I've had 7.0.3 on SD card and tried to update tonight. Put nightly 203 and gapps 0821onto SD card. Power up nook, it unpacks 203 and gapps then shuts down. No matter what I've tried, I cannot get the nook to power on (power button for couple minutes, power and n, connected to PC, re-created the 203/0821 SD card, re-created a 203/0613gapps SD card, etc).
So I finally wanted a sanity check, put 7.0.3 and gapps 20110307 back on, unpacked , then booted up fine... so I think I have the process down.
What the heck is going on???
What version of the SD installer image are you using? V3 doesn't fully support 7.0.3 so updating does not work. You tried a fresh install of the nightly correct?
Sent from my LG Optimus V using Tapatalk
I have 1.3 of the SD installer image that I first used back in May or early June timeframe (from here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1000957 ). I was surprised to see it is still the same version.
Yes, I used the windows utility to re-image this 1.3 installer. Re-inserted the card into PC. Then copied the nightly 203 and gapps 0821 zip files.
Assuming you have created a good uSD imager.
My suggestion: do nb203 first then gapps next, do one at the time, not both, meaning get the nb203 in the uSD, let it update, shut down, back to PC, copy the gapps over, redo the process to update gapps.
My question: where do you get the gapps 0821? I thought 20110613 is the latest one.
I think the SD image is good, I have done the CM7.0.3 with gapps two or three times now.
I can never get the nook to boot into RecoveryModeif I put the gapps file on after the CM7 has unpacked/updated. When I first made the SD card, I had to do both together then as well because I could not get into RecoveryMode.
Here is where I downloaded 0821: http://goo-inside.me/gapps/
I saw that there is some RecoveryMode.zip file. Can I put that on the SD with gapps to force RecoveryMode? I read about it but it wasn't clear if it can be used like this.
Thank you for the advice BTW.
itesla said:
I think the SD image is good, I have done the CM7.0.3 with gapps two or three times now.
I can never get the nook to boot into RecoveryModeif I put the gapps file on after the CM7 has unpacked/updated. When I first made the SD card, I had to do both together then as well because I could not get into RecoveryMode.
Here is where I downloaded 0821: http://goo-inside.me/gapps/
I saw that there is some RecoveryMode.zip file. Can I put that on the SD with gapps to force RecoveryMode? I read about it but it wasn't clear if it can be used like this.
Thank you for the advice BTW.
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If you install any newer CM7 nightlies just power on holding the "n" until you see the logo say loading menu... then you can select SD card and Recovery mode.
You can also copy uRec* to uAlt* and power on holding vol + and - together to skip the menu altogether.
Thanks for the help! I didn't realize / forgot that you could get into recovery mode easily after installing CM7. I had a heck of a time first time I put 7.0.3 on a while back so wanted to do CM7 and gapps at the same time. Anyway, I am running CM7 nightly 203 and gapps 201106113 now
Glad things work out well for you, m8
Enjoy CM7
I'm a noob with not enough privilages to post over in the developer's forum, so posting here.
I've successfully imaged and booted to CM7 using verygreen's project:
Next step was to try adding/installing gapps and using recover. I've tried a few different times doing a few different things, but all end up rebooting (with SD in the NC) to the original boot of the NC, as if out of the box. I get the hand going over to the android and having to "Set Language" and wifi.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong and it looks like others got it to work.
Any help?
Have you actually booted into CM7? The nook boots first to the SD card, so if you can't boot now into CM7 that means that something has changed on the SD card. In other words, on boot the nook looks for something useful (like a bootable OS) on the card and if it can't find it boots to internal (original B&N OS).
So, do a normal power up and see if you boot into CM7 on the sd card. If so, see below about booting in recovery (once you've added the google files). If not, something's amiss with the image on the card.
YOu may be having a problem booting into recovery -- this is pretty common. It can be tricky timing the release of the buttons. Follow the directions on verygreen's post carefully. Push the N button first, then power, count off about 6 seconds and make sure that you see the message before releasing. Took me a few tries to get the recovery screen instead of booting normally.
I can tell you that I've done this a few times and it does indeed work. The only tricky part is timing to button thing when booting into recovery.
Yep, I did boot into CM7... The wallpaper changed and there were new icons, of which I can't remember at the moment.
I know what you are saying about entering recovery mode... I think I got that set. I can see when entering recovery mode, as the penquin icon is shown and then all the messages come up, including expanding the zip files.
