Hi, I'm having some issues with GSM when using Android. Phone never looses signal but I can't receive any calls sometimes. Why is that? Is there any way to fix this?
Never mind, my Kaiser was just killed by another kernel flash . I wish I wasn't so stupid to try this fu**ing Android ****!
How you manage to do that?!
zagatto said:
How you manage to do that?!
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It just stopped working after another kernel flash. It turns off after 4-5 seconds. Anyway, what about those radio issues? Does anybody have a fix? Maybe someone will find it usefull. I'm still trying to heal my phone .
Anyone? Please help me .
Please help me . Anyone can say anything about that issue? Thank you a lot.
What is your current radio version? Which kernel did you flashed?
BTW, I know I am currently have my own problem with my Kaiser, but may be we can figure this thing out for you. You never know, I might end up fixing my own problem.
Tomcug, what do you have radio? Best for android is probably or
However I had a similar problem. Solution for me was the exclusion of data transmition. Try this-> Uncheck option in Settings / Wireless & Networks / Mobile networks / Data enabled.
@ Tomcug - Did you ever solve this problem?
BeenAndroidized said:
@ Tomcug - Did you ever solve this problem?
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Well, I don't know ATM because I'm fighting with Android right now. Something strange happens, random hangs and reboots, probably something you're dealing with too . Don't know why, I've never had this issue before, at least not until I started to play with kernels, now this bug occurs with every kernel...
tomcug said:
Well, I don't know ATM because I'm fighting with Android right now. Something strange happens, random hangs and reboots, probably something you're dealing with too . Don't know why, I've never had this issue before, at least not until I started to play with kernels, now this bug occurs with every kernel...
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Told you I wasn't lying (LOL Just Kidding)..
Yea! I am still trying to fight these issues (both reboot and shutdown on its own). It's something to do with the Kernel/radio combo and I am thinking it might also be related to SPL (base on past experience with Android on the other phone). I end up (for now) flashing the 2.6.25 to see if it will stop. We will see.
EDIT: BTW! The battery is playing tricks on me too. It keep jumping back and forth between full (or somewhere in between) and low battery...
BeenAndroidized said:
Told you I wasn't lying (LOL Just Kidding)..
Yea! I am still trying to fight these issues (both reboot and shutdown on its own). It's something to do with the Kernel/radio combo and I am thinking it might also be related to SPL (base on past experience with Android on the other phone). I end up (for now) flashing the 2.6.25 to see if it will stop. We will see.
EDIT: BTW! The battery is playing tricks on me too. It keep jumping back and forth between full (or somewhere in between) and low battery...
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I managed to sort this out, it was Gingerbones . After flashing Not So Super Froyo reboot issues are just history . Now, I'm gonna heavily test radio module, I just need to recharge battery, I've been using damn thing since morning almost without any rest for poor Kaiser .
tomcug said:
I managed to sort this out, it was Gingerbones . After flashing Not So Super Froyo reboot issues are just history . Now, I'm gonna heavily test radio module, I just need to recharge battery, I've been using damn thing since morning almost without any rest for poor Kaiser .
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Great to hear, Gingerbones, hurh?
BeenAndroidized said:
Great to hear, Gingerbones, hurh?
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Yeah, Gingerbones .
I don't know why but this is the ROM that was rebooting for me all the time .
tomcug said:
Yeah, Gingerbones .
I don't know why but this is the ROM that was rebooting for me all the time .
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Oh! I see.
Well, my issues were still there, I was missing many calls all the time. So I just ran out of my patience and flashed WM 6.5 . I'm very happy user of Kaiser again now, Android is just problem maker on this device, anyway it's an OS designed to spy user so I don't care .
tomcug said:
Well, my issues were still there, I was missing many calls all the time. So I just ran out of my patience and flashed WM 6.5 . I'm very happy user of Kaiser again now, Android is just problem maker on this device, anyway it's an OS designed to spy user so I don't care .
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You means you are done?
BeenAndroidized said:
You means you are done?
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Yeah, more or less, I forgot Android on Kaiser. This causes just too many problems for me and WM 6.5 is still what I need. I use phone only to make calls and surf the net.
tomcug said:
Yeah, more or less, I forgot Android on Kaiser. This causes just too many problems for me and WM 6.5 is still what I need. I use phone only to make calls and surf the net.
