I noticed people are using power management apps to "fix" the SOD in CM7.1. I use green power myself, and it works great. Stopped my SOD's completely.
I ran across this thread to fix a wifi off at screen off issue. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=774507
It seems the default wifi off at screen off is timed at 15 minutes after the screen turns off. If we could have an option under cyanogen settings, or advaced wifi settings, to change this timer to just a few seconds, I think it could temporarilly fix many of the SOD problems, until the real culprit is found. I know Dalingrin said he would get to the SOD problem after a couple of other projects, but maybe this could be a temporary fix until he really gets into it.
I would have put this under the developers thread, but I read a lot, and post a little.
What do you think?
jameshmiller said:
I noticed people are using power management apps to "fix" the SOD in CM7.1. I use green power myself, and it works great. Stopped my SOD's completely.
I ran across this thread to fix a wifi off at screen off issue. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=774507
It seems the default wifi off at screen off is timed at 15 minutes after the screen turns off. If we could have an option under cyanogen settings, or advaced wifi settings, to change this timer to just a few seconds, I think it could temporarilly fix many of the SOD problems, until the real culprit is found. I know Dalingrin said he would get to the SOD problem after a couple of other projects, but maybe this could be a temporary fix until he really gets into it.
I would have put this under the developers thread, but I read a lot, and post a little.
What do you think?
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Just use Setting Profile Lite or Tasker or whatever to turn off wifi at screen off and back on when it's back on. Doesn't seem like adding a setting in CM7 to set the length of time is worth it.
This is the part I'm not quite following...the behavior you're describing (wifi off with screen and on with screen) is actually the CM7 default, so why the need for a special app?
I haven't looked at these 3rd party apps yet but I don't believe shortening the wifi sleep timeout would help. I believe the reason these apps prevent SODs is because they forcibly turn off the wifi after some time. There seems to be some condition that the wifi driver or wpa supplicant gets locked and the sleep timeout has no effect.
What is the default time period before wifi turns off when the screen turns off?
I am noticing people in the various SOD threads having success stopping their SOD's with third party software that does what the advanced wifi setting "should" do, cuts the wifi off when the screen turns off. I am using "green power" and set it to turn off wifi 5 seconds after the screen turns off, unless there is traffic. I have not had an SOD since. The thread I linked to says the default android time period for wifi off is 15 minutes.
Maybe, just maybe, SOD's are occurring in this 15 minute time period. That's why people are having success with these 3rd party apps.
This was a reply to rhester72. I should have quoted.
Dalingrin, Did you happen to read the thread I linked to? It may be of some use to you. It may not. It may not pertain to your kernel.
I'm no Dev, just someone that appreciates the work you do, and am trying to help.
Well, I guess I learned something. WiFi off when screen turns off, in the advanced wireless setting, does not actually turn the WiFi off. It only puts it to sleep.
The third party apps that turn WiFi off when screen turns off, actually turn the WiFi off. That's why they "fix" SOD.
I'm still curious as to the default WiFi off/sleep when screen turns off timer is. Just for knowledge sake.
Thanks again, to all of the Devs, for all of your hard work.
Well, interestingly enough, I updated from n150 to n157 last night and this morning after disconnecting from power (with wifi set to never sleep when plugged in), about 5 minutes later I had my first SOD in a *long* time. Not running any special power-management apps.
rhester72 said:
This is the part I'm not quite following...the behavior you're describing (wifi off with screen and on with screen) is actually the CM7 default, so why the need for a special app?
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My NC hasn't had a single SOD since selecting the option to turn wifi off when screen is off. Surely, unless you need notifications while the NC is in sleep, this is the simple solution to SOD?
CM7 #150
Hey everyone
Has anyone else noticed that their TyTN II wakes from standby when switching between GPRS and 3G. At least I think this is why mine appears to wake up randomly! It will be sat on my desk in standby mode and then the screen will switch on and the signal strength bars will move.
I've checked to make sure nothing is running in the background and performed a soft reboot.
Any ideas?
The Kaiser does turn on at least once every hour (some house keeping tasks), and will turn on if the mobile signal is lost. However these on's are in unattended mode which means the device appears off to the owner so the screen will not come on.
