For the last couple of weeks i'm trying to get a Blur-rom working on my G1, but sadly it's giving me alot of problems.
I mainly tried flashing it from scratch, which means im running the following setup:
Running a class 6, microsd card;
fat32 (7200mb)
ext3 (500mb)
linux-swap (128mb)
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I also tried the same setup, except i used ext2 instead of ex3.
The problems I have;
After flashing the rom everything works ok. I sign in to motoblur, and set everything up. But after doing a reboot, the problems start. Right after I enter my pincode, and the homescreen starts loading, i'm getting force closes all over. In the end all I see is a blackscreen, and the white taskbar.
Is my setup wrong? If you ppl want more information, I can flash it again, and will try to collect some logs.
Thx in advance.
Still having the same problems, also when running the newest blur rom around (Motorola Blur / S-Blur_1.071 - Bluetooth).
Here is more info (my logs)
Hopefully somebody can help, since I wanna run this one on my phone badly
Still having the same problems, also when running the newest blur rom around (Motorola Blur / S-Blur_1.071 - Bluetooth).
Here is more info (my logs)
Hopefully somebody can help, since I wanna run this one on my phone badly
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First what kind of phone do you have? G1/MT3G/Hero ?
Next, did you make sure and do a COMPLETE wipe on your phone?
This means erase:
All of /data
You would do that from the Recovery screen. You can't just go into Recovery, then choose Drop to a terminal and then type
busybox rm -rf /system/sd
That won't work, when you boot into Recovery none of your partitions are mounted. And choosing "Do a data wipe" from the recovery menu DOES NOT erase your /system/sd partition. You need to mount /system/sd before clearing everything off of it.
As far as your partitions are concerned, keep it as ext2 and not ext3. Read the first post in the Blur thread and it explains how your sdcard should be partitioned.
You should also probably run a fsck on your ext2 partition to make sure it's still functional.
e2fsck -fy /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
And also verify your swap is still good
mkswap /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
Given the errors you're having it sounds like you did not do a complete wipe as explained in the first thread, or your ext2 partition is corrupt and you just need to run a fsck on it
I installed the rom completely fresh on a G1 (dream), formatted my sdcard and made 3 new partitions using parted on the recovery console.
So basically saying this isn't enough?
reformatting my sd card now and did the following;
mkpartfs primary fat32 0 7200
mkpartfs primary ext2 7200 7700
mkpartfs primary linux-swap 7700-7828
busybox rm -rf /system/sd
e2fsck -fy /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 (no errors)
mkswap /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 (swap information 128mb, so seems good)
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will flash now, and get back to you when i have more info
I installed the rom completely fresh on a G1 (dream), formatted my sdcard and made 3 new partitions using parted on the recovery console.
So basically saying this isn't enough?
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Technically yes that is all you would need, but once again follow the steps I outlined. No need to blow away partitions. I don't know your level of expertise so I don't know if you're doing it correctly. For all I know you could be creating the partitions, then forgetting to format /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 as fat32, or forgetting to format /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 as ext2, or forgetting to mkswap on /dev/block/mmcblk0p3.
Since you are the only one having this issue it basically means you are missing a step somewhere along the way. The ROM does not hate your phone, lol.
Please follow the regular ROM flashing guidelines. After you create the partitions make sure you can manually mount the fat32 partition at /sdcard and the ext3 partition at /system/sd. Also make sure you didn't somehow screw up the phone parititions, IE /dev/block/mtdblock[1-5]
I think I flashed my phone atleast 200x in the last 6 months..
I'm very addicited to flashing, and I setup a hero rom just like that using parted.
I always reformat my sdcard to start "fresh".
Anyways, flashing now
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
GNU Parted
Using /dev/block/mmcblk0
Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
(parted) print
Model: SD USD (sd/mmc)
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 8017MB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos
Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
1 512B 7200MB 7200MB primary fat32 lba
2 7200MB 7700MB 500MB primary ext2
3 7700MB 7828MB 128MB primary linux-swap(v1)
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e2fsck -fy /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
e2fsck 1.41.6 (30-May-2009)
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2: 11/244320 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 30701/488281 blocks
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mkswap /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 127995904 bytes
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I think I flashed my phone atleast 200x in the last 6 months..
I'm very addicited to flashing, and I setup a hero rom just like that using parted.
I always reformat my sdcard to start "fresh".
Anyways, flashing now
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K lemme know how that goes. If it crashes like that again do something for me, open up a shell using "adb shell" and do "cat /data/a2sd.log" and tell me what it says
Here is my log, phone is still booting tho, but seems a2sd is done already.
Beginning a2sd at 05:50 06/16/2009
Does post install script exist: No
Does /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 exist: Yes
Running fsck ....
e2fsck 1.41.6 (30-May-2009)
ext2fs_check_if_mount: Can't check if filesystem is mounted due to missing mtab file while determining whether /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 is mounted.
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2: 11/244320 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 30701/488281 blocks
Mounting /system/sd : Ok
Changing owner on /system/sd to app user: Ok
Changing permissions on /system/sd to 771: Ok
Cleaning up any symlinks in /data
Moving apps to SD finally....
Created /system/sd/app
Changed uid/guid to app user on /system/sd/app
Changed permissions to 771 on /system/sd/app
*****CRITICAL / Watch below for errors ******
Moving /data/app: Ok
Deleting /data/app: Ok
Creating symlink to /system/sd/app: Ok
***** CRITICAL DONE ******
Created /system/sd/app-private
Changed uid/guid to app user on /system/sd/app-private
Changed permissions to 771 on /system/sd/app-private
Created /system/sd/dalvik-cache
Changed uid/guid to app user on /system/sd/dalvik-cache
Changed permissions to 771 on /system/sd/dalvik-cache
*****CRITICAL / Watch below for errors ******
***** CRITICAL DONE ******
Mounting dalvik-cache: Ok
Setting owner to app use for /data/dalvik-cache: Ok
Setting permissions to 771 on /data/dalvik-cache: Ok
Finished 05:50 06/16/2009
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Still splashscreen on my phone atm.. booting takes longer then normal! Waiting for around 5 mins now.. will wait a bit longer
Here is my log, phone is still booting tho, but seems a2sd is done already.
