I'm on the Motorola Droid using the BuglessBeast ROM and I've noticed an error that occurs where my text messenger will FC and when I try to reopen it, it won't open and force closes instantly. I have to restart my phone every time this happens and I don't know what's going on. I want to uninstall and reinstall it but I couldn't find it in the market. it's the stock text messenger that comes with the US phone. Anyone have information for me?
I could really use some assistance with this issue, anyone have any ideas? please!
For testing I would try a different txt app to, handcent is very good and u may like it more than the stock one. If you don't want to use a different app then I would flash the Rom or do a nandroid restore if u have a recent back up. Good luck.
Sent from my Evo using XDA App
I just re-installed the rom, I'm testing it now to see if it worked.
If still having problems you can try to fix the permissions. Should be in bb tool box. The other thing is I had this problem with chevyno1 v4.6 and gmail app. I extracted the app rom the rom zip and deleted it in the system/app folder with root explorer. Then rebooted and reinstalled with app extracted to sdcard by running the apk installer. It work after that. No more FCs.
Sent from my Droid using XDA App
Actually if I remember in the bb tool box you can enable godmode. That will allow you to edit the system/app folder without root explorer. You can use any file explorer if you don't have root explorer or don't want to pay for it.
Sent from my Droid using XDA App
apparently in BB tools, there is a way to delete mms and re-install it, it allowed me to start my messaging without having to restart my phone (the only way I could get messaging to work after fc) appreciate the help there guys, seems like it may work this time, crossed fingers
I upgraded to the leaked OS 2.2 Froyo and now I am getting the below issue when I reply to emails. Doesn't happen to EVERY email but several to cause me issues at work.
I am using Exchange only.
I reply to an email and it is recieved but all text I typed is missing and it actually looks as if I forwarded the email back to the sender.
I saw on another forum some other were experiencing this issue but none had a clue how to resolve it.
Anyone know how to fix this? Others seeing this?
Any help would be appreciated!!
Is no one else having this issue? Does anyone have any ideas how to resolve it? Do I need to wipe the deivce?
I've had this issue as well when using my exchange.
gibgib3 said:
I upgraded to the leaked OS 2.2 Froyo and now I am getting the below issue when I reply to emails. Doesn't happen to EVERY email but several to cause me issues at work.
I am using Exchange only.
I reply to an email and it is recieved but all text I typed is missing and it actually looks as if I forwarded the email back to the sender.
I saw on another forum some other were experiencing this issue but none had a clue how to resolve it.
Anyone know how to fix this? Others seeing this?
Any help would be appreciated!!
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Also happening to me. What gives?
Using JI6
This may help:
I had the same issue with email after cognition2.2BETA5.5. It seems that designgears had installed the AOSP email app but removed it in later versions due to too many complaints. I find that the AOSP app is much better then then TW Email apk. I performed the steps below to install the AOSP Email.apk. Replies work everytime without issue.
1.) Get the Email AOSP app from a different rom or make a request and I will happily provide a link to download the apk.
2.) Connect your phone to the computer and move the Email.apk to the root of your sdcard.
3.) Backup your current Email.apk with Titanium or manually copy it to another location on your phone.
NOTE: You may need to backup your phone settings so you can restore your launcher after clearing cache in the final step to avoid having to replace all of your home screen icons.
4.) Using Root Explorer or Astro, copy the Email.apk copied to your sdcard into the folder /system/app/ to replace the current app.
5.) Return to the home screen. At this point you should no longer see an email icon on your dock.
6.) Go to Applications->Settings->Applications->Manage Applications
7.) Clear the cache on the TWLauncher Application.
8.) Return to the home screen and you should now see the email icon has returned to the dock.
9.) Restore TWLauncher settings with Titanium to restore home screen icons that were removed in the cache.
Please let me know if you need the email.apk from cognition2.2beta5.5
Aosp email.API link request
Is there a copy of the email.API that doesn't have the blank reply issue yet has all the features of cognition latest release?
I have attached a working Email apk to this post. Down load it and follow the steps in the post above to resolve the blank email reply issue. Let me know if you have any issues.
I followed the instructions, however, I did not have a backup of twlauncher, so now I don't have an email icon on my home bar
So put the icon back on your launch bar. It is configurable. (doing this from memory, so i may miss a step). Go to your list of apps -> menu -> edit and you can configure 3 of the 4 icons on the touchwiz launcer (you can't get rid of the apps shortcut).
f13nd0 said:
I had the same issue with email after cognition2.2BETA5.5. It seems that designgears had installed the AOSP email app but removed it in later versions due to too many complaints. I find that the AOSP app is much better then then TW Email apk. I performed the steps below to install the AOSP Email.apk. Replies work everytime without issue.
