Anyone know (link) of a good fast compatable kernal with CM7 RC10 i9000.
Check the dev section for fugmode, glitch and neo kernels. those are the 3 that are compatible with CM7
I wanted to try some of new Theme that only made for I9000.
Thats why I wanna flash I9000 rom on cappy.
What is most perferable combination (I9000 rom + Kernel) for cappy so far ??
no one has any suggestion ?? @@a
i need the best kernel for darky's 10.1 rom such that it shld be atleast catching
Cm7 speed ... not equal speed but ??????????????
or give me best rom which is equivalent to CM7 speed .......with suitable Kernel..
i have been asking this question frm many weeks...
Did anyone try running the i9000 ICS Alpha on their Captivate? How well did it run?
They already have one on the captivate...
Here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1362092
Gives you instructions too
Be sure to hit thanks if I helped you!
don't forget teamhacksung's port too:
Hi ther. Can i install hawkish rom in my captivate ? i m running Serenity kk4 rc6 having CMW (Sumari)
Don't assume everyone knows every single ROM, link please.
HaWKiSH rom
Here is the link
You will need a reoriented i9000 kernel (like Talon) and a i9000 modem. That being said I have no clue if it will work all fine, I know i9000 ports take time and tweaking for them to run right. Studa would know better than me on that.
Hi, currently i'm running ace on 2.3.6 version unrooted. I would like to add cyanogen mod to the device, which mod should version of cyanogen mod should I install ?
1. This should be in Q & A.
2. Impossible to tell. Do you want gingerbread as a base? Use CM7.
Want the newest android versions as a base. CM9 or CM10.
King of the mashed potatoes©
Jeffrey Peter said:
Hi, currently i'm running ace on 2.3.6 version unrooted. I would like to add cyanogen mod to the device, which mod should version of cyanogen mod should I install ?
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you are comming form stock rom... if you directly jump to cm9 or cm10 things could be difficult for you as both these are quite buggy... go for cm7.. these are fast , stable as well as a totally new experience for stock users..
you can try miracle and apocalyase... both are based on cm7 and are super fast and bugs free...
press thanks if i helped !!!