Battry Drain when using 3G Data? (CM7) - Motorola Droid and Milestone General

I love the CM7 build for the milestone, It makes the phone so much better!
but one thing is weird. When I use the 3G DATA (browse sites, watch YouTube)
the battery drains REALLY fast!
For example, today I got into facebook, browsed 4-8 pages, and the Battery
level Decreased by 30%! (FOR A 5 MIN SURFING)
Wifi surfing seems ok.
Is this normal?! anyone else had this problem ???

I have the same problem. using 3G data drains my battery drastically. been using the phone for more than 2yrs now. i wont complain about that. but CM7 is gr8 when it comes to boosting your battery life.

Same thing happens here and i think it's normal. 3G consumes more battery than wifi on every phone i had.

Active 3G consume more battery than Wifi (or 2G) but 30% in 5 minutes is not normal.
You should calibrate your battery with this tutorial :

Did you calibrate the battery after having flashed CM7?
I'm loosing a lot of batterylife when 3G is activated, too.

battery "drain" is normal on DATA. i had these problem too with my milestone.
wouldnt say its a CM7 problem...
for me it is because of the "2 year old battery" + DATA... those two wont work well


[Q] Wifi v 3g/HSDPA on Battery

I do a lot of browsing on my milestone, i predominately use 3g/HSDPA but wondered if using wifi is better on the battery life? Any views or knowledge on this?
It depends what kind of internate usage. For example browsing or some other active internate usage meant 95% of battery drain will be the screen+CPU, so it doesnt matter what you use.
But if we talk abaut constant internet connection in the backgroud i can tell you 3G/HSDPA uses a A LOT more battery than WIFI or 2G. I went from 2G to WIFI and no real difference. But 3G has some isues with constant connection, i think the reason is, there is no real low power mode for 3G. So either have WIFI, or only turn on 3G when you need and put back 2G, when you dont use your phone.
I do a lot of browsing on my milestone, i predominately use 3g/HSDPA but wondered if using wifi is better on the battery life? Any views or knowledge on this?
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WiFi on this device is amazing. I use it at home and work and noticed a large boost in battery life, almost doubled my battery life.
nedrom said:
WiFi on this device is amazing. I use it at home and work and noticed a large boost in battery life, almost doubled my battery life.
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yep same here
cheers guys will be testing wifi out over the next week and see if it helps the battery life!
Hmm, I was wondering. What is your battery life on constant 3G (web browsing, google talk etc.) usage and on stand-by mode?
The milestone's wifi is one of the less consuming wifi chip ever seen on a phone.
The 3g, instead is exactly the opposite, specially if you are on fast network (10 or more Mbps), specially if you are using an old FW.
My milestone was lasting in about 6h with the original FW.
With 2.38 it can cover a whole day

[Q] Wifi uses battery >60%, is this normal?

I am on the 0828 ezgingerbread. I have wifi sleep policy set to "never", because I need VoIP. This is a G1 with wifi on, sitting on the desk very close to the wifi AP, the battery drops from >90% to ~40% in 14 hours with almost no usage. I checked the battery usage and found "Wifi" used 60-70% power.
This is different from my previous experience with MT3G rom (froyo) also from ezterry, for that the battery drain was about half of that speed I would say, with wifi always on.
Do you also see the same high battery usage for wifi? Thanks!
I'm now with ginsense 2.3.7 from rushnees and i can tell you that it drains the battery.
As i know, wifi for a long-usage is better than 3G in the battery section.Ask to the developer about another kernel.
Wifi alway drain battery if you constantly have it on. If that how much the drain is, you are pretty good. My would drop to the point where I have to charge it.

