help when update the rom - HTC Incredible S

i try update rom in my incredible s to 2.3.3..i rename the rom to and i dont have soff or root when it finish
the phone cant search any signal
my device htc incredible s
model : htc vivo
build number : 1.37.666.3
android 2.2.1
can return to orginal rom?

what do you mean you don't hve s-off or root? but you're trying to update ?

my phone cannt find any signal after update the software whats the problem can help?

sorry but i really can't understand what you're asking

my phone cant find service and cant search signal how can fix it?

did you flash a Custom ROM? is your back cover put in?

no i flash orginal rom through bootloader (fastboot) i rename the rom to and i flash it after finish the phone cant find signal

you flashed a different original rom? for what purpose?
i'm thinking you might have an icompatible radio.
you can always just use the goldcard method and RUU to flash another stock rom.

after looking at your first post... i think you flashed the radio not a ROM

i flashed the different rom through change the name to
and i flash it through bootloader
after it the signal is dead
now i flash the orginal rom
but the problem is still

Try GSM Mode only ... the signal should be come

And this should go to general....

i try choose gsm only and didnt work i think there problem in radio
i need he rom 2.3.3 my device is canada version

hashnoz said:
i try choose gsm only and didnt work i think there problem in radio
i need he rom 2.3.3 my device is canada version
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You do not need a 2.3.3 ROM, what you need to do is flash one of the Gingerbread compatible radios. I have provided you the link in one of the other threads you started.


[RADIO] 20.2803.30.085au_3805.04.03.12_m

Thanks to someone @goapk
The newest radio, you need to use for 2.3.3 roms!
How To:
just put the on the root of your SD Card and boot into fastboot
follow the instructions on the screen
The filename should be
it's in the zip
just forget it at the guide
qvert said:
Thanks to someone @goapk
The newest radio, you need to use for 2.3.3 roms!
How To:
just put the on the root of your SD Card and boot into fastboot
follow the instructions on the screen
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does it also work with s-on?
i guess
but i didn't tried it
but u don't need it because if you are having s-on you only can get 2.3.3 by using goldcard method which will flash the radio too
and how about an ota update? the ota does flash the radio either, or does it?
to put it in a nutshell i am going to s-off my phone this afternoon, so i need to know how to flash the newest CustomRom wich actually is the 2.3.3 rom correctly on my incS. so i need to flash this radio first?
doesn't matter what order you flash them in, I did ROM first then radio
l0st.prophet said:
doesn't matter what order you flash them in, I did ROM first then radio
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thx my prophet
s-off -> rom and radio -> finish?! or did i miss something?
(BTW l0st.prophet your rom is already rootet, so if i flashed your rom on my incS i didnt need to flash or install anything else to finish, or do i?)
Best order is:
- Root via SuperOneClick (psneuter)
- Install RonManager from the market and install clockworkmod
- Boot into recovery and install rom
- Reboot into HBoot and install radio
Iam sorry, but i really cant find the superonclick root by psneuter... Could you be so Kind, to Post the Link. Iam on the go...
Thx a lot!!
shared from my HTC IncS using the xda app
Really? I don't wanna sound like an asshole, but doesn't anyone want to search for anything? Top result just by googling the phrase... If you couldn't find it, you couldn't have looked
I gave you a step by step guide, the least you could do is put anything you didn't understand into google.
Er..sry but actually i just was searching in the xda Forum. Using this app. I didnt have the idea of using Google... Big sorry!! I understand your reaction.. i have to thank u for your guid. Im trying it in an hour. When im Home.. gonna Post, if successful or not.
shared from my HTC IncS using the xda app

[Q] How to dowgrade from Gingerbread Radio to Froyo Radio?