1.) Get the Email AOSP app from a different rom or make a request and I will happily provide a link to download the apk.
2.) Connect your phone to the computer and move the Email.apk to the root of your sdcard.
3.) Backup your current Email.apk with Titanium or manually copy it to another location on your phone.
NOTE: You may need to backup your phone settings so you can restore your launcher after clearing cache in the final step to avoid having to replace all of your home screen icons.
4.) Using Root Explorer or Astro, copy the Email.apk copied to your sdcard into the folder /system/app/ to replace the current app.
5.) Return to the home screen. At this point you should no longer see an email icon on your dock.
6.) Go to Applications->Settings->Applications->Manage Applications
7.) Clear the cache on the TWLauncher Application.
8.) Return to the home screen and you should now see the email icon has returned to the dock.
9.) Restore TWLauncher settings with Titanium to restore home screen icons that were removed in the cache.
Please let me know if you need the email.apk from cognition2.2beta5.5
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Alright, hopefully you all are still willing to help somebody else out on this issue, as I am in the same boat as gibgib3. I have followed the steps above using the attached email.apk from f13nd0.
The issue I get is that launching email cause an immediate crash of the application, as well as attempting to add a new "Corporate" email account.
I am not an Android development power user myself, although I've used adb in the past sparingly. I really just am clinging to the leaked Froyo build from October, and just want working email (TouchDown is crazy slow and expensive) until Samsung finally pushes out an official Froyo build.
Any ideas here?
Flash a new ROM that has the email bugs fixed.
From the interwebs via fast thumbs and a faster phone.
crusecontrl said:
Flash a new ROM that has the email bugs fixed.
From the interwebs via fast thumbs and a faster phone.
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That is the "nuclear option" that I'd like to avoid. While I have everything backed up with titanium, I already am planning to flash back to stock when the official update comes out, so I'm looking to minimize the necessity to flash a ROM again.
I'm hoping that there is some "tried and true" way to swap out my email.apk with a working version, as the previous steps just result in a "Force Close" whenever I try and run it.
So the solution here, for anybody having this issue, is to remove the existing email.odex file from the /system/app directory, which was associated with the original Samsung email app.
All systems go here.
How do you remove the email.odex file? As it is in the system folder, the file permission is ready only and I cannot delete it. Is there a util in the market that you can download to change file permissions?
Root Explorer did the trick for me.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Does the phone needs to be rooted (my phone has the leaked froyo but do not think it is rooted) for the root explorer to be able to change the permission?
I download other free utils that has access to the file but cannot change the permission in order to delete it.
Yes, it does.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
ickensai said:
Does the phone needs to be rooted (my phone has the leaked froyo but do not think it is rooted) for the root explorer to be able to change the permission?
I download other free utils that has access to the file but cannot change the permission in order to delete it.
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Rooting is the key to doing all "magic" stuff like this. What good is a wizard (user) without his magic wand (root access) to work on any magic (his captivate)?
DannyNoonan said:
So the solution here, for anybody having this issue, is to remove the existing email.odex file from the /system/app directory, which was associated with the original Samsung email app.
All systems go here.
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Okay, I finally learn how to root the phone and was finally able to remove the existing email.odex file. Now I don't have the email icon anymore. I must assume you have replaced this email.odex file as well as the apk file??? I tried clearing the cache and everything on the twlauncher and it's a no go.
Long story short, gmail kept freezing on me so I used Titanium to uninstall it and now gmail doesn't show up in the market and the apk's that I download don't give me the option to install them.
Any ideas?
I was able to get the Android email program to sync with gmail, but I still can't figure out how to get the actual gmail program back on.
Sorry, didn't mean to hit "Thanks". Don't know where you got the gmail apks, but try putting one of them in system/app then reboot.
You also might want to try but just run the commands for gmail
tunwear said:
Sorry, didn't mean to hit "Thanks". Don't know where you got the gmail apks, but try putting one of them in system/app then reboot.
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I'm kind of a noob with all this. Where exactly would I find system/app? I don't see it in Astro. Thanks.
defconrock said:
Long story short, gmail kept freezing on me so I used Titanium to uninstall it and now gmail doesn't show up in the market and the apk's that I download don't give me the option to install them.