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Sorry to hear, have fun... I'll be sticking around with Android. Just flashed updates to bootanimation. (droid bionic) Looks cool...
Also, I am in the process of getting that new battery. So, I should be good to go with the battery problem.
I'm about to through it into the trash.
Why is this happening? How can I fix this? It is driving me nuts. Is this happening to anyone else?
Just my 2cents
Maybe you might wanna divulge a little more info than " my 8125 keeps resetting" In my expierence the more info you can tell about your problem the better the probability of someone knowing whats wrong. Like i said, just my 2cents.
Also let us know what programs you have installed. And whether or not your 8125 is overclocked. What ROM do you have? When did you install it if you did?
Just saying it keeps resetting is way too vague...
xultar said:
I'm about to through it into the trash.
Why is this happening? How can I fix this? It is driving me nuts. Is this happening to anyone else?
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if ur gonna throw it in trash , please consider to donate it to this forum
prolly have it overclocked at the wrong speed?
shady79 said:
Maybe you might wanna divulge a little more info than " my 8125 keeps resetting" In my expierence the more info you can tell about your problem the better the probability of someone knowing whats wrong. Like i said, just my 2cents.
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You're right. I was totally beside myself with craziness. I've researched this for a long time today and finally I'd cracked. I needed to walk away from it for a while. while. I've had this issue with the 2.6 roms as well.
Molski 3.0
Overclocked to 264
It just started the resetting thing in the past couple of days. It's like clock work every 3 minutes or so.
I have almost every program made installed. Apps that require Web resources only access the web every 12 hrs. I don't think it has anything to do with data.
try to put it on 192mhz this should work fine...
remember its a 180mhz proc and the higher u clock it the sooner it will be fried
xultar said:
You're right. I was totally beside myself with craziness. I've researched this for a long time today and finally I'd cracked. I needed to walk away from it for a while. while. I've had this issue with the 2.6 roms as well.
Molski 3.0
Overclocked to 264
It just started the resetting thing in the past couple of days. It's like clock work every 3 minutes or so.
I have almost every program made installed. Apps that require Web resources only access the web every 12 hrs. I don't think it has anything to do with data.
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Chances are it's cuz you overclocked it. Although at 264 mhz, it does sound odd...but then again, every wizard is different. What are you using to OC it? I used to use omap and it would reset when i OC'd to 273. I now use battery status and never had the same issue when OC'd the same.
Hi all. I seem to have the same recuuring issue at least twice a day with my kaiser.
For no apparant reason it keeps freezing on me, and each time always displays the same fuzzy graphics on the title bar (see attachment).
Has anybody come accross this issue? What shall I do?
Thanks in advance.
new rom =\...master reset..idk
Novice Gadget Boy said:
Hi all. I seem to have the same recuuring issue at least twice a day with my kaiser.
For no apparant reason it keeps freezing on me, and each time always displays the same fuzzy graphics on the title bar (see attachment).
Has anybody come accross this issue? What shall I do?
Thanks in advance.
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Do you have a custom rom or a stock rom?
What rom are you using?
What radio are you using?
Can you tell us the available memory you have?
Do you have a task manager installed, and are you making sure everything is closed prior to opening new programs?
That information will be helpful in figuring out what's going on. Let us know, thanks! =)
If you don't have one of the newer custom roms, you're pretty much guaranteed to get an answer of "install hardspl / new radio / rom".
If you have a stock rom from HTC... you're gonna hear "reflash the phone with the stock rom, and if it still does it.. return the phone, or flash it with a custom one".
How much warranty do you have left?
Can you also give us a list of what programs you have installed, and which ones are usually running?
Pictures part 1
Thanks for the quick response. There are a lot of questions so i took a bunch of screen shots. Hope this helps. Let me know if you need anymore detail.
See second post as i am unable to post all pics in one post.
Pictures part 2
I am also running battibar in the background.
Well, from what i gather from the screenshots you posted everything should be working fine. There's no reason it should be freezing up, unless there is some sort of conflict, or corrupt program.
Have you noticed that it happens after opening a certain program, or is it really random?
Oh, I take it that's a stock rom right? You never flashed the phone, you just installed individual cab files, right?
nimda0 said:
....Have you noticed that it happens after opening a certain program, or is it really random?
