hello guys new in here....so sorry.....
i have i new 2.3.5 xxkpg samsung galaxy s plus phone...rooted.....which i wish to instal thunderbolt over adrenaline shot universal mode v13....secondly can anyone give me a detailed how to and what do i need to install thunderbolt over adrenaline shot universal mode v13?and last one whats the thunderbolt advantage vs sas advantage?
thanks guys in advance i am waiting for your help...
thanks a lot
nd i have installed sas with not many differencies.....so if you may help
Which one is better? On the installation-way, i find adrenaline shot is way to easy to install..just go to recovery-mount sd-install-reboot-done...
But still cant understand how n which file to install with thunderbolt...
Sent from my GT-I9001 using Tapatalk
pyronia said:
Which one is better? On the installation-way, i find adrenaline shot is way to easy to install..just go to recovery-mount sd-install-reboot-done...
But still cant understand how n which file to install with thunderbolt...
Sent from my GT-I9001 using Tapatalk
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you can try and you will see what is bette for you ;-)
BTW thunderbolt instalation is same as adrenaline shot ;-)
prescott66 said:
you can try and you will see what is bette for you ;-)
BTW thunderbolt instalation is same as adrenaline shot ;-)
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Is it? Can u post a link to download it here....coz i dont known which file to download since there are lots of add-on on adrenaline thread...
Sent from my GT-I9001 using Tapatalk
I tried to installl SAS with OC/UV FeaMod and i took less values than 1.3 non OC/UV + SAS.
What happens?[QE]
And, here you have SAS zip v13.
How to check the script working or not???
GT-I9001 Adrenaline Shot - powered by Instanet free edition
Using root explorer go to system/etc/init.d folder, you should find 6 files there those are the scripts and the tweaks which loadup while the phone boots
Hi sorry for asking but i'm a noob. Can i just install SAS v13 or thunderbold through stock recovery method? or need to install through cwm?
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fadzlihellmuth said:
Hi sorry for asking but i'm a noob. Can i just install SAS v13 or thunderbold through stock recovery method? or need to install through cwm?
Sent from my GT-I9001 using xda premium
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I think u cant mount-system in stock recovery..
SGS+i9001 - 2.3.6 zskp6 | Adrenaline Shot
FeaMod 1.2 | Celcom Instanet 3G Free Data
I think you need a kernel with init.d script support and stock kernel doesn't support this
And all these kernels for the I9001 have cwm included
So you have to install cwm :-D
Sent from my GT-I9001 using XDA App
But you can try this: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1376388
Sent from my GT-I9001 using XDA App
Thanks guys.. Just flashed cwm and feacore package by manveru0 and also adrenalin shot.. works very well..
Sent from my GT-I9001 using xda premium
what is thunderbolt and adrenaline shot ?
I don't know what is thunderbolt and adrenaline shot......can you help me and explain what thunderbolt do and adrenaline shot do ???
Thank you
chirusal2009 said:
I don't know what is thunderbolt and adrenaline shot......can you help me and explain what thunderbolt do and adrenaline shot do ???
Thank you
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both are a group of tweaks collected in 1 zip that should boost ur phone's performance. it's a subjective thing which one of them would suit u better.
Hi All,
This is my first ROM
Thanks to all @ XDA community for all their hardwork and resources and help
This is Indian ROM details given below
Faster Rom without OC
Best Battery Life with 3G also
App2SD dt's enabled
Removed bloatwares kept only useful files
I am open to suggestions and replies
http://www.multiupload.com/T94JOOY8CX (Thanks Cyberavijit)
Good to see another rom by a fellow indian Post some screenies please. And is it froyo app2sd or DT a2sd?
Sent from my LG Optimus One P500 using XDA App
Sure.. and btw its dt app2sd dear.
Sent from my LG-P500
This nice. It will be great if you post some screenshots
Thanks given
thanks for this, another rom to try with.
Comming soon...