What would you do when ...

hi all ,
my phone is having some battery drain issues ...when i use GXP v22 the battery drain 1% everty minute in standby battery in just 2 hours with GDX it last only 10hours
even when i full wiped , clear dalvik , wipe battery stats the battery still dies to quickly ...
so what would you do?
oh ya i got this rather odd problem the battery went standby for about 4hours ..the battery was 75% and still is ..but then when you use like 1 minute it drop another 1% ..why?
will the launcher be he culprit? i use launcher 360 ..
i off everthing , 3g ,0% brightness , no haptic , no wifi , no bluetooth use silent etc...
flash the other rom after flashing gdx without full wipe.. hope it works ...
tohno said:
hi all ,
my phone is having some battery drain issues ...when i use GXP v22 the battery drain 1% everty minute in standby battery in just 2 hours with GDX it last only 10hours
even when i full wiped , clear dalvik , wipe battery stats the battery still dies to quickly ...
so what would you do?
oh ya i got this rather odd problem the battery went standby for about 4hours ..the battery was 75% and still is ..but then when you use like 1 minute it drop another 1% ..why?
will the launcher be he culprit? i use launcher 360 ..
i off everthing , 3g ,0% brightness , no haptic , no wifi , no bluetooth use silent etc...
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Try another "Rom" i guess it's not the launcher but the rom itself, try XGin 6.2 it has a great batt. life. been using it for over 2 weeks now and i'm pretty happy with the battery life.
wifi always on, calling, texting, media streaming, brightness set @ 70%, surfing and my batt last for about 1day 7hrs..
will it help if i give it some time ? maybe a week or 2 ?
I don´t think so.
But that battery drain IS NOT NORMAL, I normally get beetween 24h and 48h of without charging, sometimes even more, and less when I use Wi-Fi or play 3D games.
There´s a battery calibration app on the market:
You charge you phone, an when it´s at 100% you click a button and then the app wipes your battery stats.
You can also set an alarm that rings when the battery is on 100%.
GingerDX v022 on Stock Kernel, smartass governor (default scaling values of 122->600 MHz)
With WiFi and 3G turned OFF the battery drain is 1% in ~2.5-3 hours (phone idle).
With 3G turned on and WiFi turned off the battery drain (almost full reception) is 1% every 4.5 minutes!!! (~7 hours before the battery dies)
With WiFi turned on and 3G turned off the battery drain is 1% every 15-20 minutes (phone just sitting there causing the usual traffic of Gmail, Talk, Sync).
Try to set your phone to a comparable configuration (no idea if GXP has a CPU Governor setting - in GDX it's in CyanogenMod Settings) and try to replicate the test ...
From the "with GDX it last only 10hours" you wrote it sounds like your phone is constantly connected to WiFi or 3G (and maybe having download/upload traffic going on - therefore increasing the power consumption).
Also note that overclocking (as I recall I spotted a overclock thread of yours) will chew the juice out of your battery at a way faster pace.
Keep in mind that the values may differ depending on the GSM/3G reception ... the weaker the signal, the more power the phone needs to apply to communicate with the tower. If you're in an area where the reception is poor you shouldn't wonder about the battery getting eaten.
As a last resort, keep an eye on what applications you have running in the background. The more crap you got running, the more bat drain you're going to have when processes are fighting over CPU time.
NONO i never on wifi / 3G / bluetooth / GPS ..cause of the poor battery i tried my best to save as much battery as possible ...but in no use =( i cosntantly use task killers and i use smartass governer i think i will try stormvix ..oh! and starting my phone eats about 20% each time i does it this normal?
i tried the battery calibration app ..doesn't do jack =(
should i pcc my phone? and redo everything
tohno said:
NONO i never on wifi / 3G / bluetooth / GPS ..cause of the poor battery i tried my best to save as much battery as possible ...but in no use =( i cosntantly use task killers and i use smartass governer i think i will try stormvix ..oh! and starting my phone eats about 20% each time i does it this normal?
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"starting my phone" translates into what ... ?
Turning it on (from being powered off) and letting it boot up results in 20% loss of battery charge?
That's NOT normal at all ... your charge should lose 1% at best if it was already close to going down by a percent.
Using the phone for a phone call makes it lose 20% battery charge?
Well, that entirely depends on the length of the call and the reception. Going down 20% would be about... hmmm... 1.5h talking time (estimated from the top of my head)?
At any rate ... a rapid loss of charge like your 10 hours while the phone just idles around twiddling thumbs and not being connected to WiFi or 2/3G is not normal no matter how you look at it. EDIT: Unless you overclock sky-high and running the performance governor which would keep the CPU fully clocked no matter what's currently going on.
starting in the sense like restarting eg entering cwm / xrec ...i flashed back to stock now ...gonna do it all again .. i knew this was too much drain i off everything even background data and i use smaratss 122 - 710 , even my brightness is 9% ...
B.Jay said:
Unless you overclock sky-high [...]
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tohno said:
i use smaratss 122 - 710
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Just for testing purposes to see if the bat drain stays within a sane stretch I recommend you stay with 122-600MHz.
It would also help to install some app/widget that monitors the current clock of the CPU - just to see if there's something which keeps your CPU busy and therefore running at full throttle. I recently saw something like that, I just fail to remember where and what the name of the app was ...........
okay so i flashed to stock last night ..i on everything sync , wifi , bluetooth , data etc for 5 hours it drained only 10% surpisingly ...after 10seconds it restarted and dropped to 3% ..odd...and i fully charged my phone to 100% and left it there for about 1hour and it dropped from 100% - 86% ..any solution?
There are only two things left that I would consider ...
a) The circuitry monitoring the battery charge is bogus and pulling random values out of thin air (would indicate a hardware defect in the loading circuit on the motherboard).
b) Any change the guys who repaired your phone from the hard brick returned your device with a old, almost dead, battery instead of the shiny new one you had in your W8 that bricked (you know, shady retailers thinking to make a few extra bucks by selling off the battery of your dead phone as used-part replacement to earn a "little something extra")? This would closer match to the 10->3% / 100->86% jump symptoms - the battery being about dead and therefore unable to hold the charge and draining like wild.
I don't know which of these two options to favor, but I would give "b" a 51% chance over "a".
EDIT: Stay with the Stock ROM and complain with either the repair shop or SE as the drain problem can be reproduced any given time. This should actually be covered through warranty as the original phone wasn't that old, and the repair is somewhat unrelated. The battery should at least last for two years before you should observe major degrades.