Still splashscreen on my phone atm.. booting takes longer then normal! Waiting for around 5 mins now.. will wait a bit longer
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Well what is adb logcat showing? Is it still progressing? Is it throwing errors?
Redid a total new format and flash cuz it was taking pretty long..
here is some stuff from the logcat;
still on the splashscreen for some minutes now..
Redid a total new format and flash cuz it was taking pretty long..
here is some stuff from the logcat;
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The ONLY way to get the errors you got there are from a pre-existing installation on your phone.
E/PackageManager( 1714): Package com.arcsoft.mediagallery has no signatures that
match those in shared user; ignoring!
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Your md5sum for the update should be:
If it is not then re-download the update again and try flashing.
Redo a wipe and when you are positive you have wiped, check manually that all the files are gone. Don't re-partition/format. Just do the following from recovery shell
mount /system/sd
busybox rm -f /system/sd/app_s/*
busybox rm -f /system/sd/dalvik-cache/*
busybox rm -f /system/sd/app/*
busybox rm -f /system/sd/app-private/*
umount /system/sd
mount /data
busybox rm -f /data/app/*
busybox rm -f /data/app_s/*
umount /data
mount /system
busybox rm -f /system/app/*
umount /system
Phewww, then do a flippin flash of the ROM. That should GUARANTEE that you have a clean wipe.
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did the whipe just like u said..
and now flashing again.. pfew
will keep u posted!
thanks for the help so far!
It installed, and I logged in to gmail etc.
after first reboot, again FC all over. This rom really must hate my phone
E/AndroidRuntime( 1844): java.lang.NullPointerException
E/AndroidRuntime( 1844): at java.util.Locale.setDefault(
did you make it through set up?
can u make it into settings and mess with that?
what blur rom are you flashing? it may be messed up
I can set everything up, all the info bout what rom I am currently trying to flash is found in the 2nd post.
After the first reboot, it's giving all the force closes.
It installed, and I logged in to gmail etc.
after first reboot, again FC all over. This rom really must hate my phone
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Where are you located? The US/Europe/somewhere else? It's having issues setting your locale. When the setup first comes up, are you selecting US English?
I'm from Holland. I select US English yes, but I vaguely remember that it jumped to Deutsch, and that I can't change it back to English.
Perhaps it won't let me run this rom since i'm from the EU.
I'm from Holland. I select US English yes, but I vaguely remember that it jumped to Deutsch, and that I can't change it back to English.
Perhaps it won't let me run this rom since i'm from the EU.
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Hmmm there's a very good chance that it wouldn't work if you chose anything but English. You may need to use a different since the one in the ROM is for US. Or Motorola might have designated this only for US users as they will have a different device (the Dext ?) for Europe. Basically it's the Cliq but for overseas. Anyways, erase everything again, reflash and this time make sure you select US English and everything else US just in case Motorola is not allowing anyone outside of US. If that doesn't work you might be out of luck.
You would need to unpack the ROM and hack it to work on your device. Kind of how we hack it to work on G1's
I don't have to skills to "hack" system files. I'll try one more time, trying a US setup. Otherwise ill just have to live with it. Thanks for all the help, esp shafty.
So I tried this baby again after playing with Hero Eclair for a while.
The problem is that the setup-language during the first setup keeps jumping back to German. What files do I have to edit to remove the languages I dont need?
Hi all!
I want to share the way i have to run Debian on Nexus One
I'm editing my own install of deb-armel and ill upload to everyone but first i need to finish it
By now, we will use a qemu image ready and edit it to your needs
You'll need a SD parted with Amon_RA recovery, few files i'll upload later and some skills with Debian, of course hehe
Partition could be user-alike but i recommend:
Im using a microsdhc 8gb class-2 from my magic
- EXT3: 2gb (nice for install a lot of stuff)
- SWAP: 150MB
- The rest as fat32
You need also a rom with app2sd or mount ETX3 partition under /system/sd, im using Modaco's 1.3
First of all, im working on archlinux but this can be done on windows too using the qemu version for windows
Install qemu on your machine.
NOTE: Also you can start a new installation from 0 using images (iso) and info found on google
Now we will use the following QEMU images:
We will download the followings Of course you can choose the small or normal version with X preinstalled (the X version preinstalled is not tested by me and i dont know if works)
debian_lenny_armel_small.qcow2 150M
initrd.img-2.6.26-1-versatile 2.1M
vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-versatile 1.2M
Put they in your home folder or where u want.
Now, lets run it.
Use the following command (run it from the folder you have the downloaded files) :
qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -kernel vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-versatile -initrd initrd.img-2.6.26-1-versatile -hda debian_lenny_armel_small.qcow2 -append "root=/dev/sda1"
Wait a moment... Debian-armel running under qemu
Here are the configuration by default:
- Keyboard: British English
- Language: English
- Mirror:
- Hostname: debian-armel
- Root password: root
- User account: user
- User password: user
Edit the system to fit your needs, im not going to explain how to do this, im asumming you know how to. If u don't, use the debian reference guide:
Of course, you'll need to edit basic things as locales, network, ssh preferences, etc...
Edit your system, update, configure packages, etc...
Once edited and configured, quit you virtual machine.
Now, we are going to convert the qemu image to a raw image, mount the fs and copy to your SD
Assuming you still in the same folder as the qcow2 image of debian (for windows, google a little, im sure there are something to do the same):
qemu-img convert -O raw debian_lenny_armel_small.qcow2 debian.raw
With this will obtain the qcow2 converted to a raw file (without touching the original qcow2 file)
Now mount it where u want or follow this steps:
sudo mkdir /media/debian
Before mount, lets see where start the partition on the raw file:
sfdisk -l -uS debian.raw
U will see a list of partions under the raw file, use the first, like this one:
debian.raw1 * 63 20225834 20225772 83 Linux
Now, we know the / starts at 63, mount this partition
sudo mount -o loop,offset=$((63*512)) debian.raw /media/debian
Ok, we have our partition mounted now, lets make a copy in our EXT3 partition on SD.
