Thrill Battery Life - Actually Decent? - LG Thrill 4G

I know there's a million posts about battery life sucks on the LG Thrill.
At first, I agreed.
But now I've had my Thrill just over 2 weeks. And it seems to last longer.
Not sure if it just needed time to break-in or what.
But I use my phone to sync with my company exchange server and sync contacts, calendar, emails (with about 150 emails a day). I also sync a personal email account, use Twitter, FB, News, Stocks, and Weather widgets with regular updates. (I rarely make phone calls)
It's about 12 hours unplugged now and the battery still shows full. I think 2 weeks ago it would have been near half.
I thought I'd throw this comment out there for anyone else that experienced poor battery life. Maybe give it two weeks and see if it gets better.

If your battery shows 100% after 12hours of use, I would think there's something wrong with the actual battery indicator software or whatnot.
Personally, using it very lightly with Superpower throttling down the CPU + shutting down wifi + data after 30s, the battery drops to 70% after 3hours of use. I would listen to some music for about 10-15mn in that 3h period, maybe browse xda for 5mn total.
I had the phone for about 10days now...

Owos said:
If your battery shows 100% after 12hours of use, I would think there's something wrong with the actual battery indicator software or whatnot.
Personally, using it very lightly with Superpower throttling down the CPU + shutting down wifi + data after 30s, the battery drops to 70% after 3hours of use. I would listen to some music for about 10-15mn in that 3h period, maybe browse xda for 5mn total.
I had the phone for about 10days now...
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Something isnt right there... signal issues maybe? i checked mine earlier and was at 73% after 12%
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using XDA App

Maybe the poster meant that the battery icon itself showed full because it's still got a decent charge despite it not being at 100%.

I actually noticed the battery life thing as well the longer I have had the device the better the battery life has gotten. I actually got around 20 hrs. on a full battery charge before I hit 15% so I think a Lot has to due with the way you use the phone. If your a media freak (Streaming Music, Bluetooth Headphones, Wi-Fi, Data always on, etc) than yea your battery will drain quite fast. I usually have bluetooth turned Off, Wi-Fi Turned Off when not near wi-fi that I access because Wi-Fi will constantly look for a signal which in turn drains the hell out of your battery, and Data turned off considering half the apps out there like to access data (In bed with ATT anyone) and I only have 200mb of data per month plus it saves on battery life.


Is Battery life really short?

Hi Everybody,
I am using my HD2 since 2months and I share with you the general Idea that Battery life of 1-2 days is not enough for a device with the ambition to serve as phone as well.
I am using the device for professional activities: document sharing, webcalendars, emails on the go... but with an internet access not contiguous, since I only want my mobile to donwload mails when I
am not at home or in my office (were I have more professional stuffs
for that).
So, I installed the WMLongLife to Switch off communication interfaces whenever not used.
However, during last couple of weeks it happen to me to work prevalently at home and in my office, without the requirement to use the network from my HD2.
Accidentally I noticed that if I charge the HD2 and never use internet services (but only as a phone: 5-10 calls per day), the battery life magically goes from 1-2 days to 1 Week and more.
Is it normal? Maybe some device is not properly shut down after first use?
Now I charged my mobile on thrsday morning, and after 5 days of use I have still 42% left.