My problem is getting the gapps included. I've tried just copying over the gapps zip file and do recovery with that. I've tried copying both the CM7 nightly and the gapps zips and do recovery. I also noticed the instructions:
•Get u-boot.zip file from attachment in this post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...&postcount=153
•Unpack the u-boot.bin file and put it onto parttion 1 of the SD card instead of the one there.
•Rename file named uRecImage on the first partition to uRecImg (doh!)
•Get this uRamdisk file, rename it to uRecRam and then put the result to the 1st partition on the uSD card instead of the file with the same name there
I've also done that... still boots to as if it is a brand new, out of the box Nook. I take it that means the SD is messed up. So I'm doing something wrong in how to get the gapps on.
Sounds like the easiest way for you is to start over.
Re-image your card with verygreen's 1.1 from the beginning of his post.
Then download the version of CM7 you want (verygreen's or rc4 or whatever)
add this .zip to the sd card, download gapps and also add this to the sd card.
Insert into nook and boot.
You have to put these zips on the sd card BEFORE you boot into CM7 the first time. This is why you have to re-image.
This is what I did and everything worked great. Skip the gapps login until you have wifi setup of course and everything should be fine.
Yup, sounds like danbutter has it right. I know how frustrating this is, but it really is worth it.
You may have problems prepping your SD card to re-image because of partitioning. One way to start with a really clean slate is to download Paragon Partition Manager (the free addition) and totally wipe all the existing partitions. Windows disk manager won't do it.
robedney said:
You may have problems prepping your SD card to re-image because of partitioning. One way to start with a really clean slate is to download Paragon Partition Manager (the free addition) and totally wipe all the existing partitions. Windows disk manager won't do it.
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I don't know exactly what it is with this, but I have never had this issue and I have re flashed a couple sd cards many many times playing with this and all I have ever done was select the new image and write it to the card.
Is this something to do with certain card readers or what?
I'm using a five year old HP laptop and its built in card reader.
Just curious
So I'm booting from a SD card into CM7 7.0.2 currently. I'm using a custom boot file so I can choose to hold down the home screen button if I want to boot into the stock 1.2 OS instead.
I only have this single 2gb SD card to use atm. What would be the proper process to update to the nightly 69 build from here? I need to make sure that when I update, my current SD card is in there and that's where the install is saved to. I had an issue prior where I booted with an alternate SD card (which I no longer have) and it installed to the eMMC. That wasn't fun as I had to do a complete restore.
I am booting from an SD card.
To update, I put the uSD card in the PC and then just copy the new build zip file to the uSD card.
Then I put the card in the Nook, press the N + power button and when I see the "Touch the Future of Reading", count to 4 and release the buttons. Don't count to slow. I noticed one time the TTFOR disappeared and it booted into the Nook software. I just shut it down and did it again.
The Nook will automatically see the new zip file, expand it and load the new build. Once done, it will delete the zip file from the uSD card.
I noticed the newer builds automatically reboot the unit but if yours doesn't, it will stop at "Flushing Cache" and sit there. Leave it alone until the screen goes dark (a couple of minutes) and then reboot it (N + power button). You should get the Android. and about a minute later the CM7 spinning logo.
You are updated. And you don't lose any apps or data either!
If you are overclocking, I would set it back to 800MHz before you do this as a precaution.
Finally, there is an easy way to add overclocking to a new build. You just need the overclock zip file, the new build and WinRAR 3.80. Let me know if you want that info.
Well that worked as you said, thanks! I did have one problem but I fixed it myself. As I mentioned, I have a modified boot file which loads the Nook OS if I hold the N button. So trying to get into recovery or have the CM7 noticed the .zip file by holding Power+N didn't work. Luckily I still had the original u-boot.bin file and was able to copy it back onto the SD card and then I was able to get the update installed.
As to the OC, I assume I'd just put it back on the same way I did with the original.
I've read your post, and a few others but I'm either not understanding (my money is on this one!!!!) or missing a step.
I'm running Nook Color Stock 1.2 on emmc and CM 7 on the SD card.
I've tried using ROM Manager as well as copying the latest nightly to the /boot partition of the SD card.
If I boot into recovery and update the zip from the SD, I always end up over-writing the emmc of the nook, losing stock and all my apps, instead of the CD card being updated.
