[solved] random reboots after leaked update - Motorola Droid 3

i flashed the leaked update the other day and since then i've my phone has been crashing and rebooting on me multiple times an hour. i thought it was the bloat removal script so i undid it but it's still rebooting randomly.
any help is welcome

I'd experimented some random reboots but different from you I didn't update, just root my phone.
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Wipe data...reflash. if you still have issues, get an exchange.

suzook said:
Wipe data...reflash. if you still have issues, get an exchange.
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will do.
i got this phone as a gift though so i'm not sure if they'll exchange it.


Phone often freezes with froyo ....keep having to pull battery

What is happening? Pulled battery 5 times already today...what should I do and would pulling battery as often as this affect my phone or battery?
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What sort of set up are you running there?
Stock, non-rooted N1? Or did you upgrade to FroYo over an existing install using Paul's zip? Any applications installed? When is the phone freezing?
Would love to help, but I think we're going to need a little bit more information from you first.
What sort of set up are you running there?
Stock, non-rooted N1? Or did you upgrade to FroYo over an existing install using Paul's zip? Any applications installed? When is the phone freezing?
Would love to help, but I think we're going to need a little bit more information from you first.
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Previously rooted N1 back to stock rom prior installing froyo from Paul's direct install file for rooted N1 because I lacked stock recovery image.
Basic apps installed like ebuddy news apps etc. didn't install anything different from old install.
Like I mentioned phone stalls in while in sleep mode. Need to pull battery. Cannot soft or hard reset phone.
Ive been reading a lot on xda and didnt notice this occurring in pther phones thats y i decided to open a new thread.
Any help is appreciated thanks!
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rensky said:
Previously rooted N1 back to stock rom prior installing froyo from Paul's direct install file for rooted N1 because I lacked stock recovery image.
Basic apps installed like ebuddy news apps etc. didn't install anything different from old install.
Like I mentioned phone stalls in while in sleep mode. Need to pull battery. Cannot soft or hard reset phone.
Ive been reading a lot on xda and didnt notice this occurring in pther phones thats y i decided to open a new thread.
Any help is appreciated thanks!
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Did you wipe? If not, usually a wipe helps. I wiped and have not had a single issue of FC...Freezing or anything. I went from Enom to Wipe to Paul's Zip with Radio.
I have the same problem. Until now the screen stayed black after the other party ended the call. Had to pull battery 3 times.
Problem exists even after reflashing, wiping and clearing storage.
Im om pre-rooted frf50 from paul. Gonna try with an older radio..
Previously rooted N1 back to stock rom prior installing froyo from Paul's direct install file for rooted N1 because I lacked stock recovery image.
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Did you wipe? If not, usually a wipe helps. I wiped and have not had a single issue of FC...Freezing or anything. I went from Enom to Wipe to Paul's Zip with Radio.
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I did wipe prior flashing to Paul's zip with radio.
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I have the same problem. Until now the screen stayed black after the other party ended the call. Had to pull battery 3 times.
Problem exists even after reflashing, wiping and clearing storage.
Im om pre-rooted frf50 from paul. Gonna try with an older radio..
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Can u post whether flashing with an older radio will help and provide link to the older radio? Thanks! Hope it works for you.
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rensky said:
Can u post whether flashing with an older radio will help and provide link to the older radio? Thanks! Hope it works for you.
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I am testing with
SurfHost said:
I am testing with
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does it work?
Im having similar issues with my 2.2 installation. I have it installed on my wife's non-rooted N1.
Not just that but the market is not even usable. Even if I clear cache.
Again, her phone is not rooted, I wipped everything from her phone then applied Froyo and its been a nightmare. Her phone isn't even stable enough to use and I cant seem to figure it out.
