Has the word THANKS and SORRY become to cheap? - Off-topic

Do you think that, too?

Quite the opposite, i reckon they're still not used enough. Of course it's become easier to do online but people are still reserved and reticent to be polite to strangers. Natural reaction i guess. Perhaps the fact that people are being polite online may carry over to real life eventually?
Personally i've always found myself being awkward in real life social situations and heartfelt stuff just makes it worse. Gotta be drunk for that stuff! No such problem saying Thanks, please, sorry etc on here though.

I don't think the mods will like that. A "thank you" is a thing you'll have to deserve.

I will however 'Thank' any currently serving, or previously serving, member of any of the Armed Services on principal.
Should the OP decide to enlist and serve his Queen and Country i will be the first to hit that button!

Luckily for you, i am the queen Now, let's get f-ed up gentlemen!

I hate Justin bayber, will you thank me?
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WTS thanks hitting. 1$ each. pm me
(kidding don't ban me)

But that doesn't help when you secretly have a crush on Rebecca Black. So no, i can't thank you yet.

BazookaAce said:
Luckily for you, i am the queen Now, let's get f-ed up gentlemen!
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Hear, hear!
Edit: Can i borrow a couple of your commonwealth countries for the weekend? Nothing important...perhaps Canada & Australia? I promise to return them in good condition!

If you have kids then you know what Im talking about.. Sorry loses its meaning very VERY fast... lol

Shift_Lock said:
If you have kids then you know what Im talking about.. Sorry loses its meaning very VERY fast... lol
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Lulz! So you feel like you're being played? Kids are masters at manipulation and will stop at nothing! The two 'angels' that i share a house with know exactly how to wrap me in knots.
Bless 'em. (They're not mine so i only have to digest them in bite sized chunks).
When i was younger i had terrible trouble admitting when i was wrong. I would defend my argument long after it had stopped being logical. I think that's common too. It stings the pride. I'm glad i'm not like that any more.

LOL! The 4 year old is the worst.. she runs her mom. her brother and her sister.. I try to keep it together... but damn... she knows all the tricks!

Shift_Lock said:
LOL! The 4 year old is the worst.. she runs her mom. her brother and her sister.. I try to keep it together... but damn... she knows all the tricks!
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The ones here are 4 (boy) and 5 (girl) and boy does she think she's the boss! My landlord is the most patient people person i've ever known, and is far too kind to be a disciplinarian, (he took me in after all), but she takes every advantage of the fact.
"Daughter of mine, you're going to bed soon so turn off that computer and go brush your teeth".
"No daddy, we don't go to bed at this time and i will play this some more, and then i will watch television for a while...", in the sweetest voice imaginable, as if she's explaining the way things are to a total idiot.
I love it! She always does what i ask her though.

They could be the most important words ever spoken to a person
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[Q] Me and my girl had a fight

