I'm new to this forum.
I searched in this forum abt gingerbread rom.
I found nothing.
Galaxy s bootloader cracked or not?
What abt recovery?
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svprm said:
I'm new to this forum.
I searched in this forum abt gingerbread rom.
I found nothing.
Galaxy s bootloader cracked or not?
What abt recovery?
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everything about gingerbread on this forum is unofficial, custom, what ever you want to call it... what seems to be your problem, you didnt make it clear about what your asking for.. but dont stress !!! help is at hand lol
Galaxy s have any unofficial or custom gingerbread rom?
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http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=814091 you could try that its a custom ROM with gingerbread edition.
It is like a gingerbread rom.
Any ported rom from gingerbread ASOP?
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yes its like gingerbread, im running it now, i like it and it is quick, with some nice features, why dont you give it a try and as for any ported gingerbread ROMs... i have no idea.. best to check thru the forums and see if anything pops up.
I want to install custom rom.
My phone is new with froyo latest version.
2.Install Recovery
3.custom rom
Is it correct?
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Thats Perfect man thats all u need, u dont need to root, but if u install Hardcores kernel that has the option to root
svprm said:
I want to install custom rom.
My phone is new with froyo latest version.
2.Install Recovery
3.custom rom
Is it correct?
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Any ROM you get from this forum will have installation instructions. This is the best place to start.
Gingerbread has not been officially released yet so I doubt you will find any ROMs based on it. Most custom ROMs are based on JPU and JPY (both FroYo), but they do have some Gingerbread elements installed.
Nice to see galaxy have recovery and 3 button mode.
Both are working on my galaxy.
Very easy to install custom rom.
But Xperia x10 need to root then install recovery and then custom rom.
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I have gotten I9000 ROMs to install on my Cappy before, but now with both of Kenia1234's AMAZING GalaxySENSE/COMB ROMs for the I9000 I get an assert error(Status 7) when I try to flash it in CWM. Why is this? Any solutions would be Awesome!
I honestly dont know anytime about the romsb our the error. Just wondering if it has to do with version of cwm, ie v3 vs v2?
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Nerz said:
I honestly dont know anytime about the romsb our the error. Just wondering if it has to do with version of cwm, ie v3 vs v2?
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It does, and we are supposed to be on CWM 3.X.X.X
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I think you have to have a special kernel for sense/honeycomb for it to work, also are you sure they are CWM installable and which CWM they are compatible with
also if no special kernel is needed make sure you have an I9000 kernel since that is what they are for
Im using a reoriented kernel, specifically for the I9000 Sense port, made to make it work on the Captivate. I'm no noob, not saying anyone is, this just really got my attention cuz I love sense and wanna try Honeycomb out for awhile!
Sent from my Cappy rockin' MIUI on Glitch kernel from XDA Premium App
Moderators plz close thread, figured it out!
b-eock said:
Moderators plz close thread, figured it out!
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Wouldn't it be better to explain how in detail you did it so there won't have to create another thread for this
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Use this guide made by me!
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Hi I was wondering if someone could please port this rom from the vibrant forum. Its called simply honey 5.0, also can that person port the update package that is supposed to be flashed afterwards on the rom. Thanks in advance.
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ameedi600 said:
Hi I was wondering if someone could please port this rom from the vibrant forum. Its called simply honey 5.0, also can that person port the update package that is supposed to be flashed afterwards on the rom. Thanks in advance.
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Its an i9000 rom ported to vibrant very easy to port to captivate from the i9000 version
Wrong forum btw
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replace zImage with captivate one (for same OS version)
replace modem.bin with captivate one
change SGH-T959 in build.prop to SGH-I897 (not even necessary)
done. wrong section.
