I am able to browse the BN bookstore with 1.0.1 rooted. However, I can't with 1.1 Rooted. I tried these methods:
Method 1
Register stock 1.0.1 NC
Upgrade by copying 1.1 to NC via usb cable as suggested by BN
Root with Rootpack 0.7
Everything works but browsing for book from BN.
Method 2
Register stock 1.0.1 NC
Root with Rootpack 0.7
Load Nook Color V1.1.0_r2 [01/29/2011] by Decad3nce
Still can't buy books.
If you are able to browse the BN store, please post the method you use to root 1.1.
I rooted using the Auto-Nooter 3.0.0 (did a clean wipe and sideloaded the upgrades to 1.1.0 and then used Auto-Nooter).
I can both browse and buy books from BN.
There is already a pretty big thread on this topic:
dzigns said:
I rooted using the Auto-Nooter 3.0.0 (did a clean wipe and sideloaded the upgrades to 1.1.0 and then used Auto-Nooter).
I can both browse and buy books from BN.
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Same for me, Auto-nooter 3.0, after a normal update path to 1.1
and the Bookstore works perfectly I am able to browse and buy.
Are you getting a errors message or anything when trying to do this??
Did you Register your nook color? and do you have a Credit card on file with B&N Website?
therealguppy said:
Same for me, Auto-nooter 3.0, after a normal update path to 1.1
and the Bookstore works perfectly I am able to browse and buy.
Are you getting a errors message or anything when trying to do this??
Did you Register your nook color? and do you have a Credit card on file with B&N Website?
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I did register the NC. But when I try to browse, it just hangs. Thanks for the note. I will go back to stock 1.0.1, side load 1.1 and then use AN3.0
dzigns said:
I rooted using the Auto-Nooter 3.0.0 (did a clean wipe and sideloaded the upgrades to 1.1.0 and then used Auto-Nooter).
I can both browse and buy books from BN.
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Thanks! Using AN3 did the trick. Apparently if you use Rootpack 0.7 with Rom 1.1 browsing books gets disabled.
fpga_guy said:
Thanks! Using AN3 did the trick. Apparently if you use Rootpack 0.7 with Rom 1.1 browsing books gets disabled.
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She good to know. If I attempt root and Gapps again I'll use AN3
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Apparently the failure to be able "SHOP" BN may be caused the a missing file when using Rootpack 0.7. So it may require a modified framework.jar file.
I cannot get my new Nook Color which is at 1.0.0 to update to BN's 1.1.0 (I tried all the suggestions in the threads I read), so I thought that perhaps it might work better to try 1.0.1 and then 1.1.0 (admittedly grasping at straws).
Is there currently a link to 1.0.1 anywhere (for sideloading)?
EDIT - Found it ! For those in the future looking for it, nookdevs.com has a link to it on the BN site,
Were you able to upgrade to 1.1.0?
I ask because I am unable to go from 1.0.1 to 1.1.0. I have tried side loading the file downloaded from BN, I have tried deregistering the device, I have tried boot interrupt x 8, I have tried power-n, I have tried reloading boot.img and system.img via a honeycomb sdcard. The same thing happens every time. The file downloads to the proper place on the nook's drive, I disconnect it from the computer (I have tried a mac and a win7 pc), it goes to sleep and nothing happens. I go to look for the update file in the main folder on the nook and it disappears. If I go to look for it before it sleeps, it is there. If I tap on refresh - it disappears. I have called BN 3 times - they are stumped.
Any ideas? I may repost this to its own thread...
Try downloading 1.1.0 again.
Some time on Thursday, they replaced the corrupted file on the B&N site with a good one. The good one has the following MD5:
md5: 2F533C63FCFDB4F655C684BD9A95A298
I am new to the Nook Color and I have purchased the N2A card and have been able to run both the Nook stock rom and the full tablet experience.
What I would like to do is use the stock rom (preferably the new one with Netflix) and add the Kindle app and the Zinio app. I already have a tablet in my iPad and was looking to use the Nook Color strictly as an ereader. Since I have alot of Kindle books I'd like to have access to them. I found the Nook default software to be a better experience than the full Android system.
Is there a way to keep the stock Nook OS, but add the Kindle app to it?
If you root the stock B&N firmware, at least up to v1.4.1, you can load 3rd party apps, including the Kindle reader. You'll want to use GMPOWER's updated manualnooter provided in post 1640 in this thread.