So we had another fight about me spending too much time playing with and talking about android and phones. As long as cellphones don't come up in conversation we were the happiest couple in the world. But I finally broke up with her because I couldn't even think about android without her getting mad at me. And I figured I would just find a girl that shared my interest. But I just realized that there are ZERO females(at least in the state of alabama) that even know what android is. Should I quit looking now? Does anyone have any advice to find them(if they exist that is)?
I lol'ed so hard.
if this isnt a troll , ur a noob for not being able to control urself not to talk about ur fone
sounded like my wife ...picking a fight because too much time on xda and phones.... Well, you can move from your state
souljaboy said:
if this isnt a troll , ur a noob for not being able to control urself not to talk about ur fone
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Sorry you think I'm a noob, but I can control myself enough to not talk about it, but WHY should I? I'm going to look for a girl with common interest, and if I don't find anyone I will suppress my techie talk. But until I know that she doesn't exist, why would I change the kind of woman I would like to date?
So next time your off just supermanning hoes think about what a relationship should be about.
This is what I get for asking for girl advice on xda
LMAOO! If your serious, I really think you messed up BIG time! Call her now, apologize, and get off of XDA.
sorry to hear it bro. my wife also gets pissy when im on modding/hacking forums too much, but she'll get used to it eventually
I somewhat agree with Original Android.... if you usually get along, apologize and try to consider some of her interests. some people just dont get our devotion(addiction) to such things
as far as quitting XDA..... bad idea. maybe just set a specific time for this great site.
its all about compromise homey..... i hate you for making me think serious!! j/k
Had a fight here too for this very same reason...
Mr. Clown said:
sounded like my wife ...picking a fight because too much time on xda and phones.... Well, you can move from your state
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orb3000 said:
Had a fight here too for this very same reason...
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Well my friend, it's time to negotiate . I did this with my wife, I agreed with her that I will spend some hours a week to be on the web and xda of course (while she's around). So both of us are happy since I comply with the terms when she's around ....but she's not always around you know.
Yes, time is not equal my girl says...
Anyway we should re negotiate a new way if possible
She's the one, I'm pretty sure of it
Original Android <3ers! said:
LMAOO! If your serious, I really think you messed up BIG time! Call her now, apologize, and get off of XDA.
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Ok first off, hope you are LOVING highschool and football still. And yes I messed up big time, she's truely a wonderful person. But I didn't have to call her, she called me and we came to a compromise. She said if I would buy her that "nexus thingy" and actually "teach" her what I was talking about, she thinks she would really enjoy learning about it. And in my mind it wasn't a compromise, I got exactly what I wanted..... oh wait I just spent $500 on an N1
griffincash said:
Ok first off, hope you are LOVING highschool and football still. And yes I messed up big time, she's truely a wonderful person. But I didn't have to call her, she called me and we came to a compromise. She said if I would buy her that "nexus thingy" and actually "teach" her what I was talking about, she thinks she would really enjoy learning about it. And in my mind it wasn't a compromise, I got exactly what I wanted..... oh wait I just spent $500 on an N1
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I'm going to be frank. Return that N1. The relationship is now headed in the wrong direction for the wrong reasons.
In your future relationships, if you're with your girl, be with your girl. Learn to compromise. Your partner's reaction to the particular behavior (i.e., dealing/talking Android) is ultimately just a natural reaction towards the frequency in which you exhibited it (i.e., excessively). Imagine if your partner asked you to accompany them to go shopping every day of the week for at least 3 hours each day. While you guys are shopping, she'll talk to you about every brand, and fashion, etc. Should she leave you because you aren't interested in her interests?
Your Android fetish is a hobby. There are more important things in life that you should be paying attention to. I'm not saying this girl is -the- one you'll be with for the rest of your life, but things like growing and improving social skills should take greater precedence than learning and keeping what's up with the latest and greatest on Cyanogen mods.
Take my advice for what it's worth to you. Just remember, at the end of the day, it's just a phone.
Im not returning the N1. I shouldn't have ever posted this thread. I know exactly what important things are in my life(what exactly did you even mean by that??). I'm going to stop this now because people don't and can't know every detail about our relationship and it is now being misinterpreted.
And it's not about roms or tweaks it's about the future of technology, which I think everyone can agree is rather important
well this is funny... you are trying to find a girlfriend on XDA ?
cupcake2301 said:
well this is funny... you are trying to find a girlfriend on XDA ?
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LOL, I lol'd big time.
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PaulForde said:
LOL, I lol'd big time.
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So did I mate ! The OP should go to some dating fora or something why on XDA ! LOL !
fk, i had something like this too once, since then i didnt talk about phones that much anymore xD..
well but she knows now that this is like a hobby for me, and its not that bad when i talk about it from time to time...
hell we are techjunkies, but even we need to hold back with our tech **** when talking to a girl xD
(i knew that before, but, for example, i couldnt live with it, if my gf would buy an iphone.................XD)
griffincash said:
Im not returning the N1. I shouldn't have ever posted this thread. I know exactly what important things are in my life(what exactly did you even mean by that??). I'm going to stop this now because people don't and can't know every detail about our relationship and it is now being misinterpreted.
And it's not about roms or tweaks it's about the future of technology, which I think everyone can agree is rather important
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You telling me that it's not about ROM or tweaks and that it is actually about the future of technology is really a bad attempt at justifying your hobby. This is even illustrated by the following clause when you feel the need to garner further support of your hobby by amassing the opinions of your fellow XDA members.
But nevermind that, good luck with the relationship. I do hope that things work out in the end.
I usually dont talk about phones when Im with my girl... hell I've even visited xda less, since Im in a normal relations (not those in which I have to be responsible for everyf**king thing.. - had one of those about a year and a half ago)
anyways - just find something to talk about that is interesting for both of you + keeps your mind off the phones...
or if you can't you can get yourself off the xda, or you can always ask someone to ban you.. just kidding
so basically she had the bravery to say : $500 fone or no sammiches
and ur happy about it