Sent from my LG-P500
Some Neocore, Quadrant and linpack results would also be nice.
hv a mirror
How much battery life with 3g
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk
Thanks cyber avijit
I got like with 3g on
9am - 99%
9pm - 23%
Only 3g use and 3g active contiously
Some msg
And no phone calls.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
Glad to see another Indian ROM. My question : Why you didn't include Mik's touch kernel. If you want to achieve better performance without loosing battery- simply add Mik's touch kernel to your ROM. Congrats for your ROM though
One More ROM form Indian...
can u please give a list of removed apps
keypaderror said:
Thanks cyber avijit
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not a problem but can you create a version that doesn't have app2sd.
Cyberavijit. Sure will upload tomorrow
What is that have u done to improve battery life with 3g.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
@keypaderror:- a fellow friend has provided a mirror link to your rom on the first page. Do update your first post with that link, it would be helpfull.
Sent from my LG-P500 using [email protected] App
Can a2sdgui be used with this ?
hell1134 said:
Can a2sdgui be used with this ?
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A2sd GUI can be used on any rom if you are using DT a2sd.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
Geat work dude!!!
Hi guys!
This is my 2nd custom rom based on Froyo 2.2.2
Its fusion of some of the best roms like megatron(Thanks Noejn) & Mik's Kernel (Thanks Mik)
Android 2.2.2
Miks Kernel
Sleek & Fast
Better Battery Life
Custom Boot Animation
Root + superuser + busybox
Deodex & Zipalign apks
HW acceleration enabled + JIT enabled
Video & Photo quality enhanced
Build.prop hacks
Thanks all @ XDA for their work and help
If you Want You can Use DarkSky theme as well as Cloudia on this ROM
Download link
Glad to see another ROM developer
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
Another Great ROM ! Its just perfect for original rom lovers (battery), but added performance tweaks. So all in all - very good combination ! Thanks.
PS: downloading in now, just to test it.
This is good news for when the official 2.3 pops-up, more people to work on making something special.
any1 tried plz leave ur comments so that i can try
looks nice
can we flash franco's latest kenrel on this one??
question, on all the roms i use, when i use internet, charger cannot conpensate the batt loss due to internet usage, how bout on this rom?
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
is it support RTL language ?
@ keypaderror
can you not include the power menu including restart button
and also just wanted to confirm if this rom has inbuilt dt app2sd??
if it doesn't then its fine but id it does, can you make another version that doesn't have app2sd inbuilt?
cyber_avijit said:
@ keypaderror
can you not include the power menu including restart button
and also just wanted to confirm if this rom has inbuilt dt app2sd??
if it doesn't then its fine but id it does, can you make another version that doesn't have app2sd inbuilt?
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I have tested and the rom is working well. Thanks !
cyber_avijit: It includes as2d.
Another ROM by a fellow indian. Its really nice
can be flashed with CWM or only AmoRA
iamrajeev said:
can be flashed with CWM or only AmoRA
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I used AmoRA.
mansirawat said:
I have tested and the rom is working well. Thanks !
I used AmoRA.
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Thanks mansirawat ....
iamrajeev said:
can be flashed with CWM or only AmoRA
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All upto you. Else you can flash it with any recovery
Doesn't matter its CWM or AmoRA
What values do I set in the Partition SD-Card in the amonRA recovery??
zekesic said:
What values do I set in the Partition SD-Card in the amonRA recovery??
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Ext 2,3,4=512mb
Swap = 0
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
I have 3 questions .....
Is it necessary to partition my sd card or not????
what about benchmarks on this rom,can you post some???
And can anyone confirm that divx player works??????
Sent from my LG Optimus One P500 using XDA App
docjayesh said:
looks nice
can we flash franco's latest kenrel on this one??
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not francos 2.6.35 kernel. only his 2.6.32 kernel
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
Whats more stable, fast and lagfree
Adrenaline engine or V6 supercharger?