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It seems to be random but then on the other hand ive noticed that it usually happens when its been sitting on the charger and idle (for example, i'll pop it on the charger before bed, and when i wake up in the morning its frozen). Also it happens at work when its connected to my pc via activesync and after i havent been doing anything for a while.
nimda0 said:
Oh, I take it that's a stock rom right? You never flashed the phone, you just installed individual cab files, right?
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Yes, thats correct.
Novice Gadget Boy said:
It seems to be random but then on the other hand ive noticed that it usually happens when its been sitting on the charger and idle (for example, i'll pop it on the charger before bed, and when i wake up in the morning its frozen). Also it happens at work when its connected to my pc via activesync and after i havent been doing anything for a while.
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Well... it could be overheating. If that's the case it's gotta go back. How much warranty do you have left on the phone before it ends?
Novice Gadget Boy said:
Yes, thats correct.
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Well, just like I posted above. Everything seems fine... and since you are using the stock rom you only have a few choices. You can start uninstalling programs 1 by 1... (noting which ones you uninstall so you can put them back on). Go 1/2 a day, and see if you still have the problem after uninstalling each program. That will help narrow down the theory about corrupt programs or conflicts.
Another option, is reloading the stock rom from HTC... and don't install anything. See how that works for a day... if it's fine, then you can start installing programs.... then if the problem occurs, you know it's got to be something with one of the program you've put on there.
Then you could always just uninstall everything, reset everything, and send it back and get a new phone.... but if it's the software causing the issue, and you put the same software back on the new phone.. you'll just be right back in the same situation again.
If you have warranty time left, i'd uninstall everything, and demand a new phone because of teh issues you are having. Onec you get it, then i'd flash with a custom rom... just make sure you do it right. =)
EDIT: Hell even if you don't have any warranty left, i'd STILL flash with a custom rom. I can't even begin to tell you how much better my phone runs now that it's flashed compared to before. I was using the stock ROM before from HTC, i had some issues... it was a bit laggy... so i reflashed with the stock rom, limited the software i put on it.. etc. etc.... still ran like dog piss... so i flashed, and well..... you get the picture. It's awesome now.
nimda0 said:
Well... it could be overheating. If that's the case it's gotta go back. How much warranty do you have left on the phone before it ends?
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10 months. But i dont feel any heat whatsoever, and the other day i was using it at work all day connected via activesync and it didnt freeze up. its only when i leave it idle on the charger.... Last weekend i kept getting messages from friends all during the night while it was on the charger (i was reading messages) and it didnt freeze.
So if it's sitting still for a long time without activity.. it freezes. Hmm... well i could give you a dozen things to try, but they'd just be bandaid fixes anyway. If it's freezing something isnt right.
Read my first post on page 2 of this thread you started and that should give you your options. FLASH!!
for some reason i have been getting a prompt about every few hours that says
"BatteryStatus Today-Plugin"
"this is shareware and you can use it "as is" and as long as you want!
thank you for using BatteryStatus Advanced!"
i have Open Touch v3.0 Biggy WM 6.1 that was just flashed last week w/no problems (only this little one).
any one have a solution for this?
I have the same exact issue, it just started this morning. It used to do it before, too, and it took another flashing to get rid of it. It looks like the cook used an incorrect version of BatteryStatus.
From the BatteryStatus Author's site:
I have a nag-window sometimes. How can i remove that?
A registration system is currently in testing state. If you want a nag-free version (for a while) you need to register at xda-developers and use one of the versions provided there.
so where does this leave us
orochidp said:
I have the same exact issue, it just started this morning. It used to do it before, too, and it took another flashing to get rid of it. It looks like the cook used an incorrect version of BatteryStatus.
From the BatteryStatus Author's site:
I have a nag-window sometimes. How can i remove that?
A registration system is currently in testing state. If you want a nag-free version (for a while) you need to register at xda-developers and use one of the versions provided there.
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alright, its not just me. so what now? i really don't want to flash again. i am already registered here, so how do i get/install an "xda version"?
let me know if you have any ideas.
I just installed the BatteryStatusExt.1.05.UPXed.build_0290.CAB from this thread:
So far it seems like my issue has been fixed. I hope it works for you, too.
I had the pop up since this morning too. I did a soft reset, and since then there hasn't been a prompt yet
thanks for the searching
orochidp said:
I just installed the BatteryStatusExt.1.05.UPXed.build_0290.CAB from this thread:
So far it seems like my issue has been fixed. I hope it works for you, too.