Any ideas?
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I assume you're running stock rooted.
Try this,
1. Download the signed from here its in the second post.
2. Now from the zip file you downloaded. Extract the Gmail.apk and GmailProvider.apk. Using root explorer. Copy those files into system/app
(of course make sure you mount r/w)
4. Reboot your nook and you should have Gmail again.
Make sure you back everything up as always.
It worked for me. Hope it works for you as well.
Sent from my "NookDroid" using XDA App
defconrock said:
I'm kind of a noob with all this. Where exactly would I find system/app? I don't see it in Astro. Thanks.
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I'd recommend doing what racks11479 said. But to see the system folder, get Root Explorer. It lets you see the deeper folders. Just don't break anything while you are down there.
racks11479 said:
I assume you're running stock rooted.
Try this,
1. Download the signed from here its in the second post.
2. Now from the zip file you downloaded. Extract the Gmail.apk and GmailProvider.apk. Using root explorer. Copy those files into system/app
(of course make sure you mount r/w)
4. Reboot your nook and you should have Gmail again.
Make sure you back everything up as always.
It worked for me. Hope it works for you as well.
Sent from my "NookDroid" using XDA App
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I got Root Explorer, followed those steps, and nothing. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
You might not have the correct permissions set.
If you are able to ADB to your device. I've modified the honeycomb market install script from "jleecong" @ for the Eclair Gmail only.
All you gotta do is extract the zip to your adb directory and run (double click) "GmailInstall.cmd" and you should be good to go.
**As always *Use at your own risk* and make sure you've backed up.**
Hope this works for you.
racks11479 said:
You might not have the correct permissions set.
If you are able to ADB to your device. I've modified the honeycomb market install script from "jleecong" @ for the Eclair Gmail only.
All you gotta do is extract the zip to your adb directory and run (double click) "GmailInstall.cmd" and you should be good to go.
**As always *Use at your own risk* and make sure you've backed up.**
Hope this works for you.
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That worked perfectly. Thanks for the help everybody!
New Question
Since the OP's issue was resolved, I hope you won't mind me hijacking this thread. Does anyone know what the highest version (as in x.xx) off Gmail that will run on eclair rooted?
defconrock said:
That worked perfectly. Thanks for the help everybody!
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Awesome. Glad that your issue was resolved.
Sent from my" NookDroid" using XDA App
Wondering if the gmail from eclair might be the answer to a similar problem I have. Been rooted since version 1.0 and gmail app would sync nicely. Rooted 1.1 using the nookdev instructions and that is working fine except gmail simply doesn't sync unless I go into accounts, reenter my account data and the sync screen comes up and then it'll sync. The android email app works just fine. Syncs seamlessly. So would replacing things help?
You could always google it
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I was wondering why I'm not able to reply to anything but this thread, sorry if this is off topic
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Nevermind I figured it out
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
racks11479 said:
You might not have the correct permissions set.
If you are able to ADB to your device. I've modified the honeycomb market install script from "jleecong" @ for the Eclair Gmail only.
All you gotta do is extract the zip to your adb directory and run (double click) "GmailInstall.cmd" and you should be good to go.
**As always *Use at your own risk* and make sure you've backed up.**
Hope this works for you.
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Question about your script.... I have a Nook Color that I have rooted and all set up. I'd like to pass it over to my buddy, but need to change my gmail info for his. Would this essentially allow me to do that without having to unroot, restore, reroot then reregister?
I am looking for a way to completely root a device with my B&N and gMail info, then allow someone else to register/set-up the device with their info. Possible?
If you just go into settings and About Device and do a "Erase and Deregister" you should still have root. And once rebooted they will have the option of registering the device for the first time.
They will have to go through the LogicZoom welcome process as well. So you might want to guide them in that direction if they don't know what needs to be done to get youtube and market working for the first time.
I've just done it myself to see if it works and yes it does.
Please use my suggestions as a guide. All actions you take are "solely your responsibility"
Just make sure you do a backup "just in case" before you try this.
racks11479 said:
If you just go into settings and About Device and do a "Erase and Deregister" you should still have root. And once rebooted they will have the option of registering the device for the first time.
They will have to go through the LogicZoom welcome process as well. So you might want to guide them in that direction if they don't know what needs to be done to get youtube and market working for the first time.
I've just done it myself to see if it works and yes it does.
Please use my suggestions as a guide. All actions you take are "solely your responsibility"
Just make sure you do a backup "just in case" before you try this.