Use the USB Storage function from android, sd card reader... and mount the EXT3 partition
Once mounted, copy everything from /media/debian to /media/yourSDext3mounted
cd /media/debian
sudo cp -a * /media/yourSDext3mounted/
If everithing works as expected, umount the systems /media/debian/ and /media/yourSDext3mounted or use the Android notif to disconnect the USB storage function
Check if everything is now in the SD EXT3. Open a terminal and adb shell
adb shell
cd /system/sd
U'll see the Debian / extructure and the app & app-private
Of course dont worry about this, u can still using apps2sd and debian at the same time
Now, it's time to boot debian
We need some modded files from the G1 version to boot it:
Download from Megaupload:
Download from MediaFire:
Also, files attached to post (rename the extension to tar.gz)
Put the files into your FAT32 SD partition, no in a folder just in "/"
Now, it's time to give it a try
U have two ways:
Open a terminal window in your PC
adb shell
cd /sdcard/
sh bootdeb
Open up a terminal in your N1, like Terminal Emulator on Market
cd /sdcard/
sh bootdeb
Enjoy your debian-armel on your N1
For the next chapter, how to run X with VNC Viewer
Bye and thanks for reading!
Looks like Klingon to me.
I have Debian running too now
Nice! Cant wait to try it out!
nice, i've been looking for a n1 debian how-to
Installing debian is pretty much the same as running it on your g1. I had it working the day after I got mine using the g1 instructions.
So, what's the reason or running debian on your phone?
Jst wondering
The reason by now is just fun hehe
But, if we can run it natively via fastboot, would be awesome hehe
Sorry for the delay guys, ill do it now, the last night was too late for me 4am here hehe
EDIT: Just give some time more, i going to try it with the Cm 5.0 beta 1
jairuncaloth said:
Installing debian is pretty much the same as running it on your g1. I had it working the day after I got mine using the g1 instructions.
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I couldnt get chmod or from the g1 instructions to work. I tried it both with bacon and modaco 1.3. I skipped the jesusfreak part though so maybe thats why. Anyway seeing confirming instructions would be nice.
Because the g1 files need to be modded first
I have it running it under modaco 1.3 and now im going to try it with the new b1 from cyanogen
Guide ready
Enjoy it!
i have one question about debian. Is the network traffic routed trough android, or does debian has direct access to the wlan adapter for monitor mode and aircrack ?
it's using the same ip and mac, so is shared for both
If there are the apropiate drivers maybe, don't really know
Calling Linux Experts!!! hehe
Is there any way to create a boot.img bootable via fastboot to run the ext3 partition of sdcard with debian?
Driskol said:
Calling Linux Experts!!! hehe
Is there any way to create a boot.img bootable via fastboot to run the ext3 partition of sdcard with debian?
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sorry for being noob in this matter but, why do i need debian on my phone? what does it give me?
The answer is a choice, Android or a Full Desktop OS with Firefox, Thunderbird, OpenOffice, etc...
When its booting I'm getting an error:
/system/bin/bootdeb: line 61: chroot: command not found
Doing "find / -name chroot" only returns binaries within the debian image.
Any ideas?
Driskol said:
The answer is a choice, Android or a Full Desktop OS with Firefox, Thunderbird, OpenOffice, etc...
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How well does Firefox run?
Can anyone take some pics or video?
Any instructions for creating and mounting linux as an img file instead of using separate partitions?
tetlee said:
When its booting I'm getting an error:
/system/bin/bootdeb: line 61: chroot: command not found
Doing "find / -name chroot" only returns binaries within the debian image.
Any ideas?
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Maybe your rom doesn't have Busybox
EDIT: Im going to make a img version tutorial
Of course, this version was without the highmem kernel, now with more ram, more flawlessly
I don't want to dual-boot, even, just have a nice "normal" Nookie Froyo install on eMMC. I've seen several allude to the fact that it worked for them but no reviews of how they did it. I've backed up my 2.1 install with Clockwork so I'm not really worried about that.
It's quite simple actually. All you need is basic knowledge of adb.
All disclaimers apply, I'm not responsible for any damage. Just know that mine is running on internal partitions. And the SD does mount too!
Before doing anything, I would recommend applying a dd from your partitions to your pc.
With, for example on mmcblk0p1 (boot) adb: dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 of=boot.img
You should do that for each partition to be safe (0p1 to 0p8).
All the following commands can be execute one after one, the separations are only there to makes things a bit more clear.
Boot to a working Nookie (NF) with your uSD fresh from burning, without any google apps, and without any uSD damaged errors.
Empty your internal system and copy uSD system over, by doing:
- adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk1 / (---there is a space after the 1---)
- adb shell
- mkdir tmpfolder
- mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 tmpfolder
- cd tmpfolder
- rm -r * (---note that there is space after the r---)
- cd ..
- cp -r system/* tmpfolder (---this will take a few minutes---)
- umount tmpfolder
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Then, you need to boot push the attached files (bottom of post) except for the 2 vold files to your boot partition: mmcblk0p1. Unzip, copy content, not zip.
You could very well replace uImage with the new Quickie overclocked uImage for froyo (see dev thread).
To push attached files to boot, do:
- mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 tmpfolder
- exit
- adb push [folder-containing-4-attached-files-except-vold.fstab] tmpfolder
- adb shell
- umount tmpfolder
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I would also recommend erasing all your data. But that's up to you, if you want to keep your data on it. In any case, you can revert back with the data.img you created above . So next part you could skip, haven't tried skipping personally:
Non mandatory, but you could do:
- mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p6 tmpfolder
- cd tmpfolder
- rm -r *
- cd ..
- umount tmpfolder
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Then you need to push vold.fstab and vold.conf (unzip volds, copy content) to system/etc
Copy vold's to system/etc:
- mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 tmpfolder
- exit
- adb push [folder-with-vold's] tmpfolder/etc/
- adb shell
- umount tmpfolder
- rm -r tmpfolder
- exit
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Then shut down, remove uSD, and boot.
Again, you can choose to push the Quickie uImage, I you prefer, but the accelerometer doesn't work with it at the moment. The 950 kernel does sometimes crash on boot, but once booted is quite stable.
I think that's all folks. I could have been a bit vague at some times, but this should work. And if you made your imgs as recommended, you're bullet proof.