I wish to share your opinion, and to know if there is outside a better software than WMLongLife to preserve batteries when high speed connections, BT and Wifi are not used.
Thanks a lot
It's a phone with a massive screen, bluetooth, wifi, 3G and the list could go on...
I myself, is amazed that it can last a day.
Using it with constant 3G, bluetooth, GPS back and forth at least once a day, e-mails ticking in all the time, bluetooth headset and so forth...
The HD2 is like a small laptop...
- try getting a laptop run a full day on a battery the size of the HD2s.
1 week and more? Wow....
I fully charged the phone last night around 12AM, now after 13 hours most of which is standby, 1 hour of music, and maybe 30 minutes of browsing/playing with it its at 70% battery life. Is this normal?
I dont get 3G and I have wifi and bt off. Any other ideas to conserve battery?
The HD2 is as good, if not better than any other smartphone I've owned. I always recharge my phone overnight, so as long as the battery's good for a day I'm happy. Any bigger battery and the phone would need to be much fatter to accommodate it.
A week sounds pretty optimistic to me.
Mj23foreva said:
I fully charged the phone last night around 12AM, now after 13 hours most of which is standby, 1 hour of music, and maybe 30 minutes of browsing/playing with it its at 70% battery life. Is this normal?
I dont get 3G and I have wifi and bt off. Any other ideas to conserve battery?
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You could try and turn down the brightness of the screen for one...
I had mine on 100% for the first couple of days, but it just ate the battery like that. Then changed it to 70% (almost can't see the difference) when it's on battery, and that helped a lot!
Then you should perhaps try and download BsBTweaks or something like that, and activate the "power save" option...
Something to do with the SD card or something, not sure...!?
But to be honest, I think it's pretty decent.
13 hours of stand by, 1 hour of playing music and 30 minutes browsing/gaming - and still on 70%.
You have to remember, it's a very powerful device and as such it uses a lot of power!
Again I confirm,
charge this morning is still 25% left and yesterday I used internet connection for 15 minutes, then switch off devices and a soft reset to stop eventually pending drivers.
I do not use HD2 for listening music or playing films: only calls, contacts, synchronized agenda with gcalendar, emails, and internet.
Previously I noticed that after using even once the internet connection (without the soft reset), battery last at most 36 hours.
That is why I suspect some processes/services be pending in background and draining battery low.
Again I am not trying to demonstrate the life of my mobile is longer...
... Just noticed that there are some operational conditions that may prevent higher power drains and to understand if someone else has investigated the point.
kenkiller said:
1 week and more? Wow....
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I do the same!
Check email one or twice a day. 5/6 calls a day. Wmlong life on. Don't care about 3g... it's set to be in automatic. Some excel and word files. Some sms. It's incredible that such a powerful device can stand by so long!
Otherwise when I use it for work, wi-fi, bluetooth, gps and bla bla, the life of the battery is about 12 hours... but who cares?
9% this morning but still alive with phone interface working...
Do it exists for WM6.5 an extended taskmanager (AKA in the windows style) that can also reports for processes and spent CPU time?
I can barely go a full day and have to charge it at night.
Is anyone else getting really poor battery life? I have Wi-Fi on a lot but with screen off just so it automatically gets my push e-mails. Could this be the reason?