Confirm that your NC is on v1.4.1 and use ONLY that version of manualnooter. Basically, use the procedure described in post 1 in that thread, but substitute GMPOWER's version of manualnooter for v1.4.1. I've done this and it works very well.
Alternately, if your Kindle books are not DRM 'protected' (locked down), you can convert them to the epub format for use on the Nook reader using Calibre without having to root your NC.
If I am not at 1.4.1 should I update it first?
1.4.1 adds some very nice features, and is the stock version worth using, if any. Prior to that, you can get pretty much the same functionality out of Cyanogenmod or another ROM. At v1.4.1, you can still sideload content. I understand there's a newer version that prevents sideloading, and will get pushed down via Over the Air update if you don't block it. I'm afraid that's all the info I have. Also, after rooting, be sure to disable auto updates to avoid breaking root and sideloading.
I'd suggest:
1. Update to 1.4.1
2. Root
3. Block OTA updates
Thank you for the tips. I just want to clarify:
1.4.1 downloaded from B&N is the one I want to install manually? I too had heard that the latest version prevents sideloading and 1.4.1 looks to be the latest, so I wasnt sure I should install that one.
or is there a newer OTA update to 1.4.1 that prevents it?
Again thanks for your time.
I don't really know what broke sideloading. I do know that my Quick Settings->Settings->Device Info->About Your NOOKcolor shows Software Version 1.4.1, and I can sideload. I downloaded that version here, though I can't guarantee it's the same. I've blocked updates, and haven't had any problems.
I'll do an MD5 checksum on what they're offering versus my version later and let you know it it's changed.
Thanks. From my search on the web 1.4.1 breaks sideloading.
Hmm. Although the file name is identical, the files are different:
$ md5sum nookcolor_1_4_1_update.zip
88c85d63f6e78d1eaa52ec97a1b5b698 nookcolor_1_4_1_update.zip
OLD (Working):
$ md5sum nookcolor_1_4_1_update.zip
2a27f54b65431a096af4f07967bcd6b5 nookcolor_1_4_1_update.zip
MediaFire says the file is too big at over 200 MB for a free account.
I found this here which matches your md5:
Question: Can earlier versions (1.3, 1.01, etc.) always be installed regardless of current version? (IE can I go from 1.4.1 to 1.3?)
When I try to install the Kindle Reading App on my Nook Color ("Blue Dot" & software version 1.4.1) running Cyanogenmod 7.0.3-encore Android 2.3.3 Build GR140 from a microSD card, or on my Nook Color running Honeycomb3.0 from microSD card, I get the message "Your device is not compatible with this item." (i.e., the Kindle app). Searching around the internet, I found one suggestion that if I changed the screen resolution the app would be compatible, but I haven't been able to get this to work. Any advice?”
Velvis said:
I found this here which matches your md5:
Question: Can earlier versions (1.3, 1.01, etc.) always be installed regardless of current version? (IE can I go from 1.4.1 to 1.3?)
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I, too, would like to know if we can downgrade from 1.4.1 to 1.3? And, if yes, where do we find the earlier versions, ie 1.3 and even 1.2? Thanks.
A few folks have asked for a step-by-step, so I thought it might be helpful to have a copy here on XDA. GMPOWER has recently created a thread on his ManualNooter for NC 1.4.1 which should be considered the authoritative source on the basic rooting process. I'm going to leave this post here to collect other tips & tricks that can be done post-root.
I want to emphasize that I did none of the original work required for this effort to succeed. I only seem to follow instructions carefully, and know just enough to figure out what instructions to ignore. I'm posting this here because I'm hoping other will benefit from skipping a few of the painful steps I went through to get this working. All credit goes to GMPOWER, Dalingrin, Roustabout and the wonderful crew at XDA that create these tools to let us get more out of our devices!
This guide is for anybody wanting to root the stock Barnes and Noble 1.4.1 firmware. Is it worth it? Probably not. With all the options available today, reverting to B&N makes sense if, and only if, if you want to use any of the following B&N capabilities:
Read to me (mostly children's book)
Enhanced content (e.g. Conde Nast magazines such as Wired, New Yorker, though some of these are becoming available via 3rd party sources.)
Newpaper or magazine subscriptions (auto-update)
B&N Free in-store reading
Support from friends with stock Nooks or B&N (conditional upon being rooted)
The B&N reader experience and shell. The B&N Android Nook app is not the same thing as their firmware experience, at least not yet. Someday, they may update the B&N Nook Android app, but it is pretty poor right now. If you want to read B&N stuff, then 1.4.1 is a big deal.