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Thanks, I will try this again with them. I wish I could be in person, but this is a phone support situation for me (grrr).
From the way they described to me, the "Erase and Deregister" worked for the B&N part but my gmail account was still there. So it didn't completely remove their stuff. Google Talk and the Calendar are still stuck on my gmail and not theirs.
Will try again though, and if anyone else has input I would appreciate it, thanks!
racks11479 said:
I assume you're running stock rooted.
Try this,
1. Download the signed from here its in the second post.
2. Now from the zip file you downloaded. Extract the Gmail.apk and GmailProvider.apk. Using root explorer. Copy those files into system/app
(of course make sure you mount r/w)
4. Reboot your nook and you should have Gmail again.
Make sure you back everything up as always.
It worked for me. Hope it works for you as well.
Sent from my "NookDroid" using XDA App
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I renamed my the stock Gmail.apk to Gmail.apk.old and the same for the stock GmailProvider.apk.
Then I did as you suggested through Root Explorer. Now I have no Gmail at all in my apps list after a reboot.
I tried to launch it directly from Root Explorer but it says "There was an error parsing the package."
I renamed the new files and and renamed old files back to their original. I rebooted and Gmail popped up again in my apps list.
Why did your method for the new Gmail files work for someone else but not for me? What went wrong?
I have a Samsung Galaxy tablet 7'' and I installed Application Protection. Well I forgot the password and now I can't access any of the settings or most of the apps. I really don't want to hard reset it because I have alot of stuff that I will loose that is not on the sd card. I have used adb before on my droid x but unfortunately usb debugging is not enabled on my tab to access it. I can't enable it in the os. The only unrestricted access I have to my knowledge is the recovery console, which allows me to factory reset(last resort) or I have been playing with an creator script and was wondering is there a way to enable usb debugging with an or more likely remove the application protection app with an
Is it possible to delete this app with an I believe this app is stored in data/app/com.ruimaninfo.approtect-1.apk
I would appreciate any help...
Can I create an to remove an app on my phone?
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Can you uninstall the app or do you not have access to the Market?
if you are rooted , just go through data and then find your app name , or just search by root explorer with your app name and then after root explorer find it delete it
or if you have the androidSDK and you are not rooted just download the software called QtADB_0.8.0_windows_with_libs
and then use it to brows your files at least to take them all out
Unfortunately I have basically no access on my tab because I lost the password to Application Protection and it has everything restricted. I also don't have root access or I would be able to remove the app very easily. I also can't use adb unless I can figure away to enable usb debugging, but can't access the settings due to Application Protection app. I know exactly where the app is stored on the phone but can't get into the directory because I don't have root access.
The only thing that I can use to my knowledge is in recovery and again I don't have root so I just have the basic recovery menu. I tried making an to install an app but couldn't get it to work.
What I really want is to make an to delete data/app/com.ruimaninfo.approtect-1.apk
It's definately a challenge and I will keep working on a way to remove it.
I did find that I have ANDFTP with unrestricted access that does allow me to delete any files in the system but again doesn't show anything under data/app folder because I don't have root access. Maybe the data for the app is stored elsewhere?
Power and volume up key takes you to recovery. Then you can do a factory reset, which wipes all installed apps and user data.
Thanks, but I know how to do a factory reset. I am trying to fix this without loosing everything.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Can you use adb to make your back up? Then reset?
JBrian420 said:
Thanks, but I know how to do a factory reset. I am trying to fix this without loosing everything.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
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Click to collapse guys blown my mind away. Nice, keep up the discussion and I would like to know more from those genius people here
why you don't ask the dev of the app ? sure he got (secret password)
or just download the software i mentioned above and you'll solve it in seconds
here is what i found
Keep your private app/data in secure before allow other people use your phone
Application Protection help to protect applications and data in case other people or child get your phone to:
* install some app or malware you don't want to
* see your private info you don't want to share
* change setting of your phone by accident
(Note: lock behavior can be changed in setting to save effort to unlock)
* send email to configured email box after input wrong code 10 times
(IMPORTANT: Default setting is to send email to [email protected] in case of user lost the code. Strongly recommend user to set your email box in setting)
read it , its in the app info
Tried that too but unfortunately didn't set a email either and developer isn't returning any of my emails either. has gotta be my only chance without reseting my phone.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
So, did it work? Because I have a similar problem: I'm locket out of a Lifetab from a friend of my brother. The only difference is, I know the password, but the Android keyboard kept force closing, so I disabled it. Then without thinking I rebooted.