Battery Life [poll]

So basically just answer the poll based on a normal day of usage...
I'm curious as to how other people's nexus ones are doing in terms of battery life. I can practically watch the battery % drop. It lasts about 15-16 hrs, but thats even with being careful (enabling airplane mode in areas with no reception, disabling GPS some places, using only 2g at times). Heck, today, I lost 25% over 2.5 hrs, I was listening to music for about an hour, and was surfing the web for a little bit as well.
Yeah I can literally watch my battery drop as well. It's the always on data connection. One day turn off cellular data for the whole day just as a test, and see how much longer your battery will last. It's such a huge difference you could prob go 2 full days easily.
RogerPodacter said:
Yeah I can literally watch my battery drop as well. It's the always on data connection. One day turn off cellular data for the whole day just as a test, and see how much longer your battery will last. It's such a huge difference you could prob go 2 full days easily.
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36 hours actually, that's what I got when I turned off background data,wifi, location services, chat, messengers, and screen brightness last fm syncing.but then its just a phone...and boring. Id rather use it to its full potential and charge it up when it needs petted like a puppy.
On average with normal use I go about 12 to 19 hours.
With data on, losing about 1.5% an hour in standby, with syncing and all. Math says if I don't touch it, it can stay synced 70 hours till discharged (assuming no phone calls and no SMS). Tried once, stopped after 48 hours with ~40% remaining.
Sorry, but this poll is useless.. Smart Phones are not dumbphones, you can't stamp a "runs this long" label on it. Everyone has a different configuration, different things set up, different accounts/number of accounts, different data moving on those accounts, higher/lower/no sync/notifications on social media, etc...
What you're going to get is this: People who play 3D games at high brightness for 3-4 hours and kill the battery. And people who have everything disabled and never use the phone and it lasts 2-3 days. You might get some in between, but the two above are the most likely to respond because it's "exceptional".
So I'm not completely OT and just complaining, I have online IMAP with K9, weather, Google cal etc syncing, randomly use it during the day, not much phone calls but checking the market etc... I average 2.5-3.5%/hr.
This holidays when I was abroad (no cell data) I found myself at night with the Nexus being at 65 - 70% battery after some GPS positioning (not navigation) for offline maps (rMaps FTW), some snapshots, about half an hour wifi and a pair of sms and one phone call. So yes, blame the always-on cellular data.
My method
This is what I do to maintain superior battery life:
1. I run CM 6 RC3 (I've found good battery life on this.)
2. I under clock the cpu (245-384) while the screen is off. This is a huge battery saver.
3. I turn off wi-fi (I found when I accidentally leave it on, I do loose a significant amount of battery when compared to when it is off, as it searches for networks.)
Thats really about it... My battery lasts the entire day and more (just by a little), with moderate usage. I do know, though, with heavy usage, the phone won't last as long.
disgustip8ted said:
36 hours actually, that's what I got when I turned off background data,wifi, location services, chat, messengers, and screen brightness last fm syncing.but then its just a phone...and boring. Id rather use it to its full potential and charge it up when it needs petted like a puppy.
On average with normal use I go about 12 to 19 hours.
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my sentiments exactly!!!
I could, and I have made it last almost 45 hours with steady SMS usage.
I'd stick it in my locker, disable all activity (background, 3g, etc.), and when I took it out, I'd let it check my gmail and sms. Make my replies, and stick it back in my locker, pocket, or on my desk.
My main connection with family and friends is via SMS, so it's pretty easy to go the entire day with no internet use.
I'm running Enoms latest and I'm getting great battery life. Been 18 hours and I'm still at 52% with moderate usage. Not a lot of phone calls but plenty of texting, twitter updates and browsing through Google Reader. I have everything set to sync every half hour or less, GPS is on all the time and I have my screen set to auto brightness.
I just make sure to calibrate my battery when I flash a completely new ROM or when I notice my battery life getting worse. With Enom's ROMs I've never had bad battery life that couldn't be fixed with a calibration.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
6:30am-11:30pm (17hrs): full brightness, WiFi on the whole time, Bluetooth on the whole time, gps the whole time (location services for about an hour), a few hours of talk, few hours of mp3, hour or so of Pandora, few hours of web browsing, gchat all day long,Twitter all day, taking some pics and video, and sync with two Google accounts and one Facebook. Percentage left at the end of the day... 30%!!!!!!!!
im in the same boat as ywindlass
im running cm6 with setcpu set to underclock while the screen is off. I also have it set to underclock once my battery level gets to 40%. I went from 12 hours per day with light to moderate use to almost 24 hours.
Yeah, CM6-RC3 with setCPU making the CPU underclock when the screen is off is the way to go. I've been able to listen to music for at least 6 hours a day and still be at 50% battery life by the time I go home.
About 16 hours on stock FroYo with 3G on, some music, lot of surfing, RSS feeds...

[Q] Battery drain issue?

