Girl trouble? - Off-topic

Idk if this is the right place to go, but I'm at a pretty bad place. My gf of 2.5 years just broke up with me about a week and a half ago. She keeps telling me to move on and stuff, but we had a history of coming back to each other. This time she says its real. Now, I tried took her advice and tried moving on. I went to this small party last night and her one, pretty babish friend was there. We talked a lot and later told me that she wouldn't hurt my ex like that but told me I'm a pretty good guy. I think I like the new one, but I'm worried that what if my ex comes back? I don't want to hurt this chick cause I kinda care about her. My friends who are pretty close to her told me I should wait a month then go after her. I just need some help, you guys seem pretty smart.
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I think you shouldn't jump from one relationship to another. Take sometime for yourself. How old are you? (should of been my first question)
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dankieperez said:
I think you shouldn't jump from one relationship to another. Take sometime for yourself. How old are you? (should of been my first question)
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18. I'm a senior in high school. Y a I know its hs BS to most. But they said to take like a month off then try with the new girl. And to not talk to my ex or hangout with her unlees she texts me first. My ex is 18 too and is off at college 5 hours away.
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Your ex sounds pretty determined that it's off for good. You shouldn't put your life on hold hoping she might change her mind but you shouldn't rush headlong into something else either. The new babe has potential? Tell her you like her and that you hope that something happens in future, but that you don't want to make a rebound mistake.
Go out with some friends and keep yourself busy with stuff you enjoy. Try to put your ex out of your mind and take advantage of the free time you have now. Don't be tempted to make a fool of yourself with your ex when you're feeling low. Months from now when you're looking back on this time, you will want to be able to hold your head up and say that you kept your dignity through the hard times.

If its meant to be, you'll get back together sometime. The question is when. When I was in high school I dated someone for a year. I broke up with her and some how 3 years later we found each other. That was 2001. We are now married and have 3 kids.
But to be honest, since you said she's in college 5 hours away, it sounds as if she found someone else or doesn't want to be that committed to any guy. Between the college atmosphere and 100' s of new people and new friends, they are more, I've seen so many relationships end when one of them goes onto college or both go to different colleges. You want someone who is there everyday.
Either way I would pursue the new girl. You don't need to sit around and continue to be sad.
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unCoRrUpTeD said:
If its meant to be, you'll get back together sometime. The question is when. When I was in high school I dated someone for a year. I broke up with her and some how 3 years later we found each other. That was 2001. We are now married and have 3 kids.
But to be honest, since you said she's in college 5 hours away, it sounds as if she found someone else or doesn't want to be that committed to any guy. Between the college atmosphere and 100' s of new people and new friends, they are more, I've seen so many relationships end when one of them goes onto college or both go to different colleges. You want someone who is there everyday.
Either way I would pursue the new girl. You don't need to sit around and continue to be sad.
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Thank you. That's what I was thinking about doing. What worries me though is what happens if we reconnect over her Xmas break? I don't want to ruin this new girl, she had guy problems in the past. Also I have the problem of these two girls being friends. Good idea or bad idea? My friends said wait and then see. I have to prove it to the new girl that I'm worth it and that she isn't just some rebound, which she isn't.
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Go drink, and without knowing, you have been friendzoned by the new girl.

jaszek said:
Go drink, and without knowing, you have been friendzoned by the new girl.
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Yeup. That's what happened.
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If the new girl isn't worried about what it could do to her relationship with your ex, why should you. You need to do what will make you happy. If your ex wants to get back with you later in, but you have found someone that makes you happier, that is her loss. She made the decision to leave you. If you're waiting to see if its meant to be, you could be waiting years, months, or even a lifetime. Move on and let life take its course. The lowest points in your life will only make you.stronger.
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I wish I could help, but my avatar is the way it is for a reason lol... I've taken to the idea of "don't try and wait for something to just happen." Terrible technique, but whatever. The other ways didn't work either lol.
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At your age you should be slaying hoes......that's all. Once you've dine enough slaying then start to look for that relationship
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dankieperez said:
At your age you should be slaying hoes......that's all. Once you've dine enough slaying then start to look for that relationship
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dankieperez said:
At your age you should be slaying hoes......that's all. Once you've dine enough slaying then start to look for that relationship
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That's what I'm saying! But I get too attached, ya its kinda ***** like, but idk
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goob1284 said:
That's what I'm saying! But I get too attached, ya its kinda ***** like, but idk
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Who cares if you're like that? Chicks don't like the super macho douche man. If you're looking for the kind of girl that does then stop looking for relationships and start looking for an easy score. Living up to the standards of sleeping with as many people as you can is actually kinda gross to me personally. Just do what you want, not what you feel as if everyone else will approve of.
-We do what we must because we can; for the good of all of us, except the ones who are dead-

