v0.53 Gingerbread Edition
I have tried this version on GSBv1.2, I will assume it will work with Tazz's ROM as well as it is CM7. Do a nandroid in case. Trying to figure out where the grey areas as located on the notification bar other then that should be identical to Froyo based DH versions. Pictures are above on the v 0.53 section.
v0.54 Gingerbread Edition
Fixed ugly gray areas on notification bar enjoy
v0.55 Gingerbread Edition
Fixed Battery Icon that arose with new CM7 releases (GSB 1.8)
Chang Log:
Edited the framework-res.apk
Fixed ugly gray areas on notification area
Updated theme to work with Launcher Pro 0.8.3
Re-themed Mms.apk
tweeked go.launcher.apk
Re-themed framework-res.apk (status bar icons all re themed), notifiction bar rethemed
Fixed the cause of the check boxes overlapping the words 1 corrupt file out of thousands makes for a good time.
tweeked settings.apk (widget now themed like all the other widgets.)
Modified framework-res to get the blue on the signal bars and the 3g icon closer together.
LauncherPro-Dark Horse Edition, widgets have been themed to match header.
New variation of Dark Horse Black/Blue Market(market is black/widget is blue)
Gallery3D has been re-themed with picture frame matching other widgets.
Go Launcher Dark Horse Edition
v0.45 in the future
Contacts.apk phone re-themed darker (looks better IMO)
Phone.apk re-themed (looks better IMO)
Vending.apk taken out as new market will not MM, a separate download
for a flashable Black or Blue Dark Horse themed market will be posted as part of this version.
Dark Horse Black and Blue Market contains themed Market widgets (COMING)
Pull down notification bar changed in framework-res.apk
Themed Talk.apk
More to come...
Re-themed the Gingerbread keyboard
New "liquid" battery icon
Changed Vending.apk
Changed framework-res.apk
Changed google search widget
Changed contacts.apk
Changed settings.apk specificlly the power bar
Themed Facebook.apk
Themed Pandora.apk
Themed YouTube.apk
Changed the vending.apk to a darker blue
Themed new Gingerbread Keyboard that was ported to the eris
Added blue header. See picture 3. Let me know if any FC issues occur.
Email.apk icon was changed
Settings icon changed
Camera icon changed
Changed the look of the statusbar now has round corners
Changed the color of the on/off buttons on the power widget to blue
Changed the Notification background.
Changed the checked boxes to have recessed and pop up buttons
Changed phone background in the contacts.apk as well as the phone background in the phone.apk
Changed the jog dial icons in the phone.apk to be consistent with the lock screen.
Changed the Android Market appearance.
Hopefully fixed FC issue.
v0.2.6 Pulled FC issues
Changed Battery,wifi,usb and bluetooth icons in the framework-res.apk.
Changed email status icon from yahoo to a generic icon for those that don't use yahoo
For those that are running CM6.1 powerbar in notification pulldown is themed
Minor icon changes in Contacts.apk
Additional icons added to Settings.apk, including the powerbar
Additional icons added to Browser.apk
framework-res.apk icon changes
3G icon changed and fixed apply using framework-res.apk
Calendar.apk fixed
Contacts.apk will be modified
v0.1 Initial Theme
I really like this! It looks really clean! Definitely prefer the blue batter that you have over the circle battery. What's the sms notification icon look like?
Seanydizzley said:
I really like this! It looks really clean! Definitely prefer the blue batter that you have over the circle battery. What's the sms notification icon look like?
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Click to collapse
I will post a pic when I get home
i really like it i would want it on my phone let me know where to download it if you release it
I like it all except the battery icon, I actually like the circle one more. >.>
If/when you release it, could you include a theme with the circle battery or a flashable zip to change it? Either one would be fine by me.
Seanydizzley said:
I really like this! It looks really clean! Definitely prefer the blue batter that you have over the circle battery. What's the sms notification icon look like?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Not completely happy with it but its a start...
jonathanphx1 said:
Not completely happy with it but its a start...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's still really good! This is a very clean theme! I'll be sure to download this one when you release it.
I've been using simplistic for who knows how long. When/if this is released, I will no longer have simplistic! Keep it up!