Hey everyone,
I'm not sure if I have an issue with a defective Captivate or if it running as intended. That's why I've come to you guys for some insight.
Here's my scenario:
A few days ago, I decided to leave my Captivate off of the charger overnight to see how much battery I would awaken with. It was just a little experiment I thought of to see how much the battery drains while not having anything intensive to do (such as power a screen). I fully charged the Captivate to 100% before setting it on my desk and going to bed. As normally, everything was turned off except wi-fi. When I awoken the next day (8 hours of sleeping), to my surprise, my battery was down to 27%. I was shocked that something could have drained almost 70% of my battery overnight. I downloaded an app called Spare Parts as a recommendation by some people and I seen "Running 100%" which means that the phone spent no time sleeping. When I look at any partial wakelocks, it showed "Android System" as a full bar. I assume that it could be a bad app that was keeping my phone from sleeping.
I restarted the phone, battery pulled, charged up and uninstalled some apps. Everything seemed back to normal as when I checked the the running %, it was proportionate to how often I was using the phone (not at 100%). I specifically checked if the phone was sleeping and it was through some monitoring. I would use the phone for 1 minute and then let it sleep for 2 minutes and you could see that the running % went down, as it is suppose to.
I kept monitoring the running % over the course of the day and it was fine. The less I used it, the lower the % would go; the more I used it, the higher. I also monitored what kind of apps I was firing up and I specifically made it an effort to not open any apps that were out of the ordinary. If I did, I checked to see if it kept my phone from sleeping and it did not (through my same usage tests as above). However, even after my close monitoring, sometime during that day, my phone would stop sleeping once again. I could tell because my running % never lowered, no matter how long I didn't use my phone. It would keep climbing which means it no longer slept. I made sure that I didn't do anything out of the ordinary too as I used the same apps as I did when the phone was sleeping fine. I checked "Android System" and it was getting larger. The battery was around 80%.
I charged up the phone again to max and made sure that nothing was preventing my phone from sleeping. Did the tests again and running % was proportionate again and I double and tripled checked to make sure the phone slept. I then left the phone not charging again to see what would happen as I would have no interactions with the phone to open any apps or change any settings. To my surprise, my battery was down to 60% (~ 6 hours of sleeping) when I awoke. I checked the running % immediately in the morning and it was at a very high percentage. "Android System", once again, dominated the partial wakelock portion.
So what's going on here? It doesn't actually seem like I'm doing anything on the user end to prevent the phone from sleeping. How come it decides to act up all of a sudden? If it was a bad app, how come it decides to prevent sleeping all of a sudden and not before? Even if it was a bad app, I didn't even launch anything while sleeping. Does the phone decide all of a sudden to stop sleeping?
The apps I use are:
Y5 Battery Saver
Launcher Pro Plus
NHL Gamecenter
Handcent SMS
Does anyone have the same problem?
Any help is appreciated.
Get rid of any task killers and battery savers they do more harm then good and most developers recommend not using them, they cause battery drain. The only battery app I use is Juicedefender because it keeps the phone from connecting constantly and keeps apps from running in the backround. I set it to connect every 15 min for 1 minute to sync, I turned off all notifications because they annoy me and I don't need to be notified everytime I get an e-mail or someone posts on Twitter or FB. My battery life has improved greatly once I dumped task killer. Also, I am running a Froyo mod and my battery is amazing now and my GPS works.
If you are in an area with a weak signal this will kill your battery because your phone is constantly searching for a signal and trying to connect. Also turn off wifi if you are not near wifi this will save battery.
Also try calibrating your battery and bump charge it. Here is a link for that.
The battery will improve, mine got better after a few weeks of break in. I am at 60% been unplugged since 10 am and I made plenty of calls, checked e-mails, sent e-mails, checked XDA developement all day and I have plenty of juice.
Good infos. O agree with not using task killer
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using Tapatalk
Hmm, thanks for the tips but there still seems to be something lingering around in my system that doesn't allow the phone to sleep. It seems to activate all of a sudden as well without user intervention.
I again left it overnight and it drained again when I woke up. I lose significant battery overnight when I sleep. I'm thinking about just restoring to factory settings. I've only had the phone for a week so I wouldn't lose that much data. I'll monitor it from the onset once I factory reset it and see if it's a hardware defect or something that was bad in my phone.
Do you have a live wallpaper installed? Also, do you have a bunch of Widgets on your homescreen? Are you constantly synching with e mail, FB, etc? No doubt something is running all night. It's not the phone, it's something you have installed. I set mine to sleep with Juice defender at night so nothing syncs. Check your wireless bill to see how much data is being sent while you sleep. Why not charge your phone while you sleep?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Nope, no live wallpapers and the only widgets I have on my home screen are the LauncherPro Plus widgets, Smooth Calendar and BattStatt. The only syncing I have going on is Google Calendar and Gmail but both of those shouldn't cause the phone to not sleep.