I need to find a way back to 2.1 without having to root her phone. She is adamant about me not doing that to her phone even though Ive rooted all the phones I've ever used with no issues.
I was having the same problem on my N1. Started suddenly two days after the manual upgrade to 2.2. The phone would either freeze to a black screen or sometimes the live wallpaper would continue but the phone was unresponsive even to the power button. Needed to pull the battery to restart.
It stopped after I:
* Turned off live wallpaper
* Uninstalled LauncherPro Beta
* Removed the Pure Calender Widget (was broken after 2.2 update anyway)
* Charged the battery (was down to below 10% when it started happening repeatedly).
Anyone one of them (or none of them) could have been the culprit. My guess it was one of the last two (PureCalender or battery) but haven't had time to troubleshoot it. Try some of these and see if it helps.
Ive tried all that on her phone. I just wiped it again completely and re flashed just in case that was the issue. Phone still had all the issues described in this thread.
I wiped the sd card, wiped all previous system files via the stock recovery and re flashed the update zip. You cant get anymore clean than that and its still so unstable the phone its unusable. I have to either hope soft booting works or pull the battery as a last ditch.
Is there any way I could downgrade her phone to 2.1 without rooting? I tried the shipping rom in the sticky above but it seems that isn't totally legit for stock use because the phone doesn't like how its signed.
I guess I could call google/htc tomorrow but who knows where that'll get me. The only bonus iud that her phone is not rooted so she didn't really have her warranty voided.
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I was having the same problem on my N1. Started suddenly two days after the manual upgrade to 2.2. The phone would either freeze to a black screen or sometimes the live wallpaper would continue but the phone was unresponsive even to the power button. Needed to pull the battery to restart.
It stopped after I:
* Turned off live wallpaper
* Uninstalled LauncherPro Beta
* Removed the Pure Calender Widget (was broken after 2.2 update anyway)
* Charged the battery (was down to below 10% when it started happening repeatedly).
Anyone one of them (or none of them) could have been the culprit. My guess it was one of the last two (PureCalender or battery) but haven't had time to troubleshoot it. Try some of these and see if it helps.
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I was worried if I was the only one with this problem. Phone improved today (3rd day of using) but I didn't do anything to it. Only hanged once when someone called. Hanged on calling in screen and had to pull battery.
Only once compared to 7 times yesterday!
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rensky said:
does it work?
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Yes until now it does. Sometimes the power button is reacting a little late but i havent had to pull the battery yet with the older radio.
You might want to download it again and flash that to see if you had a corrupt download. First copy all data from the sd and partition it. Just make everything fat. I havent used the stock recovery in ages so I cant recall if you can partition from there, if you cant, do it on the pc. Wipe everything that the stock recovery can wipe. Then try to flash your new download of the update. You can do this fairly quickly and its worth a try before you go through the process of reverting to 2.1.
krabman said:
You might want to download it again and flash that to see if you had a corrupt download. First copy all data from the sd and partition it. Just make everything fat. I havent used the stock recovery in ages so I cant recall if you can partition from there, if you cant, do it on the pc. Wipe everything that the stock recovery can wipe. Then try to flash your new download of the update. You can do this fairly quickly and its worth a try before you go through the process of reverting to 2.1.
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I'll give this a shot when I get home from work. I'll report back on if it works or not. Thanks for the idea.
Interesting, not that I'm complaining, but after a few days of using 2.2 it seems more stable now....? haven't had any freezes today...yet.
Power button response also getting better.
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I haven't had any issues for a few days as well. Still wondering if it had to do with the battery level.
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SurfHost said:
I have the same problem. Until now the screen stayed black after the other party ended the call. Had to pull battery 3 times.
Problem exists even after reflashing, wiping and clearing storage.
Im om pre-rooted frf50 from paul. Gonna try with an older radio..
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Older radios are not 100% compatible.