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I followed the thread and it says on the first paragraph that the BatteryStatusExt.1.05.UPXed.build_0290.CAB could damage your device.
this has me skeeved out. i might just give it a day or two, and if it continues, i'll just flash to Open Touch v4.0 Biggy. i just got this phone a month ago and i don't want to kill it yet. thanks for the suggestion
Jerommeke said:
I had the pop up since this morning too. I did a soft reset, and since then there hasn't been a prompt yet
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i wonder if this is a coincidence? i bet that this pop up is scheduled at the end of every month or something like that.
digitalknoll said:
I followed the thread and it says on the first paragraph that the BatteryStatusExt.1.05.UPXed.build_0290.CAB could damage your device.
this has me skeeved out. i might just give it a day or two, and if it continues, i'll just flash to Open Touch v4.0 Biggy. i just got this phone a month ago and i don't want to kill it yet. thanks for the suggestion
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EVERY version of BatteryStatus can hurt your device if you use it incorrectly. For example, overclocking to above 260 is not smart and will shorten the life of your device. It could just freeze up and stop altogether. It's nothing specific to that version, just that overclocking in general is pretty risky stuff if you push it.
i did not know that...
orochidp said:
EVERY version of BatteryStatus can hurt your device if you use it incorrectly. For example, overclocking to above 260 is not smart and will shorten the life of your device. It could just freeze up and stop altogether. It's nothing specific to that version, just that overclocking in general is pretty risky stuff if you push it.
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cool, well thanks for that info. i have seen a lot of people clocked at 247 and up, and i tried that, but i swear the back of my phone was getting hot. i switched it over to 234, and it runs just fine for me. i don't think i would be able to tell the difference anyway. great, then i will open that cab up and see what happens. thanks for the info orochidp.
Jerommeke said:
I had the pop up since this morning too. I did a soft reset, and since then there hasn't been a prompt yet
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This pop-up is incredibly annoying.
i hate the latest version and this still pops up. how do i fix please?
I soft reset and it still no work.
I really had a bad day (past 2-3 days actually) my kaiser has lost sound, cant hear anything, no calls, no music, no system "bleeps", I did hard-reset, flashed diffrent rom, diffrent radio w/e
so its dead, well sound is...dead....
but on the bright side, its a company phone
and since i need my phone, I got a new one.....company paid
got a touch cruise, great phone btw
wish my kaiser could have waited to fail untill diamond was out....
but, maybe someone have a bright idea on how to fix the sound?
Can't think of anything else; all the things i was going to suggest you have already tried maybe someone with a little more experience than me might be able to help.
Good luck though.
did someone flash their phone to another rom?
ChumleyEX said:
did someone flash their phone to another rom?
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Did someone forget how to read?
he said he flashed his radio,,, wonder if it was just not a combatible radio
CUSTEL said:
Did someone forget how to read?
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It may be a stupid question, but still ...
Did you installed SRS WOW HD?
I lost sound when I installed this program.
Uninstalled it, rebooted, everything back to normal.
ash057 said:
he said he flashed his radio,,, wonder if it was just not a combatible radio
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errrm, no, I have had the radio for a long time, and I reflashed the stock rom with default radio to check..
I flashed the new radio AFTER I got the problem, I have used same radio for 4-5 months with no issues at all.
pinx said:
It may be a stupid question, but still ...
Did you installed SRS WOW HD?
I lost sound when I installed this program.
Uninstalled it, rebooted, everything back to normal.
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No, if you read my post you would see that I have done hard-reset and flashed new rom (stock) after I started to have this problem, and I still have it
Hi, I've got the same problem here.
I flash to NoThrills Dutch (WM6.1) about a month ago..
Everything worked fine.
No problems at all
At one moment (yesterday) my phone rang. I pressed the green butten. The call was accepted but no sound. I hungup. Called the person back, no sound.
After that happend all sound was lost (speaker, windows media, coreplayer, etc, etc)
Then I performed a softreset. sound was working again. I called someone. Everything was ok. Then I hungup. and the sound was gone again.
So I performed a Hard reset.
Sound was OK till I accepted a call.. and the problem started all over again.
Then I performed a Radio ROM flash. I've tried the following versions:
KAIS_Radinly_1.64.08.21_CustomRUU < This was my default radio after nothrills update.
This didn't solve the problem.
Any suggestions?
Keep in mind that before the problem occured I didn't perform any (rom)updates nor have I installed any software lately.