[UPDATE][Solved]More advice: How do I get a girl to like me?

Hey guys I recently forgot to tell you guys that two girls wanted me to ask them out and I lied and told then I was but I never did.
Anyways this girl is out of nowhere beginning to be attractive and really pretty so I told her that I was gonna ask her out!
I think she still likes me so yea oh and did I mention shes white!
Lmao... Sorry, I'm.....I'm gonna get back to this tomorrow... I'm going to sleep haha
-There is a 35% chance that right now I'm on the toilet-
lol , just read the other thread again ... theres alot of knowledge in there , more than enuff
souljaboy said:
lol , just read the other thread again ... theres alot of knowledge in there , more than enuff
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Well, since I'm Chinese, and Chinese medicine likes to hit at the root cause...
Alan, the problem you are facing while 15... well... most of the people here already faced it. At that age, love is a game, and your hormones are affecting you too much for you to be able to react properly.
The Chinese have a saying, "There is no happiness if love is forced" (don't you dare snark me here), so you can't make her like you. If she does, then all is well. If she doesn't... that's too bad for her.
It is vital for you to realize that there are plenty more fishes in the sea. The fields are full of flowers.
sakai4eva's good friend said:
When I was young, I saw a flower. She was the most beautiful flower to me. I stared at this one flower until I failed to notice other flowers in the garden. But this flower was taken by someone else.
Many years later, I came to see this garden again to find this flower. She became like a tree trunk, and the garden became a forest.
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I guess, from my friend's anecdote, it is time to wake up and smell the forest.
Love... well... it is a matter of hit and miss. Fate will always have a hand in your (attempt to find) happiness. Maybe the fate is there, but the time is not right.
Getting a girl to like you will depend on the time frame that you are looking for. ONS will have a vast difference with someone you want to marry. I haven't been 15 for a long time, but back when I was 15, I was stupid, crazy and too courageous for my own good.
I chose to be single, and was glad to remain single for a long time. I flirted with every single pretty girl, and I sowed confusion by throwing gifts at girls whenever I can get away with it. It made me a lot of enemies in the school (That girl is mine, punk! Bla, bla, bla) but it was fun (for me). It got me into a lot of fights too (gangster's chick story another time).
But what was important was that I acted like a [email protected]@rd to the one girl I really liked. We argued a lot and she alluded that she is not ready to be in a relationship with anyone at that age. So I made fun of her, teased her about every single thing, had her chase me for what was the entire school block, etc. Good times...
Anyway, what happened after that was kinda creepy. I found out that she had a crush on me from day one, but didn't dare to admit it (this is Malaysia, after all, what with conservative parents, etc.). She was, ultimately, turned off because I would flirt too much. In the end, she hooked up with another guy (I was kinda proud that I set it up) and everything was history. Or at least geography because I had to move to another state.
So, what I'm trying to say is, just to be yourself and be honest. If she rejects your true and honest qualities, chances are she doesn't really like you. Even if she does like you, not having the chemistry to spark off the romance will simply cause another heartache.
Since you are still young, I really do suggest that you treat it as a game, in that you'll win some, and you'll very likely lose some.
Get her name tattooed across your forehead....
Chicks dig that........
sakai4eva said:
Well, since I'm Chinese, and Chinese medicine likes to hit at the root cause...
Alan, the problem you are facing while 15... well... most of the people here already faced it. At that age, love is a game, and your hormones are affecting you too much for you to be able to react properly.
The Chinese have a saying, "There is no happiness if love is forced" (don't you dare snark me here), so you can't make her like you. If she does, then all is well. If she doesn't... that's too bad for her.
It is vital for you to realize that there are plenty more fishes in the sea. The fields are full of flowers.
I guess, from my friend's anecdote, it is time to wake up and smell the forest.
Love... well... it is a matter of hit and miss. Fate will always have a hand in your (attempt to find) happiness. Maybe the fate is there, but the time is not right.
Getting a girl to like you will depend on the time frame that you are looking for. ONS will have a vast difference with someone you want to marry. I haven't been 15 for a long time, but back when I was 15, I was stupid, crazy and too courageous for my own good.