If these apply, consider keeping your NC at B&N 1.4.1. If you want 3rd party content (e.g. Kindle), then root it, but make sure you've got it configured NOT to auto-update, since B&N has killed sideloading with OTA updates.
If you will not be using B&N content, then go with Cyanogenmod or similar. The B&N firmware suffers a lot of shortcomings compared to the "full tablet" experience:
Lots of settings are missing.
Getting a 3rd party keyboard to work is possible, but very kludgy at present. I had luck with SwiftKey by copying the apk from /data/app to /system/app as directed in NookColor Tools.
If you're looking to install CyanogenMod or other firmware, check out Koopakid08's A Noobs Guide to Getting Started with a Custom Rom on the Nook Color.
I started out reading and trying the procedure described the XDA thread on rooting 1.2 and 1.3:
[NC][1.2][1.3] ManualNooter 4.6.16 - xda-developers
However, it is critical to realize that the directions early on in that thread do not work for 1.4.1. The magic starts at about page 160. Below is my distillation of this information in easy-to-digest form (hopefully).
You need to create a ClockworkMod (CWM) bootable SD card to reset your device back to standard B&N firmware, and to install the "manualnooter" root kit. Colchiro has posted a nice summary over at Androidforums. His guide includes the latest ( CWM versions.
Restore to stock B&N ROM. I'd been running CM7.1 on emmc, so had to go through the process of restoring to a stock B&N 1.3 ROM. Depending on the age of the article you read on how to do this, you may have problems either formatting /data or get into a boot loop at the 'n' logo. You need a current CWM to be able to successfully format /data. If /data is not properly formatted, you will get a bootloop at the B&N splash screen when you restart. Not a big deal to fix, but you can waste a lot of time on this. As of this writing, CWM is the latest, and should allow you to format partitions without problems.
After restoring to B&N 1.3, I re-registered my device to make sure B&N functionality would work. After all, the only reason to bother with 1.4.1 is if you intend to use B&N content. Otherwise, save yourself the trouble. NOTE: We are not root yet.
Update to 1.4.1. I got my copy of 1.4.1 directly from B&N [EDIT 01162012: I have verified that the latest as of this date still works as described here.] Your Nook Color will also update to the latest if you just let 1.3 unrooted go to sleep if you don't have ClockWorkMod installed to eMMC. I have confirmed that this procedure works with the following nookcolor_1_4_1_update.zip md5sum: 2a27f54b65431a096af4f07967bcd6b5 (post-Christmas 2011)
Once 1.4.1 was running unrooted, I then followed GMPOWER's efforts over at XDA. The key is to run an updated version of manualnooter that does not make the database updates. As of this writing, his latest 5.01.24 can be found in post 1745. So far as I know, the official manualnooter repositories have not been updated.
Copy manualnooter-5.01.24.zip (or whatever the latest is) to your bootable SD recovery card.
Boot the recovery SD card.
Install manualnooter-5.01.21.zip.
Remove the recovery SD card and reboot your NC. It boots any card present, so this is kinda important. Behold the pretty startup screens. You should have root at this point.
Be sure to select Zeam as your initial launcher. Note that if you press the 'n' key at this point, you'll be taken back to the B&N interface, and not have ready access to anything non-standard. This is not a big deal. Simply press 'n'->Search and enter zeam in the search box. It should locate zeam. Select it to launch.
To enable 3rd party apps to load, you must open the NookColor Tools program. There's a magic check box that enables 3rd party apps at the top. By default, the text is white on white, so impossible to see. Select that box twice - to uncheck then recheck (toggle) it. When you are done, it should be checked.
To get 3rd party apps to show up in the Nook interface, download Nook Color App Manager from the Market. HINT: Don't go overboard and select everything. Select only those things you really want to see in the B&N Walled Garden. You might also want to select the HomeCatcher app (included in ManualNooter) to allow using the 'n' button to go to your launcher of choice, but I do not. My philosophy is to keep the B&N interface as much as possible, or I wouldn't have gone to all this effort. When I need "power user" functions, I just launch zeam using the search procedure listed above.