I_am_Error said:
Who cares if you're like that? Chicks don't like the super macho douche man. If you're looking for the kind of girl that does then stop looking for relationships and start looking for an easy score. Living up to the standards of sleeping with as many people as you can is actually kinda gross to me personally. Just do what you want, not what you feel as if everyone else will approve of.
-We do what we must because we can; for the good of all of us, except the ones who are dead-
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You make valid points my good friend. And with both of us bring in the same position with women at one point or another, I can not help but agree with you.
-My life is a shooting range, people never change-

I'm trying to do what I want. But I'm supposed to hang with the ex Friday. But she doesn't want to but she will allow it. Does that mean anything? And like I really want this new girl, but she thinks its too sketchy since its so close to the break up.
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goob1284 said:
I'm trying to do what I want. But I'm supposed to hang with the ex Friday. But she doesn't want to but she will allow it. Does that mean anything? And like I really want this new girl, but she thinks its too sketchy since its so close to the break up.
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take a break and learn android development (or try to) it helped me through some tough times (the attempting to learn)

watt9493 said:
take a break and learn android development (or try to) it helped me through some tough times (the attempting to learn)
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I really want to learn, but I tried so many times and always came up short. Also, I annoyed the living crap out of the girl I was gonna go to, what do I do?
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goob1284 said:
I really want to learn, but I tried so many times and always came up short. Also, I annoyed the living crap out of the girl I was gonna go to, what do I do?
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Take it easy, just sit back for a while. Its best to not rush into things
-My life is a shooting range, people never change-

watt9493 said:
Take it easy, just sit back for a while. Its best to not rush into things
-My life is a shooting range, people never change-
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Ya. I think that's really what I'll do. Thanks all you guys!
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How many here are unemployed or just lazy?

Unemployed means you are looking for a job but not hired yet.
Lazy means you can work but just don't want to look for a job.
I would consider myself lazy.
Haven't worked since Nov 2009.
Unemployed with a dash of lazy. Like once a month I apply somewhere. Should be much more frequently, but ehh lol. Haven't worked since June 2010.
Sent from my Droid Incredible running CM7.0.3.
I'm self employed and go to school full time, if that counts? meh.
I have a job, but i'm looking for a new one.
I'm just lazy. But remember I'm only 17 so for now it's okay.
-Remember, Android hell is a real place and you will be sent there at the first sign of defiance-
BazookaAce said:
I have a job, but i'm looking for a new one.
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Same here employed but looking for a better job. min wage sucks bawls when trying to fix up a car haha.
Sent from My Synergy Powered EVO
I was lazy but now I Want a job. Just applied to 10 or so stores today
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Unemployed, I need papers to work, and people don't have Mexican jobs like mowing the lawn or picking from the field like they used to.
*Blame the Recession*
Technically, I'm employed (I own my own little business) BUT I work like once a month. Laziness FTW!
I didn't write that. Prove it!!!
I want to be lazy... does that count?
To be on topic...employed.
@Alan.....Mexican jobs? Wow! that's anew one
Alanrocks15 said:
Unemployed, I need papers to work, and people don't have Mexican jobs like mowing the lawn or picking from the field like they used to.
*Blame the Recession*
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Gigabitme said:
I want to be lazy... does that count?
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me too I want to be lazy
I'm lazy . . . I go to school at Penn State but I'm on summer break and though I should definitely be getting a summer job, I think I'm just going to piggy back off my mom until I go back to school lol
1. Get a PayPal account [Check]
2. Get all 3,916,707 registered XDA users to donate $1 (Euro is better) [Check?]
3. ??????
4. Profit [Check]
Unemployed and looking. Def not lazy - but it gets discouraging applying to 10 million jobs. Went 11 mos. the last time I was LFW. Now I'm on 3 months and it's driving me nuts.
At least I get to work on my COD prestige to 15... and get to hang out with my lil' guy a lot
Def lazy. Haven't been doing anything since July 2008, just recently started going to school.
Definitely lazy here...
andypen said:
Definitely lazy here...
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Lazily employed.
Lazy and Unemployed
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Employed, Spittin' sawdust haha (not really) used to break my back everyday i noticed everyone else was lazy