[Q] up to 1% battery drain per minute on cellular data (3G, H and LTE)

Hi folks
Does anybody else also expierience such a huge battery drain on his One? It runs smooth and the battery usage is acceptable, but as soon as i turn on a faster network than 2G and surf on the internet, especially searching for things (loading data), it's using so much battery... I know that the screen is on and the cpu load is also higher while browsing and i was expieriencing this problem on my other htc phones, but it seems like a problem with the modem for me... it gets hot while browsing and is using more battery even when in idle
Is your phone rooted? Have you checked whether some mod or something is doing it? But if you want better battery life with LTE you can always enable fast dormancy if your carrier has that. But also if you have fast dormancy already enabled try to disable it because some carriers do not support fast dormancy. Best way to check, call them up. But over all I'd say that on LTE it should get a good 5-10 min per 1% battery drain. Hope I helped
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app

[Q] 3G suddenly started to drain battery

about one week ago I noticed that battery in my N1 was empty in 5-6 hours after charging.
My first though was that 4 years battery is just old. I bought new one (1800 mAh). Unfortunately it didn't fix the problem.
Battery stats didn't show anything interesting. So to check what exactly drain my battery I had to disable one by one GPS, WiFi and finally 3G. I noticed that if phone uses 2G network then power consumption is normal. But regardless of GPS, WiFi, BT etc.. seems that only 3G is guilty.
My question is why after 4 years of using N1 suddenly 3G drains my battery? I have turned it on since the begining.
I already tried:
buy new battery
remove battery stats
full wipe
ROM: 2.3.7 GB by euroskank CM7.2-20131028.2353-N1 FuZZ_
PS. It shouldn't be connected, but at that time I started to use my N1 to deploy application which I develop. It uses localization (GPS/network) and Google Play Services.
It seems that something in 3G module is broken. It can takes 40% battery in 2 hours.
In the same time 2G takes 1%.
Strange... 4 years it worked very well till now

