As mentioned above, i want to know the difference between unlocking bootloader and relocking bootloader..., for your information im try to flash custom kernel... ,do i need unlock bootloader and relocking it before flash custom kernel or i just have unlock bootloader and flash custom kernel... thanks for your help..
sorry for my bad english, my native languange was malay
xperiax8isawesome said:
As mentioned above, i want to know the difference between unlocking bootloader and relocking bootloader..., for your information im try to flash custom kernel... ,do i need unlock bootloader and relocking it before flash custom kernel or i just have unlock bootloader and flash custom kernel... thanks for your help..
sorry for my bad english, my native languange was malay
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You unlock your bootloader, and then you flash the custom kernel you want.
No need for relocking.Even if you wanted to flash stock kernel, there's no such need.
Check the Ultimate X8 FAQ sticky. There is an explanation for this.
Sent from my X8 using XDA
Hi all, im having one kind of a problem, me and my friend, have tried to unlock his x8 Bootloader, and i have search and saw the hard brick warning, and checked the device says 9w12 so i thought it was safe, and it wasnt, because the device didnt work after using Unlock method.
Now we have Jtaged it using a box and made it work, and everything was fine, untill he tried unlocking using Flash tool, and it said unlocking was ok, but it didnt actually work cuz he couldnt flash nA kernel after. and then his device went off again, so we had to jTag it again with a box to make it work,
Now its back to stock 2.1 and cant find service, it can see the networks but cannot get signal (no service), and i read a lot on that i gotta use SMEC 77727 or something to make it work, but its the same we used to get our device bricked, so any advice plz guys help?
1.Relock bootloader
2. Unlock bootloader with FLASHTOOL not with msm7227 tools.
First time when I unlock bootloader I unlock it with msm7227,but I didn't have signal. After 1-2month I see that bootloader can be unlocked by flashtool. I try unlock bl with flashtool and now I have signal and I really enjoying!
2010matej said:
1.Relock bootloader
2. Unlock bootloader with FLASHTOOL not with msm7227 tools.
First time when I unlock bootloader I unlock it with msm7227,but I didn't have signal. After 1-2month I see that bootloader can be unlocked by flashtool. I try unlock bl with flashtool and now I have signal and I really enjoying!
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thanks for your response, can u tell me how to relock bootloader, my eyes are bleeing from searching and i dont wanna hard brick the x8 again sir. x(
Use x8toolbox
Also, using 1stools. first time i tired to unlock, it said SEMC SIMLOCK CERTIFICATE, but now it says NOT RECOGNIZED SIMLOCK CERTIFICATE.. what would this mean?
before i do anythign stupid now
That message will change back to original message when you relock..
It's the reason you get no carrier lock.
I downloaded x8tools, but its based on Cmd command line, not sure where to find a tutorial, im looking at the moment to find one
I have flashed latest 2.1 stock, and running, and s1tools says nothing to restore, is my Boot loader locked now?? and what should i do next. still no service
fearkillerr said:
I have flashed latest 2.1 stock, and running, and s1tools says nothing to restore, is my Boot loader locked now?? and what should i do next. still no service
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Go to General Section and look for Lucastan's post..
Full instructions are there I believe.. Don't be afraid!
Good luck..
thx friend, fingers crossed, going now
fearkillerr said:
thx friend, fingers crossed, going now
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Just checked - Doesn't give instructions but it's rather simple anyway - just go for it man!
Flash tool gave me this error when trying to unlock: WARN - Cannot identify your SL. Aborting
also, pc companion cant recognize my mobile when i try to repair its software, whats up with that??
Did you relock the bootloader first using x8toolbox?
No, because i cant open it, everytime i click on x8tools.cmd it open and close, no idea why,,,, do u have IM (hotmail or so) im in trouble really might need the help
fearkillerr said:
No, because i cant open it, everytime i click on x8tools.cmd it open and close, no idea why,,,, do u have IM (hotmail or so) im in trouble really might need the help
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OK got ya.. We could do this over IM but it's good for future users with the same issue to see this thread and find a solution.