Disable OTA updates. B&N auto over-the-air (OTA) updates apparently break root, and lately, sideloading. There seems to be some debate about what works best for this, but I've gone for modifying the devicemanager.db using SQLite Editor to open devicemanager.db and change registry->com.bn.device.fota.mode from "auto" to "manual". You can use an alternate method with a free sqlite3 binary from the command line. So far, no nasty OTA surprises.
Here are some common problems and what to do about them:
Can't overclock. GMPOWER has indicated that an overclocked kernel is not provided as of manualnooter-5.1.24. You need to install Dalingrin's overclocked kernel for B&N 1.3 (NOTE: Dalingrin's hosting site for these files seems to be offline. Doncarauana has posted a set of temporary links to the kernel files you can try. You will also need a copy of Dalingrin's Nook Color Tweaks installed.
Can't format /data when restoring to stock firmware. You probably followed an old guide on how to do this. Depending on the age of your NC, the version of CWM you're using may not handle partition changes. You need to update CWM. See Step 1, above.
Bootloop at the 'n' logo when trying to restore B&N firmware.You probably goofed. Hard as it is to believe, it's very easy to miss the fact that /data wasn't formatted. This is the same problem as the preceding problem. Just follow Step 1, above, and be sure /data actually gets formatted.
1.4.1 is rooted, but unable to install anything from Android Market or Amazon App Store. When this happens, everything appears to be working, but after downloading, apps will fail to install. They key is to use GMPOWER's latest manualnooter and do not ever, even once, install one of the older versions. Refer to Steps 4 and 10, above. I had to restart from scratch to make up for not paying attention and running the old manualnooter versions. Something to do with a database patch that causes problems.
Facebook and other apps are missing from Android Market. UPDATE: This is fixed with GMPOWER's manualnooter-5.01.24.zip. (For other apps: A simple workaround is to install the app onto another Android device, then use Android Assistant to make a backup .apk and copy that to the Nook Color. If you only have a Nook Color Android device, you can create a bootable SD with CyanogenMod (see above) and install to that, then use this procedure to copy the .apk over.)
2/14/2012: Updated to add link to manual procedure for blocking OTA updates using sqlite3.
2/13/2012: Updated to include link to GMPOWER's thread on his ManualNooter for NC 1.4.1.
2/6/2012: Updated links for Dalingrin's overclocked kernel to include Doncarauna's temporary links.
1/24/2012: Updated to reference GMPOWER's manualnooter-5.01.24, restored references to Dalingrin's OC'ed 1.3 kernel.
1/22/2012: Updated to reference GMPOWER's manualnooter-5.01.21, remove references to APPS2SD not working. It's working now! Removed overclock kernel as a concern. GMPOWER's latest MN includes it. Added link to Colchiro's SD HOWTO at Androidforums.
1/16/2012: Updated description of 1.4.1 update now that I've verified this procedure works with the latest, and added link to SQlite OTA blocking procedure.
1/11/2012: Updated link to GMPOWER's ManualNooter update to be more concise.
Thanks, This really helped me to get my nook rooted.
So running CM7.1 off a sd card is another way in a good way or is there a better way to root a NC. The reason I ask is because I am running of a SD and it stalls on me when i go to turn it off and back on. Is there something I need still to download.
ciscom25 said:
So running CM7.1 off a sd card is another way in a good way or is there a better way to root a NC. The reason I ask is because I am running of a SD and it stalls on me when i go to turn it off and back on. Is there something I need still to download.
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Sounds like your CM install is screwed up. It should have no problems powering on and off. However, if you don't care about the B&N stuff, you'll be better off installing CM to internal (eMMC) storage so you're not dependent on the SD card and can use it freely.
This guide is only about rooting the stock firmware if you decide you do want the B&N stuff. Koopkakid08 has a great summary on alternate firmware strategies.
Your link for the MN 5.x.x post needs to point here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=20456719&postcount=1631
Taosaur said:
Your link for the MN 5.x.x post needs to point here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=20456719&postcount=1631
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I'll update to include the single post you pointed to, and move the full-thread discussion to a separate APPS2SD issue at the bottom. I think that will make the step-by-step clearer, while still pointing to the ongoing efforts GMPOWER is working on.
I urge anybody rooting 1.4.1 to track the ongoing discussion and GMPOWER's updates.
Bumpity bump
Do these instructions assume you have CWM already installed? Sorry I got lost at "Copy manualnooter-5.12.XX.zip, or whatever the latest is, to your bootable SD recovery card." because I have no idea what you mean by "bootable SD recovery card". Do I need to create this?