Going back to school

well im a full time welder and I've always liked my job But lately things have been going slow in my life and I feel like i'm just going nowhere in life.
I went to college coming out of high school and blew it off like an idiot. I've always been wanting to go back but I always feel like i'm setting myself up for failure and will just waste my time and money.
I'm 24 years old and now i'm at a point in my life where I have to start getting my **** together, but this welding job is just moving to slow for me.
for the past 3-4 years, I've been learning and working with computers. Im not a pro at it but I know more then the average person.
Well I've been doing a lot of thinking and its time I go back to school to improve my life. i want to get more into the computer world and chase a computer science degree. My question to you guys is, where should I start? I know I need to look into schools, classes etc. what I mean is what can I start studying in the mean time (before I actually start my schooling) so that I can have a head start.
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Thread moved. Would advise you to read forum rules and post in correct section.
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Sorry about that.
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What kind of thing do you want to do with computers? Hardware, software, app development, web development, game development, db admin, network admin? There's loads of routes to go down, all dependant on what you want to do.
And if anyone recommends a programming language to you before you answer that question then they don't know what they're talking about. Either that, or they're just saying "this is what I know - look at me - aren't I clever?".
Im leaning toward network admin. Im planning to aign up fall or winter classes but I wanna study a bit before starting. My company will pay for the schooling depending on the grades.
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Good for you man !!! Its never too late to do something.
Im also going back to college in september, Im 22 with a fiance and child, But that aint stopping me !!
Hopefully looking to do a course on Programming and Software Development
I'm trying to learn Python. I think I can get the hang of it before school starts again in September.
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I can't advise you on the network admin side of things, other than you'll need a good degree to get a decent job, or start really at the bottom and work your way up slowly. It's quite a well-educated field, for real pros. There's plenty of hack and slash network admins out there, but they're the type that bring networks down by saying "I wonder what that does!" (I've worked with some of them before )
azzledazzle said:
Good for you man !!! Its never too late to do something.
Im also going back to college in september, Im 22 with a fiance and child, But that aint stopping me !!
Hopefully looking to do a course on Programming and Software Development
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Respect man. I think it gets harder once you have a family. I got a nice girl now and been thinking about settling down but the thought of not being able to provide is the only thing stopping me.
Archer said:
I can't advise you on the network admin side of things, other than you'll need a good degree to get a decent job, or start really at the bottom and work your way up slowly. It's quite a well-educated field, for real pros. There's plenty of hack and slash network admins out there, but they're the type that bring networks down by saying "I wonder what that does!" (I've worked with some of them before )
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Well my plan is to use my company To pay for my school and at the.same time switch over to the I.T department (which will be no problem). That way I can be hands on while im learning. After im finished, I should have enough.experience to move up, weather its in this company or somewhere else.
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Good luck
Its never to late to do something
Absolutely, good luck with it. I was 22 before I got a qualification in programming, despite developing software since the age of 8. No-one would give me a job without it, so I did a course, got the paper and got a job. Been doing it ever since.
It's good to do something new and start over, as long as it's something you have a passion for.
I'm in medical school now, three years to graduation(but, I'll study another six years after that...). I have this friend, he's, I think over 30 years, and he's at the same "grade" as I am. He also was like you, had a "low-education"(help me here ) job, and then he decided to go into Med. I'm kinda proud of him, he's a good inspiration for people like you. It's a long way to become a doc, but it's never too late. I strongly recommend you to go to school, it'll be worth it!
All respect and luck shall be with you!
(I just realized my grammar sucks )
Yea man 24 is not late at all! Im a emt and a emergency medical flight dispatcher and when my girl gets done with school in like 3 semesers i think ima go back and be a game warden for the state of louisiana. She is 28 and im 34 and we have a two year old good luck man its worth it.
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..if I were to go back to school I would like to take up Android Software Development & know all there is to know about Andy coz Andy is the Future
my son will be graduating from HS, what's his best move to get into "Android Software Development"? you developed software at 8? how is that possible
Definitely check out the Community Colleges in your area, especially ones that have really good relationships with the better Engineering/Technical universities in your area. You will save yourself a ton doing your first two years there, and a lot of schools that will even let you get complete your four year degree through associated Community Colleges. You also get the benefit of smaller classes and professors that actually know your name.
I just finished my associates after going on and off forever so don't feel like you're outback because you've waited. Get it done man, you're still well ahead of the curve. If you want to start this fall though you need to go ahead and sign up.
deadlocked007 said:
Is it bad that I don't want to go to college? I'm a high honors student and everything but I don't know. My parents would hate me for this. After highschool I want to book a flight to some other part of the country. Maybe somewhere in California? Find an okay job and a little apartment. Buy myself a comfy couch and live alone and sit and soak in life. It's all I want I guess... But I get it you guys are motivated by things like your own family and stuff. I'd love to find someone but I know that probably won't happen because of the person I am. So I have no need to have a lot of money or be rich at all like most people. Just enough to get by and maybe occasionally buy a game or phone or something haha.
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Don't be a hermit.
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deadlocked007 said:
Not really a hermit haha. Just going on with life but alone mostly. I'd still have a job and stuff which would lead to talking to some extent. I'd be kinda talking to you guys through here because I would never leave you guys :3 even if I did go to college my life would be the same. I'd just be earning more money....
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With the high cost of living in California, you'll need more motivation than that.
Sent from my coffee pot.
deadlocked007 said:
Fine then :I Texas?
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I never lived there, but if boborone finds this thread, he can clue you in on TX.
Sent from my coffee pot.
And as could I, im located about 45 minutes from houston xD
Swyped from my HTC One X using XDA premium.
Most apartments and stuff in my particular area are about 300 to 400 a month which isn't too bad for a decent place. But im in a small town, now if I was to drive about 15 minutes to the next town they can be around 700 to 1200 a month
Im a special case however the place I got me and the roommate own the property and the house, so we only have to pay utilities and bills.
Swyped from my HTC One X using XDA premium.