First time posting on Xda, but i've been browsing for awhile, nothing helped my scenario so I'm gonna post about it;
So recently I got a used Captivate I896 on ROGERS from my friend as he wasn't using it. Nothing was wrong with it, worked fine and I got the captivate when it had 2.2 stock FROYO. Through a bit of research and a different friend informing me, I figured out I could update it to stock 2.3.3 on rogers through Kies which I did. Everything was going well, phone did everything I needed it to on Gingerbread. Then... The same friend who told me about updating to 2.3.3, started talking to me about roms and rooting, this is when I found out about Xda. So for awhile I was looking into roms and trying to find a decent ICS rom to put on to my cappy as I saw countless videos on youtube and threads here on Xda of people running ICS with few problems. So... with my friend's help I took the bull by the horns and successfully rooted my cappy on 2.3.3. Downloaded Rom manager.. and then we figured out it wasnt supported for the captivate so I flashed the CornKernel which got me the correct version of CWM. This is where everything started to go downhill... We found TeamHacksung's ICS rom for the cappy on youtube. I downloaded the files onto my device, made a backup, and booted into CWM. Everything was going smooth, we wiped the phone, did everything correctly from the video instructions and then went for the reboot. It booted but... Soon after it started to bootloop. At this point I was panicking as it was my current phone I was using. I managed to get it back into CWM and we tried the files again... Same result in a bootloop. Oh, might i mention, the Backup file didn't work for some reason. Maybe I did something wrong? But anyways, at this point I thought I was bricked as the phone would only Bootloop. Talking to my friend on skype, he linked me "Odin" I had heard about it at the time but I was unaware of what it could do. He then linked me "How to get Samsung Captivate into Download mode" which i followed the steps and got my device into download mode and restored it using Odin. It was a successful restore, it worked... but... As I mentioned before, had the rogers boot screens and it WAS an I896.. but when i rebooted the phone it was now running 2.1 Eclair with At&t boot screens and it now thinks its a I897. At this point I was like, I'll just use it for awhile and hopefully we can try this again soon as it was getting late and I needed my phone the next day. After about a week of using Eclair, I was ABSOLUTELY sick of it, everything felt outdated and old. So I looked into flashing my phone back to either stock 2.2 or stock 2.3.3 OR even all the way to ICS. Then bad things started happening again... Whatever my friend linked me to restore my phone using Odin it left me with this:
Model number: SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 <---(Was I896)
Firmware version: 2.1-update1
Baseband version: I897UCJF6
Kernel version: 2.6.29 [email protected] #2
Build number: ECLAIR
None of this seemed right to me, which now, I THINK it's not right. I tried all button combos to get it back into download mode to possibly flash 2.2 or 2.3.3 again... But NOTHING, download mode won't work after all that, which it did in the past otherwise I wouldn't have this problem right now. So I decided to Root my phone again, which I successfully did through a OneClick method (Forget which one I used). I decided maybe I could download ROM manager on the market, seeing as my phone is outdated and I can't use Google Play. Soon I found out Rom manager (Atleast the free version) doesn't exist on the Market. I tried 3rd party websites like 4shared to download it but Eclair has no options to allow untrusted sources. ALSO, I tried settling for Kies and Kies Mini, both of which recognize my phone as a "unregistered device" even though I used Kies in the first place. I feel i've dug myself into quite the hole now, so sick of this phone at this point
P.S. I've debated making a Jig to force it into Download mode... but would this be the solution? And if so, what could i use to flash back to stock? AND sorry about the long post, I wanted to include as much info as I possibly knew about my phone.
I feel I should mention again, the phone DOES work, but I'm sick of Eclair and I would like to get back to stock. Please help, anything would be great at this point.
You really shouldn't flash back to eclair for that reason. You should update to gingerbread with bootloaders. To get download mode, you will need either a jig or adb reboot download.
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Okay, I'll go buy resistors to make a jig sometime this week. But if I did, what should I use to flash 2.3.3 gingerbread? And which stock rom should I use?
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camxv said:
Okay, I'll go buy resistors to make a jig sometime this week. But if I did, what should I use to flash 2.3.3 gingerbread? And which stock rom should I use?
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trusselo has a thread for Rogers one clicks in the development section. Those should work for you.