To revert back to initial state with img files, you need to copy files to sdcard and then dd:
- adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 sdcard
- adb push XXX.img sdcard (--could take a few minutes--)
- dd if=XXXX.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0pX
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Do that for each partition.
For those who don't feel up to the task, I could make a CWR flashable zip file of all this. The only thing is, CWR dosen't boot on Nookie just yet. So you couldn't restore with a zip after the change.
[Before doing anything, I would recommend applying a dd from your partitions to your pc.
With, for example on mmcblk0p1 (boot) adb: dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 of=boot.img
You should do that for each partition to be safe (0p1 to 0p8).
I am a little confused here. What are the names of the 7 other partitions? Thanks, Great guide btw!
See here.
Do you see improved speed and touch response running nookie from emmc?
im getting a "No such file or directory" error after "adb push [folder-with-vold's] tmpfolder/etc"
I created the directory but now it looks like i am stuck at the landscape android splash screen on boot...
any ideas? I am attempting to redo the whole process again just incase i missed something.
Sorry, there's a slash after etc.
Make sure you've copied the systen files, with "ls" inside tmpfolder where you copied system. Should be a etc folder there.
to the op: I'm not knocking you here, but do you have a basic idea of generic linux file hierarchy or operations in general? Getting a basic grasp on working with files in a linux terminal will make all of these operations make a lot more sense, since most "adb shell" commands are basic linux commands.
FastCR said:
to the op: I'm not knocking you here, but do you have a basic idea of generic linux file hierarchy or operations in general? Getting a basic grasp on working with files in a linux terminal will make all of these operations make a lot more sense, since most "adb shell" commands are basic linux commands.
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Thanks but I don't see how that comment adds anything here.
Looks like the issue is above commands copy the actual system folder (not the contents of the folder) To the root of the partition. ls shows the folder "system" not the contents including etc. They are inside the folder but if the partition is mounted as system then the folder is redundant. Will check copying the contents and see if that helps.
Once I get it working in will post back to let others know
**** in the first block of code replace
- cp -r system tmpfolder (---this will take a few minutes---)
- cp -r system[B]/*[/B] tmpfolder (---this will take a few minutes---)
many thanks!
FastCR said:
to the op: I'm not knocking you here, but do you have a basic idea of generic linux file hierarchy or operations in general? Getting a basic grasp on working with files in a linux terminal will make all of these operations make a lot more sense, since most "adb shell" commands are basic linux commands.
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Why would you go out of your way to say that? It's not constructive. As a junior member with three posts and 0 thanks after a year and a half, sharpen your teeth here at XDA before you act like a big shot.
Right thanks. Changed it.
Has it worked for you?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
samuelhalff said:
You could very well replace uImage with the new Quickie overclocked uImage for froyo (see dev thread).
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Are you certain on this part? Last I read in that thread, Froyo needs a different minimum kernel.
UPDATE: Nevermind, I missed this updated effort.
Well, last time I checked, my NC was running at 950 on froyo with setcpu.
Check the forum. There's a nookie version of quickie. Except accelerometer doesn't work..
First, huge thanks to the second poster - great guide! Can we sticky this?
Second, yes I know what dd does, etc, I've been working with Linux for about ten years . I just don't know the ins and outs of embedded devices yet.
samuelhalff said:
Right thanks. Changed it.
Has it worked for you?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
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yeah i was up till 4am last night but got it working. first i tried to use my existing nf sd card... bad idea. would boot from emmc to the touch android screen to begin, but could not get past. i assume it was the issue on nookdevs because wifi was not enabled. so i removed the setupwizard.apk but somehow bricked and was unable to boot from emmc. so i took the following steps to get things working properly:
1. reimage boot and system from the stock 1.0.1 images and reset the nook to stock, didnt even touch. at the intro screen i just powered it off.
2. next i took a fresh nf sdcard and run steps from your post(with the correction to copy system contents)
3. from there i had a working nf from sdcard! i did my tweaks (google apps, market fix and button remapping from nookdevs froyo tips)
i might to put together a post with a more verbose set of instructions for a one stop froyo shop but if i do i will be sure to give you credit for your contribution.
thanks again!
Second, yes I know what dd does, etc, I've been working with Linux for about ten years . I just don't know the ins and outs of embedded devices yet.
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Well, that's a nice contrast. I've been working on Linux/Android for about 2 months now
I should have mentioned that the NF uSD Card must be a newly burnt image, without all the nookie tips added to it. Of course, your Google framework will crash if you port it without your data.
By the way, there's a nice trick to get past the numb android interface, simply touch every corner of the screen, starting with top left and going clockwise. You'll then be sent the your home screen, and from there you'll log on to google account again.
I think the best way of doing it would to create a flashable .zip, which I'll make tonight if I find the time and if people are really interested. But don't forget CWR dosen't work on nookie for the time being. The only way back would be through adb.
So, does anyone wish to have a flashable zip of this? Or will it be a waist of time?
samuelhalff said:
Well, that's a nice contrast. I've been working on Linux/Android for about 2 months now
I should have mentioned that the NF uSD Card must be a newly burnt image, without all the nookie tips added to it. Of course, your Google framework will crash if you port it without your data.
By the way, there's a nice trick to get past the numb android interface, simply touch every corner of the screen, starting with top left and going clockwise. You'll then be sent the your home screen, and from there you'll log on to google account again.
I think the best way of doing it would to create a flashable .zip, which I'll make tonight if I find the time and if people are really interested. But don't forget CWR dosen't work on nookie for the time being. The only way back would be through adb.
So, does anyone wish to have a flashable zip of this? Or will it be a waist of time?
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I would love a flashable .zip. I think many others would as well.
starkruzr said:
I would love a flashable .zip. I think many others would as well.
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Can't wait for a flashable zip. Maybe even some cm7 release candidates would make me real happy.
Sent from Nooted NookColor using XDA App
[Project dormant unless someone else picks it up]
NOTE: This is a chroot for the Webtop, not the Android+VNC chroot method.
Hi everyone, this is my first guide (I'm not sure I can call it that yet, or if this is in the right section) so bear with me.