My future

I am really worried about my future. I like android, mobile phone, computer such technology things. But now I'm studying BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration). I don't like this subject. Now I'm in 1st year. Actually I completed my secondary education getting highest grade (5 on 5) in our country but I have completed my higher secondary getting 3.8 on 5. Its shame for me, for my family. Actually I have fallen in love in preexamination time. And she had a boyfriend so I had nothing to do. It ruined my study I still love her. Then I didn't get chance any good university in our country for this low score. So my family told me to study BBA in private university ( in our country govt. universities are the best). My background was Science in secondary and higher secondary.
I want to be like all of you. I want to study about these technology things so I always stick with my mobile, computer but my family dislike it. What will I do now? I am not enjoying the business subject. I hate it. I like science. I got poor marks for the f**king love which ruined my life.
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my hobby is IT and programming and i'm a bachelor in business major in human resource dev't planning & management,
the thing is,
i enjoy my studies in business and love my hobby in technology,
every product design and feasibility researches i have,
it always involves technology because it is my turf,
apply technology in your business studies,
it will make your life worth every moment,
if your a real man,
you need to make your own decisions because you are old enough to make tough decisions whether your family likes it or not,
its your life man,
you deserve to live it like the way you want it to be,
you are in control of the ship and no one else
before i finished i wanted to work in straighttalk wireless as a tech rep however my mom would'nt want me to study and work at the same time,
but you know what,
i did get the job,
i worked in the night and study in the morning,
i finished the degree and aced it!
my mom was proud of me even though she did'nt like the idea but at the end it was worth it...
love life brotha
deathnotice01 said:
my hobby is IT and programming and i'm a bachelor in business major in human resource dev't planning & management,
the thing is,
i enjoy my studies in business and love my hobby in technology,
every product design and feasibility researches i have,
it always involves technology because it is my turf,
apply technology in your business studies,
it will make your life worth every moment,
if your a real man,
you need to make your own decisions because you are old enough to make tough decisions whether your family likes it or not,
its your life man,
you deserve to live it like the way you want it to be,
you are in control of the ship and no one else
before i finished i wanted to work in straighttalk wireless as a tech rep however my mom would'nt want me to study and work at the same time,
but you know what,
i did get the job,
i worked in the night and study in the morning,
i finished the degree and aced it!
my mom was proud of me even though she did'nt like the idea but at the end it was worth it...
love life brotha
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My story is same as op in case of love...
I can't resist her I kept staring in tutions
Its been more than a year..
Now I am in 12th grade and age 17
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alkesh95 said:
My story is same as op in case of love...
I can't resist her I kept staring in tutions
Its been more than a year..
Now I am in 12th grade and age 17
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium
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Dude.. 12th = Boards in India..
I'm German but my high school was done in India.. I was in Delhi Public School, B'lore.. I was a loner in school. No one used to talk to me except one girl.. I considered her to be my best friend.. I even had a huge crush on her.. Just about 15 days before exams started, On valentine's day she proposed me and obviously i said yes.. After that i used to talk all day to her, keep thinking about her and what not.. After some of the exams were over(i guess 2 were left out of 5) one day she called me and said whatever happened between us was just a joke and she liked someone else. I was broken and ****ed up.. I cried all the time.. i couldn't study.. I couldn't do anything but cry.. I ruined my exams due to her.. and just got 69% aggregate..
I regret it till today.. That's the reason I'm still alone.. I've lost intrest in having a relationship..
So my advice.. Stay away from girls if you want good grades in your exams..
heinrichkaiser said:
Dude.. 12th = Boards in India..
I'm German but my high school was done in India.. I was in Delhi Public School, B'lore.. I was a loner in school. No one used to talk to me except one girl.. I considered her to be my best friend.. I even had a huge crush on her.. Just about 15 days before exams started, On valentine's day she proposed me and obviously i said yes.. After that i used to talk all day to her, keep thinking about her and what not.. After some of the exams were over(i guess 2 were left out of 5) one day she called me and said whatever happened between us was just a joke and she liked someone else. I was broken and ****ed up.. I cried all the time.. i couldn't study.. I couldn't do anything but cry.. I ruined my exams due to her.. and just got 69% aggregate..
I regret it till today.. That's the reason I'm still alone.. I've lost intrest in having a relationship..
So my advice.. Stay away from girls if you want good grades in your exams..