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Ok thanks for the help. Once I get back to 2.3.3, do you recommend any ics or jellybean roms?
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camxv said:
Ok thanks for the help. Once I get back to 2.3.3, do you recommend any ics or jellybean roms?
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Well, depends what you're looking for. If you want to be on the latest, and not the greatest, I would choose any of the ICS roms. The Collective has some good stuff, and so does Cyanogen. CM10 is updated "daily" where I'm not sure what the Collective's release schedule is. You'll find that both of those are "laggy" though, as that's been my experience. I had CM9 ICS on my Captivate and it was certainly a good "daily driver".
I was looking into Jellybean.. But I'm not sure. Is CM9 a good choice? Cause I've been look at it, and considering it? Can you link me to CM9?
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camxv said:
I was looking into Jellybean.. But I'm not sure. Is CM9 a good choice? Cause I've been look at it, and considering it? Can you link me to CM9?
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Honestly, you could go either way. Generally, I felt like CM10 ran a bit slower, but that may have changed with the recent partition change. If you want the latest and most up to date, go with CM10. CM9 may perform better but it won't get new features. It's up to you to decide which you like better. You can find nightly threads for both in the development section.
In the development section, is the thread by illuminatedone the correct thread? Cause it's the only stock rom thread I could find. And can I ask what Nightly means?
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camxv said:
In the development section, is the thread by illuminatedone the correct thread? Cause it's the only stock rom thread I could find. And can I ask what Nightly means?
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The fourth post in that thread links to the Rogers one.
Nightly builds are built almost everyday by the buildbot, and they contain all the latest changes. They are generally considered to be less stable than the stable releases.
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Are they stable enough for daily use though? And are you sure it's the 4th post in the development section? That post is just modems its a thread by devz3r0
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This thread this post here... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=18371028
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camxv said:
Are they stable enough for daily use though? And are you sure it's the 4th post in the development section? That post is just modems its a thread by devz3r0
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I consider them good enough for a daily driver, yes.
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Ok. I shall give it a try then... But final question. What kernel should i flash when im back on 2.3.3 to get CWM? Im also nervous to flash back to Gingerbread, i dont want to mess up my phone again :/
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camxv said:
Ok. I shall give it a try then... But final question. What kernel should i flash when im back on 2.3.3 to get CWM? Im also nervous to flash back to Gingerbread, i dont want to mess up my phone again :/
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Really any GB kernel, but I'd go with Corn.
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Hm, thats what I used before. Thanks though ill flash it again
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Hello again everyone in the Q/A cappy forums. I know ive had the questions i needed answered in this thread but... I've yet to flash my cappy back to stock 2.3.3 rogers cause ive been reading about bootloaders and ive just been scared to do it. How do i find out about the bootloaders on my phone and are they nessessary? Thanks
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U have bootloaders on ur phone regardless.
If u r running eclair/froyo, then u have those bootloaders. If u r running gingerbread, then u have those gb bootloaders. Simple as that.
If u try to run a gb firmware on ur phone and u have a really bad pixelated screen when it boots up then u r trying to run a gb firmware with eclair/froyo bootloders. U need gb boots to run gb firmware.
If u have a running gb firmware on ur phone then u have gb bootloaders... Also they are backwards compatible and u don't need to flash bootloaders again.
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Im currently running eclair, but i was on stock gingerbread before this whole mess. Does that mean i still have gb bootloaders or what...?
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That depends on whether the eclair firmware that u used contained bootloaders or not...
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first of all thanks to all xda has always helped me
my captivate had installed CM 10 something happened and I had to flash with odin and return to a 2.3.3 rom now I want to go back to CM but I need help, I honestly do not know which I have bootloaders (sorry if this is a dumb question) is not as back to have CM on my phone please someone to tell me the link to a guide or tell me the steps.
If you were on CM10 before then you should already have the correct boot loaders. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1350266 this is a good tutorial that has all the steps needed.
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You flashed Gingerbread, therefore you must have gingerbread bootloaders.
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