Followed directions
Am rooted but none of the nook tools apps are present when launching zeam
Neither are Gapps.
Must they be flashed separately or were they supposed to bepart of the flashing procedure for manual nooter
Looking at manualnooter-5.12.20, you should have an older version of the Android Market app, gmail, calendar, contacts, maps, homecatcher, rom manager, superuser, talk, YouTube and SoftKeys. What are you missing?
wasnt said:
Do these instructions assume you have CWM already installed? Sorry I got lost at "Copy manualnooter-5.12.XX.zip, or whatever the latest is, to your bootable SD recovery card." because I have no idea what you mean by "bootable SD recovery card". Do I need to create this?
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the bootable SD recovery card is where you install the CWM. creating this recovery card is the first step you to root the nookcolor. Not only you need it to install the manualnooter (MN), it also allows you to reset to stock setting and other good stuffs.
Good catch, guys. I've inserted a new step 1 which points to a guide for creating a bootable CWM card. Thanks for pointing out that omission.
"Updated to reference GMPOWER's manualnooter-5.01.21, remove references to APPS2SD not working. It's working now! Removed overclock kernel as a concern. GMPOWER's latest MN includes it."
Thanks for this thread.
Does this mean you are able to use Nook Color Tweaks to overclock? I upgraded to MN but I still get an error message in Nook Color Tweaks
" Kernel is not compatible with Audio settings. A newer build of CM7 or Dalingrin's overclock kernel is required"
Also, any idea where I can obtain the kernel other than somehow pulling it from a CM7 build?
Help! I really messed up this time.
I followed the instructions to install 1.3.0 but did not update to 1.4.1 and then I completed the root. I see the Android Market and can actually buy an app. However, installation hangs at "authorizing" because, according to Android Market support, the Nook is not authorized to load apps from the Android Market. So, clearly something is wrong. Either nobody can run those apps, which I doubt, or I messed up.
To compound the problem, I default to Zeam Launcher and cannot boot into B & N. I have also tried to force a reset by 8 failed starts but that did not work. This Noob could really use some help to fix the problem.
chengka said:
"Updated to reference GMPOWER's manualnooter-5.01.21, remove references to APPS2SD not working. It's working now! Removed overclock kernel as a concern. GMPOWER's latest MN includes it."
Thanks for this thread.
Does this mean you are able to use Nook Color Tweaks to overclock? I upgraded to MN but I still get an error message in Nook Color Tweaks
" Kernel is not compatible with Audio settings. A newer build of CM7 or Dalingrin's overclock kernel is required"
Also, any idea where I can obtain the kernel other than somehow pulling it from a CM7 build?
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A kernel was not included in any of the MN releases for 1.4.1, you will need to download the Dalingrin kernel to use Nook Color Tweaks, LINK
rkulp said:
I followed the instructions to install 1.3.0 but did not update to 1.4.1 and then I completed the root. I see the Android Market and can actually buy an app. However, installation hangs at "authorizing" because, according to Android Market support, the Nook is not authorized to load apps from the Android Market. So, clearly something is wrong. Either nobody can run those apps, which I doubt, or I messed up.
To compound the problem, I default to Zeam Launcher and cannot boot into B & N. I have also tried to force a reset by 8 failed starts but that did not work. This Noob could really use some help to fix the problem.
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The direction were for firmware 1.4.1, since you have firmware 1.3 you can update to 1.4.1, or follow these directions, LINK
Thanks! I have CM7 on way too many devices, tee hee, so I wanted to go back to stock on the reader to compare battery life.
Download Dalingrin's OC Kernel
Thanks for the guide! Working great but I can't seem to find a functioning download link for Dalingrin's kernel. Anyone have one?
I found Dalingrin's kernel here:
Some folks are having problems with some of the links, though.
Great guide, I tried CM7 on the SD Card, but I just found that I like the plain look of the B&N interface. Using your guide as a template I nootered my Nook, and will be doing my wife's later. I am also looking for Dalingrin's OC Kernel, I have had it from previous nooters, but my hard drive crashed, and I had erased all of my microsd cards, because I had all the files on my hard drive . So if anyone has a working link, or could send me the file I would greatly appreciate it.
Downloading binaries of any sort from an unknown source makes me queasy, but if you're feeling daring, there's a post in the Dalingrin 1.3 kernel thread to a copy. Use at your own risk, etc.