I perform a softreset every 2 days normally.
CUSTEL said:
Did someone forget how to read?
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You're killn me here
sjoukes said:
Hi, I've got the same problem here.
I flash to NoThrills Dutch (WM6.1) about a month ago..
Everything worked fine.
No problems at all
At one moment (yesterday) my phone rang. I pressed the green butten. The call was accepted but no sound. I hungup. Called the person back, no sound.
After that happend all sound was lost (speaker, windows media, coreplayer, etc, etc)
Then I performed a softreset. sound was working again. I called someone. Everything was ok. Then I hungup. and the sound was gone again.
So I performed a Hard reset.
Sound was OK till I accepted a call.. and the problem started all over again.
Then I performed a Radio ROM flash. I've tried the following versions:
KAIS_Radinly_1.64.08.21_CustomRUU < This was my default radio after nothrills update.
This didn't solve the problem.
Any suggestions?
Keep in mind that before the problem occured I didn't perform any (rom)updates nor have I installed any software lately.
I perform a softreset every 2 days normally.
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I also have the same problem and have been experiencing it on a number of rom/radio combinations. I have now flashed back to stock bootloader/rom/radio to see if it happens again - it did happen when I was just on stock rom/radion but using hard-spl.
There seems to be a few people now with this problem Unfortunately nobody of any particular knowledge to help fix it. Lots of people are making noises about incompatible radios but I know for a fact that I have been using compatible radios and still getting the problem. If it does it again now it will go back to HTC, but at a bit of a loss as to what is going on.
Yep, happened again.... hard resetting now again to see if happens on 'bare' device!
captainsensible2002 said:
I also have the same problem and have been experiencing it on a number of rom/radio combinations. I have now flashed back to stock bootloader/rom/radio to see if it happens again - it did happen when I was just on stock rom/radion but using hard-spl.
There seems to be a few people now with this problem Unfortunately nobody of any particular knowledge to help fix it. Lots of people are making noises about incompatible radios but I know for a fact that I have been using compatible radios and still getting the problem. If it does it again now it will go back to HTC, but at a bit of a loss as to what is going on.
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Yesterday I've flashed the nothrills rom twice. First time no luck. the second time everything functioned OK...
I hope it will stay working this time. If not it's back to HTC with the phone..
I am having the same issue starting 2-3 weeks ago. I am also having trouble with all phone functionality in general. The SMS, Phone call, internet. They all work intermittently. Sometimes it work but most of time it doesn't work. Now I am so frustrated that I am planning to take the phone back to vodafone to see whether they can replace mine.
Who here has had the issue that is using MSVC or S2U2, or both?
Hey everyone, watch http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=392606
for a similar discussion.
I think it's going to end up being S2U2.
It happened to me on the ATT Death Beta and I do not use S2U2...
Reverted back to L26 V4 Vanilla and all is well again...
I've tried most every ROM available on XDA with most every radio in the last 6 weeks (I used the compatible ones). I even went back to AT&T 6.0 ROM/radio. No luck. Unfortunately I probably can't return it to HTC as I bought my Tilt on ebay and unlocked it to use with T-Mobile... I don't use S2U2 and actually have very vague idea what it is.
I am seeing this on my stock AT&T ROM and Radio, but I am hard spl'd. This also popped up on me about 2 - 3 weeks ago and I can't shake it no matter what ROM I try, even stock.
It seems today I am good but I am not running anything on here - no HTC Home, no MS VC, no S2U2.
I am going to put MS VC on first and go ahead through the weekend to see what makes me break.
Not good news that people WITHOUT S2U2 are seeing this exact problem. I was hoping that was it.
Just to confirm, we have users that:
1.) Do NOT use S2U2
2.) Do NOT use MS VC
3.) DO have the problem where the phone will suddenly stop making sounds. Calling people, they cannot hear you, you cannot hear them. Only a soft reset helps and only then for a short while.
Can someone confirm they meet all of these criteria? If not, do we have people that hit 2 out of 3?
1.) Do NOT use S2U2
2.) Do NOT use MS VC
3.) DO have the problem where the phone will suddenly stop making sounds. Calling people, they cannot hear you, you cannot hear them. Only a soft reset helps and only then for a short while.
1.) Check
2.) Check
3.) Check.... But the soft reset doesn't help...