I chose to be single, and was glad to remain single for a long time. I flirted with every single pretty girl, and I sowed confusion by throwing gifts at girls whenever I can get away with it. It made me a lot of enemies in the school (That girl is mine, punk! Bla, bla, bla) but it was fun (for me). It got me into a lot of fights too (gangster's chick story another time).
But what was important was that I acted like a [email protected]@rd to the one girl I really liked. We argued a lot and she alluded that she is not ready to be in a relationship with anyone at that age. So I made fun of her, teased her about every single thing, had her chase me for what was the entire school block, etc. Good times...
Anyway, what happened after that was kinda creepy. I found out that she had a crush on me from day one, but didn't dare to admit it (this is Malaysia, after all, what with conservative parents, etc.). She was, ultimately, turned off because I would flirt too much. In the end, she hooked up with another guy (I was kinda proud that I set it up) and everything was history. Or at least geography because I had to move to another state.
So, what I'm trying to say is, just to be yourself and be honest. If she rejects your true and honest qualities, chances are she doesn't really like you. Even if she does like you, not having the chemistry to spark off the romance will simply cause another heartache.
Since you are still young, I really do suggest that you treat it as a game, in that you'll win some, and you'll very likely lose some.
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Thanks you!
I'll just then be myself!
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Alanrocks15 said:
Sorry for asking just curious
Oh and not to be confused this isn't the other girl from the other thread
I don't talk to her anymore!
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dress up like a twilight character?[/sarcasm]
Nice. And work out Luke Taylor lautner
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
just be urself.
if she doesnt likes that, shes not worth it.
thats it, and thats all
if u are that crappy that noone likes u, just continue with it, or u wont be happy with the girl
i mean, be urself, or u have to live as someone else forever, and thats not cool
Identify adapt and overcome. Conform to the girl and get laid. Works errytime
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Don't overthink it. First of all don't ever give a girl too much attention, girls are weird and it scares them away. Second, don't give too LITTLE attention because then they just lose interest. Basically give them a few compliments, make them laugh and walk away and make them come back for more. If they start talking to you after the first time you meet them, that's when they are starting to like you, from then on it's just playing it cool and making the right moves at the right time, but don't wait too long because then comes "THE FRIEND ZONEEEEEEEEEEEE"
You have to chill and just have confidence, girls love that. Don't make it too serious, have some fun with it, and do your thing.
LikeAG2 said:
Don't overthink it. First of all don't ever give a girl too much attention, girls are weird and it scares them away. Second, don't give too LITTLE attention because then they just lose interest. Basically give them a few compliments, make them laugh and walk away and make them come back for more. If they start talking to you after the first time you meet them, that's when they are starting to like you, from then on it's just playing it cool and making the right moves at the right time, but don't wait too long because then comes "THE FRIEND ZONEEEEEEEEEEEE"
You have to chill and just have confidence, girls love that. Don't make it too serious, have some fun with it, and do your thing.
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Beg to differ actually. I have a lot of FWBs. They help keep me a float while waiting for my GF to come back
Okay just found out she has a boyfriend
Ahh I have plenty of time
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1. Beat up the boyfriend
2. Flirt with her so that the boyfriend beats you up
sakai4eva said:
1. Beat up the boyfriend
2. Flirt with her so that the boyfriend beats you up
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I like this thread.
Hmm giggity sense going haywire giggty giggly boo
Sent from my MB611 (Cliq 2)
Alanrocks15 said:
Okay just found out she has a boyfriend
Ahh I have plenty of time
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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I'd leave well alone then. You don't want to be stirring another mans porridge!
DirkGently1 said:
I'd leave well alone then. You don't want to be stirring another mans porridge!
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Nope. Doesn't work that way. All my FWBs will beg to differ.
Old adage said:
All's fair in love and war
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sakai4eva said:
All's fair in love and war, but especially when your love is like a battlefield
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just wait for the right moment

Whats your reason for living?