Theme almost Done
The theme is nearing completion, and I still don't know how to make it flashable yet, the other option would be to zip the apk's and you guys would have to push them to the system/app folder.
jonathanphx1 said:
The theme is nearing completion, and I still don't know how to make it flashable yet, the other option would be to zip the apk's and you guys would have to push them to the system/app folder.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I can show you how to make a MetaMorph. Its very simple and will be used across any ROM. Send me a PM if interested.
BTW, looks nice. If I still had an Eris, I def check this out.
I sent you a PM
Replied. Any questions, just let me know. I gave you better options to get a hold of me if needed.
Really nice theme. I look forward to your release.
when are you going to put this out. I just got dells stage ui for my eris and this would make it look more like a streak
waffleb051 said:
when are you going to put this out. I just got dells stage ui for my eris and this would make it look more like a streak
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I am currently working on this as a metamorph. ETA possibly today
MM theme is posted, enjoy. Let me know what you think
Very nice! Will you be doing any modifications to it? I might give it a try if you put the clock back in the status bar. I see the app screen has it but it's black on black. I don't use a clock widget.
scottjb said:
Very nice! Will you be doing any modifications to it? I might give it a try if you put the clock back in the status bar. I see the app screen has it but it's black on black. I don't use a clock widget.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
you can put the clock back under cyanogen mod settings--user interface--statusbar. I dont like the clock so I have it off. You can also use cyangenmod settings to change the color of the clock to make it reappear may need a reboot though
jonathanphx1 said:
you can put the clock back under cyanogen mod settings--user interface--statusbar. I dont like the clock so I have it off. You can also use cyangenmod settings to change the color of the clock to make it reappear may need a reboot though
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Got it. Thanks for the reply.
I really really like this theme on my phone, but it hasnt all applied yet. I have tried running it through MM like 5 times. I cant get the maps, facebook, car home, and calender to apply. Also it keeps FC'ing when it gets to phone. Any ideas? I am running CELB 3.5 if it helps.
psack said:
I really really like this theme on my phone, but it hasnt all applied yet. I have tried running it through MM like 5 times. I cant get the maps, facebook, car home, and calender to apply. Also it keeps FC'ing when it gets to phone. Any ideas? I am running CELB 3.5 if it helps.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
the force close on the phone install is normal you just need to reboot the phone and it will fix that...Maps never made it on the theme sorry a mistake on my part will probably make it on 0.2. There is no MM in the theme for facebook, carhome. I will check into the calender thing though. I'm glad that you like the theme
This is a color changed version of Frost Byte that I made but it still took a while to edit every image... it's an so install via recovery and make a back up before.... the color code for the pinkish color is #ff0080.. and I know the shades don't all match up which is why it's named Berry Blast............................... UPDATED FIX- The backgrounds in some apps were affected by the xml changes I made... it has been fixed and looks great..... the zip below is the updated version.... Also, this has only been tested on MOTOROLA DROID 1... if it works on any other phones, leave feedback... thanks.
Themed Apk's:
Adw Launcher is themed but I'll add a seperate zip for it when it's complete since not everyone uses that one..... <-- Berry Blast <-- Wireless Tether for Root Users... Berry Style. Uninstall the old one and install this one...
Screen shots of tether app
This theme won't install for me says 'missing framework.jar'. Is this my problem?
btanne6 said:
This theme won't install for me says 'missing framework.jar'. Is this my problem?
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Click to collapse
I prob should have been more detailed in what device it's for cause that doesn't sound like an error on Moto Droid 1... what phone are you using and what rom are you on?
OP updated... new link has pink landscape lockscreen icons and pink progress bars....
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Hey Bboy, nice work from 3 years ago..
sk806 for his power control widgets and framework (I just themed what he did)
adrynalyne for Das BAMF!
MicroMod777 and Megarek for their notification icons (couldn't find the author of the post) for the cyan 4GLTE icons. Also big thanks to droidpirate for the other battery icons!
bgill55 for the location icon removal mod
whoever made the cyan themed Rosie.
TEAMANDIRC for making it all possible.
FLASH THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR BREAKING YOUR PHONE. Make a backup first, and then you won't have to worry about that.