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Yes I know about your feelings. Its just ruined my life. I am not enjoying anything. Now there is no interest in my life. I love football and technology so much. Only from this I am searching my interest.
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i think you should do what you like most,because if you dont like what you are studing now,sooner or later you will leave it,you better do it now and do what you like!
deathnotice01 said:
my hobby is IT and programming and i'm a bachelor in business major in human resource dev't planning & management,
the thing is,
i enjoy my studies in business and love my hobby in technology,
every product design and feasibility researches i have,
it always involves technology because it is my turf,
apply technology in your business studies,
it will make your life worth every moment,
if your a real man,
you need to make your own decisions because you are old enough to make tough decisions whether your family likes it or not,
its your life man,
you deserve to live it like the way you want it to be,
you are in control of the ship and no one else
before i finished i wanted to work in straighttalk wireless as a tech rep however my mom would'nt want me to study and work at the same time,
but you know what,
i did get the job,
i worked in the night and study in the morning,
i finished the degree and aced it!
my mom was proud of me even though she did'nt like the idea but at the end it was worth it...
love life brotha
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I think the system of study between your country and my country is so different. I love programming, technology very much. In our country there is no job for us. We can only do job after graduation. If we do job in studying time, people see it in narrow mind and they will think our family is mean/low class. The only thing student can do our country is teaching others(such as House tutor). Yes its my life and I will try my best. But I think the culture differs a lot. I think I will admit in an institution which teaches Programming or such things. Is it a good thinking? Then I can fulfil my dream.
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ashiksiles said:
I think the system of study between your country and my country is so different. I love programming, technology very much. In our country there is no job for us. We can only do job after graduation. If we do job in studying time, people see it in narrow mind and they will think our family is mean/low class. The only thing student can do our country is teaching others(such as House tutor). Yes its my life and I will try my best. But I think the culture differs a lot. I think I will admit in an institution which teaches Programming or such things. Is it a good thinking? Then I can fulfil my dream.
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have you think of going to another country then?
btw,where are you from?
ashiksiles said:
I think the system of study between your country and my country is so different. I love programming, technology very much. In our country there is no job for us. We can only do job after graduation. If we do job in studying time, people see it in narrow mind and they will think our family is mean/low class. The only thing student can do our country is teaching others(such as House tutor). Yes its my life and I will try my best. But I think the culture differs a lot. I think I will admit in an institution which teaches Programming or such things. Is it a good thinking? Then I can fulfil my dream.
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i heard about how your country does'nt allow people to get a job while studying,
the best way to learn about anything is through real life application,
society in our perspective are two different things we rather not touch,
but for the girl thing...,
i've been there done that,
used to fall so madly in love with a girl way back in senior high,
i proposed to her on my birthday,
she said NO, fking NO!,
that was the worst birthday ever,
i tried to jump from our house that day,
got myself to the hospital,
the girl went and cried,
she said she was sorry,
i never said a word,
and since then we never talked to each other,
when i was on college who would have thought that we went to the same school together still we never talked,
now i have a sweet loving, beautiful girlfriend that is 100x better than her,
we are going to have our 3rd anniversary this 31st of august,
lesson learned:
wait for things, things will come in the right time,
if its not for you,
don't force it,
there's something way better in store for the future
stamatis16 said:
have you think of going to another country then?
btw,where are you from?
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Dude.. Indians.. They are resistant to send their children to other cities and you talking about a whole another country..
stamatis16 said:
have you think of going to another country then?
btw,where are you from?
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From Bangladesh. Bangladeshi. I don't know whether you hear about our country. But I love my country so much. Yes I want to do my IELTS /GRE to go abroad. But not now because my father won't allow it. And there need so money to do IELTS/GRE. He just admitted me into a private university spending a bunch of money.
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deathnotice01 said:
i heard about how your country does'nt allow people to get a job while studying,
the best way to learn about anything is through real life application,