I was thinking of using Juice Defender but I would rather just get to the root of whatever app is preventing my phone from sleeping and kill it at the root instead of finding workarounds. For all I know, my phone may not be sleeping not just overnight, but with normal use as well and it would adversely affect battery life throughout daily use. I need the piece of mind that my phone is properly sleeping.
And I have no issues with charging while I sleep, but again, I need to find the root cause. If for whatever reason I'm can't access a charger overnight in the future (such as if I sleep over at my gf's house), I want to know that I won't wake up with a dead battery in the morning.
I really appreciate the help though.
As for what I decided to do next, I actually factory restored my phone yesterday morning and so far it is working well. I did not download any apps at all to make sure that this problem didn't persist with a stock phone. If it did, I would know that it's a phone defect and not something I did. Throughout the next week, I'll be installing different apps one by one to see any one of those apps will cause my phone to not sleep. This will allow me to isolate the app. It's long and tedious, but I would go through it for better battery life. So far, it's been working as I'm already through 10 hours on my phone with moderate use and it's only at 50%. Whatever was destroying my battery before absolutely had an effect on my daily battery life as I would struggle to even get 10 hours on my phone with moderate use.
Same Here
I find your post very interesting. I have not yet used Juice defender, however, I am now more keen to battery drainage. I talked on the phone for about an hour the other day and my battery went from 100% to 40%. I find this unacceptable for a phone. Imagine taking conf. calls and conducting business in the field throughout the day. My battery would be dead in two hours without checking email
I hope you can reveal your findings to help us all.
Battery problem fixed using the simple technique similar to the one shared back in this thread.
I used to lose 10% per hour (or there abouts) and by 5 or 6pm needed to go on charger. At the very best with no use it dropped 3-5% in an hour.
Now its all changed...
After being off the charger for 35 min and taken 2 calls and sent a couple of txts she still read 100%.
At 5hrs 17min off the charger it is at 81% and there has been 6 calls in total and about 9 txts, plus a couple of appointments added.
Here is what they said to do and it worked...
1. Charge the phone for 8 hours, but make sure it is turned on while charging.
2. Unplug the phone, turn it off, plug it back in for 1 hour.
3. Unplug it, turn it back on for 2 minutes, then plug it back in for 1 hr.
Then unplug and enjoy the new battery life
Sounds too easy to work, but bugger me, it did!
27% is clearly abnormal.
Sometimes, I put the phone on it's charger after a pull day only using 27%.
I read somewhere on XDA that some early phones had defective screens that would only shut the backlight off and not turn off completely. Don't remember what came of that thread though.
I have a battery drain issue as well. My Captivate is 2 days old and been charging it every night. The first charge was done via the computer while transferring music over. After moderate usage (1 hour of music, browsing apps, learning how to use the phone, etc.), the battery died after 10 hours. GPS, and bluetooth was turned off. WiFi was used for maybe 20 minutes. When I got home, I charged it overnight for around 10 hours.
Today, the phone died on me after 9 hours. I rooted via z4root and applied RyanZa's latest OneClickLagFix, which both apps can be found on the market. Before that time, the battery said there was about 80% remaining. Fast forward to 6 hours later and the battery is gone. Again, moderate usage.
According to *#*#4636#*#*, my Screen On is at around 60%. A few other bars are pretty high as well, but I'm not sure how to do a screenshot on the Captivate right now. The only method I found requires using a PC. Plus, my battery is dead meaning I have to charge it overnight again.
I had an issue for the last couple of days, just figured it out earlier today. I had a corrupt thumbnail file on the external SD so my (something like that) was constantly running.
I first realized something was wrong before I determined the battery life was bad when I noticed that my CPU was constantly at 11470-1200mhz or 975-1000 when I disabled the OC.
Unmounting the card would allow the CPU to drop to under 200 at idle so I knew it had something to do with the external SD. Turned out there was a bad file under a DCIM (camera folder), so after I deleted it, it became smooth as silk!
Of course it's still an i9000 rom so battery life is still questionable
geokilla said:
According to *#*#4636#*#*, my Screen On is at around 60%. A few other bars are pretty high as well, but I'm not sure how to do a screenshot on the Captivate right now. The only method I found requires using a PC. Plus, my battery is dead meaning I have to charge it overnight again.
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Try Shoot Me
Sorry for the hijack!
Here are yesterday's results:
Does these results look normal to you? I'm particularly concerned about the Social Hub and screen, and running. They're all higher than I expected. The brightness of the screen is set pretty low, maybe 2/10 of the brightness bar. As for Social Hub, well all I got is the Facebook widget, which is set to sync every 4 hours. Other kinds of syncing is off. GPS is off too. I don't have any battery saving type of apps yet, except for RyanZa's OCLF which includes the WiFi timeout.
I ended up charging the phone at 5% battery left. I had to sleep!

