Hi guys, this is my first post in this forum and unfortunately is for reporting a problem... I tested cm7 on my phone and all was ok, the external sd was in /emmc and I had no problems with it... but in GalaxySense and SuperAOSP roms, my external sd it's just not recognized by the phone! What's the problem...?
Hi... any idea?
I think you would be best off IMing the dev....there is no real support here for SuperAOSP.
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rschenck said:
I think you would be best off IMing the dev....there is no real support here for SuperAOSP.
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Well... I just write here because of the 10 post restriction, anyway I haven't read in the rom thread nothing similar to my problem...
Well... I think I've fixed it!
I was flashing SuperAOSP from a JS8 froyo rom... I read that you have to do it from JPU... So I flashed JPU and now it seems to work!
Thanks anyway!
PS: sorry for my english
Turning on and off and it goes fuzzy for half a sec. Just wondering why.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
faulty downloaded rom faulty install faulty rom build .
Best ask in Darky posts/help .
marcon10 said:
Turning on and off and it goes fuzzy for half a sec. Just wondering why.
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Please research your thoughts before jumping on the keyboard. If you have downloaded darkys rom then your questions should go on his thread or his facebook or forum page!
I'm not commenting on his post cause I will never find my answer there's like 2000pages
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Flash a rom from another developer preferably one with few pages .
JJEgan said:
Flash a rom from another developer preferably one with few pages .
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There not trusted tbh. I no darkys rom is gud cause every1 follows his roms just minor things that always need seeing to
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Flash a different kernel, like the one in my signature. Alternatively, wait for the update this weekend, it is supposed to fix the issues some folks are having.
Sent from my GT - I9000M running Darky's 9.4 w/ DamianGTO's Ultimate Kernel using XDA Premium App.
I no darkys rom is gud cause every1 follows his roms just minor things that always need seeing to
Not everyone follows his roms
Breaks more roms than any other rom its a simple fact .
minor things that always need seeing to you said major or minor their is always help required for Darky roms place is littered with cries for help Darky rom that dont get answered by the developer .Its dragging this forum down .
hansonator said:
Flash a different kernel, like the one in my signature. Alternatively, wait for the update this weekend, it is supposed to fix the issues some folks are having.
Sent from my GT - I9000M running Darky's 9.4 w/ DamianGTO's Ultimate Kernel using XDA Premium App.
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+1 9.4s default kernel dark voodoo is too big which causes screen tears. Either ignore it or flash another kernel
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Mothatt said:
+1 9.4s default kernel dark voodoo is too big which causes screen tears. Either ignore it or flash another kernel
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yeh true . some1 quoted a while back this forum is becoming darkys problems page . how do i flash that kernal i tried before and didnt really no how lol . do i need to disable lagfix . please leave some info , thanks .rep given
Edit : is overclocking bad ? this wont fry my cpu will it? im not keen on oc and uv really :/
i get the same thing but i think it is normal as per the replies in that thread..
Hello I am looking for Rafael.Baugis kernal rev - 201210210105
Does anyone have it?
The version with CWM recovery =D
Why do you need it ?
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RubenStauttener said:
Why do you need it ?
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Well, I believe its the last one that had working CWM recovery working on stock rom. When flashing the Final builds it soft-bricks my device. I can only use the E3 version but I miss the CWM functionality being perma-flashed. Its just a shot in the dark but hey someone might have it =D
I have the version in question, but the phone restarts call .. want to go back to the stock kernel, but then it still works link2sd?
ilsaggio73 said:
I have the version in question, but the phone restarts call .. want to go back to the stock kernel, but then it still works link2sd?
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Well, ok what I wanted was EXT4 partition of sd card to be mountable by link2sd, I get a mount script error when trying to use ext4 or ext3 I am guessing this is due to the stock rom?
I have settled with the latest Final from Rafael.Baugis and its nice though I prefer the original boot screen (I prefered the minimilist look without the dragons and linux penguin) Works well with XXLI1. Still cant mount ext4 sd partition in link2sd but ext2 is fine and does not cause the problems that fat32 partitions do.
Using the E3 recovery of the kernel works like a dream. I would recommend that.
I am using that version too, and I don't experience any restarts/reboots
dNik17 said:
Hello I am looking for Rafael.Baugis kernal rev - 201210210105
Does anyone have it?