I tried the Debian chroot guide (, and I really liked the idea, but I had too many apt-get issues and it often crashed my Webtop, so I tried building my own Ubuntu Lucid chroot using rootstock, but internet didn't work.
I later saw this:, but the links were dead and the scripts it referenced were out of date. I'll sort of combine the two guides here since Backtrack actually works surprisingly well.
Just on a side note though, I haven't fully tested the Backtrack tools, but the only thing I haven't found to work are the wireless tools.
Let's start!
-Rooted Atrix (with Blur based ROM)
-LXTerminal installed on Webtop
-Enough free space (around 4 GB just for room)
-Some Linux/Unix distro native or in a VM
1. Install the from the Debian chroot guide:
but the other files aren't needed.
Make a folder called WebTopMOD (case-sensitive) on either external or internal memory for later.
2. Look here for reference:, but the links are dead. Active links are here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Use 7-Zip to uncompress the three files (called bt.7z.001,002,003) and you'll get a bt.img.
Full bt.img in a zip:
DL from Mega or from Google Drive
3. The image isn't usable in this state yet, since the image is formatted with ext2, and we need ext3.
Copy the image over to your Linux VM or computer on a easy-to-find directory, and open up a Terminal window (usually CTRL+ALT+T).
In Terminal, type this in:
cd <directory where you put bt.img>
mkdir tmp tmpbt
sudo mount -o loop bt.img tmpbt
dd if=/dev/zero of=linuxdisk count=0 bs=1MB seek=4096 (This is the size of the chroot image you want, in MB)
mkfs.ext3 linuxdisk (just type y when it asks)
sudo mount -o loop linuxdisk tmp
sudo cp -rf tmpbt/* tmp
sudo umount tmp
sudo umount tmpbt
[Sorry, made a mistake twice] Copy the newly made linuxdisk file to a directory named WebTopMOD on your internal memory or sdcard-ext (folder and file names are case-sensitive).
4. Start Webtop, then open LXTerminal, then start the chroot by typing in:
and after it loads for a bit, you'll get an xterm window with the shell for Backtrack!
If you want to quit the Gnome session, closing xterm doesn't work, since by issuing the commands to kill the webtop processes, it also kills the webtop window manager, and if you do close it there's some kind of weird glitch with a small popup window constantly disappearing and reappearing. (It'll be a WIP for now I guess, the only full solution is to reboot your Atrix). It seems to have to do with the way the linux command mounts the chroot disk under loop50, I'll try and make something to fix this later.
-----------------Extras moved below-----------------------
Chromium Running
BT Desktop (Gnome)
BT Desktop with AIW
k.taylor89 for the original Backtop Method
SystemR89 for the Debian chroot and scripts to make this work
The original developers of the Backtop chroot image
And any others I may have forgotten!
If you want a GUI (Gnome):
k.taylor89 said:
You first need to kill off all the webtop crap do this by typing the following in xterm.
"ps ax|grep awn|awk '{print $1}'|xargs kill"
"ps ax|grep panel|awk '{print $1}'|xargs kill"
Then start gnome by typing "gnome-session" in xterm.
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If you want to take it step further and start Gnome after bootup, this isn't a full solution yet but you could edit your and 2 scripts so that the chroot automatically starts on bootup without anything else in Webtop, and from there start gnome-session. I'm testing that now.
Installing Apps:
Since this is based off of Ubuntu Lucid, you can install anything from the Lucid repos, you just have to fix the sources list since the Backtrack sources don't seem to work.
sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.old (Backup just in case)
sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list
Comment out (#) any line with the backtrack servers, and uncomment any line with the Ubuntu repos.
Press Control+X, Y, then Enter, then run apt-get update to update the repos.
Apps like Chromium install and run without a hassle (just run apt-get install chromium-browser), but I actually get the error "Bus error" for some reason when Chromium remains idle, it seems to be an unsolved bug in the version of Chromium for armel devices in the Lucid repos, if anyone else has a fix, please do tell.
I think its only for lapdock ..........
3n3rg1c said:
I think its only for lapdock ..........
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Oh sorry yeah I forgot to mention that. I mean I guess if you have the mod that lets you use Webtop anywhere, that'll work too.
The "Part 3:" doesn't work.
Could you fix it.
Thank you.
sintoo said:
The "Part 3:" doesn't work.
Could you fix it.
Thank you.
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Oh sorry I copied the link incorrectly, updated in OP.
i've gotten it running on my ubuntop model, when i ran it from the terminal it would not give me any issues when closing it back up. is there a way to only launch the gnome panel? running: gnome-panel in the terminal didn't work
etruj said:
i've gotten it running on my ubuntop model, when i ran it from the terminal it would not give me any issues when closing it back up. is there a way to only launch the gnome panel? running: gnome-panel in the terminal didn't work
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I'm not sure if there is a way to start just gnome panel because of the way the chroot is implemented, since to run gnome-panel, an X session must already be running within the chroot and I need to figure that out.
My first two times i lUnched the session the wallpaper would flicker and then just the panels would come up. Now i get hit with the errors and loop pop ups. Maybe there is a way to launch the session then kill everything but the panel?
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
etruj said:
My first two times i lUnched the session the wallpaper would flicker and then just the panels would come up. Now i get hit with the errors and loop pop ups. Maybe there is a way to launch the session then kill everything but the panel?
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
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The workaround I found worked so far was to modify the start-oshwt-2 script so that it would run a very slightly modified version of the script that automatically starts gnome-session (gnome-panel alone is really stubborn, still haven't figured that out) and doesn't start whatever window manager in WebTop to avoid flickering errors and panel only errors (but of course you don't have access to anything from the actual WebTop, but you could also have start-oshwt open a Terminal window from WebTop too).
Can you attach the script?
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
etruj said:
Can you attach the script?
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
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Just rename it to linux, and copy it to wherever you like on your Atrix. You can also copy it to a directory within your terminal path.
This isn't my script, it's from the Debian chroot, just modified to automatically start gnome-session (credit to SystemR89)
You might need to chmod +x the file.
