Using the UOT Kitchen, I replaced my stock battery icon on the status bar with a nice circle battery.
I used the attached zip and flashed with CWM (making a backup first).
This is a stock Vivid, with an unlocked bootloader and rooted.
I did the same thing to check the CWM recovery. I made a battery % mod in the UOT kitchen and flashed it just to check recovery.
Can you post the necessary (framework-res.apk, etc.) files so that I can make my UOT theme and have it ready for when I get the phone on Wednesday?
duckredbeard said:
Can you post the necessary (framework-res.apk, etc.) files so that I can make my UOT theme and have it ready for when I get the phone on Wednesday?
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Does making a theme take the same files as making a battery mod?
Didn't you have to upload files in the UOT kitchen to get your battery mod?
There are only 10 kinds of people. Those who understand binary math, and those who don't.
Making a battery mod is only one small part of the theme you can do in the UOT kitchen. I intend to change my battery, bootanimation, pops, status bar, dropdown...everything. I believe GB themes need 3 files if the ROM is Sense.
There are only 10 kinds of people. Those who understand binary math, and those who don't.
duckredbeard said:
Making a battery mod is only one small part of the theme you can do in the UOT kitchen. I intend to change my battery, bootanimation, pops, status bar, dropdown...everything. I believe GB themes need 3 files if the ROM is Sense.
There are only 10 kinds of people. Those who understand binary math, and those who don't.
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Check your PM. Let me know if you get them OK.
Got them. Thanks. Were these from your stock files or post battery mod?
There are only 10 kinds of people. Those who understand binary math, and those who don't.
Glad you got them. They are bone stock right out of the phone after unlocking the bootloader,rooting, and flashing CWM recovery. They are the same ones I
sent a copy of to the kitchen to make my batt % mod.
Good Luck
I'm already customizing a phone I don't even have yet. I'm sure there is a clinical term for this disorder.
There are only 10 kinds of people. Those who understand binary math, and those who don't.
It can be treated with new phones, but there is no known cure. Sorry
Is there a step by step list to get this done? Would really like to get this battery mod done.
But new to android.
Search for UOT kitchen. On the kitchen page you'll see several tabs. What the battery tab in and check the box. Select which icons you want for your battery. Choose the colors for the gradient. There are more options down below. If that's all you want to do go to the last tab. If your running gingerbread you need to download 3 files. It would be convenient to have those files easily accessible. Find them in your phone and keep them in a separate folder on your desktop. Upload the 3 files on the summary page. Then submit work to kitchen. You will be given a file number. Write that number down or leave your web browser open. When the file is done it will be on the pick up page. Download it and save it to your sd card. Reboot into recovery and flash the zip file from there.
There are only 10 kinds of people. Those who understand binary math, and those who don't.
That last post was all from memory. If you have any other questions during the process post here.
There are only 10 kinds of people. Those who understand binary math, and those who don't.
capman231 said:
I did the same thing to check the CWM recovery. I made a battery % mod in the UOT kitchen and flashed it just to check recovery.
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Can you send your battery % mod? Was it for stock ics 3.26.502.56 710RD? 4.0.3 android.
Battery with % for stock Rom -rooted
I replaced my Battery with % Stock battery, using UOT Kitchen.
If any one wants, use the following UOT zip file (flash from recovery).
Note : I am not responsible for any damage (please back up your present sytem before flashing)
Beautiful, so cool
White Circle Metamorph
*Disclaimer* I am not responsible for damaging your phone. You have to realize by now that all modifications performed by you are YOUR responsiblity. I will feel bad if it messes up your phone somehow, but I don't have any $, so you are on your own. To be on the safe side, always do a Nandroid back up before playing with the framework-res.apk *Disclaimer*
So, I have moved on in the phone world to the Motorola Droid, but I want to show you all that I still have some love for the Eris world. I have been seeing some interest in using the Circle Battery icons, so I went a head and modified the Transparent Chaos MetaMorph to just give you the battery icons only. Prerequisites:
1) You must be rooted.
