[Q] Since Update 2.3.6 Wifi disconnect,reconnect - Nexus One Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hi all
Since i updated my Nexus One manually with the here provided Update 2.3.6. My Nexus One loose WiFi every 10 Seconds. On Google Support they are many Threads about this. For Example :
Many users have problem with this annoying bug. I wonder why here is nothing to find about this.
Anyone here with the same Problem since 2.3.6. ?

Can´t understand why no one cares here. The Google support Forum is full of the same complains about WiFi rendered useless by 2.3.6.
Nexus one
Nexus S
all areas
Same Problem after update. WiFi drops every 20 seconds and reconnect.
Is here no one with the same problem ?

I believe its been mentioned in a number of threads...

Happens to me as well, I hope Google addresses this issue.

It isn't that I don't care, but I haven't had the issue with my phone (granted, I am not running stock but am running a CM7 nightly).
I am not sure what good it would be to chime in and say that it isn't happening to me. I think a lot of the consistent xda forum respondents aren't running stock, so they probably aren't having the issue.


[Q] after update to 2.3.6,wifi can not connect

My WiFi connection has always been reliable and robust before the update to 2.3.6,but now it works wrong,the wifi is scanning repeatedly.When I try to connect my wireless,the connection button is disable.
Anyone else seeing this? Would you give me a suggestion?
Thank you!
I've had the same problem since 2.3.6 was pushed to my Nexus One. There seems to be some people with this and other serious issues, but there doesn't appear to be any acknowledgement of the problems from Google. I have read some posts by people who use their phones for their business and such, and the issues with 2.3.6 are causing them to lose time and money. I don't know why they released this, they obviously didn't test it very well.

[Q] 3g keeps switching off

im having problems with my 3g on my phone its a samsung galaxy s 2 gt i9100 and version 2.3.3
it keeps turning on and of randomly for no reason some times it just goes of and other times it actually deactivates itself. ive removed juice defender which i thought was the cause but its still switching on and of randomly somtimes it will last for a hour or so other times it wil go on and of every 5 mins.
sometimes i can simply switch the data mode on and of and that works but most times i have to reboot the phone and everytime i reboot it the internet is back on.
what could be causing this its driving me made as i use my phone as a router most of the time. i know its not the network im on because it happens in every country i go to on a new sim.
is there a simple solution is it a android fault or samsung fault?
anyone have a solution to this as i really like my samsung phone but this problem is really annoying.
ddn100 said:
im having problems with my 3g on my phone its a samsung galaxy s 2 gt i9100 and version 2.3.3
it keeps turning on and of randomly for no reason some times it just goes of and other times it actually deactivates itself. ive removed juice defender which i thought was the cause but its still switching on and of randomly somtimes it will last for a hour or so other times it wil go on and of every 5 mins.
sometimes i can simply switch the data mode on and of and that works but most times i have to reboot the phone and everytime i reboot it the internet is back on.
what could be causing this its driving me made as i use my phone as a router most of the time. i know its not the network im on because it happens in every country i go to on a new sim.
is there a simple solution is it a android fault or samsung fault?
anyone have a solution to this as i really like my samsung phone but this problem is really annoying.
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anybody else get this problem with a samsung or android phone ?
I don't own a 9100 but a 9001 (SGS Plus). The 2.3.3 firmware for my device gave me the exact same issue. I solved it by updating to 2.3.6. But you would need to ask someone who is more familiar with the S2 which ROM ist best as I don't know those.
wintel_mac said:
I don't own a 9100 but a 9001 (SGS Plus). The 2.3.3 firmware for my device gave me the exact same issue. I solved it by updating to 2.3.6. But you would need to ask someone who is more familiar with the S2 which ROM ist best as I don't know those.
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thanks for the reply now how easy is it to update the phone it says there is no update avalibile when i try to check for updates.
How easy is it to do this rom thing and flashing id need a step by step guide id rather just be able to update it with the click of one button.
i assume you havn't rooted/flashed before? if not, either get into a decent wifi area and update your phone through the settings (that worked for my friends galaxy ace) or see if theres an update through samsungs own software "Kies"
personally i think the 3g issue seems to fall on samsungs side of things but i could be wrong,
no i havent rooted or flashed before. When i try to update in the phone info check for updates it says there is none im currently in the uae is the update done by the network or by samsung. Ive never used kies either. Ill have a look at it i thought kies was just another form of wifi.