This theme works with the new Das BAMF 1.5. It should work on any deodexed Sense rom. I've attached a cyan-themed Rose skin. I've sent a couple pms to skins guys and can't seem to find where it came from. If you made it or know who did let me know, so I can either give credit or just link to the thread.
Steps to install:
1. Boot into recovery
2. Do a nandroid backup
3. Install .zip from wherever it is on your sd card
4. Wipe cache
5. Wipe dalvik cache
6. Boot up and enjoy!
The first boot takes a while, it always does when you're messing with the framework. Wait it out! If it hangs for a long time (like 5 or 10 minutes) then pull the battery, boot into recovery, wipe cache and dalvik cache again.
This has only been tested on BAMF, but it should work with anything sk806's mod works with, as well. Please try it out on other roms and report back.
Check out some of my work at, and hit THANKS if you like it! @CuddlyNinja on twitter, RMHisCOOL on gtalk. Hit me up with any issues.
Download the theme here.
Coming soon:
- More battery options
- Some themed app icons (Amazon, Angry Birds, Calculator, Browser, Dropbox, Ebay, Facebook, Fruit Ninja, Gmail, Nook, Gtalk, Handcent, Messages, IMDB, Kindle, Movies by Flixster, Navigation, Pandora, Phone, Bunch of twitter apps, Rom Manager, SetCPU, Sky News, SNESoid, Stumble Upon, TFLN, Ti Backup, X-box, XDA and Youtube coming up first, because I have those)
- Better 4G toggle icon
- Rory
Nice to see you back
Cyan's not my color, but this looks great. Thanks!
Sent from Zeus' Thunderbolt
Well done sir!
Thanks guys! The kangerade tastes great lol. I need to get up on theming some apps. I've changed the icons before, but I want to dig deeper. I appreciate the support, I'm going to be digging in soon, school is dying down a little bit.
looks great, loving the cyan!
Damn this theme looks hot... Gonna have to try this...
Sent from my Thunderbolt using Tapatalk
Very awesome, it's about time we got some unique themes.
Well done sir. How would anyone think this would look with a more gingerbread than froyo feel? You know, the sharp lines and cut 90 degree angles? I think it would look pretty damn sexy!
You mean like the CM rom that just dropped? I can port those icons over to Sense, if anyone's interested.
This theme looks amazing. I'm new to installing themes onto my phone, so I have a few questions.
I installed the theme just fine I think, but the only thing that changed is the top bar that shows my battery life, time and signal strength. How do I come about making my phone look like the 3rd thumbnail in the original post? Does it have something to do with that Cyan.apk file?
I successfully installed the Cyan.apk file via Super Manager and selected the Cyan skin in the Personalize tab. Only thing now is that I really like the way the clock looks on the 3rd thumbnail as well as the bar that holds all the volume control. Could anyone tell me how to get my homescreen to look like the 3rd thumbnail? I'm also missing the wallpaper.
Any help would be appreciated.
The clock is a widget called SiMi Clock, with all of the colors changed to cyan. You make cyan by putting the red all the way down, and green, blue and alpha all the way up. The power control widget is called Extended Controls, which lets you pick whatever toggles you want and what color to have the "on". The bottom widget is AudioManager with a cyan skin. You can find the skin in the market by searching "AM Skin cyan" and it'll pop right up. I've attached the wallpaper to the OP. Is there anything else you you'd like to know about my setup?
Thank you so much for your timely response. Everything is perfect now and the set up is amazing.
No problem. I'm glad you're all set up now!
Now that the team is set up, I will be rerouting all of my work. I won't host them on my threads or site anymore, but rather point them to the Team website where even more apps than what I offered are available. We are considering doing versions of our apps with colors but that's on the back burner right now while we get everything fine tuned with the site.. I'll leave my old thread at the bottom of this so you can still have some of my other work but once the site for the team is done, i'll remove my old work.. Thank you to everyone that has been on this journey with me for so long and to those of you that just found me. It has been a blast and having a team set up is going to help me out a lot in many ways.. So go to our site and and our threads and sit back and relax but don't stand up too quickly.... you might BLACK OUT.!