[Q] Has anybody had a successful JH7 update thats rooted?

Tried to update fine it completed then rebooted then said "Did not install" but it says I'm using JH7 now. But in no way is the GPS any better...
Exactly the same experience here. I will add that I also did not get the new office application, have not checked for the updated YouTube.
Yes, I had no troubles getting the update. See the following:
TheRealXenu said:
Stock rom with update is ready here http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RZXMUXY4
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designgears said:
Hey guys, I see some of you are bricking or not being able to update.
You can use this to flash to I897UCJH7 OTA.
Use Clockwork recovery to flash it...
Cognition is currently being rebuilt on top of this, deodexed and all that fun stuff.
This flashes the system folder, kernel, and modem.
Let me know how the GPS works for you guys!! I have gotten it to lock in my basement!!
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These have been was posted for awhile now. Use clockwork recovery to flash either of them.
Yes, I was rooted, but I had just done a factory restore, it returned it to factory state, although I still had the superuser app in the app drawer. I then immediately downloaded the OTA update and it installed fine. I had the new youtube and all. So I then downloaded ROM Manager and tried to do a restore so I could get all my apps back, but that F**ked it all up! I have since had to do a odin one click restore and now I cant get the update to go past 50%, so i'm SOL now.
I'm rooted using the stock ROM and did the update yesterday and it installed 100% with no problems. It did hang at 50% for around 30 seconds or more maybe.
Im rooted with all att bloatware removed. It failed at 50%, rebooted and said the update failed. However gps absolutely works now, so apparently whatever it did managed to fix at least the gps. It said jh7 in system info. Battery life still seems to suck though. I cant wait for froyo to screw everything up 1000 times worse than this.
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I was rooted with the bloatware removed and with sideloaded i found a new Update.zip that removed the root and the update will download but just says "Preparing". Then says "Update is failed" and reboots says it did not complete.
Im rooted. While I didnt get the extra office app or whatnot my GPS is working at least 50 times better. I am locked onto 8 satellites within 5-8 seconds indoors. (using gps test) Going outside only makes my reception better.
When I initially purchased my captivate it was shakey at best. My OTA update said it failed but im showing JH7 and my GPS is now working well.
like everyone else. I'm rooted with stock rom and the update did not succeed. I'm hoping that when 2.2 is released, it replaces everything regardless of being rooted or not, so that I can start from a clean slate.
i tried to return to stock via odin one-click but that did not allow the update to run.
Rooted, unlocked, and successful update. Via EDGE, no less.
did anyone get it to succeed that left the bloatware removed during the update process?
Just updated got to 100 and failed. It shows JH7 even though I got a notification saying update failed. Now youtube widget is dead and software update doesnt even open anymore.
Update media scanner was running for 20 min thats why nthg was opening. If we flash the update on the web. Would that whipe everythg.
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Success for me. Just did the basic root. Still have bloat and no lag fix. Something to consider, I did a reset the day before that took off side loading.
Took about a min on 3g to download, hung at 50 and 92 for about 10 seconds.
From a phone on an app
But u were still rooted?
There seems to be no pattern to this madness. Ppl rooted have failed and succeeded same w unrooted ppl. Lets hope the XDA devs figure out what the real problem is. Because CrapTT & Shamesung cant
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Leo_ee said:
But u were still rooted?
There seems to be no pattern to this madness. Ppl rooted have failed and succeeded same w unrooted ppl. Lets hope the XDA devs figure out what the real problem is. Because CrapTT & Shamesung cant
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Yeah, still rooted. There's a survey going on to find out what's going on in another thread. All the posts I've seen with un rooted phones is people canceling the process.
From a phone on an app
DKirk said:
Exactly the same experience here. I will add that I also did not get the new office application, have not checked for the updated YouTube.
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Visit the market place search for quick office. See if there is a special version there called Quick office for captivate. There was for me. FYI mine said it failed but the gps is now scary fast, it was always good for me. About 30 seconds. But I just got a no error lock inside my apartment build in 3 seconds.
i was rooted and still am. took oclf off and update succesfull. gonna put oclf back on. is there any dangers of reinstalling oclf again? this would be the 3rd time.
Mine was rooted and lag fixed.
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Okinz87 said:
I'm rooted using the stock ROM and did the update yesterday and it installed 100% with no problems. It did hang at 50% for around 30 seconds or more maybe.
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My experience also.
nyydynasty said:
like everyone else. I'm rooted with stock rom and the update did not succeed. I'm hoping that when 2.2 is released, it replaces everything regardless of being rooted or not, so that I can start from a clean slate.
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Same situation here.
I don't think people should be getting their hopes up for a 2.2 update anytime soon though. Something just tells me it might be a while if it ever even happens, but that just my speculation.

[Q] All of a sudden random apps force closing for no apparent reason [i9000]