[Q] CM10.1 Dropping signal every few hours

Hi All,
I've searched around extensively for a solution to my issue but haven't come up with anything, possibly it's related to the baseband?
My LG Optimus 4x HD came from Hong Kong and I'm using it on Vodafone Australia.
I've installed CM10 which is buttery smooth, but my problem is that every 6-12 hours I completely lose my network signal and have to reboot my phone.
Enabling/disabling airplane mode has no effect. It seems to happen regardless of wifi, bluetooth, etc. It happened on CM10.1 and also 10.1.2.
I had stock v20b for a very short while and seem to remember my signal dropping with that rom as well, though it could have been something else.
Apologies if this has been answered before, but could someone please shed some light on this?
Many thanks in advance.
xdirex said:
Hi All,
I've searched around extensively for a solution to my issue but haven't come up with anything, possibly it's related to the baseband?
My LG Optimus 4x HD came from Hong Kong and I'm using it on Vodafone Australia.
I've installed CM10 which is buttery smooth, but my problem is that every 6-12 hours I completely lose my network signal and have to reboot my phone.
Enabling/disabling airplane mode has no effect. It seems to happen regardless of wifi, bluetooth, etc. It happened on CM10.1 and also 10.1.2.
I had stock v20b for a very short while and seem to remember my signal dropping with that rom as well, though it could have been something else.
Apologies if this has been answered before, but could someone please shed some light on this?
Many thanks in advance.
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i've been reporting this issue on CM10.1 from nightlies released after RC5, but no one could help me, so i decided to roll back to a stock based rom like Zaiben, where this issue doesn't exist, i miss CM10.1 a lot, but i asked in official forum, they ask me for logcat, i made the logcat but no error appears in it, even where the problem is present while i was recording the logcat, so i have no prove of existence of that bug

Modem crashing - bp-dumps

Hi guys.
Since last week I've been having an issue. My phone ramdomly looses signal for like 10 seconds and it generates a folder named "bd-dumps" with 3 archives on it: ramdump_modem_fw.bin, ramdump_modem_sw.bin and ramdump_smem.bin.
I didn't changed anything on the phone when the problem started. I was running LiquidSmooth ROM (Very nice, BTW), and started noticing this issue. In fact, I just noticed because my phone was lacking memory.
Now, I've been searching about this issue, but none of the solutions have worked for me. Some say is a bad SIM Card, others a bad network, but I am pretty sure that the issue is not about that.
Everytime that I turn on Data services, it happens. When data services are off, it doesn't.
Anybody has have this issue or have any idea what is this about? I attached some screenshots. Thanks!
Edit: I already changed ROMS, flashed Stock with RSD and flashed modem, but the problem still the same.
This is old.
Been happening on CM based roms since 10.2 or before, for me it will only crash while on H+, 2G won't crash. Stock rom doesn't crash. Already tried buying a new SIM card too.
Devs are either unaware/not willing to look into it/not capable of reproducing since it only seems to happen to certain unlucky people, probably related to some types of networks, since my crashes only occur while on certain regions of my country.
On the other hand, if anyone capable enough is willing to look into this, i'd glady crash my phone a thousand times to generate logcats, dumps or whatever is needed to debug this ****, after all, this is a dealbraker for CM, this is a phone after all.
jaweinre said:
This is old.
Been happening on CM based roms since 10.2 or before, for me it will only crash while on H+, 2G won't crash. Stock rom doesn't crash. Already tried buying a new SIM card too.
Devs are either unaware/not willing to look into it/not capable of reproducing since it only seems to happen to certain unlucky people, probably related to some types of networks, since my crashes only occur while on certain regions of my country.
On the other hand, if anyone capable enough is willing to look into this, i'd glady crash my phone a thousand times to generate logcats, dumps or whatever is needed to debug this ****, after all, this is a dealbraker for CM, this is a phone after all.
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In my case, it does crash on Stock too. That's my problem. I flashed with RSD to Stock and still the same.
I have also tried other ROMs but the problem still the same. Any ideas?
Modem still crashes for me on anything not based on stock 4.1.1 / 4.1.2 - That said, latest PAC jbbl 20140825 has had the least, but persistent and consistently crashing at the same intervals.
I came from stock 4.1.1 latest ota to 4.1.2MX then PAC jbbl 20140825, only got about 6-7% signal loss. Where as all other roms 4.2 4.3 and 4.4.x have been similar results in the 20-30% signal loss.
In your case, if you've not realized since, your modem might be bad hardware-wise. Since you say it was working and then started suddenly, even on stock. Stock I get 0% signal loss.