Also, if you want to start it automatically from, make sure you copy the file to a directory within the terminal path, and add the line
sfalv -i "linux"
and comment out any other line that starts a different X window manager.
running "sudo gnome-panel" gives me the panel while staying inside the original ubuntop. i think i can just swap out that one line in your script to get it working. thanks! also noticed my chrome crashes after a few minutes, ill post the error code and screen grabs soon but was wondering if you ever experienced anything like it?
etruj said:
running "sudo gnome-panel" gives me the panel while staying inside the original ubuntop. i think i can just swap out that one line in your script to get it working. thanks! also noticed my chrome crashes after a few minutes, ill post the error code and screen grabs soon but was wondering if you ever experienced anything like it?
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Yes, in fact. It's a bus error, and I tried to fix it, but the fix doesn't work (and it only seems to affect Chromium).
Sorry for bumping such an old thread, but I was wondering if anyone wanted to take this project over, since I don't have an Atrix anymore and don't have anything to work with.
Ubuntu Touch 13.10 SAUCY Rom Triple Boot WebOS, Android, Ubuntu Touch (Or Quad if you need to)
09-27-2013 is the RootFS Date with apt-get dist-upgrade to 9-29-2013
Download Links Updated 09-29-2013 5:44 am central time (Install First Kernel\Ramdisk\System Partition) (Install Last Ubuntu Touch RootFS\Data Partition)
PARTITION CREATOR AND UNINSTALLER (From ACMEInstaller3 and ACMEUninstaller) Thanks Green! UbuntuTouch_Partition_Creator UbuntuTouch_UbuntuDesktop_Partition_Creator UbuntuTouch_Uninstaller UbuntuTouch_UbuntuDesktop_Uninstaller
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
You will need a little over 2 GB of space on your sdcard to devote to the new LVM Partiitons! This assumes you HAVE installed CyanogenMod (Android), ClockworkMod Recovery, MoBoot and still have WebOS. WebOS is a prerequisite for Audio. ALSO, you need novaterm. AND it's good to have adb as well.
NOTE! If you have Ubuntu 11.04 - 13.XX Desktop Version
The Ubuntu Desktop LVM needs to be Uninstalled and Recreated. I have provided uImage files and Novacom to do this, or you can change the /etc/fstab file to have the correct device mapper paritition number.
Dealing with a small boot partition! It cannot hold all the uImages for WebOS, Android, Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Touch, andClockworkMod at the same time. What I usually do is move the Ubuntu Touch kernel off of /boot to /sdcard (/media/internal in webos) before installing Ubuntu Touch, then move ClockworkMod to the /sdcard after installing Ubuntu Touch, and of course move the Ubuntu Desktop uImage file back to the /boot partition for Quad-Booting. You should only do this, if you know what you are doing, as having ClockworkMod on boot is handy. Know what you are doing or don't do it. (Which is why I should probably stay away from rom building!, haha) files after compiling/data/etc/fstab
*Since we are dual-booting, we need to create 3 LVM Partitions that will use 2 GB of space from the sdcard*
1. Copy the and the file to the sdcard
2. Reboot into WebOS Recovery
3. novacom boot mem:// < UbuntuTouch_Partition_Creator
novacom boot mem:// < UbuntuTouch_UbuntuDesktop_Partition_Creator (Requires 6.2 GB of Space, for Ubuntu Desktop 11.XX - 13.XX)
4. Reboot into ClockWorkMod to install the cm-10-*.zip FIRST and the RootFS zip LAST
5. Reboot and chose uImage.UbuntuTouch
Wait 3 minutes, while the touchpad boots. At some point adb will start to run. Eventually you should see a Unity Session..
If you didn't see a session!
a) reboot!
b) Eventually the backlight on the screen will shut off.. Touch the screen or hit the power button or home button some builds to turn the screen on. Still no session? Can you run android-chroot when you get into adb? When you login to adb it should say [email protected] and not BusyBox? You can also run /system/bin/logcat. Hold down the power button for 2 or 3 seconds and Ubuntu Touch will shutdown.
TO FORMAT UBUNTU TOUCH LVM PARTITIONS (in case your wondering does this.. but what if you want to format after you install to do a reinstall??
novaterm into webos!
mkfs.ext4 /dev/store/ut-data
mkfs.ext3 /dev/store/ut-system
mkfs.ext3 /dev/store/ut-cache
novacom boot mem:// < UbuntuTouch_Uninstall
novacom boot mem:// < UbuntuTouch_UbuntuDesktop_Uninstall
Having problems installing WebOS Applications???? WebOS UpdateManager Certificate Fix
There is an update to WebOS.. If you wipe your device after July 23rd 2013.. Then you must do this.
Ubuntu Touch Notes!
NOTE! If you have Ubuntu 11.04-13.10 NON-TOUCH installed, you will need to:
novacom boot mem:// < UbuntuTouch_UbuntuDesktop_Uninstall
*Built from Milaq's CM 10.1 Source WITHOUT JCSullins Bluetooth fixes
*Bluetooth and Sound come from the Ubuntu 11.04-13.10 Non touch. Mainly the upstart and executables. WebOS does get mounted for sound to get initialized. udev and pulse were patched.
*First Ubuntu Touch device running Saucy (Flipped Image) but with LVM Partitions. For this to work I had to compile lvm and e2label statically and use them in the ramdisk for Ubuntu.
How Saucy Works!?
Kernel is loaded with an Ubuntu Touch Ramdisk (Like normal Linux). Then the data partition is mounted as root, the system partition is mounted as /system. The LXC containter loads android based off of /system, then Ubuntu Touch Session loads. This is not a chroot like quantal.
What works:
Bugs and Beta\Alpha Stuff:
1. PulseAudio\GStreamer\Music App is not tied to the Media Service, so the music does not play with the screen turned off. GStreamer keeps playing, but you cannot hear sound unless powerd has turned the screen on and.. ??? Not worth changing until Ubuntu Touch becomes more.. finalized. Sometimes the music does not come back on after a long sleep?
sudo service powerd stop (with the backlight turned on)
2. Bluetooth only works in terminal
a) this is because Bluetooth Settings has not been written to Ubuntu Touch
3. Camera App only works one time. Needs to be mirrored.. Again. Long story!
4. Brightness or Backlight settings???
as root!
echo "0-255" > /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness
to set the screen brightness. 0-255 is a range of values you should use.