Is there a way to enable that app again trough adb, or did you succeed in making an that resets the password?
Would really appreciate some help.
Removed some bloatware via Titanium Backup, and of course, I got trigger happy.
process com.motorola.contacts (Contacts force closes)
process com.motorola.conversations (text messaging force closes)
So I have Root Explorer and got a hold of a system dump for Bionic.
I started by moving YahooContacts.apk (one of the apps I guess I shouldn't have uninstalled) back to the /system/app folder...but it doesn't show up anywhere as an installed app (just that the .apk was moved). If I try to actually select the .apk and try to install it says "Application did not Install" but the .apk IS moved.
Processes still don't work after moving.
I would appreciate any help, at this point I can't text or place calls. Thanks in advance, this forum helped me with the entire root process.
You cannot freeze/remove ANY of the other authenticator apps, it will cause contacts to freeze. I ran into that on the Droid 3.
First off there is no need to delete/remove, Freezing them accomplishes the same thing but most importantly it allows you to reverse what you have broken by Defrosting it. Do yourself a favor stop deleting and start freezing. If 16GB is not enough internal storage for you then you might consider an external HD from Seagate!!!!!!! LOL
I realize I made a big mistake. That's totally on me But it's in the past
Do I have any options to get this working again? I am definitely going to freeze apps in the future.
If I did delete an authenticator process, is there any way I can get those back? Would they be available through a system dump?
I believe that you need to make sure the permissions are correct after reinstalling an apk to the system/app folder. I've never done this, so I'll let you do the research. I've heard you can use root explorer to do this or a script with terminal emulator. Sorry I can't help more
I have the exact same problem, and am attempting to troubleshoot this issue on a different forum, however I am not allowed to post links but I'll try and keep you updated.
Edit: It's not a problem with permissions, I've made sure that they're correct with root explorer. It seems to be a Bionic-specific issue. I might just return it at this rate.
Thankfully, there's an unroot to use. I think im in the same boat. re-added all the yahoo related .apk and .odex and set permissions/owner, still nothing. Unroot and hope the Verizon dude is in a good mood!
Except now ADB is throwing "ERROR: ADB could not be granted root access" when trying to unroot
Someone in the thread I was talking about had some success, its on droidforums dot net, droid bionic forum, bionic support, HELP! accidentally deleted IMSCServer from Droid Bionic thread. Maybe you can try something I haven't.
just do a factory reset thats what i had to do as I had the same problem.
I tried that, it didn't work... Did you actually get your system apps back? Did you do it through settings or the recovery menu?
i froze my bloat thats prob the difference and it was yahoo that caused the problem for me...
i froze my bloat thats prob the difference and it was yahoo that caused the problem for me...
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It really begs the question why anything with Yahoo is required by the system. Furthermore, why did they make it so frustratingly hard to reinstall system apps on the Bionic? Really disappointed in Motorola for this.
Here is the fix for Contacts, restore these files and set correct permission, reboot and presto Contacts fixed
That did it.. I have been looking for the YAHOO Contacts.apk file for 3 days with a bloody wortheless phone that I spent 300 shells on!
BTW I agree with Glimmerman, WHY DID YAHOO get involved in contacts? Talk about a sneaky way in integrate them.
0mie said:
Here is the fix for Contacts, restore these files and set correct permission, reboot and presto Contacts fixed
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Sorry if I'm newbtastic here but what do I do with these APKs and odex. I tried installing with ES explorer but it would not install. Am I supposed to move these files somewheres? /system/app then try install ? Thanks
answered my own question. I WAS newbtastic afterall. LOL. Thanks anyways. This did it. Dang Yahoo!
lol yep my girlfriend did this yesterday fortunately i have a bionic too so i just pulled the files from my phone and pushed to hers.
damn you yahoo.
also, apparently go contacts EX will 'fix' the problem (you must use their app however)
phil7280 said:
Sorry if I'm newbtastic here but what do I do with these APKs and odex. I tried installing with ES explorer but it would not install. Am I supposed to move these files somewheres? /system/app then try install ? Thanks
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Wait - WHERE are we putting the Contact fix and do we extract it once we've moved it?
0mie said:
Here is the fix for Contacts, restore these files and set correct permission, reboot and presto Contacts fixed
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I'm confused as to where to put this. I downloaded it and it downloaded into tapatalk downloads. Where do I move it and do I extract it?