[Q] Am I the only one getting good battery life on this phone?

Before I bought the Vivid, I read every review that was out, even the customer reviews on AT&T's site. There was a common theme in all of them: Battery life is bad. Even the glowing reviews had "battery life" as a con or said they wished it was better.
Needless to say, my expectations weren't high. I have had HTC phones in the past and battery has never been their strong suit.
Imaging my surprise when I tell you that after a 10 hour work day, I go home with an average of 60% battery. I text throughout the day, have seven e-mail accounts syncing, widgets that pull data on my home screen, etc. I am definitely using the phone. I leave Wifi on all the time and I have LTE access wherever I go, so the LTE radio is always on.
Am I really that unique? Is anyone else getting good battery life with the Vivid? If the Skyrocket is supposed to have way better battery life, I can't imagine how long it would last compared to my Vivid, at least with my use.
Overall, very happy with this phone. Battery life is what always drove me away from Android and that is not an issue here.
I would say I unplug my phone around 7 and it gets to 10% around 7 so 12 hours ? I would say thats pretty good battery life I came from the inspire and it would die after 7-10 hours so I would say its a lot better! Though I cant wait for a cm9 or 7 rom since i was getting a full 24 hours + With that.... So im very excited to see!
I am also getting about 10 hours with heavy texting use throughout the day. I have friends overseas and we text via Whatsapp and sometimes Skype. Otherwise it would last even longer since I the screen display wouldn't always be on. I am not complaining getting 10 hours of use though since I'm coming from an HTC Aria which was about half that.
Almost as good
With the standard battery that came with the Vivid, I am getting 24-48 hours on a charge, but I don't use it as much as described above. I have WiFi on at work, but I don't do a lot of e-mailing from the phone. (I work at a desk all day, so I have e-mail on my PC.) But I do look up a lot of things. I suspect I use the phone for at least a few minutes 6-8 times during the work day and 2-3 times in the evening (with WiFi at home). I am not a heavy data plan user, partly because of WiFi access. I use Bluetooth to connect to my car's sound system during my 30-minute commutes. I usually put it into Airplane mode at night, cutting down on the battery consumption. So, I would expect to get somewhat better battery usage than someone who is on their phone much of the time.
brucegil said:
With the standard battery that came with the Vivid, I am getting 24-48 hours on a charge, but I don't use it as much as described above. I have WiFi on at work, but I don't do a lot of e-mailing from the phone. (I work at a desk all day, so I have e-mail on my PC.) But I do look up a lot of things. I suspect I use the phone for at least a few minutes 6-8 times during the work day and 2-3 times in the evening (with WiFi at home). I am not a heavy data plan user, partly because of WiFi access. I use Bluetooth to connect to my car's sound system during my 30-minute commutes. I usually put it into Airplane mode at night, cutting down on the battery consumption. So, I would expect to get somewhat better battery usage than someone who is on their phone much of the time.
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Just out of curiosity: Why put it in airplane mode at night? Why not just plug it in to recharge?
I have a lot of days like you where I use it lightly. I have noticed that the idle drain on this phone isn't nearly as bad as past Android phones I have owned.
Yesterday I got 16 hours out of my phone. That is with me syncing three email accounts, running a live background, using data to read news articles, downloads from the android store, browsing the web, and making around 30 minutes of calls. It is much better than my cappy was. I made sure to charge the battery when I first got it all of the way before powering it on. I also have let it run down completely to cycle the battery.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using XDA App
When my phone was stock the battery life was OK, not terrible, but not great either. With a custom ROM the battery life has increased greatly. I unplug it around 8am and when I go to charge it at night I usually have around 40% left. That is with moderate to heavy use, at least that's what I consider my use.
Failed to mention I am on the stock Rom.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using XDA App
I got around 17 hours last night and was only down to 70% left. Quite a bit of use too. It's actually better for me than my GS2 was.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using xda premium
I'm always getting 20+ hrs on my vivid with med. Use with the stock Rom my battery was pretty good but with rumraider its going on about 30 hrs with 40% left and I haven't even charged it since I flashed
I think alot of the differences in battery life have to do with how strong of a cell signal you have. The weaker the signal, the quicker the battery dies since your phone is constantly trying to stay connected. Also, if your signal is bad, than that usually means your internet data is slower too and thus it takes longer to download news, email, and web pages, thus killing your battery even further.
Although, my signal is usually at 2-3 bars, the battery seems to last much longer than I was led to believe from reading reviews. Overall, I am pretty happy with this phone.