2) You must have Metamorph and Busybox installed.
3) You must have a folder labeled: AndroidThemes on your SD card.
4) You must download this: and put it in your AndroidThemes folder on SD card.
So, here's how we do this thing then:
1) Open MetaMorph
2) Unzip/Extract New Theme
3) Choose your
4) At this stage, it will probably boot you out of the app with a warning about it not being named right (blah blah blah), but not to worry, just go back in and then choose the Pick Existing Theme, navigate to the folder Transparent_Chaos and then chose the Transparent_Chaos.XML file and select.
5) It will apply, and then tell you it made a change that requires a reboot, select OK or Yes or whatever.
6) Enjoy.
It will wipe your wallpaper too, though I am not certain why. Easy fix though lol. If there is enough call for it, I can make colored versions. Hope everyone likes it
Thanks, looks great.
Sent from my Tazz Froyo using XDA App
Works like a charm and looks great, thanks
Sweet, glad you guys are liking it and thanks for the feedback.
Transfer 10char
anyway I could get Circle battery with % on it
KingNemesis said:
anyway I could get Circle battery with % on it
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Most roms have this baked in. I know the Cyanogen based roms do, not too sure about Sense roms. I haven't used one of those in 6 months probably. If you have a CM based rom, you'll find this under Settings > CyanogenMod Settings > Status Bar > Battery Percentage. If you have a Sense based rom, you might want to check out this other MM theme I made, here:
This is just the battery from xtrRom so thank the dev for that, I just made it into a MM theme. Hope this helps.
There seems to be a lot of things that are new when it comes to theming the Nexus S and Gingerbread in general.
A lot of us have run into various problems.
The purpose of this thread is to discuss the problems we're facing and to ask general questions regarding theming.
1. [SOLVED] I can't flash anything unless it is the full ROM. I tried jabbawalkee's base zip but no luck.
Solution: Post 12. Thanks to ogdobber.
2. If I make a nand of a themed ROM and try to restore it, I get a bootloop. Unthemed ROM works fine.
Temporary Solution: Don't use ROM Manager to restore your themed Nandroids. Go to recovery and restore the Nand and don't reboot.
Flash the pertinent ROM again without wiping anything, then reboot. Flash the theme again.
3. How to get out of a bootloop? I've been doing the battery pull and volume up + power button does not work during a bootloop.
Solution: adb reboot recovery
4. [SOLVED] Nexus S loses signal after reboot.
After unlocking the bootloader, I used paul's Superboot to get root and used ROM manager to flash the latest CWM. All is well except every-time I reboot, I lose the signal (it shows emergency calls only) and I have to search for available networks in Mobile network settings.
In the dialpad enter *#*#4636#*#*
Select phone information
Scroll down to preferred networks
Select "WCDMA only"
Click on Update
You need to re-enter the SMSC Carrier number. For WIND Mobile Canada, SMSC is 16135009000
Android requires you to enter this info in Hex.
Hex = 07916131059000F0
For Mobilicity Canada Hex = 07916174080001F6
In the dialpad enter *#*#4636#*#*
Select phone information
Scroll down to SMSC field, enter 07916131059000F0 and done. Then reboot.
Theming Guide:
Master™ started a guide where we could post useful stuff like the transparent notification bar & anything else in a simple Nexus S (or gingerbread guide...)
If you guys want to edit it, PM him so he can add you.
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Stuck this useful thread
theimpaler747 said:
Stuck this useful thread
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Thanks a lot!
Issue number 2 has been confirmed by another users. Maybe its a bug in CWM.
sonnysekhon said:
Thanks a lot!
Issue number 2 has been confirmed by another users. Maybe its a bug in CWM.
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Could be that, I remember on my hero I tried to restore a recovery of my theme and it looped too
sonnysekhon said:
1. I can't flash anything unless it is the full ROM. I tried jabbawalkee's base zip but no luck.
2. If I make a nand of a themed ROM and try to restore it, I get a bootloop. Unthemed ROM works fine.
3. How to get out of a bootloop? I've been doing the battery pull and volume up + power button does not work during a bootloop.