What am I doing wrong?? Would like to upgrade to the latest nightly. But I don't want to screw up stock (hate having to restore and redownload all the apps every time).
No matter what I do, I always end up over-writing the emmc instead of updated the SD card.
phoenix1972 said:
I've read your post, and a few others but I'm either not understanding (my money is on this one!!!!) or missing a step.
I'm running Nook Color Stock 1.2 on emmc and CM 7 on the SD card.
I've tried using ROM Manager as well as copying the latest nightly to the /boot partition of the SD card.
If I boot into recovery and update the zip from the SD, I always end up over-writing the emmc of the nook, losing stock and all my apps, instead of the CD card being updated.
What am I doing wrong?? Would like to upgrade to the latest nightly. But I don't want to screw up stock (hate having to restore and redownload all the apps every time).
No matter what I do, I always end up over-writing the emmc instead of updated the SD card.
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All you have to do is put the update zip on the boot part' of the sd card and boot up the sd install like normal and it'll see the zip and automatically flash it for you.
I've tried using ROM Manager as well as copying the latest nightly to the /boot partition of the SD card.
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If you're booting CM7 off uSD, you can forget about the "ROM Manager".
phoenix1972 said:
I've read your post, and a few others but I'm either not understanding (my money is on this one!!!!) or missing a step.
I'm running Nook Color Stock 1.2 on emmc and CM 7 on the SD card.
I've tried using ROM Manager as well as copying the latest nightly to the /boot partition of the SD card.
If I boot into recovery and update the zip from the SD, I always end up over-writing the emmc of the nook, losing stock and all my apps, instead of the CD card being updated.
What am I doing wrong?? Would like to upgrade to the latest nightly. But I don't want to screw up stock (hate having to restore and redownload all the apps every time).
No matter what I do, I always end up over-writing the emmc instead of updated the SD card.
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You are probably using the install zip option. You do not do this. You just put the zip on the boot partition, boot into recovery and the reboot. DO NOT flash anything.
Sent from my LG Optimus V using Tapatalk
Let me try to clarify... when they are saying boot into recovery... they aren NOT meaning Clockwork Recovery... they mean using the boot menu (press "n" button when you see the Cyaonogen logo) and selectin boot from SD card and Recovery. That is the SASD rocovery (install) mode and will install the update zip file from the root of the boot partition.
Thanks for clarifying DizzyDen!!! That's the part that I was screwing up
Like I just screwed up the Stock again...but that's alright...live and learn
Updating the latest right now...then I'll be putting stock back on emmc
Thanks again for the clarification
Updating to the latest nightly on CM7 SD installation?
I'm a newbie so please have some patience. I'm trying to do the same thing, update my cm_encore_full-159.zip to cm_encore_full-177.zip. I boot from a microsd card to Android. When I install it I pushed a button during the early boot process and went to a menu. Changed "boot device" from "emmc" to "SD" and "Normal" to "Alternative". When I turn on the Nook Color after it installs, I do nothing and it boots to Android but if I put a button it goes to the menu where I push the volume down button 3 times and I boot to the stock Nook Color. So, if I copy the cm_encore_full-177.zip to my microsd card, go to the menu, change the "emmc" to "SD" and "Normal" to "Alternative, this should update my 159 to 177 without losing any apps, email, etc.? Thanks
themofoman said:
I'm a newbie so please have some patience. I'm trying to do the same thing, update my cm_encore_full-159.zip to cm_encore_full-177.zip. I boot from a microsd card to Android. When I install it I pushed a button during the early boot process and went to a menu. Changed "boot device" from "emmc" to "SD" and "Normal" to "Alternative". When I turn on the Nook Color after it installs, I do nothing and it boots to Android but if I put a button it goes to the menu where I push the volume down button 3 times and I boot to the stock Nook Color. So, if I copy the cm_encore_full-177.zip to my microsd card, go to the menu, change the "emmc" to "SD" and "Normal" to "Alternative, this should update my 159 to 177 without losing any apps, email, etc.? Thanks
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1. in bold text above... select "Recovery" not Alternative...
2. you either move the SD to your computer to put the update on the boot partition of the SD or you have to mount /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 to a directory (I created /sdcard/boot for this) and push the update to the BOOT partition.
Nook Color How to Update to CM7 Nighthly
Good Day,
What a fantastic website! I am new to the forum. Could you please answer the questions or provide a link to the answers?