Just a suggestion, I am getting fairly good battery left, I am on a rooted stock rom with most of the bloat ware & processes frozen thru Ti Backup, I have wifi on all day but limit sync schedule (with refresh on use enabled) I have noticed that the battery stays at 100% for a while then starts to drop off. Today running about 7.5 hours and currently have 95% charge available. I also have Juice Defender free helping out with ballanced profile enabled.
Simple rundown:
I text fairly frequently, do a reasonable amount of web browsing (read: where I don't have access to a computer), sync 3 email accounts, check XDA and play GameBoy on the thing. Weather is on hourly autoupdate with location; news is on demand when the widget is viewed.
The only daytime charging I do is when I'm using my phone as my car's AUX input, where it is plugged on the charger (although still draining according to the battery graph).
I end the day with 52% battery life, off the charger at 7:45 AM, back on at 12:00 AM. Much better than my Captivate. Prior to root, custom ROMs and SetCPU, it would clock in at around 38%.
Aus_Azn said:
Simple rundown:
I text fairly frequently, do a reasonable amount of web browsing (read: where I don't have access to a computer), sync 3 email accounts, check XDA and play GameBoy on the thing. Weather is on hourly autoupdate with location; news is on demand when the widget is viewed.
The only daytime charging I do is when I'm using my phone as my car's AUX input, where it is plugged on the charger (although still draining according to the battery graph).
I end the day with 52% battery life, off the charger at 7:45 AM, back on at 12:00 AM. Much better than my Captivate. Prior to root, custom ROMs and SetCPU, it would clock in at around 38%.
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What are your settings for setcpu? This is my first root and I have yet to test the app. And it is useable after root, correct? Just need to purchase from the market? Thanks!
penguinfishies said:
What are your settings for setcpu? This is my first root and I have yet to test the app. And it is useable after root, correct? Just need to purchase from the market? Thanks!
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I also would like to know the setcpu settings which are working for you. How much overclocking we can do on Vivid ?
NIKKG said:
I think alot of the differences in battery life have to do with how strong of a cell signal you have. The weaker the signal, the quicker the battery dies since your phone is constantly trying to stay connected. Also, if your signal is bad, than that usually means your internet data is slower too and thus it takes longer to download news, email, and web pages, thus killing your battery even further.
Although, my signal is usually at 2-3 bars, the battery seems to last much longer than I was led to believe from reading reviews. Overall, I am pretty happy with this phone.
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I totally agree with this. My office is in the basement of our building and I get fairly poor signal - maybe 1 bar but I still can access the LTE network. When I turn my wifi on, by the end of the work day, my battery is much less drained vs not having it on and my phone searching for signal from the mobile data network.
At home, I have a pretty good signal, but there's not LTE coverage yet, so the battery does last longer throughout the day.
Even on the bad days I would get home and keep it running until I plug it in before I go to bed, so that's an average of about 17 hours in total per day that it's running on battery and on average I'd have like 30-40% battery left.
I was using an iPhone 4s before I bought the Vivid and I used to go home with about the same amount of battery after a full work day. Granted, the 4s gets worse battery life than the 4 by far, but I still think it's impressive that an Android phone, especially an HTC does this well and it makes me wonder why all of these people in the reviews have been getting such bad battery life.
It all depends on what it's relative to. When I had a BB, I'd go almost 5 days between charges, but there's no comparison between a BB and a 4.5" LCD screen.
mohcho said:
It all depends on what it's relative to. When I had a BB, I'd go almost 5 days between charges, but there's no comparison between a BB and a 4.5" LCD screen.
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This is a key point. The big screen is a huge battery sink. The battery widget in Beautiful Widgets gives a percentage battery use for components. With mine, the display's battery usage is always at least twice as big the next nearest battery sink. It is not uncommon to see that it is using 90% of the juice. I think this explains a lot of the early complaints about battery life. We all spend hours playing with a new phone and getting it set up to our liking. That means the display is lit up for hours. That means people get lousy battery life when they first get their phone.
greyhulk said:
Just out of curiosity: Why put it in airplane mode at night? Why not just plug it in to recharge?
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I was trying to see how long I could go on a single charge. Airplane mode shut down radios that might otherwise continue to run, trying to pull data I would not see while asleep. Also, I would occasionally run the battery all the way down before recharging. I generally plug it in at work, in my car or at home when it gets down around 10% remaining.

