Nook Color 2.2 - Nook Color General

I can't find this answer online for some reason. BN came out with a port for Android 2.2 on the Nook Color. Why isn't there any roots for that? For 1.1 and 1.2 NookDevs came out with one pretty quickly. For 2.2...nothing? Am I just not finding this?

gvayl said:
I can't find this answer online for some reason. BN came out with a port for Android 2.2 on the Nook Color. Why isn't there any roots for that? For 1.1 and 1.2 NookDevs came out with one pretty quickly. For 2.2...nothing? Am I just not finding this?
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Ok...figures. After I posted this I answered my own quest.
I think I found the 2.3 root...would this be where people go? cyanogenmod-7 ?

I have done the Cyanogenmod-7. I installed the App ROM MANAGER after I rooted the Nook. From there you can choose what Rom to install on the Nook.

Nook software update 1.2 IS Android OS 2.2. A good list (though probably sometimes outdated) is at

B&N Calls Their Android 2.2 Port "NOOKcolor OS 1.2"

Related Question

Ok, I was running 1.1.0 nootered and saw that and thought it was the ROM to install Android 3.0 Honeycomb... So I download it and root my 1.1.0 Rooted nook with 1.1.0 ROM. I confess, I am a newb, and this is a rookie mistake, but I just wanted to let everyone know so they don't make the same mistake... this is not the Android Honeycomb ROM.
This is not the android you are looking for, move along. (If you are looking for Honeycomb)

[Q] I need help... again.

Is it possible for me to put honeycomb on my nook color? I'm currently running froyo 2.2 with zeam launcher. Can you possibly give me directions on how to install it? Or links that have directions.
It is very possible to get honeycomb, albeit it's really not a daily driver. My suggestion would be to search out the dualboot method and run honeycomb and something else that fits your tastes. Go to the android development thread. Scroll down to any of the rom's running Honeycomb (either the dual boot or the SD card preview image from deeperblue). All of those threads have the directions right there on top. USE SEARCH.

New to nook

Hey guys I am having a.guy on here ship me his nook color after a deal we made so I will root and dual boot it like just flashing normal roms which I have done on my og droid and my fascinate
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Bump plz k
Not trying to steal ur thread but would also like some info are custom roms installable on the actual nook itself or do u boot them just from the SD
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
You can run ROMs from either the SD, or from internal...
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA Premium App
A very quick summary to get you started:
The Nook color will boot first from a bootable external uSD card - so it can
be easier to 'try out' different ROMs without worrying about bricking the
The internal flash memory is called 'emmc'.
You can root the stock ROMs, either the 1.01 or the 1.1 versions both are
based on Android 2.1, Eclair. You get Android market access this way and
can continue to use the stock Nook eBook app. There are rumors that
a version of Android 2.2, Froyo, with a B&N market is soon to be available.
Android 2.2, Froyo is available by ROM developers for installing on either
the internal memory or to run from external uSD cards. See for example
Nookie Froyo 6.8 in the developer section.
Android 2.3, GingerBread, is available as a pre-release from the
developers of CyanogenMOD ROMS, it is called CyanogenMOD7. They
release a new version almost every night, termed 'nightlies'. There is
a version for internal emmc or from someone else to run on uSD.
Current (3/23) versions have low frame rate hardware codec video
playback, but seem very stable otherwise. Phiremod makes a ROM
based on CM7.
Android 3.0, HoneyComb, has a very early release, based on
SDK version, not full source code.
To dual boot, see the thread in the developers section.
To overclock, see Dalingrin's kernels in the developer section.
To install new kernels and ROMs, see the ClockworkMOD (CWM) recovery thread
in the developer section.
Running a ROM from uSD can be as easy as downloading an image file,
on a PC, burning the image to uSD with "win32diskimager", then booting the
NC with the uSD inserted!
I am running CM7 nightlies and update when there are significant changes
or perhaps weekly - everything I have wanted to do has been working well.
Phiremod 5.1, based on CM7 is another good place to start.
As the NC has only one bottom button, you will also need some type
of on screen button system or button remapping to the volume buttons.
Most ROMs have something in them. I have liked Button Savior from the
market best.
Some other links:
Long CM7 install description: (slightly dated now)
Hope this helps.
peter thank you once i receive it i will get started on rooting and if i have any questions may i pm u also is therea freenode chanel?