4. Nexus S loses signal after reboot.
After unlocking the bootloader, I used paul's Superboot to get root and used ROM manager to flash the latest CWM. All is well except every-time I reboot, I lose the signal (it shows emergency calls only) and I have to search for available networks in Mobile network settings.
Anyone else having this issue? Any fixes?
If you guys can provide some insight, I will be most thankful.
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In regard to #1, you're right about that. The mount line is incorrect, I believe it needs to be changed to ext4 instead of mtd but I haven't gotten the line just right yet. I contacted PaulOBrien and Koush for assistance but didn't have much luck getting it right.
In terms of #4, I actually didn't have that same issue with his Superboot...but perhaps I overlooked it.
Hopefully we can get a theme zip base to work from. I'm hoping one of the ROM devs can jump in and maybe push us in the right direction. I'm not a code type of guy so I let the coders do the update script stuff . In the meantime, we'll just have to use the full ROM.
Thanks for this thread sonny!
On the Galaxy S I can find the data and wifi icons for the notification bar no problem, but I can't seem to find them anywhere for the Nexus S (along with a couple of others). Sorry if the answer is obvious, but I'm stuck. Could someone please point me in the right direction?
Dean-O said:
On the Galaxy S I can find the data and wifi icons for the notification bar no problem, but I can't seem to find them anywhere for the Nexus S (along with a couple of others). Sorry if the answer is obvious, but I'm stuck. Could someone please point me in the right direction?
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Great, thanks.
Found a solution to issue number 4, updated the post.
sonnysekhon said:
1. I can't flash anything unless it is the full ROM. I tried jabbawalkee's base zip but no luck.
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this is a solution to problem 1.
in the META-INF\com\google\android needs to have updater-script and update-binary
the updater-script needs the following line
run_program("/sbin/busybox", "mount", "/system");
attached is a meta-inf. use it in place of your current one for flashing themes
Thanks ogdobber.
I'm a newb to theming. Can anyone point me to the right direction to change my stock news widget to transparent?
Thanks in advance
cyc1120 said:
I'm a newb to theming. Can anyone point me to the right direction to change my stock news widget to transparent?
Thanks in advance
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start with the 2 links below, you basically need to change the transparency level on the widget_background in the drawable(hdpi) folder. but it is not that easy because it is a .9 png (unless you go 100%)
[GUIDE] Want to learn how to theme?
The Ultimate Android Themeing Guide
Here is a thread by rori that he themes a bunch of stuff to transparent smoke
I can't for the life of me try to figure out how to make an object in photoshop have a transparent background. I make the background transparent, add the object (eg: a number) and everything looks great. Then once I flatten the image the transparency disappears. What I don't get is up until I flatten it, the whole background is transparent. I'm completely baffled, can anyone offer an idiot some help?
kenvan19 said:
I can't for the life of me try to figure out how to make an object in photoshop have a transparent background. I make the background transparent, add the object (eg: a number) and everything looks great. Then once I flatten the image the transparency disappears. What I don't get is up until I flatten it, the whole background is transparent. I'm completely baffled, can anyone offer an idiot some help?
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What image is it? And by flatten it, do you mean you are making it an indexed image?
theimpaler747 said:
What image is it? And by flatten it, do you mean you are making it an indexed image?
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Its a number for a Beautiful widgets clock skin. By flatten it I mean in photoshop CS5 when you make an image with multiple layers (the layers get created automatically when I try to add anything, in this case text) in order to save it as anything but a .psd you have to flatten it (IE force all of the layers into one).
kenvan19 said:
Its a number for a Beautiful widgets clock skin. By flatten it I mean in photoshop CS5 when you make an image with multiple layers (the layers get created automatically when I try to add anything, in this case text) in order to save it as anything but a .psd you have to flatten it (IE force all of the layers into one).