I have an Incredible S running froyo. I used the alpha method to S-Off then I rooted the phone. Since I was rooted I decided to add a rooted gingerbread rom. I extracted the from the gingerbread RUU for my phone and ran the through the Rom Kitchen. Only option I picked was to root. (Kept it simple) The rom wouldn't flash. Kept getting stuck on the slash screen so I used recovery and went back to my working froyo backup. Then I decided to download CM7 rom and flash it. The same thing stuck on CM7 splash screen. Used recovery and went back to my working froyo backup. I figured maybe I need a gingerbread radio for the roms to boot. I installed eng hboot and flashed the gingerbread radio for my phone. I tried installing both my rom and the cm7 rom with no luck. Both roms get stuck on flash screen. So I used recovery to go back to my working froyo backup. Now I'm stuck with a Froyo rom and a Gingerbread radio.(No sound on calls) I tried flashing the original froyo radio but after flashing the froyo radio my phones go into a boot loop with the HTC splash screen. So I flash the gingerbread radio and phone boots up and works again except no sound on the calls because of the gingerbread radio.
So my question. How do I downgrade from a gingerbread radio to a froyo radio? The flash methods I used to originally flash my radio do not work.
Glad to know I'm not the only one that bricked it like that xD... I don't think you can
downgrade... I am thinking about maybe trying to flash Optus through fastboot, but I'm unsure if that will work... But another option is to use a ROM like Revolution or CM7 which are gingerbread.
Same here bro!!!
Same here bros
I got my IS with foryo 2.2, was working fine. I thought to update to gingerbread but was not aware then i will not be able to downgrade or S-OFF.
I just got Gingerbread OTA update of 83.3MB, just updated and now its working fine but
no S-OFF, no customer recovery, no Custom roms
dieing to Downgrade so that i can do S-OFF for rooting and custom rom installation
ANY BODY HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
charch said:
Glad to know I'm not the only one that bricked it like that xD... I don't think you can
downgrade... I am thinking about maybe trying to flash Optus through fastboot, but I'm unsure if that will work... But another option is to use a ROM like Revolution or CM7 which are gingerbread.
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I'm pretty sure there was others.
araheels said:
Same here bros
I got my IS with foryo 2.2, was working fine. I thought to update to gingerbread but was not aware then i will not be able to downgrade or S-OFF.
I just got Gingerbread OTA update of 83.3MB, just updated and now its working fine but
no S-OFF, no customer recovery, no Custom roms
dieing to Downgrade so that i can do S-OFF for rooting and custom rom installation
ANY BODY HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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First try the AlphaRevX method to S-Off. From there you should be able to install custom recovery, root, and install custom roms. If you can not S-Off with the AlphaRevX method then install a gingerbread rom on your phone from another region through gold card method then use the AlphaRevX method to S-Off. (Most people been using the Australia Optus Rom)
NardVa said:
So my question. How do I downgrade from a gingerbread radio to a froyo radio? The flash methods I used to originally flash my radio do not work.
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Where you using this method to flash your radio ?
jul644 said:
Where you using this method to flash your radio ?
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Yeah that is the method I used. I thought with eng hboot I had the flexability to bounce between radios but for what ever reason once you go to a gingerbread you can't go back to a froyo radio.
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using XDA Premium App
Bro thanks for a quick reply,
i did with both ROMS optus and WWE but AlphaREV is not working
just strucked on
then nothing happens for ages..........
i flashed
with gold card inside IS
via PC running direct RUU

need custom rom based on Firmware = 2250.21.50001.728

anyone can make one??
Could you please explain the exact reason why?
Not that I can cook such rom but it will provide the cooks info they"ll need.
Maybe there is already your kind of rom if it's only to do for language or such.
motorboy-johnny said:
Could you please explain the exact reason why?
Not that I can cook such rom but it will provide the cooks info they"ll need.
Maybe there is already your kind of rom if it's only to do for language or such.
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because of the recent HTC update
this new firmware may contain bug fixes
i note the custom rom available now are using the older firmware
I suspect it's just a little matter of time when the cooks will implement those bug fixes.
Hopefully for you they will, my HD7 is running fine on the DFT 7720 ROM
Htc October firmware update addresses battery life problems .
So it useful to use is a base for custom rom...
Magpir said:
Htc October firmware update addresses battery life problems .
So it useful to use is a base for custom rom...
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nd seems like the botloader 5.0 cant be downgraded....
is there a way i can load a custom ROM without downgrading my Bootloader...
truffle1234 said:
nd seems like the botloader 5.0 cant be downgraded....
is there a way i can load a custom ROM without downgrading my Bootloader...
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u can only do it if a custom rom baseon the above mentioned firmware is available.
But the problem is it requires the BOOTLOADER 5.0 to be supported under cotulla DFT.
Basically to cut it short , it requires bootloader 5.0 to be jailbroken.
The problem is u can do it
Flash a nodo rom with spl supported under dft.
Flash custom rom
then update to the HTC firmware 5.0 update
But the problem is the custom rom needs to be updatable in zune
most custom rom aren't except for xbmod with a custom cab package .
Magpir said:
The problem is u can do it
Flash a nodo rom with spl supported under dft.
Flash custom rom
then update to the HTC firmware 5.0 update
But the problem is the custom rom needs to be updatable in zune
most custom rom aren't except for xbmod with a custom cab package .
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i was in the forum in malaysia and some ppl have tried to downgrade to the nodo rom and got there devices bricked... some how the bootloader do not change for them...
i almost tried to downgrade to nodo and load the custom ROM...
so now i have to wait till DFT come up with a HSPL for 5.XXXX bootloader...
Magpir said:
The problem is u can do it
Flash a nodo rom with spl supported under dft.
Flash custom rom
then update to the HTC firmware 5.0 update
But the problem is the custom rom needs to be updatable in zune
most custom rom aren't except for xbmod with a custom cab package .
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i tried each and every method. no matter how, i still cant downgrade my SPL below 5.
for your info. you can no longer flash back any other official ROM from 7004 till 7720. none of the custom ROM working as well.
i tried flash only Radio also its still can not. use cab sender also can not. none of the published method works. restore back to 7392 also wont work.
fulat said:
i tried each and every method. no matter how, i still cant downgrade my SPL below 5.
for your info. you can no longer flash back any other official ROM from 7004 till 7720. none of the custom ROM working as well.
i tried flash only Radio also its still can not. use cab sender also can not. none of the published method works. restore back to 7392 also wont work.
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yeah i just realised this though...
i think u cant flash any official rom that has bootloader lower than 5.0