The version with CWM recovery =D
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Here: http://www.mediafire.com/?gmt01qee3jj0axa
(Sorry Rafael.Baugis for mirroring your file)
possible that no one has the problem with cell restart in call? I put the ultim version see if it gives problems
Sahaj Jain said:
Here: http://www.mediafire.com/?gmt01qee3jj0axa
(Sorry Rafael.Baugis for mirroring your file)
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Thank you for the link and dl. Sorry I am late saying so <3
What phone do you have?
PhaseCoder said:
What phone do you have?
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Dont just post to increase your post count if you are not interested in problem
He has posted in s5830i sec
Which phone will he have?
And I think his problem is solved because Rafael has released final dtable build
Stop posting ridiculous posts
i think rafel baugis have some error in charging and usb in 5830i
now i cannot use any port to use odin can someone help me find mobile odin for this device n supporting files
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arafat8009 said:
i think rafel baugis have some error in charging and usb in 5830i
now i cannot use any port to use odin can someone help me find mobile odin for this device n supporting files
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Geeezz, why did you use old version kernel? That's why we use latest version now because older version may have bugs or incompatible with new ROM. Take out you sd card, put latest rafael's kernel in your sd card using card reader, than flash the kernel. Let's hope it fix your port.
uchihachi said:
Geeezz, why did you use old version kernel? That's why we use latest version now because older version may have bugs or incompatible with new ROM. Take out you sd card, put latest rafael's kernel in your sd card using card reader, than flash the kernel. Let's hope it fix your port.
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can u help me find the new one
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arafat8009 said:
can u help me find the new one
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Look in this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1818830
Click on <<< Custom Kernel and Modules >>>
Then download and flash.
ilsaggio73 said:
possible that no one has the problem with cell restart in call? I put the ultim version see if it gives problems
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This seems to be a problem with the 156Mhz frequency.
Raise it up and the call problem is away.
Hi all i want to ask two question about this phone gt-s5830 does cm7 have a feature to swap sd card without changing vold.fstab ?? ..... another one does gapps included or there is a file for gapps ? Thanks
Sent from my GT-I8150 using xda premium
Any idea ?!!
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mps42 said:
Hi all i want to ask two question about this phone gt-s5830 does cm7 have a feature to swap sd card without changing vold.fstab ?? ..... another one does gapps included or there is a file for gapps ? Thanks
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im not sure about first one, just download rom that supports swap, many cm7 roms with swap enabled out there.
usually it is included, but it depends if the creator has removed them or something.
why not use CM10.1 for galaxy ace, works perfectly, camera also works, barely any bugs
Hartik said:
im not sure about first one, just download rom that supports swap, many cm7 roms with swap enabled out there.
usually it is included, but it depends if the creator has removed them or something.
why not use CM10.1 for galaxy ace, works perfectly, camera also works, barely any bugs
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Aha thanks man ... i see you have cm10.1 on your phone is it good ?!! I want to make my brother's phone like that can u tell me about it more
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mps42 said:
Aha thanks man ... i see you have cm10.1 on your phone is it good ?!! I want to make my brother's phone like that can u tell me about it more
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its pretty fast, barely any lag, you could overclock it, camera and everything worked fine, bluetooth worked fine as well, only thing was the ums, and u had to go into clockwordmod recovery to use usb storage stuff, video recording also worked, i would say best custom rom i have ever used, but atm im back to stock rom, because i could not install memory hack onto it, i am able to install memory hack on stock
Hartik said:
its pretty fast, barely any lag, you could overclock it, camera and everything worked fine, bluetooth worked fine as well, only thing was the ums, and u had to go into clockwordmod recovery to use usb storage stuff, video recording also worked, i would say best custom rom i have ever used, but atm im back to stock rom, because i could not install memory hack onto it, i am able to install memory hack on stock
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Thanks man so is it better to make memory hack on stock rom ?? My bro just want this feature swapping memory cuz u know the internal just 158 mega !! So if its better to make hack for memory on stock rom tell me how
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mps42 said:
Thanks man so is it better to make memory hack on stock rom ?? My bro just want this feature swapping memory cuz u know the internal just 158 mega !! So if its better to make hack for memory on stock rom tell me how
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do u know what swap is???
it uses your sd card as ram
memory hack uses ext4 partition on sd card as internal memory. i installed it successfully yesterday on stock, and its brilliant, nearly 1gb of internal storage, but only thing is, that it wipes all data on phone while flashing it
here is the link, download right one depending on your rom
Hartik said:
do u know what swap is???
it uses your sd card as ram
memory hack uses ext4 partition on sd card as internal memory. i installed it successfully yesterday on stock, and its brilliant, nearly 1gb of internal storage, but only thing is, that it wipes all data on phone while flashing it
here is the link, download right one depending on your rom
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I know what is swap man i do it on my galaxy w ) but i mean which is best for gaming on galaxy ace stock rom or custome rom ?