this problem started only today and has never happened before. The only things changing were some app updates and a few new installs. I already uninstalled all of the apps installed in the last few days in hopes of reverting the situation but it didn't help. And after I made the first reboot when the apps began to force close randomly it looked like a semi factory reset was made. All my contacts are gone, there are no SMS/call logs, but all SMSes, pictures and videos are still there. If I try to open the Market app it asks me if I accept TOS, Gmail is not set, mobile internet is not working (due to reset settings), Wi-Fi and bluetooth settings are still there. In short, everything is half-fuc*ed.
What do you thing happened? And is there any possibility I can go back to a normal state without starting from fresh?
Pegart said:
this problem started only today and has never happened before. The only things changing were some app updates and a few new installs. I already uninstalled all of the apps installed in the last few days in hopes of reverting the situation but it didn't help. And after I made the first reboot when the apps began to force close randomly it looked like a semi factory reset was made. All my contacts are gone, there are no SMS/call logs, but all SMSes, pictures and videos are still there. If I try to open the Market app it asks me if I accept TOS, Gmail is not set, mobile internet is not working (due to reset settings), Wi-Fi and bluetooth settings are still there. In short, everything is half-fuc*ed.
What do you thing happened? And is there any possibility I can go back to a normal state without starting from fresh?
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Go into Recovery and Fix Permissions, then reboot and see if that has fixed the problem.
Flash a new stock rom to solve this issue..
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doomsdaycs said:
Flash a new stock rom to solve this issue..
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But try a wipe (factory reset) before, should solve thus issue.
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Oh yeah, and another thing. Market, Youtube and Maps apps where all a few version lower than before and started updating immediately after opening the Market app. Market still is (even the old design and everything). How can this be?
rschenck said:
Go into Recovery and Fix Permissions, then reboot and see if that has fixed the problem.
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I don't have a Fix Permissions option in recovery (3e)???
doomsdaycs said:
Flash a new stock rom to solve this issue..
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I'm trying to avoid that at the moment. Just for the time being so I can make a complete backup of all my stuff.
Lunchbox115 said:
But try a wipe (factory reset) before, should solve thus issue.
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Same as above. For now.
i9000 random loss of data
Yes, this is a rather old thread I'm trying to revive here, but as it is adviced to continue those instread of duplicating them, here are my issues:
I gave my i9000 to a relative ~a year ago and recently it started acting strange. About 1-2 times a month I get a call from that relative saying: "I get a lot of force closes, phone is unusable, nothing works". I then walk over, take a look and yes, unusable. It appears that all information in the /system partition gets lost for no reason. The relative told me that this usually happens when some google apps are updating, but it might still be random.
Currently MackayRom (latest) is installed.
Usually when I got the call, I hopped over to my relative, did a factory reset (wipe of /system and /data + Cache and Dalvik Cache) then reflashed the ROM and Gapps and everything looked good again. Sadly the issue continues to return.
What I tried so far is a complete wipe of anything, reverting to a stock TW Rom, and going back to an AOSP Rom from there (first CM 11, then Mackay). The issue appeard to be gone afterwards, I didn't hear from that relative for an unusual amount of time, but after a month or 1 1/2, it returned.
My guess is, that one of the chips that are containing the /system partition is broken or at least close to die (I'm not sure if it is just one or multiple chips, since the CM Team or Pawit himself changed something in the partition structure somewhere between cm10, cm10.1 and cm11 to ensure the compatibility of that old device with KitKat). Anyways, I'd love to hear any ideas or suggestions on how to solve this issue (although I reached a point where I think that solving this isn't possible anymore, unless I wanna swap the Mainboard, which would mean paying an amount of money that I could get a new phone for as well.) Soon as I have the time, I'll Odin-flash the latest TW Rom to the device and have my relative use that for a while, just to see if the different/older partition structure helps in any way.
Thanks in advance for any replies .

[Q] Random reboots!

Well, suddenly I'd been experimenting random reboots on my phone. I can notice when are going to happen because the lock screen gets laggy. I don't have a custom room, just the factory rooted. I have running go ex launcher and few widgets. Today I dowloaded Watchdog but I didn't report anything anormal. Have anyone experimentign random reboots or have an idea what could be?
So u have the 959 system version? Update to the .890 it should fix it. Either recovery sbf to it or update.zip it. In the development forum
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I've had random reboots since getting my phone. They appear to happen significantly less with 890, but they're not 'gone'.
Raa_1 said:
I've had random reboots since getting my phone. They appear to happen significantly less with 890, but they're not 'gone'.
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mine stopped completely with .890
Do a factory reset that made mine go away.
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This ^
Did you hace the thread link?

[HELP] Kernel Panic

Hey guys, I was running Maximum overdrive v1.0 and beastmode 56.8 kernel (no tweaks) when my phone starts freezing and rebooting. It would happen often and even at times It wouldn't boot completely I would have to remove the battery for It to boot. Then It started to get "kernel panic ulpoad mode" I odin flashed back to stock MM but same issues going on. Any ideas? Or its time for a new phone? Thank you
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carmona_sc said:
Hey guys, I was running Maximum overdrive v1.0 and beastmode 56.8 kernel (no tweaks) when my phone starts freezing and rebooting. It would happen often and even at times It wouldn't boot completely I would have to remove the battery for It to boot. Then It started to get "kernel panic ulpoad mode" I odin flashed back to stock MM but same issues going on. Any ideas? Or its time for a new phone? Thank you
Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
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I was curious cause I never heard of that , and some people said a factory reset solved the problem . However a fresh Odin install is good. Did you wipe system as well as the normal wipes?
Bubba Fett said:
I was curious cause I never heard of that , and some people said a factory reset solved the problem . However a fresh Odin install is good. Did you wipe system as well as the normal wipes?
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Yes I did, and nothing seemed to work, even went back to stock 5.1 and same issues consist.
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carmona_sc said:
Yes I did, and nothing seemed to work, even went back to stock 5.1 and same issues consist.
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Yikes. I didn't even see a ton of info on the subject. I can't imagine there is anything left on the device to cause any issues. Hopefully someone with more knowledge about this sees this post. Note 7 release party Aug 2nd if it comes to that!
same issue i see alot of people with it, its the emmc i confirmed it beause yesterday while i was alseep my emmc decided to give up on life no recovery no download failed to read emmc, the problem is repairing it im not gonna take it to samsung as they will charge almost the price of a new phone i have found a chip for it but it says it has sm n910p/f firmware on it not sure if it would be an issue as i could reflash the tmobile firmware on it.
any advice on the chip?
So, what was the final solution?