So let's go..
1: Don't double-click x8tools.cmd
2: Open MS Command Prompt and cd\ to the directory where you saved it. (Desktop is really handy)
3: Type x8tools.cmd into command prompt
4: Let the magic begin!
alright, here what i got:
starting . . .
'busybox' is not recognized as a
operable program or batch file.
did as u said, so whats next bro?
fearkillerr said:
alright, here what i got:
starting . . .
'busybox' is not recognized as a
operable program or batch file.
did as u said, so whats next bro?
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Have you adb installed/configured?
Ok managed to make it work,, let me see now..
I can only see unlock bootloader option, no relock, is relocking under unlocking section?
fearkillerr said:
I can only see unlock bootloader option, no relock, is relocking under unlocking section?
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Can't remember off-hand - I don't use windows - I'm a linux guy!
Won't do any harm to have a look..
heloo all
i have root and xrecovery
now i want to this rom
how can i flash the kernal ?
and can i flash it on this android version :
then help me how to flash the rom
note : i read many thinks about this but i am still don't know
First of all you need to root your X8, download Flashtool, install it, run it, install drivers from folder and go to Applications>Unknown Sources(check)>Development>USB Debugging after that open Flashtool and make sure your phone is recognized by the program.
For custom kernel you need unlocked bootloader, for this better search in forums. It will be a pretty long story to explain you here. There are some guides.
There you go:
Sent from my XPERIA X8 using Tapatalk 2
oh unlocked bootloader may cause hard brick ... it's danger .. but i will reat it and try
altajer67 said:
oh unlocked bootloader may cause hard brick ... it's danger .. but i will reat it and try
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Check your manufacture date under battery, if it's below 11w29 then you can unlock bootloader but if it is not DON'T EVEN TRY !
(I hardbricked my xperia once)
oh **** my data : 10W45 ... F*** i can't unlock bootloader
altajer67 said:
oh **** my data : 10W45 ... F*** i can't unlock bootloader
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you can unlock bootloader it is properly what he wrote
My SP has a locked bootloader and I can't unlock it because it isn't allowed.
But I want to install FXP CM11. As I can't acces fastboot mode can I flash the boot.img file through CWM if a make a flashable zip file from it( If yes, how to make it? I don't really get that description. Thanks in advance.:fingers-crossed:
koostamas said:
My SP has a locked bootloader and I can't unlock it because it isn't allowed.
But I want to install FXP CM11. As I can't acces fastboot mode can I flash the boot.img file through CWM if a make a flashable zip file from it( If yes, how to make it? I don't really get that description. Thanks in advance.:fingers-crossed:
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AFAIK changing kernel in locked bootloader could result in brick, not bootloop. CMIIW, but you should be careful with carrier locked bootloader
You can't install custom kernel on a locked bootloader you will get error not installed..... Even if installed it won't boot up, you will end up with a very stylish paper weight.
just accept it can't be done and install a custom stock rom instead
Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk
You can flash the boot.img
But then your phone will be a brick
So I wouldn't recommend it
i didnt had ay problem in flashing boot.img on locked bootloader
panagiotisgr said:
i didnt had ay problem in flashing boot.img on locked bootloader
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Do you think these people are lying or something?
The whole point of a locked bootloader is that you cant modify kernel - the reason you can only used stock based ROMs.
If you can successfully flash a boot.img then yours is not locked.
Someone please correct me if i'm wrong.
yo-meister said:
Do you think these people are lying or something?
The whole point of a locked bootloader is that you cant modify kernel - the reason you can only used stock based ROMs.
If you can successfully flash a boot.img then yours is not locked.
Someone please correct me if i'm wrong.
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omg im so sorry i thought i write unlocked. mine is unlocked. not locked. replying while in move not a good idea
panagiotisgr said:
omg im so sorry i thought i write unlocked. mine is unlocked. not locked. replying while in move not a good idea
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Wow, you almost killed me
As highlighted in posts above and around the forum, it is not possible. This discussion can't go any further so..