Does anyone know how I can Upgrade my rooted B&N OS 1.1.0 to 1.2.0 (Froyo)

Hi So I've been searching all around on how to do this but I'm having no luck. I know I know why don't I just turn my nook color into a full gingerbread?
Well here's the thing.... I like the Nook Color OS. What I'm running now is 1.1.0 It allows me access to the market and install market apps while still keeping my nook color OS.
But I could just install Nook Color app from the market.... I could but it doesn't work as well as the OS. I like my nook color for the E-book experience mostly. But I read magazine and not all magazine are availble in PDF.
Recently Zinio now is on Android but only in froyo 2.2 and up. I would like to just upgrade the market so I can take advantage of the market and installing amazon app market
I update once but it didn't work. It changed my screen resolution.
Please help
Start here:
I prefer the version that puts CWM on internal memory.
Then if you want to manual root, go here:
And to overclock, go here:
Links are fixed, I made the mistake of copying part of an earlier post I had made.
Thanks But the links don't show up
Stock 1.2 and ManualNooter is FroYo.
mearle said:
Thanks But the links don't show up
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You're right, the links didn't work, but it has the thread numbers, or you could just do a search based on what he said they did.. anyways, here are the links he tried to post, but you have to read them and make sure you follow directions, because if you don't do it right, we aren't going to do the searches for you how to fix it. (Sorry if I sound jaded, but we all have to learn how to do it ourselves)
Start here:
I prefer the version that puts CWM on internal memory.
Then if you want to manual root, go here:
And to overclock, go here:
And in my opinion, I would do a few other things UNLESS you use the nook reader app on a daily basis..
This is a must
Start here:
I prefer the version that puts CWM on internal memory.
Dual boot the stock rom with a more functional rom(like cm7) if you want more features than 2.1, go for 2.3.4. It is much more of a jump than 2.1 to 2.2(froyo)
or if you are willing to archive your stock nook color, copy it to a fully working sd card, and have nook stock on demand
[ADV][DEV][CWM]Copy Nook Stock to SDcard Image[5/9]
Then you can install any rom you want on the main memory, but have a fully functioning bootable sd stock rom(which I did, and now it just sits on my coffee table)
or, if you are feeling really crazy, find the latest honeycomb rom.. but you can find the link yourself.
Hey thanks I'm really sorry to ask all these noob question. So I tried to upgrade to froyo once and it change the screen resolution. Like you could tell things were slightly bigger is that auto manualnooter?
mearle said:
Hey thanks I'm really sorry to ask all these noob question. So I tried to upgrade to froyo once and it change the screen resolution. Like you could tell things were slightly bigger is that auto manualnooter?
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Maybe, but I doubt it. It MAY have changed the lcd density setting slightly to make the market work better, but it would be barely noticeable. Seriously though, as someone who didn't want to give up the stock rom, get clockwork mod recovery on there, no a nandroid backup, and try cm7 if you want stability and lots of functionality, or miui, or maybe android 3.0.
Personally, the only thing the stock rom does well is read books, but once I found moon reader + I didn't need that anymore, and I can't think of a single other reason to keep the stock around anymore.
Silentbtdeadly said:
Seriously though, as someone who didn't want to give up the stock rom, get clockwork mod recovery on there, no a nandroid backup, and try cm7 if you want stability and lots of functionality, or miui, or maybe android 3.0.
Personally, the only thing the stock rom does well is read books, but once I found moon reader + I didn't need that anymore, and I can't think of a single other reason to keep the stock around anymore.
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but don't use honeycomb (android 3.0) It's full of bugs and glitches because google will not release the source code.
- Sent from my LG Optimus V using Tapatalk

Nook Color Question

There are so many NC's topics that got me really confused, I only have a question that I hope someone can give me some advice. I just got me a NC with with firmware 1.2 and I want to be able to multiboot with GingerBread, HoneyComb as well as the NC stock OS, could someone tell me the steps that I need? Thanks in advance.
I would recommend avoiding the HoneyComb builds as they are buggy. We do not have the source code for HC so it will alwys be buggy. As for Gingerbread, I would recommend CM7.1.0, the latest stable build. As many folks here hve detailed the best route to dual boot cm7 and stock, I will refer you to the excellent threads on that topic. I do not run dual boot as cm7 serves all my needs. I have not had the stock firmware on my nook since the second day I had it. Good luck with your new nook and don't forget to have fun.
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