I was asked this today (not a suicide topic) and all I could come up with was "i want to be a great teacher one day" . The person told me thats all? I said yep then got looked at like I was crazy.
So I ask you all whats your reason to live every day?
I use swype so expect bad grammar and errors
Mine is to make an impact in the field of health medicine.
I was did some molecular biology study with a professor in cancer research and so far the results look promising. So yeah, that's me lol
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My work is not done.
Don't have one. Just waiting to die tbh.
DirkGently1 said:
Don't have one. Just waiting to die tbh.
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I don't have one either (that I know of?). Kinda sucks lol. I can't exactly say that I'm waiting to die though. I mean, I'm only 19 . But... It'll be a new experience, depending on your belief system.
Sent from my Droid Incredible running CM7.0.3.
C'mon guys... a little more motivation?
DirkGently1 said:
Don't have one. Just waiting to die tbh.
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You're joking, right?
To me it's just to live and enjoy life, to see the beauty in life and to have a family one day. (I'm only 18 lol)
Skellyyy said:
You're joking, right?
To me it's just to live and enjoy life, to see the beauty in life and to have a family one day. (I'm only 18 lol)
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I'm glad you and others enjoy it. I wouldn't deny anyone their right to a happy life. For me, it's just killing time until it's over.
Not trying to harsh anyones buzz.
DirkGently1 said:
I'm glad you and others enjoy it. I wouldn't deny anyone their right to a happy life. For me, it's just killing time until it's over.
Not trying to harsh anyones buzz.
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This made me laugh hard
I use swype so expect bad grammar and errors
DirkGently1 said:
I'm glad you and others enjoy it. I wouldn't deny anyone their right to a happy life. For me, it's just killing time until it's over.
Not trying to harsh anyones buzz.
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............ having a bad week lol
sakai4eva said:
C'mon guys... a little more motivation?
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I think what he meant was to be a little bit more motivating, therefore my reason to live is to answer the question, why live?
Edit: For those fortunate enough, i want to hear more about what they will be doing with their lives. It's what the OP wanted, after all. One of you could well go on to be a leader of their nation or the head of a big tech company. Exciting times!
DirkGently1 said:
Edit: For those fortunate enough, i want to hear more about what they will be doing with their lives. It's what the OP wanted, after all. One of you could well go on to be a leader of their nation or the head of a big tech company. Exciting times!
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Or for some, they might end up being supreme ruler of the world! In which case, remember me
Seriously though: I want to teach elementary school because I think that our educational system has lost alot of essentials that I had back in my elementary school days. I recently went back to a Middle School and some of the things I heard from teachers is that the students are not as focused or bright as they used to be. Tech savy yes, mentally strong, no.
I don't have anything in mind. If something needs do happen, it does, else, it don't. I don't see much in life at the moment.
allanemartinez said:
Or for some, they might end up being supreme ruler of the world! In which case, remember me
Seriously though: I want to teach elementary school because I think that our educational system has lost alot of essentials that I had back in my elementary school days. I recently went back to a Middle School and some of the things I heard from teachers is that the students are not as focused or bright as they used to be. Tech savy yes, mentally strong, no.
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I can't begin to imagine how hard it is for teachers these days. It must be like trying to herd cats. Honerable profession though and i appreciate your sentiments. It's good to see people wanting to be a help to society rather than leeching from it.
Simple....my kids.
I live find a nice job so i can relax and do the one thing i love most ... Android development so that one day i can become as good as our boos man neopeek over at www.neopeek.com ...
Ps im only 14 ...
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knightrocker said:
I live find a nice job so i can relax and do the one thing i love most ... Android development so that one day i can become as good as our boos man neopeek over at www.neopeek.com ...
Ps im only 14 ...
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using XDA App
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For only being 14, you have goals I never even thought of. And that's good!
@DirkGently1: You have no idea. I was shocked by everyrthing. I wish kids would just do as we did back in our school time.
to stay alive for the rest of the day
I stay alive cause it hurts to die

My ex-girlfriend cheated on me. She is pregnant with my baby. FML.