If you have some software that likes to do work or updates the today page for example, that software may be detecting the device has turned on and in order to get your attention or just through bad programming, issues a power announcement to say turn on proper, hence the display lights up!
Thanks for the info, I'll have a look what I have on there and try and isolate what is causing the power ups.
Cheers for the help.
If you have sprite backup installed with the auto backup on low power option that causes occasional power ups to enable the power check.
I may have solved this issue. After uninstalling enAlarm the phone, no longer appears to be waking. I'm still monitoring it though
i have the same problem when im signed on to AIM. Once i sign off it stops waking up, but if its on it'll wake up every 5 minutes or so, and it is in fact annoying. Havent found out the solution for it yet so i just dont really use it that often
nando223 said:
i have the same problem when im signed on to AIM. Once i sign off it stops waking up, but if its on it'll wake up every 5 minutes or so, and it is in fact annoying. Havent found out the solution for it yet so i just dont really use it that often
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it's when a friend log's in or out of AIM.. it's a paint, rediculious and ATT refuses to get rid of OZ messanger and use a real one.
here's the kicker. it supposed to use TEXT , but when a friend logs in or out, the message is sent to your phone, and then DATA brings up the list..
STUPID and ignorant of ATT but,. big companies do what they want!
I have been having the same problem as well. I just installed this DeviceLock program:
If you enable the "Lock on Wake" option, the device will be locked when it wakes up, so the backlight stays off and you won't call anyone by accidentally hitting buttons.
Also, I ran across this related thread you might want to check out (basically talking about the same thing, but for the Tilt):
When my screen goes to sleep, my Wifi or my data connection stops (whichever one I'm using).
If I'm listening to the radio using Radio Time, the sound stops after the screen sleeps. An interesting thing to note is that if you go to the lock screen, it starts playing again. It seems like the screen just needs to be on. The problem seems to be limited to just certain applications because Pandora still plays after the screen turns off.
Another app, Android Web Desktop, which allows you to text and manage your files from the computer, doesn't work correctly either. Nothing loads while my screen is off but it starts loading once I turn my screen on.
I'm running on a Sprint HTC Hero with DamageControls v2.07.2 ROM for Android 2.1. I also have a Flan lockscreen. I don't know whether the problem is ROM related or what.
Does anybody know why this is happening and how I can fix this?
Please Help!
Make sure always on mobile data in settings is checked.
Jaden10 said:
When my screen goes to sleep, my Wifi or my data connection stops (whichever one I'm using).
If I'm listening to the radio using Radio Time, the sound stops after the screen sleeps. An interesting thing to note is that if you go to the lock screen, it starts playing again. It seems like the screen just needs to be on. The problem seems to be limited to just certain applications because Pandora still plays after the screen turns off.
Another app, Android Web Desktop, which allows you to text and manage your files from the computer, doesn't work correctly either. Nothing loads while my screen is off but it starts loading once I turn my screen on.
I'm running on a Sprint HTC Hero with DamageControls v2.07.2 ROM for Android 2.1. I also have a Flan lockscreen. I don't know whether the problem is ROM related or what.
Does anybody know why this is happening and how I can fix this?
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I just check the settings and I already had always on checked. Should I just wipe and see if the problem goes away? Am I the only one with this problem?
check the wifi sleep policy as well.
Settings>Wireless & Networks>Wifi Settings> [press menu] > Advanced >Wifi Sleep Policy
Setting it to never will make the wifi radio never disconnect, at the expense of battery, of course.
I have it too, although I sort of assumed it was by design. Makes for a pretty frustrating experience trying to use Gmote or Boxee Remote.
bcispcpro said:
check the wifi sleep policy as well.
Settings>Wireless & Networks>Wifi Settings> [press menu] > Advanced >Wifi Sleep Policy
Setting it to never will make the wifi radio never disconnect, at the expense of battery, of course.
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I'm still having the problem kinda. It seemed to not turn it off as fast. It stopped working after about 30 seconds in Android Desktop and RadioTime kept playing but was very skippy. Are you having this problem? I don't understand why certain app work and certain don't.
bcispcpro said:
check the wifi sleep policy as well.
