Hi all,
I'm currently running JPP! with the hardcore speedmod i1r2 kernel (yes very old ROM), installed via Odin.
I think it's now time to upgrade, and JUWE's upgrade is probably most attractive to me due to it's stability and good battery life.
Is there a simple true step by step of what I need to do to install this to the latest ROM and kernel? The site is so big now, it's difficult to navigate to the relative posts. I'm PC competent, but am struggling to follow all the steps and need some guidance (and really don't want to brick my phone!!).
If not for JUWE, is there a different ROM/kernel (with similar performance as JUWE) with a simpler installer making it easier for me to get up and running with minimum risk?
Many thanks in advance.
JVH ROM- Flash via Odin
Kernel- Flash Kernel via Odin; Download the listed kernel for JVH (CF 3.2 XEE I think)
Juwe- Flash via CWM(recovery); Download and put on internal SD.
I currently have a 2.2 galaxy s firmware witch i got using kies. I added the voodoo lagfix kernel to it.As i have read in the description, clockwork mod doesn't work with voodoo, so i'm stuck using odin for updating.
So, for the question: Is it safe to upgrade to 2.2.1 from Kies? And, moreover, how can I flash a costum rom like darky's or cyanogen? (i'm not sure about them).
P.S. How can I come back to stock 2.2 and delete the Voodoo kernel
Please help,
create a folder within the Voodoo folder called "disable_lagfix" then restart the phone, it should convert back to RFS from EXT4 and return the rom to normal (ie. no lagfix applied)
once this is done, download whatever rom you want (JPY is the latest uk OFFICIAL relese i believe) or create your desired rom within Doc's Kitchen....
So, for the question: Is it safe to upgrade to 2.2.1 from Kies?
Yes otherwise it would not be offered by Samsung .
And, moreover, how can I flash a costum rom like darky's or cyanogen? (i'm not sure about them).
READ each post for instructions .
itudorie said:
So, for the question: Is it safe to upgrade to 2.2.1 from Kies? And, moreover, how can I flash a costum rom like darky's or cyanogen? (i'm not sure about them).
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You should be SURE before flashing custom ROM. Read and collect as much information from their thread. This will minimize the risk for you to repeat same problems others have had...
From rooted speedmod to unrooted non-custom kernel
Hi I have the international galaxy s.
kernel version: hardcore speedmod k13c 500hz #24
build number: FROYO DTJP5
Firstly, I have rooted using Super One Click
And I changed my kernel after reading instructions from this forum.
I now want to undo what I've done and go back to the original phone
(and later maybe update to gingerbread)
I've spent a lot of time reading through this xda forum and finally I make my own thread and ask directly.. Sorry if this has been asked already but I searched almost everywhere.. Maybe its my lack of professional vocab.
1. I'm guessing to unroot, I just click 'Unroot' on Super One Click but will this affect my speedmod?
2. I have the 3 Button Method installed but I don't know how to safely test if it works. Just do the 3 button combo and if it works, go back by simply taking off the batteries?
3. So if that worked all well.. I would have an unrooted speedmod phone. How do I remove this speedmod? Stock roms? I don't know what they mean.. is it the default firmware? do I have to flash it in? If I install that would that automatically replace my speedmod?
Thank you.. I would really really appreciate your help thank you..
haha! I`ve got similar question,
I`ve root my SGS using the One Click, did the 3 button fix, and to my surprise manage to flash the speedmod k13e 500.. currently this is my build *#1234#
a few days ago, i read doc`s kitchen rom and download the cooked rom with this configuration
Speed mode kernel
2.2.1 jpj browser etc with tweaks, custom bootanimation and mod sound
so my question can I just use the recovery update.zip to install the rom?
p/s I`ve no idea what I`m doing but it look fun to mess around the phone so I`m a beginner that knows nothing but I could read if that matters
I dont know if it will effect the speedmod but if you just flash the stock rom I think it will replace it.. just imagine if you are going to change from one kernel to another or update to a newer version what will you do? just flash it and badaboom the new one will replace the old one.. so it is a similar process..
Just one question.. if you have the EXT4 lagfix you have to undo/disable that first am I right?
To get back to original ROM, get your version from http://samfirmware.com.
If you used any lagfixes disable them before flashing (because the stock-kernel does not support ext4-partitions).
Flash the firmware (PDA, MODEM, CSC) with odin (repartition not ticked).
To verify the 3-button-combo works just power of your phone and then press "Home+Volume-down+Power", then it should enter download mode.
I just tried upgrading via Kies from my current old config, but it advised that my phone couldnt be upgraded... The current set-up is (as per Kies):
Phone: JPP
From Settings, it says:
Firmware: 2.2
Baseband version: I9000XXJPP
Kernel: [email protected] #14
I want to upgrade to the latest best featured stable software, custom or stock, that provides good battery life and best features. I'm not averse to custom kernels as I understand they provide cool additional features such as BLN and optimised audio etc. What would be the best latest ROM/Kernal set-up to provide what I need?