My second N6, the same problem

I bought the Nexus 6 (blue, 64gb) the day one, in November and since that day I noticed random reboots in a particular situation. When I switch to a WiFi network to another it shuts down and so I have to turn it on. When it turns on I have lost all my WiFi networks configurations, so passwords, dhcp settings, etc.
Random reboots rarely happen also in camera/gallery apps.
I tried to send it back to google and I received a new nexus. The first one was produced in June 2014, the new one in December 2014. The issue is still there. [emoji17] I've also tried to update to 5.1 but no resolution.
I have rooted, installed twrp, decrypted both my nexus 6 with toolkit.
How can I solve the problem? I was very happy with this phone.
Try using it completely stock and see what happens. I'd say chances are that if you set both up the same, it's something you're doing and not the hardware on 2 different phones.
But other people have made the same basic mods on their nexus and their phone has not this kind of issue.
Is it every network? Maybe try a stable custom ROM to see if it happens there too. Could be a problem with specific networks or even apps. Troubleshooting is the key. First try full wipe, no restored Apps.
I could be as simple as an app the developer has not updated since gingerbread or something stupid like that.
Is there a way to find the malicious app?
There definitely *was* a bug causing loss of wifi networks, and I think there may also have been a reboot involved there (not sure if we rebooted it manually, or if it just did it on its own as a response to a wpa_supplicant crash...). It was across the board for Android 5.0 though, not limited to Nexus 6. I saw my wife's Nexus 5 do it once. Never actually had it happen on my 6.
I'm not sure if this bug was fixed or not, since it wasn't something we tried to reproduce, and only happened once. The bug is definitely related to wpa_supplicant, since that is the only program that actually interacts with its configuration file (which is where the wifi configurations are actually stored).
As far as galleries go, you're not giving much to guess by. I certainly haven't seen galleries cause reboots like that. Maybe you are using a bad one?
Try this gallery; https://github.com/lbdroid/Android-Binaries/blob/master/Gallery2.apk
That is the actual AOSP gallery, modified to install as a standalone application. The source code is in another repository on my github.
*note: it will not do you any good at all to swap out your phone, since there is no indication that you are experiencing a hardware issue.
But why other people doesn't experience this problem that is related to WiFi? All people use WiFi and every time. Is there a way to fix the WPA_supplicant issue? Maybe a custom ROM?
My first n6 had also an hw issue, I think, because before it rebooted it gave me some little "buzz" from the top speaker.
mouse100 said:
But why other people doesn't experience this problem that is related to WiFi? All people use WiFi and every time. Is there a way to fix the WPA_supplicant issue? Maybe a custom ROM?
My first n6 had also an hw issue, I think, because before it rebooted it gave me some little "buzz" from the top speaker.
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all people use WiFi is an incorrect statement. you can say most ppl use wifi, but all would never happen. I hate using WiFi and NEVER use it except when its absolutely necessary. ive probably used WiFi 2 times on my n6 since getting my n6 in November, and there's no WiFi issues here.
mouse100 said:
Is there a way to find the malicious app?
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Yes, start with stock and install a few apps at a time until you get the problem. Given the fact that you have 2 different phones experiencing the same problem, it is much more likely that it is something software related rather than hardware (though I suppose it could be possible if you're really unlucky ).
mouse100 said:
But why other people doesn't experience this problem that is related to WiFi? All people use WiFi and every time. Is there a way to fix the WPA_supplicant issue? Maybe a custom ROM?
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You said that it happens when you change from one wifi network to another. Most people don't do that. Most people have one wifi network at a time and don't change it.
There is also a huge difference between wifi network configurations... A/B/N/AC, frequency, bandwidth, multiple-bands, encryptions, etc.
My first n6 had also an hw issue, I think, because before it rebooted it gave me some little "buzz" from the top speaker.
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