0 will turn off the backlight
255 is full birghtness
and of course.. service powerd stop while the screen is on will stop powerd from turning off the backlight if idle.
5. Touchscreen finger liftoff does not always get detected at boot correctly. Need to talk to ubunu-devel about that.? CM-TEAM?? Hmm.. Reboot and try again!
6. Browser cannot download files. Browser cannot play videos because the latest gstreamer "has not landed yet"..
7. 720P H.264 is choppy? 480p plays fine.. Waiting for more updates.
APPARMOR NOTE: Since 2.6.35 Kernel does not have apparmor, we are using /usr/bin/aa-strip with crontab to run every minute. So if you install a click app and cannot run it, wait a minute! sed -i "s/aa-exec.*-- //g" /home/phablet/.local/share/applications/*.desktop
Recently they did something to openssh. Do this to install.
apt-get install --reinstall openssh-server
service ssh start (every boot?)
If powerd turns off the backlight, it suspends your ssh session. There is some code in the wifi modules that I believe is causing it. Work on that later.. or disable powerd and turn the lights off to save battery power or backlight by reading brightness notes above.
mtp-server has been disabled.. want to enable it? As root!
cd /etc/init
mv ../mtp* .
cd /usr/share/upstart/sessions
mv ../mpt* .
When you do, don't expect adb to work... In Ubuntu 13.10 Desktop, you see the /home/phablet get Mounted on the filesystem via mtp.. I haven't messed with the Windows Driver.. I messed with the google one and changed the pid and vid, and.. no device was found when I ran adb.. so.. perhaps mtp shuts down adb on the touchpad.. I think that was in the upstart file though.. mtp-server-bootup.conf, etc.
How to copy files with novaterm?
cat filename | novaterm put file:///put/full/destination/path/filename (push example) tested
novaterm get file:///full/destination/path/filename (pull example) untested
novaterm get file:///full/destination/path/filename > filename (pull example) untested
How do I compile uimage-extract to extract a kernel.img and ramdisk.img from a uImage file (boot.img)?
git clone
cd moboot/tools
gcc -o uimage-extract uimage-extract.c -lz
How do I extract the kernel image and initramfs from a uImage file?
./uimage-extract uImage.filename (from inside moboot tools folder)
How to unpack and repack gzip ramdisk images?
mkdir newramdisk
cd newramdisk
gunzip -c ../your-ramdisk-file | cpio -i
make changes, next command is to pack a new ramdisk.img
find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip > ../newramdisk.img
How to unpack and repack lzma ramdisk images? (I used lzma)
mkdir newramdisk
cd newramdisk
lzma -dc ../newramdisk.img | cpio -i
make changes, next command is to pack a new ramdisk.img
find . | cpio -o -H newc | lzma > ../your-ramdisk-file
How to create a moboot compatible kernel?
mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x40208000 -e 0x40208000 -n "Kernel" -d kernel.img uImage
mkimage -A arm -O linux -T ramdisk -C none -a 0x60000000 -e 0x60000000 -n "Image" -d ramdisk.img uRamdisk
mkimage -A arm -O linux -T multi -a 0x40208000 -e 0x40208000 -C none -n "multi image" -d uImage:uRamdisk
How to connect to an open-wifi network without Unity as root?
adb shell
sudo su
service network-manager stop
iwconfig wlan0 essid "essid-you-want-to-connect-to"
ifconfig wlan0 192.168.X.X netmask up
route add default gw 192.168.X.X
sed -i '$ a nameserver' /etc/resolv.conf
you should be on the net.
How can I create my own saucy-preinstalled-touch-arm.tar.gz to go into the .zip? (from a runnng device)
adb shell
cd /data/ubuntu
sudo tar --preserve-permissions -zcvf /sdcard/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.tar.gz *
adb pull /sdcard/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.tar.gz .
now put that file in the .zip.
How do I untar the saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.tar.gz file?
place saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.tar.gz in the folder you want to be in, and go to that folder in terminal
mkdir rootfs
cd rootfs
sudo tar --preserve-permissions -zxvf ../saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.tar.gz
sudo make your changes as root, be mindful of permissions.
How do I swap my kernels to quad-boot? (With webOS)
a)Before you install Ubuntu Touch, move a kernel from /boot to /media/internal
mount -o remount,rw /boot
mv /boot/uImage.Ubuntu13 /media/internal (or uImage.Ubuntu)
mount -o remount,rw /boot
b) After you install Ubuntu Touch, move it back, but remove ClockworkMod (know what you are doing are don't do this)
mount -o remount,rw /boot
mv /boot/uImage.ClockworkMod /media/internal
mv /media/internal/uImage.Ubuntu13 /boot
mount -o remount,ro /boot
How can I run webOS Doctor after all this and just start all over factory clean? 3rd post but I would skip the creation of /dev/store/cm-* partitions. Be sure to delete cm-data, cm-system, cm-cache, ut-data, ut-system, ut-cache, and ubuntu-store if you have it. Delete them all! Then recreate the lvm. If you need to recreate Android partitions do that with AcmeInstaller ie the usual way to install Android. You must start with WebOS 3.0.0 and then you can do 3.0.5. Be sure to say thanks on that post.
Thanks to:
Ogra (ubuntu-touch, huge thanks!), castrwilliam (ubuntu desktop rom), CalcProgrammer (ubuntu desktop rom), crimsonredmk (archlinux rom), Flemmard (cm team "resizing the boot partition would be stupid", yep), Mystikal57 (sound fixes in desktop that really helped get it going), JCSullins (moboot, cm team, all sorts of stuff), Dorregray (camera fixes I need to reimplement), w-flo (ubuntu-touch), drmarble (ubuntu-touch, cyanogenmod-touchpad, big thanks to him).. and others from the #ubuntu-touch irc channel and Ubuntu 11.04-13.10 threads, cyanogenmod team, etc... "I stand on the shoulders of giants"
Look at the old Ubuntu Touch thread I started around page 17 for more in depth notes on what I did.
I am NOT a developer!!!!