I originally flashed the above via Odin, so I'm comfortable doing that. With respect to the Speedmod lagfix I have installed, do I need to disable that? I can see a disable option to disable in CWM.
Is there a simple step by step that I can follow to get the latest software on without screwing up my phone! I've backed up some apps using Titanium Backup and have my SMS /contacts backed up to SD, so I'm ready to rock and roll...
Thanks in advance
S4chin said:
I just tried upgrading via Kies from my current old config, but it advised that my phone couldnt be upgraded... The current set-up is (as per Kies):
Phone: JPP
From Settings, it says:
Firmware: 2.2
Baseband version: I9000XXJPP
Kernel: [email protected] #14
I want to upgrade to the latest best featured stable software, custom or stock, that provides good battery life and best features. I'm not averse to custom kernels as I understand they provide cool additional features such as BLN and optimised audio etc. What would be the best latest ROM/Kernal set-up to provide what I need?
I originally flashed the above via Odin, so I'm comfortable doing that. With respect to the Speedmod lagfix I have installed, do I need to disable that? I can see a disable option to disable in CWM.
Is there a simple step by step that I can follow to get the latest software on without screwing up my phone! I've backed up some apps using Titanium Backup and have my SMS /contacts backed up to SD, so I'm ready to rock and roll...
Thanks in advance
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Most devs include the steps you should take to install their rom on their relative threads. i would recommend Darky's rom or Milky if you want something very stable and with up to date software.
i doubt you'll have any trouble installing them.
Good luck!
by the way, you should disable any lagfixes before installing a new rom, or use the kernel cleaning tool.
Have you tried the stock firmwares from Samfirmware.com?...
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
It's usually better to disable lagfix before flashing a new rom. You should first ensure that you're on a stock rom. If you're not, flash the odexed JPO rom to go back to stock. From there, you'd want to upgrade to a gingerbread rom. Download a gingerbread rom that has bootloaders and flash via odin. After that, you can easily flash newer roms like JVR, JVS or JVT. JVS and JVT are newer (2.3.5) but have more bugs than JVR (2.3.4).
disclaimernotice said:
It's usually better to disable lagfix before flashing a new rom. You should first ensure that you're on a stock rom. If you're not, flash the odexed JPO rom to go back to stock. From there, you'd want to upgrade to a gingerbread rom. Download a gingerbread rom that has bootloaders and flash via odin. After that, you can easily flash newer roms like JVR, JVS or JVT. JVS and JVT are newer (2.3.5) but have more bugs than JVR (2.3.4).
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Thanks for your note. Can you clarify the process for me (I'm not great at doing this stuff!)... I think I quite like the sound of Milky's ROM/Kernal. So following your advice above...
1. Enter CWM and disable the lagfix
2. Download and flash odexed JPO. I still have the JPO file that I put on my phone via Odin (named: JPO_JPO_U_JPP - about 280mb in size). Is this the right file? If so, how do I flash it? (am guessing via Odin but in which section (PIT/PDA/PHONE/CSC) and what do I put in the rest?)
3. Download Milky's (assuming I want Milky's ROM and Kernal etc)
4. Install via Odin
5. Restore all apps etc
If you can help clarify my (mis)understandings and add in any steps I have missed, it would be really helpful.
S4chin said:
Thanks for your note. Can you clarify the process for me (I'm not great at doing this stuff!)... I think I quite like the sound of Milky's ROM/Kernal. So following your advice above...
1. Enter CWM and disable the lagfix
2. Download and flash odexed JPO. I still have the JPO file that I put on my phone via Odin (named: JPO_JPO_U_JPP - about 280mb in size). Is this the right file? If so, how do I flash it? (am guessing via Odin but in which section (PIT/PDA/PHONE/CSC) and what do I put in the rest?)
3. Download Milky's (assuming I want Milky's ROM and Kernal etc)
4. Install via Odin
5. Restore all apps etc
If you can help clarify my (mis)understandings and add in any steps I have missed, it would be really helpful.
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2) I don't know if that's the stock one, but you can find the stock JPO from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=846913
3) Since Milky is based on JVR, it would be safer to flash the stock JVR rom with bootloaders via odin first, before you flash milky's rom. You can find the stock JVR here:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1195335
Then, flash Milky's rom, but check to make sure there are no other special instructions for that rom.
All the other steps seem to be fine. So, basically, you flash 3 times. First time is to go back to stock JPO, second time to go to stock JVR and third time to go to modified JVR, which is Milky's rom.
Thanks all for your advice.
I took the plunge yesterday and installed Milky's without installing the stock ROM's (not the right thing to do I know!). I did disable the lagfix and reset the ROM to stock within CWM.
Anyway, luckily it all went really well (following Milky's detailed instructions with the package) and I was on the new software quickly.
The phone is set up nicely now, so I'm pleased it went so smoothly.
One question - I understand I can fiddle around with the voltage and processor speed. Is there an optimum level to maximise battery life without performance suffering?