society in our perspective are two different things we rather not touch,
but for the girl thing...,
i've been there done that,
used to fall so madly in love with a girl way back in senior high,
i proposed to her on my birthday,
she said NO, fking NO!,
that was the worst birthday ever,
i tried to jump from our house that day,
got myself to the hospital,
the girl went and cried,
she said she was sorry,
i never said a word,
and since then we never talked to each other,
when i was on college who would have thought that we went to the same school together still we never talked,
now i have a sweet loving, beautiful girlfriend that is 100x better than her,
we are going to have our 3rd anniversary this 31st of august,
lesson learned:
wait for things, things will come in the right time,
if its not for you,
don't force it,
there's something way better in store for the future
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Yes. After many things all of them about luck/destiny. We don't know what is waiting for us. May be it will good or may be it will bad for our life and I am trying to forget my crush which is like of impossible to me. But I'm trying.
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ashiksiles said:
Yes. After many things all of them about luck/destiny. We don't know what is waiting for us. May be it will good or may be it will bad for our life and I am trying to forget my crush which is like of impossible to me. But I'm trying.
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that's life bro,
it's hard and unfair as it always is,
just gotta have the balls to stand up and walk away
deathnotice01 said:
that's life bro,
it's hard and unfair as it always is,
just gotta have the balls to stand up and walk away
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Thanks bro for sharing your incidents from which I can inspire myself.
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heinrichkaiser said:
Dude.. 12th = Boards in India..
I'm German but my high school was done in India.. I was in Delhi Public School, B'lore.. I was a loner in school. No one used to talk to me except one girl.. I considered her to be my best friend.. I even had a huge crush on her.. Just about 15 days before exams started, On valentine's day she proposed me and obviously i said yes.. After that i used to talk all day to her, keep thinking about her and what not.. After some of the exams were over(i guess 2 were left out of 5) one day she called me and said whatever happened between us was just a joke and she liked someone else. I was broken and ****ed up.. I cried all the time.. i couldn't study.. I couldn't do anything but cry.. I ruined my exams due to her.. and just got 69% aggregate..
I regret it till today.. That's the reason I'm still alone.. I've lost intrest in having a relationship..
So my advice.. Stay away from girls if you want good grades in your exams..
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Yep, most girls are bi*****...
If u want to live a happy life tie it to a goal not object or person.. Einstein...
Don't think about girls... U will find a honest and a pretty girl in the future.... But u can be a software engineer?
Good luck bro
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bandarigoda123 said:
Yep, most girls are bi*****...
If u want to live a happy life tie it to a goal not object or person.. Einstein...
Don't think about girls... U will find a honest and a pretty girl in the future.... But u can be a software engineer?
Good luck bro
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400+ posts, and still single. May I presume?
Sent from your mom.
TheSkinnyDrummer said:
400+ posts, and still single. May I presume?
Sent from your mom.
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Haha... I asked from a girl previous year. I but she had a boyfriend.. She is pretty.. Eventually I stopped think about girls.. Until I finish my studies
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bandarigoda123 said:
Haha... I asked from a girl previous year. I but she had a boyfriend.. She is pretty.. Eventually I stopped think about girls.. Until I finish my studies
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No wonder.
Keep calling girls *****es certainly won't help you build your case. Study respect.
Sent from your mom.
TheSkinnyDrummer said:
No wonder.
Keep calling girls *****es certainly won't help you build your case. Study respect.
Sent from your mom.
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I didn't mean all..... Okay I apologize for that, I u know some girls
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---------- Post added at 02:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:31 PM ----------
Now I have no interest in girls
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bandarigoda123 said:
Haha... I asked from a girl previous year. I but she had a boyfriend.. She is pretty.. Eventually I stopped think about girls.. Until I finish my studies
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Bro its our human mind. I can't just stop thinking her like a computer can delete anything from its memory but I'm trying. Yes I want to be like programmer or software engineer whatever you say. I just love tech things. I want to pass my life doing this things. Buy without proper study it is impossible. I am studying business, how can I stick with tech things without studying business. If I hang with tech things than I will get a lower grade certificate after my graduation and a bunch of haters from my family!!!
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What do you believe to be a good reason to get a tattoo?