Settings>Wireless & Networks>Wifi Settings> [press menu] > Advanced >Wifi Sleep Policy
Setting it to never will make the wifi radio never disconnect, at the expense of battery, of course.
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For problems with Gmote and Boxee Remote, this fixed my issue.
bcispcpro said:
check the wifi sleep policy as well.
Settings>Wireless & Networks>Wifi Settings> [press menu] > Advanced >Wifi Sleep Policy
Setting it to never will make the wifi radio never disconnect, at the expense of battery, of course.
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That was a useful suggestion. To go a bit further on this point. You can turn on/off your wifi (and more) by using applications like timeriffic when you really don't need it. Eg, when you're sleeping. Timeriffic changes some of your profiles based on time so it would be a great option to add to this setting change.
nam_hee said:
That was a useful suggestion. To go a bit further on this point. You can turn on/off your wifi (and more) by using applications like timeriffic when you really don't need it. Eg, when you're sleeping. Timeriffic changes some of your profiles based on time so it would be a great option to add to this setting change.
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I use Juice Defender to do the same thing and I let it manage my mobile data connection. Helps stretch out the times between charges a little bit despite me using my phone very heavily.
Solution , for me
Turn off WiFi optimization .
It seems like after, I don't know, maybe 5-10 minutes or more of the phone being in sleep mode, when I unlock the phone and go to do something, like check mail, or hit a website, the WiFi is always showing disconnected. Wifi Logo with the Red X over it in the upper left of some Roms.
Then, it jumps and tries to reconnect after a few seconds and shows the normal connection icon bars onthe right. Kind of frustrating waiting 10-15 seconds for it to reconnect.
Is this normal?
Every Froyo build I have tried (three different) have this same behavior. It seems the WiFi is disconnecting itself while sleeping. Then once awake again, it connects back to the access point.
I can't find any setting that seems to be affecting this.
Anybody else have this issue? Is it by design?
Search didn't help? Really, this was brought up a lot.
Press "menu" when in WiFi menu, I bet you can take it from there.
Ah, and look in the Apps section, first page will probably help you, if the suggestion above didn't.
No setting?
How about Settings->Wireless&networks->Wi-Fi settings->(press Menu)Advanced->Wi-Fi sleep policy?
(and yes, I do agree, they shouldn't hide an option like that behind a menu in settings, think that's the only setting screen with a menu)
The wifi sleep policy is broken is some phones. See this thread:
or google it, there's a bunch of people complaining about it for a long time.
pikipirs said:
No setting?
How about Settings->Wireless&networks->Wi-Fi settings->(press Menu)Advanced->Wi-Fi sleep policy?
(and yes, I do agree, they shouldn't hide an option like that behind a menu in settings, think that's the only setting screen with a menu)
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This option is no guarantee..unfortunately (there´s a bug in the OS)
Haha...what a tool I am. Could have sworn I looked in the menu and didn't see that option.
Will give it a go and see if it works and not a bug like some have had with it.
Stupid policy by the way by default to set it like that. Kind of like when closing the lid on a laptop running Wiondows. It goes to sleep by default?!?! Ok.
My searched terms must have sucked also...I went through pages and couldn't find this.
Since Sprint is going to try and screw me big time if I get a new phone, I've decided to see what new life I could put into my old Touch Diamond (DIA500). I installed XDAndroid FRX05, and it seems to be working really well, with a few exceptions. One of the first things I tried was to enable Bluetooth. What happens is that it enables, but about 4 seconds after being enabled, it says it's shutting down, then it starts back up, and shuts down. It keeps doing this forever, until I turn it off. Now that I tried Wifi, it does the exact same thing. I've rebooted a few times, and took the battery out once, but still nothing. I've since installed a battery-saving program, but this happened on a fresh install.
The next issue is with the backlight. If I try and change the brightness, it changes for a second, then goes back to the brightness it was. It does this whether I turn the brightness up or down. It's not set to auto.
The third issue is the GPS. It works, but seems to take a long time to get a lock. Under WM, I'd have some kind of location within seconds, even inside. I'm guessing it was using the phone network to speed things up. Under android, it takes a few minutes sometimes, and it's worse inside.
I also had a nightmare calibrating the screen. It's still a little off, but it works. Does anyone know a screen calibration program that would work?
Any ideas?