Hi guys, just got my mix around a week ago. Flawless at first, no real complain, then this morning i noticed my smartband hasnt given me any notification and it turns out the phone bluetooth connection is dead.
Dead as in you can click it to tell it to turn itself on, but nothing happens. It doesnt recognise any bluetooth nearby either. Tried the test in the about section of the phone and it doesnt give me anything on the bluetooth status, just blank.
Tried restarting the phone, same thing. Factory reset, same thing. Im on 8.0 global rom straight from when i bought it. Any idea if this is hardware or software?
I flashed EpicROM from last week and now I can't connect to my Bluetooth speaker. I can still see Bluetooth devices but it's not pairing. Worked on EpicROM from february
mr_sheen said:
Hi guys, just got my mix around a week ago. Flawless at first, no real complain, then this morning i noticed my smartband hasnt given me any notification and it turns out the phone bluetooth connection is dead.
Dead as in you can click it to tell it to turn itself on, but nothing happens. It doesnt recognise any bluetooth nearby either. Tried the test in the about section of the phone and it doesnt give me anything on the bluetooth status, just blank.
Tried restarting the phone, same thing. Factory reset, same thing. Im on 8.0 global rom straight from when i bought it. Any idea if this is hardware or software?
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That is vendor ROM.
Well at the very least you still able to toggle the bluetooth on and off, while mine just doesnt even budge. Really disappointing though...
mr_sheen said:
Well at the very least you still able to toggle the bluetooth on and off, while mine just doesnt even budge. Really disappointing though...
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Think you are going to have to flash proper ROM
jazz452 said:
Think you are going to have to flash proper ROM
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Yup. Im very rusty about all this rom flashing things nowadays. I'll read some and hopefully can flash some tonight, need my device up and running for monday morning :crying:
Updated to 8.2 global and the Bluetooth still fudged. Guess im probably selling the phone then as it looks like hardware failure
mr_sheen said:
Yup. Im very rusty about all this rom flashing things nowadays. I'll read some and hopefully can flash some tonight, need my device up and running for monday morning :crying:
Updated to 8.2 global and the Bluetooth still fudged. Guess im probably selling the phone then as it looks like hardware failure
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Did that include full wipe?
jazz452 said:
Did that include full wipe?
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Good point Jazz....when I dirty flashed to the 8.2 global rom I was having all kinds of forced closes literally almost every few seconds it seemed. It clearly stated in the guide if you go from developer rom to global you should do a complete wipe but I seemed to miss that part. I then re formatted and started from scratch and it worked like a charm after that...zero FCS. Give it another try if you didn't wipe it last time, could make the difference.
I'm from official rom stable and without bluetooth since 3 days ... I wait for an official update or it's hardware problem ? What can i do ? I'm so sad and disappointed with this !
Nobody can help me ? It's software or hardware problem ?
[email protected] said:
Nobody can help me ? It's software or hardware problem ?
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Try to do a clean flash with another rom, like global or last beta. Probaly, is a software problem.
I'm already on global rom ... A clean flash is full erase of the phone but Mi Mix without SD card is a big problem for backup all my phone ...
I gotts say i bought this phone with high hopes but it is a total c**p. Moving from opo5 I regret it all the way. My Bluetooth doesnt work also. I tried resetting phone and settings only since it doesn't back up app data (except for sone google spps) i dont want to factory reset. Anyone had a chance fixing it?
wolus666 said:
I gotts say i bought this phone with high hopes but it is a total c**p. Moving from opo5 I regret it all the way. My Bluetooth doesnt work also. I tried resetting phone and settings only since it doesn't back up app data (except for sone google spps) i dont want to factory reset. Anyone had a chance fixing it?
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update firmware and install custom rom
wolus666 said:
I gotts say i bought this phone with high hopes but it is a total c**p. Moving from opo5 I regret it all the way. My Bluetooth doesnt work also. I tried resetting phone and settings only since it doesn't back up app data (except for sone google spps) i dont want to factory reset. Anyone had a chance fixing it?
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Did you buy it new, which ROM, could it be vendor rom, do as suggested, back up you're data, install custom rom it's the only way to find out if it's hardware, no one else is reporting these sorts of problems even after 2 years of abuse.
Sorry posted in wrong section. I bought new global mix 2S and has latest ota.
wolus666 said:
Sorry posted in wrong section. I bought new global mix 2S and has latest ota.
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Near enough mate.