How To Unlock X* for free - XPERIA X8 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

call for help free unlock my X8 Vodafone hong kong

Gyah! Don't post in development section, post in general or q&a. Mods, please move this thread.
Sent from my X10mini using XDA App

Not for free.

There's a way to unlock the phone for free. Search the forum by yourself.


Please advise the forum

Hello Everyone,
Please advise me a forum where I can ask some questions about Chinese clones of Galaxy Note 2.
I have recieved 2 of them, they work pretty good for the Chinese product, but they dont't have market installed, so I need to find out exact model of them and a firmware for upgrade.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
DarkPaLadin said:
Hello Everyone,
Please advise me a forum where I can ask some questions about Chinese clones of Galaxy Note 2.
I have recieved 2 of them, they work pretty good for the Chinese product, but they dont't have market installed, so I need to find out exact model of them and a firmware for upgrade.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
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Unless you can identify the device your best bet would be to post in the general Android sections over here.

How to unlock network ??

Hi igot a good deal on ebay and bought the one put its unlocked to three 3 network in uk and i am in kuwait, can any one give the steps to unlock it ??
Any help please ??!!
Check the HTC one q&a troubleshooting forum, there is a thread with a website where people have been unlocking there ONEs
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
ant78 said:
Check the HTC one q&a troubleshooting forum, there is a thread with a website where people have been unlocking there ONEs
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
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Thank you for your respond

[Q] Relock bootloader after root on Xperia SP

Hello everyone, i have just bought a Sony Xperia SP (C3503 ; FW 12.A.1.257) i want to root my device. So, i need to unlock bootloader. However, can i relock bootloader after root ???? Have anyone done that before ???
Please answer, i'm new to Xperia. Thank you very much .
Go here
Please search next time.... searching should be your friend before the make new thread button.
Sent from my C5302 using xda premium
Maybe he has searched for... but he is not allowed to post in this forum...
There is a rule which is very senseless... you have to write 10 Posts... and if you write something what you are interested in, you get one of these answers:
wrong forum
try the forum search
this was many times discussed
yeah I've searched for, and I've found threads about this topic, but I'm not allowed to ask in this forum...
so... sorry for this Spam, but I'm forced to write something like this for the 10 posts
You do not need to unlock bootloader to root. Root tool:
Sent from my Xperia SP using xda premium
jasonwsc said:
You do not need to unlock bootloader to root. Root tool:
Sent from my Xperia SP using xda premium
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I think you write faster than you read.
Sony Xperia SP (C3503; 12.A.1.257 FW) is not rootable without bootloaderunlock.
Maybe in the next release ...
we have now added support for:
Xperia SP (C5302/3, M35h) {FW: 12.0.A.1.257}
thanks to @sj8023ld!!
this will be available in next release of the toolkit!
This was posted by doomlord in his thread....
Sent from my C5302 using xda premium
Yea, and I'm waiting for the next release of easy rooting toolkit from DooM. Anyway , thank you for your help
Sent from my C5303 using xda app-developers app

Help about ihackers pure stock rom

iHackers Pure Stock ROM 1.0
I successfully install the rom with full root and locked bootloader but my "File System Version in Software Info becomes like this Global-HSPA_14.2.A.0.290, it should look like this Global-LTE_14.2.A.0.290" my Phone model C6903...and Global-HSPA is model C6902.why is like that?
gaboh24 said:
iHackers Pure Stock ROM 1.0
I successfully install the rom with full root and locked bootloader but my "File System Version in Software Info becomes like this Global-HSPA_14.2.A.0.290, it should look like this Global-LTE_14.2.A.0.290" my Phone model C6903...and Global-HSPA is model C6902.why is like that?
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You shouldn't make a new thread every time you have an issue... ask in the Pure Stock thread..
p.s use the search button.
Thanks for the help :-/
Sent from my C6903 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I will not post a new thread regarding this matter if the link u gave me is solving my prob, already post there in the first place
Sent from my C6903 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
TagEHeuer said:
You shouldn't make a new thread every time you have an issue... ask in the Pure Stock thread..
p.s use the search button.
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Actually, he (kinda) did the right thing. Before asking development unrelated questions, better open a thread in the Q&A section. I mean, that's what it is here for
But nontheless, you do have a point, too. The golden rule on xda is "Search before posting".
So @ OP, next time please search before asking, as many Q's already got answered before
Already search before asking
Sent from my C6903 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

4.4.4 root

Hi, is there root for KK 4.4.4?
Edit....just realized I posted in the wrong forum. Sorry mods.
Sent from my XT1052 using XDA Free mobile app
1. Before posting, search.
2. Search again.
3. If you still haven't found an answer, browse the most active threads in General and Q&A.
4. If you still haven't found your answer, reconsider gaining root.
julian.kueh said:
Hi, is there root for KK 4.4.4?
Edit....just realized I posted in the wrong forum. Sorry mods.
Sent from my XT1052 using XDA Free mobile app
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Follw through the guide it will help you...
The only way to root 4.4.4 is if you can unlock your bootloader.... And if you can, go to the One Stop Shop root thread in general and follow the unlocked bootloader section.