Wow, so today I found out that my ex-girlfriend now, been messaging her ex-boyfriend telling him he misses her and loves her and wants to be with him behind my back. Let me remind you that she is pregnant with my kid. I read her google chat log and found out all different kind of messages. I was completely shocked and completely *****ed at her. I told her stup*d as* to pack up her sh!t and get the f*ck out of my house. To think I was going to marry her as*.
Wow that's harsh man. Sorry to hear it. If there was no kid involved I'd say you're lucky to have found out, but that's just wrong on the little one. What a role model Mummy's gonna be
Sorry to hear that also, I think you need to care about your child now. Try not to confront her or him, just don't give a crap for the well being of your child (that needs to be your primary focus from now on).
Cheers man and good luck.
Archer said:
Wow that's harsh man. Sorry to hear it. If there was no kid involved I'd say you're lucky to have found out, but that's just wrong on the little one. What a role model Mummy's gonna be
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Yeah, I really ended up with something huh.. Nice way to start off the New Years.. F*ck that b!tch!
UPDATE: She's calling me telling me sorry and how she doesnt want me to leave.. What a dumb b!tch. Seriously. I told her to get the f*ck out of my life and get her sh!t out. Tired of her bullsh!t.
Mr. Clown said:
Sorry to hear that also, I think you need to care about your child now. Try not to confront her or him, just don't give a crap for the well being of your child (that needs to be your primary focus from now on).
Cheers man and good luck.
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Archer said:
Wow that's harsh man. Sorry to hear it. If there was no kid involved I'd say you're lucky to have found out, but that's just wrong on the little one. What a role model Mummy's gonna be
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Thank you both for hearing me out. Really appreciate the comments. Its good to talk to someone about something awful like this.
Make sure you don't sign that birth certificate until you get DNA confirmation that it's your baby.
I have a friend that got trapped and is paying child support on a child that's not his because he signed (acknowledged) that the child was his.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA App
Above&Beyond™ said:
Yeah, I really ended up with something huh.. Nice way to start off the New Years.. F*ck that b!tch!
UPDATE: She's calling me telling me sorry and how she doesnt want me to leave.. What a dumb b!tch. Seriously. I told her to get the f*ck out of my life and get her sh!t out. Tired of her bullsh!t.
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That's going to be a hard line to take if she's pregnant with your child... sounds like she might be a part of your life for good now, one way or the other. :/
Still, sorry to hear it bro.
Yeah, it's a tough situation all round. As said above, you are going to be involved in her life now for many, many years, so as Mr Clown said you need to forget your anger towards them because the little one is the most important thing.
Obviously, I agree with Android300ZX that a DNA test is a wise precaution.
Just one pertinent question: Are you sure it's your kid?
One thing to say: She's only sorry because she got caught. Ditch the b*tch bro, plenty of other chicks out there.
also MAKE SURE U RECORD everything when it come time to back what u need ex tv,couch,phone,printer,computer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkt7Dx_uK5Y SHE DA CHEATING HO*
Its cheaper to keep her. Eff child support. My dad had to go through it 7, yes that's right, SEVEN times.
-My life is a shooting range, people never change-
watt9493 said:
Its cheaper to keep her. Eff child support. My dad had to go through it 7, yes that's right, SEVEN times.
-My life is a shooting range, people never change-
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This statement really pisses me off. One of my employees always says it all the time. It is not about what option is less expensive...it is about what makes you both happy.
You both need to have a heart to heart and decide if you want to make things work or if it is best to separate ways. Take it from someone who was married for 6 years with someone who didnt seem like he wanted to be there...in the end, I was tired of being in love with a man that didn't seem to feel the same about me and we were divorced. Now I am a single mom and things are much better off.