1. What utility and procedure would I follow to back up the stock Nook Color partitions in ROM to include the stock Nook Color apps I have installed?
2. What utility and procedure would I follow to back up the apps I have purchased from the Android Market place for CM7 running off the SD card?
3. I have update-cm-7.0.0-encore-signed.zip installed. I want to update to cm_encore_full-177.zip. Do I use win32image to "burn" the new nightly to the SD card? Or, do I drag and drop the new
nightly to the SD card? If yes, on which directory (folder) on the SD card do I place the new nightly build?
Thank you!
Try my best to help.
1. I don't deal with stock, so can't help here.
2. I never intend to run any backup when booting off uSD, can't help.
3. Assuming you're booting off uSD, then just copy the new .zip file (do not rename, do not unzip) into the boot partition (root folder) of the card. Insert it into the NC, boot it into Recovery. When it's in recovery mode, it'll fully automatically do the update then deletes the .zip file, you don't have to do anything, just wait until it shuts itself down then you power it up.
I am running the following - CM7 - nightly build 08022011 on SD - Dalingrin's OC kernel @ 1200MHz NOOKcolor
I am trying to update to a newer nightly build. I have the file downloaded on the SD card but can't get it to update.
Where does the file have to go?
I tried to reboot into recovery mode and that didn't do anything.
Any help would be great.
***I must have been sleepy yesterday as I got it to work now....
removed ./10chars
Hello, fellow Androidians who are wiser than I,
I bought a Nook Color and managed to get CWM and CM7 installed on an 8gb SD card (not rooted to the Nook yet). I'm trying to get Gapps installed so I can install other Google apps, but it doesn't seem to be working.
I downloaded the .zip file from the cyanogen mod wiki (bottom of page), the version for CM7. Actually I clicked on the first link and got a major malware warning for my PC, but the mirror link worked fine.
So I turned off my Nook, took the SD card out, put it back in the PC and copied the gapps...zip file to the SD card. The instructions I followed are kind of unclear about this whole thing. I copied it into the only partition that comes up in Windows (called Boot). Then I put the SD card back in the Nook and restart it.
At this point I am supposed to reboot into recovery mode. I think I did that, but I don't get any dialogues to answer, so I'm not sure if I did or not. I have rebooted a couple of times from within the OS by using the "Reboot/Reboot to Recovery Mode" option when turning off. The Nook reboots, but it seems to just start normally, and no new Marketplace icon is visible. Also the .zip file on the hard drive is still there.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
I think I've heard something before about making sure you're connected to wifi?
I heard that you have to go online and then the Marketplace icon shows up, but I was already on Wifi. I turned it off, rebooted and turned it back on, but nothing happened.
This has happened to me as well. I've found if you flash CM7 7.0.2, with the gapps and everything, then flash 7.0.3, with the gapps and kernel, it will work (at least for me it does)
mrdarklight said:
I have rebooted a couple of times from within the OS by using the "Reboot/Reboot to Recovery Mode" option when turning off. The Nook reboots, but it seems to just start normally, and no new Marketplace icon is visible. Also the .zip file on the hard drive is still there.
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Do you mean that the .zip file is still on the SD card (in the /boot partition)? If so, you probably haven't made it into recovery mode yet. Instead of using the "Reboot to recovery" option, turn off the Nook, then power it on by holding the "n" button and power button together. Keep holding both buttons until about 3-4 seconds after you first see text on the screen ("Touch the future" or "Read forever").
Ah thanks jll, that's what it was. It's kind of a weird process, you actually have to turn it on like that twice. The first time it just goes off. It's working now, thanks.
cant install gapps either
I cant install the gapps either . I installed cm7 iniatially .Then I downloaded the gapps to the sd card . I have read other threads of people redoing the sd card and installing cm7 and gapps at the same time just wanted some advice before going down this path
I have a problem a Nook of a friend which is stuck on Read Forever screen
I had install the rom of CM on it. and after I went to rom manager to make an update of the recovery i tried to reboot the device.
after of that the nook is stuck in this screen,
I tried to make a bootable SD recovery card but it does not boot from the SD either.
Any solution.
Is CM7 installed on the card or the internal memory?
sorry guys I had made a bad copy of my sd card recovey.
everything is ok now.
please Mods delete my thread if possible!