Sent from my thanks button
For me AE
1. Just readed my post
2. Now reading signature
4. Didn't saw that here is no row 3
5. Just checked
6. You smiling
Samsung Galaxy Mini GT-S5570
CyanogenMod 7 RC - 1
Adrenaline Engine 4.2b CM Edition
Adrenaline Boost
Hit thanks if you like a post
slaid boost
slaidyboost 2.3 for me...works like a charm
i used Adrenaline Engine and it became more responsive. btw, im on cm 7.2 by kittenlinux
For me it is AE
I use BOTH
Sent from my GT-S5570 using Tapatalk 2
Mind a noob asking.
What do these scripts do, and what do they improve. Also is there a negative effect using them ?
agonn said:
Mind a noob asking.
What do these scripts do, and what do they improve. Also is there a negative effect using them ?
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You can find all the script description on their respective thread but virtually all of them will give a performance or batterry boost one way or another. It not really harmfuf as long as you use 2 script at a time (but it seems that v6 work fine with any other script) and some rom are better without them like Cmobile by Squad
R.A.G.E said:
I use BOTH
Sent from my GT-S5570 using Tapatalk 2
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How can you use both? AE needs no scripts it will conflict with V6 =))
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I have mebitek's CM7.2.0 RC1, will AE work on my Mini ?
agonn said:
I have mebitek's CM7.2.0 RC1, will AE work on my Mini ?
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Yes it will work
Sent from my thanks button
kenjilucas19 said:
How can you use both? AE needs no scripts it will conflict with V6 =))
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I've tried on various rom so far no problem.
Sent from my GT-S5570 using Tapatalk 2
I'm using V6 SuperCharger on Official CM7.2 ROM. Everything runs great, i'm happy with the performance and i'm not going to change a thing
Just installed AE. Seems good. After some time I am borer with this, I'll try V6 too.
AE and Slaidy both bootloop my Dart, V6 works well for me. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with AE or Slaidy though, they probly just don't work on Dart custom roms because Dart custom roms are odex and its custom kernel is imperfect. But V6 works well for me
Sent from my Galaxy Mini (SGH-T499) using XDA
V6 is mostly universal
Sent from my GT-S5570 using Tapatalk 2
Woow!! Flashed AE yesterday and what the hell. My phone is flying. Never been so fast and responsive. Took me a bit to realize its true effect but I am very very happy now. How could I do without this until now ?
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda premium
Anyone try thunderbolt script, will it work?
Sent from my GT-S5570 using Tapatalk 2
Thunderbolt script? From what forum
Sent from my thanks button
Just found it here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1556013
Sent from my GT-S5570 using Tapatalk 2
The title says it all. I tried doing it on nims kernel but i get stuck on splash screen. With out adrenaline engine, i get slow memory card read, slow phone.. :/
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
Yes. Download the correct version. Slow memory card speed? Get atleast a class 6 sd card!!
___________XDA Premium__________
Don't be a noob. Be a newbie..!!
Details here.
I did download 4.2 for stock but its just stuck, i got a class 10 card..
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
muiz15 said:
I did download 4.2 for stock but its just stuck, i got a class 10 card..
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
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Did you mount system before flashing!?
___________XDA Premium__________
Don't be a noob. Be a newbie..!!
Details here.
Yes i did!! I did everything as told. Im using revolutionary meizu rom. Now im when i install nims kernel, its works only with uninstall of adrenaline engine, but with it, it doesnt go to boot animation.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
I'm using 4.2 with cf-root b84. Works fine for me. Nims kernel is new, so bugs will be solved with time
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
abhibnl said:
I'm using 4.2 with cf-root b84. Works fine for me. Nims kernel is new, so bugs will be solved with time
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
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Its not just nims kernel. I cant install adrenaline engine on any OC kernel.
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Does your kernel support init.d? If not, most scripts won't work...
Ryuinferno said:
Does your kernel support init.d? If not, most scripts won't work...
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Yeah, nevermind solve it already. It takes around 10 min to boot. Thanks everybody
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
muiz15 said:
Yeah, nevermind solve it already. It takes around 10 min to boot. Thanks everybody
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
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Yeah...the long boot can be explained by the zipaligning process...since it's the first time your are using this script, it will zipalign most of your apks...it will skip those that are done on the next boot, so boot will be much faster...