Examine your relationship now before you get to involved. Your baby will be best with 2 parents who love each other, rather then 2 parents who only stay together for the kid.
I agree you should catalog everything that you had pre-relationship with her. It's not marriage but things can go south very fast. I also agree with who ever posted about not signing the birth certificate until you know 110% sure that the baby is yours. I had a girlfriend who was messing around with other guys behind my back when she got pregnant (found that out after we went through everything). Good luck bro
Damn... Sorry to hear that bro
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
Hey man, altough you think this is the end of the world, it isn´t. Let your friends and family comfort you, that life goes on.
That will be a prolonged pain. Find time to spend totally away from her to heal.
I'm gonna go back on what I previously said, after thinking about it some more. We've all made mistakes - I've made tons of them! If you care enough about the girl to be planning a family and marriage with her then maybe it's worth at least seeing what happens.
It's easy for someone not in the situation to knee-jerk but what do we know about how you two really feel about each other? Nothing.
Just use this place to vent and see our responses, then ignore them all completely and do what's best for you, your misses and the little one. Just be honest and you can't go wrong.
I usually don't repeat myself but:
-Make sure you get a DNA test!
-A lot of females use that (I'm pregnant) against a guy to keep him. It may very well be true but be careful.
-Record everything! Make a backup on Gmail. I would use Google Voice and have Google Voice be your primary voicemail. If she calls you and leaves a voicemail it will get saved to Google Voice where you can download it to your desktop and keep it on file.
-Take most if not all the things she says to you with a grain of salt.
-Make sure you don't end up looking like the deadbeat that just picked up and left. They tend to make themselves look like the victim to their friends and family.
-If the child is yours take care of your business and appreciate them because they are pure.
-If you find it in your heart to forgive her make sure you really forgive her and not bring it up when you get into the occasional argument.
I have experience in this. My GF cheated on me twice. The first time she would go out with her "girls" (multiple instances of partying with her "girls" and coming back late in the AM) and I found out she was going out with a guy that I knew who was in our circle of friends. She would cut school and hang out with this guy all the while I was paying for her education. She doesn't work or hasn't in the 4 years we've been together because I took care of everything as a man. The second time I caught her was on her birthday when I came home early (unannounced) from work to surprise her and caught her leaving the neighbors house and overheard her on the phone discussing the events with her BFF. I couldn't forgive her because the thought of me seeing this guy's car every day and the fact that I know he's be laughing at me from behind the confines of his home taking me for a sucker. The only reason I haven't pummeled his face in is because of my daughter.
I have a kid with her and I still live with her but we are only together for the sake of my daughter. She graduates this month from school and will get a job in her field so we will sit down and discuss our arrangements and separation.
Just make sure you cover all your bases man.
*** Again, Do the DNA test!! Don't fall for that guilt trip she may put on your about you denying your child and not trusting her ***
They will use that against you and make you succumb to signing the certificate.
Hang in there man, it's tough. I think that you best pursue what's going to be the best for your son or daughter.
There is a test they can do for paternity during gestation, it determines gender among other things of the child, mostly done for at risk older mothers.
If in the end you find you are a father, ill tell you first hand (literally holding my Lil guy) its a feeling like no other. You've got to do what's best for your own, which will likely be to split. Your gf likely grew up on a household with a limited example of a father figure, and you certainly don't want your own kid to turn into the same type of person as her.
Yeah, DNA test seems good suggestion. Make sure wich base it came from. Also maybe ask for a ETA.
Oké, now go to Dr Phill or Jerry Springer. Last time i checked it was a technical forum.