To solve the brightness problem. Boot WinMo and turn off auto brightness there. That will solve that problem.
Thanks for share you knowledge here DA01
I have sync off, maps off, gps off, location off... and wifi set to "never on" during standby mode...
But... it takes a good 15 minutes before wifi actually turns off, which wastes a little bit of battery life
Any way around this? Eg, make it turn off wifi quicker?
Ashin said:
I have sync off, maps off, gps off, location off... and wifi set to "never on" during standby mode...
But... it takes a good 15 minutes before wifi actually turns off, which wastes a little bit of battery life
Any way around this? Eg, make it turn off wifi quicker?
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Uhmmm well maybe if you were able to provide more info like rom, rooted or not, kernel etc. we'll be able to help you out more.
As of now i can tell that is not right, mine goes off immediately.
Yes, more info would help however try this go to your settings and in the WiFi settings forget your network then restart your router and re-boot your tablet off/on (not stand by) then go to the wireless settings log back in to your network.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Wow, why do people care about such small things? It's not like it drains half of your battery.
Check: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2032691
Point: Four
May be of use use to you !
head0 said:
Wow, why do people care about such small things? It's not like it drains half of your battery.
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Well, because it is not a normal thing to happen. So if it is not normal, it is a sign of a possibly bigger problem that needs to be addressed. If he is on a custom rom, then the dev would be notified to see if its on his end, to fix in the next release. And those are just two reasons why people "care about such small things". Welcome to xda. This is where all the small things are fixed. Its kinda the point.
Are you sure that's not normal? All my android devices take 10-15 min to turn the WiFi off.
It'll have a negligible effect on your battery life but if you really want it to turn off faster, the green power app on the store allows you to turn off WiFi instantly.
That's normal. If you have tasker or other similar app you can set it to turn off WiFi on lock or if you have a magnetic case, sit it to turn off WiFi when it's closed.
Sent from my Nexus 7
Stop... MUFFIN TIME!!!
veeman said:
That's normal. If you have tasker or other similar app you can set it to turn off WiFi on lock or if you have a magnetic case, sit it to turn off WiFi when it's closed.
Sent from my Nexus 7
Stop... MUFFIN TIME!!!
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Don't think that's normal, wifi always turns off almost instantly for me
wifi turns off almost instantly here too. 10-15 minutes to turn off wifi is not normal in any situation. op, maybe a little background? stock or rooted? rom/kernel? mods flashed? themes?
The WiFi on my N7 turns off instantly. It did when it was stock unrooted, it did when it was stock rooted, and it does with Paranoid Android. Not sure what the issue may be. Unless you are running a different kernel.
It is normal.
I'm on CM10 and in the advanced WiFi menu is an option to alter the default WiFi timeout from 15mins to other values. I'm unsure if that option is only available in CM10 but I think its also available in stock, can someone on stock clarify that.
The advanced menu is definitely available on stock 4.1.2 I'm just unsure if the timeout is configurable or not.
But WiFi always takes some minutes to disconnect in case you decide to hit the power button to put the device on standby and then 2secs later decide to use it again.
Test it by just hitting the power button and 10secs later hit it again and look at the WiFi icon, it will show its connected. Now do it again but wait 20mins and then hit power and look at the icon and it will show its disconnected.
I guess the timeout can be affected by apps that use WiFi when the screen is off and how quickly the device sleeps when the screen is off etc.
Stock, rooted. Using Notification Toggle, my wifi turns off immediately when I touch the wifi toggle icon.
rebel1699 said:
Well, because it is not a normal thing to happen. So if it is not normal, it is a sign of a possibly bigger problem that needs to be addressed. If he is on a custom rom, then the dev would be notified to see if its on his end, to fix in the next release. And those are just two reasons why people "care about such small things". Welcome to xda. This is where all the small things are fixed. Its kinda the point.
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Oh he nailed it Lol. Reply of the week in my books Lol.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Groid said:
Stock, rooted. Using Notification Toggle, my wifi turns off immediately when I touch the wifi toggle icon.
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Is the concept of this thread that hard to the understand...
...of course it turns off immediately if you hit a toggle, that's the point, this post is about the timeout value, ie the WiFi timeout when the screen is turned off.