Thanks in advance!
merry x-mas guys
Got a problem,
Step-son got a nook color from his grams, intended to put CM7 on it so he has some halfway decent tablet, so he can play his flash games on it.
- after setup of the Nook color, it downloaded version 1.4.1 of it's own B&N OS
- did the uNooter from an 8 GB SD card (according to these instructions http://wiki.cyanogen...ll_Update_Guide), worked almost like a charm, at reboot i got a popup reading "default action: Home OR [that special menu-loader from the uNooter on the SD card]. after tapping the special menu-loader i was able to go into ROM MANAGER, did FLASH CLOCKWORK MOD RECOVERY, 5 minutes later gave SUPER USER/ROOT permissions, reboot, worked fine.
- tried to put the CM 7.1 on said 8 GB SD card, noticing that the uNooter image only has a ~70 MB partition and the rest of the 8GB is unused, so the 100MB "update.zip" doesn't fit (obviously).
- DOWNLOADING Roms via ROM MANGER directly is obviously a no-go, because it has no premium license, and loading it from the 8GB SD-card isnt working because the partition was only ~70 MB small.
- ASSUMING that the uNooter is NEEDED EVERYTIME to get into that special menu-loader for the Color Nook, I selected in ROM MANGER the option PARTITION SD CARD, thinking it will lead me into a menu where i can make another partition, beside the uNooters, to dump the CM 7.1 update.zip to flash the Nook Color's Rom with CM 7.1
- next thing I know, it reboots, and its stuck at the "Read Forever"-boot screen.
I PRESUME that ROM MANAGER's "partition SD card" screwed with the internal/virtual 'SD-card partition' and not my actual microSD chip loaded into the Nook Color's microSD-slot.
Is there a way to restore the device and/or load CM 7.1 on it, and if so, how; or am i ****ed ?
PS: is there a way to force-reboot the Nook Color? like as it's on phones often the case, by force-crashing it by holding down a combo of keys ? if so, which ones?
Atlana, same question answered here, as well as over on CM forum.
Hold power button for 20 seconds or so to force power off. Do it twice until you see it start to boot.
I have two NookHD+ but bought a HD for one of my sons. Got it yesterday and went about trying to figure out how to get CM 11 or 10.2 on it.
So took me forever to figure out it won't boot to SD without the power cable plugged in, even if battery is full. Whatever.
1. So created boot SD with NookHD-bootable-CWM-6027-for-emmc-stock-4GB-rev3-(02.03.13).img
2. Wiped and then installed cwm-recovery-hummingbird-5.zip
3. Tried to install cm-11-20140117-UNOFFICIAL-hummingbird-emmc.zip but failed saying something like "System 7" (not sure about "System" but 7 I'm sure about.)
Gave up on CM11, decided to try 10.2
1. Did a restore, wiped, then installed cm-10.2-20140117-UNOFFICIAL-hummingbird-emmc.zip and gapps-jb-20130813-signed.zip
2. Now with SD card removed it boots to CWM. I thought it might be something to do with cwm-recovery-hummingbird-5.zip so I tried cwm-recovery-hummingbird-2.zip but it still boots to CWM with the card removed.
Previosuly I screwed the pooch with one of the HD+and I had a stock ROM, but can't seem to find one for the HD.
Anyway, I hope someone had the answer please, son was using it a little stock and it's just plain broken now, so I feel like a jerk. HELP!:crying:
If possible, try starting from the beginning. Installing CM11 for many users has been problematic; so I'd recommend CM10.x for now.
Insert your SD card into your computer's card reader, and format it using SDFormatter. Now using your preferred tool, burn the .img file to your SD card (NookHD-bootable-CWM-6027-for-emmc-stock-4GB-rev3-(02.03.13).img).
Once burned, download a stable version of CM10.2.1 (or 10.1.3 if you prefer) from: http://download.cyanogenmod.org/?device=hummingbird&type=stable and download gapps from: http://goo.im/gapps for the version of CM you download. Also download "CWM Recovery zip" (cwm-recovery-hummingbird-2.zip) for Nook HD at: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2319000 (on the 5th paragraph). Once you have downloaded all three files, place them on your SD card.