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Never save it as a psd for edits on android Save it as a .png
theimpaler747 said:
Never save it as a psd for edits on android Save it as a .png
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Exactly, I'm trying to save it as a png but in order to do that I have to flatten the image which causes the transparency of the background to disappear.
how do you add different icons into the status bar
Use an app called metamorph. You can modify the framework...and that's the status bar icons
Tbolt meatclaws via talkatap
Go to and make one for yourself. You can edit the colors and much more. All you need is your ROMs framework-res.apk.
Get the framework.apk from the rom your using (/system/framework/framework-res.apk) and from the theme that has the icons you want, then use 7-zip to get into the framework res apk / drawable (drawable-hdpi) folder and swap out the .png files that you want to change. Make sure the new file has the same name as the one you are replacing.
You'll have to copy the .png files onto your desktop to view them and get familiar with the apk folders, it's not difficult.
Close the framework-res.apk in 7-zip, no need to re-sign it, and push it back onto your phone.
or Ninjamorph.
is the methods described only for custom roms? im running stock rom...
any apps u guys recommend that use the least amount resources?
update....I just installed this:
is editing framework-res.apk a better solution? im just looking for least amount battery consumption...thank u kind sirs
adding the circle battery was the first thing I did on stock rooted's easy to do again if you change ROMs.
IISiDeK1CKII said:
Go to and make one for yourself. You can edit the colors and much more. All you need is your ROMs framework-res.apk.
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So easy! Thanks!
IISiDeK1CKII said:
Go to and make one for yourself. You can edit the colors and much more. All you need is your ROMs framework-res.apk.
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I had no idea there was a kitchen like this available without the nasty coding.
Thanks very much!
do you have to be rooted to use this
OK I just tried this. After I flashed the .zip I got a TON of force closes from various places. Browser, google search, some others, right when the phone booted. I followed the directions and extracted and uploaded my ROM. the only options I wanted to flash were the circle battery and the bootanimation. The bootanimation and circle battery did show up, but after it booted there were just way too many force closes.
Can anyone help on what I need to do?
First thing I always do out of habit is go into CW, clear cache, clear dalvik cache, then reinstall my zip. Takes care of most FC issues.
ZuneNinja! said:
OK I just tried this. After I flashed the .zip I got a TON of force closes from various places. Browser, google search, some others, right when the phone booted. I followed the directions and extracted and uploaded my ROM. the only options I wanted to flash were the circle battery and the bootanimation. The bootanimation and circle battery did show up, but after it booted there were just way too many force closes.
Can anyone help on what I need to do?
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Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
I want to try the UOT Kitchen but I can't confirm if the stock TB rom is odexed or deodexed. I am a newb, been looking for an answer, but I can't find one.
**UPDATE** So I been browsing my rom files and ive seen some .odex files. I think this means its an odexed rom and can't be used with the kitchen. Is that correct?
all confusing to me! haha
I have done quite a few mods to the graphics in the Framework, including the battery one here. My question is that every time I push the framework back and reboot. I have to re-setup a few things (i.e. passwords) and clear contacts and resync. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? Thanks for any help anyone may have.
Stock rom is odex. You can download plainjane rom that is deodex stock and rooted.
tbtaf said:
Stock rom is odex. You can download plainjane rom that is deodex stock and rooted.
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Thanks, I'm actually doing that now
I have been working to make some custom battery mods for the Cognition Rom and for the longest time had them linked in my signature. It is getting to the point that I can not keep everything in my signature like I did at first so I am making this thread to house the mods I complete.
I want to credit the talented artists that made these orginally. I only ported them over to work with the Cognition rom that Design Gears released. These are all cmw flashable zip files not apk files.
In order to install these mods follow the same steps you would for a rom.
1) download file to your sd card.
2) reboot into recovery
3) select 'install zip from sdcard'
4) select 'choose zip from sdcard'
5) select file
6) select 'yes - install <name of zip file>.zip'
7) reboot phone and enjoy.