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mps42 said:
I know what is swap man i do it on my galaxy w ) but i mean which is best for gaming on galaxy ace stock rom or custome rom ?
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tbh i dont know, i avoid using swap as it damages your sd card, only things i use are memory hack, and Chainfire 3D
For ultimate gaming experience you should give Omega Rom a go, but thats too old.
Generally Stock based Roms provide better gaming experience.
WP Remix Gamers edition is another ROM which is known for gaming abilities. You can give it a try.
Sent from my Galaxy ACE using xda app-developers app
omega_warrior said:
For ultimate gaming experience you should give Omega Rom a go, but thats too old.
Generally Stock based Roms provide better gaming experience.
WP Remix Gamers edition is another ROM which is known for gaming abilities. You can give it a try.
Sent from my Galaxy ACE using xda app-developers app
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Can u give me a lonk for this rom please if u can
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Link **
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Here you go friend
omega_warrior said:
Here you go friend
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Thanks man i will do it when i finished my exams
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mps42 said:
Thanks man i will do it when i finished my exams
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Use swapper app to use swap partition and NEVER ASK FOR THE BEST ROM! IT ISN'T ALLOW!
Viper The Ripper said:
Use swapper app to use swap partition and NEVER ASK FOR THE BEST ROM! IT ISN'T ALLOW!
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I will i didn't know that is not allowed because i try this thread on samsung galaxy w section and no body tell me that is not allowed they answer me normally so i think its ok to ask ....sorry
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mps42 said:
I will i didn't know that is not allowed because i try this thread on samsung galaxy w section and no body tell me that is not allowed they answer me normally so i think its ok to ask ....sorry
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You can read forum rules when you want
hi members , i have Samsung galaxy ace s5830 , this phone become so laggy after installing a cm7 for 1 week , why it become sooo laggy ??? is it cm7 bug?? pls help me !! i installed a lot of cm7 roms and faced the same problem !!! plz help me and tell me what should i do , THANKS !!!
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ARH MuLLa said:
hi members , i have Samsung galaxy ace s5830 , this phone become so laggy after installing a cm7 for 1 week , why it become sooo laggy ??? is it cm7 bug?? pls help me !! i installed a lot of cm7 roms and faced the same problem !!! plz help me and tell me what should i do , THANKS !!!
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There can be many reasons for ROM becoming laggy. Mainly i feel it happens when internal memory is not free. Try partitioning your sd-card and use Link2Sd. Or try a better CM 7 based Rom. U may visit my post where i have reviewed a few custom Roms. Here's the link
[Index] Various GB ROM Reviewed
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omega_warrior said:
There can be many reasons for ROM becoming laggy. Mainly i feel it happens when internal memory is not free. Try partitioning your sd-card and use Link2Sd. Or try a better CM 7 based Rom. U may visit my post where i have reviewed a few custom Roms. Here's the link
[Index] Various GB ROM Reviewed
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thank you for the help my brother... but how to partation my sd card ?
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ARH MuLLa said:
thank you for the help my brother... but how to partation my sd card ?
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Use Minitool Partition Wizard for ext partitions..!!
n for now try Ultimatum v2.9 CM7 by team Xperiance.Cyanogen..
Hello people how are you? I have a question for you. Ok maybe not a question but a request? Ok lets get to the thing. Ive tried many custom roms and i kinda dont like them so i went back on a stock rom. The only problem is thay i want to overclock stock rom but i cant find the right kenel. I found some outdated post on xda and downloaded godell's kernel and it seems to work perfectly expect the games wont work. The screen just go black and thats it. So im asking is there anyone that can help me out fix this issue? Ive tried downclocking and changing governors but it didnt help. If anyone coukd provide me with some kernel and/or stock rom that supports that kernel i would be really gratefull. Here are some of the information about my current rom
Baseband version S5570XWKT6
Android version 2.3.6
Best regards and thanks in future
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda app-developers app
Guys restarting the phone fixed the solution so its ok sorry for bothering best regards
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda app-developers app
Ah then its ok
But if u wanna try other kernel, try using doc_cheilvenerdi's internal memory hack, there are also oc kernels and u get this possibility to have more internal mem as nice side effect
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda app-developers app
I actually want oc kernel for european 2.3.5 but its hard do find so im fine with this xD
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