Now eject your SD card from the computer. Turn your Nook off. Place the SD card in, and turn your Nook on (if your Nook does not boot from the SD card, do whatever method works for you to get it to boot). Once booted into CWM Recovery via SD card, install "cwm-recovery-hummingbird-2.zip", now reboot your device. Make sure you're in this version of the recovery. Now clear your cache partition, and install both CM and Gapps.
After flashing/install, try rebooting. Hopefully you should be able to boot into CyanogenMod. If not, reply back please and I have another definite trick up my sleeve.
All the best.
aku69 said:
I have two NookHD+ but bought a HD for one of my sons. Got it yesterday and went about trying to figure out how to get CM 11 or 10.2 on it.
So took me forever to figure out it won't boot to SD without the power cable plugged in, even if battery is full. Whatever.
1. So created boot SD with NookHD-bootable-CWM-6027-for-emmc-stock-4GB-rev3-(02.03.13).img
2. Wiped and then installed cwm-recovery-hummingbird-5.zip
3. Tried to install cm-11-20140117-UNOFFICIAL-hummingbird-emmc.zip but failed saying something like "System 7" (not sure about "System" but 7 I'm sure about.)
Gave up on CM11, decided to try 10.2
1. Did a restore, wiped, then installed cm-10.2-20140117-UNOFFICIAL-hummingbird-emmc.zip and gapps-jb-20130813-signed.zip
2. Now with SD card removed it boots to CWM. I thought it might be something to do with cwm-recovery-hummingbird-5.zip so I tried cwm-recovery-hummingbird-2.zip but it still boots to CWM with the card removed.
Previosuly I screwed the pooch with one of the HD+and I had a stock ROM, but can't seem to find one for the HD.
Anyway, I hope someone had the answer please, son was using it a little stock and it's just plain broken now, so I feel like a jerk. HELP!:crying:
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The reason the CM11 did not install without an error message is it needs a newer version of CWM to flash it.
And you may need to go to my HD/HD+ CWM thread and flash the plain stock zip from item 6. That aborted CM11 install probably messed up your internal memory. Then you can start clean with CM10.2.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
Thank you, I'll try it now, Formatted with SDFormatter and Burning NookHD-bootable-CWM-6027-for-emmc-stock-4GB-rev3-(02.03.13).img now (takes a while for whatever reason, class 4 card)
I'll then install...
1. Install cwm-recovery-hummingbird-2.zip - Reboot
2. Clear Cache, Wipe then
3. install cm-10.2-20140117-UNOFFICIAL-hummingbird-emmc.zip And gapps-jb-20130813-signed.zip.
Thank you, stay tuned for results!
leapinlar said:
And you may need to go to my HD/HD+ CWM thread and flash the plain stock zip from item 6. That aborted CM11 install probably messed up your internal memory. Then you can start clean with CM10.2.p
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Yeah you saved my HD+ with the stock image last time, but I can't seem to find the link or I don't recognize it. I must be blind, I'll go look closer...
Thank you
Edit, found it! thank you, helped that you told me "Item 6"
Ok, got it working and I got it working with CW11.
HiddenG, I tried your steps as best I could and no love from the Nook. After getting NookHD-stock-2.1.1-rooted.zip and installing it from the CWM that was burned on to the SD, the unit appeared to be back to stock. So I'll document the rest for others trying to install CW11 on the NookHD.
1. Burned a SD card with NookHD-bootable-CWM-6027-for-emmc-stock-4GB-rev3-(02.03.13).img
2. Copied cwm-recovery-hummingbird-5.zip, cm-11-20140117-UNOFFICIAL-hummingbird-emmc and gapps-kk-20140105-signed to SD.
3. Booted from SD and cleared cache/wiped. Installed cwm-recovery-hummingbird-5.zip. (Cleared cache/wiped again because I'm never sure on the order of such things)
4. Removed SD card and booted from the internal CWM (the one installed from cwm-recovery-hummingbird-5) by holding down nook sign and powering on.
5. Installed cm-11-20140117-UNOFFICIAL-hummingbird-emmc and gapps-kk-20140105-signed. Cleared cache/wiped again because figured it was good to do ensure it was done.??
6. Remove SD card and Rebooted via the CWM menu.
7. Enjoying CW11
Thank you both for leapinlar & HiddenG for your help. You've saved the day and made my son a happy little guy again! :victory:
Haha, glad you got your son's Nook working again. Restoring to stock firmware/ROM was actually my last "definite trick up my sleeve." Anyhow, I'm happy for you!