"Welcome to the Dark Side"
Click the quote above to access the site
Team Black Out is made up of some of the best of the best in the industry when it comes to making Blacked Out Apps and Transparent Apps. We decided to team up and release the largest list of Blacked Out Apps available and add to it as often as possible. Our goal is to offer an ongoing list of apps that are updated as soon as possible after the stock app updates by letting just 1 person update it rather than 3-10 of us doing our own thing and ultimately ending up with the same end result.. an Inverted app. So, by doing this, we will be able to branch out and get the list to over 100 apps in time! Many of us have been doing this for over 3 years and some have just began their journey to the Dark Side but we are a team and will work together like a team. The veterans will help train the new-comers how to start from scratch and fully Black Out an app by editing xml lines, drawable images and smali classes files. On the site, we have guides available and will add more of them in time. We announce the Team over a month ago and now the day is here!
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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T-BOTs are the Team Black Out Testers. When we update an app or start a new one from scratch, we can put anywhere from 20 minutes to 10 hours into 1 app for all of you and then testing that app can take 10-60 minutes and we don't use every app we Black Out so we're bound to miss some hidden things. Well, this is where our Loyal T-BOTs come into play. Once we update an app they get busy looking for issues for us. This gives us more time to be able to update more apps, start new apps or just have some non-android fun. So make sure you thank the T-BOTs when you get blown away from how amazing these apps are!
Obviously this style is the most popular. We don't theme our apps with images but rather Invert the Colors so you'll;ll have Dark backgrounds and Light texts. This is very popular and has become something that many avid Android users have come to thoroughly enjoy this look so we will do our best to give you more of what you love!
Transparent apps have become more popular the last year or so and some members of the Team have been offering them for a while now. Our transparent series of app are called Clear Apps. Being able to see your wallpaper while you';re using your favorite apps is just cool! We still have to update the site with all of our Clear Apps...
Ok kids... click on "Welcome to the Dark Side" at the top and it will take you to our official Team Black Out website! All downloads are hosted there only to keep track of everything. If you've used any of our apps in the past in your Aroma installers or in your ROM, you can still use them. Link back to our SITE wherever you post our content tho. Do not post something in a different forum using our work and then PM us to let us know and hope it's ok with us.... It isn't. Ask first and we'll work with you but ask for forgiveness and we have a problem.
List of apps:
Google Settings
Google Now
Play Music
FB Messenger
Apollo Music
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Not too many themers Black Out all these apps so I'll try to keep updated as I can but I also have 3 other threads with different apps in them so if something updates just let me know but don't bug me about it and read through to see if anyone else has already given me the heads up on it.. Thanks. [/font]
These are all installable apps like they're from the market. No Root is needed unless Facebook is in system instead of data. If that's the case and you're rooted, just uninstall it with Titanium BackUp or a Root Explorer of some sort and reboot. Then install mine.
Feel free to use my work without PM'ing me but make sure you give credits. I obviously didn't make these apps from scratch but they're not exactly easy to Invert so even though I'm very helpful and let people use my work, I do make hidden edits in each app somewhere so if you use my work and don't give credit I'll stop updating and everyone will hate you... JK but seriously... Do give proper credit.
On Facebook an FB Messenger I did make 8 new colors but it is TEXT ONLY.. I don't have the time to fully theme them with images so please don't ask me to... Thanks! :tongue2:
[font=georgia, serif]DOWNLOAD LINKS:[/font]