Thanks again!
S4chin said:
Thanks all for your advice.
I took the plunge yesterday and installed Milky's without installing the stock ROM's (not the right thing to do I know!). I did disable the lagfix and reset the ROM to stock within CWM.
Anyway, luckily it all went really well (following Milky's detailed instructions with the package) and I was on the new software quickly.
The phone is set up nicely now, so I'm pleased it went so smoothly.
One question - I understand I can fiddle around with the voltage and processor speed. Is there an optimum level to maximise battery life without performance suffering?
Thanks again!
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If you want to overclock, it's pretty safe to use apps like Tegrak Overclock to go to 1200MHz. The extra 200MHz will not really affect battery life. Also, you could check this thread out: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1250442
Hello there,
I've been playing with my i9000m for the last 12 hours (...) and I seem to have hit a roadblock. I simply cannot find a kernel that will run on my phone with 2e/ clockworkmod recovery AT ALL and it's driving me a bit nuts. I'd love for someone to point me in the right direction, preferably to an Odin flashable (that's pretty much all I'm comfortable with) 2e/ clockworkmod recovery kernel that will actually get past the boot screen on an i9000m. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, all.
Oh, and if I should be using something other than Odin, please inform me. And if my thinking is all backwards, smack me and gimme some splainin, if you'd kindly. Thanks again.
what version of android / rom are you using? It will make a difference.
I'm using the stock gingerbread 2.3.3 UGKG3 rom designed for the i9000m. AFAIK, there is no custom kernel that will work with this rom - only the rooted stock kernel with no CWM.
If you want to use a custom kernel that has CWM features, I think you need to install either a stock i9000 rom like XXJVT, or you have to go with a custom rom entirely.
what exactly are you trying to do? If you want the latest stock rom with root. Flash JVT pda, with KG3 modem and CSC and 512 pit, in odin then flash latest semaphore or chainfire kernal to root. Put file in pda and flash in odin. There are alot of good tutorial on here.
Firmwares: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1102881
Root Kernal: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1112908
I've just got UGJL2 on it atm, since that's the only thing i can get to actually run. I'll give XXJVT a shot. But ultimately all I want to be able to do is try some of the custom roms (cyanogen, miui, apply some fancy lock screens through update.zip) through the use of ROM manager... which I do need CWM for. I do like the stock gingerbread rom, I just want to customize it a bit.
cyanogen and miui are completely seperate roms, they are not based on samsung what so ever. You should probably just stick to stock jvt for now. (until you get your feet wet.) There are alot of great custom roms you can run on stock jvt. You just need to get that up and running first. Follow the instructions in the links I gave you. I live in Canada too, and run JVT pda on my phone, with KG3 modem and csc, works perfect, install semaphore kernal after, its the file linked Semaphore_Kernal_JVT_1.8.2.tar. Once your rolling you can install zips through cwm. Just remember to keep your baseband version, your modem KG3 or you will notice your cell coverage sucks. With KG3 its full bars. The firmware in the first link I gave you contains bootloaders so you can flash straight from there. Remember to use the 512 pit file. Since this is the first time your flashing gingerbread.
Alrighty, I see how it all peices together now. I've got the UGKG3 modem and CSC installed alongside the xxjvt PDA with Semaphore JVT over it. Runs really nicely too, Thanks for all the help guys. I'll play with this for a while, hopefully it'll continue to run nicely I'll go gander around at the other roms now that I actually know what i'm looking at! I like this one though, thanks for the reccomendation. And I do indeed have my CWM installed, so i can go gallavanting now
Thanks guys!
Happy rom hunting
Which "JVT" ROM did you guys install?
XFJVA/XXJVT/OXFJV1/Sbl or XXJVT/XXJVT/OXAJVT/Sbl (or does it matter between these two?)
If upgrading captivate via kies mini from froyo version 2.2 to gb 2.** do i still need to use heimdall or odin method to install either cwm or or flash a custom rom,this is a new phone as in just out of the box new.....can somone pls help wanna find out b4 i begin to hack my phone....also will the gb update also install gb bootloaders i'm a noob so any help would be greatly appreciated.
diablofuego said:
If upgrading captivate via kies mini from froyo version 2.2 to gb 2.** do i still need to use heimdall or odin method to install either cwm or or flash a custom rom,this is a new phone as in just out of the box new.....can somone pls help wanna find out b4 i begin to hack my phone....also will the gb update also install gb bootloaders i'm a noob so any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Depends upon what do you want to do next after installing 2.3.5.
Everybody Starts from scratch so don't hesitate in asking.
Read this: (this is what I did)
1. Install 2.3.5 using Kies update.
2. Install corn kernel using kk4 easy root http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=20710788&postcount=6 Don't forget to thank him.
3. Now first recommended installation is always Stable CM Rom can be CM 10.0 along with gapps, (But then you can not come back to GB normally you will have to flash it using Odin. and then the whole cycle again.)
4. After installing CM, install any JB ROM you like.