Restore Stock Sense Rom ?

I got an htc one m7 silver and got problem.
I've install custom cwm recovery, and a custom rom. No problems, until i cant sim unlock my htc. My code provider said me i must to return on a stock rom but i do not find all i need to do this (radio, kernel, firmware, rom) i dont know what files i need to download...
Please can you help me?
graphsys said:
I got an htc one m7 silver and got problem.
I've install custom cwm recovery, and a custom rom. No problems, until i cant sim unlock my htc. My code provider said me i must to return on a stock rom but i do not find all i need to do this (radio, kernel, firmware, rom) i dont know what files i need to download...
Please can you help me?
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what carrier are you on?

M7 WLS (no sim, no IMEI, no signal)

Brought a M7 off New Zealand trading site like ebay.
It came with a htc one soul xiaoxiang 8002_x21.0 rom, one i have been unable to find.
But i went ahead a threw the stock RUU at it and now no matter the rom's i flash my phone with im getting no signal, no sim card.
As far as i have played around its the radio, i recall that the xiaoxiang had a "radio" and "beats audio" app? but all the Sprint roms i have tried, about 10 havn't had the radio fix nor have any of them helped.
Feels like im going round and round in circles.
Can anyone suggest a rom or a fix?
I brought this model of phone because i wanted to abuse the infrared blaster and that was the driving factor i reverted to a stock ruu. But at this stage i just want to be able to use my New Zealand sim card!
Hello, what is your CID AND MID?
CID is 11111111
Device serial number is FA357S905147
Model is HTC PN072
Current have a badboyz rome Lollipop 5.0.2, Sense 6.0
Baseband is unknown
Imei unknown
Played around with different radio versions today, result was disappointing.
I'll run adb and try get the MID. i think thats where i get it.
I do have the HTC unlock file on my other computer.
hey bro i solved this problem by
(a)make a backup of the rom by twrp
(b)factery wipe the phone including OS i.e SYSYTEM
(C) Let it boot up till it gets stuck on the htc logo since it has no OS
(D)power off, go into boot loader and on fastbootusb type "Fastboot oem rebootRUU"
(F)after youve flashed it reboot in to bootloader (Fastboot reboot-bootloader) and confirm if you have the radio
(last)restore your backup from twrp and enjoy
Awaisanwarkhan said:
hey bro i solved this problem by
(a)make a backup of the rom by twrp
(b)factery wipe the phone including OS i.e SYSYTEM
(C) Let it boot up till it gets stuck on the htc logo since it has no OS
(D)power off, go into boot loader and on fastbootusb type "Fastboot oem rebootRUU"
(F)after youve flashed it reboot in to bootloader (Fastboot reboot-bootloader) and confirm if you have the radio
(last)restore your backup from twrp and enjoy
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Hi my friends,
Can you give me download link of radio?
I have the same problem.
I flashed with ruu 1.29.651.10 stock rom,
Now phone is booting, main menü is coming but after 1 or 2 minutes it says' process system isn't responding.
Can you help me for this reason?
I Am having the same problem, i cant get compatible ruu for the device, pls i need help.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I fixed it by flshing Radio.... Just flash compatible radio, and thats all.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
Still have this issue, upgraded to 7.1.1
As far as i know, its some sort of sprint lock.
The phone is GSM, but it doesnt matter if im running fireware from when the phone was first released or the lastest update, nothing solves the issue.
There has to be a file or script in the root files that has disabled this function.
SumguyNZ said:
Still have this issue, upgraded to 7.1.1
As far as i know, its some sort of sprint lock.
The phone is GSM, but it doesnt matter if im running fireware from when the phone was first released or the lastest update, nothing solves the issue.
There has to be a file or script in the root files that has disabled this function.
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I suggest u find radio compatible with your device and flash it, it will solve your problem, thats what i did to mine after trying different option with no luck.
solace mukhtar said:
I suggest u find radio compatible with your device and flash it, it will solve your problem, thats what i did to mine after trying different option with no luck.
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what radio am i looking for, one compatible with sprint, with andriod 7.1 or one based in NZL