Wow this is exciting news for my little tablet... Been messing around with 13.04f so this will be a blast.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Once you release your build I'll try to iron out some of the bugs.
Sent from my LG-LS970 using xda app-developers app
blmvxer said:
Once you release your build I'll try to iron out some of the bugs.
Sent from my LG-LS970 using xda app-developers app
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Thanks! I am going to work on the camera being mirrored and flipped for the next 3 hours or so.. after that.. oh well! =)
Just be sure to post your fixes.
Will do! good luck!! Can't wait to boot this up and get to work!
Sent from my LG-LS970 using xda app-developers app
Any update on the camera bug... Get that baby squashed yet
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
kicker22004 said:
Any update on the camera bug... Get that baby squashed yet
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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Honestly.. a little bit.. Spent all day trying to figure out what file makes the change.. as this has to be done in cm10.1 not ubuntu.
About 1 try left before giving up.. In the meantime I created a github... Will be very soon. Before I go to sleep again.. Brewing Coffee..
Took a 5 hour nap today though! Sweet!
I found a line for CameraHAL.cpp and I swapped 3/2 to 2/3 and got an ugly green screen. I am trying to swap previewWidth and Height now.. If nothing happens.. I give up and will start to package. FAILED.
The last try will be just telling it to be a front facing camea, as that would explain the mirror, flipping??? New Idea sounds better!
if (read_mode_from_config("preview_mode") == 1) {
info->facing = CAMERA_FACING_BACK;
to (remove the if)
info->facing = CAMERA_FACING_BACK; OR?
info->facing = CAMERA_FACING_FRONT;?
Testing both then packaging. dmesg seems to say we are using preview mode 2 so maybe add the 2?
First try:
info->facing = CAMERA_FACING_FRONT; if no change occurs in image (NO CHANG OCCURED), then perhaps Ubuntu Touch thinks the camera IS front facing.. so the next try will be facing back hard coded.. look for a change, if it does.. try adding the 2 with the if statement. Or just keep it this way... as a change would be GREAT.
from dmesg:
msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_PREVIEW rc = 0
VFE opertaion mode = 0x2, output mode = 0x5 !
android::HAL_getCameraInfo(camera_id, &cameraInfo);
info->facing = cameraInfo.facing;
info->orientation = cameraInfo.orientation;
info->facing = CAMERA_FACING_BACK;
info->orientation = 90;
info->orientation = 180;
Going to try this now.. as the camera WAS being a front camera. Image is no longer mirrored incorrectly. Now we just have to find the right orientation.
Nice work. Power naps are the best for figuring out problems
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Alright.... will be releasing today...
Got the rotation better with... compass\accel.. not the camera...
Going to try a couple more things....
jshafer817 said:
Alright.... will be releasing today...
Got the rotation better with... compass\accel.. not the camera...
Going to try a couple more things....
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I'm ready!!!!
Sent from my LG-LS970 using xda app-developers app
And I'm charging my tablet lol
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Okay... I think we will need to recompile the camera app to change to portrait\landscape correctly...
So.. Rom Released!
I will be testing within an hour once I doctor my tablet and resize the partitions.
Sent from my LG-LS970 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 09:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 PM ----------
When you compile your next kernel for your ROM, if you do, will you add fstrim?. As I read there is slow graphics. Trimming the partitions should speed up things.
Sent from my LG-LS970 using xda app-developers app
I'm away from the house...dang!!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Camera App Info!
VideoOutput {
id: viewFinder
property bool shouldBeCentered: device.isLandscape
property real anchoredY: viewFinderGeometry.y * (device.isInverted ? +1 : -1)
property real anchoredX: viewFinderGeometry.x * (device.isInverted ? +1 : -1)
x: viewFinder.shouldBeCentered ? 0 : viewFinder.anchoredX
y: viewFinder.shouldBeCentered || device.naturalOrientation === "landscape" ?
0 : viewFinder.anchoredY
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
source: camera
/* This rotation need to be applied since the camera hardware in the
Galaxy Nexus phone is mounted at an angle inside the device, so the video
feed is rotated too.
FIXME: This should come from a system configuration option so that we
don't have to have a different codebase for each different device we want
to run on */
orientation: device.naturalOrientation === "portrait" ? -90 : 0
/* Convenience item tracking the real position and size of the real video feed.
Having this helps since these values depend on a lot of rules:
- the feed is automatically scaled to fit the viewfinder
- the viewfinder might apply a rotation to the feed, depending on device orientation
- the resolution and aspect ratio of the feed changes depending on the active camera
The item is also separated in a component so it can be unit tested.
Ah HA!!!
Is a Doctor a must? all i'm getting is a black screen right after CID changes faces. I've let it sit for 10 minutes and still same results, Reformatted system,data,cache and re installed in order...same?
A few questions
Been using Ubuntu on my Laptop and liked it. I'm looking to try it out on my TouchPad now but I have a few questions.
Does this replace Android? Or does this create new partitions for Ubuntu and allows triple boot from moboot?
I've notice a few installation instructions saying this is 'based on CM10'. Is this Ubuntu on top of the Android core or a pure Ubuntu installation?
Thanks for clarifying this for me in advance.
Fr3nZy said:
Been using Ubuntu on my Laptop and liked it. I'm looking to try it out on my TouchPad now but I have a few questions.
Does this replace Android? Or does this create new partitions for Ubuntu and allows triple boot from moboot?
I've notice a few installation instructions saying this is 'based on CM10'. Is this Ubuntu on top of the Android core or a pure Ubuntu installation?
Thanks for clarifying this for me in advance.
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This replaces Android. Backup is your friend!
Thanks to the op for continued development of this rom.
---------- Post added at 08:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:53 AM ----------
kicker22004 said:
Is a Doctor a must? all i'm getting is a black screen right after CID changes faces. I've let it sit for 10 minutes and still same results, Reformatted system,data,cache and re installed in order...same?
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Same issue here ....
Edit: success! Booted up after a couple of minutes after a reboot.
However, some issues - rotation not working and keyboard is messed up. It comes up in the top left hand corner of the touchpad when in landscape mode, see attached pictures.
Well tomorrow I'll give it another try
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2