Personal issues ever since bringing my Galaxy S3 home...

Okay, humor is a great way to make an entrance, so I will post a short story I wrote. Loving the forum so far, and have learned so much!
Anyway, before getting the Galaxy S3, I talked it over with my iPhone and Siri, and they said it was okay if I brought someone new into the household and relationship. Anyway, I brought the Galaxy S3 home to meet the "gang".
At first they were okay with it, and then jealousy reared it's head. I ended up fighting daily with my iPhone and Siri, and at one point, I was sleeping on the balcony.
I was like WTF?? This is *MY* house. Why am *I* sleeping on the balcony? To make a long story brief, I took back my place and made Siri sleep in the toaster for a night to show her who was boss. (she's watching me type BTW. Silly Siri. Hi Siri, daddy still loves you!)
Anyway, things seem to be back on track, but last night I couldn't sleep cuz S Voice and Siri were bloody arguing over which pizza place was closest to me. Always competing. They're so cute.
Anyway, I have to get going, S Voice wants to go out for a walk and she told me to leave Siri home. BBL
+++ Jason
Dump that siri bi...
BTW welcome to XDA
sleepijs_ said:
Dump that siri bi...
BTW welcome to XDA
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Thank you! I have been lurking without an account for about a month and I have learned so much, I felt I should sign up and say hello. :cyclops:
DelphinusMinor said:
Thank you! I have been lurking without an account for about a month and I have learned so much, I felt I should sign up and say hello. :cyclops:
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Welcome, but you could, and should, have said 'Hello' in this thread - stickied for people to 'Say Hi' in
P.S. Try not starting an iPhone vs Android war with your first posting in OT as well - Archer frowns on that sort of thing
SimonTS said:
Welcome, but you could, and should, have said 'Hello' in this thread - stickied for people to 'Say Hi' in
P.S. Try not starting an iPhone vs Android war with your first posting in OT as well - Archer frowns on that sort of thing
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That definitely is not my intention since I love and own products from both Samsung and Apple.
It's just something that appeared in my head a few days ago, so I put it to text.
I had to use two diff products in order to create the story.
And I did say hello in that thread before posting this. Thanks tho.
Anyway, take care.
- Jason
Now I feel like I need to defend myself and to be very clear I am not a troll, and far from.
Altho the definition for "troll" or "trolling" these days is so ambiguous and used so loosely, I am not sure anyone really know what the term even means anymore.
I want to add, I am a "retired" hacker/exploiter/phreaker. I love web forums(And now this one), and have been using them in one form or another for about 27 years, since 1985. I joke around alot and am very friendly/social.
I hope to continue to learn on this forum as Android OS is a new frontier for me.
Having said all of this, I will cut this off now. Take care my friend.
+++ Del (Jason)
DelphinusMinor said:
Now I feel like I need to defend myself and to be very clear I am not a troll, and far from.
Altho the definition for "troll" or "trolling" these days is so ambiguous and used so loosely, I am not sure anyone really know what the term even means anymore.
I want to add, I am a "retired" hacker/exploiter/phreaker. I love web forums(And now this one), and have been using them in one form or another for about 27 years, since 1985. I joke around alot and am very friendly/social.
I hope to continue to learn on this forum as Android OS is a new frontier for me.
Having said all of this, I will cut this off now. Take care my friend.
+++ Del (Jason)
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Welcome to OT. You'll fit right in.
I don't need a sig, but would love a cig.
boborone said:
Welcome to OT. You'll fit right in.
I don't need a sig, but would love a cig.
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Thank you...
/me hands you a sig.
I don't smoke, sorry, I can only offer you a sig. :cyclops:
DelphinusMinor said:
Thank you...
/me hands you a sig.
I don't smoke, sorry, I can only offer you a sig. :cyclops:
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Unacceptable. Do the honorable thing now and delete your account. Unheard of........a nerd who doesn't smoke
I don't need a sig, but would love a cig.
boborone said:
Unacceptable. Do the honorable thing now and delete your account. Unheard of........a nerd who doesn't smoke
I don't need a sig, but would love a cig.
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I know what you mean, I'm stuck in kind of a triangle as well. Google Now is my main partner and things are great, for the most part i couldn't ask for more. But then on Saturday when I'm drunk and I want to know when the SEC games are on, or what the score was.. I always give Siri the "talk of shame".
Ah Del nice to see you here...
I remember you from ifans giving me iPod help.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using xda premium
JaZart said:
Ah Del nice to see you here...
I remember you from ifans giving me iPod help.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using xda premium
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Wow... Hello there!
I posted this on iFans also. I have a weird sense of humor. Haha...