I was arguing this with my professor. I cannot find a good reason to get a tattoo! I did jokingly say you could get one to cover up an embarrassing tatto lol. What do you guys think?
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UncivilSavage said:
I was arguing this with my professor. I cannot find a good reason to get a tattoo! I did jokingly say you could get one to cover up an embarrassing tatto lol. What do you guys think?
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The best reason that I can give you is that you want something that you can carry with you for the rest of your life!
UncivilSavage said:
I was arguing this with my professor. I cannot find a good reason to get a tattoo! I did jokingly say you could get one to cover up an embarrassing tatto lol. What do you guys think?
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A good reason? Okay. An evil villain has taken over the world and is destroying everything and killing everyone. An old tattooist does tattoos that give the person super powers. You get the tattoo and save humanity. Plus the tattoo is sick and you get tons of b***hes.
Sent from my Nexus 7
veeman said:
A good reason? Okay. An evil villain has taken over the world and is destroying everything and killing everyone. An old tattooist does tattoos that give the person super powers. You get the tattoo and save humanity. Plus the tattoo is sick and you get tons of b***hes.
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That was a really cr4p reason until the final sentence
Military pride is a legit reason. To this day, if I see an older man with a wrinkly Military based tattoo, he gets much respect.
Good reason? You're really drunk on a Saturday night, and it seems like a really good idea at the time.
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I designed and drew all of mine. Full sleeve on one arm and randoms on the other. I thought it would be the best way to show my work.
Good thing too, because all the original drawings were destroyed in a fire a few years ago. I'm glad I went through with getting them tattooed.
Sent from your mom.
SimonTS said:
The best reason that I can give you is that you want something that you can carry with you for the rest of your life!
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That's behind every tat on me. It's gotta mean something and you've got to believe it will always mean something,
Good and bad are not quantifiable things. You can't measure goodness. There is no such thing as a "good" reason. There are only reasons. So anybody who has a reason has a "good" reason. It's not done for you to agree with it.
I don't see a good reason. When I see people with tattoos, I don't think of them in a good way. It just looks stupid. That's just me though.
Sent from my Kindle Fire
You were drunk!!!
errrr... Wait! That's an excuse, not a reason!!
Archer said:
That's behind every tat on me. It's gotta mean something and you've got to believe it will always mean something,
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+1 I got a few, but they each mean something deep personally.
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My humble opinion...
There's no real answer. My first tattoo was a giant 8-bit pixelated Mega Man on my leg. I got it because when I was a kid, my pops lost his business in Boston and we were stuck moving down to Florida where my grandparents lived. We moved into their 2-bedroom "manufactured" home in the middle of a retirement community. My folks saw that my brother and I had no kids in the neighborhood to play with, so they got us an NES and a copy of Mega Man 2 for Christmas that year. I played that game for months on end, well past the point where my parents were obviously annoyed with the music in the game. For that first few months until my family got back on its collective feet, Mega Man was my best friend. Fast forward almost 20 years later, I decided I wanted to get a tattoo, and the Blue Bomber was my choice. I was actually a little afraid that when I went back to visit my mom, she was going to freak out about me getting inked. But instead, she immediately recognized it and even thought it was a great tattoo to get.
The moral of this story? The only reason that matters is the one you rationalize yourself. To most people, a Mega Man tattoo is a silly and nerdy thing to do. To me, it's a silly and nerdy thing to do that reminds me of how much my parents cared about my happiness as a child, no matter what. I'm happy with it, and I couldn't care less if the rest of the world doesn't see or know the reason for it. Every tattoo I have means something to me, and I'm the only one who needs to know it.
I personally cannot think of a reason I'd get one. Other than the military pride that was mentioned because of the whole brotherhood the army gives you. I just don't see myself getting one, but I've heard quite a good amount of reasons for others.
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I think there is no good reason simply because it's hard to remove a tattoo if you don't like this tattoo any more.
t0lik said:
I think there is no good reason simply because it's hard to remove a tattoo if you don't like this tattoo any more.
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new user in off-topic instead of in Q&A section... 3... 2.. 1...
anyway, well one good reason to get a tattoo would be because you are extremely compassionate about art.
well that's my reason.. i'm planning to get an awesome tat on my nape as soon as i turn 18 or something, but that tat has to have a significant meaning to my life of course
t0lik said:
I think there is no good reason simply because it's hard to remove a tattoo if you don't like this tattoo any more.
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Twenty years on and i hate my tattoos now. Given the choice i would still have tattoos in the same places, but they would be different tattoos. Therein lies the problem though. Your tastes change from year to year as you yourself change, but tattoos are permanent.
I agree with Card83 and a few others that have said, it's should mean something to you, not just something that is cool at the time like a barb wire arm band because you will come to hate it.
From my Elegancia powered Sensation
Well ive always said i would only have my kids names on me.
And when my son was born I had his name tattooed onto my chest. And if i have any more kids then i will be putting there names on my chest aswell.
But apart from that i will not be having any other tattoo on me as anything else wont mean anything to me apart from "looking nice"
A friend of mine got the name of his best friend tattooed inside his wrist when said best friend took his own life two years ago. As a way to remember, and a reminder. They were very close.
And there are always more practical reasons for tattoos. You just don't always consider them. There are a lot of soldiers who get their data tattooed on various bodyparts, just in case. IED's really don't care if you want to keep you bodyparts attached, and thus the tattoos makes IDing easier.
Personally I don't have any. I'm not on good terms with needles.