FACEBOOK 3.2 - updated 05/14/2013
1. Black Facebook 3.2 - White Text only for now.. busy getting the team launch ready
older version below
FACEBOOK 3.1 - updated 04/16/2013
1. Black Facebook 3.1 - White Text
2. Black Facebook 3.1 - Holo Blue Text
3. Black Facebook 3.1 - Yellow Text
4. Black Facebook 3.1 - Red Text
5. Black Facebook 3.1 - Purple Text
6. Black Facebook3.1 - Pink Text
7. Black Facebook 3.1 - Orange Text
8. Black Facebook 3.1 - Green Text
9. Black Facebook 3.1 - Dark Blue Text
10. Black Facebook 3.1 - Cyan Text
FACEBOOK MESSENGER 2.4.3 - updated 05/14/2013
1. Black FB Messenger - White Text only for now...
older version below
FACEBOOK MESSENGER 2.4.2 - updated 04/16/2013
1. Black FB Messenger 2.4.2 - White Text
2. Black FB Messenger 2.4.2 - Holo Blue Text
3. Black FB Messenger 2.4.2 - Red Text
4. Black FB Messenger 2.4.2 - Purple Text
5. Black FB Messenger 2.4.2 - Dark Blue Text
6. Black FB Messenger 2.4.2 - Yellow Text
7. Black FB Messenger 2.4.2 - Cyan Text
8. Black FB Messenger 2.4.2 - Orange Text
9. Black FB Messenger 2.4.2 - Pink Text
10. Black FB Messenger 2.4.2 - Green Text
Instagram 3.4.4
1. Black Instagram 3.4.4 - 3/6/2013
Skype 3.2.0
1. Black Skype - 2/27/13
Pinterest 1.4.3
Updated 04/17/2013
1. Black Pinterest - There's a screen with categories that has webview images so you can't really see them but the text is white so I think it's okay...
1. Black Spotify - 03/29/2013
Kik Messenger
1. Black KiK Messenger 0 03/08/2013
WhatsApp Messenger 2.9.1547
1. Black WhatsApp Messenger 2.9.1547 - 03/08/2013 - Make sure you verify your phone # using the stock app first.. Once it sends you the verification SMS you can uninstall it and install mine..
Dropbox 2.3.5
1. Black Dropbox - 04/11/2013
2. Xparent Dropbox - 04/11/2013
Twitter 4.0.2
1. Black Twitter - 05/01/2013 Updated
2. Clear Twitter - 05/01/2013 Updated
Big Ups to @itched for the ftp hosting!
OP updated.. fixed a few issues I found...
Looks good but the news feed reverts back to white when i go out of the app ..atrix ..
Everthing else stays blacked out ...
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Yeah I think since 1.6.2 the status updates pull from the site so it can't be inverted... it'll be inverted during the sync but then the stream kicks in... its weird....
Sent from my Droid using XDA App
OP updated.. Transparent Facebook added..
OP updated... fixed the white text issue in text field
That's what's gangstah...loving experimental transparent version
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
lol.. awesome man, thanks!...
Wow... nice edition man...
Is that Dark v3 Facebook apk is a transparent one??? Downloading when I reach home... then I'll give the feedback thanks
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk
samcad said:
Wow... nice edition man...
Is that Dark v3 Facebook apk is a transparent one??? Downloading when I reach home... then I'll give the feedback thanks
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
the 3rd link is the transparent one... the top one is just a regular inverted FB with custom icons... def let me know what ya think.. there's 1 text issue that I know of, when you hit 'find friends'.. their name is black.. still hunting that one down...
Got this problem too with the transparent theme.
Very nice work
jlg19753 said:
Looks good but the news feed reverts back to white when i go out of the app ..atrix ..
Everthing else stays blacked out ...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's because its pulling from the mobile site so we can't invert it right now....
Sent from my Droid using XDA App
absolutely hideous. but good initiative. make what's yours however you want it to be.
Sent from my Droid using XDA App
Awesome! I'll be trying the Dark Facebook and the transparent one tonight. ^_^
I really liked the transparent one the most. I hope we can find away around the reverting issue soon.
Sent from Ohio.
Methos013 said:
I really liked the transparent one the most. I hope we can find away around the reverting issue soon.
Sent from Ohio.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
It's interesting that the feeds on friend's walls shows up transparent, in the transparent version, but the main feed reverts. Unless it's simply pulling the feed data from the main and applying the universal app settings, or something like that.
Also, one quick note, the text color in the rolling selector blends in quite a bit. The background seems to be an off white while the text is a bright white. Another facebook issue or is this a relatively simple tweak in the apk file?
Sent from my SCH-I400 using xda premium
OP updated after like a year to version 2.0...
Beautifully done .
Thanks .
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
Hello Fascinate-ing people
I like your calendar better than the Epic version & have been using it on my phone for a long time. So when i made my theme i themed TouchWizCalendar.apk & i thought maybe some one over hear would like it.
If you like it & want to put it in your own theme PM me your themes thread so i can check out your work. Give me credit for it other than that feel free to put it in your roms/themes.
My Theme it goes with.
Calendar apk Copy to /system/app/ fix permissions reboot & you should be good