Hi folks, I grew sick of all the ROMs for ace & decided to go back to DDKQ8 as it has 153 MB free on system & a lot of free ram after a fresh flash via odin. I had in mind that I'll root this & flash adrenaline engine 4.4, adrenaline boost v3 & cronmod int2ext+. But after flashing via Odin & rooting the stock ROM by flashing upd_1.zip , cwm & installing su from play, I was suddenly reminded that the stock rom doesn't have support for the init.d scripts basically. I decided to give it a try by flashing int2ext+ & all the above mentioned scripts. But after the flash, nothing happened. Can anyone tell me how to add the support for these scripts on stock ? Awaiting your quotes, thanks in advance !
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Venomous Viper 119 said:
Hi folks, I grew sick of all the ROMs for ace & decided to go back to DDKQ8 as it has 153 MB free on system & a lot of free ram after a fresh flash via odin. I had in mind that I'll root this & flash adrenaline engine 4.4, adrenaline boost v3 & cronmod int2ext+. But after flashing via Odin & rooting the stock ROM by flashing upd_1.zip , cwm & installing su from play, I was suddenly reminded that the stock rom doesn't have support for the init.d scripts basically. I decided to give it a try by flashing int2ext+ & all the above mentioned scripts. But after the flash, nothing happened. Can anyone tell me how to add the support for these scripts on stock ? Awaiting your quotes, thanks in advance !
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
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Thats the cost of being on stock
U have to add busybox to kernel ! Not installing ! Adding !!
Or choose another kernel !
Sent from my Galaxy ACE using xda premium
SnowPluralism said:
Thats the cost of being on stock
U have to add busybox to kernel ! Not installing ! Adding !!
Or choose another kernel !
Sent from my Galaxy ACE using xda premium
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Choose stock based kernel having init.d support and busybox added.
CF-root b82 is fine ?!
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
i think your issue is your CF
msm4all said:
i think your issue is your CF
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What ??
Thanks to all, I seem to have sought solutions to all my problems but the solutions aren't tested yet. I donno if they may/mayn't work but will keep them for futute use. If I don't get it done, I'll post the issues in this thread itself. So mods, please don't close it ! Might help someone a bit !
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Can anyone provide me a download link to cf root b84 fixed with boot animation ? The links in that thread are dead
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
u can also try pimp my rom
in it there was a option tto add init.d support
Sent from my S500 using xda app-developers app
Venomous Viper 119 said:
Can anyone provide me a download link to cf root b84 fixed with boot animation ? The links in that thread are dead
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
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Tha's simple, you can flash Battery Extender/nims/Spacekernel/... whatever STOCK custom kernel you want to get init.d folder!
I found it surfing on the net
CF-ROOT b84:
Enjoy it dude! :good:
Viper The Ripper said:
Tha's simple, you can flash Battery Extender/nims/Spacekernel/... whatever STOCK custom kernel you want to get init.d folder!
I found it surfing on the net
CF-ROOT b84:
Enjoy it dude! :good:
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Whoa ! So many links ! Thanks a lot dude ! Was looking for these since a long time ! Thanks a lot !
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
SpaceCaker said:
u can also try pimp my rom
in it there was a option tto add init.d support
Sent from my S500 using xda app-developers app
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Thanks ! Will try that ! Buddy, in your space kernel, battery is pretty well until it's 50% but later on it falls down to 15 % rapidly . Can you please fix this in v5 ? I love this kernel !
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Venomous Viper 119 said:
Whoa ! So many links ! Thanks a lot dude ! Was looking for these since a long time ! Thanks a lot !
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
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I can upload it by myself too xDDDD but I'm not at home, anyway Google always has the answer
Viper The Ripper said:
I can upload it by myself too xDDDD but I'm not at home, anyway Google always has the answer
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But the link you gave me to the b84 fixed.zip did get me to a website but it asked me to enable Google cookies to see the captcha which, I could never figure out. Anyways, the link in the op worked fine. Thanks again !
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