Battery life and Charging time

I've owned the Samsung Focus S now for 12 days. I came from an android bionic. I have owned Windows Phones before, the Venue Pro and the Hd7. But this is my first Samsung.
For the first few days, the battery life was fine, a full day. But this past week I find my self hard pressed to reach a full work day. I don't play music during the day nor do I have many, if any calls. Mostly SMS and internet.
I've turned off as many background tasks as acceptable, limited the number of live tiles, set brightness to auto, and check email off of push. Yet this morning I reached 20% in about 8 hours.
In addition, I find the time to charge is extremely long. It might take 4-6 hours to fully charge from 80%.
Is this normal for a Samsung?? My other windows phones, and my bionic certainly do no present the same battery problems as this one does.
Thoughts, or is this usual?
Do you have wi-fi turned on? This is a real battery burner...
My Focus S usually goes through about a day and a half before I need to recharge. That's with a few phone calls, some messages, a bit of wi-fi browsing at night, etc. Email only gets checked every hour but it's on 3 different accounts.
drtolson said:
Do you have wi-fi turned on? This is a real battery burner...
My Focus S usually goes through about a day and a half before I need to recharge. That's with a few phone calls, some messages, a bit of wi-fi browsing at night, etc. Email only gets checked every hour but it's on 3 different accounts.
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while I'm home WiFi is on. Away from home its off. This is normal behavior for all my phones. All of them last at least 18-24 hrs, under the same condition.
Took it back to art. They said , lets try a different battery. I'm willing to try it for now.
I just wanted to add to this as I seem to be experiencing a similar issue.
I purchased my phone at the end of Dec, it's been great.
Now, since around a week ago I've been having issues. I used to get roughly 2 days use per charge and it used to charge quickly.
Now, the phone runs hot, the battery drains in 6 hours or less, and it takes many hours to recharge.
I turned off the one app running in the background. I turned off wi-fi. It doesn't seem to help. The battery itself doesn't seem to be too hot, but it's hard to judge.
tinyiota said:
I just wanted to add to this as I seem to be experiencing a similar issue.
I purchased my phone at the end of Dec, it's been great.
Now, since around a week ago I've been having issues. I used to get roughly 2 days use per charge and it used to charge quickly.
Now, the phone runs hot, the battery drains in 6 hours or less, and it takes many hours to recharge.
I turned off the one app running in the background. I turned off wi-fi. It doesn't seem to help. The battery itself doesn't seem to be too hot, but it's hard to judge.
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I did a factory reset, and got a new battery. I then reinstalled less than half of my existing apps. In addition I've set my display brightness to medium.
Battery life has doubled, and the charging is much quicker.
Read an article yesterday about ads in free apps eating about 35% more battery. Who knows.
Even if they're running in the background? My Focus S takes a lot of time to charge and decharges so fast. 35% is no joke.
---------- Post added at 07:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:40 AM ----------
Even if they're running in the background? My Focus S takes a lot of time to charge and discharges so fast. 35% is no joke.
I'm also having some kind of battery issue, I have 2 batteries and they are both 100% charged but by the end of the day one is completely dead and the other is about 20%. I use my phone a lot for music and browsing over 4g and WiFi, but I charge by battery to 100% then go to the battery saver setting and at 100% it says time remaining about 5 hours. An when I turn on battery saver it says about 6 hours. On a full charge this seems crazy. Also with the homebrew battery monitor app. It says my phone is using over 4000mV. With screen set to low and in airplane mode. This is wierd.
Sent from my SGH-i937 using Board Express
goldenpipes said:
I'm also having some kind of battery issue, I have 2 batteries and they are both 100% charged but by the end of the day one is completely dead and the other is about 20%. I use my phone a lot for music and browsing over 4g and WiFi, but I charge by battery to 100% then go to the battery saver setting and at 100% it says time remaining about 5 hours. An when I turn on battery saver it says about 6 hours. On a full charge this seems crazy. Also with the homebrew battery monitor app. It says my phone is using over 4000mV. With screen set to low and in airplane mode. This is wierd.
Sent from my SGH-i937 using Board Express
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4000mV? I assume you mean mA? not mV? 4000mV is only 4V which is about right, your voltage shouldn't change much, perhaps +-10% tops
if you do in fact mean Amps...
4000mA is 4A an hour, your battery would be dead in about 20 min at that rate and probably in fire as well
So, lets look at this in a different way,
2 batteries, that's about 3.3Ah max, you only had about 20% left in one which is approx 330mA so lets call it an even 3A of juice burned during your day.
An Average long day at work 12 hours
that's 250mAh current draw every single hour of that 12 hour day.
250 is quite high, but normal with the screen on and high brightness an wifi, however that isn't normal if you are normal and don't sit at your phone each hour for an hour for a whole day.
Things that can send your phone off on a amp burning spree? most common one is the backlight, set it to auto, and have a dark /black theme, AMOLED is the opposite to normal LCD screens where having a white background was best,
Next up is your signal strength, low 3G signal will eat your battery (4G is worse but thankfully we don't have that)
keep battery saving on all the time, it only kicks in when it needs to but I have seen dramatic differences having it turned off even with a full battery, im not sure what it changes when its not down to low battery but it does something.
background tasks can play a part but are minimal on WP.
I have 3 accounts on push sync, wifi and Bluetooth always on (but not always connected), I use it a lot during the day including several phone calls and web browsing, I start work at 8am, finish at 7 or 8 PM and im still sitting with 50% battery...
that works out at an average of just under 70mAh. that's about the normal level id expect, its double that if I turn battery saver off (even though it wont kick in until the last hour of the day)
oh I can make it go quicker when I show off the full capability's of our screens too