Cognition Battery Mods:
GenX Battery
Circle 1 Battery
JazzK Battery
Antonda Battery
Green Circle Battery
Crysis Battery
Blue Circle Battery
Honeycomb Battery
Colored Android Dude
Now theses might become obsolete but I thought I would share them anyway.
Remove Clock
Restore Clock
I remember a while back you had posted something similar to the Circle battery mod, but the graphics were a bit more "high quality". For the life of me I can't remember what it was called.
Do you have some more you can convert?
mattsternc said:
I remember a while back you had posted something similar to the Circle battery mod, but the graphics were a bit more "high quality". For the life of me I can't remember what it was called.
Do you have some more you can convert?
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Yeah there will be more as I get time to complete them. The circle one you ware referring to is the one linked here. I just took a screen shot of one image to post here. They quality is better on the phone I think. I guess I should clean up the screen shots some.
If there is a certain battery mod you would like let me know and I will see what I can do.
Added another Green Circle Battery.
Added Crysis Battery to list.
What other battery mods do would you like to see? I ported the ones that I had on hand but I am sure I can locate more or port ones that are requested.
Looking at Green Circle Battery, I noticed that along with the apk, there are 2 other files in the zip. Will sideloading the apk also load the images or should I use another method to load the files (and maybe the apk)?
These are all cmw flashable zip files not apk files.
In order to install these mods follow the same steps you would for a rom.
1) download file to your sd card.
2) reboot into recovery
3) select 'install zip from sdcard'
4) select 'choose zip from sdcard'
5) select file
6) select 'yes - install <name of zip file>.zip'
After install is completed reboot phone and enjoy the mod
Worked - Appreciate it - Thanks!
a blue circle battery, or a darker crysis battery would rock.
I added a blue circle battery to the list and am working on a honeycomb style battery and a darker crysis battery also.
I also copied the installation instructions into the original post to hopefully remove any confusion in the future.
Added a honeycomb battery.
[ThankseD] was waiting for some new ones to pop up for cog...
Broken link for the honeycomb battery
Bender33 said:
Broken link for the honeycomb battery
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Fixed link. Thanks
I tried installing the blue circle into cog 4.4.7 and it started FC'ing and acted like it was rebooting but wasn't.. it was doing media scan over and over. reflashed the update, and it boots normally.
It's good to finally see more customizations come out for the Cognition ROM. Its a good stable rom. Now it can have some eye candy [:
Request for 'colored android dude' battery mod.
anishmahadikz said:
Request for 'colored android dude' battery mod.
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Added to original post.
Thank you for Restore Clock. : )
Hi Titan88 have you seen that top battery bar that is available on the miui rom? if you could port that to an apk I'd be eternally grateful.. or at least till my phone dies.
I've been attempting to do some modifying on the status bar recently with zero results. After unsuccessful attempts with Rom Toolbox and Ninjamorph, I decided to try out this method.
Steps I took: extracted the framework-res.apk and systemui.apk, uploaded them to the Kitchen server. Then, I went to work on all my customizing, which took a fairly long while, got it just the way I liked and submitted the finishings. I did a Nandroid backup, just in case. Using twrp, I flashed the UOT .zip file which says completed, but it also says FAILED. I made multiple attempts. Not sure why it kept failing, because I did check the summary page in UOT and everything came up green as to be good to go. I modified the battery and wifi icons, volume slider colors, other interface colors, etc. Nothing at all has changed, so I'm assuming the flash really did fail. The only thing I've ever been to successfully change was the battery icon, and that was done previously with rom toolbox. Nothing else will change. I'm not interested in using any of those worthless apps that just overlay a new icon instead of actually replacing it. They don't work well and are very glitchy.
Has anyone had success with this? Does it have anything to do with me using Kinology? Is there something else I need to do with the .zip file before flashing?
No one knows if UOT Kitchen will work with Kinology?