Thread closed
Hi To All
Some times ago i flashed williams kernel with unlocked bootloader but after flash my phone stuck at kernel's logo and start to reboot automatically.
after some reboots my phone is power off and can't power on with williams kernel.
after that i flashed stock kernel and my phone is power on but when my phone is start i see my network coverage is lost and my bootloader unlocking allow is changed to 'NO'.
what i must do?
my phone cannot work with anysim and my bootloader cannot unlock after that.
please help me guys.
thanks to all.
Can Anyone Help Me?
I will backup my all data with Titanium and make a backup in recovery first and try to flash stock ROM with flashtool
After all, flash the ROM whIch u want again
it seems a silly choice, but I think that is a stable way to solve the problem
sorry for my bad English and hope can help you
hishokusakuya said:
I will backup my all data with Titanium and make a backup in recovery first and try to flash stock ROM with flashtool
After all, flash the ROM whIch u want again
it seems a silly choice, but I think that is a stable way to solve the problem
sorry for my bad English and hope can help you
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Thanks for your reply
I tried to flash many roms with flashtool but nothing change.
You lost network coverage but does it still offer to unlock the sim? And does that succeed?
And just to be sure, you did flash the correct stock ROM your model (C5302/C5303/C5306)?
If your bootloader magically relocked itself then sony pc companion should work (I know it sucks), have you tried repairing your firmware using that?
penn.gwyn said:
You lost network coverage but does it still offer to unlock the sim? And does that succeed?
And just to be sure, you did flash the correct stock ROM your model (C5302/C5303/C5306)?
If your bootloader magically relocked itself then sony pc companion should work (I know it sucks), have you tried repairing your firmware using that?
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My phone is already unlocked and I sure that i flashed the correct rom.
But I don't have to try sony pc companion.
S O N Y said:
My phone is already unlocked and I sure that i flashed the correct rom.
But I don't have to try sony pc companion.
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S O N Y said:
after that i flashed stock kernel and my phone is power on but when my phone is start i see my network coverage is lost and my bootloader unlocking allow is changed to 'NO'
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But if your bootloader is unlocked then the bootloader status should say "Bootloader Unlocked: Yes" or something along those lines.
penn.gwyn said:
But if your bootloader is unlocked then the bootloader status should say "Bootloader Unlocked: Yes" or something along those lines.
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Yes my bootloader is unlocked and my bootloader unlocking allow was 'YES'.
But after flashing william's kernel my bootloader automatically locked and my bootloader unlocking allow changed to 'NO'.
S O N Y said:
Yes my bootloader is unlocked and my bootloader unlocking allow was 'YES'.
But after flashing william's kernel my bootloader automatically locked and my bootloader unlocking allow changed to 'NO'.
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That is so unusual that you might want to check with fastboot if the bootloader really is locked. You can do that with the following fastboot command:
fastboot getvar secure
This will return "secure: yes" if the bootloader is really locked.
Anyway, have you tried a generic ROM for your device from this thread?
If you have a north american device (C5306) you might need a provider specific ROM.
penn.gwyn said:
That is so unusual that you might want to check with fastboot if the bootloader really is locked. You can do that with the following fastboot command:
fastboot getvar secure
This will return "secure: yes" if the bootloader is really locked.
Anyway, have you tried a generic ROM for your device from this thread?
If you have a north american device (C5306) you might need a provider specific ROM.
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thank you for the given ways
i will try your ways........
penn.gwyn said:
That is so unusual that you might want to check with fastboot if the bootloader really is locked. You can do that with the following fastboot command:
fastboot getvar secure
This will return "secure: yes" if the bootloader is really locked.
Anyway, have you tried a generic ROM for your device from this thread?
If you have a north american device (C5306) you might need a provider specific ROM.
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thanks for the given ways but they haven't change anything
my phone is also write 'invalid card' and my bootloader unlocking allow is 'NO'