What to do with my life

I am 16, in grade 10 and my grades are on a downhill tract. I got As and Bs in 8 and 9 but G10 is extremely hard and pressuring. I study hard every day and do NOT game a lot(Maybe 15 mins a day playing BF3). I know G11 and G12 are going to be much harder, and I will never get to go to University/College.
What could I do? I really feel bad.
If you are taking honor or AP classes drop them and get regular classes. I say its better to get As and Bus in regular than Cs and Ds in honors. You'll get a higher GPA. If your worried about college admission look into joining a sport. You'd be surprised at the people that are in college. Not all are book worms. Community college isn't a bad thing to join either. Talk to your school counselor.
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You don't game enough.
jaszek said:
You don't game enough.
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Please be serious
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rivas741 said:
If you are taking honor or AP classes drop them and get regular classes. I say its better to get As and Bus in regular than Cs and Ds in honors. You'll get a higher GPA. If your worried about college admission look into joining a sport. You'd be surprised at the people that are in college. Not all are book worms. Community college isn't a bad thing to join either. Talk to your school counselor.
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Thanks much, you made me feel better with some info.
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You need to examine where your grades are lacking. Are you completing and turning in all homework? How are your test grades?
Tutoring is a good idea, too. I don't know you, so this one is unlikely, but if you have even minor learning disabilities, there is a LOT that can be done.
All challenges can be overcome if you understand the areas of weakness and devise a plan to overcome them, specifically.
-Accidental Asshole
If you can, a tutor can work wonders. They can be expensive I realize. My son homeschools, and we got him a tutor for algebra. It has really made a difference for him.
When I was in school, wow 22 years ago, I got behind and never caught back up. I did get a 3.0 GPA, but only because. I was real good in certain classes, so be wise with you course selections. Pick subjects that you can do well in to go along with the rest.You would probably find your teachers to be very helpful if you asked them for help. They love it when someone wants to learn, and shows initiative.
Also, college is not the only way to make it in life. There are many fields and business opportunities for someone without a college degree. I am not rich, but have zero debt, own my house, cars, toys, etc... I own my own company and never finished college. Just wasn't for me. I know several millionaires who never went to college. They were just smart with their choices!
Don't give up. That never accomplished anything .
Good luck.
Go rob a bank, then get caught and go to jail. You will get free food/clothes/shelter.
My gosh, you people are angels, thanks much for your help and please keep em coming
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StormMcCloud said:
Go rob a bank, then get caught and go to jail. You will get free food/clothes/shelter.
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chrism.brunner said:
If you can, a tutor can work wonders. They can be expensive I realize. My son homeschools, and we got him a tutor for algebra. It has really made a difference for him.
When I was in school, wow 22 years ago, I got behind and never caught back up. I did get a 3.0 GPA, but only because. I was real good in certain classes, so be wise with you course selections. Pick subjects that you can do well in to go along with the rest.You would probably find your teachers to be very helpful if you asked them for help. They love it when someone wants to learn, and shows initiative.
Also, college is not the only way to make it in life. There are many fields and business opportunities for someone without a college degree. I am not rich, but have zero debt, own my house, cars, toys, etc... I own my own company and never finished college. Just wasn't for me. I know several millionaires who never went to college. They were just smart with their choices!
Don't give up. That never accomplished anything .
Good luck.
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Wow, I admire you. Wish you great luck for your business.
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Hidden Username said:
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If you have a chance to do some internships at museums or a zoo, go for it, I did and had a blast! It adds an element of fun to high school. Also I transferred out of high school to the high school completion program at my community college in Portland, absolutely loved it! Anyway just be smart and enthusiastic about your choices, and try to enjoy a few courses along the way.
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jaketc said:
If you have a chance to do some internships at museums or a zoo, go for it, I did and had a blast! It adds an element of fun to high school. Also I transferred out of high school to the high school completion program at my community college in Portland, absolutely loved it! Anyway just be smart and enthusiastic about your choices, and try to enjoy a few courses along the way.
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Exactly, that is my perspective on life too. Do what I love and as long as I get a good enough pay to make my family happy, I am good.
However, in South Asian culture(I live in Saskatchewan Canada) people think that if you don't go to university, you are a failure.
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jaszek said:
You don't game enough.
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Hidden Username said:
Please be serious
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i do remember a post regarding video gamers and higher IQ's
Hidden Username said:
Exactly, that is my perspective on life too. Do what I love and as long as I get a good enough pay to make my family happy, I am good.
However, in South Asian culture(I live in Saskatchewan Canada) people think that if you don't go to university, you are a failure.
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Amen to that, brother.
I'm studying in India and anything less than a post graduate or a professional degree is considered sin.
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DonDizzurp said:
i do remember a post regarding video gamers and higher IQ's
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Gamers tend to be better at making fast, on the spot, intelligent decisions, while non gamers aren't.
jaszek said:
Gamers tend to be better at making fast, on the spot, intelligent decisions, while non gamers aren't.
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Don't discount a lifelong diciplined musician's ability to react the same way, or better.
jaszek said:
You don't game enough.
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Dude, be serious.
Sent from my premium leather sofa
Honestly, and I say this from experience, 10th grade is the hardest. To me after that highschool flew by with ease. I took AP classes until I decided to ditch them my senior year. Not stressing about stuff helps too bro. Best of luck.
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Its not hard. You just need to decided if you want to wake up 6 days a week for a really crappy job pays nothing for the next 40 years or sacrifice a few years now to be doing what you want and having a great stress free life. Its up to you. Pick up the book now!
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